RPS Intermediate Accounting II
RPS Intermediate Accounting II
RPS Intermediate Accounting II
(Inung Wijayanti,SE.,Ak.,MM.,CA) (Drs.Panubut Simorangkir, Ak.,MM.,CA) (Ridarmelli, S.E., Ak., M.Si., CA., SAS)
Learning Outcomes CPL-PRODI
(LO) S2 Maintaining human values through the performance of religious, moral, and ethical obligations.
S9 Demonstrate a responsible approach toward working independently in the accounting sector.
Master the fundamental foundation for the presentation and creation of financial statements; accounting policies and principles;
the accounting cycle; recognition, measurement, presentation of reports and report items; and financial statement analysis.
Capable of using logical, analytical, methodical, and inventive thinking in the framework of the creation or execution of science
and technology that pays attention to and uses humanistic ideals in line with their field of competence.
Capable of demonstrating self-sufficient, high-quality, and quantifiable performance.
Capable of independently preparing, analyzing, and interpreting financial statements of distinct companies using accounting
KK3 principles for transactions in compliance with general financial accounting standards and relevant ETAP financial accounting
C3 Students are competent to create financial reports in accordance with financial accounting standards. (SAK)
Students are able to analyse accounts on the credit side of the statement of financial position and conduct procedures for
presenting these accounts on the statement of financial position.
Course Description This course is a continuation and integral element of Intermediate Financial Accounting Course I, which addresses the theories, ideas, and
principles of preparing financial statements in accordance with the applicable Financial Accounting Standards. Short-term liabilities, long-
term liabilities, equity, retained earnings, Treasury stocks, earnings per share, and dividend policy are among the Financial Position
Accounts covered in this course. This course also covers Diluted Securities, Investments, Long-Term Contract Revenue Recognition, Lease
Accounting, Accounting Policies for Accounting Changes, and financial accounting standard, financial accounting standard of Non-Publicly-
Accountable Entities (ETAP), and financial accounting standard of EMKM.
Additional readings :
1. Financial Accounting Standard. Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants. 2022 Edition or Later
2. Kartikahadi, Hans., dkk. 2016. Akuntansi Keuangan Berdasarkan SAK Berbasis IFRS. Edisi Kedua, Buku Satu, IAI.
Learning Media 3. .
Software : Hardware :
- Computer, LCD & Projector, Whiteboard, Marker
Team Teaching Drs. Panubut Simorangkir.,Ak.,CA ; Dra. Berna Ratna Sari, Ak. M.M.C.A ; Ridarmelli.,SE., Ak.,M.Si.,CA ; Laela Lanjarsih, SE.,MM
Inung Wijayanti.,SE.,Ak.,MM.,CA
8 Mid-Term Exam (UTS) : Providing written test exam based on expected learning outcome and making assessment and evolution for
the subsequent studying period
9 Capable of explaining the Explanation: • Lecturing, discussion, Criteria: TM = 3 X 50 5%
Sub-CP-MK Score for
Assessment Time
Week (expected of final Indicator References Learning Methods Assignme
criteria & form (Minutes)
learning outcome) nts
financial asset accounting Debt Kieso, dkk Student Center Problem
framework, debt investment Chapter 17 Learning solving
investments at amortized Amortized cost • Text book Exercises:
cost, debt investments at Fair value IK 50 = Penyajian
Questions, Exercise
fair value, and accounting Fair value IK 60 = Non-test form:
Pengungkapan • Assignment 8 :
for fair value options (S2, options Question and T= 3 X 120
PSAK 71 Resume on debt
S9, PP9) answer
Information :
TM= Face to face
Q= Structured Tasks
The conversion of total score from numeric grade to letter grade, based on the following:
Score Grade Weight Score Grade Weight