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IIU/1Vle{01/11m,/6th Sem/20 I 7/t{



Full Marks - 70

Time - Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate fult marks
for the questions.

Time - One hour
l// questions are compulsory.

l. Answer all the questions :

(A) Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate word

from the bracket : lx5=5

O Management is an function.
(original / executive)

(ii) Registration of sole trade business is

(compulsory / voluntary)

[Tum over
(iiD Wholesalers are the middle meo
sale goods to the __--__. (
(iv) Liability of members in
company is
(v) When production increases the variable
. (decreases / increascs)
(B) Chr;ose the appropriate answer given against
each of the following statements : I r5:5

(i) Stopping tlre work by the worken is

(a) Strike
(b) Gherao
(c) Picketing
(d) Lockout.
(ii) Primary objective of co-operative form
of business is -
(a) profit eaming
(b) serve the nnembers
(c) serve the society
(d) None of the above.

(iii) The piece rate system of wage payment
is based on -
(a) the quantity of work done

ft) the time attended

(c) the time of u'orkers rcmained idle

(d) nonc of the ahove.

(iv) Better business secrelcs can by

mainlained by the -
(a) company form of business

(b) partnership form of business

(c) co-operative fornt of business

(d) nonc of the abovc.

(v) The nuxinrum number of rnembers in a

non-banking parftrership tirm is -
(a) l0 o) 20

\c) 2 (d) i,{one of these.

336/HuMc-60lilME (3) flumover


(c) Write the full form of the following

(D IDBI (iD wro

(iii) NEDFr (iv) sHC
(v) cST

@) Say tnre or false to the following statements:

(i) A company is an artificial legal person.
(ii) Ancillary indusnies sell their products
to the open market only.

(iii) Small scale industries are labour

intensive industries.

(iv) Retirement is a major cause for labour


(v) Semi-fixed cost remains rurchanged.

(E) Fill in the gaps : lx5=5

(D There must *.orkers to be a
factory runs with the belp of power.

(ii) are rvho lake th€ initiative to

sefup a business unit.

336/Hu/Me-60t/IME (4) r500(c)

tiiD A is a middleman between a
retailer and the consumers'
(iv) Fencing of machinery is one of the
important Provision under the
Factories AcL 1948.

(v) To form a public limited company must

at least members.

Time - Two hours
$Y five questions'

2. Write short anslver on arly three 3x3:9


(D Elements of cost.

(ii) Factors for selecting the site for a factory'

(iii) Trade union.

(iv) Collectivebargaining'

(v) Five qualilies of a good leader'

3. What is wage incentive plan ? State the various

wage incentive plans with its advantages and
disadvantages. 2+7:9

(s) [Tunover
4. Who are wholesalers ? Do you feel they should be
eliminated from the channel of distribution ? If
not why ? Justifi your opinion. 2+7=9
5. Define management. State the principles of
management which guide a manager to perform his
firnctions smoothly to achieve the goals of their
business activities. 2+7:9

6. What is Break Even Point ? State its uses.

Determine the Break Even Point (Sale Value) with
the following information : 2+3+4=9
(i) Fixed cost Rs. 20,000
(ii) Variable cost Rs. 60,000
(iii) Sales price per unit Rs. 20

(iv) Numbers of unit produced 6000 units.

7 . Critically discuss the role played by the small

scale industries of Assam in the development of
the economy of the state. 9

8. Define company. State in brief the salient features

of joint stock company. 3+6=9

336/Hu/Me-601/IIr4E (6) 1500(c)

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