03 WSP AR2018 Chairman Message
03 WSP AR2018 Chairman Message
03 WSP AR2018 Chairman Message
Looking back at WSP’s 2018 accomplishments,
I am proud to be Chairman of this agile and
successful global organization. This level
of success can only be reached through the
diligence and passion of our leaders and
employees in all their professional work.
Chairman’s Message
Christopher Cole
Chairman of the Board
“We are pleased that our
business is performing
well, and attribute that
strength to the resilience we
have built as a diversified,
international consultancy
providing a full range of
services to our clients.”
We have seen evolution in our Board The Board is delighted with the
membership in 2018 and at the beginning 2018 performance of our executives,
of 2019. I would like to thank Pierre management and employees, and I take
Fitzgibbon and Josée Perreault for their this opportunity to thank everyone
service to WSP, and I am also pleased for their dedication and hard work.
to welcome Linda Galipeau as a new During the first quarter of 2019, four
Board member. people joined WSP’s Global Leadership
Linda brings her international strengths Team: Ryan Brain, President and Chief
to WSP as a Director and as Chair of our Executive Officer of WSP in Canada;
Governance, Ethics and Compensation Ivy Kong, Managing Director of WSP
Committee. Given the depth of her human in Asia; André-Martin Bouchard,
resources and professional services Global Director, Environment and
experience, we are confident she will Resources; and Alain Michaud,
bring new ways of thinking to invigorate Senior Vice President, Operational
and strengthen the People & Culture pillar Performance and Strategic Initiatives.
of our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan. The latter two appointments are in line
Our Board strives to achieve industry- with our 2019-2021 Global Strategic Plan
leading levels of diversity; for example, I ambitions and our commitment to build
am pleased that we currently have three and broaden our environmental activities
women among our seven Board members. and improve our operational performance.
Welcoming Stakeholder
Through 2018, WSP’s leaders looked
Chairman’s Message
geography and nature of activities of
WSP, the Board is always mindful of our Whilst we recognize varied and challenging
identified business risks. In addition to conditions in some world markets, we are
our industry operational and execution pleased that our business is performing
risks, we have oversight of WSP’s global well, and attribute that strength to the
Health & Safety and Compliance & Ethics resilience we have built as a diversified,
programs, which we take very seriously. international consultancy providing a
We support a positive culture that gives full range of services to our clients.
Health & Safety, as well as high ethical We would like to thank our shareholders;
standards, equal importance to other we recognize that their vital support is the
operational items. This empowers our solid base from which WSP can grow.
employees to minimize Health & Safety We look forward to working with and
risks and go home safely at the end guiding WSP’s trusted leaders to make a
of each day. Moreover, our culture of dynamic start to our new strategic plan
integrity provides our employees with cycle in 2019.
the right leadership, tools and support
to integrate high ethical standards
at the centre of all that we do.
Both topics are regularly discussed at
our Board meetings and supported by Christopher Cole
our annual Risk Management Review. Chairman of the Board