Expressing Life Skills Through Art
Expressing Life Skills Through Art
Expressing Life Skills Through Art
To creatively represent and explore the concept of life skills through drawing.
Materials Needed:
• Drawing paper or sketchbook
• Drawing pencils, colored pencils, markers, or any other preferred drawing
• Optional: Reference materials or images related to the life skills for inspiration
1. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the concept of life skills. Reflect on the
importance of flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills in
various aspects of life.
2. Find a comfortable and quiet space to work on your drawing activity. Gather all the
necessary materials, including drawing paper and your preferred drawing tools.
3. Choose one life skill to focus on for your drawing activity. Consider which skill
resonates with you the most or which one you find particularly interesting.
4. Brainstorm ideas and concepts related to the chosen life skill. Think about how you
interpret the skill and how you can represent it visually through your artwork. You
can sketch out some rough ideas or make notes to help you plan your drawing.
5. Once you have decided on a concept, start creating your drawing. Use your
chosen drawing materials to bring your idea to life on the paper. You can use
symbols, characters, scenes, or any other artistic elements to convey your
interpretation of the life skill.
6. Take your time and enjoy the process of creating your artwork. Don't worry about
making mistakes—this is an opportunity for you to express yourself creatively and
explore your ideas.
7. After you have completed your drawing, take a moment to reflect on your
interpretation of the life skill you chose. Consider how you represented the skill in
your artwork and what message you want to convey to others.
8. If you're working in a group or pair, take turns sharing your artwork with your peers.
Explain your interpretation of the life skill and how you represented it in your
drawing. Listen to your peers' interpretations and provide feedback and support.
9. Finally, take pride in your artwork and the effort you put into expressing your ideas
through drawing. Remember that developing life skills is an ongoing process, and
this activity is just one way to explore and reflect on their importance in your life.
10 8 6 4
Very creative;
Attempted to Added creative incorporated a
creativity with
Creativity add creative details or variety of
imaginative and
elements. personal touches. imaginative and
unique elements.
unique elements.
Very neat; paid
Used materials Tried to be neat
attention to
without much but some parts Neat and tidy; put
Craftsmanship details and
care; project is are messy or effort into details.
finished the
messy. unfinished.
project well.
Had some
Demonstrated Exceptional
difficulty Maintained good
focus but was focus; stayed on
Focus maintaining focus throughout
occasionally task with minimal
focus during the project.
distracted. distractions.
the project.
Did not fully
Met some criteria Met most criteria
meet the Met all criteria
Criteria but missed with some
specified accurately
important ones. mistakes.
Total= 40 points