Traditionally and practically concrete which demands cement more than 325Kg/m 3 and sections
beyond 1m in depth will be susceptible to substantial thermal related issues. In today’s concrete
buildings, it is not uncommon to have a 2m-thick concrete elements such as transfer beam, rafts and
demands higher grade concrete mixes. Foundations, customary for tall buildings tend to cause the
most concern. The ITC tower building raft foundation was 3.5m in height and 10,000 m3 in total
volume. It was divided into two parts and the first and the largest pour was about 6,500 m3.
Guinness world record (Figure 2) for the largest especially in the first few days or weeks after
continuous concrete pour is 21,580 m³ casting [1]. This heat production can produce
(28,225.57 yd³) and was achieved by Abdul high temperatures at the centre of the mass
Wahed Bin Shabib, RALS Contracting L.L.C concrete due to the insulating effect of the
and Alfa Eng. Consultant (all UAE), in Dubai, concrete. Since the concrete surface
UAE, from 18 to 20 May 2017. temperatures are lower due to the heat
dissipated into the ambient environment,
temperature gradients are formed. These
changes in temperature create volumetric
changes, i.e. expansion from heating and
contraction from cooling in the concrete. When
these volumetric changes are restrained by the
supports and the more mature interior concrete,
tensile stresses are formed on the concrete’s
surface. If the surface tensile stresses become
higher than overall tensile strength of the
concrete, cracking normally occurs. The
cracking is even magnified in early age concrete
Figure 2 – Largest continuous concrete pour that is still developing its full strength [4].
(Guinness world record – Dubai, UAE)
Although the effects of thermal gradients on
The major pour was a raft foundation for the mass concrete is well known in developed
residential building consisting of four countries, there is no agreed maximum
basements, a ground floor and 49 upper floors. allowable temperature differential value
The operation was done by ICC, who between the centre of a mass concrete element
coordinated the technical and logistics plan and and its surface. Bobko et al. [3], have modelled
led the team along with the consultant the thermal behaviour of hydrating mass
structural designer, architects and the concrete with some degree of success and have
compliance team who maintained the quality fixed the temperature differential at 20°C
and high level of safety during the pour. (35°F). However, in the country where this
temperature differential value was developed, a
This major concrete pour was started Friday the several agencies have established their own
5th of August and continued till Monday the guidelines to regulate and control the adverse
07th August 2017 continuously and operated effect of thermal cracking in mass concrete
with 5 pump cars and nearly 1300 truck-mixer depending on the time and location where such
loads from three concrete suppliers namely massive concrete projects are taking place [6].
Access Engineering, Informex and International This confirms the fact that heat generation in
Construction Consortium (ICC). mass concrete structures varies for the tropics
and the temperate zones for the same type of
The entire operation was carried out by ICC cement [5]. But in the tropics, specifically Sri
with around 400 workforce and 80 staff in 3 Lanka, these values do not even exist. Thus the
days in a row. A well-organized traffic thermal behaviour of the pour was modelled in
management system had already in placed computer simulation and the recorded values
along with a comprehensive safety and security were compared with the mock-up block
arrangement on site with the blessings and readings. The model study and experimental
cooperation of Police, Military and Colombo results of the mock-up sample were recorded to
Municipal Council. be with in the tolerable limits. Further
modelling was carried out on the full scale FEM
1.1 Literature Review model and the recorded results too found to be
within the limits thus increased the confidence
Whenever large volume of fresh concrete is level of the actual operation.
poured during the construction of large
homogeneous structures such as dams, bridges, Keywords: Mass concrete, Portland
water retaining structures and foundations, cement, Fly ash, Initial placing temperature,
consideration is always given to the amount of Heat of hydration, Adiabatic temperature rise,
heat that will be generated[7]. The concrete Peak temperature, Temperature differential,
hydration is an exothermic reaction that can Compressive strength, mass concrete;
produce high amounts of heat during curing,
hydration; temperature; thermal cracks; finite
element model
2. Planning
P1 – Pump car 01
P2 – Pump car 02
P3 – Pump car 03
P4 – Pump car 04
P4a – Stationary pump
P5 – Pump car 05
D - Distributor
Figure 10, illustrates the concrete supply routes 2.4 Details of the tests carried out
during the operation. At each pump location,
quality assurance and quality control units Grade of Concrete shall be, C50@56 days with
were installed where all slump checks were OPC + 40% Fly ash and admixture: Hypercrete
carried out and test cubes were done and kept. plus M was added as the admixture.
All pour records at each pump location were Cube Casting for Strength
reported to the central control point. One set – To be checked at 3, 7, 14, 28,
42, 56, 90, 180 – 3 cubes each
• Others according to the frequency
Cube Casting for Durability
• Water Permeability – 6 Cubes (56,90)
• Water Absorption – 6 Cubes (56,90)
• Initial Surface Absorption – 6 Cubes
• Chloride Diffusion Coefficient – 3
Cubes (56)
• Chloride & Sulphate Levels – 2 Cube
• Total Cubes for Durability = 23 Cubes
Cylinder casting for durability
Figure 7 – Pump cars and stationary pump • 150 mm Cylinders for MOE – 6
locations Cylinders (56 Days,90 Days)
• 100 mm Cylinders for RCPT (Cl- previously poured concrete remain in plastic
penetration test)– 6 Cylinders (56 state and effectively bond to create a
Days,90 Days) homogeneous concrete with the new layer of
Beam Casting for Tensile Strength poured concrete.
• 150 x 150 x 750 mm Beams (7,56)
2.4.2 Heat of Hydration and temperature
2.4.1 Arrangement of thermo couples and monitoring of Mock-up Concrete
monitoring of heat hydration. sample.
Temperature controlled concrete is used in to A mock-up concrete pour was done and the
any concrete exceeding the thickness of 1.5m. temperatures of the core and the surface were
Since the raft slab thickness is 3.5m, the monitored at site. The mould was of the size of
concrete in the raft should be regulated and 2m x 2m x 1.5m with a reinforcement cage of
controlled to confirm the stipulated 16mm tor-steel mesh at 225 centre to centre
temperature standards. The placed concrete spacing, whilst maintaining covering of 50mm
was thus carefully designed with appropriate to the surface. All sides of the mould were
ingredients to comply with temperature insulated with, first a 12mm thick plywood
controlled concrete and modelled before usage followed by a 50mm thick polystyrene or PUF
by a mock-up test and total computer layer and a 19mm thick plywood shutter. The
simulation using FEM for the total bulk entire formwork was covered with a layer of
concrete block. Thermo couples were 1000 gauge plastic sheet.
adequately placed and monitored for nearly a
month after the placement. Post cast 2.4.3 Heat of Hydration and temperature
precautions like adequate curing and protection monitoring of Mock-up Concrete
of the concrete was also made. Crack free sample.
concrete was thus ensured. FEM was done and the results were compared
with the actual readings. See figure 9.
The temperature of the concrete was controlled
with the help of cold water/ ice flakes or other
suitable methods (with the prior approval). The
temperature of the concrete was recorded
below 280C during loading at the batching plant
and placed in the raft before it reaches 320C.
During large pours where concreting might Figure 10 - Mock up model and temperature
have to be done in layers, retarders shall be rise in the sample (Simulated vs Actual)
used to ensure, the top most layer of the 2.4.4 Theoretical computation of Heat of
Hydration and temperature rise.
Empirical Calculation of Adiabatic As shown in Figure 12, twelve numbers of
Temperature Rise (based on “Properties of locations were selected to install thermo-
Concrete” by A.M. Neville and CIRIA Report couples. This selection was based on the
91 by Dr. T.A. Harrison) arrangement of construction joints and the
requirement of distribution of monitoring
The recorded highest temperature from the points in the tower raft.
FEM model was very significantly 85 0C.
Noticeably the highest ever temperature record 01, 02, 03, 03b, 04, 05, 06, 07a, 07, 08, 09 and 10
in the prototype operation and the theoretical are the selected locations shown in Figure 12.
computation too reached approximately 85 0C.
Thus, as to bench mark anticipated temperature 3.2 Thermocouple arrangement in each
rise the authors recommend both methods thus location (in vertical direction)
early warning of possible ultimate temperature
rise. Figure 11 shows the complete model for
the tower raft.
Figure 12 – Thermocouple map
Figure 13 – Temperature variance in Place 03
As per the recorded temperature variation, (Zone T04B)
almost all locations show a similar resultwhich
is elaborated in Figure 13 and Figure 14 as
well.This monitoring process of temperature
was important to take the decision; when to
remove the thermal insulation coverings on the
raft surface after the pouring operation. This
tells that further continuation of construction
works on the raft will be delayed accordingly.
3.4 Curing of concrete
Figure 16 – Minimize the time between
casting adjacent bays [2]
Figure 18 – Pour T05A and T05B done with a
time delay of 24 hours after completion of
This was practiced at site as well; zone T04A,
T04A, T04B and T04C
zone T04B and zone T04C were done with a
minimum delay between adjacent layers. Same
was practiced during the major pour operation To avoid any excessive restrain in either
as shown in Figure 17. direction, a square shape is preferred for the
given volume of concrete. T05A and T05B
pours were arranged based on this as T05A and When insulation is not done, there will be some
T05B were done one after other with a tension at surface, but with a proper insulation
minimized time delay. this surface tension can be minimized to a
certain extent. However if the insulation is
3.6 Insulation period removed early, the condition will be worse as
surface tension will be increased than it had
Table 01 – Minimum periods of insulation to with no-insulation (Due to the sudden change).
avoid excessive temperature differentials. [2]
For the subjected pour, this was monitored
Minimum period properly along with the raft temperature
Minimum pour of insulation readings and insulation was done for 5 weeks.
dimension (m) (Days) At the end subjected raft surface found free of
thermal cracks.
0.5 3
1.0 5
4.0 Human resource planning
1.5 7
2.0 9 As in the normal case managing human
2.5 11 resource for a continuous and strenuous
4.5 21 operation of this calibre was challenging.
Organizing shift works, for both labour and
For this pour, the raft height was 3.5m and staff, timely transportation, fleet of petrol
insulation period took approximately 5 weeks vehicles with observers, monitoring distance
to meet the requirements as mentioned in 3.4 of locations like remote batching plants, logistics,
this paper. QA procedures, supplies, break down services
and maintenance etc. demands immense and
The important thing in insulation was avoiding precise planning, organizing and directing with
early age removal as it might make the things monitoring of the whole operation.
worse than no-insulation. [2]
5.0 Temperature problem in
Once it’s insulated it has to be maintained concreting
properly until the effect after removal of
insulation is within acceptable limits. There are some special problems involved in
concreting in hot weather arising both from a
higher temperature of the concrete and in many
cases, from an increased rate of evaporation
from the fresh mix. In the case of large volumes
or mass concrete works, the problems are
Bottom: associated with possible cracking in
consequence of a temperature rise and
At peak (After 3 subsequent fall due to the heat of hydration of
Days) cement and of the concomitant restrained
volume changes.
precautions were taken to mitigate these managing the event on professional platform
detrimental effects. had caused defect free and successful
completion of the largest concrete pour in Sri
1. One source cement Lanka, even without past experience which will
2. Compartmental concrete operation be in par with the large volume.
ensuring unwanted mixing of different
3. Using chilled water and ice to cool down
initial temperature keeping ice as a heat
We would also like to show our gratitude to the
reservoir mobilizing massive latent heat of International Construction Consortium
fusion. (ICC)Pvt. Ltd. Management, SPM, Eng. D.R.H.
4. Covering aggregates and cooling with ice Liyanage, Planning Eng. N.N. Gobidan and
water project team for sharing their experience and
5. Maximum fly-ash usage (40%) and knowledge with us during the course of this
laboratory and plant trials to ascertain rise research.
of temperature and strength.
6. Cement was kept in silos for 3 days and References
avoid just in time supply that due to
friction cement temperature rises. 1. ACI Committee 207. Guide to mass
7. White painted silos, truck mixture and concrete, ACI 207.1R-05. Farmington Hills,
MI: American Concrete Institute, 2005
drums wrapped with wet gunnies.
2. Bamforth, P.B. and Price, W.F,Concreting
8. Late form work removal.
deep lifts and large volumepours,CIRIA,
9. Low heat Portland cement London, 1995
10. Usage of set – retarders thus avoiding 3. Bobko, P. C., Edwards, J. A., Seracino, R., &
uncontrollable heat gain and formation of Zia, P. (Thermal cracking of mass concrete
cold joints bridge footings in coastal environments. Journal
11. Dry wrap with insulation after membrane of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 29,
curing of 100mm thick maintained water 0401–4171, 2015
pooling. 4. Cervera, M., Faria, R., Oliver, J., & Prato, T.
Numerical modelling of concrete curing,
12. Clean aggregates without contaminants
regarding hydration and temperature
specially like soleplates, chlorides etc. and phenomena. Computers & Structures, 2002,
gradation is as specified avoiding 1511– 1521.
unnecessary and undesirable high 5. Do, A. T., Lawrence, M. A., Tia, M., &
absorption of water to aggregates. Bergin, M. J.Effects of thermal conductivity of
soil on temperature development and cracking in
mass concrete footings. Journal of Testing and
6.0 Conclusion Evaluation, 2015, 43, 1078–1090.
6. Edwards, A. J.Early age thermal cracking of
mass concrete footings on bridges in coastal
The Sri Lanka’s largest concrete pour was
environments (Unpublished MSc Graduate
completed successfully at ITC tower, One, Thesis). North Carolina State University,
Galleface, Colombo one using local resources Raleigh, 2013
and expertise. Professional approach to conduct 7. Gajda, J.Mass concrete for buildings and
such a huge operation brought us successful bridges. Skokie, IL: Portland Cement
final note. From the remote supply sources, Association, 2007 and Gajda, J., &Vangeem,
series of trial mixes and lab and plant trials M.Controlling temperatures in mass concrete.
helped to study the main component Concrete International, 2002, 24, 59–62.
“Concrete” to greater depth. Better technical
planning brought the success to the whole
operation and to the team. Better planning
associated with good team work let to perform
better organized operations. All technical
findings were discussed in deep in their
relevant chapters. The lesson learned during
the operation was immense and due better