Nature - Materials Article Frameworks
Nature - Materials Article Frameworks
Nature - Materials Article Frameworks
b a
c d
Figure 2 Representation of the structure of MIL-110. a, View along the c axis showing the channels delimited by the discrete Al8 clusters and the trimesate group. b, View
of the Al8 cluster showing the three bioctahedral edge-shared units Al(2)–Al(2) capped by two Al(1) octahedra. The Al8 moiety is connected to nine carboxylate functions of
the trimesate molecules. In the ordered crystal structure (P63 22), only one site Al(2) is observed for the dimeric edge-shared bioctahedral units whereas the Al(2) sites are
split between two positions Al(2) and Al(3) in P-62c. c, View along the c axis showing the connection mode of the Al8 clusters with the trimesate species parallel to the walls
of the channels. d, The two types of connection of the two different aluminium octahedral units Al(1) and Al(2), Al(3) of the bioctahedral units. This shows the two possibilities
of Al(1)–Al(2,3) linkages resulting in the disordering situation. In the ordering structure (described in P63 22), only one (left) of the connection mode is observed. In the
disordered structure, the positions of the carboxylate groups are identical in the two different possibilities of connection of octahedra (orange, Al(1) octahedron; purple,
Al(2,3) octahedron).
The beam from an undulator is monochromated and focused This new set-up enabled the study of porous aluminium
on the sample by a pair of mirrors, which enables us to reach a flux trimesates (1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylate or btc). In this system,
density at the sample of up to 3 × 1010 photons s−1 µm−2 at about several phases exist, but with narrow ranges of stability, which
0.97 Å wavelength. A set of micro-apertures is used for background prevent the growth of large crystals. This study is devoted
reduction11 . In order to reach the necessary rotational accuracy, to the solid Al8 (OH)12 {(OH)3 (H2 O)3 }[btc]3 ·nH2 O, hereafter
a new microgoniometer (see the Supplementary Information) labelled MIL-110 (MIL standing for Materials of Institut
combining a low-wobble air-bearing spindle and a piezo- Lavoisier). It is obtained (see the Methods section) after a
micromanipulator carrying a magnetic-base sample support was hydrothermal treatment of a mixture of aluminium nitrate,
developed. The optical alignment precision was about 1 µm using trimethyl 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate, nitric acid and water, which
an integrated optical microscope with a low-vibration sample stage. leads to the formation of well-defined hexagonal rod-shaped
The crystal was rotated around a direction close to the six-fold axis crystals of 5−30 µm and 0.5−3 µm section (Fig. 1). After collection
coinciding with the crystal elongation. It must be noted that our of the data using the new set-up, the structure was solved by a direct
previous attempts to collect correct Bragg-diffraction data using method with SHELXS-86 (ref. 12) and refined with SHELXL-97
other synchrotron stations were unsuccessful. (ref. 13) software within the WinGX suite14 .
b c
20 15 10 5 0 –5 –10
δ iso = 4.6 p.p.m. δ iso = 5.4 p.p.m.
CQ = 1.97 MHz CQ = 3.69 MHz
ηQ = 0.51 ηQ = 0.60
20 10 0 –10 –20
(p.p.m.) 135.3
7 could be extended to nanobeams, even suggests the possibility of
studying single crystals within aggregates.
6 This breakthrough enabled characterization of the cationic
5 3 disorder on two possible orientations of the Al–OH–Al
1 MIL bonding. Surprisingly, it affects only slightly the assembly
100 2
of trimesate moieties, because the carboxylate positions are
identical whatever the orientation of the Al–OH–Al linkage in
the Al8 building block. Such a detailed description could hardly
10 –2
1010 1012 1014 1016 have been found from powder diffraction data. Single-crystal
S information on micrometre-sized crystals efficiently provides, with
additional further data from modelling and NMR, very accurate
Figure 5 Irradiated crystal volume—V cryst —scaled against scattering structure determinations.
power—S—for a selected high-resolution single-crystal microdiffraction
experiment; adapted from refs 4,18. The scattering power has been scaled to an METHODS
average electron density S = (F 000 /V cell ) 2 l3 V cryst (ref. 20); for experiments with a
beam size smaller than the crystal size, V cryst corresponds to the irradiated volume SYNTHESIS
MIL-110 was hydrothermally synthesized from a mixture containing
during a single exposure. Filled circle, MIL-110; open squares, inorganic structures:
aluminium nitrate (Al(NO3 )3 9H2 O, Aldrich, 98%), trimethyl
1, CaF2 (ref. 21); 2, kaolinite (ref. 20); 3, birnessite (ref. 22); filled diamond, protein
1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate (C6 H3 (CO2 CH3 )3 , 98%, Aldrich, denoted
crystals: 4 (ref. 23); 5 (ref. 24); 6 (refs 25,26); 7 (ref. 26); 8 (ref. 27); 9 (ref. 28); Me3 btc), concentrated nitric acid (HNO3 ) 4 M and deionized water. The molar
10 (ref. 29). composition was 1.5 Al (0.6659 g, 1.8 mmol), 1 Me3 btc (0.3025 g mg,
1.2 mmol), 3.3 HNO3 (1 ml, 4.0 mmol) and 226 H2 O (5 ml, 277.8 mmol). The
MIL-110 phase is obtained in very acidic conditions (pH ≈ 0) by adding
This is consistent with Al sites with Al–H dipole–dipole couplings concentrated nitric acid. The starting mixture was placed in a Teflon cell, which
as we would expect from Al–OH and Al−OH2 groups. A two- was heated in a steel Parr autoclave for 72 h at 210 ◦ C. The resulting powdered
dimensional 27 Al multiple-quantum MAS (MQMAS) spectrum pale yellow product was filtered off, washed with deionized water and dried in
(Fig. 3a) shows two overlapping isotropic resonances with air at room temperature. Optical microscope analysis indicated that the sample
contrasting anisotropic lineshapes owing to the difference in is composed of elongated needle-like crystals 5−30 µm long. The scanning
quadrupolar coupling. The two aluminium sites show very close electron micrographs show hexagonal shapes (0.5−2 µm diameter) of the
chemical shift parameters but different quadrupolar coupling rodlike crystals.
constants CQ . After an iterative process of refinement between the
one- and two-dimensional spectra, the 27 Al{1 H} one-dimensional
MIL-110 crystallizes with a hexagonal cell, a = b = 21.520(5) Å,
spectrum (Fig. 3b) leads to two components with a relative 3
c = 13.021(1) Å, V = 5222.3(1) Å . The structure was solved in the
population ratio of 1:3 assigned to Al(1) (4f ) and Al(2 or 3) space group P -62c by direct methods, developed by successive difference
(12i) sites, respectively. The larger quadrupolar CQ observed for Fourier syntheses, and refined by full-matrix least squares on all F 2 data
the Al(2 or 3) signals of the dimers, reflects the lower site point (obtained from intensity values after correction for polarization of the X-ray
symmetry for Al(2 or 3) than for Al(1). The 1 H MAS spectrum beam) using SHELXTL. Owing to the small crystal size, no absorption
(Fig. 4a) shows two signals at 2.3 and 3.1 p.p.m. with a 1:1 ratio correction was required. Structure solution indicated the positions of three
attributed to the corner- or edge-sharing bridging µ2 -OH within unique aluminium atoms (Al1, Al2 and Al3), but a disorder of two aluminium
the Al8 cluster. The signal at 5.4 p.p.m. corresponds to terminal sites (Al2 and Al3) is observed and the corresponding Al cations together with
water molecules η-H2 O and/or η-OH bonded to Al. 1 H resonating oxygen atoms attached have been refined with an occupancy factor of 50%.
at 7–9 p.p.m. are the aromatic protons of btc. The absence of the The final refinement including anisotropic thermal parameters of all
non-hydrogen atoms converged to R1 = 0.155. R1 = 6kFo | − |Fc k/6|Fo |,
low field signal above 10 p.p.m. reflects the complete deprotonation
where Fo and Fc are observed and calculated structure factors respectively,
of carboxylic functions. In the 13 C{1 H} cross-polarization MAS
larger than 4σ(Fo ). A twin refinement was done in order to check for the two
(CPMAS) spectrum (Fig. 4b), the signals at about 135 p.p.m. are possible twinning possibilities: (1) a plane of symmetry perpendicular to the
assigned to the aromatic carbons and the three resonances at 171, six-fold axis and (2) a plane of symmetry perpendicular to the [110] vector. In
172 and 174 p.p.m. to the three inequivalent carboxylate groups. both cases the accepted space group of twin domains was P 31c (number 159).
These three inequivalent carboxylic carbon atoms indicate that a The twin refinement showed, however, unreasonable anisotropic thermal
further ordering can be proposed, with a strict alternation of right- parameters and interatomic distances and Rfree values higher than 0.3
and left-handed Al8 units. However, as several solutions may be (R1 values calculated from a ‘test’ set of reflections, which are not included in
given to this issue, we did not further our attempts to describe the the refinement), and was therefore discarded. All the calculations were
structure as precisely. carried out using the SHELX-TL program on the basis of F 2 . The crystal data
In conclusion, this paper describes an advanced technique in are given in the Supplementary Information. The chemical formula for
MIL-110 deduced from the X-ray diffraction analysis is the following:
microdiffraction using synchrotron radiation for solving from very
Al8 (OH)12 {(OH)3 ,(H2 O)3 }[btc]3 ·nH2 O. Crystallographic data and
tiny single crystals the structure of a previously unknown phase. parameters of experiments are gathered in the Supplementary Information.
Even though previous experiments with larger microbeams on the
known structures of CaF2 and kaolinite18 have shown that it is SURFACE AREA STUDY
possible to reach still smaller crystal sizes and scattering powers, For the study of the BET surface area, the solid was activated with the following
MIL-110 interestingly corresponds to the smallest crystal volumes procedure to remove the encapsulated species: 0.2 g of a MIL-110 sample was
and scattering powers used until now for a high-resolution study4 . placed in 60 ml methanol (high-performance liquid chromatography grade,