One of India’s most pervasive societal problems is child labour. India is the country with most child
labourers in the world with an es mated 10 million kids between the ages of 5 – 17 working in some capacity.
It is complicated by a number of social, economic and cultural variables. Main causes of the perpetua on of
the issue include poverty, illiteracy and insufficient enforcement of child labour laws, social isola on. Especially
in rural areas children are employed in agriculture, domes c works. In metropolitan areas children are
employed in physical labour du es like hauling items on construc on sites, also employed in small scales
In order to address the issue of child labour, Indian government and NGOs has taken a number of
ac ons, including the adop on of laws and regula on to uphold children’s rights. Government appointed
healthcare officers, voca onal trainers, educa onal officers to mark out children those who work in labour
force. NGOs are crucial in raising awareness of children’s rights, offering educa on and suppor ng services to
kids and their families, and figh ng for laws and ini a ves that safeguard children’s right. A mul faceted
strategy that involves lobbying, educa on, be er economic condi ons, stronger legal enforcement, women's
emancipa on, and corporate social responsibility is needed to prevent child labour. Working together can end
child labour and give every child in India a be er future.
{Note to the readers: If you’re age is 10 and below 10 it is advised to not a end the ques ons}
Name: ____________________ Age: _____ Date: __________
Mail Id: ____________________________________________
[Required to send back responses on basis of your answers to the following ques ons]
Ques ons_
1.What does child labour mean?
a) Trea ng children in harsh way
b) Taking children to prison
c) Forcing children to do dangerous works even if they are not interested
d) Loving and taking care of children
2.Do you think that the following areas in India is child labour found in abundance?
a) Tobacco, Matchs ck making and firework factory
b) Mining, Quarrying
c) Hotels & lodges
d) Construc on sites
A) yes B) no C) may be
3.Major reason for child labour in India is
a) High popula on
b) Less work vacancy
c) Poverty
d) Illiteracy
4.Child labour prohibi on act (1986) meant_
a) To stop employment of children of age 18+
b) To provide proper guidance for work for children of age 18-
c) To prohibit the employment of children below 14&15 all over the country
d) To achieve the objec ve of child labour
5.Which sec on of The Child Labour (prohibi on And Regula on) Act, 1986 deals with the Prohibi on of
employment of children in certain occupa ons and processes?
a) Sec on 2 of the Child Labour (prohibi on And Regula on) Act, 1986
b) Sec on 3 of the Child Labour (prohibi on And Regula on) Act, 1986
c) Sec on 4 of the Child Labour (prohibi on And Regula on) Act, 1986
d) Sec on 10 of the Child Labour (prohibi on And Regula on) Act, 1986
6.Which among these do you think it is a right wrath for a person who keeps children for work?
a) Prison for a period of 2 months to 2 years
b) Fine of Rs 1,50,000-3,00,000
c) Life me prison (one who repeats the work again and again)
d) Giving the child or his family with compensa on amount
7.Is child labour phenomenon being serious in your locality and home town?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not much
8.With the development in science and technology, is there any change found in the composi on of child
labour in the country?
a) Decreased
b) Increased
c) Sta onery
d) Eradicated
9.Which social evil are most vulnerable in child labour?
a) Drugs
b) Sexual abuse
c) Violence/crime
d) Communicable/non-communicable diseases
10.Do you prefer child labour?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
11.Do you think can India be considered as a developing country standing second in the world’s child labour
a) No
b) Why not
12.Does a child can help his/her family when he/she goes for work?
a) To have food in their plate
b) To improve their social-economic status
c) To get educa on
d) To watch movies in theatre for the first me
13.Whether high economic growth through globaliza on solve the problem (child labour)?
a) No, because voice of poor could not be heard
b) Yes, because it is an ini a ve taken by the government
c) Don’t know because I’m not aware of it
14.It is said that the country’s economy is from children who are forced to work due to family background.
Is it so?
a) No
b) Yes
c) Not aware of it.
15.Did children were properly treated and paid when they were forced to work_
a) Yes, they were paid a lot and illtreated
b) Yes, they were paid li le and well-treated
c) No, they were paid more and well-treated
d) No, they were paid li le and illtreated
16.According to you why do industries prefer child labour?
a) Because of their nimble fingers
b) High level of concentra on and capacity
c) To work hard
d) Working for low wages, long period of me
e) They are weak and their voice cannot reach too far
f) Probably all
17.What makes the implementa on of child labour law difficult in India? (your opinion)
18. ‘India can follow the ideas, rules proposed by other na ons to control child labour’ Comment on the
a) Yes, copying good things can be done from everywhere. India can follow the rules to control its
child labour rate.
b) No, copying things which is owned by another na on is shame to the country and it can also lead
to conflicts which causes a great loss.
S. Siva Rigil
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