Burjkhalifa Tecno PDF
Burjkhalifa Tecno PDF
Burjkhalifa Tecno PDF
doi: 10.1680/cien.2010.163.2.66
concrete structures; concrete
technology & manufacture; quality control
Burj Khalifa –
a new high for high-
performance concrete
James Aldred
The world’s tallest structure – the 828 m high Burj Khalifa
is principal engineer at building in Dubai – has set a new benchmark for engineering
GHD Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
super-tall buildings. In particular, it significantly raised the bar
for high-performance-concrete construction, with its massive
reinforced-concrete core and wings extending nearly 600 m
above ground level. This paper describes the how the extreme
concreting challenges were overcome on the project, including
successfully pumping and placing high-performance concrete to
unprecedented heights as well as preventing excessive cracking
and shrinkage in the hot and arid conditions. Practical advice is
provided for future projects.
The 828 m high Burj Khalifa (formerly concrete has significant benefits in terms
known as the Burj Dubai) in Dubai, of limiting movement, and high strength
United Arab Emirates opened in January is necessary to reduce the cross-section
2010 as the world’s tallest structure. of vertical elements. Furthermore, the
Its Y-shaped, 586 m high reinforced- pumpability and high early strength
concrete core also represented a step- of high-performance concrete coupled
change for high-performance concrete with prefabrication of reinforcing cages
construction (Figure 1). and advances in slip- and climb-form
The project is the latest and largest technology mean that large, complex
manifestation of the world’s increasing reinforced-concrete structures can be
appetite for super-tall buildings. constructed at rates of two to three levels
According to the Council on Tall per week. Properly designed reinforced
Buildings and the Urban Habitat concrete is thus becoming far more
(CTBUH, 2010), there were 82 buildings competitive with structural steel in terms
of 300 m or greater under construction of construction speed.
in January 2010, the vast majority of For the many super-tall structures and
which were being constructed primarily other major infrastructure projects under
with reinforced concrete. At least construction in the Middle East, the
four buildings of around 1000 m are durability of high-performance concrete
currently at the detailed proposal stage also helps to ensure the required service
and others with heights of 1400–1600 m life will be achieved in a hot, chemically
are on drawing boards. aggressive environment. However, such
High-performance concrete is a crucial concrete can be more sensitive than
part of the viability of super-tall buildings, conventional concrete during the plastic
both structurally and economically. and early hardening phase, particularly
The stiffness provided by high-modulus in a harsh drying environment.
Figure 1. The 828 m tall Burj Khalifa dominates the Dubai skyline and is the world’s tallest structure by far – the first 586 m of the building is constructed from
high-performance reinforced concrete (www.imresolt.com)
This paper discusses the issues pumps such as the Putzmeister 14000 is the use of crushed aggregate for both
encountered with using high- SHP-D, a world-record pumping height coarse and fine aggregate. Two principal
performance concrete on Burj Khalifa of 601 m was achieved during the final types of aggregate are used in the region:
and how they were overcome. part of the core wall casting in November gabbro and a high-quality limestone,
2007 (Figure 2). The previous record was principally from the Emirates and Oman,
Pumping high-performance concrete 448 m at Taipeh 101 Tower in 2003. though the quality of the fine aggregate
It was also considered economic to can vary significantly around the Gulf.
The suitability of reinforced-concrete pump relatively small quantities of C50 The abrasion characteristics of
construction for super-tall buildings concrete for metal deck composite slabs coarse aggregate are an important
is entirely dependent on the ability to above the 586 m concrete core rather consideration for pumping: the rate
pump the concrete. The material may not than use cranes, adding a further 5 m to of wear of the pipeline is a significant
be viable if large quantities need to be the record in April 2008. For a 48 m³ cost consideration, particularly at high
placed by crane, which would not only slab using 3 m³ skips with a 30 min pressure. The lifespan of a pipeline when
limit the casting rate but also significantly transit time, the maximum casting rate using highly abrasive gabbro can be as
delay other works. However, whereas would be 12 m³/h and would require two low as 10 000 m³. For Burj Khalifa,
the literature contains a great deal of cranes full time for 4 h. For pumping, the approximately 40 000 m³ of a suitably
information on many characteristics of time in the pipeline was approximately designed mix containing a dolomitic
high-performance concrete, there is little 30 min at this elevation but resulted in limestone was pumped through the
information on pumping. a relatively uninterrupted casting rate of central pipeline with only minor local
It was originally planned to conduct 20 m³/h or more thereafter. The 11 m3 of replacement.
staged pumping at Burj Khalifa, which concrete evacuated during cleaning the Another crucial consideration in
would have involved a separate set of pipeline was used in other applications. mixture proportioning is the pipeline
problems and possible delays. However, diameter and the maximum aggregate
following mixture development, Mixture proportions size. A 150 mm pipeline was used on
procedural modifications, pressure One of the challenges to designing Burj Khalifa, which enabled a 20 mm
monitoring and the advent of powerful pumpable concrete in the Middle East maximum aggregate size to be used up
issn 0965 089 X ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2010, 163, No. CE2 67
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a problem with pumping concrete on to level 100 (346 m). There are issues
with weight, cost and concrete volume
a super-tall tower is that the degree associated with the use of larger diameter
pipes for high-pressure pumping. As
of difficulty is always increasing but the such, use of a smaller diameter pipeline
with a smaller maximum aggregate
Pumping trials
Concrete pumping trials were
conducted before the Burj Khalifa
tower construction using a Putzmeister
BSA 14000 HP-D stationary pump
with a maximum hydraulic pressure
of 310 bar. A length of 600 m of high-
pressure ZX 125 delivery pipe was laid
out horizontally with transducers to
measure concrete pressure after pumping
through distances of 250, 450 and 600 m
(Figure 3). The pipeline was in direct
sunlight, but during one of the cooler
months of the year.
Five different concrete mixtures were
tested, and fresh and hardened concrete
properties were measured before and
after pumping. This procedure provided
useful data, indicating that single-stage
pumping would be possible as well as
highlighting certain practical problems
which reduced possible blockage during
Figure 2. A world record concrete pumping height of 601 m was achieved on 8 November 2007
construction. However, there were
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Burj Khalifa – a new high for
high-performance concrete
changes in a number of parameters that Batching plants in the Middle East 580 m was a 2–3°C rise in temperature
meant friction factors calculated for the generally use pan mixers or similar and a 10% reduction in slump flow.
pumping trial were different from in situ where the ingredients are well mixed Pumping was found roughly to halve
pumping. before discharge into a truck. At large the plastic viscosity of the concrete and
An alternative procedure to horizontal replacement levels, most of the flake ice double the dynamic yield stress. The
trials is the use of in situ pressure needs to melt to lubricate the mix before results appear related to the increase in
transducers at the hopper, at the end discharge. Monitoring the ammeter in temperature during pumping.
of the horizontal section of the pipeline the plant provides a good indication of The significantly lower plastic
and at various elevations to establish the the workability of the concrete in the viscosity after pumping will reduce the
friction factor in situ. The limitation of pan, and workability should be measured segregation resistance of the concrete,
this procedure is that blockage of the at the plant and site regularly to confirm and should be considered during mix
pipeline cannot be allowed, which tends full melting before pumping. design and when deciding on placement
to inhibit pushing the limits. If there is no ice facility at the batching procedures. On the other hand, pumping
Appropriate positioning of pumps plant, an alternative is to use a high- will tend significantly to increase early-
and planning of concrete-truck flow volume fly ash mixture to limit the heat age compressive strength. The greater
on and off site will help ensure smooth of hydration. This was done for the strength after pumping combined with
operation of pumping. Equipment and 4 m thick raft of the 412 m Al Hamra the significant concrete volume within
tools necessary to clear the pipeline in Tower in Kuwait, where the casting typical structural elements means that
the event of blockage should be kept in a was scheduled in August and a peak the in situ compressive strength can
locked area near the point of discharge to temperature of 71°C was specified, and greatly exceed that of compliance cube/
enable immediate action by the pumping the batching plant did not have an ice cylinder specimens, particularly if taken
team if required. A seminar with the plant. before pumping.
concrete supplier, pump operators, At various elevations on the Burj Where demanding early-age strength
contractor’s supervisors and consultant’s Khalifa project, concrete was tested targets are required, the in situ maturity
representatives should be conducted, for rheological properties, using an should be assessed using appropriate
with an interpreter if necessary, so that Icar rheometer, and temperature both methods to avoid possible unnecessary
all parties know the procedure and their before and after pumping. The sampling modification to the mixture, such
role. This should be repeated regularly: included C80-20, C80-14 and C60-14 as reduced retardation, that may
a problem with pumping concrete on concretes. There was some variation compromise pumpability. While
a super-tall tower is that the degree of in the results but the average effects of sampling at the point of discharge would
difficulty is always increasing but the pumping to elevations from 350 m to be more representative of the concrete
team can become blasé.
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in the actual structure, it can create 125 mm diameter booms. the pipeline and the time for the concrete
significant logistical and safety problems, The general trend of increasing to reach the point of discharge need to
especially on a confined climb form. On pumping pressure with elevation and be fully understood before attempting
Burj Khalifa, samples were taken at a the effect of different concrete types to push ‘old’ concrete through. The
site laboratory with periodic assessment are shown in Figure 6. At floor 101, the old adage of ‘better safe than sorry’ is
of the effect of pumping by sampling concrete for the core walls changed from especially true of evacuating a pipeline in
concrete after it was pumped. C80-20 to C80-14, with a noticeable which a problem has occurred or when
reduction in pumping pressure. The the concrete in the pipeline has exceeded
Practical pumping applications increased water/cement ratio of the C60- an agreed time since batching.
At Burj Khalifa there were three 14 mixture appeared to reduce pumping
stationary concrete pumps positioned in pressure slightly compared to C80-14. Concrete quality control
parallel on the ground floor slab adjacent All the potential benefits of pumping There have been significant advances
to the tower: two Putzmeister BSA high-performance concrete can be lost if in many aspects of concrete technology
14000 SHP-Ds with maximum hydraulic blockage occurs and therefore preventing in the Middle East, with great increases
pressure of 360 bar (equivalent to a blockage must be a vital consideration. in strength, modulus and durability.
concrete pressure up to 240 bar) and one Blockage can be caused by priming with However, a serious limitation in the
Putzmeister BSA 14000 HP-D with a a wet slurry, excessive delay, inadequate region has been the lack of systematic
maximum hydraulic pressure of 310 bar retardation and incompatibility of quality control. This has often been
(Figure 4). The pumps were connected admixtures. Measurement of fresh exacerbated by high test errors of cube
to 150 mm diameter high-pressure pipes concrete properties at the site can be samples as well as sometimes unreliable
servicing the three wings and the central a useful guide to the suitability of the reporting of compliance data. Production
core, all with separate delivery pipelines. delivered concrete before pumping. standard deviations of greater than
This configuration meant that concrete Temperature, slump flow and visual 7 MPa have been common as are within-
could be placed at up to three separate inspection for segregation after slump test standard deviations of 3 MPa or
locations simultaneously. flow should be tested both at the plant more based on 28-day pair differences.
Free-standing Putzmeister placing and on site. Good practice is to measure Significant sources of error are the
booms with a reach of 28 m were located the first three trucks and then regularly quality of the cube moulds, sampling,
on each of the three wings while a larger thereafter. On Burj Khalifa, detailed curing and testing. Samples for
placing boom with a reach of 32 m was rheological properties of the core compressive strength or other hardened
used for the central core (Figure 5). The concrete were assessed at every fifth level. properties should be taken at a properly
booms were secured to the Doka climb- With the extreme ambient controlled testing facility. Attempting to
form system and were raised along with temperatures that can occur in the take samples at the point of discharge
the formwork. The delivery pipelines Middle East, blockage due to setting is often results in poor to non-existent
were connected to reducers several floors a particular concern. On a super-tall initial curing and early mechanical
below the formwork to connect to the structure, the substantial volume within damage during transport.
70 ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2010, 163, No. CE2 issn 0965 089 X
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Burj Khalifa – a new high for
high-performance concrete
High-performance concrete in the Figure 6. Graph showing how pumping pressure increased with height up to around 200 bar – and the
Middle East is often designed with high reduction due to changing from 20 mm to 14 mm aggregate above 346 m
workability and would be considered
self-consolidating concrete in many parts
of the world. However, it is often placed
and vibrated using the same techniques
as traditional concrete, which can lead to
High-workability, high-performance
concrete should be allowed to flow from
the point of discharge and stop moving
before any limited vibration (Figure 7).
In the case of vertical elements, small
portable tremie pipes can be placed
at the approximate flow distance
apart to reduce the time to position
the placing boom or pump outlet.
Such modifications to construction
practices can be very helpful in super-
tall structures, enabling contractors to
keep the concrete pumping at a constant
rate and thereby avoid blockages due to
excessive articulation of placing booms
containing static concrete, particularly
when the weather is hot. Any blockage
in a placing boom is difficult to clear and
the piping is expensive to replace.
The installation of a reducer near the
pump can be a good precaution so that
any concrete with a high segregation
potential blocks at that location rather
than elsewhere in the pipeline. This
will not necessarily prevent blockage
caused by a wet slurry, or stop viscosity
reduction during pumping, but it is a
good precaution against variability in the
delivered concrete.
High-performance concrete in the
Middle East typically contains 5–10%
silica fume with a high cementitious Figure 7. Placing high-workability concrete in the core walls at night – minimal movements of the
content and has a tendency rapidly to boom between placing points helped to avoid blockages
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form a ‘skin’ under the harsh drying can actually keep a high humidity layer prolonged water curing is difficult, liquid
conditions. The skin can limit the melding at the concrete surface, though wind water curing for the first day or so before
of cast layers, but can be reduced by breaks may be necessary to confine the application of a curing membrane would
retaining moisture in the concrete surface body of air above the concrete. still have considerable benefits.
by the use of evaporation retarders and For flatwork, concreting and finishing For vertical surfaces, the use of a
other methods to reduce evaporation. in the heat of the day should be avoided controlled-permeability form liner is a
The thixotropic nature of self- with pours planned so that curing can good technique for improving the density
consolidating concrete can also induce commence before 10 a.m. at the latest. and appearance of the concrete surface.
distinct layer casting of the material. The general guideline as given in ACI The water that collects in the liner is
The first consequence of this is often 305-99 (ACI committee 305, 1999) also sucked into the hydrating concrete,
only visual but reductions in mechanical is that the rate of evaporative loss providing excellent early curing for vertical
strength of more than 40% have also been which exceeds the rate of bleeding (i.e. surfaces – traditionally the most difficult to
reported by Coussot and Roussel (2006). A when plastic cracking would occur) is cure effectively. Alternatively, the formwork
dramatic reduction in strength following a approximately 1·0 (kg/m²)/h (NRMCA, should be kept in place for as long as
critical delay between casting a subsequent 1960). However, some agencies in the possible. On Burj Khalifa, where the
layer is also shown by Roussel and Cussigh USA require that pouring of high- formwork could be set back within 12 h, a
(2008). This can be a particular concern performance concrete bridge deck sprayed curing compound was used.
in casting self-consolidating-concrete rafts overlays be postponed until the rate of Due to widespread use of crushed
or other elements where the delay between evaporation is less than 0·25 or 0·50 (kg/ limestone aggregate with a low
layers can be substantial and no vibration m²)/h (VDT, 2002; Hover, 2006). coefficient of thermal expansion and
is conducted. If plastic cracks do develop, the the relatively warm climate, the use of
High-performance concrete usually has cracks concerned should be vibrated insulation on formwork is rarely required
negligible bleed and can be quite cohesive. if the concrete has not reached initial in the Middle East to control internal
Therefore finishing works require set. Attempts to close plastic cracks by thermal restraint cracking.
operatives to develop a feel for material. trowelling will generally only cover over
Trial applications should be conducted the cracks, which may influence structural Conclusion
early to enable the finishers to become performance and provide pathways for
familiar with the concrete’s properties chlorides to the reinforcement. High-performance concrete offers
and to confirm an acceptable finish. The optimum curing for high- immense benefits to developers,
Evaporation retarders facilitate finishing performance concrete is ponding with consultants and contractors working on
by retaining moisture in the upper layer water. This provides water to replace that the hundreds of super-tall structures
helping to eliminate sprinkling of water used in hydration, improving concrete under construction and planned in the
on the concrete during finishing, which properties and helping to reduce early Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
reduces surface quality. autogenous shrinkage. The latent heat The material’s high strength and
of evaporation helps release the heat of modulus mean that super-tall buildings can
Early protection and curing concrete hydration, which can markedly have more slender vertical elements. Also,
reduce peak temperature – especially as has been proved on the Burj Khalifa
The low bleed characteristics of in concrete containing fly ash, slag and project in Dubai, single-stage pumping
high-performance concrete and the natural pozzolans. The use of polythene to over 600 m is now possible and
strong drying conditions in the Middle over wet hessian will help keep water this, together with high early strengths,
East make the concrete particularly in contact with the concrete surface but allows rapid cycle times to meet today’s
susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking. does not allow evaporative heat loss from demanding construction schedules.
In the warmer months, high-performance the surface. Ponding is best for thicker However, appropriate care and attention
concrete will often have a placement elements. to mix design, placing, protection and
temperature less than ambient and Early-age autogenous shrinkage can curing is vital to minimise potential
moisture will tend to condense on be particularly significant in high- problems with pump blockage, segregation,
the fresh concrete surface. However, performance concrete containing high autogenous shrinkage and cracking.
after the surface has heated to ambient replacement levels of slag (Aldred and Burj Khalifa shattered all previous
temperature, the formation of plastic Lim, 2004). Even limited periods of world construction records by a
cracks can be rapid and dramatic if water curing immediately after finishing considerable margin and required an
appropriate measures are not taken to can thus provide significant reductions enormous effort by all parties involved
limit evaporation. in autogenous shrinkage. However, to overcome its many construction
An evaporation retarder is a very the immediate application of a curing challenges – not least with regard to using
practical and inexpensive method to membrane may increase early autogenous high-performance concrete (Figure 8). In
reduce plastic shrinkage cracking. Wind shrinkage by blocking the pores, which the quest to build the world’s next tallest
breaks and sun shades are also helpful. causes greater tensile stresses within structure, the lessons learned at Burj
Effective fogging is the best method as it the concrete. In applications where Khalifa must not be overlooked.
72 ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2010, 163, No. CE2 issn 0965 089 X
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The author would like to thank Emaar,
developer of the Burj Khalifa project, for
permission to present this paper as well
as the technical staff from contractor
Samsung JV, concrete supplier Unimix
and concrete pump supplier Putzmeister
for their assistance. Skidmore, Owings &
Merrill of Chicago were the architect and
structural engineer for the project and
Hyder Consulting was the supervising
ACI committee 305 (1999) ACI 305R-99: Hot
Weather Concreting. American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, USA.
Aldred JM (2007) Pumping concrete on the
Burj Dubai. Terence C. Holland Symposium on
Advances in Concrete Technology - 9th CANMET/
ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica
Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete,
Warsaw Poland (Hoff GC (ed.)). American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, USA,
pp. 497–514.
Aldred JM and Lim SN (2004) Factors affecting
the autogenous shrinkage of ground granulated
blast-furnace slag concrete. In 8th CANMET/
ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica
Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete
(Malhotra VM (ed.)). American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, USA, SP 221,
pp. 783–796.
CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban
Habitat) (2010) http://buildingdb.ctbuh.org/
index.php (accessed 15/01/2010).
Coussot P and Roussel N (2006) Quantification
de la thixotropie des matériaux cimentaires et
de ses effets. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil
10(1): 45–63 (in French).
Hover KC (2006) Evaporation of water from
concrete surfaces. ACI Materials Journal 103(5):
NRMCA (National Ready Mixed Concrete
Association) (1960) Plastic Cracking of Concrete.
NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Roussel N and Cussigh F (2008) Distinct-layer
casting of SCC: The mechanical consequences
of thixotropy. Cement and Concrete Research
38(5): 624–632.
VDT (Virginia Department of Transportation)
(2002) Road and Bridge Specification. VDT,
Richmond, VA, USA, Section 404.03, p. 441.
issn 0965 089 X ProCeedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2010, 163, No. CE2 73
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