Reinoso Et Al., 2019 Inglês
Reinoso Et Al., 2019 Inglês
Reinoso Et Al., 2019 Inglês
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The compressive strength and selected fresh-state responses to incorporating acid-modified granular
Received 25 August 2018 activated carbon (GAC) in cement mortars, were compared to physical cement behaviors associated with
Received in revised form 6 February 2019 the incorporation of otherwise unmodified GAC and a commercial polycarboxylate superplasticizer.
Accepted 10 February 2019
Specific surface area of unmodified and acidified GAC, porosity, pH at charge neutrality (pHPZC), and
Available online 23 February 2019
surface-associated functional groups were compared. Fresh- and hardened-state responses were
observed, including slump, setting time, zeta potential, and compressive strength. Results suggest that
substituting 1% of the fine aggregate mass with GAC particles that had been pre-treated in nitric acid,
Acidified activated carbon
Cement mortar
can improve compressive strength and workability of cement mortar.
FTIR Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Zeta potential
1. Introduction cles are substituted for between 1% and 2% of the fine aggregate
mass in cement formulations [4,7,10]; this demonstrates potential
1.1. Literature review for the beneficial use of GAC in next-generation cement formula-
tions. When purposely including activated carbon in cementitious
Activated carbon is a well-known sorbent that is used in the materials, it is of vital importance to understand the effects these
water, wastewater, and air treatment sectors. Carbon particles, particle additions may have on fresh- and hardened-state proper-
however, have been traditionally considered as aggregate contam- ties, including the rheological properties of fresh mortars that
inants when introduced to cementitious materials [1]. In response evolve during cement hydration [11]. However, understanding
to recent methodological studies that have focused on purposeful the internal structure and properties of fresh cement paste is not
additions of carbon particles to concrete [2–10], paradigms for trivial, as direct measurements and characterization of microstruc-
beneficial use of activated carbon in modern cementitious materi- tural developments are complex due to factors such as non-
als are gaining increased attention. Activated carbon has been uniform dispersity, high solid volume fraction, low-transparency
shown to improve some mechanical properties (i.e., compressive and the maturing hydration process [12]. Additionally, the inclu-
and tensile strengths) and decrease total porosity when GAC parti- sion of carbonaceous particles may influence the initial fresh state
microstructure and, in turn, have an effect on the final microstruc-
ture, thereby influencing the mechanical properties of the
⇑ Corresponding author at: 1111 Engineering Drive, ECOT 441 UCB 428, Boulder,
hydrated paste or mortar [12].
CO 80309, USA.
E-mail address: (M.T. Hernandez).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
60 I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69
Physical and chemical interactions that occur during the curing metals entrained in concrete appurtenances; this approach has
process depend on the amount, shape and gradation of fine aggre- emerged as a promising alternative to inhibit the acidophilic bio-
gates, as well as other potentially reactive co-additives [13], films responsible for microbially induced concrete corrosion
including but not limited to carbonaceous particles and polymeric (MICC) [8,26].
admixtures. Workability is considered to be among the most No studies report the effects acidified GAC particles can have on
important properties of cement-based materials [14,15], and a the different fresh-state properties and compressive strength of
key, site-specific factor considered in mortar design. While cement cementitious materials.
mortar is considered a relatively low-tech material, the science Results from this work provide a framework to leverage acid
underlying its workability remains complex. Difficulties exist in treated GAC particles into beneficial application for special cemen-
characterizing the mechanical work which circumscribes ‘‘worka- titious material applications. It is not the intention of this study to
bility” in a comprehensive sense, and, given the composite nature validate the use of HNO3-acidified GAC particles as an alternative
of fresh cement mortar, a fundamental method to measure this to commonly used superplasticizers.
transient property has yet to gain universal acceptance [16]. Nev-
ertheless, observational tests remain widely used on curing cement 2. Materials and methods
to observe macro-scale mechanical property developments. Such
tests include Vicat needle penetration, which is commonly per- 2.1. Materials
formed to quantify setting time [13,17] as described by ASTM
2.1.1. Granular activated carbon (GAC)
C191-13 [18]. The most commonly used workability test methods Granular activated carbon (GAC), supplied by the Calgon Corporation (Pitts-
are based on empirical methodologies [19]. Such is the case with burgh, USA) and commercially sold as OL 20 50, was used in this study. The
slump tests, which assess a conglomerate material resistance to GAC was manufactured from bituminous coal and activated using superheated
flow [16,20]; its counterpart adapted for cement pastes, the steam, resulting in a minimum iodine penetration of 1050 mg/g as reported by
the supplier [27]. The particle size distribution of this GAC was determined by stan-
mini-slump cone test, has been developed by Construction Tech-
dard sieve analysis and is summarized in Table 1.
nology Laboratories (CTL), Inc. [21]. Along with workability, mortar In this study, the GAC was used in two forms: unmodified as received (OL, Cal-
strength is the most common physical index of cement paste. gon) and after subjecting it to a common acidification process with nitric acid.
Water content can be adjusted to effectively improve the workabil- These two types of activated carbons will be respectively referred to hereafter as
ity of conventional mortars. However, given that increases in water GAC-UNM (unmodified granular activated carbon) and GAC-ACID (acid-modified
granular activated carbon). Acidification was accomplished by adding unmodified
content correlate with observable reductions in strength [20], GAC into 1L beaker containing a 5% HNO3 solution, at liquid to solid ratio of 2:1.
water-reducing superplasticizers are commonly used to increase The mixture was homogenized and kept at room temperature for 30 min. Next,
the workability of low water-to-cement (w/c) ratio cement pastes, the beaker was placed in an oven at 250 °C for 2.5 h. After heat treatment, the
mortars, and concrete. cooled GAC, now referred as GAC-ACID, was thoroughly washed with DI water to
remove any excess of unreacted acid. Then, the GAC-ACID was oven dried at
Research on the inclusion of activated carbon particles in
60 °C overnight and kept at room temperature and low humidity until further
cementitious formulations has generally neglected the effects of use. Water sorption capacity and saturated surface-dry (SSD) specific bulk gravity
incorporating such materials on the fresh-state properties of the for GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID were determined in accordance with ASTM standard
mixtures. Among the few exceptions, a study by ErS ßan and co- C128-15 [28], as presented in Table 2.
workers, evaluated the setting time of mortar mixtures containing
granular activated carbon (GAC) (5% w/w cement) [4]. Other stud- 2.1.2. Graded standard sand (Ottawa sand)
ies, incorporating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in cement mixtures, Ottawa test sand was obtained from the U.S. Silica Company (USA), which is a
clean natural sand with high silica content; it contains the following constituents
have also evaluated fresh-state properties on these cementitious on a percent basis: between 99.0 and 99.9% crystalline silica (quartz), <1.0 alu-
formulations [22–24]. The goal of these studies focused on the minum oxide, <0.1 iron oxides, and <0.1 titanium oxides [29]. This sand conforms
use of activated carbon particles as metal reservoirs to achieve to ASTM standard C778-17 [30]. Sorption capacity and saturated surface-dry
antimicrobial properties [8,9]; the use of carbon particles as inter- (SSD) specific bulk gravity were determined in accordance with ASTM standard
C128-15 [28] and presented in Table 2.
nal nutrient reservoirs for microorganisms in bio-mineralizing
mortars [4,25]; or the use of carbon particles to sorb different vola-
2.1.3. Ordinary Portland cement
tile compounds [2,3,6], among others purposes. However, these
The cement used in this study was a commercial ordinary Portland cement (OPC
studies did not report specific mechanical and fresh-state behav- Type I/II) manufactured by Quikrete (USA) that complies with ASTM C150-18 [31].
iors associated with incorporating activated carbon particles. The alkali- and metalloid-oxide contents (obtained from X-ray fluorescence spec-
trometry (XRF)), as well as the calculated Bogue composition of the cement, are
1.2. Scope summarized below in Table 3.
This study focuses on the effects that GAC particles, pre-treated 2.1.4. Superplasticizer
A commercial superplasticizer, Melflux 4930 F (provided by BASF (USA)), was
with nitric acid, can have on fresh-state and mechanical properties
included in this study to compare its potential interactions with the rheological
of cement mortars—when a small percentage of the fine aggregate behavior observed when GAC particles substitute fine aggregate particles. This
mass is replaced by these carbonaceous particles. The following admixture is a polycarboxylate-ether (PCE) with a density between 300 and
formulations were investigated to isolate the effects of the 600 kg/m3, as described by the manufacturer’s technical data sheet [32]. In addition
acidified GAC particles have on select workability and strength to the typical electrostatic properties of this PCE superplasticizer, non-charged side
Table 2 Table 4
Bulk saturated surface dry (SSD) specific gravity and water sorption capacity of GAC Mortar formulations with the corresponding w/c ratios (additional, total, and
(GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID) and Ottawa sand. effective).
Fine Bulk saturated surface dry (SSD) specific Sorption capacity Formulation (w/c) add (w/c) total (w/c) eff
aggregate gravity (%)
Control 0.00 0.50 0.50
GAC-UNM 1.35 75.1 1% GAC-UNM 0.02 0.52 0.50
GAC-ACID 1.37 74.2 1% GAC-ACID 0.02 0.52 0.50
Ottawa sand 2.65 0.81 PCE-Admixture 0.00 0.50 0.50
Table 3
Alkali- and metalloid-oxide content and Bogue composition analysis (% by mass) of the cement.
Oxide Composition
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO Na2O SO3 Loss on Ignition (LoI)
62.8 20.3 4.31 3.85 0.35 1.98 2.08 2.42 3.29
Bogue Composition
59.2 13.4 4.9 11.7
62 I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69
Analyzer ZETA PLUS (Brookhaven Instruments Corporation, New York, USA). Zeta- Table 6
Pals software was used to compile the data. This Phase Analysis Light Scattering Pore volume of GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID. Micropore volume was obtained from the t-
method (PALS) was the method of choice, since it is more sensitive than conven- plot method with the Harkins and Jura thickness equation and mesopore volume was
tional Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) [41]. The average of twenty measurements obtained by using Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method with the Halsey:Faas
was reported as the zeta potential of the particles observed. correction.
Table 5
BET surface area and pore size of GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID.
Sample BET Surface t-Plot Micropore t-Plot External BJH Adsorption cumulative Adsorption average pore Desorption average pore
area (m2/g) Area (m2/g) Surface Area(m2/g) surface area of pores between 17 width (4 V/A by BET) (Å) width (4 V/A by BET) (Å)
and 3000 Å diameter (m2/g)
GAC-UNM 1341.5 595.2 746.3 209.0 24.22 29.71
GAC-ACID 1073.6 479.5 594.1 165.5 23.96 26.99
I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69 63
Table 7
pH, pHPZC, and Boehm titration (mmol/g). Number in parenthesis indicate percentage of functional groups for each sample.
Transmittance (%)
Wavenumber (cm-1)
4,200 4,000 3,800 3,600 3,400 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400
Fig. 1. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of GAC-UNM, GAC-ACID and the PCE-Admixture.
Table 8
FTIR vibrations found in GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID.
potential of carbon-containing formulations was higher than those the control formulation (0% GAC) and the other two formulations
not containing these particles. Both GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID for- containing GAC (UNM and ACID), while for the formulation includ-
mulations experienced the smallest potential gains, transitioning ing PCE-Admixture and no GAC substitution, these times were rel-
from 1.23 mV and 2.13 mV to 4.59 mV and 0.78 mV, respec- atively delayed [59,60].
tively (in 120 min). The zeta potential in DI water for the particles
decreased in the following order: GAC-UNM ( 3.60 mV) > GAC-
ACID ( 8.98 mV) > PCE ( 35.96 mV), all showing negative values.
3.4. Workability
3.3. Initial and final setting time A comparison between the initial heights and the final heights
obtained from the mini-slump tests are shown in Fig. 5. The slump
The initial and final setting times as judged by ASTM Standard for the studied formulations increased in the following order: 1%
Vicat needle penetration tests are shown in Table 9. A similar GAC-UNM (2.8 mm) < Control (3.5 mm) < 1% GAC-ACID (6.0 mm)
behavior in the initial and final setting times was observed for < PCE-Admixture (10.4 mm).
64 I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69
Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showing surfaces representative of GAC particles. Left images (A, C and E) show GAC-UNM particles; Right images (B, D
and F) show GAC-ACID particles.
3.5. Compressive strength described [56,61,62]. The degree to which nitric acid affects the
activated carbon surface depends on the acid concentration, carbon
Compressive strength results at 7 and 28 days are shown in source (i.e., bitumen), and its preparation. For a 5% HNO3 treat-
Fig. 6. Data are reported as the average of at least three cubic spec- ment, the 20% decrease in the specific surface area observed was
imens ± one standard deviation. consistent with that attributed to blocking narrow pores by surface
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the signif- oxidized complexes [56]. The acid-induced decrease in specific sur-
icance of the inclusion of GAC on the compressive strength at the face area was ascribed to parallel decreases in both micro- and
age of 7 and 28 days, as well as the significant difference between mesopore volumes, as no significant changes in the net pore size
the use of GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID at 28-days test age. The results distribution were observed. Despite the loss in total specific sur-
are shown in Table 10. face area, no differences in the water sorption capacity between
the GAC-ACID particles and GAC-UNM were observed. A possible
4. Discussion explanation for this behavior has been previously offered by Do
and Do (2000), who suggested that significant amounts of new oxi-
4.1. GAC characterization dized functional groups with high affinity for water are introduced
to carbon surfaces during acidification, which may compensate for
The physical–chemical changes that can occur in activated car- what would result in a decrease in water sorption capacity due to
bon from engineered exposure to nitric acid has been previously micro/meso-pore reductions with the presence of functional
I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69 65
12 Control
Control+ PCE-Admixture
Zeta potential (mV)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (Min)
Fig. 3. Zeta potential of the particles in the following cement mortar formulations: Control (0% GAC), 10% GAC-UNM substitution, 10% GAC-ACID substitution, and Control (0%
GAC) + PCE-Admixture (0.122% of cement content).
Zeta potential (mV)
Fig. 4. Zeta potential of the following GAC-UNM, GAC-ACID and PCE-Admixture particles in DI water.
Table 9
Acidification of the GAC used as a fine aggregate substitute here,
Initial and final setting time for the formulations tested as judged by Vicat needle
penetration. resulted in a shift of associated functional group profiles (on the
GAC surface), which are similar to functional groups associated
Formulation Initial set time (min) Final set time (min)
with the PCE class of superplasticizers. These plasticizers are com-
Control 230 330 posed of a charged ‘‘backbone” (i.e., acrylic, methacrylic, maleic
1% GAC-UNM 215 330
acids, vinyl, allyl) and uncharged side chains (i.e., polyethylene
1% GAC-ACID 215 345
Control + PCE-Admixture 287 375
oxide) esterified (or amidified) with the carboxylic groups from
the backbone [64]. Significant variations in the chemistry of PCE
backbones and side chains are commercially available. FTIR spec-
groups that can bind water through chemisorption and hydrogen trum of the admixture used in this study indicates the presence
bonding [63]. of ether, carboxylate, and alkane groups, confirming the described
Acidification lowered the pH and pHPZC of the carbon particles, polymeric nature of the PCE type admixture used here. When
with a concomitant shift in both relative and absolute abundance added to cement pastes, PCEs sorb to cement particles, inducing
of oxygen-containing functional groups from Phenolic > Lac- local areas of negative charge density on a nano-scale. Particle
tonic > Carboxylic in unmodified carbon, to a dominance profile repulsion results from this electrostatic effect, which can be
of Carboxylic > Phenolic > Lactonic in acid-modified carbon. Incor- enhanced through the steric hindrance of the polymeric chains
poration of carboxylic groups has been described as the major con- on the PCE molecule—the net result is retardation of cement hydra-
sequence of HNO3 treatment [62] and is consistent with the tion and consequent setting time, while improving fluidity [65,66].
aggregate treatment we observed here. FTIR analysis and Boehm Substitution of acid-treated GAC particles (GAC-ACID), for fine
titration confirmed the increased oxidation of GAC-ACID surfaces aggregate in cement tested here, produced an unambiguous
through detection of previously absent ester-, ketone-, and dose–response, which manifested in a plasticizing effect similar
carboxylic-related groups, while indicating a decreased content to that of PCE alone (0.12%) [20,67]. Fig. 2 shows the SEM images
of phenol- and alcohol-containing groups. of (A, C, E) GAC-UNM (as-received) and (B, D, F) GAC-ACID samples.
66 I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69
57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6
Mini-slump cone height (mm)
Control 1% GAC-UNM 1% GAC-ACID PCE-Admixture
Fig. 5. Difference between initial height (57.6 mm) and final height during the mini-slump test for each of the following formulations: Control (0% GAC), 1% GAC-UNM
substitution, 1% GAC-ACID substitution, and Control (0% GAC) + PCE-Admixture (0.12% of cement content). Bar height represents the average of three independent
50 1% GAC ACID 44.3
Compressive Strength (MPa)
30 28.2 26.4
7 Days 28 Days
Fig. 6. Results represent the average compressive strength (7 and 28-days) response of three cubic specimens for the respective different formulations: 0% GAC (Control), 1%
GAC-UNM substitution, 1% GAC-ACID substitution and 0% GAC + PCE-Admixture. Error bars represent ± one standard deviation.
Table 10
ANOVA results for the compressive strength results.
SS: sum of squares; df: degree of freedom; MS: mean square; F: F-statistic (source/error); p-value: obtained from Fisher’s distribution table; F critical: F-critical value.
No significant difference in the surface morphologies of the sam- 4.2. Zeta potential
ples (at the maximum magnification possible) could be observed.
This finding implies that the oxidation treatment of the GAC with Rate of changes in the electrokinetic potential of cementitious
5% HNO3 did not produce any apparent modification in the surface suspensions can describe the repulsive electrostatic double-layer
morphology of the carbon particles used here, which is in agree- interactions associated with hydration [69,70]. For this study, zeta
ment with observations by other authors that have altered GAC potential was leveraged to detect changes in cement particle reac-
with various acids [47,68]. tivity in response to the presence of the various forms and doses of
I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69 67
GAC (GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID) and PCE-admixture. These mea- the additional cement hydration provided by the GAC grains in
sures indicated a negative potential for both forms of GAC as well the overall compressive strength.
as the PCE. However, the zeta potential was lower in the PCE- After 28 curing days, however, compressive strength increased
admixture, suggesting an effect of particle size, molecule shape, in response to a 1% mass substitution of fine aggregate with simi-
and solubility of this powdered admixture as compared to the car- larly sized activated carbon grains (GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID).
bon particles, especially GAC-ACID, which contained a significantly These GAC substitutions manifest in an increase of the compressive
higher number of oxygen-related functionalities (parallel to those strength of the cement mortars formulations of 7.7% and 8.8%,
functionalities responsible for the electrostatic interactions associ- respectively. The parallel PCE-containing formulation, with only a
ated with PCEs). The evolution of the zeta potential with respect to 1.7% compressive strength increase, exhibited a more modest
the time elapsed for the PCE-Admixture formulation showed the strength gain with respect to the Control formulation (0% GAC).
behavior mentioned by other authors when superplasticizers are Some authors have observed gain in compressive strength of
used in cement pastes [71,72]. Conversely, a higher initial poten- cementitious materials with activated carbon substitutions
tial, followed by net zero potential gained in the first 60 min, [4,10]. The strength response observed in this study for 1% GAC
was observed for the GACs. The final potentials of GAC particles substitution may be attributed to local hydration produced by
were lower than that for the PCE superplasticizer, with GAC-ACID the water released from the GAC pores; this water may have pro-
having the lowest value and the lowest overall potential gain moted micro-scale curing around the GAC grains, a process that
among the formulations tested. These results indicate different less porous sand particles cannot achieve. A 1% sand replacement
mechanisms of particle–particle interaction between the admix- by GAC may maximize this internal curing and compensate for a
ture and the carbons during the first 120 min. decrease in the intrinsic compressive strength resulting from
replacing solid silica sand grains with weaker and porous GAC
4.3. Initial and final setting time grains [10]. Results by Justo et al. (2018), suggest that microscale
capillary segmenting may occur in cured cement mortars when
Initial and final setting times of cement mortars were not signif- hydrated GAC is substituted for fine aggregate (1% by mass), result-
icantly affected by the substitution of sand with the either type of ing in a more dense cement matrix with a lower porosity (20%
GAC (GAC-UNM and GAC-ACID). However, the PCE-Admixture decrease) when compared to identical cement mortars with no
formulation (at a dose of 0.12%) delayed the setting times when GAC substitutions [10]. The results from compressive strength
compared any of the other formulations (i.e., Control (0% GAC), were statistically analyzed through the analysis of variance
1% GAC-UNM and 1% GAC-ACID). The literature substantiates some (ANOVA). Results showed that GAC particles substitution has a sig-
consensus [16,20,66,73] that larger amounts of PCEs superplasti- nificant effect on the compressive strength (7 and 28-days) as the
cizers may retard setting time, mainly due to adsorption of these p-value obtained was less than 0.05 (95% confidence level) and F-
polymers on the surface of the cement particles and preventing statistic was greater than F-critical value. On the other hand,
the formation of hydration products, as well as slowing the kinetics results showed that the type of GAC used was statistically not sig-
and morphology of early hydrates. nificant on the results of compressive strength at 28-days, since p-
value was greater than 0.05.
4.4. Workability
5. Conclusions and significant findings
The results obtained show that the substitution of 1% sand with
GAC-ACID increased the slump of the cement mortar by 71.4% This investigation isolated the effects of acidified granular acti-
when compared with the Control formulation (0% GAC substitu- vated carbon (GAC-ACID) on the fresh-state and mechanical prop-
tion). On the other hand, when using the same percentage of sub- erties of ordinary Portland cement mortars. The study compared
stitution of GAC-UNM, the slump response decreased by 20%, the effect of acidified GAC admixture additions against a polycar-
resulting in a stiffer cement mortar. For the PCE-Admixture formu- boxylate (PCE) superplasticizer and otherwise unmodified GAC.
lation, the slump increased 197.1% with respect to the Control for- The significant findings of this work are as follows:
mulation, resulting in a more workable cement mortar. As judged
by the mini-slump responses, the substitution of fine aggregate - Acidification of GAC with nitric acid (HNO3) resulted in a signif-
by GAC-ACID particles in the cement mortar formulations pro- icant addition of oxygen-containing functional groups (acidic
duced a mechanical plasticizing effect similar to the one observed groups) to these particles. When acid-treated GAC was substi-
when the PCE-Admixture was used. tuted for fine aggregate above a certain threshold, this condition
contributed to a cementitious materials response similar to that
4.5. Compressive strength observed when incorporating only conventional PCE
Two different behaviors where observed between the compres- - Substituting fine aggregate with 1% GAC-ACID by mass
sive strength results of 7-days and 28-days. First, at the age of improved workability without impacting significantly initial
7-days, the PCE-Admixture formulation exhibited a higher com- and final setting times, unlike the PCE-containing formulation,
pressive strength than the other three formulations (i.e., 16.3% which exhibited a delay in setting time compared to the exper-
more than the Control formulation). Even though the Control and imental control.
the PCE-Admixture formulations have the same components and - Substituting fine aggregate with 1% GAC-ACID by mass
same w/c ratio, this early strength is attributed by Mehta P. K., decreased compressive strength at 7 days by 6% compared to
et al. (2006) [20] to a greater rate of cement hydration in response the control, but the GAC-ACID increased compressive strength
to a PCE-induced enhancement of particle dispersion. Second, the at 28-days between 9% and 11% when compared to the control
formulations containing GAC substitutions, either GAC-UNM or (0% GAC) and the control containing the PCE-admixture (0.12%),
GAC-ACID, exhibited lower compressive strengths (7-day) when respectively. ANOVA results indicate that no significant differ-
compared to the Control formulation (i.e. 9.3% and 6.8% lower ences were observed in compressive strength when comparing
strength, respectively). This result suggests that at 7 days, the 1% substitutions of GAC particles with and without
porous nature of the GAC particles may be more significant than acidification.
68 I. Justo-Reinoso et al. / Construction and Building Materials 207 (2019) 59–69
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[26] A. Caicedo-Ramirez, Doctoral thesis: antimicrobial aggregates for the in-situ
Acknowledgments control of microbially induced concrete corrosion, Department of Civil,
Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado-
The authors gratefully acknowledge to Dr. Jennifer Underwood Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2018.
[27] CalgonCarbon, Granular Activated Carbon OL 20x50 Data Sheet, Pittsburg, PA,
and Dr. Tyler Kane (USGS-Boulder), Catherine Lucero, P.E. (USBR- USA, 2015.
Denver) and, CIDI-UAG (Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo [28] ASTM, C128-15 Standard Test Method for Relative Density (Specific Gravity)
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United States, 2015, p. 6.
(UAG) (México) for their support during the experiments of this [29] U.S.S. Company, Ottawa Sand Material Data Sheet, U.S. Silica Company
study. This research was supported by the Mexican National Coun- Frederick, MD 21701 USA, 2012, p. 12.
cil for Science and Technology (CONACYT) (Fellowship No. 103259) [30] ASTM, C778-17 Standard Specification for Standard Sand, ASTM, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428, United States, 2017, p. 3.
and by the Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural [31] ASTM, C150/C150M-18 Standard Specification for Portland Cement, ASTM,
Engineering at the University of Colorado-Boulder through a Doc- West Conshohocken, PA, 19428, United States, 2018, p. 10.
toral Dissertation Completion Fellowship. [32] B.C.S. GmbH, Melflux 4930 F Technisches Datenblatt, B.T.C. Company, Editor,
BASF Construction Solutions GmbH, Trotsberg, Germany, 2010.
This work represents the views of the authors and not necessar- [33] G.R. de Sensale, A.F. Goncalves, Effects of fine LWA and SAP as internal water
ily those of the sponsors. curing agents, Int. J. Concr. Struct. Mater. 8 (3) (2014) 229–238.
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References superplasticizer, Cem. Concr. Compos. 30 (8) (2008) 715–721.
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