Streptomyces Scabies Thesis

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such a complex and specialized topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting thorough
research to analyzing data and presenting your findings cohesively, every step of the thesis writing
process demands meticulous attention to detail and expertise in the subject matter.

Streptomyces scabies is a bacterium that causes potato scab, a disease that affects potatoes and other
root crops. Understanding its biology, ecology, and mechanisms of pathogenicity requires in-depth
knowledge of microbiology, genetics, plant pathology, and related fields. Additionally, navigating the
existing literature and integrating new insights into your thesis can be daunting.

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These extracts were myrrh, garlic, cayenne, barberry, frankincense, wild indigo root, and lavender.
The growth rate and mycelial development were examined on these solid media. It causes common
scab on potato ( Solanum tuberosum ), beet ( Beta vulgaris ), carrot ( Daucus carota ), parsnip (
Pastinaca sativa ), radish ( Raphanus sativus ), rutabaga ( Brassica napobrassica ) and turnip (
Brassica rapa ). Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without
javascript enabled. Kovac’s oxidase test was also performed in which isolates were treated with
oxidase reagent impregnated on filter paper that develops a purple color. Purified DNA was
subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Potato-growing areas of Punjab, Pakistan were visited
for sample collection. Isolation, identification of antagonistic rhizobacterial strains obtained fro. The
absorbance at 660 nm was read using a FLUOstar Omega plate reader (BMG LABTECH, Cary, NC,
United States) and normalized against the absorbance of pure dye. The disease rating scale of
percent scab index of common potato scab. It can infect young seedlings of all plants, as well as
mature root and tuber crops, but is most often associated with causing common scab of potato.
Younas Agricultural and Food Sciences Plant Protection 2019 TLDR The affect findings were
conducted to appraise the pathogenic variation, pathogenicity, morphological and biochemical
depiction of Streptomyces species linked by potato tubers grown-up happening Poonch (district). The
genome of strain 87.22 has been sequenced and it is 10.1 Mbp, encoding 9,107 provisional genes.
Streptomyces spp. were initially identified based on morphologic characteristics, which are described
in Table 3. After 24 h of inoculation, out of 30, 14 potato tubers cause a hypersensitive response,
cause extensive cell death and exhibited lesions on tubers, which create resistance to other cells and
16 tubers, after three days of inoculation, showed extensive cell death and were confirmed as
Streptomyces spp. Mezaache-Aichour A. Guechi J. Nicklin D. Drider H. Prevost S. Rn
Environmental Science, Biology 2012 TLDR Fractionation of extracts of supernatants by TLC and
HPLC with diode array detection allowed the identification of phenazine carboxylic acid as one of
the antimicrobial compounds and the tentative identification of two others as 2-hydroxy
phenazineCarboxYlic acid and 2-Hydroxy phenazines. Critical point drying was performed using a
Denton DCP-1 critical point dryer (Denton Vacuum, NJ, United States). This test proved that
Streptomyces scabies is pathogenic to potato crop and develops cracks symptoms, which were
demonstrated by pathogenicity test. When S. scabies was re-isolated, it developed the same growth
characters. 4.4. Screening of Potato Germplasm against Streptomyces scabies Healthy certified
potato tubers were obtained from different sources, as shown in Table 9 and all the available potato
germplasm were screened for resistance against Streptomyces scabies ’ most virulent isolates. As
shown in Figure 2, the isolation frequency of each identified Streptomyces species associated with
the potato tubers was different. Isolation frequency of Streptomyces from potato tubers. These
growths appeared to be unique to baicalein treatment and were not seen in any of the other flavonoid
treated cells ( Figures 7A,B ). Cytoplasmic contents were seen to leak from mycelial structures with
hyphae showing a flattened morphology indicative of the loss of cell contents to the extracellular
medium. Collection of potato germplasm from different sources. Inam-ul-Haq, Naoki Yamamoto,
Andrews Danso Ofori, Nawab Khan, Muhammad Arshad, Kumail Abbas, and Aiping Zheng.
Quercetin stock was made using solid quercetin obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. LSD all-pairwise
comparisons test to check the effect of Streptomyces scabies on various growth parameters of potato.
Taxonomy The first known reference to common scab of potatoes, dates back to 1825, but it was not
initially thought to have a biological cause. Phylogenetic tree analyses and DNA sequencing revealed
the genetic diversity, variability and pathogenicity in the potato-growing areas of the Pakistan and
will be helpful for the management of common scab disease around the world. The suspension of
isolates was prepared in sterilized water, was adjusted to contain 3x107. Investigation of
Streptomyces scabies Causing Potato Scab by Various Detection Techniques, Its Pathogenicity and
Determination of Host-Disease Resistance in Potato Germplasm. Pathogens. 2020; 9(9):760.
A positive control using novobiocin, an aminocoumarin potent antibiotic against Streptomyces, was
used to find a baseline A 660 nm that could be used to normalize A 660 nm values from the inhibitor
treatments. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these
terms. Prevalence, occurrence and biochemical characterization of Xanthomonas campes. A DNA
product was amplified using the 16S rRNA universal primer (Forward: 5. In 2007 Lambert and Loria
recommended that the original name of Streptomyces scabies be kept due to its long-established use
and it continues to be used today. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best
experience. Means obtained for various treatments with significant differences denoted by different
letters (a, b, c, d), based on Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. In order to be human-readable,
please install an RSS reader. Mass inoculum of the selected strains of Streptomyces scabies was
grown in 500 mL flasks containing 250 m1 of nutrient broth. India, Asia and Africa (Hill and
Lazarovits, 2005). If your changes are legitimate, changes will occur within the next Bac Dive
update. Study on Distribution of Microbial and Diazotrophic Azotobacter Population in. Treatment
involves applying scabicide creams or lotions to the entire body from the neck down to kill the mites.
Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. They are Gram-positive
and have a high proportion of the DNA bases guanine and cytosine (71%) in their genome.
Identification and similarity of Streptomyces isolates with reference accession numbers from NCBI.
Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen
Institute for AI. The maximum percent scab index was observed in Kasur 22.5%, followed by Okara,
Faisalabad, Sialkot, Hazro and Taxila, which exhibited a scab index of 22.16%, 16.23%, 16.14%,
4.91%, 4.42% correspondingly ( Table 1, Figure 1 ). Images were taken via a Quanta 250 FEG SEM
(FEI company, OR, United States). Statistical analysis of the effect of Streptomyces scabies on
different growth parameters of screened potato cultivars. ( A ) Different growth parameters such as
No. Alexander Decker Study on mycoflora associated with Study on mycoflora associated with
ijabjournal Phylotype Analysis of Ralstonia Solanacearum Causing Bacterial wilt in Eggpla. Means
obtained for various treatments with significant differences denoted by different letters, based on
Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. Means obtained for various treatments with significant
differences denoted by different letters, based on Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. On KB
media, poor mycelial growth, whitish to creamy colony color was observed. The means obtained for
various treatments with significant differences denoted by different letters, based on Duncan’s
multiple test procedure at p c ), Hazro ( c ), Sialkot ( b ), Kasur ( a ), Okara ( a ), Faisalabad ( b )
was observed statistically. The A 660nm value of the novobiocin positive control was subtracted
from the A 660nm of the other aliquots to normalize the results, then % growth of each treatment
was determined by comparison to the negative control. Current treatments are not effective at
treating CS and suffer disadvantages that affect their utility in treating the disease. Purified DNA
was subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Early Tech Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? -
17th ISACA South Florida WOW Con. In vitro evaluation of Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma
harzianum for its e.
These cultures exhibited a fluffy to a slightly fluffy texture. Out of 20 isolates, 12 isolates changed
their colorization to purple, which were confirmed as Gram-positive bacteria, and eight isolates did
not change their color and were designated Gram-negative bacteria ( Figure 4 and Figure 5 ). Based
on these images, it is likely that the antibacterial effect of SG against S. On yeast malt agar, abundant
mycelial growth was observed. In the case of application to crop plants, antibiotics must not only be
effective, but they must also not affect the health of the plant or pollinators essential for plant
reproduction ( Cullen et al., 2019 ). Human health after consumption must also be considered. This
was not surprising given the previous reports in the literature ( Zhang L. L. et al., 2020; Zhang S. et
al., 2020; Babii et al., 2021; Yuan et al., 2021 ). The current theory for flavonoid-membrane
interactions postulates that flavonoids intercalate into membrane bilayers and shift the gel-to-liquid
crystal transition temperature of the phospholipids to a more rigid, gel-like state. Plant extracts were
screened to find several that effectively inhibited Streptomyces scabies growth in culture. In this
study, S. scabies genetic diversity was measured by surveying five potato-growing areas of Pakistan
during the growing season 2019. The dipeptide is then nitrated by an enzyme similar to mammalian
nitric oxide synthase at the four position on the tryptophan residue. Any product that may be
evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher. This study represents a contribution to understanding the local interaction
between potatoes and Streptomyces spp. This test proved that Streptomyces scabies is pathogenic to
potato crop and develops cracks symptoms, which were demonstrated by pathogenicity test. When
S. scabies was re-isolated, it developed the same growth characters. 4.4. Screening of Potato
Germplasm against Streptomyces scabies Healthy certified potato tubers were obtained from
different sources, as shown in Table 9 and all the available potato germplasm were screened for
resistance against Streptomyces scabies ’ most virulent isolates. It also inhibits the growth of the
seedlings of both monocot and dicot plants. Published in 2015 Management of Common Scab
(Streptomyces scabies) of Potato M. Hossain S. Bhowal A. Haque A. Khan Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 1 of 1 Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is
Semantic Scholar. The amplified product was then sent for sequencing to the Department of Crop
Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA. Isolation and characterization of Streptomyces
spp. These values were calculated to a high degree of confidence for SG, jaceosidin, and baicalein;
however, the data for quercetin were calculated with less confidence as it was not fully soluble at
higher concentrations in 4% DMSO. However, when S. scabies was treated with SG above its MIC
value, the images showed nearly complete cell death (red color filaments, Figure 4C ). European
Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). Potting mixture for sowing
of potato i.e. Sand, clay. Means obtained for various treatments with significant differences denoted
by different letters (a, b, c, d), based on Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. Taxonomy The first
known reference to common scab of potatoes, dates back to 1825, but it was not initially thought to
have a biological cause. Three years later the same group of researchers isolated several other toxins
with similar structures to the first two they had isolated which are thought to be precursors to
thaxtomin A. After 24 h of inoculation, out of 30, 14 potato tubers cause a hypersensitive response,
cause extensive cell death and exhibited lesions on tubers, which create resistance to other cells and
16 tubers, after three days of inoculation, showed extensive cell death and were confirmed as
Streptomyces spp. A positive control using novobiocin, an aminocoumarin potent antibiotic against
Streptomyces, was used to find a baseline A 660 nm that could be used to normalize A 660 nm
values from the inhibitor treatments. However, the diversity and pathogenicity of Streptomyces
species are distinct in the current study. The green arrow shows an area with possible cell contents
being expelled from cell. In 1979 Elesawy and Szabo proposed it be assigned to the
Diastatochromogenes cluster along with S. Jaceosidin-treated cells showed slight membrane
perturbations, no longer resembling the smooth membranes of the control cells. Gel purified DNA
and PCR clean-up system (Promega) and quantification was done by using NanoDrop.
The Faisalabad white variety showed the highest scab index followed By Cardinal, Tourag, Kuroda,
Santee, Lady Rosetta, Asterix, Diamant, Faisalabad red and Sadaf. Virulent confirmation assays
confirmed ten virulent strains of Streptomyces spp. Potato varieties differ in their susceptibility to S.
scabies. More resistant varieties tending to have fewer, tougher lenticels and a thicker skin, although
authors do not agree on the specific characteristics required for resistance. Expand 88 1 Excerpt
Save. 1 2 3 4. Related Papers Showing 1 through 3 of 0 Related Papers Figures and Tables 15
Citations 34 References Related Papers Figure 1 Common scab Published in 2007
cells, some cells also showed large, uneven growths protruding from their membranes. Article types
Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office
Submit your research Search Download article. Images were taken via a Quanta 250 FEG SEM (FEI
company, OR, United States). The lowest pH at which they will grow varies slightly between strains
but is between 4 and 5.5. When it infects crops it causes corky lesions to form in the tuber or tap
root. Inoculum was injected into the abaxial side of the tobacco leaf with a. Investigation of
Streptomyces scabies Causing Potato Scab by Various Detection Techniques, Its Pathogenicity and
Determination of Host-Disease Resistance in Potato Germplasm. Pathogens. 2020; 9(9):760. Means
obtained for various treatments with significant differences denoted by different letters, based on
Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. The red arrow points to hole in the membrane of a cell. We
use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. The survey was conducted at the
time of harvesting from each field viz. The OsO 4 was then removed, and the embedded samples
were washed three times for 5 min each in MilliQ water. Percent scab incidence, percent scab index
and disease reaction of common scab disease in the field area of the department of plant pathology,
PMAS—arid agriculture university, Rawalpindi (Pakistan). This study’s main objectives were to
check the isolation and purification of Streptomyces scabies and screen the potato germplasm against
Streptomyces scabies in greenhouse conditions and check the disease resistance in potato-growing
areas of Punjab, Pakistan. Comparative assessment of three sources of crude cassava water extract as
bio. In each experiment, three replicates were used. 5. Conclusions The conclusion of the current
study is, several species of Streptomyces, which includes S. scabiei, S. acidiscabies, S.
europaeiscabiei, S. luridiscabiei, S. niveiscabiei, S. puniciscabiei, S. reticuliscabiei, S. stelliscabiei, S.
turgidiscabies, S. ipomoeae were associated with various potato germplasms and efficiently isolated
from infected potato tubers. However, the diversity and pathogenicity of Streptomyces species are
distinct in the current study. Common scab is the major disease of the field also causes many losses
in the storage conditions after harvest. Given current knowledge about flavonoids, they are likely to
kill CS-causing bacteria without compromising the edibility or yield of the tubers being protected.
Expand 36 2 Excerpts Save Phylogenetic Analysis of 16S rRNA Genes and PCR Analysis of the
nec1 Gene from Streptomyces spp. Comparative assessment of three sources of crude cassava water
extract as bio. The means obtained for various treatments with significant differences denoted by
different letters, based on Duncan’s multiple test procedure at p. In 2003 three other species of
Streptomyces that cause common scab symptoms were isolated in Korea and named S. Fourteen
isolates make gaseous bubble formation during this process, which were designated as Streptomyces
spp. Study on mycoflora associated with Study on mycoflora associated with Phylotype Analysis of
Ralstonia Solanacearum Causing Bacterial wilt in Eggpla. Journal of Cardiovascular Development
and Disease (JCDD). Moreover, the sequences of the promising Streptomyces isolates along with
other registered gene sequences retrieved from the GenBank and the sequences were aligned using
Mega Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA 7.0.26) software and comparison and sequence
similarity were also checked by basic local alignment search tool (BLAST N ) nucleotide website.

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