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Publications J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021)

Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content of Hygrophila spinosa

and Chenopodium album Leaves

A. D. Pal, R. Basistha

Department of Food Science & Nutrition Management, J. D. Birla Institute, Kolkata-700020, India

Received 14 May 2021, accepted in final revised form 19 July 2021

Urbanization has impacted the knowledge and use of traditional leafy vegetables. The
present investigation is conducted to understand the importance of edible leaves and the
variation in their nutritional content at different stages of maturity. Hygrophila spinosa and
Chenopodium album leaves have been selected owing to their economic cost, accessibility,
and utilization within the population. A leaf undergoes several physiological and metabolic
changes during maturity, which may affect its biochemical content. Hence, the samples have
been analyzed for their nutritional composition at distinct stages (I to IV) of maturity based
on the length of the leaf post-germination. Results revealed that both samples possessed the
highest content of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, β carotene, and
vitamin C at stage 1 compared to the older stages. Alteration in metabolic patterns and
environmental influences during various phases may be responsible for this effect. Stage I
manifested the notable existence of essential phytonutrients and the diminished presence of
potent anti-nutrients. Moreover, a significant percentage of micronutrients are found to be
available post in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. The study highlights the importance of
consuming young edible leaves. Regular dietary incorporation of the same may lead to
alleviation of nutrient deficiency disorders and food insecurity.
Keywords: Biochemical; Edible leaves; Maturity; Nutrients; RDA; Stages.
© 2021 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.
doi: J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021)

1. Introduction

Green leafy vegetables are significant nutritional determinants. The Indian subcontinent is
blessed with many natural surroundings and hosts one of the largest flora and fauna. The
climatic and soil conditions permit the cultivation of a wide variety of edible leaves for
domestic and industrial uses. These are rich in macro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, dietary
fiber, and antioxidants [1-3]. Moreover, they possess moderate calories and fat content.
The nutritional composition of edible leaves can prevent several deficiency disorders,
mainly due to their rich micronutrient profiles [4]. Consumption of the required nutrients
according to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is essential for maintaining the
health and wellbeing of the population [5]. However, popular amongst ancient

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1012 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

communities, the demand for edible leaves has shown a decline, mainly because of a steep
rise in urbanization and lifestyle changes.
Kulekhara (Hygrophila spinosa) is a member of the Acanthaceae family. The parts of
this plant have been widely used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders such as
diseases of the urinogenital tract, hyperdipsia, vesical calculi, flatulence, diarrhea, and
anemia [6,7]. Kulekhara hosts several biochemicals: phytosterols, fatty acids,
polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and glycosides [8,9]. Bathua (Chenpodium
album), on the other hand, is an underutilized nutritious and palatable wild weed
possessing nutritional and functional benefits. It can provide significant minerals, fiber,
vitamins, and essential fatty acids in a diet [10,11]. Indeed C. album has been re-
established as a significant Asian food source considering its adaptability under adverse
conditions like low precipitation, high elevation, thin cold air, blistering sun, and sub-
frigid temperatures. Regular intake of Bathua leaves has been correlated with an improved
nutritional and physiological status in humans [12]. Nonetheless, the above leaves'
popularity is restricted due to the paucity of awareness regarding its manifold benefits.
The characteristics of edible leaves are often influenced by numerous factors like
preharvest conditions, distinction in genes, stages of maturity, and handling procedures
[13]. Previous studies have reported the biochemical content of green leaves to display
variation with advancing maturity, thereby affecting their nutrient profile and sensory
parameters [14-16]. The nutritional composition at a particular stage is dependent on
several factors such as the type of plant, availability of raw materials, transport,
biosynthesis, and utilization by plant tissues [17]. Furthermore, the quantity and quality of
biomolecules are governed by the balance of biosynthetic and catabolic reactions for
ensuring adequate growth and development of the plant [18,19]. Dynamic changes in
lifestyle patterns and eating habits have moderately replaced the plant-based diet with
coarse grains, meat products, and fat [20,21]. Moreover, consumers generally opt for
leaves that are low in cost without consideration of the maturity stage. Therefore, the
present study explores the variation in the nutritional content of the selected edible leaves
at different levels of maturity to analyze the stage of the leaf that would provide optimum
amounts of nutrients for conferring good health. Kulekhara and Bathua leaves were
chosen owing to their low cost and ready availability. The research further aims to
increase consumer awareness regarding the potential of the studied leaves for mitigation
of nutritional and food insecurity. Consumption of leaves at the desired stage may satisfy
the required dietary intake and help prevent and treat various deficiency diseases.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Growth and harvest of edible leaves

The edible leaves were grown using home gardening to enable efficient growth
monitoring and accurate selection of leaf maturity stages. Seeds of Bathua leaves
(Chenopodium album) and plant cuttings of Kulekhara leaves (Hygrophila spinosa) were
sprinkled all over the soil containing natural fertilizers such as cow dung and Neemkhal.
A. D. Pal et al., J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021) 1013

Plants were grown under moderate sunlight with regular watering. Leaves were harvested
at four different levels of maturity, the stages being determined by the length of the leaves
(Table 1). The time of planting the seeds or leaf cuttings was noted as day 1. The time gap
between subsequent harvesting stages was approximately 14-15 days.

Table 1. Selection of leaf maturity stages.

Stage of Kulekhara Leaves (Hygrophila spinosa) Bathua Leaves (Chenopodium album)
Harvest Time of Harvest (Days) Length (cm) Time of Harvest (Days) Length (cm)
Stage I Day 15 4.0 Day 14 2.5
Stage II Day 30 6.3 Day 29 4.3
Stage III Day 46 10.2 Day 45 5.1
Stage IV Day 61 15.0 Day 60 7.0

2.2. Preparation of leaf extract

The fresh leaves at different stages were harvested, followed by washing to remove
impurities. These leaves were thereafter divided into two batches viz.: fresh and air-dried.
The fresh leaves were procured, blotted to remove excess moisture, and analyzed. The
other batch was air-dried, ground into a fine powder, sieved, and stored in air-tight sterile
containers at room temperature. Sample extracts were prepared by soaking either the fresh
or air-dried leaves in distilled water or ethanol followed by filtration and labeled as fresh
(F) and air-dried (D), respectively. The extracts were stored at 4 C under sterile

2.3. Analysis of proximate composition

The selected leaf samples were analyzed for their moisture, ash, protein, and carbohydrate
contents at different maturity levels according to standardized protocols recommended by
the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). The moisture content was
estimated by the thermogravimetric method. In contrast, the ash percentage was obtained
using the dry ashing technique through incineration of the materials in a muffle furnace at
600C. The carbohydrate content was determined via the method described by Yemm et
al. with a slight modification [22]. D-Glucose at a concentration of 1 mg/mL was used as
the standard. 1 mL of the standard or sample solution was mixed with 4 mL of Anthrone
reagent (Lobachemie, India), incubated at room temperature for 10 min, followed by
measurement of Optical Density (OD) at 620 nm using a spectrophotometer (Hitachi UV-
VIS Spectrophotometer U2900, India). The protein content of the leaf extracts was
determined by the Biuret method with respect to the standard curve. 1 mL of either the
standard or test solution was mixed with 4 mL of Biuret reagent (Lobachemie, India),
incubated at room temperature for 30 min, followed by measurement of OD at 550 nm
1014 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

2.4. Estimation of micronutrients

2.4.1. Quantitative estimation of β carotene and ascorbic acid

The concentration of β carotene was calculated using Lambert-Beer's law. Briefly,

ethanolic extracts of the samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 3-4 min. The
supernatant was transferred to a separating funnel with 10-15 mL of petroleum ether to
separate layers. The upper layer was collected in a volumetric flask; volume made up to
100 mL with petroleum ether followed by determination of absorbance at 452 nm [24].
The ascorbic acid content of the leaves was measured using the indophenol dye method
with respect to the standard. 1 mL of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol dye was titrated with
a 1:1 mixture of metaphosphoric acid: ascorbic acid or sample solution [25].

2.4.2. Quantitative estimation of minerals

The leaf samples were quantified for iron, calcium, and phosphorus contents at different
stages of maturity. Iron was estimated by the Iron Assay Method (Iron TIBC kit,
Microxpress, India). Calcium and phosphorus were estimated by the OCPC method
(Calcium Reagent kit, CliniQuant-FSR, India) and the Molybdate UV method
(Phosphorus kit, MicroXpress, India), respectively. Reagents were mixed according to the
manufacturer's recommendation, incubated at room temperature for 5 min, followed by
measurement of OD at the specified wavelengths. The concentrations of the minerals were
calculated concerning their standards.

2.5. Estimation of phytonutrients

Kulekhara and Bathua leaf samples were qualitatively estimated for their phenols,
flavonoid, saponin, tannin, anthraquinone, and alkaloid contents at the different maturity
stages (I – IV) using standard procedures approved by Bhattacharyya et al. [26]. +++, ++,
and + were used to denote very high, moderately high, and low abundance, respectively.

2.6. Availability post gastrointestinal digestion

The availability of micronutrients post gastrointestinal (GI) digestion was estimated using
the in vitro static model enlisted by Wojtunik-Kulesza et al. with a slight modification
[27]. Briefly, gastric juice was formulated using glucose (3.5 g/L), NaCl (2.05 g/L),
KH2PO4 (0.60 g/L), CaCl2 (0.11 g/L), and KCl (0.37 g/L), adjusted to pH 2.0 using 1 M
HCl, and autoclaved at 121 °C for 15 min. Intestinal juice was simulated by using NaCl
(125.0 mM), CaCl2 (0.6 mM), MgCl2 (0.3 mM), trypsin (11 U/mL), α-chymotrypsin (24
U/mL) and pancreatic lipase (590 U/mL). Bile solution was formulated by using Oxgall
solution (Difco laboratories, India). Sample extracts were subjected to in vitro gastric and
intestinal digestion for 30 and 60 min, respectively. The samples were evaluated for their
micronutrient contents after the time points employed for gastrointestinal digestion and
A. D. Pal et al., J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021) 1015

represented as percentage (%) availability with respect to the total amount in the
introduced sample.

2.7. Statistical analysis

Results were expressed as mean± standard error mean (SEM) of N≥3 experiments. p-
value was calculated using a linear regression model (R studio, version 4.0.2, USA). Only
P ≤ 0.05 was considered significant with 95% confidence interval. Significance expressed
as P ≤ 0.001 = ***, P ≤ 0.05= **; P ≤ 0.1= *.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Proximate composition of the edible leaves

Table 2. Proximate composition of the edible leaves.

Sample Stages of Moisturea Ashb (%) Carbohydrate (g/100 g) Protein (g/100 g)
Maturity (%) F D F D
Hygrophila I 38.58* 22.12* 19.98* 16.56*** 9.12* 6.33***
spinosa II 35.25* 18.31* 15.24** 14.32*** 8.33* 5.06***
III 29.82* 15.22* 11.03 *
12.26*** 6.05 **
IV 27.34* 12.13* 10.86* 10.54*** 2.99* 2.11***
Chenopodi I 36.22** 20.15** 10.65 **
9.23*** 8.98 *
um album II 33.11** 16.33* 8.34 *
7.03*** 7.25 *
III 29.74* 13.10* 7.86* 6.15*** 7.02* 4.35***
IV 26.31** 9.45** 6.83 *
5.87*** 4.12 **
Value expressed as % wet weight.
Value expressed as % dry weight.

The selected edible leaves were analyzed for their proximate composition, including
moisture, ash, carbohydrate, and protein contents at four different stages of maturity,
owing to the importance of these constituents in supporting normal homeostasis,
metabolism, growth, and repair in human beings. Results revealed that both Hygrophila
spinosa and Chenopodium album displayed the highest moisture percentages at stage I
compared to the other stages (Table 2). Moreover, the above contents manifested a steady
decrease with the enhancement of leaf maturity, their amounts at the final stage being
27.34 and 26.31 %, respectively. The altered respiration rates and metabolism in younger
leaves versus their older counterparts may be responsible for this effect [28]. The
proportion of ash also portrayed a steady decline with the increasing age of the Kulekhara
and Bathua leaves, indicating a lowering of mineral content from stage I to stage IV
(Table 2). Furthermore, it was observed that the carbohydrate concentration was largest
during stage I of both Hygrophila spinosa (19.98 g/100 g) and Chenopodium album
(10.65 g/100 g) leaves when quantified in freshly prepared concentrates (Table 2). This
quantity displayed a steady decrease with an elevation in leaf maturity, their amounts at
stage 4 being 10.86 g/100 g and 6.83 g/100 g, respectively. Besides, the concentration of
this macromolecule was lower in air-dried leaf samples (D) compared to the fresh extracts
1016 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

(F). Nonetheless, air-dried leaves also exhibited the highest carbohydrate concentration at
stage I followed by stage II, III, and IV (Table 2).
The increased demand for energy during plant maturity may be responsible for higher
usage of carbohydrates, thereby culminating in lower amounts available in the mature
stages [29]. Additionally, the proportion of carbohydrate biosynthesis enzymes has also
been reported to decline with increasing age, further contributing to low levels.
Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album are good candidates for locally available
and inexpensive carbohydrates, with the former being a better alternative. The protein
content of Hygrophila spinosa (9.12 g/100 g) and Chenopodium album (8.98 g/100 g)
leaves was also found to be highest at stage I (Table 2). An increase in leaf maturity
brought a gradual decrease in protein levels in both the samples as manifested by protein
amounts of 2.99 g/100 g and 4.12 g/100 g at stage IV in the fresh extracts of Kulekhara
and Bathua leaves, respectively. Similar to the carbohydrate amounts, the protein
concentration in the air-dried samples (D), although lower in comparison to the fresh
extracts (F), displayed a rapid lowering with advancing stages of maturity (Table 2).
Alteration in the rates of protein synthesis during leaf maturity may be responsible for the
observed decrease. Indeed, previous studies have documented the rate of protein
biogenesis to be maximal in young leaves compared to their older counterparts [30].
Hence, both the above leaves can provide valuable sources of carbohydrates, proteins, and
minerals, especially when consumed in the early stages. Additionally, being economical
reservoirs of vegetarian protein, consumption of same can be preferred across
communities and socio-economic groups of the population to meet the desired dietary

3.2. Micronutrient content of the edible leaves

3.2.1. Ascorbic acid and β carotene content of the edible leaves

The selected samples were studied for their ascorbic acid and β carotene contents to assess
the variation, if any, at different stages of leaf maturity. Data portrayed Hygrophila
spinosa leaves harvested at stage I to possess the highest vitamin C content (60.32 mg/100
g), followed by stage II (52.11 mg/100 g), stage III (48.77 mg/100 g), and stage IV (38.76
mg/100 g). Moreover, the vitamin C content of freshly procured Chenopodium album was
also observed to be greatest at the first stage (88.26 mg/100 g) compared to 75.68 mg/100
g, 68.22 mg/100 g, and 55.08 mg/100 g at stage II, III, and IV respectively (Table 3).
However, the ascorbic acid content in dried leaf samples displayed a lowered
concentration versus the fresh extracts. Nevertheless, maximal content of this vitamin was
observed at stage I of both Kulekhara (49.23 mg/100 g) and Bathua leaves (79.17 mg/100
g) compared to the older stages. Hence, the elevation of leaf maturity brought about a
concomitant lowering in the ascorbic acid content in both the studied samples. Variations
in the synthesis rates and utilization of this vitamin by the plant at the different stages may
lead to the above difference.
A. D. Pal et al., J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021) 1017

Furthermore, vitamin C is susceptible to fluctuations in temperature, position

changes, and mechanical bruising during harvest, handling, drying, and storage, thereby
further resulting in reduced quantities [13]. Although both the above samples
demonstrated significant amounts of ascorbic acid, Chenopodium album displayed a
higher content of this vitamin than Hygrophila spinosa. Additionally, biochemical
analysis revealed fresh Kulekhara leaves to possess the largest content of β carotene at
stage I (4.40 mg/100 g). Advancement of leaf maturity was observed to diminish the
above amounts as displayed by the presence of 1.52 mg/100 g of β carotene at stage IV
(Table 3). Similarly, Bathua leaves also portrayed the maximum content of this
biomolecule at stage I (8.83 mg/100 g) followed by stage II (7.34 mg/100 g), III (6.06
mg/100 g), and IV (3.87 mg/100 g) when quantified in freshly prepared concentrates (F).
Although found to be lower in the air-dried samples, the content of this micro-nutrient
manifested a steady decline from stage I-IV (Table 3). Hence, the ascorbic acid and β
carotene percentages manifested a decrease with the advancing age of the leaf. Moreover,
the nutrients' content was higher in the fresh leaf extracts versus their dried counterparts,
owing to the sensitivity of the same towards temperature alterations and drying. Vitamin
C is essential for a normal physiological state and defense against diseases due to its
antioxidant actions. However, regular dietary supplementation is essential since it cannot
be stored inside the human body. The RDA for this micronutrient is 40 mg/day for adults
[5]. β carotene, on the other hand, is an important member of the carotenoid group,
essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. The human body converts β
carotene into Vitamin A. Indeed, 4800 µg of β carotene has been recommended for daily
consumption [5]. Unfortunately, developing nations have been observed to exhibit several
instances of ascorbic acid and vitamin A deficiencies. During the initial stages of plant
growth and development, biosynthetic reactions tend to outpace degradative ones,
resulting in a net accumulation of nutrients. However, this trend has been observed to get
reversed during maturity, resulting in lowering nutrients. Therefore, dietary incorporation
of young edible leaves, especially Chenopodium album and Hygrophila spinosa may
solve nutritional insecurity and deficiency disorders. Furthermore, the utilization of these
leaves may be preferred due to easy accessibility, inexpensive cost, and regular

3.2.1. Mineral content of the edible leaves

Kulekhara and Bathua leaves were further analyzed for their iron, calcium, and
phosphorus contents from stage I to IV of leaf maturity. Both Hygrophila spinosa and
Chenopodium album leaves showed a decline in iron amounts with advancing leaf age.
The iron concentration in fresh Kulekhara leaves decreased from 12.03 mg/100 g to 5.88
mg/100 g from stage I to stage IV. Moreover, Bathua leaves also displayed a reduction in
the content of this mineral with progressing age as manifested by amounts of 6.9 mg/100
g and 2.7 mg/100 g at stage I and IV, respectively (Table 3). Iron is a vital mineral
required primarily for the exchange of gasses and other essential processes. Alarmingly,
1018 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

India has been reported to harbor a significant percentage of iron deficiency anemia cases.
The RDA for iron is 17 mg/day and 21 mg/day for males and females, respectively, with
the requirements varying during pregnancy, lactation, and aging [31]. Dietary
incorporation of Kulekhara and Bathua leaves may help in meeting the daily iron

Table 3. Micronutrient content of the edible leaves.

Sample Leaf Ascorbic acid β carotene Iron Calcium Phosphorus
Stages (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g)

100.33*** 114.68*** 84.34*** 92.33*** 98.33*** 112.22***



222.61*** 250.10*** 270.02*** 300.01*** 42.68*** 48.33*** 55.56*** 68.44***

100.09* 116.12*



Hygrophila spinosa























Chenopodium album


















In fact, Kulekhara leaves have been traditionally used for the prevention and
treatment of anemia. The analysis results portray the leaves of Hygrophila spinosa as
better sources of iron than Chenopodium album. Noteworthy, the above leaves carry the
highest content at stage I. Moreover, increased amounts of Vitamin C at this level may
further help in the assimilation of iron. Furthermore, biochemical estimations depicted the
calcium levels as the highest in Hygrophila spinosa (70.22 mg/100 g) and Chenopodium
album (321.31 mg/100 g) leaves when harvested during their first growth stages. The
amount of this mineral displayed a marginal decrease with an increase in leaf maturity
A. D. Pal et al., J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021) 1019

from stage I to IV (Table 3). Interestingly, the calcium content of Bathua leaves was
found to be significantly more compared to Kulekhara leaves, highlighting the former as a
preferred source of this mineral. Fluctuations in temperature and changes in soil acidity
may lead to a slight decrease in calcium levels in the advanced stages of the leaves [32].
Calcium is an essential micronutrient required for metabolism, homeostasis, and
maintenance of bone health. An average adult is recommended a diet containing 600
mg/day of calcium. Regrettably, diets in the Indian subcontinent are usually deficient in
calcium owing to lack of resources, disturbances in the economy, and paucity of
knowledge. Moreover, the standard eating routine of the population basically comprises
cereals and pulses that are poor sources of the above. Interestingly, regular consumption
of young leaves, particularly Chenopodium album may aid in solving the above issue.
Phosphorus is a basic auxiliary segment of cell membranes and nucleic acids and is
associated with bone mineralization, vitality, and cell signaling. Inadequacies in
phosphorus manifest as loss of hunger, muscle shortening, bone delicacy, and numbness.
Plant sources can serve as significant reservoirs of phosphorus [33]. Hence, the two edible
leaves were tested for their phosphorus contents from stage I to stage IV. Hygrophila
spinosa revealed phosphorus amounts of 116.12, 100.09, 95.06 mg, and 89.05 mg/100 g
of the leaves from stage I to IV, respectively. Similarly, the phosphorus content of fresh
Chenopodium album decreased from 115.87 mg/100 g to 85.96 mg/100 g with advancing
age (Table 3). Additionally, results revealed the mineral contents in the dried leaves (D) to
be lower than the freshly procured ones (F). Nevertheless, the content of these minerals
was found to be greatest in the first maturity stage compared to those harvested at later
ages (Table 3). Decreased rate of growth at the later stages may be responsible for the
detected variation. Men and women aged twenty years and above are recommended a
daily dose of 1596 and 1189 mg of phosphorus. Dairy, meat, and fish are rich sources of
phosphorus. However, regular consumption of these may be difficult for people belonging
to lower socio-economic groups. Therefore, Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album
leaves may serve as attractive, low-cost, and readily available sources of the studied
minerals. Moreover, dietary accommodation of these leaves, especially at stage I, may
help fulfill the human body's micronutrient needs, thereby potentially aiding in the
mitigation of mineral deficiency disorders.

3.3. Phytonutrient composition of the edible leaves

The Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album leaves were analyzed for their
phytonutrient composition at four different stages of maturity. Results revealed the
significant presence of phenolic compounds in both the leaf samples, especially at the
initial growth stages. Moreover, C album leaves portrayed increased amounts of
flavonoids at stage I and II compared to the other stages (Table 4). However, H spinosa
was found to be devoid of any flavonoid content. Phytochemicals are responsible for
providing color, flavor, and aroma and protecting the human body against a plethora of
chronic diseases. Additionally, they aid in protecting the plant against invasion, disease,
1020 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

and infection. Interestingly, the selected edible leaves were observed to display the limited
presence of tannins, alkaloids, and saponins, along with the absence of anthraquinones
(Table 4). Previous studies have reported tannins, specific saponins, and a few members
of the alkaloid group to function as anti-nutrients, thereby hindering the biological
availability of essential nutrients [34]. Hence, the low abundance of major anti-nutrients
may further increase the nutritional importance of these leaf samples in the alleviation of
nutritional deficiencies.

Table 4. Phytonutrient composition of the edible leaves.

Phenols Flavonoids Saponins Tannins Alkaloids Anthraquinones
Leaf Stages

H. spinosa

H. spinosa

H. spinosa

H. spinosa

H. spinosa

H. spinosa
C. album

C. album

C. album

C. album

C. album

C. album
I +++ +++ - ++ + + + + + + - -
II +++ ++ - ++ + + + + + + - -
III ++ + - + + + + + + + - -
IV + + - _ + - + + + + - -

3.4. Availability post gastrointestinal digestion

Since the selected leaf samples displayed maximum content of nutrients, especially
minerals and vitamins, at stage I of maturity, these were thereafter analyzed for their
availabilities post in vitro gastrointestinal digestion to determine the influence of the
simulated GI environment on the respective components. Results revealed ascorbic acid
from both H. spinosa (70.1 %) and C. album (75.2 %) to display the highest availability
amongst all the nutrients followed by calcium and β carotene (Table 5). Iron showed a low
availability post gastrointestinal digestion manifested by 11.5 % and 10.1 % in Kulekhara
and Bathua leaves, respectively. Previous studies have also reported non-heme iron from
vegetable sources to portray a low bioavailability [35]. However, the notable presence of
vitamin C in the samples may aid in the absorption and utilization of this mineral. The
amount of nutrients provided by food sources, especially edible leaves, are subjected to
certain losses during their transit through the GI tract owing to influences of the digestive
environment and interaction with other biochemicals. Moreover, the bioavailability may
also be affected by age, health status, and genetic makeup of an individual. Therefore, rich
dietary sources of micronutrients are required to provide adequate amounts of these
constituents for maintaining normal physiology and metabolism in the human body.
Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album being significant sources of important
micronutrients, may aid in supplementing the required doses of these vitamins and
minerals, thereby helping in lowering the instances of deficiency disorders associated with
the same.
A. D. Pal et al., J. Sci. Res. 13 (3), 1011-1023 (2021) 1021

Table 5. Availability of edible leaves post in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.

Sample Iron (%) Calcium (%) Ascorbic acid (%) β carotene (%)
H. spinosa 11.5 36.2 70.1 30.5
C. album 10.1 38.4 75.2 32.6

4. Conclusion

Green leafy vegetables are capable of conferring health advantages to the human
population. The quality of these leaves is vulnerable to changes in maturity,
environmental fluctuations, and harvest conditions. The present study explores the
nutritional content of Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album leaves at four different
stages of maturity. The samples were selected based on their ease of availability and
preference by the local population. Biochemical analysis revealed young Kulekhara, and
Bathua leaves to possess maximum carbohydrates, proteins, ascorbic acid, β carotene,
iron, calcium, and phosphorus compared to the older stages. Moreover, these nutrients
were found to be more abundant in fresh leaves versus their dried counterparts. The
content of the above nutrients manifested a gradual decline with advancing age, their
amounts being the lowest at stage IV. The differential metabolic patterns, biosynthetic
rates, and climatic fluctuations at the various stages may be responsible for this effect.
Carbohydrates and proteins are major macronutrients required for optimum growth and
metabolism. Both Hygrophila spinosa and Chenopodium album were observed to be
significant reservoirs of these biomolecules, especially at stage I. Moreover, Hygrophila
spinosa leaves were noticed to be a richer source of carbohydrate compared to
Chenopodium album. The edible leaves were also perceived as good candidates for
dietary ascorbic acid and β carotene. A regular supply of these nutrients is essential for the
maintenance of normal physiology and protection against pathogens.
Interestingly, Bathua leaves were found to possess superior amounts of these
compounds, mainly at stage I of leaf maturity. Furthermore, the edible leaves were also
observed to possess significant amounts of iron, calcium, and phosphorus, which
portrayed a steady decrease with an increase in levels of maturity. The iron and calcium
content was detected to be the greatest during the first growth stage of Kulekhara and
Bathua leaves, respectively, signifying their utility in solving anemia and calcium
deficiency disorders. Although the content of the studied nutrients was lower in the dried
leaves (D) compared to the fresh leaf extracts (F), they displayed a significant decrease
with the advancing age of the leaf. Poverty and urbanization have together contributed to
food insecurity, energy insufficiency, and nutritional imbalances. The majority of the
population cannot satisfy the RDA due to unavailability of resources, lack of awareness,
and associated expenses. Moreover, the selected samples displayed the limited presence of
major anti-nutrients, including tannins, alkaloids, and saponins.
Furthermore, the initial growth stages of the leaves manifested significant amounts of
phenols in both H spinosa and C album and flavonoids in C album leaves, thereby further
highlighting their positive effects. Additionally, ascorbic acid displayed significant
availability post GI digestion followed by calcium, β carotene, and iron. Therefore, the
1022 Effect of Maturity Stages on the Nutritional Content

studied edible leaves may help to replenish the human body's macro and micro nutritional
requirements due to their abundant biochemical composition, mainly when consumed at
the initial stages of leaf maturity. Moreover, being vegetarian and low in cost can be
accessed by people across various socio-economic groups and communities. This study
also highlights the importance of home gardening for obtaining good quality, inexpensive
and optimum stages of edible leaves. Dietary incorporation of young Kulekhara and
Bathua leaves may not only help in the reduction of food and nutritional insecurity but
also promote good health. The present analysis aims to extend the knowledge about the
nutritional importance of edible leaves and signify the benefits of consuming them at the
initial stages of maturity.


The authors acknowledge the laboratory facilities of J. D. Birla Institute, Kolkata.


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