Data Types

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Dynamic and continuously

NATURE Stable and unchanging over time
generated in real-time

Often originates from sensors,

social media feeds, financial
SOURCE Typically stored in databases,
markets, or any source with
files, or spreadsheets
constant updates

Can be high velocity and high

UPDATES Occur at specific intervals, not volume, requiring scalable storage
continuously and processing

Sensor data (temperature

readings, GPS coordinates),
EXAMPLES Customer information, product
social media feeds (posts, tweets),
catalogs, historical sales data
financial transactions

Focused on real-time insights,

ANALYSIS Well-suited for in-depth analysis often involving extracting patterns
using sophisticated tools and trends from the latest data

The key difference between static and streamed data lies in their characteristics and how they are handled.
All three fields - statistics, data mining, and machine learning - are concerned with extracting knowledge from
data, but they differ in their goals and approaches


Summarizing, describing, Uncovering hidden patterns Developing algorithms that

FOCUS and drawing conclusions and relationships within large can learn from data by
from data datasets itself

Understand the
Build models that can
characteristics of a Extract insights that can
GOAL make predictions or
population based on a inform decision-making
classifications on new,
unseen data

Often works with smaller,

Deals with large and
well-defined datasets. Primarily utilizes large
potentially messy datasets.
These datasets typically datasets to train the
Data can be structured, semi-
follow a specific structure algorithms. Data quality
DATA structured, or unstructured,
and are subjected to and pre-processing are
requiring cleaning and
rigorous cleaning and crucial for building effective
preprocessing before
preparation before models
applying mining techniques

Fraud detection, Revealing Image recognition, spam

Scientific research, behavioral patterns, Bitcoin filtering, stock price
market research, mining (Blockchain prediction,
experimental studies technology) recommendation systems

Image recognition: Facial

recognition in social media
Scientific research: Fraud detection: Analyzing or security applications.
Analyzing experimental financial transactions to
data to draw conclusions identify patterns indicative of Spam filtering: Identifying
and support hypotheses. fraudulent activity. and filtering unwanted
EXAMPLES emails.
Market research: Risk management: Assessing
Understanding customer potential risks associated with Stock price prediction:
demographics, loan applications or insurance Analyzing market trends
preferences, and market claims and historical data to
trends forecast future stock prices
(with inherent limitations)

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