The Game Plan 2.0
The Game Plan 2.0
The Game Plan 2.0
Sr. No. Topic Name Remarks
High Moderate Low
1 Calcula on Techniques
2 Number Systems
3 Algebraic Formula and Opera ons An easy topic, will hardly take 30 minutes
4 Average
5 Percentage
6 SI and CI
7 Profit, Loss and Discount
8 Ra o, Propor on and Varia on
9 Mixtures and Alliga ons
10 Time, Speed and Distance
11 Time and Work
12 Stocks and shares
13 Indices and Surds
14 Logarithm
15 Linear Equa ons
16 Quadra c Equa ons
Also refer to You Tube channel for this, an
17 Inequali es
important topic
18 Basics of Geometry
19 Triangles
20 Quadrilaterals and Polygons We don't get a lot of ques ons from
21 Circles Geometry in MBA CET, 2-3 at max in a
22 Co - ordinate Geometry paper
23 Trigonometry
24 Mensura on
25 Calendars
26 Clocks
27 Progressions and Series
28 Sets
29 Func ons
30 Permuta ons and Combina ons
31 Probability
32 Data Sufficiency
Based On
Not Based On