Specs Electrical R1 (Recovered 1) (Recovered)
Specs Electrical R1 (Recovered 1) (Recovered)
Specs Electrical R1 (Recovered 1) (Recovered)
624.1 Description
This Item shall consist of furnishing of materials, equipment, and labor for the
installation of roadway lighting which includes the luminaire, pole, concrete
footing/foundation, power supply, and other necessary components, as shown on the
Plans and as directed by the Engineer.
All materials shall be brand new and shall be of the approved type. It shall
conform with the requirements of the Philippine Electrical Cede (PEC) and the
products locally manufactured shall bear a Philippine Standard (PS) mark, while
imported products shall bear Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) certification marks
duly issued by the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS).
(a) ASTM A123: Specification for Black and Hot- Dipped Zinc Coated
(galvanized) Longitudinally Welded Steel Pipes
(k) (k) EN 62471: Photo biological safety of Lamps and lamp system
(p) PNS 26:1992: Specification for Steel - Black and hot-dipped zinc
coated (galvanized) longitudinally welded steel pipes
Each Pole shall have an inspection door or hand hole and shall have a
suitable gasketed screw cover. After the pole has been erected, sealed and
fixed in the foundation block, a coat of finishing aluminum paint shall be
applied. Pole shall be provided with galvanized steel anchor bolts threaded top
end and with a hooked bent at an angle end at the bottom. Size of the anchor
bolts shall be as indicated on the Plans.
Pole shaft shall comply with ASTM A53M, Standard Specification for
Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless.
Anchor bases shall be provided with hot-dipped, galvanized steel
anchor bolts with double nuts and washers, threaded at the top end and
bended at 90 degrees at the bottom end. Galvanized nuts, washer, and
ornamental covers shall also be provided for anchor bolts. Galvanizing shall
be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A153M, Standard
Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware or
AASHTO M 111M, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized)
Coatings on Iron and Steel Products, or ASTM A123/A123M, Specification for
Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products.
The mast arm which is the same as horizontal bracket that is used to
support the luminaire shall have a length that is coordinated with the proper
photometric distribution.
The mast arm shall be fabricated using galvanized iron (GI) pipe and to
be fully hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication that are manufactured in
accordance with PNS 26:1992, Steel - Black and hot-dipped zinc coated
(galvanized) longitudinally welded steel pipes or ASTM A123- Black and Hot-
Dipped Zinc Coated (galvanized) Longitudinally Welded Steel Pipes (for
ordinary use) - Specification.
The electric cable shall be twin core PVC insulated water and UV
resistant copper cable of 1.5 mm minimum size.
All internal/external wiring shall conform with the latest edition of PEC
1 & 2.
The wiring used shall be heat resistant type with a temperature rating
of minimum 105°C. Samples of the heat resistant cable and cable
manufacturer specification shall be submitted.
624.2.5 Conduit
All conduit bodies, boxes and fittings shall be made watertight, dust tight
and galvanized steel conforming to UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing and Cable
Fittings. The terminal box on the module shall be designed for long-term
outdoor operation in harsh environments with an opening for replacing the
cable if necessary.
Grounding wire shall be made of bare copper stranded, soft drawn wire
and shall be installed in one continuous length without splice or joint. Ground
rods shall be made of copper-clad steel of not less than 20 mm diameter x 3 in
in length driven in full length into earth. The size of the ground rod and ground
wells shall be as shown on the Plans and the resistance shall not be more than
5 ohms.
All conductors and grounding size shall not be less than the indicated
sizes as shown on the Plans.
Conduit entry shall be at the top and bottom. A directory holder shall be
provided inside the panel and ground lug for ground wire connection.
Nameplate of laminated plastic shall be attached by means of stainless-steel
rivets or permanent adhesive showing panelboard number.
624.2.10 Circuit Breakers
All circuit breakers shall be plug in and thermal magnetic type, manually
or electrically operated as required with ratings and capacity as shown on the
Plans and shall be in accordance with UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers,
Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures.
Connectors for wiring shall be rated at least 600 volts and shall be of
the following types:
624.2.17 Testing
A full type test for luminaire shall be in accordance with IEC 60598-2-3.
For the humidity test, it shall be carried out at a relative humidity around 95%
and at an ambient temperature of 28°C.
LEDs shall have test reports from IESNA LM80-08 and TM-21-11
qualified for relevant LED product testing.
624.3 Construction Requirements
All roadway lighting poles shall be constructed of cold rolled mild steel
of a sufficient gauge having yield strength of not less than 248.2 Mpa and shall
be followed with a prime coat of paint within 24 hours. The prime coat of paint
shall be compatible with the finish coat of paint.
Pole shall be threaded at the top end of the foundation and adjustment
shall be provided for permanent vertical position with the bracket arm in proper
position for luminaire location and size as shown on the Plans.
The pole shall be provided with a hand hole and grounding lug
attachment at the elevation and a cable entry slot sized and located as shown
on the plans. The slot shall be free of burrs and sharp edges.
624.3.3 Ballast
624.3.4 Conduit
Conduit boxes for pulling and splicing wires and outlet boxes shall be
provided for installation of wiring devices and. As a rule, junction boxes or pull
boxes in all runs greater than 30-inch. in length, for horizontal runs. For other
lengths, boxes shall be provided as required for splicing or pulling. Pull boxes
shall be installed in inconspicuous but accessible locations. Conduit boxes shall
be installed plumb and securely fastened. They shall be set flush with the
surface of the structure in which they are installed where conduits are run
Anchor bolt circle dimensions shall be furnished and rigid template shall
be used to center the anchor bolts in the foundation with exposed threaded
ends, at least three (3) threads vertically positioned in concrete. Unless
otherwise specified, the template shall be oriented so that the mast arm of the
lighting standard is perpendicular to the centerline of the roadway. The top of
the concrete foundation shall be constructed in level and only shims used to
rake the lighting standard shall be permitted. Shims with break-away couplings
shall not be permitted. Each foundation shall have an imprinted arrow/s on the
top of the foundation to indicate the direction of the cable duct run.
624.3.7 Electrical Conductors and Grounding
After the installation of all cables, the Contractor shall test the insulation
resistance of all feeders and connected equipment with a 600-V megger for
grounds and short circuits. testing shall include measuring of insulation
resistance. These measurements shall be recorded by feeder and branch
circuit number indicating the resistance values between phases and ground.
All effective and calibrated apparatus, materials and labor required for
conducting tests shall be supplied and made available by the Contractor.
The work under this item shall be measured either by pieces, set or lump sum,
actually placed and installed as shown on the Plans.
The quantity of roadway lighting and electrical works to be paid for shall be the
number of lighting poles of single and double luminaires to include all conduits,
luminaires, all wirings, panelboard, nuts, washer, fasteners, conduit clamps, bolts,
capacitors, coils and others including all necessary materials and accessories needed
for moisture and fungus control, corrosion protections and all other incidentals needed
to make the system operational and accepted to comply with the requirements of the
latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code, and any other ordinances including
payment of necessary permits from local enforcing authorities.
The concrete footing will be measured and paid for as provided under Item 405,
Structural Concrete. The quantity of structural concrete to be paid for shall be the final
quantity placed and accepted in the completed structure.
Reinforcing steel bars will be measured and paid for as provided under Item
404, Reinforcing Steel. The quantity to be paid for shall be the final quantity placed
and accepted in the completed footing.
All works performed and measured and as provided for in the Bill of Quantities
shall be paid for at the Unit Bid or Contract Unit Price which payment shall constitute
full compensation including labor, materials, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete this Item.
Unit of
Pay Item Number Description