DigiTitans 6 5th Edition
DigiTitans 6 5th Edition
DigiTitans 6 5th Edition
TechFactors, Inc.
E-mail Address: info@techfactors.com
Website: www.techfactors.com
Trademark of TechFactors, Inc.
Authors: Kin L. Enriquez, Alvin D. Ramirez, Rosalinda S. Borlongan, Filipinas P. Salibay, Luis Philip N. Ramos,
Mai Ryza D. Amante, and Eireen Camille S. Linang
Editor: Rogielyn Aterado, Micah Angelie Dizon, Divine Louise P. Anai, and Christalyn Mae V. Cabael
This unit focuses on how technology makes possible what was once impossible and how some trending
technologies are changing people’s lives. It also covers how computers have come in different shapes and
sizes and the different operations that can be done with them. It also gives basic information on the history
of the Internet, the different Internet technologies and applications, and the different components of a
This unit covers how to make websites and browse over the Internet. Also, it introduces the basic needs of
young learners for a solid hands-on grasp of the everyday practical applications of computers, such as MS
Word, MS Excel, and MS Access.
This unit continues to provide information on the practical applications of computers, specifically MS
PowerPoint. Also, it instills the basics of programming, such as the different programming paradigms, the
program development cycle, and the importance of providing relevant, sequential step-by-step instructions
to a computer. It also focuses on one way of writing algorithms, which is called flowcharting.
This unit continues to give ideas on how to write algorithms through the process of pseudocoding. It also
covers Scratch programming, a free visual programming language which is designed to develop the
computational thinking skills of young learners.
Overview: This unit focuses on how technology makes possible what was once impossible and how some trending technologies are changing
people’s lives. It also covers how computers have come in different shapes and sizes and the different operations that can be done with
them. It also gives basic information on the history of the Internet, the different Internet technologies and applications, and the different
components of a network.
Framing Questions Content Standard Assessment Tools ISTE Standard
Lesson Learning Objectives (LO) Standard
(FQ) (CS) (AT) (IS)
➢ What is IT Enumerate some
➢ Define IT competency. Outline significant ✓ Recitation
competency? technology trends.
➢ Outline significant facts facts that led to ✓ Skills Workout
➢ How will an IT-
that led to the first Justify that the first computer. ✓ Hands-on Activity
1 competent person CC, GC, EL
computer. technology
affect the future? ✓ Group Work
➢ Explain the future drastically changed Discuss IT
➢ What was life like ✓ Reflection
possibilities of IT. our world today. competency.
before computers?
➢ Define data and
information. ➢ What do we use
Differentiate data
➢ Explain how data is when looking for Define data and ✓ Recitation
from information.
organized. data? information. ✓ Skills Workout
2 ➢ Show active ➢ What is data? What is CC, DC, GC
Explain how data is Illustrate how ✓ Hands-on Activity
participation in learning information?
organized. data processing ✓ Group Work
what is data and how it ➢ How does data
is processed and become information?
stored in a computer.
Discuss how
➢ Classify different ➢ For what purposes do computers were Classify
computers. you usually use the computers. ✓ Recitation
➢ Identify other ways to computer? ✓ Skills Workout
3 Enumerate the CC, DC, GC
classify computers. ➢ Do microchips really Identify other ✓ Hands-on Activity
➢ Show attentiveness in need to be smaller for different ways to classify ✓ Group Work
classifying computers. supercomputers? classifications of computers.
➢ What is one major task
that has been made
easier for you to do
because of the
➢ Why are computers
➢ Explain input/output capable of making
operations. manual work easier,
Explain input/output
➢ Explain processing and faster and more
operations. Enumerate some
computation accurate?
of computer’s ✓ Recitation
operations. ➢ How does a computer
Explain processing strengths. ✓ Skills Workout
➢ Explain logic process raw data into
4 and computation CC, DC, GC
operations. meaningful information? ✓ Hands-on Activity
operations. Discuss why
➢ Identify the computer’s ➢ What are the major ✓ Group Work
computers need
strengths. steps in the data
Explain logic software.
➢ Listen attentively processing cycle?
during class ➢ How can processing
discussion. and computation
operations of a
computer be
➢ What are the
computer’s strengths or
➢ What is the importance Define and describe
➢ Narrate the history of
of the Internet? the Internet.
the Internet. Identify the
What are the different
➢ Identify the different different
technologies being Retell the history of
technologies and
used with the Internet? the Internet. technologies and ✓ Recitation
applications of the
➢ What are the different applications of ✓ Skills Workout
Internet applications? State the the Internet.
5 ➢ Identify online ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC
➢ What are the online importance of the
resources and tools. ✓ Sequence the Events
resources and tools Internet. Classify different
➢ Appreciate the ✓ Thank You
available to users? online resources
development of the
➢ What do you want to Give the cause of
Internet in the present and tools.
contribute to the the continuous
improvement of our
evolution of the evolution of the
Internet? Internet.
➢ What is the basic make-
up of the Internet?
➢ Discuss what
➢ What are the different Design a basic
networking is.
components of local area
➢ Identify the basic Define what
hardware and software network (LAN).
components of a networking is. ✓ Recitation
network. ✓ Skills Workout
➢ Identify the different Demonstrate how
6 ➢ Design a basic local Identify the basic CC, DC, GC
networking concepts. ✓ Hands-on Activity
area network (LAN). components of a basic connection
➢ How will you design a ✓ Group Work
➢ Show active network. to the Internet
local area network
participation in using dial-up is
discovering basic done.
➢ What is the basic
concepts on networking.
Internet connection
using dial-up?
Overview: This unit covers how to make websites and browse over the Internet. Also, it introduces the basic needs of young learners for a solid
hands-on grasp of the everyday practical applications of computers, such as MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Access.
Framing Questions Content Standard Assessment Tools ISTE Standard
Lesson Learning Objectives (LO) Standard
(FQ) (CS) (AT) (IS)
➢ Is it a good practice to
➢ Explain the HTML
have clear HTML
scripting language.
codes? Define scripting Use standards in
➢ Apply the basic
➢ What is the importance language. HTML tags.
principles in HTML
of scripting languages ✓ Recitation
in computer Define HTML. Create a Web ✓ Skills Workout CC, DC, KC, EL,
7 ➢ Use standards in HTML
programming? page. CT
tags. ✓ Hands-on Activity
➢ What are the steps in Discuss HTML
➢ Create a simple Web
HTML programming? programming and Make a class
➢ What are the steps in its basic principles. website.
➢ Show creativity in
creating your own Web
scripting a Web page.
➢ Demonstrate how e-
mail works. ➢ How are messages Demonstrate how
Recall what e-mail
➢ Use outlook express delivered more quickly to use a webmail
and webmail. through the computer? ✓ Recitation
➢ Identify e-mail etiquette ➢ How are messages Demonstrate how ✓ Skills Workout
Discuss how e-mail
and netiquette. delivered through the to use Outlook
8 works. ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC
➢ Appreciate the computer? Express.
importance of learning ➢ How do e-mail and ✓ Webmail Search
Name some-mail ✓ Webmail Register
the basics of e-mail and webmail work? Differentiate
etiquettes and
messaging on the ➢ What is the use of MS etiquette from
Internet in building a Outlook Express? netiquette.
better relationship.
Recall what MS
➢ Demonstrate skills in Word is and its
➢ How do we enter,
using word processing. uses. Demonstrate
create and save
➢ Create, save, and print skills in using
documents? ✓ Recitation
documents. Name some word processing.
➢ What is the best way to ✓ Skills Workout
➢ Identify the uses of a features of MS
9 encode documents? CC, DC, GC, KC
word processor like MS Word. Create, save, and ✓ Hands-on Activity
Word. print documents ✓ Group Work
➢ What are the uses of
➢ Show attentiveness in State some in MS Word.
word processing?
discovering the uses of common MS Word
MS Word. problems and give
solution on each.
➢ Demonstrate skills in ➢ How does a
using spreadsheets. spreadsheet work? Recall what MS
skills in using ✓ Recitation
➢ Create, save, and print ➢ How do you create, Excel is and its
spreadsheets. ✓ Skills Workout
MS Excel worksheets. save and print uses.
10 ➢ Identify the uses of MS worksheets? ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC
Create, save, and
Excel. ➢ What are the Name some ✓ Choose An Excel
print MS Excel
➢ Show attention in uses/functions of the features of MS Task
discovering the uses of spreadsheet application Excel.
MS Excel. screen’s menu display?
Define what a
Create a
➢ Identify the components ➢ How does keeping a database is.
of a database database help big
management system. establishments keep Describe a ✓ Recitation
Enter data into
➢ Create a database. track of their records? database. ✓ Skills Workout
the database.
11 ➢ Show active ➢ How do we enter and CC, DC, GC
participation in query data from the Enumerate the ✓ Hands-on Activity
Query data from ✓ Group Work
discovering what database? components of a
the database.
databases are and how ➢ How do we create database
to create one. databases? management
➢ Why is it important that
responsible and safe Explain the different Design a
use of databases is uses of extracting database.
➢ Explain the different exercised? data from the
ways of extracting data ➢ How do programs database. Illustrate how
from the database. communicate with programs
➢ Explain why databases databases? Reason out why ✓ Recitation
communicate with
should have efficient ➢ What are the guidelines databases should ✓ Skills Workout
12 databases. CC, DC, GC
design. in creating databases? have efficient ✓ Hands-on Activity
➢ Appreciate the ➢ How do we create a design. ✓ Group Work
Give some
importance of creating database using
well-designed normalization? Enumerate some guidelines in
databases. ➢ Why do we need to responsible and creating
know the safety safe use of databases.
measures in using databases.
Overview: This unit continues to provide information on the practical applications of computers, specifically MS PowerPoint. Also, it instills the
basics of programming, such as the different programming paradigms, the program development cycle, and the importance of providing
relevant, sequential step-by-step instructions to a computer. It also focuses on one way of writing algorithms, which is called flowcharting.
Framing Questions Content Standard Assessment Tools ISTE Standard
Lesson Learning Objectives (LO) Standard
(FQ) (CS) (AT) (IS)
➢ Demonstrate the many
uses of MS PowerPoint; Recall what MS Demonstrate
➢ Create, save, and print ➢ What is a presentation PowerPoint is and skills in using MS ✓ Recitation
presentations. program like MS its uses. PowerPoint. ✓ Skills Workout
13 ➢ Show engagement in PowerPoint? What is it CC, DC, GC
discovering why MS for? Name some Create, save, and ✓ Hands-on Activity
PowerPoint is widely features of MS print ✓ Group Work
used in business and PowerPoint. presentations.
➢ What is the series of
➢ Define computer instructions needed by
program. the computer to solve
➢ Enumerate the various problems?
Define what a Itemize the
programming ➢ What is a computer
computer program various ✓ Recitation
paradigms. program?
is. programming ✓ Skills Workout
➢ Explain the practical ➢ What are the practical
uses of computer uses of computer ✓ Hands-on Activity
14 Explain the CC, DC, GC
programs. programs? ✓ Eating My Way
importance of Distinguish
➢ Show enthusiasm in ➢ What are the various Home
programming in symbolic from
learning the programming ✓ Complete the Chart
solving a problem non-symbolic
fundamentals of paradigms?
or finishing a task. programming.
programming and relate ➢ What is the difference
the applied skills to real between a symbolic and
life situations. a non-symbolic
Define problem
➢ How do you identify a
definition step.
➢ Explain the problem problem?
Illustrate how a
definition step. ➢ What is the primary
Explain the program is
➢ Define algorithm, purpose of problem ✓ Recitation
importance of developed.
source code, and definition step? ✓ Skills Workout
identifying the
15 machine code. ➢ What are the following: CC, DC, GC, EL
problem in solving a Illustrate how the ✓ Hands-on Activity
➢ Appreciate the algorithm, source code,
problem. computer ✓ Make It Flow
importance of knowing and machine language
translates source
the problem definition code?
Define algorithm, code into
step. ➢ Why is there a need to
source code, and machine code.
identify the problem?
machine code
➢ What is program
development cycle?
➢ What are the steps
➢ Explain the program
involved in the program
development cycle. Define program
development cycle?
➢ Enumerate the steps of development cycle. ✓ Recitation
➢ What is the first step in Enumerate and
the program ✓ Skills Workout
the program discuss the steps
16 development cycle. Explain the CC, DC, GC
development cycle? in the program ✓ Hands-on Activity
➢ Show enthusiasm in importance of
➢ What is the most crucial development ✓ Match It
learning and applying program
stage in problem cycle..
the steps in the program development cycle.
solving with computers?
development cycle.
➢ What is the importance
of program
development cycle?
Define an
Define algorithm.
➢ Define algorithm.
➢ Relate algorithms to Relate algorithms to
Determine the
everyday situations. everyday situations.
properties of a
➢ Describe the properties ➢ What is an algorithm? ✓ Recitation
good algorithm.
of a good algorithm. ➢ How is an algorithm Explain the ✓ Skills Workout
➢ Enumerate the designed? importance of
Enumerate and ✓ Hands-on Activity
17 commonly used ➢ What are the kinds of writing an algorithm CC, DC, GC
explain the ✓ The Poetic Recipe
algorithms. algorithm? to solve a problem.
common kinds of ✓ Sequence It
➢ Discover how ➢ What are the properties
algorithms. ✓ Identification Chart
algorithms are of an algorithm? State some reasons
expressed. why is there a need
Discover how to
➢ Relate algorithms to to choose the best
write and express
everyday situations. kind of algorithm to
solve a problem or
complete a task.
Define flowchart.
Number of Learners within Mastery Level
QUARTERLY Number of Learners Needing Remediation/Reinforcements
Overview: This unit continues to give ideas on how to write algorithms through the process of pseudocoding. It also covers Scratch programming, a
free visual programming language which is designed to develop the computational thinking skills of young learners.
Framing Questions Content Standard Assessment Tools ISTE Standard
Lesson Learning Objectives (LO) Standard
(FQ) (CS) (AT) (IS)
Define pseudocode.
Discuss how to
express algorithms
➢ What is pseudocode?
using pseudocode.
➢ How do you write a
➢ Define pseudocoding.
pseudocode? ✓ Recitation
➢ Express algorithms Explain why Express
➢ What are the necessary ✓ Skills Workout
using pseudocode. pseudocode should algorithms using
19 structures that are CC, DC, GC, CT
➢ Appreciate the have the properties pseudocode. ✓ Hands-on Activity
required of computer
importance of control if a good algorithm. ✓ Process Evaluation
and program structures. Write a
➢ What is a data
Explain the pseudocode.
importance of
control and
program structures.
➢ What is Scratch
Define and describe
➢ Explain what Scratch ➢ How different is Scratch
Explain what the
programming is. from other programming
Retell the history of Scratch program ✓ Recitation
➢ Discover the history of languages?
Scratch. does. ✓ Skills Workout
Scratch. ➢ Why is it important for
20 CC, DC, GC, CT
➢ Show enthusiasm in children at your age to ✓ Hands-on Activity
Discuss the three Browse the
learning the basic learn how to program? ✓ Relate to Scratch
core design Scratch website.
concept of Scratch ➢ Do you think you can
principles of
programming. convince a friend to try
out Scratch? How
would you do it?
➢ Explore the Motion Use Scratch
commands of Scratch. Motion
➢ Differentiate set x to, set commands in
y to, go to, and glide to creating an
x,y. animation.
➢ Determine the move
and turn and point Differentiate the
towards and set rotation ➢ What is motion? absolute motion,
style commands. ➢ What can you get from Define motion. relative motion,
➢ Animate sprites and looking at the looks or and point towards
move them around the appearance of Discuss the use of and set rotation
Stage. something? motion commands. style commands.
➢ Define Scratch Looks ➢ How would you
Palette. differentiate the Identify the Scratch Determine the
➢ Explore the different absolute and relative blocks that can be move and turn ✓ Recitation
blocks in the Looks commands? used to animate and point towards ✓ Skills Workout
22 Palette. ➢ Why do you think and move sprites and set rotation ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC, CT
➢ Create a simulation. motion is important in around the stage. style commands. ✓ Fish-animation
➢ Engage themselves in creating games, ✓ Ghost of the Town
all the activities. animation, and Define Looks Animate sprites
➢ Appreciate the simulation? Palette. and move them
importance of learning ➢ What are Looks blocks? around the Stage.
about the commands ➢ Why are looks Identify and discuss
that can be used to important in an the different blocks Explore each
enhance Scratch animation, game, or in Looks palette. block in the Looks
program. simulation? Palette.
➢ Appreciate the
importance of learning Create a simple
how to enhance their simulation.
basic Scratch program
to make it more Create
interactive and animations and
enjoyable. image effects.
➢ Can you cite some
Define and discuss
arithmetic and
➢ Discover Scratch Arithmetic and
mathematical functions
supported arithmetic Logical Operators,
on how each arithmetic
operators and functions. Random Numbers,
or mathematical
➢ Draw artistic and and Mathematical Explore Scratch
function is used?
geometric patterns. Functions. arithmetic
➢ What is the main
➢ Play sound files. operators and
purpose of these three
➢ Compose music. Define Pen in their functions.
➢ Value the basic Scratch.
➢ Can we make a sound
computational skills and Use number code
in Scratch?
concepts in exploring Cite a game or blocks.
➢ What are the arithmetic
Scratch arithmetic simulation that can
operators that are ✓ Recitation
operators and their be made using Pen Draw artistic and
supported by Scratch? ✓ Skills Workout
functions. commands. geometric
➢ What animation, game,
23 ➢ Appreciate the patterns using ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC, CT
or simulation can you
importance on the Pen Discuss how Pen Scratch pen. ✓ Enumerate It
create using the
command feature of commands are ✓ Illustrate It
arithmetic operators
Scratch programming in used. Compose music
and mathematical
enhancing a project or a using Scratch
functions that Scratch
program. Define Sound sound.
➢ Appreciate the palette.
➢ What is Pen in Scratch?
advantages of learning Add sound effects
➢ Can you cite a game or
more commands to Explain the and background
simulation that can be
enhance a Scratch importance of music in your
made using Pen
program and to add adding background animation.
excitement to it. music and sound
➢ What are sound blocks?
➢ Engage themselves in effect to an
➢ What could a sound
all the activities. animation or a
bring to your Scratch
➢ Follow the given
instructions carefully to
create a Scratch
➢ Design and create a Define what a
game for them and their Scratch project is. ✓ Recitation
Design and
friends to play. ➢ What is a Scratch ✓ Skills Workout
create a Scratch
➢ Think and plan ideas project? Explain the
project. ✓ Hands-on Activity CC, DC, GC, CT,
24 before creating a ➢ How would you design importance of
✓ Spooky Whack the KC
Scratch project. and create your Scratch creating a well-
Create a Scratch Ghoul
➢ Show enthusiasm and project? planned and well-
game. ✓ Fill It In
confidence in creating designed Scratch
your Scratch project project?
with the combination of
different commands you
have learned from the
past lessons.
ISTE Standards:
• Empowered Learner (EL)
• Digital Citizen (DC)
• Knowledge Constructor (KC)
• Innovative Designer (ID)
• Computational Thinker (CT)
• Creative Communicator (CC)
• Global Collaborator (GC)
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Define IT competency.
Psychomotor ➢ Explain the meaning of Digital Divide.
➢ Outline significant facts that led to the first computer.
Affective ➢ Show enthusiasm in sharing their thoughts on the future
possibilities of IT.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Review
Ask the following questions:
a. In what ways you can communicate with your relatives or friends?
b. What is technology?
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following through context clues:
abacus, binary arithmetic, biquinary system, decimal system, sexagesimal system,
touch screen, gestural interface technology, motion capture
• Motive Question:
- What is IT competency?
- How will an IT-competent person affect the future?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 3 to 10 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What was life like before computers?
b. What is in store for the future in IT?
• Generalization
Modern civilization is possible because of the devices that were invented hundreds
of years ago. They were made for specific needs and to make tasks easier. In the
past fifty years, computers evolved to become faster and able to store more.
Technology trends continue to evolve and revolutionize our world as we are
perpetually introduced to ground-breaking innovations.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Who among you here keeps photo albums and baby pictures? Why do you
keep old photographs? Allow the learners to answer. Say: For today we are going
to go back in time and trace the history of computing. We are going to make a
brochure about how computers evolved throughout the years. The brochure that
we are going to make would be like the baby pictures that we have in our photo
albums at home.
Upon clicking the Start Activity button, the learner is taken to a frame that specifies
what to include in the brochure. Together with this are executable icons—one will
open a document containing pictures of devices, and another is a link to the
Clicking on the icon which says “click to download picture of devices” will display a
pop-up box with the option “Open with” selected. If the word processor you are
using is not yet selected as the program to open, choose the appropriate program
then click OK. This will then launch the word processor and display the document
with pictures of computer devices throughout history. Using the same application,
the learners will make their own brochure by opening a new document.
The second icon which says “click to do search the Internet for more pictures” will
connect to the Internet and enable the learner to search for more pictures of
computer devices. This, however, is possible only if an Internet connection is
available. Once done with the brochure, the learner may click the Next button at
the bottom left of the frame. This opens the End screen where Kreios wraps up the
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the activity discuss with the learners how computer technology evolved.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to the teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 11-12 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
__I__ 1. device invented by John Napier that can multiply and a. IBM
divide large numbers b. decimal system
__C__ 2. a weaving device that can produce intricate designs c. Jacquard’s Loom
__E__ 3. a machine that had a mill and store d. Charles Babbage
__A__ 4. Tabulating Machine Company e. Analytical Engine
__D__ 5. Father of Modern Computers f. abacus
__B__ 6. number system that utilizes ten digits g. Lady Augusta Ada
__G__ 7. the first programmer Lovelace
__F__ 8. the first calculating machine h. William Schickard
__H__ 9. invented a machine that used wheels to carry out i. Napier’s Bones
addition and subtraction of numbers up to 6 digits j. Tree of Porphyry
__J__10. a figure used by Aristotle that represents
relationships between things
Level of Assessment: Understanding
B. Fill in the blanks. Choose which of the given words after each sentence goes to the
appropriate blank.
Group Work
Divide the class into three groups.
Group 1 – Story Ladder. Identify and explain the story of events before computers.
Group 2 – Reflect on the contrasting characters of IT competent people and those who aren’t.
Ask: What have you learned about information technology today and tomorrow?
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 11-12 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Define data and information.
Psychomotor ➢ Explain how data is organized.
Affective ➢ Show active participation in learning what is data and how it is
processed and stored in a computer.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Let the learners define IT and enumerate the uses of IT.
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following through context clues:
ASCII, bit, byte, character, client, data, database, field, field label, file, information,
instruction, octet, primary memory, record, secondary memory, server, word
a. Data are raw information.
b. Information is processed data.
c. The primary memory allows data and instructions to be stored temporarily – that is,
only when the computer is turned on.
d. Data remains stored in secondary memory – diskettes, CDs, and hard disks – even if
the computer is turned off.
e. Instruction refers to commands that run the computer.
f. Bit is the smallest unit of data.
g. Byte is a collection of 8 bits.
h. Octet refers to eight-bit bytes.
i. Word is a group of 16 bits.
j. Character is a unit of information that is written in symbol as a natural language.
k. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
l. Record is a group of several items of possibly different types.
m. The fields in a record are related, each describing properties of a single object.
n. Each field is identified or indexed by field labels.
o. File is a stream or sequence of bits stored as a single unit.
p. Database is any set of information with a defined structure.
q. Database clients are concerned with data entry, inquiry and reporting.
r. The database server or back-end has the set of programs that control data storage.
• Motivation
Show computer hardware and let them identify the parts.
• Motive Question:
- What do we use when looking for data?
- What is data? What is information?
- How does data become information?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 13 to 16 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is data? What is information?
b. How data is organized?
• Generalization
Data are used by computers, but these are meaningless to a computer user if they are
not processed first. Processing changes data to information that people can use, such as
pictures or words. Data and information are stored in a manner that makes it easy for
computers to access them.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Have you ever wondered how data is organized in a computer so that it
understands the instructions given by a computer user? For example, when you are
playing a computer game, how do you think a computer will comprehend an
instruction, such as “turn left” or “turn right” when you press the right or left cursor
Say: For a computer to understand and execute a command, such as, “add 1 and 2,”
it will first convert the command into a language that it can understand. That language
takes the form of binary code, which uses binary numbers. Using this, a computer can
perform operations, such as add numbers and other things on the screen.
For today, we will learn about binary numbers and how to convert or change them into
the kind of numbers that we are accustomed to—those that belong to the decimal
system. Alternately, we will also learn how to convert such numbers into binary digits,
which belong to the number system that the computer can understand.
• Mechanics of the Activity
The learners will learn how to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers and vice
versa. They will view slide shows that demonstrate the formulas for conversion. To
begin the tutorial, they simply click on the “Start slide show” text displayed at the
bottom of the slide. To move from one slide to another, they may click on the Next
button to go to the next slide, and the Back button to go to the previous slide. A yellow
arrow on the lower right of the slide lets the learners move to another part of the
activity. While in the Decimal to Binary demo, the yellow arrow may be clicked to
proceed anytime to the Binary to Decimal demo. In the Binary to Decimal demo, it is
clicked to proceed to the activity part.
After going through the tutorials, the learners will do the activity in which they will
convert numbers from binary to decimal and vice versa. In the instruction screen that
appears after the slideshow is done, the learners will press the Start Activity button to
begin working on the activity.
In the activity, all the player has to do is to make the necessary computations for each
number to be converted and then type the answer into the box next to it. For both the
Binary to Decimal and the Decimal to Binary activity, there are ten numbers to be
converted. Once the player answers all the items in the first part, the game will move
on to the next one after a few seconds.
An answer that is incomplete or is incorrect will register as gray and will remain
editable in the input box. On the other hand, a correct answer registers as black and
becomes fixed in place, after which the cursor then moves on to the next input box
ready to accept an answer. The learners may go back to the tutorial anytime by
clicking the “Back to Demo” text at the bottom of the activity screen.
Once the player is done with the activity, the End frame appears in which Kreios asks
the player what he wants to do next: to go back to the Slideshow of their choice or go
back to one of the conversion activities.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the activity, discuss with the learners how the conversion from decimal numbers
to binary numbers (and vice versa) was done. Give the learners different numbers for
them to practice on some more.
You may call on several volunteers to demonstrate the solutions of the problems given
in the activity. Have them demonstrate the conversions on the blackboard a step at a
• Answer Key
Binary to Decimal
1. 101010 ➔ 42
2. 1110 ➔ 14
3. 010 ➔ 2
4. 01 ➔ 1
5. 1111 ➔ 15
6. 1001 ➔ 9
7. 010001 ➔ 17
8. 0011 ➔ 3
9. 1100 ➔ 12
10. 01000 ➔ 8
Decimal to Binary
1. 5 ➔ 101
2. 64 ➔ 1000000
3. 2 ➔ 10
4. 90 ➔ 1011010
5. 12 ➔ 1100
6. 101 ➔ 1100101
7. 235 ➔ 11101011
8. 75 ➔ 1001011
9. 0 ➔ 0
10. 1000 ➔ 1111101000
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 17-18 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Level of Assessment: Understanding
B. Fill the blanks for each sentence. Choose your answers from the words in the box
Divide the learners into 6 groups. Assign each group to locate data accordingly through the use of
the computer.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 17-18 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to write an essay that answers the question below:
If you had the choice between the school library and an electronic library to do research, which would you
prefer and why?
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Discuss how computers were classified.
➢ Enumerate the different classifications of computers.
Psychomotor ➢ Classify different computers according to its size, purpose, data
processed, or storage capacity.
➢ Identify other ways to classify computers.
Affective ➢ Show attentiveness in learning how computers are being
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following through context clues:
analog computer, digital computer, embedded computer, general purpose computer,
hybrid computer, mainframe, microcomputer, microcontroller, minicomputer, program,
special purpose computer, supercomputer
a. The microcomputer is the most numerous among all the computer types.
b. The minicomputer can serve several users at the same time and is faster than
the microcomputer.
c. A mainframe can run more instructions at a time than the microcomputer and
the minicomputer.
d. Extremely fast, a supercomputer can process trillions of instructions per
e. A special purpose computer is designed to perform a specific task, thus it
lacks versatility.
f. Devices for household use such as refrigerators and microwave ovens, and
industrial machines used in factories, contain a microcontroller, also called an
embedded computer.
g. One uses a general purpose computer to deal with a variety of problems and
to store a number of different programs.
h. Program is used to perform various tasks for the general purpose computer.
i. An analog computer processes continuous data signals like in a speedometer
or watch.
j. A digital computer handles data as bits of 0s and 1s.
k. A hybrid computer combines digital and analog computing.
• Motivation
Ask: For what purposes do you usually use the computer?
• Motive Question:
- How do we classify computers?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 20 to 24 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How do you think the abacus should be classified?
b. Do you think DNA computers should be classified as biological?
c. Do microchips really need to be smaller for supercomputers?
• Generalization
Computers are classified according to size, use, kind of data processed, and capacity
to store data. People are more familiar with the general purpose computers that can be
loaded with specific programs. These are more commonly known as personal or
desktop computers.
In the future, computers will be harder to classify as they will most likely include
technology that integrates biology and quantum physics. An example is the DNA
computer which uses genetic structures to store and process data.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Have you ever seen your mom or dad use a computer-looking device that you
are not quite sure what to call? Have you ever wondered about a computer device
advertised on television or in a magazine that defies categorization?
Let the class answer. Say: Many devices are now being updated these days with
computers as part of their architecture. Miniaturization technologies now enable
ordinary devices to hold whole computers inside for a variety of functions. An
example is the telephone which used to be a desk device. Today, it is something that
you put in your pocket, which sometimes also serves as an Internet access tool.
How do you think it came to be that way?
Say: Well, today we are going to familiarize ourselves with different computers, big
and small. In the game that follows, you will be classifying computing machines.
In the first game frame, there are ten pictures of computers that are to be placed into
one of three bins labeled: Microcomputer, Mainframe, and Supercomputer. In the
second game frame, there are eight pictures to be placed into either of two bins
labeled: Special-purpose and General-purpose. In the third game frame, there are
four timepieces which should be classified either as digital or analog.
The picture of a device correctly placed in a bin will cause a check to blink three
times over the chosen bin, signifying the correct answer. An incorrectly placed
device will disappear and the blinking check will appear over the correct bin.
Every correct answer equates to a point added to the score. In the end frame, Kreios
evaluates the performance of the player and gives the option to play again or not.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the game, discuss with the learners why they think computers now come in
different shapes and sizes. Emphasize how they perform different roles in helping
people do their jobs. Have several learners name a few specific functions of different
types of computers. After they have answered, ask if they can identify common uses
of these computers. One answer would be that they all store information.
• Answer Key
• handheld computer
• laptop
• palmtop computer
• tablet PC
• personal computer
• local area network server
• IBM Z-series server
• Cray – 2
• HPCx system
• Columbia system
• mobile phone
• microwave oven
• video camera
• Z3 computer
• ABC computer
• Colossus
• Harvard Mark 1
• alarm clock
• wrist watch
• strap-on watch
• wall clock
• abacus
• Pascaline
• laptop
• wearable computer
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 25-26 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. According to which classification will the following types of computers fall under? Write
the name of each computer type on the appropriate column of classification in the
given table.
supercomputer analog computer purpose
Level of Assessment: Understanding
T 1. Microcomputers are the most numerous among all the computer types.
F 2. The first computer considered as general-purpose is the ABC.
F 3. ENIAC was used to help decode the German military’s encrypted codes.
T 4. A program is a set of written instructions executed by the computer.
F 5. The Pascaline is an electro-mechanical device.
F 6. Airline reservation companies use minicomputers.
T 7. Mobile phones and video cameras contain special purpose computers.
T 8. Von Neumann architecture is characterized by the storage of the computer’s
program in its own memory and running different types of instructions..
T 9. Special purpose computers lack versatility.
F 10. Mainframes can process trillions of instructions per second.
Group Work
Divide the learners into groups of 5. Have each group imagine a futuristic computer, and tell the
class what its features would be.
Have the learners do exercise A and B of the Play Up section on pages 25 and 26 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, tell them to visit a computer shop in their neighborhood and draw what they’ve seen inside.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Explain input/output operations.
Cognitive ➢ Explain processing and computation operations.
➢ Explain logic operations
Psychomotor ➢ Identify the computer’s strengths.
Affective ➢ Show eagerness in learning the different strengths of a
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Give the classification of computers according to size, purpose, data processed,
and storage.
• Vocabulary Development
Match the words in column A with their correct meaning in column B.
Column A Column B
_L_ 1. Boolean algebra a. carried out by I/O devices (monitor, keyboard, etc.)
_A_ 2. I/O operations b. contain data in a specific sequential order
_H_ 3. information science c. data is sent or received without following a sequential order
_I_ 4. information security d. the organizing and recording of data into some format
_J_ 5. information e. involves the conversion of the original document into a format that
systems the computer can understand
_E_ 6. input preparation f. the actual transformation of data into information
_K_ 7. logic g. entails providing the user with information
_D_ 8. origination h. the study of data and information
_G_ 9. output preparation i. the analysis and implementation of system security
_F_ 10. processing j. the application of computing to support the operations of an
_C_ 11. random-access k. a formal system of reasoning needed in organizing the instructions
file fed into the computer
_B_ 12. sequential file l. used in the electronic design of computing devices and also in the
flow or sequence of instructions fed into the computer
• Motivation
Ask: What is one major task that has been made easier for you to do because of
the computer?
• Motive Question:
- Why are computers capable of making manual work easier, faster and more
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 27 to 30 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How does a computer process raw data into meaningful information?
b. What are the major steps in the data processing cycle?
c. How can processing and computation operations of a computer be categorized?
d. What are the computer’s strengths or capabilities? Give its characteristics.
• Generalization
A computer’s capabilities depend largely on the software installed in it. The data
inputted into it only become practical to the user when they are processed and
translated into output. This requires exact algebraic computations on the part of the
computer. This math logic makes the computer an accurate and consistent
communications tool for information technology.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Who among you have tried to teach an old dog, new tricks? What do you do
whenever the dog you’re training obeys your command? What if it doesn’t?
Allow the learners to answer. Then say: Whenever we give a command to a pet
and it obeys us, we mimic the input-output pattern executed by a computer. We
supply the command and we get the desired output. Recognizing the pattern of
input and output in a computer is what we are going to learn today in the
following computer activity.
After a number is typed in the Keyboard Input box, the player must click on the
Enter button beside it. Doing so activates an animation that depicts the input
(number typed in the Keyboard Input box) traveling into the CPU and then into
both the monitor and the printer.
The number typed into the Keyboard Input box results in an output number on
the monitor and printout from the printer. The printout from the printer shows the
number typed by the player under Input and beside this is the Output number
that appears on the monitor. The player should then type another number into
the Keyboard Input box. This is done by clicking on the Keyboard Input box with
the mouse in order to put the text cursor in place. The player can then erase the
previous entry and type in a new number.
After typing in a new entry, the player will notice that it will again be reflected as
the input in the printout. However, the output number on the monitor and output
section of the printout will now be different from the first result. There is an
addition, subtraction, or multiplication operation pattern to be resolved here and
the player must discover what it is by inputting other numbers and reviewing the
resulting output every time.
The player may input as many numbers as needed for the pattern to be
identified. He may also experiment with the Input/Output Operation box in which
the mathematical operation may be selected. The equation in the Input/Output
Operation box is as follows:
The player already knows the input number in the equation above since it is what
is typed into the Keyboard Input box. All they have to do is to guess the operation
(+ or – or x) and the number that completes the equation for it to result in the
output number displayed on the monitor and the output section of the printout.
To select the operation (+ or – or x), the player only has to click on the dropdown
button which opens a dropdown menu showing the following math operation
symbols: +, -, and x. Clicking on one of them will make it show on the display
box. To type a number into the other blank box after the operation, the player
only has to put the typing cursor in place and the box will be ready to accept
input. When the input is complete, he should click on the Accept button to
determine if the answer is correct. If the incorrect math operation and/or incorrect
number that completes it is inputted, the message “Try again!” appears along
with a “wrong answer” sound effect. The player will then have to think again and
input a new set of figures until the correct combination is achieved.
If the player inputs the right combination, the message “That’s right!” appears
and a New Operation button appears on the right side of the Input/Output
Operation box. Clicking on this will erase the previous entries and set up the
interface for a new input. The process of identifying and interpreting the pattern is
NOTE: It is possible that some input/output combinations may have more than
one correct answer to complete the equation. For example, if the input number is
also the output number, any of these equations would complete it: +0, -0, or x1.
All three are correct, but the computer will not accept all. If you type 0 for the
Input and the Output also gives 0, you may get a “Try Again” notice whether you
use +0, -0, and x1 in the equation. .
The activity ends after 5 correct inputs are made. The game is timed to
determine how long it takes for the player to finish the game. The end frame then
appears where Kreios evaluates the performance of the player and gives the
option for them to play again or not.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the activity, discuss with the learners the input and output patterns of
• Answer Key
Answers depend on the input and the equation chosen. For instance, if the
Keyboard INPUT entered is 1, and the printer displays a sheet of paper with “Input
1” and “Output -8”, it means that the Input/Output Operation should be:
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 31-32 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Encircle the output devices from the list below. Box the input devices.
Level of Assessment: Understanding
C. Word Search
Identify the terms that match the given descriptions. Find and mark them in the Word
Search box.
Group Work
Illustrate how data is processed during input and output by using the following words:
Ask the learners to write a letter to a friend about the lessons they’ve learned and discovered.
Tell them to write a paragraph about the characteristics of a computer that exhibits strength in terms
of capabilities.
Have the learners do the Play Up section on pages 31-32 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Narrate the history of the Internet.
Psychomotor ➢ Identify the different technologies and applications of the
➢ Identify online resources and tools.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the importance of the benefits of the Internet in this
i. Textbook
ii. Computer
iii. Crayons
iv. Cartolina
i. Unfolding the Net, DigiTitans 6, Section 3, Lesson 5, pages 34-40
Values Integration:
i. Appreciate the development of the Internet in the present improvement of our environment.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Say: Identify the computer’s strengths.
• Vocabulary Development
a. Unlock the following words:
Internet ➢ worldwide connection of computers
packet switching ➢ breaking down of data into packets
b. Match the following Internet technologies in column A to their correct definition
in column B.
Column A Column B
c. Identify the Internet application being described in each item. Choose the correct
answer below.
• Motivation
Let the learners describe the most helpful tasks that the Internet has made possible
for them to do.
• Motive Question:
- What is the importance of the Internet?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 34 to 38 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. Can you give the Internet history highlights from 1957-1996?
b. What are the different technologies being used with the Internet?
c. What are the different Internet applications?
d. What are the online resources and tools available to users?
• Generalization
The first Internet was something that wasn’t intended for public use because of its
military nature. The Internet made use of the worldwide telephone network so that its
computers can connect to each other. Today, it uses high-speed data networks using
cables or various wireless technologies. The widespread use of the Internet has
made possible the availability of online resources and tools that has made using it
easier and more effective. As Internet technology progresses and becomes more
ubiquitous, more people will have the means to access the World Wide Web. This is
expected to change the way people socialize and work.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Who among you here have parents who migrated from distant provinces or
cities? Who among you here have lived in other countries before or have relatives
overseas? Who has foreign blood?
Allow the learners to answer, then continue: People can have different origins or
ancestry even if they live, work, or in your case, study together in one school.
Even if you were brought up differently or are accustomed to traditions others
would find strange, you still find something in common between yourselves by
communicating with one another and exchanging ideas.
Say: Try to talk with at least two of your seatmates and ask them questions about
their interests. See if you can find out something that you all like. Do so in three
After the learners are done talking, say: So, what did you discover about your
seatmates that you did not know before? Did you find anything in common or the
opposite? Did you find it easy to communicate? Why or why not?
Allow the learners to answer. Call on a few enthusiastic ones to talk about their
The learners will give a few of them and of course this will include the Internet.
Say: Of course like us here, people who use the Internet also come from different
places and even belong to different races. Even though they are different from
each other in many ways, they find common tools and services to interact. How
do you think the tools of the Internet bring people together? How is it that different
people find these tools easy to understand and use? How do you think the
developers designed them to have a universal appeal?
Allow a few answers, then say: Yes. Today we are going to learn about how many
people from different parts of the world use Internet services and applications.
Upon clicking the Start Activity button in the instruction screen, the learners will be
brought to a screen with a list of topics that will discuss how some Internet
applications work. They may choose which of the topics they would like to see a
simulation on by clicking on the question mark button beside the topic.
This opens the screen where the simulation runs. Along with the simulation, the
steps on how the application works are also described one at a time. Clicking the
Next button brings the learners to the next step, while clicking the Back button
brings them to the previous step. When the last step is reached, the word “End”
appears on the screen. The entire simulation may be repeated by clicking on the
“repeat simulation” button. A “back to menu” button also appears when the last
step is reached. When clicked, this brings the player back to the screen containing
the list of topics. From there, another topic may again be chosen for viewing.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the activity, discuss with the learners their actual experiences interacting with
people of different backgrounds and origins over the Internet. Let them name the
program or application they used. Focus on those not included in the activity, such
as massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), instant messaging,
and blog posts. Ask them how they discovered how to use these services and the
impact they have on their life.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to the teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 39-40 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
A. Sequence the events on the history of the Internet through a story pyramid.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 39-40 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them this question: What are some of the predictions on the future of the Internet?
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Discuss what networking is.
Psychomotor ➢ Identify the basic components of a network.
➢ Design a basic local area network (LAN).
➢ Show how the basic connection to the Internet is done using
Affective ➢ Show active participation in discovering basic concepts on
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Ask: What are the uses of the Internet?
• Vocabulary Development
a. Match the following components of Internet connectivity with their correct
Components of Internet
b. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B by writing the
appropriate number on the blanks:
Column A Column B
• Motivation
If you need to download 5 MB of files, how long will it take to download using dial-up
(given: 56 Kbps), DSL (300 Kbps), TI (1.544 Mbps)?
• Motive Question:
- What is the basic make-up of the Internet?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 41 to 44 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the different components of hardware and software connectivity?
b. Identify the different networking concepts.
c. How will you design a local area network (LAN)?
d. What is the basic Internet connection using dial-up?
• Generalization
In order for computers to communicate with one another, basic elements and
components have to be in place, such as a proper network interface and standard
protocols. The Internet evolved from a wired to a wireless network and the development
of tools ranging from the telephone to decoders followed suit. Today, different systems
are used which generally differ in connection speed.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: How many of you here have friends from other places in the Philippines? How
many of you have friends from abroad? How do you usually keep in touch with
Say: Computers too have different ways of communicating with one another,
especially when connecting to the Internet. Today, we are going to learn about the
different ways used to connect computers to the Internet.
Upon clicking the Start Activity button in the instruction screen, the learner will be
brought to a screen which shows a description of the four ways to connect to the
Internet. After the facts are read, the learner may start answering the quiz by clicking
on the Next button.
To answer the quiz, the learner only has to type the letter of the correct answer in
the blank. The text cursor has to be set in place first by clicking on the answer box. If
the correct letter is typed, Kreios’s speech bubble says “Correct.” A point is also
automatically added to the score.
If the wrong letter is typed, Kreios’s speech bubble says “Wrong.” The learner has
two chances to answer per item. If on the second attempt, the answer is still
incorrect, the game will show the correct answer. No point will be added to the
Note that there can be two possible answers for an item. Typing either one of them
counts as correct and adds a point to the score.
After the learner answers all 15 items, the End screen appears in which Kreios
evaluates the performance of the player.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson game. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
After the activity, review the various modes of connecting to the Internet. Ask the
learners about circumstances under which people may use one of the modes when
going online, and what kinds of devices it employs to connect.
• Answer Key
1. a
2. c
3. e
4. a
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. a
9. e
10. b
11. d
12. e
13. e
14. e
15. d
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 51-52 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Encircle the letter of the phrase that is NOT TRUE of the given term:
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. c
10. a
B. The following table gives you the features of Dial-up Internet access. Find out and
compare DSL Internet access with Dial-up based on the given factors. Fill in the
column under DSL.
Group Work
Group 1 : Field trip to the school’s network operations center or any commercial ISP.
Make a report on what you saw.
Group 2 : Interview employees about applications, servers, routers, online users, bandwidth,
traffic, etc.
Group 3 : Make a comparison or report of the nervous system and the parts of the network.
Pinpoint which act as routers, servers, etc.
Afterwards, let the learners report on their outputs (observed and learned).
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 51-52 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to research on available Internet providers in their area and discuss the cost of speeds.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Explain the HTML scripting language.
Psychomotor ➢ Apply the basic principles in HTML programming.
➢ Use standards in HTML tags.
➢ Create a simple Web page.
Affective ➢ Show creativity in scripting a Web page.
Values Integration:
i. Focus on how simple the procedures in web scripting are and analyze the elements on one’s
web page.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Check assignment on Internet service providers in the local area.
• Review
Ask the learners to describe how an Internet dial-up connection works.
• Vocabulary Development
Identify the term being described in each of the items. Choose the correct answer below.
• Motivation
Go to http://www.gov.ph and discuss how many HTML tags were used. Write all on the
• Motive Question:
- Is it a good practice to have clear HTML codes?
- What is the importance of scripting languages in computer programming?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 47-50 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is the importance of scripting languages in computer programming?
b. What are the steps in HTML programming? Explain each.
c. What are the steps in creating your own Web page?
• Generalization
Websites are possible because of scripting languages, like HyperText Markup
Language (HTML) that tell computers how to display them. Computer users can make
use of HTML by writing scripts on their own or by using HTML editors that automatically
edit scripts to produce the necessary displays.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Review the tags introduced in the textbook.
After reading the instructions, the learner may begin working on the activity. Clicking
on the Launch Internet Browser icon will launch the Internet. Then to start writing on
the text editor, the learners will have to open their Notepad manually.
If the learner follows the instructions carefully, the results should be similar to the
sample Web page in the Answer Key section of this lesson plan.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Have volunteers present their outputs in class. Discuss the mistakes made if there
are any.
2. Based on the outputs, ask the learners about the attributes of an inviting, tasteful,
readable, user-friendly, and functional website. Write their answers on the board.
• Answer Key
This is only a section of the final result of the Web page the learners should come up
with. The final version should have a scroll bar because the length of the page is too
long for the window.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 51-52 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
B. Write down the HTML tag that is used to add the parts of an HTML document.
1. paragraph - <p>
2. emphasis - <em>
3. link to another page - <a>
4. unordered list - <ul> and </ul>
5. title - <title>
6. image - <img>
7. ordered list - <ol> and </ol>
8. important heading - <h1>
9. slightly less important heading - <h2>
10. definition list - <dl>
A. Ask the learners to write a letter to his/her friend telling him/her of the steps in creating his/her own
Web page.
B. Say: Make a class website. It should include a small picture/snapshot of yourself, your name,
profile, objective, educational history, work experiences, and other interests.
Have the learners do Play Up section A, B, and C on pages 51-52 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to create their own homepage and upload it to a free Web hosting provider and Show their
site by giving the URL to their classmates.
Tell them to visit any website that they like. Have them evaluate how current the website information is
and how frequently the website is updated. Ask them to check for the copyright and license from the
website. Have them report their findings to the class.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Discuss how e-mail works.
➢ Differentiate etiquette and netiquette.
Psychomotor ➢ Use Outlook Express and webmail.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the importance of learning the basics of e-mail and
messaging on the Internet in building a better relationship with
your family, friends, and loved-ones from distant places.
➢ Show attentiveness during class discussion.
Values Integration:
i. Appreciate the importance of learning the basics of e-mail and messaging on the Internet in
building a better relationship with your family, friends, and loved-ones from distant places.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Ask: What are the two ways of writing HTML?
• Vocabulary Development
Let the learners search on the Internet for the meaning of the terms from Lesson 8
found in the Word Build Up. Look for definitions using the online dictionary at
• Motivation
Show a letter, mailbox, picture of a mailman and a computer. Ask the learners to identify
the use of each.
• Motive Question:
- How are messages delivered more quickly through the computer?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 54 to 58 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How are messages delivered through the computer?
b. How do e-mail and webmail work?
c. What is the use of MS Outlook Express?
• Generalization
E-mails work just like real mail. The difference is that they are not physical and the
addresses they have only exist in the virtual world of the Internet. The messages
coming from a computer are simply stored and accessed using their addresses from
big servers around the world.
There are several tools for e-mailing available. Some use Internet browsers and others
are bundled into operating systems. There are also rules to be followed when writing
with e-mail. This set of rules is called netiquette.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Do you already have an e-mail account? Why did you choose to set up an
account with that webmail service? Have you studied the service’s features?
Say: Let’s compare the features of two of the better-known webmail services.
After the learners have studied both webmails, they will use the spreadsheet
program to create a table of comparison. To launch the spreadsheet, they will click
on the Download Template icon on the same screen. Clicking on the icon displays a
pop-up box with the option “Open with” selected. If the spreadsheet you are using is
not yet selected as the program to open, choose the appropriate program then click
OK. This will then launch the spreadsheet with the table of comparison that the
learners can fill up.
At the end of the exercise, they will be told to prepare for a discussion of their output.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners go through
the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Have volunteers present their outputs in class.
2. Based on the outputs, ask the learners what the important features of a webmail
service are. Write their answers on the board.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 59-60 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
B. Problem Solving
Let’s say you have registered to a webmail service with 20MB of mail storage capacity.
If an e-mail occupies 10kB, how long will it take to fill up your maximum storage
capacity if you are receiving 5 e-mails a day and sending 3 e-mails a day? Assume
that you are not deleting any message and each sent message is saved.
Express your answer in days.
8 emails X 10 kB = 80 kB a day
1024 kb = 1 MB
20 MB = 20480kb
20,480kb/80 = 256 days
A. Have the learners search the Internet for as many webmail providers as they can find. Ask
them which is the best in their opinion and why they believe it is so.
B. Have the learners register a new account in a FREE webmail provider. The learners must be
able to compose/send e-mails, receive/read e-mails, and do other things such as reply to e-
mails, forward e-mails, delete messages, etc. Ask them what their respective e-mail addresses
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 59-60 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to draw or cut out and paste pictures of different machines in their notebook.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Identify the uses of a word processor like MS Word.
Psychomotor ➢ Demonstrate skills in using word processing.
➢ Create, save, and print documents.
Affective ➢ Show attentiveness in discovering the uses of MS Word.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
On the computer, let the learners browse the menu used for e-mail, MS Outlook and
• Vocabulary Development
Let the learners search on the Internet for the meaning of the terms from Lesson 9 found in
the Word Build Up. Look for definitions using the online dictionary at www.dictionary.com.
• Motivation
Show the learners a typewriter and a computer. Ask: Which is more convenient to use in
word processing? Why?
• Motive Question:
- How do we enter, create and save documents?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 61-64 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is the best way to encode documents? Why?
b. What are the uses of word processing?
• Generalization
The word processing program, MS Word, is the most popular with computer users when it
comes to typing things like resumes and research papers. MS Word ha features which allow
users to manipulate letters, text, and pictures.
• Title of the Exercise: Getting Familiar with Word Processor Features
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Have the learners write a short paragraph such as the one below on a piece of paper.
I promise to study well and to master word processing so that I may experience the
ease of editing words and paragraphs using a document art tool. I thank my teacher
for teaching me enough about computers so I can use them without any help outside
the classroom.
Now have them insert the sentence below in between the two sentences of the
I still have much to learn and I know that by completing this exercise, I shall be more
knowledgeable about the features of a word processor.
Let them solve the problem of insertion on their own. There will be different solutions.
Some may rewrite the whole paragraph while some may use the insert mark ^ and write
the extra sentence in between lines.
After the learners have performed the insertion task, have them erase the word
“processing” and rewrite it using fancy lettering. Once again, let them solve the problem
on their own. The final products of the learners will most likely turn out to be messy and
hard to read. Let them realize how difficult it is to fix documents manually. Tell them that
in the computer activity that will follow, they will learn how to perform the same tasks with
ease using a word processor.
After working on the first activity, another frame introduces the second activity on using a
program for document text art. Upon clicking the Next button in this frame, step-by-step
instructions are given on how to create art text. A scroll bar on the right lets the learners
move the text page up and down while reading the instructions. The learners should not
forget to do this so that they don’t miss a thing. They may then start on the activity by
following the given instructions.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the activity. Remind
the learners to save their work as a document.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Have volunteers present their outputs in class. Have these volunteers explain how their
output using the computer is different from their output using pen and paper.
2. Based on the outputs, ask the learners the use or importance of using word processing
tools to create flawless documents.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 65-66 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each
__A__ 7. File, Home, Insert, Page Layout,
References, Mailings, Review, View
__C__ 8. lets you check if the document is okay for
__H__ 9. displays sets of command buttons that
execute certain commands
__G__10. a large area below the ruler where text is
C. If you are to develop a word processing software in the future, what are the features
that you would want to incorporate in it? Describe the features then make a layout or
draft of your design.
Answer depends on the learner.
Group Work
Divide the learners into groups:
Group 1 - Send an MS Word document via e-mail to your teacher’s e-mail address.
Group 2 - Print an MS Word document to a PDF file and send to your teacher’s e-mail address.
Group 3 - Create an HTML page and put a link to your MS Word document.
Group 4 - Upload the .doc, .html, and .pdf documents in an FTP server and e-mail the URLs to
your teacher’s e-mail address.
Have the learners do Play Up section A, B, and C on pages 65 and 66 of their textbooks.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Have the learners create their autobiography and send this via e-mail to you. They can do it by attaching
it or sending it directly from the MS Word screen (just click File > Send to > Mail recipient).
NOTE: Some icons, buttons, parts, and processes might be different from those of the older versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Identify the uses of MS Excel.
Psychomotor ➢ Demonstrate skills in using spreadsheets.
➢ Create, save, and print MS Excel worksheets.
Affective ➢ Show attention in discovering the uses of MS Excel.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Enumerate the options on the main menu of the word processor and ask the learners to
describe the functions of each.
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following:
MS Excel ➢ derived from the word “cell” which is the basic part of a
spreadsheet. Its primary function is to make worksheets in
a tabular manner.
cell ➢ the basic part of a spreadsheet, it can hold data (letters or
numbers) and is referenced by its row number and column
• Motivation
a. Show a calculator and computer.
b. Let the learners manipulate the calculator and the computer.
Compare the two according to their use.
c. Show the spreadsheet application screen to the learners.
• Motive Question:
- How does a spreadsheet work?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 67 to 70 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How do you create, save and print worksheets?
b. What are the uses/functions of the spreadsheet application screen’s menu display?
• Generalization
MS Excel is another popular program of the Microsoft Office suite. Its name is based on
the word “cell” which is a basic part of spreadsheets. It is used in the production of forms
and tables that accept numbers to be computed using special math formulas.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: How can we keep record of different types of information? Have the class compile
a tabled record of the learners who are present for the day. Let them use their
notebooks for the task. Give the class 30 minutes to complete the table. At the end of
the 30 minutes, many will most likely discover the simple task to be daunting and they
may not even be able to accomplish anything.
Tell the class that there is a solution to the problems they encountered in making the
table. Ask them the type of computer application they can use? Say that a spreadsheet
program can make things like making a table easy to do.
Just below the table are several questions that may be answered by analyzing the
given table. To be able to answer the questions, the learners will have to fill in the
missing figures in the table using automatic computations. They will apply their
knowledge of spreadsheet tools for computing to complete the table and answer the
questions accurately. At the end of the exercise, they will be told to prepare for a
discussion about their outputs.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners open the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Have the learners do the activity and remind
them to save their work.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Check the answers together.
2. Have the learners give further comments on the table.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 71-72 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
G 1. composed of worksheets a. Print Active
D 2. composed of many pages combined in one Sheets
screen b. Page Preview
E 3. It is a filename extension of MS Excel
c. MS Excel
J 4. gets data from other worksheets for use in
computations d. worksheet
B 5. used to check if the document is okay for e. .xslx
printing f. cell
F 6. can hold data which can be letters or numbers g. workbook
A 7. used to select the specific pages that you want h. arrow key
to print i. LAN
C 8. used for making forms and tabular documents
j. formula
I 9. It stands for Local Area Network
H 10. aside from a computer mouse, you can also use
this for navigating cells
Level of Assessment: Understanding
C. Find out the names of the following MS Excel icons and explain their function.
MS Excel
Icon Name Function
displays more or fewer digits after the decimal point
ase Decimal
Ask the learners to work on a worksheet. They can choose among Crossword Puzzle, Damath Board,
and Monthly Calendar. The learners should be able to improve their skills in formulas, cell creation,
and color selection.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 71-72 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them enter the formula in computing the grades of their quizzes using a spreadsheet.
NOTE: Some icons, buttons, parts, and processes might be different from those of the older versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Identify the components of a database management system.
Psychomotor ➢ Create a database.
Affective ➢ Show active participation in discovering what databases are and
how to create one.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Ask: What is a worksheet?
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following with the use of the computer.
API, data type, database, database software, drivers, field, MS Access, query syntax,
record, table
• Motivation
Ask the learners to identify establishments that need to keep track a large amount of
records to run their business.
• Motive Question:
- How does keeping a database help big establishments keep track of their records?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 73-76 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How do we enter and query data from the database?
b. How do we create databases?
• Generalization
Managing files that involve text, audio, video, and pictures for future use is made easier
with database software. An example of this program is MS Access, which can create
databases where related data may be stored and easily accessed. Databases are used
for different applications like websites and accounting programs. You can access
information from a database or create a report for viewing or printing.
• Title of the Exercise: My Sample Table
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: What are the similarities and differences between a spreadsheet and database
applications? When is a database more useful than a spreadsheet?
Upon clicking Start Activity in the first instruction screen, the next frame shows the list
of topics which the learners can create a table on. Further instructions on what to do
next are also given. Clicking on the Download Template icon will display a pop-up box
that prompts you to save the database file. Click on the Save File button, then click
Open on the next pop-up box to open the file. This launches the database application
where the learners may open and view some sample databases. To view, they may
click on the following table titles that are immediately shown: Illustrator, Main, and
Publication Details.
Clicking on the Next button beside the database template icon will bring them to a
tutorial which provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a table in a
database program. The tutorial has three pages which can be navigated by clicking
on the Next button to move to the next page, or the Back button to go back to the
previous page. At the end of the exercise, upon clicking the Done button on the last
tutorial page, they are told to prepare for a discussion of their outputs.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Have the learners do the activity and remind
them to save their work.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Have volunteers share their outputs in class.
2. Create an on-the-spot database of books that the class likes most.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 77-78 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space before each number.
__C__ 1. a storage area where information can be stored a. Application
and accessed Programming
__E__ 2. software applications that help databases run in Interface
specific operating systems b. DBMS
__I__ 3. built-in functions for querying data c. database
__A__4. used by programmers in creating programs that d. localhost
will talk to databases e. drivers
__D__5. where DBMS can be installed f. record
__B__6. an application that allows you to store text, audio, g. table
video, and pictures into a database h. database file
__J__ 7. properties of a field i. query syntax
__F__ 8. row entry in a table j. j. data types
__G__ 9. collection of data about a specific topic
__H__10. the main database file saved in a hard drive
A. Design a simple database for a grocery store. Each table should contain information
about one subject and the fields should be facts that you would need for that particular
subject. Label each table and write the field names on the first row of each table. Then
add the appropriate data on the succeeding rows.
Have the learners create and save a database on their computer.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 77-78 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to search the Internet for available DBMS. Have them compare their capabilities and
NOTE: Some icons, buttons, parts, and processes might be different from those of the older versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Explain the different ways of extracting data from the database.
➢ Explain why databases should have efficient design.
Psychomotor ➢ Design a database.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the importance of creating well-designed databases.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Ask: How do we create databases?
• Vocabulary Development
Identify the terms being described below.
• Motivation
Ask the learners to think of possible problems that may be encountered if databases in
big establishments are not designed and managed properly.
• Motive Question:
- Why is it important that responsible and safe use of databases is exercised?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 79 to 84 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How do programs communicate with databases?
b. What are the guidelines in creating databases?
c. How do we create a database using normalization?
d. Why do we need to know the safety measures in using databases?
e. Why is it important that responsible and safe use of databases is exercised?
• Generalization
A database is useless if it doesn’t have a good interface design to make the display of
data easier. Advancements in programming have made possible the growth of
database-dependent applications that use such interfaces. A database is not to be
confused with a spreadsheet table because they are made by creating different stand-
alone tables. When making a database, it is best to identify the need first, then design
tables that use rules called normalization before setting up the relationships of the
objects involved.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: How do you keep track of your grades? The learners will answer. (Write their
answers on the board.)
Ask: Why do you use such in keeping track of your grades? The learners will
answer. (Make a connection between their answers and the use of databases)
Ask: We use databases to keep track of various information. What are the
characteristics of a good database? (Write the learners’s answers on the board.
Then have the learners explain each characteristic.)
Say: Today we are going to make a database that will help us keep track of grades.
Upon clicking Start Activity in the first instruction screen, the next frame gives
instructions to open the database program to start a database. Learners will open
the database program manually. Clicking on the Next button will bring the learners to
a tutorial which provides step-by-step instructions on how to design a grades
database. The tutorial has four pages which can be navigated by clicking on the
Next button to move to the next page, or the Back button to go back to the previous
page. At the end of the exercise, upon clicking the Done button, they will be told to
prepare for a discussion of their outputs.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the
activity. Remind the learners to save their work.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
1. Have volunteers defend their output in class.
2. Ask the learners to identify and explain things they should remember when
designing a database. Write these guidelines on the board.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 85-86 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Level of Assessment: Process
Service Service
Service ID Service Date Price
Code Description
82345 03/11/08 1001 Urinalysis 300.00
1004 Chest Xray 400.00
82346 03/15/08 1012 CBC 250.00
82347 03/20/08 1020 Fecalysis 350.00
1001 Urinalysis 300.00
Search It
Have the learners search the Internet for some more applications that use databases to display or
process data. Have them make a diagram on how the programs and databases interface with each
Small Groups
• Let the learners show through small boxes how to extract data from a database.
(drawing of a line of boxes with arrow)
• Let the learners show through a ladder map the way programs communicate with
databases. (drawing of a ladder)
• Let the learners write a newsletter about the responsible and safe use of databases.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 85-86 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
NOTE: Some icons, buttons, parts, and processes might be different from those of the older versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Enumerate the many uses of MS PowerPoint.
Psychomotor ➢ Create, save, and print presentations.
Affective ➢ Show engagement in discovering why MS PowerPoint is widely
used in business and classroom.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Review
Ask: How do we design databases?
• Vocabulary Development
MS PowerPoint ➢ a program that provides a complete set of resources for
creating presentations
• Motivation
Ask the learners how they make their school reports interesting.
• Motive Question:
- What is a presentation program like MS PowerPoint?
- What is it for?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 87-90 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How do we create, save and print presentations?
b. What are the uses of a presentation program like MS PowerPoint?
c. What are the steps in making a presentation using MS PowerPoint?
• Generalization
When there is a need to create presentations like lectures using the computer, the first
application that comes to mind is Microsoft PowerPoint because it has multimedia
capabilities to give the audience a complete audiovisual experience through
• Title of the Exercise: Make a Better Place
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Show the class pictures that depict pollution, deforestation, and other examples of
environment degradation. Ask the learners what they think of the pictures. Then ask,
“How can kids your age help care for the environment?”
Upon clicking on the Start Activity button in the instruction screen, a frame with a
Download Template icon will appear. Clicking on this icon will display a pop-up box
with the option “Open with” selected. If the word processor you are using is not yet
selected as the program to open, choose the appropriate program then click OK.
This will launch a document with pictures of situations that show how people can
care for the environment. The learners may use these pictures for their presentation.
Then will then manually open their presentation program to work on the activity. At
the end of the exercise, upon clicking on the Next button, they will be told to prepare
for a discussion of their output.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then have the learners do the
activity. Remind the learners to save their work.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask some learners to show their outputs in class. Ask them to give suggestions on
other ways to help take care of the environment.
• Answer Key
Outputs may vary and are subject to teacher’s discretion.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 91-92 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Identify the word being described in each number. Write the letters of the words in
clockwise direction on the spiral puzzle starting at number 1. If you need more help,
you may refer to the list of words given below.
Level of Assessment: Knowledge
Assign a topic and let the learners use a presentation program like MS PowerPoint to present a
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 91-92 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to make a PowerPoint presentation with animation to show how the solar system moves.
NOTE: Some icons, buttons, parts, and processes might be different from those of the older versions of Windows and Microsoft Office.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Define computer programs.
Psychomotor ➢ Enumerate the various programming paradigms.
➢ Differentiate symbolic from non-symbolic programming.
Affective ➢ Explain the practical uses of computer programs.
➢ Show enthusiasm in learning the fundamentals of programming
and relate the applied skills to real life situations.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
• Review
Review the learners on what the computer is, its parts, and how it works.
• Vocabulary Development
Computer ➢ series of instructions that specify steps of operations for
program a computer to follow in order for it to perform tasks
Object-oriented ➢ paradigm that emphasizes the components of a program
programming called “objects,” rather than “actions” performed by the
Symbolic ➢ used by object-based programs and involves the
programming manipulation of abstract symbols
Algorithm ➢ set of instructions that are followed by the computer
Functional ➢ “what-oriented” and emphasizes the problem to be
programming solved rather than the steps needed to produce an
Logic ➢ also known as rule-based programming; solves a
programming problem by following the logic of the rules set by the
Programming ➢ also known as rule-based programming; solves a
paradigm problem by following the logic of the rules set by the
Non-symbolic ➢ manner and method of solving a problem and writing a
programming computer program to arrive at a solution
Imperative or
➢ used by a functional program and involves a lot of
mathematical operations
Functional ➢ makes use of a series of step-by-step operations on a
programming set of variables
• Motivation
Open the topic by sharing the story of the monkey in a room (page 175 of book). Tell
the class the problem faced by the monkey as he tries to reach for the bunch of bananas
hanging from the center of the ceiling. Given the wooden box and a stick, present to
the class ways on how the monkey can get the bananas.
Relate this story with how a computer solves problems. Like the monkey, a computer
needs a series of instructions to solve problems. These instructions are called computer
• Motive Question:
- What is the series of instructions needed by the computer to solve problems?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 94-98 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is a computer program?
b. What are the practical uses of computer programs?
c. What are the various programming paradigms?
d. What is the difference between a symbolic and a non-symbolic program?
• Generalization
People One machine that can help provide solutions to a problem is the computer. The
set of instructions given to the computer on how to solve a particular problem is called
a computer program. The manner and method by which computer programs solve a
problem is called programming paradigm. Common paradigms are object-oriented
programming, imperative or procedural programming, rule-based programming, and
functional programming.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Say: All ordinary computer languages are equivalent, in the sense that any program
that can be written in one language can be written in another. However, some
programming languages may be better-suited for a given task than others. Most
computer languages are designed to facilitate certain operations and not others:
numerical computation, text manipulation, or I/O. That is why a computer language
typically embodies a particular programming paradigm.
• Mechanics of the Activity
The player will choose which among four programming paradigms is referred to by
the word, phrase, or sentence shown in the frame. The answer is chosen by clicking
on its letter. A wrong answer is marked by an “x”. A correct answer is marked by a
check. The player is given another chance to answer if the first one is wrong. If the
second answer is also incorrect, the game automatically reveals the correct one by
encircling the letter. A correct answer in the first or second try automatically takes
the player to the next item.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Have volunteers present their outputs in class. Make sure that each of the three pairs
of programming paradigms is discussed.
• Answer Key
A. C. D.
imperative functional logic
1. series of step-by-
step operations
2. rule-based
4. what-oriented
5. “First do this, then
do that”
7. It solves a problem
by following the
of the rules set by
the program.
8. objects
9. It explains how a
command is done.
10. C
11. It emphasizes the
problem to be
solved rather than
the steps needed
to produce the
12. C++
13. procedural
14. use of
functions in
15. Java
16. explains how to
objects rather than
the logic behind
17. classes
19. Smalltalk
20. Pascal
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 99-100 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Match each word or phrase on the left with the correct meaning on the right.
B. Provide what are asked for. Write your answers in the space provided.
3. Illustration of how information is processed
Symbolic Programming involves manipulation of abstract symbols and a level of
understanding in solving problems while Non-Symbolic Programming involves a lot of
mathematical calculations.
Give the activity entitled “Eating My Way Home.” Post the chart on the board. In the activity,
the learners will help Smiley find his way home by giving him specific instructions on when
and where he should have his meals. The steps have to be written down in proper sequence,
and the learners have to make sure that Smiley will not get lost or miss a meal. The learner
who gives the shortest and most organized set of instructions will get a Smiley pin.
Hi! I’m Hungry Smiley. Help me find my way home by telling me when and
where I should have meals.
Ask: Does Hungry Smiley follow the correct steps in finding his way home? _____
(The following is just a basic set of instructions. The learners may present varying answers.)
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 99-100 of their textbook.
Post the chart for the following activity. Give this instruction: Fill in the blanks.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Explain the problem definition step.
➢ Define algorithm, source code, and machine code.
Psychomotor ➢ Explain the problem definition step.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the importance of knowing the problem definition
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Flowchart representing an algorithm:
• Review
Ask the learners:
a. What is a programming language?
b. What are the types of programming language?
• Vocabulary Development
input ➢ data that users enter into computers, and which need to
be processed
output ➢ information produced by the computer program after
processing data
executable ➢ yet to be carried out as an instruction in the computer
compiler program ➢ used to translate source code written in a high-level
language into a machine code
machine ➢ a format that the computer can understand
language code
bytecode ➢ where a Java compiler translates the Java source code
source code ➢ produced when you implement an algorithm using the
rules and conventions of a programming language
compilation ➢ translation of the entire source code into a machine code
using a compiler
• Motivation
Ask the learners about the last time they had a medical checkup. Then ask them if they
can remember that instance when the doctor first asked them questions regarding health
conditions. Explain that before the doctor prescribes medicines, the doctor has to
identify symptoms or signs of a sickness or any health problem. This would prove to the
class that problem identification is important to solve a problem. Paying attention to
details contributing to problems must be taken into account.
• Motive Question:
- How do you identify a problem?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 101-104 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is the most important part of the program development cycle?
b. What are the following: algorithm, source code, and machine language code?
• Generalization
Identification of the problem is the most important part of the program development
cycle. Once the problem is identified, the solution or output can be worked out.
After analyzing the problem, the steps needed to solve it are written in the form of an
algorithm. If it is implemented using a programming language, the source code is
produced. The source code is then translated into machine code, which the computer
can understand and execute.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Say: The first step to solving a problem is to identify what needs to be solved. Then,
the next step is to determine the details defined in terms of inputs, outputs, and
processes. Most of the time, the nouns in the problem statement suggest the
program input and output and the verbs suggest processing steps.
• Mechanics of the Activity
The activity begins with an example frame which shows what the learner will have to
do in the activity. The Hints button will display a clue on how to compute for the three
scores of a learner that is asked for in the sample. When the Start Activity button is
clicked, the learner is taken to the instructions frame for Problems 1 and 2.
For each problem, the learner must identify the inputs, outputs, and processes
required for the solution. He will type his answers in tabular form using a
spreadsheet. Clicking on the Download Template icon in the instructions frame for
Problems 1 and 2 will display a pop-up box with the option “Open with” selected. If
the spreadsheet you are using is not yet selected as the program to open, choose the
appropriate program then click OK. The worksheet that will appear will already have
a pre-constructed table to accept the inputs of the learners.
At the end of the exercise, the learners will discuss the correct answers with the
teacher and among themselves.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Have volunteers present their output in class. Have the learners explain the difficulties
they encountered in classifying the data and how a spreadsheet program automates
things. Allow them to see the sample answer.
• Answer Key
Problem 1:
Problem 2:
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 105-106 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Provide possible inputs and outputs for each of the following problems.
1. Input is the data given by the users to a computer which needs to be processed.
2. The processed data is called output.
3. A(n) algorithm lists the steps needed to solve a problem.
4. When you implement an algorithm using rules and conventions of a programming
language, you also produce the program source code.
5. In order for the source code to execute, it must be translated into machine language
6. Compilation is the translation of the entire source code into machine code.
7. A(n) compiler program is used to translate high-level language code into machine
8. Syntax errors are coding errors usually detected during compilation.
9. The computer can directly execute machine language code, which may be written in
sequences of zeros and ones.
10. C, Pascal and Java are usually called high-level languages.
Level of Assessment: Knowledge
1. A diagram that shows how a computer translates source code into bytecode
2. A representation of an algorithm
3. An illustration on how the computer translates source code into machine code
Say: Make a flowchart based on this problem title: How to Study and Answer My Science Book.
Have the learners illustrate through a flowchart how a program is developed and how it starts to run
in the computer.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask the learners to enumerate the steps in the program development cycle.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Explain the program development cycle.
Psychomotor ➢ Enumerate the steps of the program development cycle.
Affective ➢ Show enthusiasm in learning and applying the steps in the
program development cycle.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Steps in the Program Development Cycle:
1. Problem definition
2. Problem analysis
3. Design of data structure
4. Design of the algorithm
5. Coding
6. Program testing
7. Program documentation
8. Program maintenance
• Review
Have the learners review how a compiler program works.
• Vocabulary Development
➢ the process of writing a problem that can be solved using
a solution in the form of a computer program
logical or runtime ➢ an error in logic which is detected upon the running or the
error execution of the program
data structures ➢ refers to the way data is organized and also to the
physical arrangement of data in the computer’s memory
external ➢ a reference manual and a user’s manual may be
documentation developed alongside the program
algorithmic ➢ description of the solution to the problem; the most crucial
notation stage
➢ in problem-solving with computers
internal ➢ comments and remarks are written together with the
documentation program code during the coding step to describe its
different functions
syntax error ➢ an error in notation or grammar discovered during the
• Motivation
Tell the learners that in the previous lesson, the class was successful in identifying a
problem. Next is the initiation of the process of finding a solution to the problem. The
process of writing a solution in the form of a computer program is called the program
development cycle.
• Motive Question:
- What are the steps involved in the program development cycle?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 107-110 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is the first step in the program development cycle?
b. What is the most crucial stage in problem solving with computers?
• Generalization
The process of writing a computer program is called the program development cycle. It
is composed of the following: identification and analysis of the problem to be solved,
designing of data structures, formulation of the algorithm, source coding, testing,
documentation, and maintenance.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: What are the computer applications you are most familiar with? Do you have
any idea how those were created? What production processes have these gone
The learner will create an outline of his evaluation of the software listed in the
document. These include a spreadsheet, a word processor, a presentation, a
painting program, and a calculator application. Included in the table are: Primary Use
(of the software) and columns on the most useful, not-so-useful, easy-to-use, and
most difficult to use features of each. At the end of the exercise, volunteers will be
asked to present their output in class.
The activity does not have a timer, or a scoring system. All the learner has to do is to
complete the table and show his output to the teacher and the class.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Have volunteers present their output in class.
• Answer Key
The outputs may vary between learners. Below are sample answers:
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 111-112 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. Answer the following. (Answers may vary. Below are only sample answers.)
3. Suppose your class is organizing a Christmas party. Write the steps necessary in
planning and executing this event.
a. Call a meeting to organize a Christmas party.
b. Identify the budget required for conducting the party.
c. List down corresponding activities that can fit the required budget.
d. Assign members responsible for each task.
e. Brainstorm strategies on how to effectively execute the task.
f. Prepare or buy materials needed for the party.
3. During the design of the algorithm, specifics are divided into these parts:
• General processing procedures required to convert input data into output
• Input/output
• Calculations
• Logic comparisons and iterations
• Data storage/retrieval operations
C. Match the following steps in program development to their description. Write the letter
of the answer on the blank.
Post the chart of the following activity. Give the following instructions: Match the correct choices to
the statements. Write only the letters of the correct answers.
__B___ 1. Program is tested to find and correct any errors a. Program maintenance
__C___ 2. Types of data structure that will be used in the b. Problem analysis
program should be determined c. Design of data structures
__A___ 3. Data pertaining to the problem must be d. Coding
gathered and analyzed e. Design of algorithm
__E___ 4. Most crucial stage in problem solving with f. Program maintenance
__F___ 5. When the program is in use, errors may be
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 111-112 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Define algorithm.
➢ Describe the properties of a good algorithm.
Psychomotor ➢ Write and express algorithms.
➢ Enumerate the commonly used algorithms.
Affective ➢ Relate algorithms to everyday situations.
ii. Show interest in learning more about the fundamentals of an algorithm.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
An algorithm is a set of instructions followed by a computer.
• Review
Have the learners review the steps in the program development cycle.
• Vocabulary Development
program logic ➢ the process in which the problem is solved in a systematic
formulation manner
unambiguous ➢ the property of an algorithm that implies all instructions
and data declarations are clearly stated, and that the
results should be obtained from the input data
finiteness ➢ no limits to the number of steps that can be done; one
characteristic of a recipe algorithm
paradigm ➢ algorithms can be classified into this
greedy algorithm ➢ works by using a decision that is best for the current
divide-and-conquer ➢ a kind of algorithm wherein a big problem is divided into
algorithm parts to be solved separately
recursive algorithm ➢ an algorithm that “calls” itself up repeatedly until a certain
state is reached
graph search ➢ an algorithm wherein problems are represented as graphs
algorithm and gives rules for finding solutions for such problems; is
useful for problems like finding the shortest path between
two points
• Motivation
Ask the learners if they know how to cook. Ask them what their favorite food is and how
to cook it. Relate cooking a favorite dish to designing algorithms. Explain that an
algorithm involves step-by-step instructions in solving a given problem.
• Motive Question:
- How is an algorithm designed?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 113-118 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What is an algorithm?
b. What are the kinds of algorithm?
c. What are the properties of an algorithm?
• Generalization
We encounter algorithms every day, such as, when reading a simple recipe for
spaghetti, when making a paper boat, or when organizing the items in our closet.
A good algorithm should have the following properties: finiteness, no ambiguity, a clear
sequence of steps, defined input and output, and effectiveness.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Say: Programs that use recursion can be made to do a lot of things, from calculating
the factorial of a number, to getting the solutions of complex games.
Ask: Do you have any examples of game puzzles that can be solved using
recursion? Have the learners answer.
At the end of the exercise, the learner will be asked to prepare a discussion of his
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask volunteers to explain to the class their choices. Try to discuss each of the four
• Answer Key
The outputs may vary. Below are sample inputs for three frames of an MS
PowerPoint presentation.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 119-120 of their textbook.
• Answer key
__F__ 1. Algorithms use instructions as raw materials to be processed using the data.
__F__ 2. Planning is not necessary in writing an algorithm.
__T__ 3. The process of writing an algorithm is called program logic formulation.
__T__ 4. Augusta Ada Byron is considered as the first programmer.
__F__ 5. Charles Babbage did finish his analytical engine in 1842.
__T__ 6. A good algorithm should be finite.
__F__ 7. In writing algorithms, it is not necessary to define the scope.
__T__ 8. In program logic formulation, the problem is solved in a systematic manner.
__F__ 9. An algorithm is ambiguous if all the instructions and data declarations are
clearly stated.
__T__ 10. The sequence of steps in a good algorithm should be clear.
Level of Assessment: Knowledge
_____________________1. refers to the focus of an algorithm
_____________________2. refers to how the program was written down
_____________________3. means that there are limits to the number of steps that
can be taken
paradigms or classes
_____________________4. like programming languages, algorithms are classified
according to this
flowchart and pseudocode two ways to express an algorithm
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Sprinkle with tears of joy and sorrow, and add sympathy for
others. Put little gifts of love. Add 4 cups of faith and prayer to lighten other ingredients and
raise the texture to great heights of Christian living. After pouring all these into your daily life,
bake well with the heat of human kindness. Serve with a smile.
B. The following are steps in videotape recording. Have the learners arrange them in sequential
order by writing numbers 1 through 6 in the blanks.
___ Put the tape into the video camera. 1
___ Are you indoors? If yes, use the camera light. 3
___ Look through the viewer. 2
___ Tell your subject to smile. 5
___ Are you near enough to your subject? If not, move closer. 4
___ Record the video.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 119-120 of their textbook.
_______________ 1. All instructions and data declarations are clearly stated and the result should
be obtained from the input data.
_______________ 2. The solution to a problem is step-by-step.
_______________ 3. It is completed after a limited number of steps and the number of steps
taken depends on the input.
_______________ 4. The input should be of a compatible type.
_______________ 5. It solves only that which is required.
_______________ 6. An algorithm is designed so that the problem is properly solved.
1. unambiguous 2. clear sequence of steps 3. finite
4. defined input and processes 5. defined scope 6. effective
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to enumerate and draw the basic flowchart symbols.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Identify the basic flowchart symbols.
➢ Discuss how to express algorithms using flowcharts.
Psychomotor ➢ Express algorithms using flowcharts.
➢ Construct a simple flowchart.
Affective ➢ Justify the importance of creating a flowchart.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Basic flowchart symbols:
Terminal symbol
Processing symbol
Decision symbol
Preparation symbol
Predefined symbol
Connector symbol
• Review
Ask the following questions:
a. What are some commonly used algorithms?
b. What are the kinds of algorithm?
• Vocabulary Development
map ➢ a visual representation of a place
processing ➢ denotes an operation or computation that must be
symbol performed
connector symbol ➢ connects one part of a flowchart to another
flowchart ➢ a graphic representation of an algorithm which uses
➢ to represent steps and their sequence
decision symbol ➢ used for branching statements where a condition is placed
➢ this symbol
arrow ➢ connects symbols and signifies the flow or sequence of
terminal symbol ➢ used to signify the beginning or end of the program
• Motivation
Ask the learners if they had been to a place they had never been to before. Given the
situation, ask them what they should do in order not to get lost. Remind them that they
can use maps to guide them. Flowcharts are like maps, which can help you reach a
destination. With the use of a flowchart, a problem is easily solved.
• Motive Question:
- How could a flowchart help us solve a problem?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 121-124 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the basic flowchart symbols?
b. What is a flowchart?
• Generalization
Flowcharts are like maps. They help us find our destination.
• Title of the Exercise: Flowcharting
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: What is the significance of representing algorithms with flowcharts?
A correct answer will be rendered in black and will be fixed into place. An incorrect
answer is typed in gray.
The learner must type in an answer exactly as it is depicted in the selection box. That
means the spaces must also be considered.
The learner must first complete the flowchart for Problem 1. Once this is successfully
done, the player is taken to Problem number 2. The same process applies here.
The activity is timed. Thus, the faster the learner completes the two flowcharts, the
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions aloud.
Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask volunteers to explain the two flowcharts.
• Answer Key
Problem 1 Flowchart:
Problem 2 Flowchart:
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 125-126 of their textbook.
• Answer key
1. Frying an egg
2. Getting the average of ten numbers:
A. Have the learners make a flowchart for the following steps. They have to use the correct symbol
for each step.
1. Begin.
2. Store any five values into memory locations: A, B, C, D, E.
3. Print the contents of A, B, C, D, E.
4. End the program.
B. Post the chart for the following activity. Given this instruction:
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 125-126 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to give some characteristics that define structured programming.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Discuss how to express algorithms using pseudocode.
Psychomotor ➢ Write a pseudocode.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the importance of control and program structures.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Characteristics that define structured programming:
1. Sequence
2. Condition-selection
3. Repetition/iteration
• Review
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the basic flowchart symbols?
b. What is a flowchart?
• Vocabulary Development
shorthand ➢ a way of conveying information using truncated words
or symbols
sequence ➢ the structure in which the instructions executed are
sequential, line-by-line, or from top to bottom
data structure ➢ an organized collection of data items; an important part
of a computer program
pseudocode ➢ a textual version of an algorithm
condition-selection ➢ a structure that allows branching to happen in a code
array and linked list ➢ computer implementations of data structures
logic ➢ the flow of control in an algorithm
repetition/iteration ➢ used when an instruction or set of instructions has to
be executed several times
control structure ➢ defines structured programming
loop ➢ another term for iteration
• Motivation
Open the topic by sharing some text messages to the class. Read and write some of
them, and let the learners observe how the words are spelled out. Explain to the class
how the sending of text messages is related to pseudocodes. Say that the process of
sending text messages, like pseudocode, resembles the instructions in a real
• Motive Question:
- How do you write a pseudocode?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 127-130 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the necessary structures that are required of computer programs?
b. What is a data structure?
• Generalization
Another way of formulating and presenting algorithms is by using pseudocode, a textual
version of an algorithm. Pseudocodes are written close to the format of a natural
language. Although there are no rules on how to write a pseudocode, it should borrow
elements specified by the rules of programming.
A program also follows control structures that set the flow in an algorithm. Equally
important to consider are the data structures to be used by it.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Say: Flowcharts are often thought of as graphical representations of pseudocodes.
Basically, both flowcharts and pseudocodes are tools used to better comprehend the
workings of a program.
Ask: Personally, which, between a flowchart and a pseudocode, do you think is more
effective in describing an algorithm? Have the learners answer. Which do you find
easier to create? Have the learners answer again.
After the first pseudocode is successfully arranged, the learner is presented with the
second set of steps to be arranged.
At the end of the exercise, the total number of correct items made for the two sets of
steps will be displayed. Volunteers may be asked to explain the two pseudocodes.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the learners go to the lesson exercise. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions about the instructions. Then, have the learners do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask volunteers to write their answers for each of the given problems and explain them.
• Answer Key
Problem 1 Pseudocode:
1. sum = 0
2. n = 0
3. n = n + 1
4. n = n + sum
5. if the value of n is greater than 50
6. display(sum)
7. else
8. go to step 3
Problem 2 Pseudocode:
1. read(a)
2. read(b)
3. if the value of a is greater than the value of b
4. display(a)
5. else
6. display(b)
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 131-132 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Answers may vary and will depend on the creativity of the learner.
The learners should base their pseudocodes on what they have learned from the
previous lesson.
1 number = 1 1 number = 1
2 number = number + 1 2 number = number + 1
3 number = number + 1 OR 3 if the value of number is equal to 5
4 number = number + 1 4 exit program
5 number = number + 1 5 else
6 exit program 6 go to step 2
B. Match each phrase to the term it describes. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the blank.
Post the chart of the following activity. Give this instruction: Highlight the following words in the matrix.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 131-132 of their textbook.
Write the following on the board. Give this instruction: Evaluate and identify the sequences and
processes below.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to find out the reasons why many programmers write algorithms using pseudocode.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Explain what Scratch programming is.
Psychomotor ➢ Discover the history of Scratch.
Affective ➢ Show enthusiasm in learning the basic concept of Scratch
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Reasons why many programmers write algorithms using pseudocode:
a. Pseudocode is not a programming language; it is a simple way of describing a set
of instructions that does not have to use specific syntax.
b. There is no strict set of standard notations for pseudocode.
c. Modifying, updating, or correcting pseudocode is much easier than correcting in
d. Developing a pseudocode requires less time and effort than other programming
• Review
Ask: What are the necessary structures that a computer program follows?
• Vocabulary Development
programming ➢ the art of writing instructions to tell the computer what to do
tinker ➢ to repair, adjust, or work with something in an unskilled or
experimental manner
Scratch ➢ a drag-and-drop-programming language used for making
games, animations, interactive stories, and other programs
rich in visuals
Scratcher ➢ somebody who programs with Scratch
Scratch Cat ➢ Scratch's mascot and default sprite
• Motivation
Ask the class what’s the first thing that comes to their mind when they hear the word
“Scratch.” Remind the class that the topic for the day does not refer to something they do
to their itch, or a slight cut to the skin with a sharp object, or the quick jotting down of
something. Then, tell the class what “Scratch” means in the world of computers.
• Motive Question:
- What is Scratch programming?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 134-136 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How different is Scratch from other programming languages?
b. Why is it important for learners at your age to learn how to program?
c. Do you think you can convince a friend to try out Scratch? How would you do it?
• Generalization
Scratch is a free visual programming language that aims to simplify the process of
creating and programming animations, games, interactive stories, and more. It is
designed to teach computational thinking using a simple but colorful block-stacking
Scratch helps young people learn to be tinkerers, more meaningful, and more sociable,
which are the essential skills in the 21st century.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask: Why do you think Scratch uses blocks as scripts? Have the learners answer.
NOTE: If the learner completes all the blanks but the activity fails to move on to
the next set of items, the learner must check whether he left at least one item with
the wrong answer. To find out if an entry is wrong, the learner should click on it.
The learner will know if it is the wrong answer if the typing cursor appears. He will
then have to choose a new answer.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the class go to the lab activity in the CD. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions and requests for clarification. Then have the class do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask volunteers to discuss their answers in front of the class.
• Answer Key
__A___1. The year when LOGO programming
language was born.
A. 1967
__F___2. A principle that can be learned when one
B. 1976
plays with movable graphics objects.
__D___3. This university that continued the
development of LOGO.
E. 8
__G___4. The first programming language that uses
F. Geometry
graphical blocks to represent commands.
G. StarLogo
__E___5. This is the desirable age that a learner
should be trained to think and reason
critically and creatively
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 137-138 of their textbook.
• Answer key
B. If you are going to create your own project using Scratch, what content vehicle will you
choose? Choose only one and briefly explain on the next page.
Ask the learners to write some words that are related to Scratch.
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 137-138 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Explore Scratch and discover the IDE of it.
Psychomotor ➢ Navigate the Scratch environment.
Affective ➢ Appreciate the engaging and creative Interface Development
Environment of Scratch that makes the learning experience fun
and exciting.
Values Integration:
i. Appreciate the engaging and creative Interface Development Environment of Scratch that
makes the learning experience fun and exciting.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Compare programming with Scratch with programming using any other programming
Sample Answer:
Looking at the IDE of Scratch, I think it is much easier than traditional
programming, such as C++ and Java, which I’ve already know, because Scratch
only requires the user to simply snap together graphical blocks, much like LEGO
bricks or puzzle pieces.
• Review
Ask: What is Scratch? Can you give the three core design principles of Scratch?
• Vocabulary Development
costume ➢ one out of a number of possible alternate appearances of
a sprite
script ➢ a stack of blocks that all interlock with one another to
determine how sprites interact with each other and the
backdrop ➢ one out of a number of possible backgrounds of the Stage
sprite ➢ an object or character that performs actions in a project
Stage ➢ refers to the background of the sprite; area where the
sprite moves
Blocks Tab ➢ contains blocks which are puzzle-piece shapes that are
used to create code in Scratch
Scripts Area ➢ refers to the area where script blocks are placed in order
Tool bar ➢ located at the top of the program and contains important
functions in Scratch – File, Edit, Share, Help, and Stage
• Motivation
Have the learners solve the following rebus puzzle.
A Part in Pictures
Menu Bar
Cursor Tools
Scripts Tab
Tips Window
Scripts Area
Blocks Palette
Sprite List
• Motive Question:
- What are the three major panes in Scratch?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 139-152 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How would you describe the environment of Scratch?
b. As soon-to-be “Scratcher,” do you like the IDE of Scratch? Why?
• Generalization
At the core of Scratch is a graphical object-oriented programming language that lets
the user control the actions and interactions among different media.
The Scratch environment has 3 major panes. These are the Stage, where you can see
your sprites in action; the Sprite List, that shows all the sprites you used in your project;
and the Scripts Tab, where you do your program by connecting puzzle blocks.
• Pre-laboratory Activity
As a review of Lesson 20 in the book, ask the learners to locate and describe the
three major panes of Scratch.
• Mechanics of the Activity
The activity involves classifying words relating to a part as either a part of the given
Scratch pane or not. Each game frame shows an image of a Scratch pane and
different Scratch parts or buttons. Below these are two boxes labeled “Yes! It’s a
part of it” and “No! It’s not a part of it.”
To classify a word, the learner clicks and drags it to either the “Yes! It’s a part of it”
and “No! It’s not a part of it” box. A clicked-and-dragged word disappears into the
box of choice. A flashing check appears over the correct box. Thus, if the learner
places a word into the wrong box, it is the other box that will show the flashing check
The learner must wait for the flashing check mark to disappear before the next word
may be clicked and dragged into the next box of choice. If a word is placed into the
correct box, a point is added to the score that appears on the upper right corner of
the screen.
The panes to be presented are in the following order: Stage, Sprite List, and Scripts
• Laboratory Activity
Have the class go to the lab activity in the CD. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions and requests for clarification. Then have the class do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Discuss the answers as a class. Ask volunteers to share their answers and tell the
functions or purposes of each part in the pane.
• Answer Key
Below is the table of answers.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 151-152 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Scripts Tab
________________1. One of the major panes of Scratch which is composed of the
Block Tab and Scripts Area
________________2. Place where the sprites move, draw, and interact
________________3. Identical to Costumes
Sprite Library Gives the option to change the sprite according to the category
and theme of the project
________________5. Option at the bottom of the Scripts Area that allows sharing of a
project with the online community
Label the parts of the Scratch interface on the diagram below.
1. Menu Bar
2. Project Name
3. Stage
4. Cursor Tools
5. Blocks Palette
6. Username
7. Scripts Area
8. Help
9. Backpack
10. Sprite List
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 151-152 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Ask them to make an organizational chart identifying, describing, and differentiating the four Scratch’s
building blocks.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Differentiate set x to, set y to, go to, and glide to x,y.
➢ Determine the move and turn and point towards and set rotation
style commands.
➢ Define Scratch Looks Palette.
Psychomotor ➢ Explore the Motion commands of Scratch.
➢ Animate sprites and move them around the Stage.
➢ Explore the different blocks in the Looks Palette.
➢ Create a simulation.
Affective ➢ Show interest in learning how to use the Scratch motion
➢ Show enthusiasm in exploring different effects on the
appearance commands that they can apply to their Scratch
i. Textbook
ii. Computer installed with Scratch 2.0
iii. Four pieces of cartolina in different colors for the class activity
i. Using Motion Commands and Changing the Sprite’s Looks, DigiTitans 6, Section 6, Lesson
22, pages 153-162
Values Integration:
i. Appreciate the importance of learning how to enhance their basic Scratch program to make it
more interactive and enjoyable.
ii. Appreciate the importance of learning about the commands that can be used to enhance
Scratch program.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
1. Make an organizational chart identifying, describing, and differentiating the four
building blocks of Scratch.
• Review
Ask the learners to give the three major panes of Scratch environment. Ask the learners
why the IDE of Scratch is considered as user-friendly.
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the meaning of the following words using their definitions:
absolute motion ➢ commands that allow the Scratcher to choose exactly
commands where the sprite goes on the grid
relative motion ➢ commands that allow the Scratcher to move the sprite in
commands accordance to its current position and direction
point towards ➢ points sprite towards mouse-pointer or another sprite
set rotation style ➢ block that changes the rotation style of the sprite in-
Looks blocks ➢ blocks that affect sprite and background appearance and
display text
set effect to ➢ sets a visual effect to a given number
change effect by ➢ changes sprite’s size by a specified amount
clear graphic effects ➢ clears all graphic effects for a sprite
set size to __ % ➢ sets sprite’s size to a specified percentage of its original
switch to costume ➢ changes sprite’s appearance by switching to a different
next costume ➢ changes sprite’s costume to the next costume in the
costume list
say ➢ displays sprite’s speech bubble
say for seconds ➢ displays sprite’s speech bubble for a specified amount of
think ➢ displays sprite’s speech bubble
think for seconds ➢ displays sprite’s thought bubble for a specified amount of
• Motivation
Group the class into four and ask them to pick one sheet of cartolina. Tell them that
each sheet has a question needed to be answered by an illustration. Have the learners
explain their answers in front of the whole class.
Ask the learners to show their facial expression if any of these things happens.
What would you do if one day you woke up and you cannot move any part of your body?
What would likely to happen if all the planets stop revolving around the sun?
What would you feel if you cannot move your eyes around?
What would you feel if all the things here on earth suddenly stop moving?
• Motive Question:
- What is motion?
- What can you get from looking at the looks or appearance of something?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 153-160 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. How would you differentiate the absolute and relative commands?
b. Why do you think motion is important in creating games, animation, and
c. What are Looks blocks?
d. Why are looks important in an animation, game, or simulation?
• Generalization
If you want to make games, simulations, or other animated programs, you’ll need to
use blocks from the Motion palette to move sprites around. Looks blocks are very
useful for animating sprites for it can be used to create effects, like changing a sprite’s
color or pixilation, show or hide a sprite, bring text up on screen, or switch the sprite to
a different costume.
Motion Blocks are blocks that control the sprite’s placement, direction, rotation, and
movement. The commands in the Looks palette will let you create animations and
apply graphic effects like whirl, fisheye, ghost, and so on to costumes and
• Title of the Exercise: Scratching the Sprite’s Movements and Looks
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Ask the learners if they have encountered a static game. If so, differentiate it with a
moving game. If there’s none, ask them why the game developers add motion to
their games.
Ask volunteers to list down on the board the different effects in Scratch’s Looks
B. In this activity, the learner will create his/her own Wizard’s Spells animation.
He/She should follow the specific instructions, applying what he/she has learned
in class about the different Looks blocks and working with them.
When the learner is done with the activities, he saves his work and submits it to
the teacher.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the class go to the lab activity in the CD. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions and requests for clarification. Then have the class do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask the learners which part of the Space Invaders Game creation they had difficulty
with. Explain further how Scratch read their scripts.
• Answer Key
A. A.
B. A.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 161-162 of their textbook.
• Answer key
A. List the coordinates of the Tekki sprite after each command in the script shown below.
B. Find Tekki’s final (x,y) position when it executes each of the scripts shown below.
Level of Assessment: Process/Product
C. In this activity, you will simulate a simple traffic signal system by changing the color of
the lights using the switch and wait blocks. You need to create 3 costumes for the traffic
lights similar to the illustration below. Name them STOP, READY, and GO.
Create a simple animation that shows a group of fishes swimming a deep sea.
Have the learners do Play Up section A, B, and C on pages 161-162 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
Also, ask them to translate each Motion block into a statement and define Arithmetic Operators,
Pen block, and Sound block.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
➢ Familiarize with Scratch supported arithmetic operators and
Psychomotor ➢ Use number code blocks.
➢ Draw artistic and geometric patterns using Scratch Pen.
➢ Play sound files.
➢ Compose music using Scratch Sound.
Affective ➢ Engage themselves in all the activities.
i. Math, Pen, and Sound in Scratch, DigiTitans 6, Section 6, Lesson 22, pages 163-174
Values Integration:
i. Value the basic computational skills and concepts in exploring Scratch arithmetic operators
and their functions.
ii. Appreciate the importance on the Pen command feature of Scratch programming in enhancing
a project or a program.
iii. Appreciate the advantages of learning more commands to enhance a Scratch program and
to add excitement to it.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
i. Motion Blocks
• Review
Ask: Can you identify the effects applied to each sprite?
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. change color effect
2. change ghost effect
3. change pixelate effect
4. change whirl effect
5. 6. 7. 5. change mosaic effect
6. change fisheye effect
7. change brightness effect
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the meaning of the following words using their definitions:
• Motivation
1. Introduce these arm positions to the learners. Tell them that when you say the
name of the arithmetic sign, they will execute the assigned arm position as
shown below:
After some practice, use the arm positions to groove with the music.
2. With the use of a Venn diagram, show all the possible similarities and
differences between the pens and markers, pencils, and crayons.
• Motive Question:
- Can you cite some arithmetic and mathematical functions on how each
arithmetic or mathematical function is used?
- What is the main purpose of these three things?
- Can we make a sound in Scratch?
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 163-172 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. What are the arithmetic operators that are supported by Scratch?
b. What animation, game, or simulation can you create using the arithmetic
operators and mathematical functions that Scratch supports?
c. What is Pen in Scratch?
d. Can you cite a game or simulation that can be made using Pen commands?
e. What are sound blocks?
f. What could a sound bring to your Scratch project?
• Generalization
With Scratch programming, you can learn mathematical and computational ideas,
while also gaining a deeper understanding of the process of design. Lines, dots,
rectangles, and circles are some of the easiest shapes to draw with the Pen
commands, but with ample scripting, any shape can be created. Sound and music
enable the viewer to become a part of the story and “live” the moments, giving them
the illusion that everything is happening in real-time.
• Title of the Exercise: Working with Scratch Math, Pen, and Sound
• Pre-laboratory Activity
a. Discuss the Answer block with the learners. Say: The Answer block is the
block that holds the most recent text inputted with the Ask () and Wait block.
With the use of this block, we can create an interactive Math Quiz Game.
b. Ask volunteers to list down on the board the words they could relate to the
c. Play different sound effects one by one. After each sound effect, ask the
learners’ feeling upon hearing a certain sound.
• Laboratory Activity
Have the class go to the lab activity in the CD. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions and requests for clarification. Then have the class do
the activity.
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Ask some volunteers to present their work.
Ask the learners which creation they had difficulty with. Explain further how Scratch
read their scripts.
• Answer Key
A. A.
B. A.
C. A.
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 173-174 of their textbook.
• Answer key
Expression Value
5 + (2*3) 11
(15/3) – 2 3
6 + (3 * (8-2)) 24
(10 + 5) mod 2 1
Round (3.2) 3
After you’ve completed the table above, use the say command and the appropriate
operator blocks to check your answer.
Level of Assessment: Process
B. Using the same scripts you created in Figure 23-4, add an option to make the drawing
pen wide when the letter Z is pressed and narrower when letter N is pressed. Be more
creative to enhance the application and try to implement the changes correctly.
Level of Assessment: Process
C. Using the play note for beats and set instrument, simulate the I Love You Song by Barney.
1-4. (Any of these) Sqrt, abs, floor, ceiling, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, In, log, e ^,
or 10 ^.
5-10. addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, modulus, and round
11-13. and, or, and not
Have the learners do Play Up section A, B, and C on pages 173-174 of their textbook.
Remind the learners to read the next lesson in advance and review the lesson discussed today.
1. Study this script about the Ballerina Mathematician and recreate a mathematician that could tell
the general weighted average of a learner.
2. Write a program that produces the output shown below.
At any point of the 60-minute learning period, 85% of the learners should be able to:
Cognitive ➢ Follow the given instructions carefully to create a Scratch project
Psychomotor ➢ Design and create a game for them and their friends to play.
➢ Think and plan ideas creatively before creating a Scratch project.
Affective ➢ Show enthusiasm and confidence in creating a Scratch project
with the combination of different commands they have learned
from the past lessons.
• Prayer
• Greetings and Checking of Attendance
• Checking of Assignment
Let the learners present their homework in front of the class (items 1 and 3).
(Answer for item number 2):
• Review
Ask: What blocks do you use when you want to add some audio to your animation?
Can you cite some blocks that belong to the Sound Blocks palette?
• Vocabulary Development
Unlock the meaning of the following words using their definitions:
project ➢ a collection of sprites, scripts, backgrounds, and sounds
that is used as the basis for creating Scratch applications
script ➢ a collection of code blocks that outline the programming
logic that influences the operation of sprites
sprite ➢ a two-dimensional image drawn on a transparent
background which can be moved around the stage
blocks ➢ pieces of a script that control the specific actions of each
• Motivation
Say: I’ll be showing you things that are in groups. Can you tell what the grouped things
are called?
• Motive Question:
- What do you call a collection of sprites, scripts, backgrounds, and sounds that is
used as the basis for creating Scratch applications?
(Answer: A Scratch project)
• Reading
Read aloud or have the learners read pages 175-186 of the textbook with you.
• Comprehension Check
Ask the following questions:
a. When will the game start? When will it end?
b. How will the player interact with the Catch the Falling Stars Game? How will the
player be scored?
• Generalization
Games are the most common project type. Because of the large field of possibilities in
Scratch, many classic games have been recreated.
The visual programming model used in Scratch encourages hands-on and self-directed
learning through exploration and experimentation.
• Title of the Exercise: Let’s Start Scratching a Project!
• Pre-laboratory Activity
Have the learners guess this riddle:
I run but never walk, I murmur but never talk, I go but never stop. What am I?
Answer: River
When the learner is done with the activity, he saves his work and submits it to the
• Laboratory Activity
Have the class go to the lab activity in the CD. Ask a learner to read the instructions
aloud. Entertain questions and requests for clarification. Then have the class do the
• Post-Laboratory Activity
Let the learners play their Scratch Project and have volunteers discuss how long it took
for them to finish the Maze Race Game and the tactics they worked on to win the game.
• Answer Key
Let the learners do the Play Up section on pages 187 of their textbook.
• Answer key
The purpose of this last activity is to synthesize your learning in Scratch Programming.
Using several activities from the previous lessons, share what have you learned. What
surprises you? Has your thinking or perspective in programming changed?
Have the learners do Play Up section A and B on pages 187 of their textbook.
1. A Scratch program is built of graphical ______ making programming code more readable and
shareable than other programming languages. (blocks)
2. The icon is used to ______. (choose a sprite from the library)
3. The white highlight that appears whenever you drag a block indicates ______. (where you can
only drop the block or a valid connection with another block)
4. To stop a script, click ______icon. ( )
5. The ______ block is used to make a sprite move on pressing any key. (Events)
Have the learners develop a visualization of a solution to one of the problems youth is currently facing in
the Internet. This activity should be done using Scratch. It could be a simulation, a game, or an animation.
(This can be done in small groups.)