Apollo Ambient Air Pump: The CALIPSO Single Operator Model
Apollo Ambient Air Pump: The CALIPSO Single Operator Model
Apollo Ambient Air Pump: The CALIPSO Single Operator Model
• Eliminates expense of a breathing
air compressor
OVERVIEW • Requires no temperature alarms or
The Clemco CALIPSO Ambient Air additional air line filters
Pump conveys breathing air from a • Hand portable
clean environment outside the work DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION • Easy to operate and maintain
area to a low-pressure type CE sup- The CALIPSO Ambient Air • Can be used as air source for other
plied-air respirator worn by an operator Pump is placed outside of the work respirators that operate with 8 cfm at
inside the work area without introducing area in a site free of airborne contam- 10 psi
oil or other contaminants. inants. The pump moves clean air to
the low pressure respirator. An option- APPROVALS AND CERTIFICATIONS
al remote air intake kit allows the air
The following items are required for
intake to be up to 300 feet from the SPECIFICATIONS
operation, but are not included with this
pump. An optional elevated air intake • Air flow output: 8 cfm at 10 psi
is three feet above the pump. The • 3/4 HP thermally-protected, dust
• Electric power supply — 110-115 volt,
operator connects the respirator hose resistant, 110/115-volt motor
60 hz, 10 amp. Alternate: 208/230
to the pump and to the CFC air inlet (alternate 208/230 v)
volt, 60 hz, 5 amp
at the respirator, turns on the pump, • Amperage: 10.4 (recommended
• NIOSH-approved low-pressure, type
adjusts the pressure, and checks for minimum 15 amp circuit)
CE-supplied-air respirator approved
leaks then puts on the respirator. • Oil-free air pump with 3/8-inch NPT
to operate at 10 psi or less, suitable
After blasting, the operator keeps the inlet and outlet
for the application
respirator on until the area is free • Pressure-relief valve
• Approved respirator hose
of dust and contamination. The • Pressure gauge
• Pump output must meet the standard
quick-connect fitting allows air to flow, • Inlet filter: Multi-layer disposable
for Grade D breathing air, as defined
even when unconnected to the respi- cloth element with wire inner and
by the Compressed Gas Association,
rator, keeping hazardous material from outer support
Commodity Specification: G-7.1
entering at the connection point. • Outlet filter: activated charcoal
ISO 9001 certified. Clemco is committed to continuous product improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2019 Clemco Industries Corp. • One Cable Car Drive • Washington, MO 63090 • Phone (636) 239-4300 • Fax (800) 726-7559
Stock No. 25981 www.clemcoindustries.com 05/19