Negative Self-Talk and How To Change It (Shad Helmstetter)
Negative Self-Talk and How To Change It (Shad Helmstetter)
Negative Self-Talk and How To Change It (Shad Helmstetter)
and How to Change It
Helmstetter, Shad
Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It
ISBN-978-0-9970861-8-8 (eBook format)
ISBN-978-0-9970861-9-5 (Print format)
A 60-Minute Book™
More Information –– Less Time
This book is designed to give you the maximum amount of information in the shortest effective
reading time. The quality of the information is the same as you receive in a full-length book, but the
key information is presented in a concise, condensed format.
About the Author
Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D., is the pioneering dean in the field of self-talk and personal growth. He
has devoted more than thirty-five years to research and writing in this field. He is the author of more
than twenty books, including the international best-seller What to Say When You Talk to Your Self and
the recent The Power of Neuroplasticity. His books are published in more than 74 countries
Dr. Helmstetter has appeared on over 1200 television and radio programs, including repeat
appearances on Oprah Winfrey, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN News, and is a featured guest on top
Internet blogs and YouTube programs.
Tools and Resources You Can Use:
To listen to Self-Talk audio sessions on many topics free for 30 days from the Self-Talk Institute:
To contact Dr. Shad Helmstetter, or to arrange for his appearance on interviews or blogs:
Email ––
Chapter One
The Message of this Book
Chapter Two
Negative Self-Talk
Chapter Three
Where Negative Self-Talk Begins
Chapter Four
Negative Self-Talk Disorder
Chapter Five
Negative Self-Talk and the Brain
Chapter Six
Fixing the Problem of
Negative Self-Talk
Chapter Seven
Changing Your Self-Talk
Chapter Eight
Key Questions and Their Answers
Chapter Nine
My Hope for You
A Personal Note From The Author:
In these pages, I have brought together the most important discoveries
on the subject of negative self-talk and how to change it, and its profound
effect on our individual lives.
This book was written for people who are busy. (That means most of
us.) We take less time today to relax and read and enjoy; we want to get
right to the point, learn something useful, and move on. We want
information we can use.
In the following pages, that’s what you’ll find––information that is up to
date, highly useful, perhaps even life-changing––with a minimum of words
to get the message across.
As you will read in the following pages, because of how the brain gets
wired, the key to retention is repetition. Please feel free to reread more than
once any information you want to keep forever.
Chapter One
The Message of this Book
There is no greater path you can walk,
no greater goal you can achieve,
and no greater purpose you can find,
than to live up to the promise
you were born to fulfill.
The purpose of this book is to give you all of the basics you should
know about negative self-talk and how to change it.
I will begin with twelve key points that summarize this book:
1. All of us were ‘programmed’ from birth on––and we end up living
out the programs we received.
2. From the moment you were born, everything you heard, everything
you thought, and everything you said out loud or to yourself was
temporarily recorded in your brain.
3. The messages you received that were repeated frequently were
physically and chemically wired into your brain. We refer to those repeated
messages as ‘programs.’ The more often those programs were repeated, the
stronger they were wired into your brain.
4. It is estimated that during the first 18 years of your life––if you grew
up in a reasonably positive home––as much as 77% of the programs you
received were negative. Whatever those programs were, many of them are
still with you today.
5. The part of the brain that stores the programs you received doesn’t
know the difference between something that is true and something that is
false. The brain is designed to act on the strongest programs it receives as
though they are true––whether they’re true or not.
6. As much as 90% or more of your programs are unconscious, and are
completely hidden from you.
7. Along with your genes and your experiences, you are the result of the
programs you received.
8. Everything you believe, everything you think, everything you say,
and everything you do is the result of the programs you received––both
from others and from yourself.
9. Your self-talk, right now, is a replay of the programs you have that are
the strongest.
10. Negative self-talk is the combined result of the negative programs
you received from others, and those you gave to yourself. Most of them are
11. Because of its neuroplasticity, your brain is designed to continually
rewire itself throughout your lifetime.
12. If you have programs that are negative and working against you, you
can change them. You can rewire them––replace them––with different,
more positive, and more successful programs.
That is the message of this book.
Chapter Two
Negative Self-Talk
Anything you think or say that causes you to see your world as
filled with problems instead of opportunities and positive
One of the most common behavioral problems people face today is the
problem I have called Negative Self-Talk Disorder. The disorder has
symptoms that can be identified, and it can be treated. But left unchecked, it
can create catastrophic results.
The problem is that, while many people suffer from Negative Self-Talk
Disorder, even though its effects are terribly damaging, most people are not
aware they have it. Few of them have any understanding of the chaos
negative self-talk is creating in their lives.
The following few questions will tell you if Negative Self-Talk Disorder
may be a problem in your own life:
Do you often think negative thoughts?
Do you feel ‘down’ or depressed for no apparent reason?
Do you have trouble focusing on your goals and accomplishing the
things you want to accomplish?
Do you argue more than you should?
Do you often feel that life is working against you?
Do you feel you are not in control of your future?
Do you put off or procrastinate doing the things you need to do?
Do you often see the worst first and the best last?
Do you talk about yourself in any way that puts you down or makes you
think less of yourself?
Do you find that you are self-critical, and often critical of others?
Is a noticeable amount of your self-talk each day made up of negative
Do you have trouble seeing the world, and life in general, as bright and
as positive as you would like it to be?
Do you find that you have stopped believing in your dreams, and have
started to believe that those dreams are no longer true for you?
If negative self-talk is playing a role in your life, you probably already
see the results. People who are negative make themselves less capable at
problem-solving than people who are more positive. They are unnecessarily
unhappy––and they make themselves that way. They often have an
inaccurately negative picture of the future. And, without knowing it, they
afflict or affect everyone around them.
The problem is that Negative Self-Talk Disorder is an unconsciously
acquired disorder that becomes physically, chemically, wired into your
brain. (It becomes an actual disorder––faulty wiring––in the brain.) If you
do nothing to change it, it not only stays, it also gets progressively worse. It
becomes a part of your programs, and follows the rules under which your
brain operates.
Imagine meeting a sour, pessimistic, down-in-the-mouth person who is
negative about everything. When you meet someone like that, it is clear that
person did not suddenly become a negative, unhappy person overnight.
People who are super-negative––whether they are aware of it or not––
have worked at it. Probably for years. Day after day, thought after thought,
they have, usually without knowing it, wired their brains to see the world in
a darker, more insecure, less enlightened and optimistic way. If you ask
them to look at the world in a bright and positive way, they can no longer
do it. They’re too negative. Their brains are now wired to be negative and
to think that way, and that’s how they see themselves and the world around
This is the person who is just beginning to wire his or her brain with
more negative than positive. The problem may start with a single bad
experience, or it may be the result of a series of difficult life circumstances.
Or it may be the result of repeated negative programming from others. The
result is a loss of belief in a positive outcome.
The Level 1 Person –– Key Symptoms
Expresses frequent doubt.
Often feels depressed for no apparent reason.
Worries a lot.
Begins to feel a lack of control of life in general.
Expects (unrealistic) bad things to happen.
Begins to complain more often.
Smiles or laughs less often than usual.
Becomes self-critical and critical of others.
Shows signs of beginning to focus on the negative.
Begins to lose trust in things working out right.
The process by which the human brain creates, stores, and acts on your
mental programs is somewhat complicated. I’ll simplify the process here, to
give you an overview of how it works.
(To read an in-depth look at self-talk and the brain, see my book, The
Power of Neuroplasticity.)
Many years ago, when I first began to recognize the truth about negative
self-talk and how it destroys lives, I made two life-changing decisions.
The first was that I would never again give in to negative programming,
of any kind, in my own life, if I could help it in any way.
The second decision I made in this area was that I would research the
concept of self-talk and programming, and explore the science behind the
The result of my first decision was that I stopped, ever again, using
negative self-talk in my own life. The result of the second decision, to do
serious research into the concept of self-talk, took more than thirty years,
and resulted in my writing more than twenty books on the subject.
I discussed earlier how negative self-talk and the programming of the
human brain works. But it’s equally important to know what to do about the
If you have negative programs now, can they be changed? Can you
create new, more positive programs in the brain? And most important, what
specific steps can you follow to get rid of old negative programs––and, at
the same time, create positive new programs?
My research into the neuroscience behind self-talk uncovered important
answers. Not only did I discover how we get programmed, and how
destructive most of that programming is, a lot of what I found gave us the
answers that would tell us how to fix the problem.
I’ll summarize the answers I found:
Can you erase the negative programs you have now?
Even if you have programs that have been wired into your brain for
years, you can change or reverse them. If you do nothing, they are usually
‘permanent.’ If you have any level of Negative Self-Talk Disorder, and you
do nothing to change it, it will get worse. However, if you replace the old
negative programs with positive new programs, you can override the
negative ones.
Important Note #1: Even if some of your negative programs have been
with you for years––perhaps a lifetime––because of the brain’s plasticity, it
does not take years to erase or replace them. Replacing negative programs
often takes only weeks, not years.
Important Note #2: You don’t have to identify every single negative
program you have now, in order to erase it or replace it. The
recommendations you’ll find here will help you override negative
programs, even if they are completely hidden in your subconscious mind.
Can you create entirely new, more positive programs?
Yes. Since you got your current programs through repetition, you can
create new programs in the same way. By using repetition, you can create
any new program you choose.
What are the steps to creating new programs?
The purpose of this guide is to give the reader the most effective and practical methods available
to create the habit of positive self-talk, and overcome the damaging effects of negative self-talk.
Many thousands of once-negative self-talkers have followed these steps, and have changed both
their self-talk and their lives as a result.
A word of encouragement: Your brain is designed to change. It is designed to rewire itself with
new input. When you practice or listen to positive new self-talk, your brain will begin to erase the old
negative neural programs naturally, pruning out the old programs and making space for the new. If
you follow the steps below, and stay with it, it will work.
Step 1: Monitor
As you’re getting started, for the next 30 days, monitor your self-talk as it is now. Listen to
everything you think, and everything you say.
Imagine having someone record everything you said for 30 days. Then, at the end of that time,
they transcribed your words and typed them out, and then underlined with a yellow highlighter
everything you had said most often.
If you were to read a list of those highlighted phrases, you would have an accurate picture of your
self-talk as it is today. It would not include the self-talk you thought silently to yourself each day, but
it would give you a clear picture of what your spoken self-talk sounds like right now.
What is the first thing you usually say to greet each day?
What goes through your mind when the traffic light turns red?
How do you react when your child comes home with a bad grade?
What goes through your mind when someone disagrees with you?
What is the last thing you think before you go to sleep at night?
Even without actually writing down your self-talk, the goal is to become consciously aware of all
of your thoughts and all of your words. When you start focusing on your current self-talk every day,
you will begin to recognize the self-talk you are using now that could be working against you.
The purpose of creating the habit of monitoring your self-talk is to become mindful. Becoming
consciously mindful of your self-talk is the first step in changing it.
Step 2: Edit
Each time you catch yourself saying or thinking anything that is harmfully negative, do the
following: Stop––and restate it in the positive.
As an example, imagine that you’ve just made a mistake, and you hear yourself saying
something like, “I’m so stupid.” Immediately replace it with, “That’s not like me. I’m smarter than
that.” Or, when you hear yourself about to say, "Nothing ever works out right for me," replace the
negative with a clear, new positive directive to your brain: "I am good at making things work. I have
a plan, I follow it, I stay with it, and I achieve my goal."
As you can see, the negatives in those examples are replaced with clear, positive statements that
give new directives to your brain.
When you edit your self-talk in this way, you're not lying to yourself by replacing the negative
thought with positive; you're rewiring your brain with an accurate picture of how you choose to be––
the new picture of you that you're now creating. You're not kidding yourself; you're setting the record
Learning to edit your thoughts and your words is an essential step, but it doesn't get rid of all of
the old negative programs you have stored up. Editing will, however, help protect you from getting
more of them.
As a technique used by itself, editing won't teach you a refreshing new language of optimism and
success, but it can help stop the old negative language from getting stronger.
In the brain, learning positive self-talk utilizes the same process as learning a new language––
through repeated listening, and then practicing what you're learning.
Repetition is the key. When you listen to positive self-talk––about 10 to 15 minutes each day––
you will be giving clear, positive, new messages to your brain. Because of the daily repetition, your
brain will begin to override and replace the older, negative self-talk programs which had been
You can expect to see early, positive changes in your attitude and motivation even in the first
days of listening. However, it typically takes about three weeks or more for the brain to begin to
rewire itself with new, repeated programs, so set a goal to stay with it.
As you begin learning and practicing the new self-talk, you will also begin to wire in the habit of
changing your programs naturally––both consciously and unconsciously. That's the turning point
you're looking for.
Because you're hearing and practicing self-talk each day, the new self-talk will become the new
language you think in and speak in naturally. It is that new language––a new way of dealing with
life––that will begin to inform every future choice you make.
Note: When you listen to self-talk, it is recommended that you play the sessions primarily in the
background, while you are doing something else, and do not try to focus on them. Your brain will be
listening, whether you are consciously listening or not. In this way, you will be less likely to question
the positive new programs while your brain is going through the process of wiring them in.
The Self-Talk Institute offers an online streaming service, called This service
allows you to listen to self-talk programs on a broad variety of topics that affect your life, both
personally and professionally. With the Institute’s streaming service, you can listen to positive self-
talk programs on your phone or on any listening device. The service is free for the first 30 days, and
is open to all users. To access this service, go to
A high score of 8, 9 or 10 means your self-talk in that subject area is positive, and is working for
If you score yourself a 5, 6, or 7, it tells you that those areas may need work, even if they aren’t
your first priority.
A score of 1 to 4 means your self-talk in that area needs immediate attention. (The lower the
score, the more your self-talk in that area needs help.)
Rate your typical self-talk in each of the following areas:
Your Self-Esteem
Being in Control of Your Life
Are you on top, in control of your life, and going for it? What is your self-talk when you think or
talk about being in control?
Rate your self-talk about how much you feel you’re in control of your life: ______
Your Health and Fitness
When you talk about, or think about, your level of health and fitness, how do you usually
describe yourself?
Rate your self-talk about health and fitness: ______
Your Job or Career
Do you always praise your job and your work––or does your self-talk say something else?
Rate your self-talk about your job or career: ______
Money and Finances
What are the messages you give yourself most about money––and how easy it is for you to attain
financial freedom?
Rate your self-talk about money and finances: ______
Your Relationships
Do you automatically and naturally see your relationships working as you would like them to, or
do you feel you could improve them in some areas?
Rate your self-talk about your relationships: ______
The Quality of Your Life
Is your life working each day at its highest, most fulfilling level? Or would you like it to be
Rate your self-talk about the quality of your life: ______
Reaching Your Goals
Do your thoughts and your self-talk show a picture of you reaching all of your goals?
Rate your self-talk about how you’re doing at reaching your goals: ______
Getting Things Done
Does your self-talk tell you that you are accomplishing everything you would like to––on time,
and in the right way? Is procrastination a problem for you?
Rate your self-talk about your success in getting things done: ______
Your Appearance
Does your self-talk tell you that you are happy with your appearance, and looking your best?
Rate your self-talk about your appearance: ______
Your Weight
What does your self-talk tell you about your weight, and how you feel about it? What kind of
self-talk do you use when you think about your weight?
Rate your self-talk about your weight: ______
Your Attitude
When you monitor your self-talk, what does it tell you about your attitude? Is it positive, and as
good as you would like it to be?
Rate your self-talk that reflects your attitude overall: ______
How You Deal With Problems
Does your self-talk describe you as being on top of your game, and always dealing with problems
Rate your self-talk about dealing with problems: ______
Your Intelligence
Does your self-talk tell you that you are confident about your intelligence?
Rate your self-talk about how you feel about your intelligence: ______
Your Energy
When you talk about your energy, do you see yourself as having a lot of energy, or do you tell
yourself you never have enough?
Rate your self-talk about your level of energy: ______
Your Stress
Does your self-talk show a picture of you that is relaxed, calm, and in control, or does it show
you that you have too much stress in your life?
Rate your self-talk about your stress and your daily sense of calm: ______
Anxiety or Depression
Does your self-talk show a picture of you that is positive and upbeat, or frequently ‘down,’
anxious or depressed?
Rate your self-talk about feeling anxious or depressed: ______
Being Organized
When you think––or talk about––how organized you feel you are, does your self-talk say you are
as organized as you would like to be?
Rate your self-talk each day about being organized, and feeling you’re on top of things: ______
Your Sense of ‘Purpose’ in Life
What do you say about your purpose or your mission in life? Is your purpose crystal clear, or do
you need more clarity in this area?
Rate your self-talk about having a sense of purpose in your life: ______
Looking Forward to Tomorrow
Does your self-talk give you an uplifting and positive picture of your future?
Rate your self-talk about looking forward to your future: ______
Your Personal Growth
Does your self-talk show you a picture of you that is always growing and improving?
Rate your self-talk about how you are growing as an individual: ______
* * * * *
Carefully examining your scores on the above quiz will tell you where to start, and which areas
of your self-talk you need to work on most.
Take a moment now and make a note of your three lowest score areas. This will tell you where to
begin, as you start working to change your old programs.
Note: If you listen to self-talk sessions, about 10 to 15 minutes a day as recommended by The
Self-Talk Institute, plan to retake the above quiz again 90 days from now. You may be surprised how
dramatically your scores change for the better, even in that short period of time.
The above guide from The Self-Talk Institute has been very successful
at helping many thousands of individuals change their self-talk. If you
would like to put yourself on the fast track to having the right self-talk in
your life, I encourage you to follow their guidelines.
It is easy to see, from the above quiz, how many areas of your life are
being directly affected every day by the self-talk you have now. You cannot
help but consider the question:
“What would happen if you made the choice to improve your self-talk in
all the key areas of your life?”
Chapter Seven
Changing Your Self-Talk
Until people have heard the specific kind of of self-talk that most
rapidly creates positive changes, they often struggle with what form it
should take, and what it should sound like.
Here is an example of correctly-worded self-talk, taken from one of my
favorite recorded self-talk sessions. This one is on the subject of Self-
You like yourself. You choose to like who you are. You feel good about
yourself. You like the way you think. You like the things you do. You like the
way you live your life. You have self-confidence. You know yourself, and you
are proud of the person you have chosen to be. An accurate description of
you would include the words, "wonderful, unique, well-liked, positive, self-
directed, happy, and incredible."
You are a quality person. You are worthwhile. You deserve to live at your
best, and to receive the best from the life you live. You attract the best in
everything around you. People really enjoy your company. They like the
way you think. They like the way you express yourself. And they like the
person you are.
You really deserve good things in your life. Each morning, you wake up
feeling good about yourself. You are happy with the way you see yourself
each day. You are proud of the job you're doing, making your life count.
If you want to change your self-talk, you can. I’ve never met anyone
who wanted to change their self-talk who couldn’t do it. In most cases, they
had wanted to change it, and they had to follow a few practical steps, as
outlined in the Institute's guide. But when they followed those steps, their
self-talk changed.
The reason people achieve reliable success with this is that the brain is
designed to rewire itself. So, if you learn how to rewire your brain in the
right way, your brain has no choice. It will do what it was designed to do.
The key is to make your brain's natural programming process work for you
instead of against you.
How long does it take to change your self-talk if you’re actively
working at it?
Start being a self-talk role model now, whatever age your kids are. Any
child or young person above the age of about two years old begins to
understand the idea of repeated messages.
Most kids today, from about age four or five on up, are familiar with
computers or personal electronic devices, and can understand that what you
type into them is what you get back out.
Always let them know you believe in them. And then, talk to them about
their own self-talk, and let them know that whatever they tell their own
mental computer is what they will get back. Self-belief and self-
determination have created more great kids than almost anything else.
Remember, you are the most important programmer your kids will ever
Can you change your self-talk by writing ‘affirmations’ or
reminders, and reading them to yourself each day? Or do you need to
listen to new self-talk to replace the old?
Affirmations, for the most part, are good. The problem is that, in their
common use today, affirmations are seldom strong enough, or detailed
enough, to change your underlying programs. Without the right strength and
specific detail, reading or repeating a few affirmations each day will not
change the programs that are buried in the subconscious part of your brain.
The popular use of affirmations was one of the starting gates into my
research into self-talk. What I found is that, while many affirmations
express wonderful sentiments like "I am one with the divine universe," or
"The world gives to me what I declare," the words can make you feel better
for a short time, but the affirmations themselves do almost nothing to rewire
your brain.
Most affirmations, as they are used today, are not worded in a way that
your brain can interpret them as actual, specific directions that you want it
to follow. And that's the problem: Affirmations don't pay the rent, or get
you to work on time.
I have occasionally been challenged for suggesting that people should
listen to recorded self-talk instead of doing something more ‘homemade’ or
personal, such as writing self-talk refrigerator notes or putting affirmations
on the mirror. But changing your brain takes more than that.
* * * * *
Over the years, I’ve gone through all of the easy-sounding steps for
changing a person’s internal self-talk from negative to positive. But it gets
down to physics, the chemistry of the brain, and how rewiring the brain
actually works.
Knowing the science and the truth of that, if I had only one chance to
help anyone I cared about change their self-talk and get it right––based on
what neuroscience and many years of experience have taught me––I would
urge them to listen to self-talk recordings every day.
How does self-talk relate to spiritual beliefs?
With most adults, the short answer is ‘No.’ If the other person isn’t
interested in changing, they probably won’t.
The most frequent exception to this is when a husband or a wife, for
example, has wanted to help their mate change his or her self-talk from
negative to positive.
In each case, the helpful partner played audio self-talk sessions in the
background each morning, while the two of them were getting ready for
work, without mentioning to their partner that the intent was to help them.
Over time, usually a few weeks, the negative partner began to show a
difference in attitude, and then began rephrasing comments into a positive
form. Once they became aware that their thinking was improving, they
began to make noticeable, and often life-changing, improvements. This is
another case where their brain was listening, and taking the self-talk in,
even if they weren't actively listening.
This 'eavesdrop' method can also work well with teenagers and younger
What if you don’t believe it will work?
What if you ignore the science, or don’t accept the concept, or just don’t
believe changing your self-talk will work?
The answer is that your brain doesn’t care whether you believe it or not.
If you change the repeated messages you give to your brain, it will record
them, wire them in, and act on them. It has no choice.
How can you protect yourself from the negative self-talk of
In your brain, the strongest programs win. That means that if you have
strong, positive programs yourself, you will be less likely to be influenced
by the negative programs of people around you, or other input sources like
today's often negative internet posts, and even television news.
You can’t change the world's negative programs, but you can make sure
that the programs you have are very strong and very positive. When you do
that, your stronger, more positive programs will override the negatives you
hear from others.
Don’t be surprised, however, that when you start practicing self-talk,
you may find yourself making changes like being more careful in selecting
the people you choose to spend your time with, limiting the time you spend
reading toxic posts online, or notice yourself watching fewer programs on
television that focus on bad news.
How important is it to know what your negative programs are, or
how you got them?
We’ve learned that it’s best if you spend almost no time focusing on
every negative program you might have, or how you got each of them.
Other than monitoring your programs now, so you can get a clear picture of
what they are, the more you focus on old negative programs, the more you
will send new energy to them and make them stronger.
(An exception to this is exploring old, deeply-rooted programs with a
therapist or counselor who understands self-talk and programming.)
Instead of spending time focusing on your old, negative programs, focus
instead on a new decision to learn and practice the new language of positive
self-talk. Then, stick with it. In time, the new programs will replace the old.
Are there any drawbacks to listening to self-talk or starting to think
in the positive?
When the results of changing your self-talk are apparent, clearly helpful,
and usually life-changing, why would anyone who understands the idea not
immediately embark on a program to change their self-talk? What stops
Their old programs stop them.
Procrastination, fear, doubt, disbelief, and denial are the tools of self-
sabotage that keep us from doing what we know we should do. And all of
these are programs.
Surprisingly, it is technology that is helping people get past their
excuses. Because of our current technology––with smartphones and
tablets––we have an easier way to learn the language of positive self-talk.
Today, changing your self-talk requires only that you click on a “play”
symbol on your favorite topic on the online self-talk streaming site, and let
the new self-talk play in the background as you go about your day. When
you do that, you are suddenly listening to the exact self-talk that overrides
the negative programs that caused the procrastination, the fear, the doubt,
the disbelief, and the denial in the first place.
When this happens, and you begin to experience the results for yourself,
it may seem like magic, but it isn’t. It’s a combination of neuroscience,
technology, and your own desire to change your self-talk for the better.
Chapter Nine
My Hope for You
There you have it. That, in as few words as I could pare it down to, is
how self-talk works––and the best ways we have found to get rid of
negative self-talk forever.
Having studied this subject, perhaps in more detail than anyone living
today, and also having watched the positive progress of the new kind of
self-talk in the lives of so many people, I am certain of this: when you
change your self-talk, you change your life.
When you make the choice to change your self-talk, you actively
reclaim the promise of the unlimited potential that you were given when
you were first born.
Changing your self-talk is something virtually anyone can do. And the
process starts with one small, but incredibly important step. Make the
decision to begin with one of the most important phrases of self-talk you
could ever say:
“I choose to change my self-talk.”
That statement––that commitment to your future
––can make all the difference in the world.
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Other books by Shad Helmstetter
The Incredible Adventure of Shadrack the Self-Talk Bear –– Book Two –– The Incredibears on
Planet Earth
The Incredible Adventure of Shadrack the Self-Talk Bear –– Book Three –– The Rise of The
Great Bear
The Incredible Adventure of Shadrack the Self-Talk Bear –– Book Four –– Doomsday on Planet