Global Product Jahiir
Global Product Jahiir
Global Product Jahiir
Surely your main doubts about building your own PC are: What
challenges does it entail? What do you need to know to do it? And
most importantly, what are the components of a computer?
Silicon processors
The manufacturing process of a microprocessor is very complex. The
silicon necessary to build it is usually extracted from sand (basically
composed of quartz, that is, silicon dioxide), with which a single crystal
of about 20 x 150 centimeters is manufactured. To do this, the material
in question is melted at a high temperature (1370 °C) and very slowly
(10 to 40 mm per hour) and thus the glass is formed.
From this glass, weighing hundreds of kilos, the ends and the outer
surface are cut to obtain a perfect cylinder. The cylinder is then cut into
10-micron-thick wafers (one-tenth the thickness of a human hair) using
a diamond saw. Thousands of wafers are obtained from each cylinder,
and several hundred microprocessors will be manufactured from each
RAM memory
It is a small card with circuits, computers can have one or more RAM
memories and its function is to temporarily store the data and
instructions that the processor needs to function.
Its main design and manufacturing headquarters is located in Fountain
Valley, California. Each product originates from the engineering
department, where they are developed, Kingston manufactures
memory that conforms to industry standards and also designs its own
non-standard devices.
The power source
It is the component that manages how much energy reaches our
computer. This device regulates electrical energy and safely powers
the components of our PC.
In the hardware world, it is not too common for brands to make their
own products. In particular, we will focus on discovering who are the
most common power supply manufacturers on the market, and what
brands they manufacture for. We will also see which brands
manufacture their own products and what types of companies can be
found otherwise. Let's start!
External components of a computer
Both desktop PCs and laptops require external components that allow
us to interact with the computers. These components are:
A screen
A keyboard
A mouse or trackpad (or touchpad) for laptops
computer screen
The function of the PC screen is quite obvious: it is to display the
graphics and texts that are generated by the processor.
Resolutions and prices also vary: for a 24-inch screen, for example, the
resolution is 1920 pixels by 1080, or high definition. The displays are
connected with VGA, DVI or HDMI.
computer keyboard
It is used to write text and thus communicate with the computer.
Keyboards usually have about a hundred keys: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, accents, and special keys. It is the descendant of the
What you should know is that there are several types of hard drives: