(5-1) Concept
(5-1) Concept
(5-1) Concept
WORDS The index of a radical is equivalent to the To solve an equation in the form
denominator of a fractional exponent. x n = c, find the nth root of both sides of
The exponent of the radicand is equivalent the equation by raising each expression
to the numerator of a fractional exponent. to the __ n power.
____ 1
__ 4
√ 32 4 = ( 32 4) 5 = 32 5
NUMBERS Radical Form x 3 = 1,728
__ 1
( x 3) 3 = (1,728) 3
729 = (
729 6 )
__ 1
__ ____ 5 x = 12
= ( √ 729 )
Exponential Form
__ m
ALGEBRA √ c m = ( c m) n = c n x n = c
Radical Form
__ 1
(x n) n = (c) 3
Exponential Form c n = (
c n ) = √c m
__ 1
__ ___
n 1
x = c n
3. Vocabulary In the radical expression √ 125 ,
11. How many real third roots does 1,728 have?
what is the index? What is the radicand?
3 12. How many real sixth roots does 15,625 have?
4. Use Structure Why is 75 5 equal to (
75 5 ) ?
__3 __1
13. Solve the equation 4x3= 324.
6. Make Sense and Persevere Is it possible 17. A snow globe is packaged in a cubic
for a rational exponent to be an improper container that has volume 64 in. 3 A large
43 shipping container is also a cube, and its
fraction? Explain how 27 is evaluated or
edge length is 8 inches longer than the edge
why it cannot be evaluated.
length of the snow globe container. How
many snow globes can fit into the larger
shipping container?