Agra DH Jhegbcdd

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(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper worth of Rs. ……/- (Rs. …… ……… (of the
value as per rules of the State) only and Rs 1.00 (Rs. One only) Revenue Stamp to be
affixed on top left side of first page.

This contract made on this …… day of ………… Two thousand and Nineteen BETWEEN
the KVS through the ……………………………………………… (designation of the person
in KVS) having its office at ……………………………………hereafter called the
“Employer” (which term shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include its
successors-in-interest and permitted assignees) of the ONE PART; AND,
Shri/Smt./Ku.........................……………………………………………., Son / daughter of
Shri.............…………………..………………….. Resident of ................................................
…………………………………………… the tehsil of the ..................................................
District…............……………….., hereinafter called the “Probationer/employee” (which
term shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include its successors-in-interest
and permitted assignees) of the SECOND PART; AND,
Shri/Smt./Ku…...…………………………………………........................, son/daughter of
Shri..…………………..………………............… Resident of .................................................
…………………………………in the tehsil of the ..................................................
District…………………………….., hereinafter called the “Surety” (which term shall unless
repugnant to the context mean and include its successors-in-interest and permitted
assignees) of the “THIRD PART”.

WHEREAS the employer has offered to engage Shri/Smt./Ku. ………………………….….. .................................................. (post) for on a probation/ training
for a period of _________ years, which may be extended and the probationer/employee
has agreed to accept the offer of the employer.

AND WHEREAS Shri/Smt./Ku. ………………………….…..….. has been selected by the

Employer as _____________________________________ vide its offer of appointment
No. ………………………..…..….….. dated ………………………for undergoing
training/probation with a view to utilize his/her service with the Employer after successful
completion of the training, which offer has been unequivocally accepted by the
AND WHEREAS in terms of clause _______ of the Main Terms and Conditions of the
said offer of appointment, the Probationer is required to undergo initial training as
determined by the Employer for a period of twenty-four months, which may be extended
to twelve more months in case of unsatisfactory performance by the Probationer, and to
serve the Employer for a minimum period of 2 years from the date of joining on initial
appointment in KVS.

AND WHEREAS in terms of clause _______ of the Main terms and Conditions of the
said offer of appointment, the Probationer and his Surety are required to execute a
Service Agreement cum Surety Bond on non-judicial stamp paper in favour of the
Employer, undertaking to complete the training and to serve the Employer for a minimum
period of two years failing which the Probationer and the Surety shall be jointly and
severally bound to pay the Employer a sum of Rs.2,00,000/-(Rupees Two Lakhs only);

AND WHEREAS the Probationer recognizes and accepts that at the time of appointment
as Probationer, except exposure to academic knowledge, he/she has received no formal,
effective, technical or practical training enabling him/her to become professionally viable
to the Employer;

AND WHEREAS the Probationer is aware that the Employer would be incurring
substantial sums of money and incurring substantial costs, expenses, man hours in the
process of selecting and appointing him/her as Probationer & training him/her thereafter.

AND WHEREAS this service agreement cum surety bond executed with the Employer by
the Probationer along with a Surety to the extent Rs. 2,00,000 (Rs. Two lakhs only) will
be used for indemnifying the Employer against all such costs as mentioned above by
reason of breach and/or non-compliance of any of the terms of this agreement with by
the Probationer;

AND WHEREAS the Probationer also agrees that if he/she commits any breach of any of
the conditions of this agreement, the Probationer and the Surety shall be jointly and
severally liable to pay to the Employer on demand immediately the above said sum of
Rs. 2,00,000 (Rupees Two lakhs only) from the date of breach of the terms of the
AND WHEREAS in order to secure the Employer against the expenses incurred by it on
the training of the Probationer and to ensure due compliance of all terms and conditions
stipulated by the Employer and accepted by the Probationer, it is agreed that the
Probationer shall be liable to compensate the Employer in the manner and under the
circumstances enumerated in this agreement;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE parties hereto have signed these presents on this date
and year in the presence of the following witnesses:

WITNESSES: (For the Probationer& Surety) Clear Signature :

1. Signature of the Probationer ……………………………..

Address ……………………….. …………………………………….. ………………….

2. Signature of the Surety …….…………………..

Name……………………………….. ………………
Occupation………………………. ………………………………… ….
PAN No. …………………………..
Address………….………………… ………………………………………… ……
(Attestation of signatures of Probationer and Surety by Gazetted Officer)

Signature of the Probationer ……………………………………..

Signature of the Surety Attested…….…………………………….
Signature & seal of Gazetted Officer …….………………………
Signature & seal of Gazetted Officer …….……………………….
(For office use only)

WITNESSES: (For the Employer)

1. Accepted. Name:………………………….. Address …………………….………….
Signature of the ……………………..………………………. For and on behalf of
KVS………………………………….… Name……………………..…………………..

2. Address……………………….. Name…………………………..
Acceptance Of Offer Of Appointment

I……………………………………………………………………………hereby accepts the

offer of appointment to the post of…………………………………………………………
Kendriya Vidyalaya…………………………………………………………………………………made in
your letter No…………………………………………………………dated……………………………and
also the terms and conditions mentioned therein I agree to join duty at the place
and on the date indicated therein.

Appendix- X


Certified that I have know Shri/Smt./Km………………………………………………………

son/Daughter of Shri…………………………………………………………………………..for the
last……………………….years…………… months and that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, he/she bears reputable character and has no antecedents which render
him/her unsuitable for employment in the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

Shri/Smt./Km………………………....................................................... is not
related to me.

Place: ………………………….. Signature:…………………………………….

Dated: ……………………….. Designation:………………………………….
The candidate must make the statement required below prior to his/her medical examination
and must sign the declaration appended thereto. His/her attention is specially directed to the warning
contained in the note below:-
1 State your name in full :

2 State your age and place of birth :

3 (a) Have you ever had smallpox intermittent or :

any other fever enlargement or suppuration
of glands, spitting of blood, asthma, heart
disease, lung disease, fainting attacks
rheumatism, appendices?

(b) Any other disease or accident required :

confinement to bed & medical or surgical

4 When were you last vaccinated? :

5 Have you or any or your near relations been :

afflicted with consumption, scrofula, gout, asthma,
fits, epilepsy or insanity?

6 Have you suffered from any from of nervousness :

due to over work or any other cause?

7 Have you been examined and declared unfit for :

Govt. Service by a Medical Officer/ Medical Board
within the last three years?

8. Furnish the following particulars concerning your family:

Father’s age if living & Father’s age at death & No. of brothers living, their No. of brothers
State of health cause of death ages & state of health dead, their ages at
death and cause of

Mother’s age is living & Mother’s age at death & No. of sisters living, their No. of sisters dead,
state of health cause of death age & state of health their ages at death
and cause of death

I declare all the above answers to be to the best of my belief true and correct. I also solemnly
affirm that I have not received a disability certificate/pension on account of any disease or other

Candidate’s Signature……………………………..
Name ……………………………………………….
Signed my presence……….………………………

Name of the candidate for appointment…………………………………………………………..…(in block

letters) Caste or Race:
…………………………Residence.……..................................................................Father’s name
and address:……………………………………………………………………………..………………………………..
Date of birth by christain era:………………………………………………………………………………
Exact height by measurement:
Personal marks of identification:…………………………………………………………………..

(Signature of Candidate)
I do hereby certify that I have examined
Shri/Smt./Kum………………………………………………………………….a candidate for employment in
the Kendriya Vidyalaya …………………………………………………and can not discover that he/she
has any disease communicable or otherwise, constitutional afflication, or bodily infirmity,

I do not consider this a disqualification for employment in the

Vidyalaya……………………..…………………………………………….His/Her age is according to his/her
own statement…………years, and he/she appears about…………………………………years.

Left hand thumb and finger impression of the candidate.
Signature of the candidate…………………………………………
Taken before…………………………………………………………….
Name of the Officer…………………………………………………..
Designation of Officer………………………………………………..

(This officer should be civil surgeon or Medical Officer of equal Rank) on (date)

Note: The candidate will be held responsible for the accuracy and the above statement. By willfully
suppressing any information he/she will incurre the risk of losing the appointment and if
appointed, of forfeiting all claims to superannuation allowance or gratuity.


1. Shri /Smt./Kum……………………………………………………………..declare as under :

(a) That I am unmarried/ a widower/ a widow.
(b) That I am married and have only one wife living.
(c) That I am married and have more than one wife living.
(Application for grant of exemption is enclosed.)
(d) That I am married and my husband has no other living wife to the best of my knowledge.
(e) That I am married and that during the life time of my spouse. I have contracted another marriage.
Application for grant of exemption is enclosed.
(f) That I have contracted a marriage with a person who has already one wife or more living.
Application for grant of exemption is enclosed.
2. I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is true and I understand that in the event of the
declaration being found to be incorrect after my appointment, I shall be liable to be dismissed
from service.

Dated: ……………… Signature:……………………………….

Delete clauses, which are not applicable.

Application in the case of clauses (a), (b) & (c) only.


Oath to be taken before the Chairman/Principal of the Vidyalaya.

I ……………………………………………………………………..solemnly affirm that I will be

faithful and bear true allegiance to India and to the constitution of India as by law established and that
I will carry the duties of my office loyally, honestly and with impracticality.

So help me God.




1 Name in Full (in Capitals)with SURNAME NAME
Aliases, if any

(please indicate if you have

Added or dropped at any stage any
part of your name or surname).

2 Present address in full (i.e.)

Village/Thana and District
or House Number, Lane/ Street/Road
and Town).

3 (a) Home address in full(i.e.) Village,

Thana and District
or House Number, Lane/ Street /
Road and Town).

(b) If originally a resident of Pakistan,

the address in that country and the
date of migration to Indian Union.

4. Particulars of places (with periods of

residence where you have resided for
more than one year at a time during
the preceding five years.

From To Residential address in full (i.e.) Village/Thana

and District or House Number, Lane/ Street /
Road and Town).
5. Father’s name in full with aliases, if

a) Present Postal address

(if dead, give last address)

b) Permanent home address

c) Profession

d) If in service, give designation

and official address

6. Nationality

a) Father

b) Mother

c) Husband/Wife

d) Candidate

e) Place of birth of husband/ wife

7. a) Exact date of birth

b) Present age

c) Age at Matriculation
9. a) Your religion
b) Are you a member of Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
and if the answer is ‘Yes’ state the
name thereof.
10. Educational qualification showing places of education with years in schools and college since 15 th
year of age.
Name of School/College with full Date of Entering Date of Leaving Examination Passed

11. If you have at any time been employed, give details.

Designation of post held and Period Full Address of the Full reasons for
Description of work From to Office, Firm or leaving the
Institution previous service.

12. Have you ever been prosecuted, kept

under detention or bound down/fined,
convicted by a court of law for any
Is any case pending against you in any
court of law at the time of filling up this
attestation form?
If the answer is ‘Yes’, full particulars of
the case, detention, fine, conviction,
sentence etc. should be given.

13. Name of two responsible persons of 1- …………………………………………………………….

your locality or two references to whom ……………………………………………………………
you are known.
2- ……………………………………………………………

I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best or my
knowledge and belief. I am not aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for
employment under Government.
Signature of candidate…………………………

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