SACD (RCDC) - Release Note - 23.00.00

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Release Notes
RCDC V2023 is herewith now available with the following new features and design
capabilities. The newly introduced features are:
No Module Description
Beam Crack-width check for corner Rebar - at the corner
1 Beam
and side face of the beam – Indian code
Beam flexural calculation enhancement – ACI and NSCP
2 Beam
AS 3600:2018 – New check added for Minimum percentage
3 Column
reinforcement for the column based on axial load
Addition of 6 & 9 mm rebars for Column and Beam design in
4 General
ACI (metric) and NSCP codes
5 General Load Type reading for load cases from STAAD

6 General Enhancements

7 General Defects Resolved

Beam Crack-width check for corner Rebar - at the corner and side
face of the beam – Indian code
For the beam design, RCDC was performing the crack-width check at the bottom or
top edge (P2 location in the image below). RCDC will now also consider the corner
rebar for which crack width is performed at the corner (P1) and side face (P3) of the
beam. The choice is given to the user to perform the crack-width check at these new

Typical Beam Cross Section

P1 = At Corner
P2 = At Edge (Existing - default check)
P3 = At side face
Snap from Design calculation report:
If the user selects to perform the crack-width, RCDC will by default perform the crack-
width check at the bottom/top edge (P2) of the beam.
Crack-width as per IS 456-2000 and IRS would be performed at all three locations.
RCDC will present the critical load combination which gives the maximum crack width
from all these three locations.
This is applicable to the Indian code only.

Beam Beam flexural calculation enhancement – ACI and NSCP codes

The maximum permissible percentage reinforcement in the beam module is now
restricted as per the requirements of the tension-controlled section. The maximum
percentage reinforcement is calculated as per the minimum tension-controlled strain
limits given in the ACI and NSCP design codes. If the percentage reinforcement
required for the flexural design is more than the user-defined maximum percentage
reinforcement and percentage reinforcement calculated for the tension-controlled
section, then the section is qualified as failed as the required % reinforcement exceeds
the permissible % reinforcement.
Stress-Strain Diagram:

For ACI 318-2011 & 2014 (Metric & English)code,
Epsilon_c = εcu= 0.003, Strain in the concrete
εt >= 0.005 , strain in the reinforcement (for tension-controlled section)

For ACI 318-2019 (Metric & English) code,

Epsilon_c = εcu= 0.003, Strain in the concrete
εt >= εty + 0.003, strain in the reinforcement (for tension-controlled section)
εty = fy / Es
f’c = Specified compressive strength of concrete
fy = Specified yield strength of reinforcement
Es = Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement

Using the Strain Diagram, the Calculation of maximum % reinforcement (ρ)


The % reinforcement (ρ) provided in the section should not exceed the above limit
to make sure that the section is tension-controlled.

AS 3600:2018 – New check added for Minimum percentage

reinforcement for the column based on axial load
Presently, RCDC maintains the minimum percentage of longitudinal reinforcement as
per the user-defined percentage value given on the design setting screen. A new
check is now available to provide the minimum percentage of longitudinal
reinforcement as per clauses 10.7.1 (a) and of AS 3600:2018. After selecting a
new check, the minimum percentage of longitudinal reinforcement is calculated for
the maximum of the following,
1. Pt defined by the user.
2. Pt calculated as per clauses 10.7.1 (a) or
If the axial load on the column is more than the value 0.1*f’c*Ag where f’c is the
characteristic compressive strength of concrete and Ag is the gross cross-section area
of the column, the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement is calculated as per
clause 10.7.1 (a). In the other case, the minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement is
calculated as per clause

If the above check is selected, the minimum percentage (Pt) of longitudinal

reinforcement would be a maximum of,
1. User-defined Pt on reinforcement setting screen
2. Pt calculated as per clauses 10.7.1 (a)and
If clause 10.7.1 (a) is applicable, the area of reinforcement is calculated as follows,
Ast = 0.15 N* / fsy
Ast = Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement in sqmm.
N* = Maximum axial compressive force in all load combinations in N.
fsy = Characteristic strength of reinforcement (Longitudinal) in N/sqmm.
RCDC Output:

If clause is applicable, the minimum percentage reinforcement is checked on

all tension sides in the column, independently.
The minimum area of reinforcement on each edge is calculated with the formula,
Along D (Edge B),
Ast = [αb (D/d)2 f’ct,f/fsy]Bd …….. (2)
Along B (Edge D)
Ast = [αb (B/b)2 f’ct,f/fsy]Db …….. (2)
Ast = Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement in sqmm.
αb = Constant as per Clause
D = Depth of the section in mm.
B = Width of the section in mm.
d = Effective depth at tension face in mm.
b = Effective width at tension face in mm.
f’ct,f = Uniaxial tensile strength of the concrete in N/sqmm.
fsy = Characteristic strength of reinforcement (Longitudinal Reinforcement).

For a rectangular column, the minimum area of reinforcement is checked on all
edges, independently.
Along D (on edge B)

Reinforcement provided on edge B as marked above is calculated using the formula,

Ast = [αb (D/d)2 f’ct,f/fsy]bd
Along B (on edge D)

Reinforcement provided on edge D as marked above is calculated using the formula,

Ast = [αb (B/b)2 f’ct,f/fsy]Db

RCDC Output:

For more details, please refer to the topic “Column Minimum Pt as per clauses 10.7.1
(a) and” under AS 3600:2018 code of RCDC help content.

Addition of 6 & 9 mm rebars for Column and Beam design in ACI

(metric) and NSCP codes
New 6 and 9 mm rebars are now available in the column and beam modules of ACI
Metric and NSCP design code. The purpose of adding 6 and 9 mm rebars is to optimize
the quantity of the shear reinforcement using lesser rebar diameters. New diameters
are available only if the user selects the Rebar diameter option on the reinforcement
settings screen.
It is recommended to use 6 and 9mm rebars for the link and shear rebar. For the Main
reinforcement, it is recommended to select the minimum rebar diameter specified in
the ACI and NSCP design code.

Column Module

Beam Module

General Load Type reading for load cases from STAAD

RCDC will now directly fetch the load case type defined for primary load cases in the
STAAD analysis file. When the user reads the STAAD analysis file and opens the Basic
load case screen, RCDC will auto-fill the load type column. Users can proceed with
the auto-identified load case type or change the type as per design requirements
and proceed further.
Snap showing the Load types is available from STAAD.
RCDC will try to match the load case type available with the load case definition
available in STAAD.

Sr. No STAAD Load type RCDC Load type

1 Dead, Crane Hook, Mass, Gravity Dead Load
2 Live, Traffic Live load
3 Roof Live Roof Live
4 Wind, Wind on Ice Wind X, Wind Y , Wind Z
5 Seismic-H Earthquake X, Earthquake Y
6 Seismic-V Earthquake Z
7 Snow, Ice Snow
8 Fluid, Ponding Flood Fluid Load
9 Soil Soil Load
10 Rain Water/Ice Rain Load
12 Dust, Imperfection, Push, Moving Load, Other
14 Temperature Temperature
15 Accidental Accidental
16 Load Type not defined Blank
17 Type other than above Other
18 Load cases created using Reference Load types same as explained
loads- load type defined above

For Earthquake load types:

STAAD provides two types of earthquake loads. Seismic-H and Seismic-V

For Seismic-H if the user defines a further sub-type in STAAD ( which is not mandatory
in STAAD), RCDC will differentiate whether it is Earthquake X or Earthquake Z and
accordingly load case type is selected. If not defined then RCDC will by default
assign Earthquake X.

Seismic-H is defined with subtype EQ-X then it will be qualified as Earthquake X in

Seismic-H is defined with subtype EQ-Z then it will be qualified as Earthquake Z in

The wind is either Wind X or Wind Z or Wind Y in RCDC.

For Wind, if the user defines a further sub-type in STAAD ( which is not mandatory in
STAAD), RCDC will differentiate whether it is Wind X or Wind Z, or Wind Y. If not
defined then RCDC will by default assign Wind X.


Wind defined with subtype as WIND-X then it will be qualified as Wind X in RCDC.
Wind defined with subtype as WIND-Z then it will be qualified as Wind Z in RCDC.
Wind defined with subtype as WIND-Y then it will be qualified as Wind Y in RCDC.

General Enhancements
The following are the enhancements made in this release to existing features.

 ADO ID – 715843 – Crack width check is skipped when the column has only
compressive forces.
If there is only axial compressive force present in the column (without bending
moments), sections will always be under compression. For a crack-width check to
perform, strain in the reinforcement and concrete is calculated for tension in the
section. If there is no tension at anywhere in the section, the section would be
identified as uncracked.
If the column is loaded with only axial compressive forces without bending
moments, the message of the uncracked section is displayed in the design
calculation report as follows,

 ADO ID – 782897 – Coupling Beam redesign workflow enhancement – ACI and

NSCP code
For the ductile beam to qualify as a coupling beam, a few checks are applicable
as per the selected design code. RCDC can identify the coupling beam based on
these checks and provide the diagonal reinforcement through auto design.
In case the beam is not qualified as a coupling beam in auto design, but the user
wants to design it as a coupling beam, the option to provide Diagonal
Reinforcement is available for a single-span beam. This option is eligible only if that
beam is supported on the shear walls along its length at both ends. This facility was
available to Indian (IS) code coupling beam design. The same facility is now
extended to ACI and NSCP design codes.

Refer to the below snap,

The beam is resting on the shear wall on both ends. The Beam B2 is qualified and
designed as ductile from the auto design process. However, the option to provide
diagonal reinforcement and design it as a coupling beam is available on the re-
design screen.

In the design, qualification checks of coupling beams are skipped. The diagonal
reinforcement is provided for the earthquake-induced shear,

 ADO ID – 996902 – Pedestal and foundation design for steel structure – if steel
columns start at the different support level
In a steel structure, If the steel columns start from the different support levels,
RCDC was reading the columns present at the lowest level only for pedestal
design. Steel column starts other than the lowest levels were skipped in the
Enhancement made in RCDC to read and design pedestal and foundation for
the steel structure if the steel columns start from the different support levels.
 ADO ID – 1017440 – Reading Material Type available from STAAD to identify steel
members for pedestal design.

When any material is defined, option to define type of material is available in

Capabilities of the reading material type from STAAD to identify steel members is
enhanced in RCDC. Material type other than concrete and steel will be skipped in
the RCDC for column/pedestal design.

 ADO ID – 1063599 – Pedestal design - Enhancement to read local axis (alpha) for
Steel Angle Sections
Equal and unequal angle sections come with their own local (alpha) axis as
angle sections are not symmetrical along both axes. In the image below, the
angle between the axis X and U axis ( or between axis Y and V) is called the
alpha angle. if we want to match the local axis of the member with the global
axis of the structure, the section needs to rotate by an alpha angle in the analysis

RCDC is now reading the alpha angle for the angle section and accordingly
positions the section for the pedestal and foundation design.
General Defects Resolved
Following is the list of Defects resolved in this release.

 ADO ID - 1005699 –Neutral axis (NA) angle presentation issue for circular columns.
For the Interaction principle (discrete action) method, RCDC shows the load angle
and its corresponding NA angle in the design calculation report under the moment
capacity check.

For the Circular shaped column, the presentation of the NA angle was missing for
IS and BS codes in the design calculation report.

NA angle added for the circular column for IS and BS code. Snap from IS code is

 ADO ID – 1073911 - IS 456:2000 + 13920: 1993 – Crash in Column design

Using IS 456:2000 + 13920: 1993 design code if only dead and live load cases are
selected and ductile design is performed for columns, and, walls, the software was
crashing while performing auto design.
The issue occurred only if E-tabs (.mdb) is selected as analysis files and ductile
design is performed without selecting earthquake load cases and combinations.
If we select earthquake load cases and perform the ductile design, it was working

The crashing after performing auto design in the above-mentioned case is resolved
and it is working properly in the released version.
 ADO ID – 1074001 - IS 456:2000 + 13920: 1993 – Column design issue
Generally, ductile design is performed when the earthquake forces are present in
the analysis file. However, In RCDC ductile links can be provided Irrespective of the
load earthquake load cases. The choice is given to the user to provide ductile links
irrespective of the earthquake loads present in the structure.

For IS 456:2000 + 13920: 1993 design code, if earthquake load cases are not
selected and ductile design is performed, ductile links were missing in the design

The issue of ductile links missing is resolved. Ductile links are available in all design
outputs of RCDC.

 ADO ID – 1074072 - IS, ACI, and NSCP - all columns are identified as Gravity instead
of Lateral frame

In The RCDC V11 update 6, enhancement was done to read beam end releases
(Major axis and/or Minor axis moment release)for STAAD, E-tabs, and RAM SS
analysis files. if the ductile design is selected, based on the beam end releases,
columns are identified as lateral and gravity. If all beams resting on a particular
column are released at the ends, then the column is identified as Gravity type.

The issue in identifying frame type occurred when all beams resting on a particular
column are not released at the ends. The column would have been identified as
Lateral in RCDC but it was identified as a Gravity frame type. The issue occurred
only when the analysis file is selected as E-tabs (.mdb or .accdb)file. It was working
properly if the analysis file is selected as STAAD or RAM SS.

Correct column frame type is identified based on the beam end release.

 ADO ID – 1082507 - Issue in calculating Relative Displacement for column sway

calculation (stability index) in the case where levels are merged.

In the case of the merged levels, the relative displacement of the primary levels
was calculated wrongly in the sway index calculation. The story was identified as
sway instead of Non-sway in the stability index calculation due to an incorrect
calculation of the relative displacement.
The issue was specific to ACI and NSCP design codes. It was showing the correct
values for the Indian (IS) codes.

Correct relative displacement is now calculated and used to identify the story sway
index calculations.

A Snap from the design calculation report for Sway calculation is added for

 ADO ID – 1087154 – Performance improved in grouping Column/Levels for Big sized

In the earlier version for column design, if the user groups the multiple levels and
the analysis file has many load combinations, RCDC was taking more time to
read as well as design the columns.

In this release, the time has been reduced for reading and design without
affecting the existing functionality of the reading and design part. So, for the
multi-story structures having multiple levels grouped and having many load
combinations, RCDC will be able to perform the design process fast as
compared to earlier versions.
 ADO ID – 1085179 - Beam with different depth – depth shown on the input differs
from the depth used in the design

A single beam can consist of more than one analytical member in the analysis file.
The facility is available to the user to model the beam with multiple analytical
members with different depths in the analysis file as per design requirements. If the
Beam is to be designed with varying depths, the user splits the beam into multiple
analytical members and different depths are assigned. If different depths are
identified for a single beam from the analysis file, RCDC considers the lowest depth
for the design.
If a beam is modeled with 700 and 800mm depth in the analysis file, RCDC was
showing 700mm depth on the input screen however for the design it was
considering the depth as 800mm. All the design outputs were generated for
800mm beam depth.

The lower beam depth is used for the design as shown on the input screen. So, the
beam depth shown on the input screen and the depth used in the design is now

 ADO ID – 1105570- ACI and NSCP - Shear design - Critical forces not considered in
the design

For the ACI code, the shear reinforcement is calculated for the combined effect
of shear force and torsion. The total shear reinforcement required in a beam is a
combination of reinforcement required for shear and torsion.

The beam design was not handled properly for the combined effect of high
shear and high torsion. The combination which was giving a higher area of shear
reinforcement was not considered in the design in case there is a high torsion

Now the correct results are available if the beams for of high shear and high

 ADO ID – 1106795 - Beam-Project settings import issue

RCDC always save the project setting file (.rcps) in the same folder where the .rcdx
file is saved. In the .rcps file, settings related to design, reinforcement, load cases,
and, load combinations are stored for the same .rcdx file. The .rcps file can be used
for the other .rcdx file if the same settings are to be applied.
The .rcps file was created with ductile design settings. If the same file was imported
into the other .rcdx file, the ductile design setting was not getting successful. Due
to this issue, the user had to manually select the ductile design setting to perform
the ductile design.
All the settings available in the .rcps file are now successfully imported into other
.rcdx files.

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