Sci.10 Weeks 1-3

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SCIENCE 10- Weeks 1-3 Summative Test

Name: ______________________________________ Score:_____________________________

Grade & Section: ______________________________

I. Multiple Choice (1 point each item)

Choose the letter of your best answer and write on the space provided.
_______1. What is the primary sex organ of male?
A. penis B. testes C. urethra D. vas deferens
_______2. Which is the following statement best explain why ovary is the primary sex organ of female?
A. This is the site where egg and sperm cell unite.
B. Most interior part of female reproductive system.
C. This is the organ responsible in the production of egg cells.
D. Both A and C
_______3. Street or stray dogs and cats are very visible everywhere in the community. One time, Jessa
has witnessed dogs and cats castration in their barangay where the testes of the following animals were
removed permanently through operation. According to the city veterinarian that she has asked, this is to
lessen the growth of stray dogs and cats in the community. Would this operation help to achieve their
A. Yes, castrating these animals would stop the production of their male hormone causing pregnancy.
B. Yes, this would stop sexual activity of these animals most especially it is always seen in public
C. Yes, because castrating animals will provide them shorter life span which will result to the decrease
of their population.
D. Yes, this would kill the production of sperms cells of stray dogs and cats and will stop permanently
the sexual desire of this animals.
_______4. Which of the following that is classified correctly?
A. Uterus, testes , vas deferens, ovary C. sperm, fimbria, oviduct, uterus
B. Oviduct, fimbria, endometrium, ovary D. urethra, prostate, oviduct, urethra
_______5. Which of the following is correctly labelled based on the
left picture?
A. 1- vagina , 2- cervix , 3- ovary
B. 4- uterus , 5- vagina , 6- ovary
C. 2- cervix , 4- fimbria , 6- ovary
D. 1- vagina , 5- fallopian tube, 7- ovary
_______6. What hormone in male reproductive system is responsible in the production of sperm cell?
A. estrogen B. inhibin C. progesterone C. testosterone
_______7. What hormone in female reproductive system is responsible in the production of egg cell?
A. estrogen B. inhibin C. progesterone C. testosterone
_______8. Which of the following hormones is responsible for the female sex characteristics?
A. Estrogen B. Testosterone C. Follicle stimulating hormone D. Luteinizing hormone
_______9. What organ stimulates the pituitary gland to release Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and
Luteinizing Hormone (LH).?
A. adrenal B. hypothalamus C. thymus D. ovary
_______10. Why luteinizing hormone is necessary to male and female reproductive hormones?
A. This secretes inhibin as feedback mechanism to hypothalamus.
B. This stimulates the pituitary gland in the releasing of other important hormones.
C. This is responsible for the secondary sex characteristics of female and act as negative feedback for
D. This is released by the pituitary gland in the brain to aid the FSH in the maturity of egg cells and
sperm cells.
_______11. Which of the following statements supports that male and female reproductive hormones have
A. FSH and LH are responsible in the production and maturity of egg and sperm cell.
B. LH initiates the production of sperm cells while FSH matures the sperm and egg cell.
C. Male reproductive hormones is mostly progesterone while female reproductive hormone is estrogen.
D. Both A and C.
_______12. Which of the following roles of hormones explains the changes in the physical appearance of
the external genitalia of the male and female reproductive part in the onset of puberty?
A. Stimulation of follicle Production of sperm and egg cell
B. Regulation of the production of GnRH D. Development of male and female secondary sex
_______13. Which is the correct sequence of stages in a normal menstrual cycle?
A. corpus luteum stage --> menstruation --> ovulation --> follicle stage
B. menstruation --> corpus luteum stage --> ovulation --> follicle stage
C. follicle stage --> ovulation --> corpus luteum stage --> menstruation
D. ovulation --> follicle stage --> menstruation --> corpus luteum stage
_______14. At the age of 12, James voice started to deepens and his upper muscular body starts to
broaden. What do you think is the reason of these pubertal changes?
A. Pubertal changes are stimulated by LH.
B. These changes are caused by testosterone.
C. This is caused by the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone.
D. Pubertal changes happen at teen ages where hormones are unbalanced.
_______15. Which of the following statements about hormone regulation of the female reproductive cycle
A. Estrogen and progesterone secreted from the corpus luteum cause the endometrium to thicken.
B. LH and FSH are produced in the pituitary, and estrogen and progesterone are produced in the
C. Secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus is inhibited by low levels of estrogen but stimulated by high
levels of estrogen.
D. Both progesterone and estrogen are produced by the follicles.
_______16. What event is taking place at the luteal phase?
A. formation of corpus luteum B. growth of follicles C. menstruation D. ovulation
_______17. How many days is a complete menstrual cycle?
A. 27 days B. 28 days C. 29 days D. 30 days
_______18. What menstrual cycle phase is under day 1-13?
A. menstrual phase B. follicular phase C. ovulation phase d. luteal phase
_______19. Why do high level of progesterone is needed in the luteal phase?
A. Shedding of blood happened in this phase.
B. This is needed in the ovulation of egg cell.
C. This thickens the lining of the uterus in preparation of possible pregnancy.
D. Production of follicles in needed in this phase where immature egg cells are stored.
_______20. When can we say that luteal phase has ended?
A. When egg cell is matured
B. When uterus starts to thicken.
C. When blood starts to shed off.
D. When matured egg cell travel to fallopian tube
_______21. When is a mature egg cell from the ovary released?
A. During the 7th day from the last period.
B. During the 14th day from the last period.
C. During the 7th day from the first menstrual flow.
D. During the 14th day from the first menstrual flow.
_______22. Which of the following is an example of positive feedback mechanism?
A. Releasing of inhibin and estrogen to decrease the level of FSH
B. Increasing the production of LH to initiate ovulation also to prepare uterus lining.
C. Pituitary decreases or even stops a production of such hormone like estrogen and testosterone.
D. The follicle becomes the corpus luteum and this produces estrogen and progesterone which inhibit
FSH and LH production by the pituitary.
_______23. Jessa regularly has her menstrual period every second week of the month. If her 1 st menstrual
bleeding starts on the 8th day of the month, what would be the exact day that her egg cell will be matured
based on menstrual cycle?
A. 20 B. 21 C. 22 D. 23
_______24. In a negative feedback mechanism, what is its effect on the level of estrogen and
progesterone during most of the menstrual cycle?
A. Estrogen and progesterone constantly increase.
B. Estrogen and progesterone constantly decrease.
C. Estrogen and progesterone levels are more or less constant.
D. Estrogen and progesterone levels cannot be determined.
_______25. Arrange the correct steps of menstrual cycle.
I. The ovary releases an egg on day 14.
II. The pituitary gland controls and starts the cycle.
III. The ovary starts to produce follicles where immature egg cells are found inside.
IV. Ruptured follicles turns into corpus luteum which will release progesterone to further thicken the
uterus lining in preparation for pregnancy.
V. The pituitary gland releases hormones that cause the egg in the ovary to mature. FSH and LH
assists in the production and maturation of egg cell.

Prepared by:
Science 10 Teacher

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