Plants 10 01370 v3
Plants 10 01370 v3
Plants 10 01370 v3
Evaluation of Growth, Yield, and Biochemical Attributes of
Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Cultivars under Karaj
Conditions in Iran
Akram Valyaie 1 , Majid Azizi 2, * , Abdolkarim Kashi 3 , Ramaraj Sathasivam 4 , Sang Un Park 4,5, * ,
Akifumi Sugiyama 6 , Takashi Motobayashi 7 and Yoshiharu Fujii 7
Keywords: bitter melon; charantin; medicinal plant; diabetes; active ingredients; fruit yield
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
1. Introduction
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// Diabetes is one of the most common and dangerous chronic diseases in humans. It has been estimated that, by 2025, more than 75% of people living in developing countries
4.0/). will have diabetes [1]. According to global statistics in 2015, it was estimated that there
were 415 million people with diabetes, and that, by 2040, one in 10 adults (642 million) will
have diabetes [2]. The indicated difference reveals that the proportion of people infected
with the disease in the community will be much higher than expected. The number of
people with diabetes in Iran is higher than the global average [3]. For this reason, the study
of new effective plant sources for curing diabetes is among the research priorities of the
Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran.
Bitter melon, a useful medicinal plant, is used in most developing countries, particu-
larly in Asia and Africa, as a herb, medicine, and vegetable [4]. Unripe fruit and seeds of
bitter melon have been the subject of extensive research with respect to phytochemical and
pharmaceutical properties [5]. The medicinal value of this plant, which can be used to treat
many diseases, including diabetes, has attracted the attention of scientists worldwide [6].
All parts of this plant, including the leaves and fruits, are used in traditional medicine in
Asia, Africa, and even Western countries to cure diabetes [7]. It has been reported that leaf
and fruit extracts of bitter melon have antioxidant effects [8]. Fresh fruit or ground dried
fruit is effective at reducing blood glucose levels [9].
Genetic and environmental factors and farming systems have significant effects on
the quantity of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants. Different melon cultivars have
produced types of active ingredients. In this study, bitter melon cultivars from Japan and
the Philippines were evaluated to obtain information about charantin [10]. The charantin
content in Japanese cultivars was higher than that in the Filipino cultivars reported by Kim
et al. (2014). New plant species transferred to other areas express the same characteristics
as those in the place of origin, although, by planting in a new area, changes in some
characteristics, such as the duration of growth periods and phytochemicals, are expected.
Studies have been carried out on the adaptability and yield of bitter melons, where it was
observed that variations are more closely related to growth period duration, flowering
time, fruit ripening, and other morphological and biochemical characteristics [11].
Yield is a complex attribute that is strongly influenced by environmental factors [12].
The yield potential of different varieties of a single plant species varies from one en-
vironment to another, and varieties do not show the same yield potential in different
environments [11]. The content and composition of a plant’s bioactive chemicals differ
from their origin to other locations because of changes in metabolic activity, which is af-
fected by environmental factors [12]. Important environmental factors that affect the quality
and quantity of bioactive compounds are light, temperature, soil, irrigation, and altitude
above the free sea level [13,14]. This plant is located in India, Bangladesh, the Philippines,
Thailand, Malaysia, China, Japan, eastern and southeastern Pakistan, Indonesia, Australia,
the tropical regions of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean [7]. Bitter melons are
grown and harvested in limited areas of Iran. However, the detection of phytochemicals
from different plant parts, such as leaves and fruits, has not yet been reported. This is the
first report comparing different bitter melon cultivars and their adaptability to Karaj envi-
ronmental conditions in Iran, as well as the determination of effective bioactive compounds
in their leaves and fruits.
2. Results
2.1. Variation of Vegetative Traits among the Cultivars
Significant differences were observed among bitter gourd cultivars for vegetative
characteristics (Table 1). The differences in plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf
area, and plant dry weight were significant at the 1% level of probability, whereas the
number of branches per plant was significant at the 5% level of probability.
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 3 of 19
The maximum and minimum plant heights were 355.33 and 175.33 cm for cv. Hybrid
No. 486 and cv. Ilocano, respectively. This attribute plays an important role in determining
the appropriate distance between rows during commercial field cultivation.
Among the cultivars, the Thai cultivar (Hybrid No. 486) produced the highest number
of leaves/plant (2756), while the lowest number of leaves (1646) was observed in cv. Isfahan
(Table 1). The mean leaf area of 10 leaves per plant was evaluated for each cultivar (Table 1);
these were found to vary from 15.46 cm2 (cv. Ilocano) to 64.73 cm2 (cv. Iranshahr). The
highest plant dry weight was observed in Hybrid No. 486 (665.66 g) and the lowest
was observed in cv. Ilocano (222.33 g) (Table 1). Considering that all parts of the plant,
including the leaves and fruits, are used for pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine,
Hybrid No. 486 showed the best performance in terms of both leaf and fruit dry weight.
The cv. Ilocano, with the lowest plant height, had the highest number of branches per plant
(229.33). The lowest number of branches was observed in cv. Iranshahr (cv. palee) and cv.
Local Japanese (Table 1).
Node Number Days Difference for
Days to First Days to First Male: Female Number of
Cultivar at 1st Female Male and Female
Male Flower Female Flower Flower Ratio Fruits/Plant
Flower Appear Flower Appearance
Iranshahr 21.00 b 29.66 ab 16.00 a 8.66 ab 15.46 bc 33.18 b
Hybrid Mestisa 19.00 b 25.33 c 9.00 b 6.33 b 17.11 ab 33.07 b
Hybrid No. 486 19.33 b 25.00 c 12.6 ab 5.66 b 13.21 c 34.35 b
Local Japanese 25.33 a 31.33 ab 17.00 a 6.00 b 20.06 a 24.51 c
Isfahan 21.00 b 33.00 a 14.33 a 12.00 a 12.20 cd 32.22 b
Ilocano 19.33 b 28.33 bc 13.66 a 9.00 ab 9.03 d 133.33 a
Means (three replications) in each column, followed by at least one letter in common are not significantly different at the 5% probability
level using Tukey’s test.
The first female flowers appeared 25 days after planting in Hybrid Mestisa and Hybrid
No. 486, and 33 days after planting in cv. Isfahan. For example, the fruit yield of Hybrid
No. 486 and Hybrid Mestisa, which showed shorter differences, resulted in higher fruit
yield (Table 2).
No. 486
Local Japa-
25.33 a 31.33 ab 17.00 a 6.00 b 20.06 a 24.51 c
Isfahan 21.00 b 33.00 a 14.33 a 12.00 a 12.20 cd 32.22 b
Ilocano 19.33 b 28.33 bc 13.66 a 9.00 ab 9.03 d 133.33 a
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 Means (three replications) in each column, followed by at least one letter in common are not sig- 4 of 19
nificantly different at the 5% probability level using Tukey′s test.
Fresh fruit yield
Iranshahr Hybrid Hybrid No. Local Japanese Isfahan Ilocano
Plants 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Mestisa 486 5 of 20
Dry fruit yield
Iranshahr Hybrid Hybrid No. Local Japanese Isfahan Ilocano
Mestisa 486
Figure 1. Fresh
1. Fresh andfruit
and dry dry fruit yield/plant
yield/plant (Immature
(Immature stage) stage) of sixmelon
of six bitter bitter cultivars
melon cultivars grown
grown in Karaj,inIran.
Karaj, Iran. Columns
Columns with with
the same letter are not significantly different at the 1% probability level using Tukey’s
the same letter are not significantly different at the 1% probability level using Tukey’s test. test.
Table 3. Mean comparison of the fruit characteristics of six bitter melon cultivars at different developmental stages.
Fruite density g/cm3
0.85 Iranshahr
Hybrid Mestisa
Hybrid No. 486
0.75 Local Japanese
Unripe Semi-ripe Ripe
Fruite growth satges
Figure 2. Changes
Figure in the
2. Changes fruit
in the density
fruit densityofofdifferent
different bitter meloncultivars
bitter melon cultivarsduring
during fruit
fruit developmental
developmental stages
stages from from
to to
ariel ariel
change stages.
change stages.
was consistent with the high levels of fruit tubercle. The highest luminosity was observed
in Hybrid Mestisa, which had the least tubercle on the fruit surface. Therefore, it can
be expected that cultivars with fewer tubercle fruits would be brighter and have greater
marketability. The mean comparison for “a” index (which indicates the color of the fruit)
indicated a significant difference among the cultivars, with the largest “a” index (7.37) in
Hybrid No. 486, which represents the green color of the fruit (Table 4). The “b” index
determines the brightness or darkness of color; the highest “b” (21.53) belonged to Hybrid
Mestisa, which indicates light green, while the lowest “b” index (11.8) was recorded for
Hybrid No. 486 (Table 4). The low “b” index indicated the dark-green color of the fruit in
this cultivar.
Table 5. Fruit phenol content of six cultivars of bitter melon (mg GA equivalent).
Table 6. Cultivar × drying method and cultivar × development stage interaction effects on fruit total phenolic content
(mg GAE).
interaction effects of cultivar × drying method and cultivar × development stage on fruit
total flavonoid content are shown in Table 7. The results showed that the highest total
flavonoid content (19.42 mg QE) was in Hybrid No. 486 in the unripe fruit stage in shade-
dried samples. The lowest flavonoid content was observed in the freeze-dried cv. Local
Japanese and Hybrid Mestisa in semi-ripe fruit and ripe fruit. However, the flavonoid
content was lower in the ripe fruits of cv. Iranshahr (cv. Palee) for both drying methods
(Tables 7 and 8).
Table 7. Fruit flavonoid content of six cultivars of bitter melon (mg quercetin equivalent).
Table 8. Cultivar × drying method and cultivar × development stage interaction effects on fruit flavonoid content (mg QE).
Table 9. Cultivar × drying method and cultivar × development stage interaction effects on fruit charantin content (µg/g).
Table 9. Cultivar × drying method and cultivar × development stage interaction effects on fruit charantin content (μg/g).
The highest charantin content was detected in Hybrid no. 486 in semi-ripe fruit using
the freeze-drying method. Since this cultivar had the highest fruit yield, it is suitable
for cultivation under Karaj conditions. The lowest charantin content was detected in cv.
Isfahan in an unripe stage in shade-dried samples and Hybrid Mestisa in the fully ripe
Plants 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEWstage using freeze-dried samples. It can be concluded that Hybrid no. 486 had high11fruit
of 20
yield and the highest fruit charantin content in the semi-ripe stage using freeze-dried
samples; thus, it can be recommended for growth in Karaj conditions.
2.3.4. Leaf
2.3.4. Leaf Charantin Content
Charantin Content
Mean leaf
Mean leafcharantin
contentin in
sixsix bitter
bitter melon
melon cultivars
cultivars is presented
is presented in Figure
in Figure 4.
4. There
There were significant differences between the cultivars; cv. Iranshahr with
were significant differences between the cultivars; cv. Iranshahr with 11.08 µg/g had the11.08 μg/g
had the leaf
highest highest leaf charantin
charantin content, content,
while cv.while
Localcv. Local Japanese
Japanese had the(4.83).
had the lowest lowest (4.83).
Charantin (μg/g)
Iranshahr Hybrid Hybrid Local Isfahan Ilocano
Mestisa No. 486 Japanese
Figure 4. Leaf charantin content in six bitter melon cultivars grown under Karaj conditions.
3. Discussion
Figure 4. Leaf charantin content in six bitter melon cultivars grown under Karaj conditions.
The perusal of mean performance of the bitter gourd cultivars revealed that plant
height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, and plant dry weight were significant at the
3. Discussion
1% level of probability, whereas the number of branches per plant was significant at the 5%
level The perusal ofSignificant
of probability. mean performance
differencesofinthe bitter
plant heightgourd cultivarsbitter
of different revealed
gourdthat plant
height, number
reportedly of leaves
previously per plant,
ranged fromleaf area,
98 cm and
[15] toplant
575 cm dry[16].
weightIt haswere significant
been reportedatthat the
1% level of probability, whereas the number of branches per
plant leaf numbers vary with cultivars and other management practices [16–20]. Other plant was significant at the
5% level of also
researchers probability.
showed Significant
significant differences
differences in plant height
between cultivarsof different bitter
for leaf area, andgourd
cultivars reportedly previously ranged from 98 cm [15] to 575 cm
findings are in agreement with their results [21,22]. Moreover, the high herb-producing [16]. It has been reported
that plant
cultivar leaf numbers
(Hybrid No. 486) vary
morecultivars and other
green leaves management
and higher mean leaf practices [16–20].
area (Table 1),
Other researchers
resulting in a higher alsoamount
showedof significant differences
photosynthesis, thusbetween cultivars
representing for leafsource
a strong area, andfor
our findings
producing are in agreement
secondary withDifferences
metabolites. their results in [21,22].
the numberMoreover, the high
of branches herb-produc-
among cultivars
ing cultivar
did not follow (Hybrid
the sameNo. 486)
trendhad more green
as biomass leaves andIslam
production. higheret mean leaf area
al. (2014), who(Table
studied 1),
resulting in a higher amount of photosynthesis, thus representing
15 indigenous bitter melon landraces with small fruits, reported that the population with a strong source for pro-
small secondary metabolites.
round fruits Differences
had a short main branchin theandnumber of branches
numerous lateral among
branches cultivars
compared did
follow plants bearing
the same trendrectangular
as biomassfruits [22]. This
production. observation
Islam et al. (2014), is in
studied 15 with
our findings,
digenous bitterparticularly
melon landraces for cv.with
Ilocano. Although
small fruits, the Ilocano
reported that thecultivar
population produced
with small the
and round numberfruitsofhad
a short main (Tablebranch4),andplant height was
numerous the branches
lateral lowest in compared
this cultivar, to
which negatively
those plants bearingaffected the leaf fruits
rectangular area. Iranshahr
[22]. This cultivars
observation produced the lowestwith
is in agreement number our
of branches/plant
findings, particularly butforthe
Ilocano.leaf. The number
Although of branches
the Ilocano cultivarisproduced
the resultthe ofhighest
dominance, and it is important to determine the optimum plant
number of branches/plant (Table 4), plant height was the lowest in this cultivar, whichdistance on the row during
negatively affectedA plant’s thecompact
leaf area.canopy affects
Iranshahr light absorption
cultivars producedand the carbon
lowest acquisition
number of
branches/plant for photosynthesis
but the larger and leaf.vegetative
The number growth by changing
of branches leaf area
is the result index (LAI),
of apical domi-
which is a special genetic trait of plant cultivars, also influenced
nance, and it is important to determine the optimum plant distance on the row during by cultural practices [20].
The presence of highly significant correlations among different plant
cultivation. A plant’s compact canopy affects light absorption and carbon acquisition ef- cultivar traits indicated
dependency of one characterand
ficiency for photosynthesis on other, and there
vegetative growthwas by a negative
changing correlation
leaf area of number
index (LAI),of
branches/plant with plant height and leaf size in another report [23].
which is a special genetic trait of plant cultivars, also influenced by cultural practices [20].
The presence of highly significant correlations among different plant cultivar traits indi-
cated dependency of one character on other, and there was a negative correlation of num-
ber of branches/plant with plant height and leaf size in another report [23].
The results showed that male flowers appeared earlier than female flowers in all the
cultivars. The difference in the appearance of the first female flower was much higher than
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 11 of 19
The results showed that male flowers appeared earlier than female flowers in all the
cultivars. The difference in the appearance of the first female flower was much higher than
that of male flowers among the studied cultivars. Therefore, cv. Local Japanese and cv.
Isfahan had comparatively late flowering among the other cultivars. Fruits of the early
flowering cultivars reached the harvesting stage faster. Fruit harvesting stimulated the
appearance of more female flowers in all of the cultivars. The appearance of the male flower
before the female flower plays a special role in pollination and fruit formation [24]. Rathod
et al. (2008) reported that the number of days from direct sowing until the appearance of
the first male flower varied between 37.25% and 40.23% [25]. The timing of male and female
flower appearance depends on the genetic and environmental factors that are related to the
adaptation of the cultivars to different regions, and some researchers have reported that
this can vary from 24 to 41 days [15,21,22,26–30]. This is in agreement with the results of
the present study, which showed 12 days difference in the appearance of male and female
flowers. The time between the appearance of the first male and female flowers among the
studied cultivars varied between 5.66 and 12 days after transplantation. Our observations
showed that a shorter difference between the appearance of the first male and female
flowers led to a higher fruit yield.
On average, the first female flower appeared at nodes 9–17 (in Philippine and Japanese
cultivars, respectively) (Table 2); which agrees with Dalamu et al. (2012) who reported
that the first flower appeared at the ninth node [31]. It can, thus, be concluded that the
earlier appearance of female flowers at the lower nodes is strongly correlated with early
ripening and fresh and dry fruit yield. Gupta et al. (2015) reported that the number of
days to the appearance of the first female flower had a positive and significant correlation
with some traits, including fruit yield [11]. Other researchers have also shown that male
flowers appear at lower nodes compared to female flowers [14,19,20,27,31]. The number
of fruits and the fruit yield/plant in bitter melon are highly dependent on the presence
of male and female flowers (sex ratio). The sex ratio ranged from nine (cv. Ilocano) to 20
(cv. Local Japanese) in the different cultivars. Sex ratio strongly affected pollination and
fruit formation. A greater sex ratio can provide sufficient pollen for a longer period to
fertilize female flowers. Other researchers have also reported significant differences in sex
ratios among different bitter melon cultivars, for example, from 6.85 to 27.29 [25,32], 7.90 to
9.77 [33], 19 to 20 [29,30], 17.99 to 33.50 [15], 10 to 30 [28], and 17.17 to 22.18 [27].
The highest fresh fruit yield (5.22 kg/plant) was obtained from Hybrid No. 486, while
cv. Ilocano produced the lowest yield (2.98 kg/plant) (Figure 2). Although it produced the
highest fruit number per plant (133.33), cv. Ilocano had a lower fresh fruit yield because of
its small fruit size. This finding is consistent with that of Dey et al. (2006), who reported
that genotypes with smaller fruits had lower fresh fruit yields [33]. The fresh fruit yield of
bitter melon is economically important and depends on the variety and crop management
practices. The average economic yield was 8000–10,000 kg·ha−1 . Some cultivars may
produce up to 20,000–40,000 kg·ha−1 [5,6,33] and even higher (25 to 80 tons) [34]. These
variations can be attributed to climatic conditions, soil fertility, and the cultivar used.
In Taiwan, a yield of 61–108 tons·ha−1 was obtained under greenhouse conditions from
grafted seedlings [35], and, in India, yields from 21 to 44 tons·ha−1 were reported [6]. The
lower yield of our research is related to the shorter growing period in Karaj, Iran, than in
tropical regions such as India and the Philippines.
Our results revealed that the dry fruit yield per plant and yield attributing traits were
significantly different among the bitter melon cultivars. The differences in the order of
cultivars with respect to fruit yield on the basis of fresh or dry fruit yield was related to
the moisture percentage of each cultivar. Several factors affect fruit water content such as
fertilization [18], cultivar, fruit density, time of harvest, maturity, and texture, and it varied
between 91% and 93% [36].
The current results showed that the highest fruit number per plant was observed in cv.
Ilocano and could be attributed to the lower ratio of male to female flowers. No significant
differences were observed among the remaining cultivars in this trait. The fruit number per
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 12 of 19
plant depends on the plant’s genetics, growth conditions, and crop management practices,
as reported by several studies [24,32,37,38]. Our findings are consistent with those of these
researchers, except for cv. Ilocano. However, a fruit number per plant of 6.6 to 68 has been
reported [3,19,26,27].
According to our results, the observed differences in fruit length can be attributed
to the different stages at which the fruit length was measured. Fruit length was also
reported by different researchers as 15.82–38.83 cm [27], 8.78–33 [4], 9.23–24.47 cm [15,32],
and 2.91–11.60 cm [37]. Dudhat and Patel showed that nutrient management affects fruit
length [38].
Our results showed that the highest fruit diameter was observed in the cv. Iranshahr
(cv. Palee), and the lowest belonged to the cv. Ilocano. Other researchers reported fruit
diameters of 2.2 to 7.4 cm [19,32,39], which is consistent with our findings at unripe and
semi-ripe stages.
In this study, the highest and the lowest numbers of total seeds/fruit belonged to cv.
Iranshahr (cv. palee) and cv. Ilocano, respectively. Moreover, there was a positive correla-
tion between seed number per fruit and fruit size in medium-weight medicinal pumpkins.
Hand pollination in Momordica charantia produced heavier fruit, and open pollination and
fruit size were related to the number of seeds/fruit [40]. Total seeds/fruit had a wide
range reported by several researchers, i.e., 7.4–28.43 [25], 7.4–28.43 [37], 15.65–33 [27], and
10.45–26.04 [22].
According to our results, the mean comparison of the 1000-seed weight of bitter melon
cultivars showed that Hybrid No. 486 had the highest 1000-seed weight, followed by cv.
Local Japanese. It was previously reported by many researchers that the 1000-seed weight
varied among different bitter melon genotypes, that is, 58 g [40], 166 g [41], and 21.4 g [37].
Our findings are in agreement with some of these reports.
Our results of the phytochemical assay showed that the total phenol content of fruits
was the highest in Hybrid No. 486, followed by Hybrid Mestisa, cv. “Isfahan,” Local
Japanese, cv. Iranshahr (ee), and cv. Ilocano. A comparison of the effect of different
drying methods on the phenolic content of fruit in different cultivars indicated that the
freeze-drying method was superior to shade-drying. Horax et al. (2005) reported the
phenolic compounds in four types of bitter melons in both oven-dried and freeze-dried
samples as being between 4.55 and 82.4 mg/g dry weight [42]. They also reported the
phenolic compounds in the seeds as being from 4.61 to 40.08 mg/g dry weight. They
concluded that the oven-drying method was superior to freeze-drying. In another study,
Horax et al. (2010) investigated the phenolic content of bitter melon pericarps and seeds.
The results showed that the total phenol content in bitter melon seeds was higher than that
in fruit pericarps [43]. Kubola and Siriamornpun (2008) evaluated phenolic compounds in
different organs of bitter melon (leaves, stems, unripe, and ripe fruits) and showed that the
leaves contained the highest total phenol content, and unripe fruit contained higher total
phenol content than the ripe fruit [44]. Tan et al. (2014) grew six varieties of bitter melon
in greenhouse conditions and compared the total phenol content of the fruit, showing
that this trait varied from 1.5 to 7.9 mg GAE [45]. The phenolic contents measured in the
present study were higher than those reported by Tan et al. (2014). The higher levels of
phenolic compounds may be due to genotypic differences, climatic conditions, and crop
management practices. As mentioned earlier, although secondary metabolite production is
under genetic control, environmental factors also have significant effects.
According to our results, the highest total flavonoid content was obtained in Hybrid
No. 486 in the unripe fruit stage in shade-dried samples. The lowest flavonoid content
was observed in the freeze-dried cv. Local Japanese and Hybrid Mestisa in semi-ripe
fruit and ripe fruit. However, the flavonoid content was lower in the ripe fruits of cv.
Iranshahr (cv. Palee) for both drying methods. Tan et al. (2014) investigated the extraction
efficiency of flavonoids from bitter melon fruits and showed that the solvent type had a
significant effect on flavonoid extraction efficiency. The lowest extraction efficiency (<2 mg
of retinol per gram of fruit dry weight) was obtained, while the highest flavonoid content
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 13 of 19
(approximately 25 mg/g equivalent to retinol) was obtained when acetone was used. They
finally suggested that the acetone solvent acted to extract the maximum flavonoids of bitter
melon [45]. Therefore, the variations in the results obtained by different researchers are
primarily due to the climatic conditions and secondarily due to the solvent used in the
extraction of flavonoids.
The current results showed that the fruit charantin content at different stages of
fruit development was highest at the semi-ripe stage, followed by unripe and ripe fruits.
Secondary metabolite production is controlled by different plant pathways such as malonic
acid, mevalonic acid, and shikimic acid pathways. During plant developmental stages,
some genes are activated and some genes are silenced, resulting in the different secondary
metabolite composition of medicinal plants [46]. Another important factor that affects
secondary metabolite content and composition is the post-harvest technology, especially
the drying condition and methods. During the drying period, transformation of some
primary compounds to others takes place under the control of some enzymes [47]. In
our research, charantin content for different drying methods indicated the superiority of
lyophilized compared to shade-dried. Zhang et al. (2009) also examined the effects of the
drying method on the phytochemical characteristics of bitter melons and showed that the
freeze-drying method improved the phytochemical composition of the plant [48].
Kim et al. (2014) compared the charantin content of 10 Japanese and Filipino bitter
melon cultivars and concluded that Japanese cultivars were superior to the Filipino culti-
vars. Among the cultivars studied in their research, “Peacock” (Japanese cultivar) had the
highest fruit charantin content (711 µg/g), while “Trident” 357 (Filipino cultivar) had the
lowest (29.8 µg/g) [48]. The findings of our study are consistent with those reported by
Lee et al. (2015) and Goo et al. (2016) [49,50]. These differences in fruit charantin content
in different studies are due to differences in genotypes and growing conditions [50]. The
fruit total phenol, flavonoid, and charantin content, and ripe fruit color of the six bitter
melon cultivars studied here indicated that cultivars with darker fruit color contained more
secondary metabolites than the cultivars with brighter fruits. Habicht et al. (2011) also
showed that the cultivars with white fruit had the lowest amount of saponin in comparison
to the darker cultivars. Therefore, the results of this study are consistent with the findings
of Habicht et al. (2011) [51].
Our results showed that cv. Iranshahr had the highest leaf charantin content, while
cv. Local Japanese had the lowest. Lee et al. (2015) examined the charantin content
of the Korean native population of Momordica charantia, “Erabu”, and Japanese Dragon
cultivars and reported that the mean leaf charantin content was 144 µg/g, while the average
fruit charantin was 55.27 µg/g. They stated that improved Japanese cultivars are more
expensive than the native Korean population [49]. The difference between the findings of
the present study and those of Lee et al. (2015) is mainly due to differences in cultivars
and climatic conditions. Goo et al. (2016) showed significant differences among eight
indigenous populations of bitter melons (two from Indonesia and six from India) for leaf
charantin content. They reported the leaf charantin content of three Indian populations
as KSI3 (5 µg/g), KSI7 (5.9 µg/g), and KSI8 (5.8 µg/g). They also confirmed that leaf
charantin content was greater than that of fruits [50].
Table 10. Physical and chemical properties of soil in experimental field at Karaj, Iran.
Clay Silt Sand Texture OC% pH Fe Zn Cu Mn B
(Ds/m) (total) (ava) (ava)
Clay- 0.63 ± 1.82 ± 7.56 ± 27.6 ± 7.97 ± 0.90 ± 2.22 ± 16.5 ± 0.44 ±
27 40 33 600 ± 15 295 ± 6.3
loam 0.02 0.21 0.23 2.6 2.1 0.03 0.14 0.3 0.06
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Exterior
different developmental
developmental fruit
fruit stages
stages (Hybrid
(Hybrid No.No.
486486 from
from Thailand).
Thailand). Un-
ripe stage: left column (A) and (B); semi-ripe stage: Left column (C) and (D); aril color changing stage: right coumn (E)
stage: left column (A,B); semi-ripe stage: Left column (C,D); aril color changing stage: right coumn (E,F); ripe stage: right
and (F); ripe stage: right column (G), growth habit (H).
column (G), growth habit (H).
Factor Level
1 Loading temperature Room Temperature
2 Freezing rate 0.5 ◦ C/min
3 Freezing temperature −40 ◦ C
4 Complete freezing duration 2h
5 Temperature ramp rate during the primary drying 8 ◦ C/h
5. Conclusions
According to all the results of this study, which was conducted for the first time in Iran,
it can be stated that there is potential for economic production of this plant in Karaj climatic
conditions, with cv. No. 486 being the best choice among evaluated cultivars in terms
of vegetative traits and valuable medicinal compounds. Regarding drying of harvested
fruits, although valuable medicinal compounds were better preserved in the freeze-dried
samples, but due to the cost of this method and lack of access to this equipment for farmers,
shade-drying is recommended. In the future, further studies are required to analyze the
individual phenolic compounds and secondary metabolites found in each organ of cv. 486
by using HPLC and GC–TOFMS analysis. This study might help to provide knowledge
on the utilization of strategies to increase the level of different medicinal compounds in
Plants 2021, 10, 1370 17 of 19
cv. No. 486. Moreover, analyzing the gene expression of phenylpropanoid and flavonoid
biosynthetic pathways will help to increase the secondary metabolite production in cv. No.
486 via the bioengineering approach.
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