Article 20 of UDHR-2
Article 20 of UDHR-2
Article 20 of UDHR-2
Right to Association: This affirms the right of individuals to form and join
groups, organizations, or associations of their choosing. This includes
political parties, trade unions, social clubs, and other voluntary
associations. Individuals should have the freedom to associate with
others who share their interests, beliefs, or goals.
The civil human rights in the United States aligns with the principles
outlined in this article is the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and
1960s. This movement sought to address racial segregation and
discrimination against African Americans, particularly in the southern
Voluntary Association: At the core of the Civil Rights Movement was the
voluntary association of individuals and organizations dedicated to
advancing civil rights. Groups like the NAACP, Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC), and Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC) provided platforms for individuals to join together
voluntarily, pooling resources and efforts towards a common cause. No
one was compelled to join these organizations; rather, people joined out
of a shared commitment to justice and equality.
The Civil Rights Movement serves as a compelling case study of how the
principles of freedom of peaceful assembly and voluntary association
have been instrumental in advancing civil human rights in the United
States. It underscores the importance of these rights in empowering
citizens to challenge injustice and pursue equality and justice for all.