Fybca Sem 2 - Accounting Syllabus-006398201
Fybca Sem 2 - Accounting Syllabus-006398201
Fybca Sem 2 - Accounting Syllabus-006398201
Course Code:006398201
COURSE OBJECTIVE(S):The course will give fundamental ideas about the accounting software
and as a course study, the students can understand how the accounting software works. It also
give an idea about various.
Module Weightage
Content Hours
No. (%)
1. Introduction to Accounting System
Text Book(s):
Title of the Book Author(s) Publication
Accounting for Management By Dr. Jawaharlal -
Financial Management By Dr. S. N. Maheshwari -
Reference Book(s):
Title of the Book Author(s) Publication
By S. K. Bhattacharya & -
Accounting for Management JohnDearden
Advanced Accountancy By S. P. Jain & K. I. Narang -
Good English G. H. Vallins Rups& Co
Implementing Tally 6.3 By K. K. Nathani BPB Publication
COURSE OUTCOMES:(Limited it to 4 to 6)
Sr. No. CO Statement
CO-1 After learning this subject student will be able to know the basic concepts of
Financial Accounting & use of a good Financial Accounting Software.
CO-2 student will able to learn basic about financial accounting and its concepts
CO-3 students will able to learn about transaction and types of accounts
CO-4 student will able to learn the book-keeping concept
CO-5 student will able to know about the journal and other related details
CO-6 student will learn about the ledger and trail balance