E000985 Full
E000985 Full
E000985 Full
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Rapid implementation of virtual clinics
due to COVID-19: report and early
evaluation of a quality
improvement initiative
Anthony William Gilbert ,1,2 Joe C T Billany,3 Ruth Adam,4 Luke Martin,3
Rebecca Tobin,3 Shiv Bagdai,3 Noreen Galvin,4 Ian Farr,4 Adam Allain,3
Lucy Davies,3 John Bateson4
To cite: Gilbert AW, Billany JCT, Abstract COVID-19 virus a pandemic.1 COVID-19
Adam R, et al. Rapid Background The COVID-19 outbreak has placed the mainly affects the upper respiratory tract,
implementation of virtual
National Health Service under significant strain. Social and associated clinical symptoms can be
clinics due to COVID-19:
distancing measures were introduced in the UK in March mild, severe or critical.2 The COVID-19 virus
report and early evaluation
of a quality improvement 2020 and virtual consultations (via telephone or video call) spreads primarily through droplets of saliva
initiative. BMJ Open Quality were identified as a potential alternative to face-to-face
or discharge from the nose when an infected
2020;9:e000985. doi:10.1136/ consultations at this time.
person coughs or sneezes. Social distancing
bmjoq-2020-000985 Local problem The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
(RNOH) sees on average 11 200 face-to-face consultations measures have been established, with the
Received 3 April 2020 a month. On average 7% of these are delivered virtually UK public being placed on ‘lockdown’ from
Revised 8 May 2020 via telephone. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the 23 March 20203 to avoid transmission of the
Accepted 13 May 2020 RNOH set a target of reducing face-to-face consultations disease.
to 20% of all outpatient attendances. This report outlines a Physical attendance at outpatient clinics
quality improvement initiative to rapidly implement virtual puts patients at risk of spreading COVID-19.
consultations at the RNOH. Virtual consultations (VCs) are an important
Methods The COVID-19 Action Team, a multidisciplinary way for patients to access their care without
group of healthcare professionals, was assembled
this risk. There has been a surge in the
to support the implementation of virtual clinics. The
Institute for Healthcare Improvement approach to quality
interest for VC in response to COVID-19,4 5
improvement was followed using the Plan-Do-Study- with the National Health Service (NHS) in
Act (PDSA) cycle. A process of enablement, process the UK releasing new information gover-
redesign, delivery support and evaluation were carried out, nance guidance for their use.6
underpinned by Improvement principles. The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Results Following the target of 80% virtual consultations (RNOH) is a specialist tertiary centre in
being set, 87% of consultations were delivered virtually Middlesex, UK. On average, 11 200 monthly
during the first 6 weeks. Satisfaction scores were high for face-
face (F2F) consultations are held
virtual consultations (90/100 for patients and 78/100 for
across two outpatient sites at the RNOH
clinicians); however, outside of the COVID-19 pandemic,
across a range of pathways.
© Author(s) (or their video consultations would be preferred less than 50%
employer(s)) 2020. Re-use of the time. Information to support the future redesign of The RNOH was actively developing virtual
permitted under CC BY. outpatient services was collected. clinics prior to COVID-19 in line with the
Published by BMJ. NHS Long Term Plan7 regarding reduc-
Conclusions This report demonstrates that virtual
Therapies Department, Royal consultations can be rapidly implemented in response to tion in F2F outpatient appointments. One
National Orthopaedic Hospital
COVID-19 and that they are largely acceptable. Further of the project team had previously investi-
NHS Trust, Stanmore, UK
School of Health Sciences,
initiatives are required to support clinically appropriate and gated the acceptability of VC8 9 and is actively
University of Southampton, acceptable virtual consultations beyond COVID-19. researching this area.10 In November 2019,
Southampton, UK Registration This project was submitted to the RNOH’s the operational management team agreed to
Operational Management, Royal Project Evaluation Panel and was classified as a service
use the VC platform Attend Anywhere with
National Orthopaedic Hospital evaluation on 12 March 2020 (ref: SE20.09).
NHS Trust, Stanmore, UK
the licence for use granted on 27 February
Improvement Team, Royal 2020. On 5 March 2020, in response to the
National Orthopaedic Hospital Introduction growing COVID-19 crisis, a target of reducing
NHS Trust, Stanmore, UK The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID 19) F2F clinics to 20% of all outpatient atten-
Correspondence to outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, China dances was set. The COVID-19 Action Team
Anthony William Gilbert; and reached the UK on 31 January 2020. was established to support the delivery of this
anthony.gilbert@nhs.net On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared the target.
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In June 2018, the RNOH committed to applying the Analysis
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) approach Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative
to quality improvement (QI) to all applicable change data. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was used to
processes and established an improvement team to illustrate the underlying reasons behind the quantitative
support delivery of this strategy. The IHI method is a data.
formal approach which includes a clear process for
thinking through, conducting and analysing the change Project registration
ideas in a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.11 Normally the This project was submitted to the RNOH’s Project Evalua-
improvement team trains and coaches front-line teams to tion Panel and was classified as a service evaluation on 12
lead and deliver changes, but COVID-19 needed a rapid March 2020 (ref: SE20.09).
response, so experienced and skilled members of the
improvement team joined the COVID-19 Action Team to Results
support an improvement approach at pace. Between 5 and 27 March, a large number of PDSA cycles
The aim of the project was for 80% of all RNOH outpa- were undertaken simultaneously across the five main
tient appointments to be delivered as VC (using Attend areas shown in table 1 to support rapid implementation
Anywhere or telephone) within 11 days of the target being of both telephone and video virtual clinics. Coordination
set (target 80% from 16 March 2020). The secondary aim of activity and management of interdependencies were
was to collect data to support the design of a substantive managed via the daily implementation group teleconfer-
legacy of VC post-COVID-19. ence. PDSAs were considered, and appropriate action to
expand, redesign or retest was agreed.
Figure 1 and table 2 demonstrate the per cent change
Methods of the different consultation types to achieve the target
Early enablement 80% VC, with the majority of VCs conducted using TEL.
The goal of 80% VC was set and communicated across all figure 2 demonstrates the proportion of virtual outpa-
clinical staff. Clinical staff were asked to screen clinical tient activity.
lists and identify patients suitable for a VC (either a tele-
End of clinic reviews and patient feedback
phone consultation (TEL) or a video consultation (VID))
As outlined in table 1, a simple evaluation tool was
rather than F2F for the next 3 weeks. Software upgrades
developed to capture patient and clinician experience
and hardware deployment began immediately and were
of virtual clinics from 16 March 2020. These results are
completed within 24 hours across both sites at the RNOH.
demonstrated in table 3. Feedback was reviewed and
discussed during daily COVID-19 Action Team meetings.
Process redesign and delivery support Patient satisfaction scores were high (90/100) for both
The COVID-19 Action Team was established to rapidly telephone and video consultations. However, patients
implement VC across the RNOH. The multidisciplinary were more likely to consider using phone consultations
team consisted of operational management and strate- again after a phone appointment (94% of patients)
gists, a project manager, QI personnel, a clinical research than video consultation patients wanting a further video
fellow and data management support. The team provided appointment (36% of patients).
a variety of skills and resources to facilitate implementa- Open-ended qualitative data provided an overview of
tion. Daily meetings were scheduled to identify processes some of the potential reasons for high satisfaction among
that needed to be redesigned to facilitate VC. Issues and patients. These included the following:
actions logs were created to identify and overcome obsta- ►► The offer of an alternative to F2F during the COVID-19
cles to implementation. pandemic.
►► Reduced travel times.
Measures ►► Reduced waiting times.
The overall approach to assess the impact of the inter- ►► Reduced impact of travel on symptoms.
vention was straightforward: the percentage of patients Open-ended qualitative data also provided an overview
undertaking VC (TEL or VID) compared with F2F. A of some of the potential reasons for high satisfaction
combination of manual data collection of clinic lists and amongst patients and clinicians. These included the
data taken from the RNOH patient management system following:
was used to identify the proportion of patients under- ►► VC worked particularly well when the patient was
going VC. A simple, bespoke patient and clinician satis- already known to the clinician.
faction questionnaire was developed to capture patient ►► VID was useful to assess a range of movements or
and clinician experience. This included the summative visually assess a patient (figure 3).
question ‘how satisfied were you with the virtual clinic?’ ►► VC ran quicker than traditional F2F clinics.
scored out of 100. These data collection methods were Common reasons for poor satisfaction for both patients
supplemented with informal observation and PDSA and clinicians included the following:
cycles. ►► Variable sound and picture quality.
Number of 12 9 8 3 4
Plan To ensure standardised administrative To understand clinical experience of To equip all outpatient areas with To ensure patients are able to To offer video and telephone
processes are in place for effective booking virtual clinics across RNOH. the equipment required to run virtual access the required medication and appointments as an alternative
and running of virtual clinics. To design ‘virtual clinic’ training tools clinics effectively at scale. diagnostics when attending clinics consultation option.
available to all clinicians. virtually.
Do Map and redesign administrative booking Meet with teams experienced Licence approval for Attend Work with the pharmacy team to map Call each patient to explain and
process. in telephone clinics and model Anywhere. the new medication pathway and offer alternatives.
Design new COF process to support virtual processes. Acquisition of headsets and SOP prior to ‘go live’. Design video appointment access
clinics from remote locations. Clinical input into Attend Anywhere webcams. Design and implement new transport details (specific to specialty) and
Design and publication of standardised support tools. Increase the number of external booking and cancellation process. patient guides.
booking and patient communication tools. Trial with a clinician prior to going live telephone lines from 60 to 200. Identify demand for essential Created page on RNOH website
Admin leads allocated for each clinical and update support package. Update all outpatient computers with diagnostics with clinical teams and with links to specialty waiting area
pathway for refinement, approval and Allocation of daily ‘Floorwalkers’ to the latest version of Chrome. design process to access as close to as alternative access route.
cascade of new processes. manage queries and opportunistically Information leaflet regarding installing home as possible. Establish process for monitoring
Manage the closure of Bolsover Street train within clinics. headsets and webcams. patients waiting for video calls via
outpatient facility at RNOH. Daily clinic review feedback forms Infection control policy for sharing admin screen.
to inform troubleshooting tools and headsets.
to refine coordination of outpatient Create equipment log.
COF, Clinic Outcome Form; NHS, National Health Service; PDSA, Plan-Do-Study-Act; RNOH, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital; SOP, standard operating procedure.
Open access
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Open access
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Throughout the QI initiative, the COVID-19 Action
Team collected information to support the future roll-out
of VC after COVID-19. We now have in place all the tech-
nical elements to deliver outpatient appointments in a
variety of ways appropriate to patient and clinician pref-
erence and convenience, and in the most effective way
for the organisation. Prior to restarting a full outpatient
service, a formal evaluation of patient and clinician expe-
rience will be undertaken. In addition, patient and staff
stakeholder sessions will be held to inform any potential
redesign of traditional outpatient models of care to incor-
porate VC.
Figure 1 Run chart of virtual consultation (VC) and face-to-
face (F2F) outpatient clinics.
The COVID-19 Action Team achieved the set goal of 80%
►► Low confidence levels with using the technology; both VC by week 2. The use of QI methodology, specifically the
patients and clinicians required support with setting use of repeated PDSA cycles, was essential to identify and
up the hardware and software. overcome barriers to VC implementation.
►► Equipment issues with outdated software (eg, using The rapid implementation of VC was achieved due to
Internet Explorer or not having up-to-date phone/ the considerable resources directed to support it. The
tablet/computer operating system software). RNOH Senior Leadership Team clearly communicated
►► Patients occasionally were left waiting in the virtual VC as an important way to manage patients during the
waiting area without having been acknowledged by COVID-19 pandemic. The formation of the COVID-19
the hospital. Action Team provided the initial resources to support
These feedback forms were reviewed on a daily basis and patients and clinicians across the RNOH to engage
informed the PDSA cycles. with VC. The multidisciplinary nature of the COVID-19
% F2F (n) 92.73 (3634) 92.27 (3535) (target 37.31 (529) 15.14 (194) 6.96 (82) 6.72 (88) 5.47 (62) 8.18 (133)
% VID (n) – – 3.80 (54) 6.71 (86) 8.40 (99) 6.26 (82) 6.00 (68) 8.18 (133)
% TEL (n) 7.27 (285) 7.73 (296) 58.89 (835) 78.14 (1001) 84.65 (998) 87.02 (1140) 88.53 (1003) 83.63 (1359)
Total 3919 3831 1418 1281 1179 1310 1133 1625
F2F, face-to-face; TEL, telephone consultation; VC, virtual consultation; VID, video consultation; w/c, week commencing.
Figure 2 TEL and VID clinics - proportion of total virtual outpatient activity.
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Summary of feedback from end of clinic reviews
Responses (n) Mean satisfaction score Range Virtual clinic again?
Patient feedback Phone 111 90/100 (30–100) 94% yes
Video 104 85/100 (0–100) 44% yes
Clinician feedback Phone 52 N/A N/A N/A
Video 51 78/100 (0–100) 49% yes
Virtual clinic total 242 87/100 (0–100) 73%
N/A, not available; VC, virtual consultation.
Action Team, with the ability to draft in extra personnel to achieve the goal of the session. For many the Physio-
as required, ensured a wide range of skills and abilities to Direct service provided a ‘route in’ to care. The satisfac-
respond to the dynamic and complex circumstances of tion of phone calls in our project was high (90/100),
implementation. While this QI initiative was delivered in and approximately 94% indicated they would prefer
one Trust across two sites, the lessons learnt are relevant a F2F call in the future. While TEL has proven to be
in other healthcare settings (table 4). a useful way to manage patients during the COVID-19
The NHS Long Term Plan clearly sets out digital require- pandemic, further work needs to be done to under-
ments needed to support NHS services.7 VC features stand its effectiveness and acceptability at the RNOH
heavily on the RNOH Trust objectives, with VC due to be in the future.
phased in. The catalyst for VC implementation was the Previous research9 at the RNOH investigating
COVID-19 pandemic. This unique situation required patient preferences for types of appointments found
urgency to rapidly implement these changes; patients and that approximately 50% of patients found the use of
staff were largely understanding of the necessity for VC Skype to be acceptable for a follow-up consultation.
and grateful for the swift response to the pandemic. These preferences were situational and fluid; patients
The RNOH is dedicated to supporting the use of VC, stated they might choose VID or F2F under differing
in accordance with the NHS Long Term Plan.7 The key circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic is a situation
focus of the COVID-19 Action Team was to implement which has forced patients to undergo VC regardless of
VC at pace. A secondary objective was to collect data to their preferences. Of those who underwent VC in our
support the design of a substantive legacy of VC. Further project, approximately half indicated they would prefer
stakeholder engagement initiatives and the use of frame- F2F for their next appointment. This is in keeping with
works12 or theories of implementation13 will support this. a report16 that found that, from a survey of 2000 people,
As we have found in this QI initiative, multidisciplinary 55% would be willing to have a consultation for advice
working is key. on an ongoing problem. Further research at the RNOH
The majority of patients who underwent VC elected into preferences will likely sustain a legacy of clinically
for a phone call (TEL) rather than a video call (VID). appropriate and acceptable VCs.
TELs have previously been found to be equally clinically Greenhalgh et al17 found that videoconferencing
effective as usual care,14 although TELs were associated consultations appeared to work better when the patient
with lower patient satisfaction. A qualitative interview and clinician knew each other. It is not obvious from
study with participants from the PhysioDirect telephone our early evaluation data whether or not this is the case
and advice service15 found that the telephone service in our project, however, informal feedback from some
was broadly acceptable, but it was described as ‘imper- clinicians indicates that having a prior relationship
sonal’ and many were sceptical about the ability of TELs with the patient may have enhanced the consultation.
Technical challenges have previously been shown to
be prohibitive,17 and those encountered in our project
occasionally led to abandonment of VID. Clinicians
often responded to these issues by abandoning the
VID and transferring to TEL, or in cases where it was
the sound that was mainly disrupted, they spoke over
TEL while capturing images from VID to enable an
assessment. Individual agency and reflexive monitoring
played an important part in the successful implementa-
tion of VC.18
Significant resources were intensively deployed to
deliver this rapid implementation of VC. They included
three additional members of staff almost full time to
Figure 3 Video call between patient and clinician. support the roll- out, the cost of hardware, software,
IG, information governance; IT, information technology; PDSA, Plan-Do-Study-Act; QI, quality improvement; RNOH, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital; VC, virtual consultation.
BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-000985 on 21 May 2020. Downloaded from http://bmjopenquality.bmj.com/ on January 5, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
information technology and telephone infrastructure. Twitter Anthony William Gilbert @awgilbert11 and Joe C T Billany @JoeBillany
These costs are rarely reported in the literature17 and
will need to be taken into account when commissioning Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge several people from the
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital: the information technology team for their
digitally supported services in the future. Virtual clinics support with the hardware and software, the information governance team for
offer potential savings to the NHS which need to be their expertise on data protection and privacy impact, the Research and Innovation
further scoped. Savings for patients included the reduc- Centre for prompt review and registration of the project, and the administration
tion in time spent travelling and the cost of travelling. staff for contacting patients and clinicians who participated in the virtual clinics.
Finally, the authors are grateful to Kelly Easton, whose contributions at the outset
VC is not a novel approach to delivering outpatient were essential to the delivery of this quality improvement initiative.
appointments in healthcare, but this paper discusses an
Contributors AWG, JCTB, RA, LM, RT, SB, AA and LD made substantial
extremely rapid adoption. To our knowledge, this is the contributions to the design of the work. AWG, JCTB, RA, NG, IF and JB were involved
first report of an NHS hospital evaluating rapid imple- in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. AWG drafted the work with
mentation of VCs due to COVID-19. JCTB, RA, LM and JB. All authors critically revised the draft, gave final approval of
the version to be published and are accountable for all aspects of the work. AWG is
The findings must be interpreted in light of their
the guarantor of the manuscript.
limitations. This was not a research project but a rapid
Funding This quality improvement initiative was internally funded. AWG is funded
evaluation of VC implementation. The pace of change by a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Doctoral Research
led to some missing data which were manually collected Fellowship for this research project (ICA-CDRF-2017-03-025).
wherever possible. The pragmatic approach described Disclaimer This paper presents independent research funded by the National
here does not seek to test or demonstrate statistical Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views expressed are those of the authors
significance. Future research studies evaluating the and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and
effectiveness and acceptability of VC are required, Social Care.
particularly as services return to a ‘new normal’ after Competing interests None declared.
COVID-19. Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved
Commitment from clinicians and administrators was in the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.All
patients were given the opportunity to feedback their experience at the end of each
initially due to the unusual circumstances of COVID-19 consultation. This data was continuously evaluated and used to inform service
and the imperative to stop all non-essential F2F work, development.
but engagement was maintained by continuous multi- Patient consent for publication Not required.
channel communications throughout the project. The
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
future goal is to maintain a clinically appropriate level of
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
VC post-COVID-19; the improvement-driven approach Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits
described in this paper has led to wide engagement, a others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any
clear plan of action and objective data to support this purpose, provided the original work is properly cited, a link to the licence is given,
aim. and indication of whether changes were made. See: https://creativecommons.org/
The implementation was within an orthopaedics
setting; however, the findings from this report have ORCID iD
been reported in a way to be as general as possible to Anthony William Gilbert http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2526-8057
allow for transportability.
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