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CHAPTER 1 1689877

COMMUNICATION PROCESSES, Communication has been also defined by a

PRINCIPLES, ETHICS AND number of writers. They are:
GLOBALIZATION Koontz and O’Donnel
Objectives: At the end of the chapter, the learners are Communication is an intercourse by words,
expected to: letters, symbols or messages, and is a way that
 Describe the nature, elements, and functions of one organization member shares meaning and
verbal and non-verbal communication in various understanding with another.
and multicultural contexts;
 Identify and explain the forms and models of Newman and Summer
communication along with the causes of Communication is an exchange of facts,
communication failure;
ideas, opinions, or emotions by two or more
 Discuss the importance of understanding the
process of communication;
 Explain how cultural and global issues affect Allen Louis A.
 Discuss the impact of communication on society Communication is a sum total of all the
and the world; and, things a person does when he wants to create
 Determine culturally appropriate terms, understanding in the minds of another. It involves a
expressions and images. systematic and continuous process of telling and


Communication and its 1. Participants. The participants are the individuals
who assume the roles of senders and receivers
1 Elements and Contexts during an interaction. As senders, participants form
and transmit messages using verbal symbols,
visual images, and non-verbal behavior. As
receivers, they interpret the messages that have
The word “communication” comes from the been transmitted.
Latin word communis, meaning “common.” To be
2. Messages. Messages are the verbal utterances,
common means to come together or to commune –
visual images, and nonverbal behaviors to which
to share something in common. Thus, we view
meaning is attributed during communication. To
communication as a means of coming together,
understand how messages are created and
sharing a common frame of reference or a common
received, we need to understand meanings,
field of experience which is the idea of
symbols, encoding and form (organization).
Encoding is the process of putting your
It is the process by which a message or
thoughts and feelings into words, nonverbal cues,
information is exchanged from sender to a receiver.
and images. Decoding is the process of interpreting
It is also defined as the act of using work, sources,
another’s message.
signs, or behaviors to express or exchange ideas,
thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else. 3. Meanings. Meanings include the thoughts in
your mind as well as the interpretations you make
of another’s message. Meanings are the ways
participants make sense of messages.
4. Symbols. To express yourself, you form
messages made of verbal symbols (words),
nonverbal cues (behaviors), and visual images.
Symbols are words, sounds, and actions that
represent your meaning. As you speak, you choose
the symbols to express your meaning. At the same
time, you also use facial expressions, eye, contact,
gestures, and tone of voice – all symbolic,
nonverbal cues in an attempt to express your
meaning. Your listeners make interpretations or
attribute meaning to the messages they receive.
When you offer messages through a variety of
symbols, the meaning you are trying to covey
becomes clearer.

5. Channels. Channels are both the route travelled understand. And if people do not understand the
by the messages and the means of transportation. words, they cannot understand the message.
Messages are transmitted through sensory
Source: https://www.pinterest.com.au/c201703187/barriers-to-
channels. Face-to-face communication has three effective-communication/
basic channels: verbal symbols, non-verbal cues,
and visual images. Technologically mediated 7. Feedback. Feedback is the reactions and
communication uses the same channels, though responses to a message that indicate to the sender
nonverbal cues such as movements, touch, and whether and how that message was heard, seen,
gestures are represented by visual symbols like and interpreted. In face-to-face communication, we
emoticons (textual images that symbolize the can express feedback verbally through words or
sender’s mood, emotion, or facial expressions) and nonverbally through body language. In online
acronyms (and abbreviation formed from the initial interactions, we can express feedback through
letter of other words and pronounced as word). words or nonverbally through emotions and
acronyms. We continuously give feedback when we
6. Interference/Barriers. Interference(noise) is any are listening to another, if only by paying attention,
stimulus that hinders the process of sharing giving a confused look, or showing signs of
meaning. Interference can be physical or boredom. Or we may give direct verbal feedback by
psychological. saying, “I do not understand the point you are
Physical interference includes sights, making” or “That is a great comment you just
sounds, and other stimuli in the environment that made.” In online interactions, we might use
draw people’s attention away from the intended acronyms like CC (I understand) or WDYM (What
meaning. do you mean?)

Psychological interference includes internal THE COMMUNICATION CONTEXT

distractions based on thoughts or feelings and can Context is composed of (1) physical, (2)
fall into two categories: internal noise and semantic social, (3) historical, and (4) psychological, and (5)
noise. Internal noise refers to the thought and cultural situations in which a communication
feelings that compete for attention and interfere encounter occurs, including what precedes and
with the communication process. If you have ever follows what is said. According to noted German
tuned out to the lecture your professor is giving and philosopher Jurgen Habernas, the ideal speech
tuned into a daydream or a past conversation, then situation is impossible to achieve, but considering
you have experienced internal noise. its contexts as we communicate with others can
The words we choose, how we use them, move us to that goal. The context affects the
and the meaning we attach to them cause many expectations of the participants, the meaning these
communication barriers. The problem is semantic participants derive, and their subsequent behavior.
or the meaning of the words we use. The same 1. Physical Context
word may mean different things to different people.
Words and phrases such as efficiency, increased The physical context includes the location,
productivity, management prerogatives, and just the environmental conditions (temperature, lighting
cause may mean thing to a school administrator, and noise level), the distance between
and something entirely different to a staff member. communicators, and the time of the day. Each of
these factors can affect the communication. For
Technology also plays a part in semantic instance, the meaning shared in a conversation
barriers to communication. Today’s complex school may be affected by whether it is held in a crowded
systems are highly specialized. Schools have staff company cafeteria, an elegant candlelit restaurant,
and technical experts developing and using over the telephone, or on the Internet.
specialized terminology which is called jargon, that
only other similar staff and technical experts can

Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-importance-of-

Today, more and more communication When two people from different cultures
exchanges occur in technologically mediated interact, misunderstandings may occur because of
space. When you call someone on your cell phone, the cultural variations between them.
for instance, you are in different physical places
For example, the role of a “good student” in
and your conversation will be influenced by the
many Asian cultures typically means being a quiet,
physical context each of you occupy as well as by
respectful, and never challenging other’s views, but
the quality of your phone connection. Moreover, the
the good student role in the US classrooms often
messages and meanings are affected by whether
includes being talkative, assertive and debating
the technology used works in real time, while
views expressed by others.
asynchronous technologies allow delays between
sending, receiving, and responding to message.
Telephone calls are synchronous, and voice
messages and e-mail are typically asynchronous. LESSO Communication
2. Social Context
Models and Process
The social context is the nature relationship
between participants. Whether communication
takes place among family members, friends, MODELS OF COMMUNICATION
acquaintances, work associates, or strangers The best way to understand communication
influence what and how messages are formed, is to see it graphically. Many authors and
shared, and interpreted. For instance, most people researchers have come up with their models based
change how they interact when talking with their on what they want to emphasize as being an
parents or siblings as compared to how they important component of communication. The
interact when talking with their friends. following models of communication will introduce
3. Historical Context the elements of communication, which will be
discussed in this lesson.
The historical context is the background
provided by previous communication episodes 1. Aristotle’s Model
between the participants. It influences The first and earliest is that of Aristotle, who
understandings in the current encounter. For was a teacher of Rhetoric and even put up an
instance, suppose one morning Chad tells Shelby academy to produce good speakers.
that he will pick up the rough draft of a paper they
had given to their professors for feedback, she Although Aristotle focused on the speaker
says, “Didi you get it?” Another person listening to and the message, the most important part in his
the conversation would have no idea what the “it” model is the setting where the listener is situated. It
is. Yet Chad quickly replies, “It is on my desk.” is the setting that dictates the message.
Shelby and Chad would understand each other
The three settings in Aristotle’s time were
because the context of their previous conversation
legal, deliberative and ceremonial. The Legal
provides the context for understanding what “it” is in
Setting meant the courts where ordinary people
this exchange.
defended themselves (there were no lawyers then).
4. Psychological Context The Deliberative Setting meant to the political
assemblies, the highest of which was the Roman
The psychological context includes the Senate. The Ceremonial Setting meant the
moods and feelings each person brings to the celebrations held when they welcomed a visiting
interpersonal encounter. For instance, suppose leader from another kingdom or country. Such
Corine is under a lot of stress. While she is occasions called for speeches of welcome, poems
studying for an exam, a friend stops by and pleads of tribute or of eulogies and poems of lament.
with her to take a break and go to the gym with her.
Corine, who is normally good-natured, may explode
with an angry tirade. Why? Because her stress
level provides the psychological context within
which she hears this message and affects how she
5. Cultural Context
The cultural context includes the values,
beliefs, orientations, underlying assumptions, and
rituals prevalent among people in society. Culture
penetrates into every aspect of our lives, affecting
how we think, talk and behave. Each of us belongs
to many cultural groups, though we may differ in
how much we identify with each group.

2. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver’ Model Source:
This is the second model which gave us the model-of-communication.html
concept of “noise.” This is often called the
What is the Field of Experience?
Telephone Model because it is based on the
experience of having the message inferred with by It is everything that makes a person unique
“noise” from the telephone switchboard back in the – everything he/she has ever learned, watched,
1940s. seen, heard, read and studied. In other words,
everything a person has ever experienced or done.
In this model, Shannon and Weaver assert
In fact, it is everything that has happened in his/her
that the message sent by the source (speaker) is
not necessarily the message received by the
destination (listener). This is due to the intervention 4. Eugene White’s Model
of “noise” or anything that hampers in the
communication process. This model tells us that communication is
circular and continuous, without a beginning or end.
Even today, with our advanced This is why he made a cyclical model. He also
technologies, there are still barriers to clear points out that although we can assume that
transmission and reception of calls. Dropped calls, communication begins with thinking,
calls that eco, faint signals – all interfere with the communication can actually be observed from any
communication of the message. point in the circle.
Eugene White contributed the concept of
feedback to the field of communication. Feedback
is the perception by the speaker about the
response of the listener. The speaker can only
receive feedback if the speaker is monitoring the
listener. The speaker will know what the listener’s
response is only if he/she is paying attention.

Source: https://www.communicationtheory.org/shannon-and-

3. Wilbur Schramm’s Model

Schramm is considered the Father of Mass
Communication. He came up with five models, but Source: https://qdoc.tips/models-of-communication-pdf-
the Schramm Model (1955), he is concerned with
the concept that explains why communication THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS
breakdown occurs. Schramm asserts that
communication can take place if and only if there is The figures and models above illustrate the
an overlap between the field of experience of the communication process between two or more
speaker and the field of experience of the listener. people. In the minds of these people are meanings,
thoughts, and feelings that they intend to share.
These thoughts and feelings are shaped and
created by people’s values, culture, environment,
experiences, occupations, sex, interests,
Knowledge and attitudes. To communicate a
message, the sender encodes thoughts and
feelings into messages that are sent using one or
more channels. The receiver decodes or
interprets the symbols in an attempt to understand
the speaker’s meaning. This decoding process is
affected by the receiver’s total field of experience –
that is – by all the same factors that shape the
encoding process. Feedback completes the
process so that the sender and receiver can arrive
at a similar understanding of the message.

The models depict the context as the area comforting someone who has suffered a loss are all
around the participants. This may include the examples of interpersonal communication.
physical, social, historical and cultural context that
Types of Interpersonal Communication
permeate all parts of the process. Similarly, the
model shows that during conversation physical and a. Dyadic Communication
psychological interference (noise), including
internal and semantic distractions, may interfere at It involves two participants forming the
various points and therefore affect the people’s DYAD. One speaker and one listener come
inability to arrive at similar meanings. As you might together to exchange thoughts, ideas, opinions,
imagine, the process becomes more complex when and information. The roles of speaker and listener
more than two people are conversing or when are not fixed, they are interchangeable.
someone is speaking to a large and diverse Conversation is informal in dyadic communication,
audience. while interview and dialogue are formal dyadic
communication. Conversation is the most common,
the most popular, the most frequent in all dyadic
communication. Talking with others is one-way
LESSO Types of people amuse themselves. Dialogues usually
Communication happen during guidance counselling, consulting
with a priest, or heart-to-heart talks with a trusted
person. One bares heart and soul to go deeper into
Types of communication are usually their motivations, attitudes, and beliefs. Interviews
distinguished by the number of people involved, by are almost always highly formal compared to
the purpose of communication, and by the degree conversation, but not as in-depth as a dialogue is.
of formality in which it occurs. The following are the
types of communication. b. Small Group Communication
It requires 3 to 15 people to study an issue,
1. Intrapersonal Communication discuss a problem, and come up with a solution or
It refers to the interactions that occur in your a plan. This is not just a gathering of people with no
mind when you are talking with yourself. goal in mind but to pass the time. The group has an
Intrapersonal communication may be seen in agenda, a leader and an outcome to accomplish.
situations writing to oneself or even thinking to Because everyone can be both speaker and
oneself. listener in this setting, rules must be followed to
facilitate order. Order allows for a full discussion,
Intrapersonal communication includes which leads to a compromise and the hoped-for
diverse internal activities such as thinking, problem result: a solution or a plan. Examples of small
solving, conflict resolution, planning, evaluation and groups are panel discussions, symposia,
relationship development. All communication takes roundtables, etc.
place within you and you react to communication
cues. Intrapersonal communication may occur Panel Discussion – in this type of
without the presence of any other type of communication, some experts sit upon the platform
communication, but all other types of and discuss the question among themselves, with
communication cannot occur without it. In fact, the audience listening in. usually each of the
intrapersonal communication is occurring almost experts represents a definite point of view about eh
always, and yet you don’t often think about it as a topic. It is in this respect that the panel may differ
type of communication. from other group discussions simply because each
member is definitely committed to some solutions
Since there is no receiver in an before the discussion commences. His/her purpose
intrapersonal communication, you are both the is to explain and defend his/her point of view.
sender-receiver. You process what you hear, read
or see. The message of things around you is The panel members are actually addressing
processed by the brain. The reaction is reflected in not one another but the audience. Their aim is to
your manner of projecting yourself. For example, if influence the audience to agree with them. After the
you feel good about a certain thing, you look at panel members have consumed their allotted time,
things positively. If you feel bad about things, the audience is permitted to ask questions.
definitely you react negatively. The moderator or chairperson who presides
2. Interpersonal Communication the panel recognizes members of the audience,
receives their questions, and transmits them to the
This is characterized by informal interaction panel member for answer. The moderator or the
between two people who have an identifiable chairman also has other functions: she/she
relationship with each other. Talking to a friend introduce the topic to an audience, the purpose of
between classes, visiting on the phone with your the discussion, interprets ideas if they seem vague
mother, texting or chatting with your brother, and to the audience, controls the discussion so that
panel members do not monopolize the discussion,

observes the time given to each member, and conference, etc. the aim of informative speech is to
summarizes the various points of view that have make the audience say, “I see. I understand.” An
been presented. informative speech is not concerned in influencing
the minds of the audience. It is concerned in
Round Table or the Arthurian Type – This is
providing facts.
the type usually used in companies and academic
institutions. The leader (president, vice president, b. To persuade – a speech intended to persuade is
director, etc.) calls for a meeting to solve a problem designed to secure action. Persuasive speech is
or problems or plan activities. An agenda is usually given to urge audience to agree, accept, change
given to those who are involved. The arrangement their point of view regarding a position, situation, or
is round table or the Arthurian method because the a person. It will be noted that every topic for a
leader and the members face each other; and the persuasive speech is phrased to request some sort
leader is not identifiable. This is a democratic set- of action. The best example of a persuasive speech
up since each member can interact with the is delivered by politicians in a political rally.
supposed leader and the other members freely.
c. To impress – a speech intended to impress takes
Symposium (singular) – In symposium, attitudes and opinions already held by the audience
several people usually three or five, give short and makes them more vivid and meaningful. Most
speeches, each presenting a different point of view sermons are of the impressive type. Speeches
or each treating a different fact of the subject. The delivered during graduation ceremony,
symposium is a form of public discussion that is commemorative and holiday speeches usually fall
common at large conventions or conferences, into this classification as a purpose.
where a number of experts are invited to speak on
d. To entertain – among all the means of relaxation,
the specific aspects of a problem.
recreation and enjoyment, speaking and listening to
A symposium is also followed by an open speeches still hold an important place. If radio
forum in which speakers answer questions asked programs and movies are included, speech
by the audience. designed to entertain is a leader among all of the
means of recreation. Dinner speeches and radio
3. Public Communication
talks are among this type. The substance of a
In public communication, a message is speech to entertain is usually composed either of
transmitted from one person who speaks to a narrative or of humor. It should be noted, however,
number of individuals who listen. The most widely that topic for entertainment must not be common
used form or public communication is the public place.
speech. You find yourself on the listening end of a
public speech in lecture classes, political rallies,
group meetings, convocations and religious
Although there are similarities between
public speaking and other types of communication,
there are also some differences. It demands much
detailed planning and preparation by the speaker.
Unlike participants in other types of communication,
listeners do not regularly interrupt the speaker with
questions or comments. It is the responsibility to
the public speaker to anticipate questions that
listeners may have and to attempt to answer them.
Source: https://leverageedu.com/blog/public-speaking/
Public speaking almost always requires a
4. Mass Communication
more formal use of language and a form of delivery
style than the other types. The use of jargon, poor It is any of the above human verbal
grammar or slang is usually not accepted or interactions carried out with the aid of mass media
tolerated in public speeches. The public speaker technology. Mass media used to mean only radio
must use language precisely and must speak and
clearly in order to be heard by the audience. This television,
may require that the speaker eliminate distracting which
vocal and physical mannerisms that might be reached
tolerated in other types of communication. more people
with the use
Public speaking is often presented for four
of their
a. To inform – there are times when the speaker’s systems.
sole purpose is to provide information. Informative With the
speech is usually heard in lectures, seminars, or advent of the

Internet and worldwide web, mass technology by announcement because the secretary who typed
everyone, not just journalists, broadcasters, and the memo told another secretary who told the
technical crew. Social media cover videos that go supervisor who shared it with co-workers. This is
viral on the Internet as well as webcasts/podcasts not to say that one is more important than the
which reach millions, more than radio or TV ever other, or that one is bad, the other not. Both types
could. In fact, radio and TV have joined social of organizational communication are necessary for
media by putting up their own websites to the organization to survive.
communicate to a larger audience.
6. Intercultural Communication
Source: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/mass-media-
isometric-concept_3887084.htm This refers to the exchange of concepts,
traditions, values, and practices between and
5. Organizational Communication among people of different nationalities and ways of
This refers to the interaction of members life. It goes beyond showcasing folk dances, local
along the links in an organization structure. There songs, and native delicacies.
are two variations: formal organizational and To make the exchange more meaningful,
informal communication. there should be a deeper understanding and
In formal communication, the interchange of awareness of what makes various nationalities
information is carried out by means of predefined different and unique, but also similar and familiar.
and formal channels of the organizational structure For example, a roundtable discussion to exchange
along the lines of authority. views about how we relate with our families can
show the differences and similarities in Korean and
Memos, announcements, and reports are Philippine cultures.
passed along to the members of the organization
following the chain of command. An example is a A lecture on the Chinese way of doing
memo on salary increase which is issued by the business might enlighten Filipino businessmen.
company president, then is passed along to the Chatting with friend from Abu Dhabi might bring out
vice president, then is passed on the managers, the difficulties of a Catholic Filipino migrant worker
and finally, handed on to the supervisors before in a Muslim country.
reaching the employees.

Source: https://www.managementstudyhq.com/types-of-
In informal communication, communications
grow out of social interactions among the people
who work together within an organization. These CAUSES OF MISUNDERSTANDINGS IN
are based upon conventions, customs and culture COMMUNICATION
prevalent therein. In informal communication,
The book Business Communication
information spreads through informal channels just
identified and explained the major barriers to
like in the form of grapevine. It is built around the
effective communication.
social relationships of members of the organization.
It bypasses the links, skips forward or backwards, 1. Problems in Developing the Message
or even goes sideways just to achieve the same
goal: for example, to pass on a memo, a. Indecisions about the message content. This is
announcement, or a report. due to the fact that the sender has too much
information on the subject, which gives rise to the
The memo on salary increase will probably difficulty in choosing what to include and what to
reach the employees faster than the formal

exclude. When the message has too much of Source:
information then the receiver can get confused. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/482448178826515417/

b. Lack of familiarity with the situation or the

receiver. The sender should get all the necessary b. Lack of Concentration. The receiver may not
information and find out to whom the message is to have enough capacity to concentrate and may get
be sent. This would enable us the sender to state his/her mind wander off the message. For example,
the message in a language that is appropriate to sometimes we are thinking of some issue when a
the situation and clearly understood by the receiver. person is telling us something else. This is a big
hindrance in the communication process.
c. Emotional conflicts. There are times when the
message delivered that cause emotional 4. Problems in Understanding the Message
disturbance to the receiver. In such case, without a. Different cultural background such as education,
being defensive, the sender should state the social status, economic position, etc. could become
message in a manner that would avoid emotional a hindrance in the process of understanding the
conflict. message.
d. Difficulty in expressing ideas. This is due to b. Different interpretation of words. This happens
experience in writing or speaking that the sender when the receiver is not familiar with a particular
may have and cause difficulty in expressing his/her language. For example, the receiver may not be
ideas. One must possess sufficient knowledge to computer literate and hence, may not understand
express using appropriate words. the compute language that the sender is using.
2. Problems in Transmitting the Message c. Different emotional reaction. The message
1. When speaking, the sender may find that the consists of both the content meaning and
acoustics in the place is poor, or there may be no relationship meaning. The message may be clear,
proper facilities for the audience to hear the but the manner in which it is expressed or worded
speaker. may not be acceptable to the receiver. When the
message is not acceptable, then it may give rise to
b. There are written messages that are difficult to negative feelings and the communication can
understand because of illegibility due to poor breakdown and not receive proper response.
printing quality.
c. When more than one message is sent on the
same subject, there is a good possibility of LESSO Connecting through
contradictions. In such a case, the receiver is made N
uncertain and interpretation may be confused. 4
Verbal Communication
d. When there are too many links the
communication line, there could be distortion of VERBAL COMMUNICATION
message. For instance, when the message has to
pass through many people there is a possibility of Verbal communication can be defined as
each person interpreting the message in his or her the exchange of ideas that occurs through words.
way. By the time the message gets to the actual This can be both written and oral.
receiver, the message would have undergone
Verbal communication allows individuals to
change that would be far from the intended
exchange ideas, opinions, values and suggestions,
and creates an atmosphere where an individual
3. Problems in Receiving the Message connect with another. It may take place face-to-face
or through some media such as telephone.
a. Physical Distraction. The receiver may have
physical impairment (difficulty) of hearing, poor eye When a person engages in a conversation
sight) that could cause hindrance in understanding with a friend, this is verbal communication because
the message. it allows them to use words to communicate with
each other. Through letters, various documents,
memos, text messages and bills, people
communicate with others. Both situations exemplify
verbal communication in oral and written form,
Since words are man’s symbols, verbal
communication creates a condition where
transferring information becomes very clear.

Derived from Latin Lingua which means mean what they mean today to a group or a
tongue and the French term langue, language is community, in a variety of complex contexts.
the "entire complex of phenomena associated with
3. Sounds and Signals
human vocal and auditory communication of
emotions and ideas." Sounds produced by human beings differ
from the 'signal-like' sounds and actions of the
Language is also defined as a system of
animals. A lot of research is going on to establish if
words of signs that people use to express thoughts
the animals also have similar conventionalized
and feeling to each other.
arrangement in their expression. According to
Other authors defined language as a Bloomfield, "In human speech, different sounds
means of have different meanings. To study this coordination
communication, a of certain sounds with certain meanings is to study
medium for thought language". In other words, a study of a language
and social consists in giving meaning to a meaning. The
interaction. meaning already exists, we have to give it a
Language is
a structured system
of signs, sounds,
gestures or marks that is used and understood to
express ideas and feelings among people within a
community, nation, geographical area, or cultural
tradition. Without language there would be little or
no human communication. Language allows people
to encounter the world in meaningful ways.
Language is a powerful tool, but is only affective
and efficient as the people using it. Language meaning to be intelligible to us as a language.
communicates what people are and what they think CHARACTERISTICS OF LANGUAGE
and therefore must be carefully used.
1. Language is learned. The learning process
NATURE OF LANGUAGE may be natural or structured.
A language consists of words, idioms and 2. Language is a system. The complexity of the
syntax. It is through language that we think, feel, various facets of it are organically inter-related,
judge and express. Hence language is one of the such as, sounds, words and structures in integrated
most important and characteristic form of human with one another and constitute the complex and
behavior we use words and idioms as tool to organic whole which is called language.
perform and share experience among a people
Source: https://www.coursehero.com/sg/introduction-to-
1. Language is speech
3. Language is a system of symbols. Its
Language is speech and is distinct from the effectiveness consists in its usage when the
signs, gestures and sounds produced by animals or symbols are commonly shared and known to all
pets to convey a particular feeling or emotion. It is those who are sharing a common experience.
distinct from the sign language even amongst the
4. The system is arbitrary. There is no logical
humans at any point of social and biological
relation between the words and the objects they
evolution. It restricts itself to recognized expression
stand for except for the Chinese and the other
and communication to or from human beings by
pictorial languages. Here again, the characters,
means of speech and hearing. This communication,
though pictorial, do have any resemblance with the
therefore, has to be from man to man, from a
reality that they stand for. However, in sound
person to another person by means of speech, and
languages, it is necessary that the sounds have a
hearing. Speech, therefore, is language.
specific meaning.
2. Language and Society
5. Language symbols are vocal. Language is
"Language is one of the most important and primarily speech-oriented. Its graphical
characteristic forms of human behavior". With representation comes later. In many languages
widening range and horizon of human thought and there is no graphical expression at all. They are
action, the language has to keep in step with its only spoken and are considered adequate as they
social calling. As "language is activity, a purposeful perform the basic function of communication.
activity", it must help man to express himself in a
6. Language is relevant in a social setting and
variety of new and different kinds of situations. It is
has meaning in as far as it expresses common
the society, that in its turn, bestows meaning
cultural experiences. Languages, therefore, differ
towards and idioms by conventionalizing them to
because cultures differ.

7. Language changes. We live in a changing THE ELEMENTS OF LANGUAGE
world. We cannot possibly think in terms of static
Language, talk, speech and communication
state of affairs in language or anything else. Every
are four different but related phenomena.
language, may be English is a living language. With
Language is a structured system of signs, sounds,
the needs and requirements of speakers it changes
gestures or marks (symbols) that allows people to
constantly and developing. Words are practically
express ideas and feelings to others; talk is what
being borrowed and absorbed in the language from
we say and use every day; speech is one vehicle
time to time.
used to transmit language; and communication
LINGUA FRANCA involves the exchange of meanings.
A lingua franca also known as a bridge Language is one means which we
language, common language, trade communicate, and speech is one way in which we
language, auxiliary language, vehicular language, use language. We use language to create talk, to
or link language, is a language create ourselves, and to share ourselves and our
or dialect systematically used to make views with others. Talking is what we do in our
communication possible between groups of people everyday lives, and communication is the process
who do not share a native language or dialect, we engage in to be able to make sense of it all.
particularly when it is a third language that is
Four Key Elements of Language
distinct from both of the speakers' native
languages. 1. Sounds
Examples of lingua franca are pidgins and Most of us learn to speak language before
creole. we learn to write it, and most of us are born with the
physical mechanisms that enable us to make
Pidgin language is a means of
speech sounds. Our voice is the best suitable
communication between two people who do not
instrument through which our ideas are transferred
have a common language. Thus, this language has
as sounds for listeners to hear.
no native speakers.
2. Words
Pidgins are lingua francas; creoles and
arguably mixed languages may similarly be used Words are symbol that stand for objects and
for communication between language groups. concepts. A word can represent an object or an
abstract concept. The word desk represents an
Characteristics of Pidgins
actual piece of furniture, an object, while the world
 Unstable grammar love represents a whole range of emotions
 Socially limited associated with our feelings for those closest to us.
 A product of multi-lingual Desk is concrete whereas love is abstract.
 Limited vocabulary
Words have meanings because
 No affixation
communities and cultures given them meaning.
 Short lived
People agree that certain sound combinations
 Trade language
mean certain things to them. One of the intriguing
Creole is a French word meaning “native to things about languages is idioms, or words whose
locality or country.” Therefore, creole is a stable meanings cannot be understood by the ordinary
natural language that has developed from a pidgin. usage.
Characteristics of Creole 3. Grammar
 Stable grammar/systematic Just as language has rules that govern how
 Expanded vocabulary sounds may be joined into words, it also has rules
 Long lived (attained as mother tongue) that govern how words may be joined into phrases
 Consistent and clauses and sentences. This set of rules is
called grammar. For example, the English grammar
system requires that singular nouns take the
Dialect refers specifically to a language singular verb forms and plural nouns take the plural
variety in which aspects of the vocabulary and verb forms.
grammar indicate a person’s regional or social
background. Accent, on the other hand, refers
specifically to differences in pronunciation. Book is man is
books are men are
The Philippines has 8 major dialects: Bikol,
Cebuano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Ilocano,
As we join sounds together to form words
Kapampangan, Pangasinan, Tagalog, and Waray.
and join words together to form phrases, clauses,
The language being taught all over the Philippines
sentences and paragraphs, we use language’s
is Tagalog and English.
sound and grammar systems simultaneously. The

ability to use sounds and grammar correctly is message a different meaning. Disparity between
crucial to competent communication. Grammar the meaning sent and meaning received can be a
enables us to make complete sentences and to greater problem when the sender and receiver
understand the sentences made by others. have different cultural backgrounds or even
different experiences and knowledge. For example,
4. Meaning
people who keep up with computers and
The study of meaning, or the association of technology often use specialized language that is
words with ideas, feelings, and contexts, is called unfamiliar to someone who doesn’t have much
semantics. If language did not have meaning, it knowledge about computers. Care in choosing
would serve little or no purpose. Because words words is especially important in such situations.
and word patterns can be used to exchange
b. Words have denotative and connotative
meanings between people and even between
generations, language is a useful tool for
communication. Denotation is the common meaning
associated to the word – its standard dictionary
definition. Denotative meanings are usually readily
Connotation is the subjective meaning of a
word, a word that has a shaded meaning. The
connotative meaning is based on the context in
which the word is use, how the meaning is
expressed nonverbally (tone of voice, facial
expression, and so on), and the understanding of
the person who is receiving it. The competent
communicator can differentiate denotative and
Source: https://www.google.com/search? connotative meanings and understands which is
q=semantics&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwim- being used in a given situation. Connotative
4CNhOD1AhUMxZQKHcxhBvEQ2- meanings may be generally accepted by most of
cCegQIABAA#imgrc=3L4c_Tq510csvM the people who use the language, by people within
The following are the things that are to be a particular group, or by an individual.
considered about meaning: Example:
a. Do words contain meaning?
We tend to associate language symbols
(words) with specific meanings and to take that
relationship for granted.
Words are symbols that represent people,
objects, concepts and events. For example,
computer, yellow, buildings, car, freedom and
tyranny are only words, not the entities they
symbolize. It is easy to miss this distinction even
though words are symbols, try screaming “snake!”
in front of someone who dislikes snakes, and you
will quickly see how words can cause reactions, as
if they are actual thing.
The belief that words have meaning in
themselves is widespread. But the simple fact is Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/elida0730/denotation-vs-
that words do not contain meanings by themselves. connotation/
words only acquire meaning through the context in
c. Words can be abstract or concrete
which they are used and the fact that those who
use them give them meaning. Concrete words are symbols for specific
things that can be pointed to or physically
Who determines meaning? The answer is
experienced (seen, tasted, smelled, heard or
us. we control words we use, the meaning we wish
touched). For example, words such as car, book,
to give them, and, if we have mastered the art of
house, and cake are concrete words. They
communication, we know how people react to
represent specific, tangible objects, and therefore
them. Although everyone has the ability to impart
their meanings are usually quite clear. We can
meaning to words, not everyone does so in the
even make concrete words more specific with
same way. Thus, a sender might intend one
Volkswagen, The Bible, my house and chocolate
meaning for a message, but the receiver might
cake. Consequently, communication is based on
either intentionally or unintentionally give the

concrete word leaves little room for dear means very expensive and has nothing to do
misunderstanding, and any disagreement can with value or love.
typically be resolved by referring to the objects
Cocultures within a language community
use some words or phrase in ways that are unique
Abstract words are symbols for ideas, to their groups. Scientist, engineers and health care
qualities and relationships. Because they represent providers use language that might be to specialized
things that cannot be experienced through the to be understood by the general public. This unique
senses, their meanings depend on the experiences use is referred to as jargon. Other cocultures, such
and intentions of the person using them. For as students might use slang or words to
instance, words such as happiness, faith, freedom communicate only with those who know the words
and justice stand for ideas that mean different and meanings change quickly. A car salesperson
things to people. might use a slang term such as flea to identify a
person looking for a bargain. Prisoners refer to a
knife or to stab as shank.
Examples of Slang:
Bitch – a rude, mean person usually a female
Cool – neat, exciting, awesome
Chill/Chill out – to relax, rest calm down

Language is used to share meaning, and it

can also be used to obscure, distort or hide
something. One way to obscure meaning is to use
euphemism. A euphemism is an inoffensive or mild
expression given in a place of one that may offend
Source: https://www.kidsworldfun.com/learn-english/abstract- cause embarrassment, or suggest something
and-concrete-nouns.php unpleasant. Our society also uses euphemism to
avoid taboo subjects or words that can trigger
d. Language can obscure meaning
negative reactions. Employing euphemisms can
Words mean different things to different defuse the emotional; charge associated with
people, based on each person’s experiences and controversial or difficult concepts.
the direct relationship of those experiences to Examples of Euphemisms:
particular words. For example, a medica says,
“Your mother has myelodysplastic syndrome.” died - passed away
You’ve already upset that your mother has been ill old people - senior citizen
and doctors could not find out what was wrong and squatters - informal settlers
now you’re also confused because you do not know poor - less privileged
what is the meaning of the medical term used by abnormal child - mentally challenged
the doctor. The medical team realizes that
translating the medical term to something which Language and meaning are inseparable
you can understand is better. So bone marrow parts of communication. They mesh smoothly in
failure or problems with blood cells will make it successful communication.
easier for the family and patient to understand.
Learning to choose more understandable words will LANGUAGE-BASED BARRIERS TO
help the family comprehend the nature of the COMMUNICATION
disease as well as the treatment needed and
reduce some of the frustrations about lack of Even if we create what we think is the
knowledge and information. perfect message, the possibility always exists that
the receiver will misinterpret the message or find it
Also, the meaning of words themselves, ambiguous. Therefore, the receiver must also make
change from time to time and from place to place. It an effort to receive the intended message.
is easy to forget that the meaning of a words might Misunderstandings occur for numerous physical,
not match the meaning held by others. For mental, and cultural reasons. Ineffective use of
example, a person overage sixty and my not know language is one reason. Among the most common
the meanings pf these words: grass, geek, joint, language-based barriers to effective
pot, gay, high, stoned as how the young people use communication are: bypassing, indiscrimination and
them. polarization.
Word meanings also vary from region to
region and cultures to cocultures hold different 1. Bypassing. What is meant by a speaker and
meanings for certain words. For example, for most what is heard and understood by the listener often
Americans, very dear means something that is differ. Such misunderstanding between a sender
highly valued or loved, whereas in Ireland, very and a receiver is called bypassing. How many

times have we said to someone, “But that’s not
what I meant.” When men and women communicate with
each other, there is the potential for clash and
Bypassing takes place when two people conflict because different language use. The
assign different meanings to the same word. Many problem is magnified when sexist language is used
words often to an almost limitless number of either consciously or unconsciously. The goal for
interpretations. smooth communication is to use gender-inclusive
language, a language that does not discriminate
According to some estimate, the 500 most against males or females.
frequent used words in the English language have
over 14,000 dictionary definitions. Considering that Unfortunately, the English language is
a dictionary reflects only a tiny percentage of all structures with an inherent bias in favor of men.
possible meanings for a word and that people from There are, for example, no singular gender-neutral
different cultures and with experiences interprets pronouns in the English language. Therefore,
words differently, it is amazing that people can traditionally, the masculine pronouns (he, him, his)
understand one another at all. have been used to refer to people in general, even
if the referent could be male or female. Use of
2. Indiscrimination is the neglect of individual masculine pronoun is not incorrect grammatically,
differences and the overemphasis of similarities. but its use in generic situation is a social issue.
Indiscrimination is a form of perceptual set in which Language sets expectations that at times
a person chooses to ignore differences and discriminate against stereotype people. according
changes of events, things, and people. Language to traditional usage, the omnipresence of he and
plays a significant role in the tendency to see him and the general absence pf she or her subtly
similarities between things, even when they don’t but powerfully give the impression that men hold
exist. Nouns that categorize people (teenager, important roles but women do not. Thus, language
divorce, student, professor, African American, creates the expectations that males are active and
government official, politician, and others) have important roles, whereas females are inactive
encourage people to focus on similarities. and do not have important roles. When a speaker
Statements such as: “Politicians are crooks.” constantly uses only female or only male pronouns
“Teenagers are unruly” may be interpreted to such as “she can expect this” or “it is in his best
include all politicians and all teenagers, instead of interests,” members feel excluded will believe the
some politicians and some teenagers. Such message has little or no relevance to them. When
categorization often results in stereotyping. that happens, about 50 percent of the listeners may
not be interested and may not pay attention to
A stereotype is categorizing of events, information that could be vitally important to them.
objects and people without regard to unique Sexual stereotypes and the assumption that
individual characteristics and qualities. Stereotypes one gender is superior characterize sexist
are often negative, but they may also be positive. language. Words with positive connotation are
For example, “All teachers are dedicated often used to describe males – independent,
professionals,” “All environmentalists are logical, strong, confident, aggressive; females are
concerned citizens.” Whether the stereotype is often associated with words having negative
negative or positive, the problem is the same; connotations – dependent, illogical, weak, gullible,
individual qualities are ignored. Stereotyping is timid. Sexist language suggests that one gender is
quick and easy to do because it does not require more important than and superior to the other.
analysis investigation or thought. Language that is used to discriminate can be quite
subtle. Consider these statements:
3. Language can cause Polarization
“She is the president of the company and she’s a
Polarization is the tendency to view things in woman,”
terms of extremes – rich or poor, beautiful or ugly,
large or small. High or low, good or bad, intelligent “Wanda got that position because she’s a woman.”
or stupid, even though most things exist
somewhere between. This either-or, black or white They describe women who have risen to
pf thinking is aggravated by aspects of language. positions, but they also imply that women do not
typically hold these positions or that that the only
Polarization can be destructive, escalating reason Wanda got the position was because she’s
conflict to the point at which tow parts simple a woman. In other words, they imply that women
cannot communicate. Speakers can avoid the are less qualified than men.
dangers of polarization by recognizing the potential
for misunderstanding and by making statements Gender stereotypes influence perceptions
that do not represent unnuanced extremes. and behaviors of both men and women.
Stereotypes of women affect both how they are
4. Language can be sexist. treated in society and how they think of themselves.

language is one significant means of perpetuating To communicated effectively, make your
these stereotypes. Avoiding sexist language and message animated and interesting. Direct, fresh
substituting gender-inclusive terms represent a language given in the active voice can bring a
positive step toward doing away with them. sense of excitement, urgency and forcefulness to
what you say. Vividness tells your audience that
HOW TO USE LANGUAGE EFFECTIVELY they better listen because what your have to say is
People of all ages, cultures and educational
levels use language every day. Nevertheless, the For example, your organization is trying to
ability to use language efficiently and effectively raise money for homeless people. you may present
requires years of practice and study. Although statistics to illustrate the number of people who are
many variables influence the effectiveness of believed to be homeless. Next, you may present
language use, five aspects of language merit actual cases of individuals who are homeless
special attention. They are accuracy, vividness, including children and their families. The vividness
immediacy, appropriateness and metaphor. of the presentation will get your listener’s attention.

1. Use Accurate Language Vivid language is more persuasive,

memorable and has an emotional impact. Vivid
Using accurate language is important to a messages are more likely to create readily retained
speaker. Choosing a wrong word can distort your and record mental messages. Finally, people tend
intended message, misguide your receiver and to listen more attentively to vivid messages than to
undermine your credibility. When you speak, your uninspiring or uninteresting messages.
goal should be precision.
3. Use Immediate Language
Don’t leave for misinterpretation. You
should constantly ask yourself, “What do I want to Verbal immediacy identifies and projects the
say?” and “What do I mean?” if necessary, consult speakers feeling and makes the message more
a dictionary to be sure you have chosen the correct relevant to the listener. Verbal immediacy draws
word to express your message. listeners in and involves them in the subject at
hand. Take note to the following statements:
Sometimes a message is unclear because it
was not structured effectively. Poor sentence 1. We will have great time in our class reunion.
structure and word usage can wreak havoc on a 2. I think you will enjoy the class reunion.
statement’s clarity. For example, classified ads in 3. Many enjoy class reunion.
newspapers frequently are so condensed that their
intended meaning becomes distorted or obscured. The first statement is directly related to the
For example, “Room for rent for ladies with wide speaker, the listener, and the situation. It is
windows and secured gate.” Obviously, the assertive, and the speaker makes a connection
advertisement knew what they intended to with the listeners by using the word we. The other
communicate, but their failure to phrase their two statements, decrease the intensity with the
messages accurately interfered with conveying the listeners and the event. The language becomes
meaning. less immediate and more distant in tone.

When conversing, you can clear up Verbal immediacy also makes the speaker
misunderstanding caused by scrambled sentences appear relaxed, confident, competent and effective.
or poor word choice. You must be aware of Also, receivers tend to view messages
listeners reactions to wat you are saying. If they characterized by immediacy as similar to their own
appear confused, you should rephrase the beliefs more readily than those cast in language
message right away. unrelated to the speaker, topic, or receiver.

Effective speakers do not assume that what 4. Use Appropriate Language

is clear to them will necessarily be clear to
listeners. They are especially aware of this potential Each time you speak, your listeners have
problem in situations such as public speeches, specific expectations about the language you will
during which listeners might not be able to ask use. Different kinds of language are appropriate to
questions. to ensure comprehension, speakers different situations. For example, the language you
should strive to make their meaning clear by using would use in addressing the president of your
familiar and concrete words rather than abstract college or university would be much more formal
language. than the language you would use when you are
chatting with friends.
2. Use Vivid Language
Using language that is inappropriate for a
given situation damages your credibility, and your

message might be misinterpreted or disregarded. It message. Note how the meaning of a sentence can
is therefore, crucial to assess each speaking vary according to word that is emphasized:
situation and adjust your language accordingly. In
1. Jane is taking Susie out for pizza tonight. (Not Mary
public situations, profanity, improper grammar, and
of Alice)
slang are always inappropriate.
2. Jane is taking Susie out for pizza tonight. (Not Dave
5. Use Metaphorical Language or John)

3. Jane is taking Susie out for pizza tonight. (Not staying

The way we look at the world around us is home)
fundamentally metaphorical. Metaphors help us to
structure what we think, how we perceive things, 4. Jane is taking Susie out for pizza tonight. (Not
and what we do. Metaphorical language pervades hamburger or spaghetti)
our everyday language and thoughts. A metaphor 5.
relates an object or idea to another. It is a figure of Jane
speech which gives a direct comparison to an is
object or idea without the use of as or like. A
successful metaphor makes an object or idea
clearly and vividly. “Life is a roller coaster,” “You
are my sunshine” are examples of a metaphor.

LESSO Connecting through

Communication taking Susie out for pizza tonight. (Not tomorrow or the
next day)
NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Even though the words in each sentence
Nonverbal communication is the are identical, each creates an entirely different
transmission of messages or signals through a message solely because of the emphasis placed on
nonverbals platform such as eye contact, facial specific words.
expressions, gestures, posture, and body 2. Language of Time (Chronemics)
It refers to the use of time based on position or
Nonverbal communication encompasses: power. It shows how time is viewed differently in
1. Paralanguage (Vocalics) various countries. Filipinos tend to see time as
being elastic. Time in the West is always exact and
Paralanguage, also known as vocalics, is a to the point. Time is most often used in the
component of meta-communication that may Philippines to convey how powerful a person is.
modify meaning, give nuanced meaning, or convey Here, someone in authority may show that his/her
emotion, by using techniques such time is more important than that of the visitor by
as prosody, pitch, volume, intonation, etc. It is making them wait. In the West, an appointment,
about “how” something is said, not what is said. even with the president for a big company, means
Saying “I love you” with an angry tone is a being brought into the office right away, no matter
contradictory message. Words of protest may lose who the visitor may be. When Europeans have to
their fire when said in a meek voice. Tones must meet someone (for personal or business reasons),
match the content of the message of the message they will wail only 5 minutes beyond the appointed
is to be understood at all. it must also reinforce the time while Filipinos will wait for someone to arrive
message: a message with a strong point to deliver for as long as an hour (sometimes even longer).
must be emphasized with strong paralanguage.
In Britain, for example, people use volume
of voice to convey anger, while in India, they use it Being late to an appointment where you
to command attention. Japanese women make a have duties and responsibilities is almost always
point of raising the pitch of their voices to indicate a sign of disrespect or lack of commitment
differentiate themselves with men. In American, towards work. On the other hand, to be punctual
voice pitch between gender remains comparably suggests that the person is committed to the task at
the same. hand or a sign of respect to those whom one is
The content of words is verbal communication,
whereas the sound quality or volume that creates 3. Language of space (Proxemics)
the words is a form of nonverbal communication. It refers to the use of space to convey an idea
We rely more on paralanguage than on the words or image. It provides us with ideas about how close
themselves when interpreting another person’s or how far people are from the center of power or

where a person is in the social ladder. The biggest and protect territory. Similar reactions occur when
office in a company building is reserved for the someone enters a room without knocking, it seems
president or the chief executive officer (CEO) and is an invasion of our territory.
usually situated on the top floor or penthouse of the
Status affects the distance that is
building. When employees are promoted, they are
maintained between communication. It is noticeable
given a bigger table and a larger space. Their new
that people of higher status tend to close the
office may be situated nearer office windows or a
distance between themselves and people of lower
higher floor closer to the president’s office. They
status, but seldom do people of lower status move
might even be given access to coffee and snacks
to close the distance between themselves and a
or to the executive’s restroom.
person of higher status.
The use of space or proximity is a significant
4. Language of Touch (Haptics)
indicator of how close we feel toward people. This
is determined by culture. It refers to the use of touch to express what
cannot be said. The use of touch is one of the most
People from the United States tend to stand
powerful of the types of nonverbal communication.
farther apart during conversations than do people
Like the language of flowers and colors, it can say
from many European and Middle Eastern cultures.
what cannot be said verbally by the speaker. What
Arabs, for instance, consider it polit to stand close
differentiates this from among other types of
to the person with whom they are communicating.
nonverbal communication is the fact that there is
Edward T. Hall, anthropologist and author of the contact between the sender and the receiver of the
two classic books, The Silent Language and The message. Touch can comfort, it can aggravate, it
Hidden Dimension, coined term proxemics. Hall can encourage, or it can dissuade.
was the pioneer in helping to explain how space is
Filipinos, like many Latin nationals, are always
used in North American culture. He identified four
touching but without embarrassment. We are not
zones and these are:
afraid to touch someone, even strangers. We touch
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Halls-proxemic- babies and children, those we know and those we
zones_fig2_254058742 do not. However, in Indonesia, no one pats the top
a. Intimate Space which is defined as the distance of a child’s head. They believe that this is where the
from no space between people to one-and-a-half spirit of the child resides. Filipinos also like to touch
feet between people. This zone is the most friends, relatives, and loved ones who touch us
personal, and it is usually open only to those whom back. Of course, there are a few exceptions,
we are well acquainted, unless such closeness is particularly in countries where men and women are
physically forced on us, such as in a crowded segregated (a woman is not supposed to see, talk
elevator or train. to, or touch a man until they are married). Filipinos
hug each other a lot, too. All these say that, as a
b. The second zone is referred to as the personal people, we are very affectionate, quite
space and ranges from one-and-a-half feet to four demonstrative, and friendly.
feet between people. It is not unusual for us to
carry on conversations or other activities with close 5. Gestures
friends and relatives in this zone. If someone we Gestures are most often used type of nonverbal
don’t know enters this zone, we are likely to feel communication. Speech, to be understandable and
uncomfortable or violated. interesting to a listener, must be accompanied by
c. The third zone isa called social space. It ranges different gestures.
from four to twelve feet and is where most Emphasizing gestures that punctuate what we
professional conversations occur, as well as group want to highlight are examples of this type. Hitting
interactions, such as meetings. the lectern or the table is a gesture that interjects
d. The fourth zone is the public space. This force, helping emphasize a point being made. But
includes twelve feet or more. This distance is not for Thais, such an action is considered rude.
unusual for public speaking situations, or other Regulating gestures are used to control the flow
formal presentations. The actual distance zone of communication such as nodding one’s head so
might be determined by the context and that someone will continue talking. This gesture
relationship of those involved in the interaction. might also mean understanding or a way of saying
The need for us to identify certain amount of “yes”. In the Middle East, however, nodding means
space as our own is an aspect of proxemics called “no” while shaking head means “yes”.
territoriality. We often position markers such as Illustrating gestures are used to show size,
books, coasts, papers, books and other objects to height, distance, or similar qualities like using one
declare our space. Some students become upset hand to mimic a certain height or two hands to
when someone else sits in a seat they usually show distance or size.
occupy, even though seating is not assigned. This
uneasiness stems from a strong desire to stake out

Emblems are gestures associated with specific 8. Language of Flowers
meanings. Here again, cultural differences in the
It refers to the use of flowers based on the
meaning of gestures make for problems in
meaning of each type of flower. Flowers say for
communication. A clenched fist is associated with
many of us say what we cannot say ourselves.
activism and protest, but this is an insult in some
These meanings are also influenced by culture and
parts of Europe.
gender. Supposedly, only Filipino men send
6. Facial Expressions flowers, women do not. Red roses are to be sent
only to a female sweetheart or a wife, no one else,
It refers to the configuration of eyes, eyebrows,
and only on Valentine’s Day and birthdays. But
lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead to show how the
now, with flower shops pushing the idea that it is
person feels.
okay send flowers on any occasion, men and
It assists the listener in understanding the women can end any kind of flower to anyone,
message better. It is important to the whether there is an occasion or not. Nonverbal
communication process that the listener monitors communication using flowers can become
any and all of the facial expressions of the speaker. problematic when we move outside of Philippine
This will be the listener’s gauge as to whether the culture.
speaker is sincere and serious and whether the
Hawaii’s State flower is the plumeria otherwise
speaker treats the listener with affection or with
known as kalachuchi in the Philippines. Many
contempt. Eye contact is number one. Looking at
Filipinos may not feel welcomed in Hawaii at all by
the listeners is crucial for connecting with the
a lei made of plumeria because kalachuchi has a
listener, especially when there is more than one
disagreeable smell to Filipinos. Italians send
listener. Facial expression, however, is not just the
Chrysanthemums for special occasions, but
use of the eyes. A frown on the forehead of a
Filipinos generally see them in funeral
listener may mean that what was said was
confusing or understandable. Raised eyebrow
might mean either surprise or incredulity.
Scrunched cheeks and pursed lips are signs of
displeasure for Filipinos. When Filipinos greet each
other, they usually kiss only one cheek of the other
person; people in Latin countries kiss both cheeks
(which Filipinos sometimes do nowadays). The
Dutch and Swedes kiss the cheek of the person
they are greeting three times (right cheek-left
cheek-right cheek), while Moroccans and Croatians
kiss the cheeks four times.
7. Posture and Personal Appearance
It refers to the
Source: https://www.onetravel.com/going-places/hey-brah-13-
way one carries hawaiian-pidgin-terms-to-master/
and dresses
oneself. How one 9. Language of Colors
sits or stands in
It refers to the use of colors based on the
meaning of each color. Colors have certain
situations tells the
meanings based on the dictates of culture and
people around how
gender. Hospitals prepare everything in blue for
one sees himself
baby boys and pink for baby girls. Since babies can
as a speaker, one’s
wear any color, why limit them to one? Some colors
attitude toward the
supposedly make us happy or sad or angry. In fact,
message, and how
disturbed or violent people with mental problems
one looks at the
are confined in rooms painted with tinge of pink, a
listener. When one
color which is said to clam them. In Thailand, only
carries oneself well and with confidence, people will
the King can wear yellow. Tourists who dare to
want to listen. Listeners pay attention because they
wear the royal color are punished.
are made to feel important. Personal appearance
also says a lot about the speaker and the message. 10. Language of Smell (Olfactics)
Especially in formal communicative situations,
being appropriately dressed shows the speaker’s Smell communication or olfactics, which is
readiness and ability to deliver the message. Being the study of smell or odors, is extremely important
dressed well also adds to one’s self-confidence. in our society. Billions of dollars are spent on
perfumes, colognes, aftershave lotions, scented
Source: candles, deodorant, scented air sprays, soap and
other such products to enhance our surroundings

and us. It is likely that when smells are pleasant, way of thinking or doing nothing at all. Silence has
we feel better about ourselves. many possible meanings, none of which is easily
interpreted. The nest time good friend says “Hi,” try
Smell communicates very powerful
pausing for five to ten seconds before reacting. You
messages, which can create a multitude of
will quickly learn the effect silence can have as a
interpretations. In most developed parts of the
message. There are also cultural differences
worlds, people use an array of cosmetics to
related to silence. What are some negative
eliminate body odor or to replace it with other
perceptions conveyed in our culture by silence at a
smells. We base our many of our perceptions on
business meeting or social gathering? In many
smell. For example, when food smells good to us
cultures, silence is seen more positively. In Japan,
we assume that it will taste good as well, and we
for example, silence is considered more
are more attracted to others who have pleasant
appropriate than speech in many situations.
smells than those who do not. Many cultures
consider natural odors to be normal; in fact, in 12. Language of Artifacts
some cultures, a person’s smell is an extension of
Artifacts are personal adornments or
that person. As with all types of nonverbal
possessions that communicate information about
communication, not knowing cultural variations in
us. Such things as automobiles, eye glasses,
attitude towards smells can create
briefcases, grooming, clothing, hair color, tattoos,
misunderstandings and misperceptions, which
makeup and many hundreds of other material
ultimately can lead to incorrect assumptions.
perceptions that we create to communicate our
11. Language of Silence age, gender, status, role, class, importance, group
membership, personality and relationship to others.
Silence or vocal pause are very
A silver SUV conveys a different message from a
communicative, very powerful messages that often
green sedan, a red car conveys a different
say volumes, whether intended or not. Vocal
message from a white car, a sports car conveys a
pauses or hesitations are usually short in duration,
much different message from a minivan, and a
whereas silence generally refers to extended
Cadillac Escalade conveys a different message
periods of time without sound. Vocal pauses can be
from a Ford Escape.
used to emphasize a word or thought tor to make a
point to get others’ attention. How do you react to people who have body
piercing and tattoos? It depends, but what does it
depend on? Effective communicators learn to adapt
A speaker stands in front of an audience and gazes their use of artifacts to a specific situation and not
at the audience in the hope of gaining the to judge others by appearance alone. It is important
audience’s attention so that they will listen that we use artifacts that are consistent with and
reinforce our intended messages.
A teacher pauses during a lecture to get the
students’ attention. 13. Language of Environment

Sometimes, people use vocal pauses to Environment is the psychological and

gather their thoughts or to allow others time to physical surroundings in which communication
think. Vocal pauses or prolonged periods of silence occurs, including the furniture, architectural design,
can create the perception that you are unsure of lighting conditions temperature, smells, colors, and
yourself, unprepared, or nervous. Regardless of sound of the location and the attitudes, feelings,
why vocal pauses occur, they do send messages. perceptions, and relationships of the participants.
The impact of the environment has a lot to do with
Silence sometimes is awkward in a the individuals, their backgrounds, and perception
conversation, especially when you are talking to of what is important to them at the time of the
someone whom you do not know well and who interaction. The best environment allows a
might be of higher status than you. Most of us in speaker’s intended message to be delivered
this situation feel or sense the pressure to say accurately. Thus, soft background music, dim
something to get the conversation going again. lights, wine, and good food would create a perfect
Silence can also be used to disconfirm or create environment for romantic encounter.
discomfort in others. have you ever said “hello” to
someone you admire or respect and he or she WHY IS NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION
didn’t reply or acknowledge you? You likely felt IMPORTANT?
slighted or less than important. It is not unusual to
Basically, non-verbal communication is one
use silence to prevent communication with others.
of the key aspects of communication. It has multiple
silence can be used to prevent certain topics from
functions such as:
surfacing or to prevent someone from saying
something that he or she might later regret.  Used to repeat the verbal message (point to
a direction while stating directions)
Silence is expected in certain contexts, for
example, during a funeral or while listening to a
speech presentation, or it can be self-imposed as a

 Often used to accent a verbal message For example, a friend tells you that a person whom
(verbal tone indicates the actual meaning of who are interested in getting to now has been
the specific words) looking at you, but you haven’t noticed the glances
or see eye contact as more accidental than a
 Often complements the verbal message but deliberate message of interest in you.
also may contradict (Nod reinforces a
positive message among
Americans/Filipinos)  It is common to see Arab
men arm in arm or
 Regulates interactions (non-verbal cues holding hands.
convey when the other person should speak
or not)  Research proves that
gender plays a role in
 May substitute for the verbal message differences.
(finger to lips to indicate for quiet, nod
instead of saying yes) Women: spatial zones are drawn closer, tend to
approach others closer, prefer side-by-side
COMMUNICATION Men: use more personal space, more likely to
invade others’ personal space especially
If nonverbal communication is so credible
women’s, prefer face-to-face
and powerful and if we can define, describe, and
observe it, why do we still have difficulty in
interpreting it? There are at least three good Chronemics:
reasons:  Being late for a date may be interpreted as
1. Nonverbal cues have multiple meanings. disinterest.
 Our sense of time can communicate how we
Nonverbal communication is difficult because a
view or own status and power in relation to
single behavior can have many potential meanings.
For instance, a frown might indicate sadness,
unhappiness, anger, pain, fear, fatigue, Facial Expression:
disapproval, dejection, aggressiveness,  The face is the organ of emotion, and we
discouragement or a combination of some of these. constantly read facial expressions to understand
Unlike words, nonverbal cues lack dictionary what others are feeling. Friends and
definitions. acquaintances can recognize us before a word
is said. It is the most powerful channel of
Interpretations are unreliable because they nonverbal communication.
depend so heavily on perceptions. Suppose, for
example, that you have just walked out of a sad  There are 80 muscles in the human face that
movie when you see a friend with tears in her eyes, can create more than 7,000 facial expressions.
talking to her sister. Her tears might be her reacting
to the movie, or her breaking up with her boyfriend,  Many people have sabotaged their messages
or hearing the death in the family. Her tears could because their words were saying one thing,
even mean result from laughing hard at something while their bodies were saying the exact
that occurred after the movie.
2. Nonverbal cues are interdependent. The  Too much smiling is viewed in Korea as a sign
meaning of nonverbal cue often depends on the of shallowness.
correct interpretation of several other
 Women smile more than men.
simultaneously occurring cues. For example, when
we see someone entering a room, we begin to  Many Mediterranean (Latino/Arabic) cultures
select certain cues about that person, such as exaggerate grief or sadness while most
gender, physical traits, facial expressions, voice American men hide their grief or sorrow.
characteristics, and clothing. Each cue intermeshes
with the others and adds to the total picture. This Haptics:
interdependence of nonverbal behavior and our
 Some Chinese may be uncomfortable with
inability to perceive all aspects of any one
physical contact early in a relationship. Although
nonverbal communication make interpretation risky. many Chinese will use a handshake to greet a
3. Nonverbal cues are subtle. Many nonverbal Westerner, any other contact may be
considered inappropriate.
behaviors are subtle and difficult to observe. A cue
that one person notices immediately might be  Touching another person’s head is considered
overlooked by another person; thus, multiple offensive by some people from Asia and the
interpretations may be made in the same situation.

Middle East. It is, therefore, inappropriate to pat customs and habits. As a branch of knowledge,
a child on the head. ethics deals with a structure of moral principles.
Ethics guides an individual’s behavior – his words
 Men in Egypt tend to be more touch-oriented; a and actions and the way her or she communicates
handshake may be accompanied by a gentle
with others.
touching of the recipient’s elbow with the fingers
of the left hand. Ethics is defined as a code of moral
standards of conduct for what is “good” and “right”
 Throughout most of the Middle East, it is the as opposed to what is “bad” and “wrong.” It deals
custom to reserve the left hand for bodily
with values with human conduct, with respect to the
hygiene. For this reason, one should never offer
the left hand to shake hands or accept a gift. rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to
This is also true of some African cultures. the goodness and badness of the motives and ends
of such actions.
 A Western woman should not initiate a
handshake with a man in India. Many Indian
Andrew and Button (2017) said that
women will shake hands with a foreign woman, communication is ethical when it is upfront, honest
but not a foreign man. and cooperative. Communication that is intended to
conceal the truth or harm another person cannot be
described as ethical. While ethics are not the same
as morals, there is a strong relationship between
LESSO Key Principles of the two: morals are ideas of what is right and
Ethical wrong, while ethics are behavioral principles
influenced by moral beliefs.
Communication On the other hand, communication is
unethical when it is used to damage human
Understanding the importance of relations or encourage societal decadence. Some
communication can bring you great benefits int common examples of unethical communication are
terms of your personal, academic, professional and inappropriate jokes, coercive, threatening and
civic life. Increasing your knowledge about intimidating statements, misleading words, lying
communication can result in satisfying your needs. meddling with something overheard, telephone
You can learn communication. Rules and norms tapping, betraying or backstabbing somebody, and
can influence the way you communicate. Because spreading fake news.
communication has ethical implications, it is
Communication ethics varies by culture and
imperative to adhere to the standards of ethical
context and involves the negotiation of and
reflection on our actions regarding what we think is
PRINCIPLES THAT GUIDE UNDERSTANDING right and wrong or good and bad.
1. Communication is transactional. It consists of
1. Honesty
interested components that influence one another.,
thus communication becomes a dynamic process. In general, ethical communication is honest
communication. Also, honesty is more than just
2. Communication has content and relational
lying; it means being open, and volunteering
dimensions. The content dimension involves the
whatever information you have, even if it means
ideas being openly talked about, while the relational
putting your own short-term interest at risk.
dimension expresses your behavior towards the
other person. 2. Openness to Other Views
3. Communication can be intentional or Openness is one of the key pillars of ethical
unintentional because all words and actions have communication. In communication, openness
meanings and communicative use. means being open to diverse ideas and opinions,
as well as being ready of to offer toy own opinions
4. Communication is irreversible. To “unreceive” a
even if you do not think they will be popular.
message is unlikely, as words and actions, once
said or done, cannot be unsaid or undone. 3. Commitment
5. Communication is unreplaceable because the In the context of business communications,
same words and actions have different meanings commitment means allocating the necessary time
when used or expressed at different times and on and resources to discussing issues fully.
diverse occasions. Communication needs to be thorough, for when
time and resources, such as feedback forms, are
dedicated to discussing issues is there a chance for
Etymologically, the word ethics come from everyone in the organization to have their voice
the Greek terms ethos which can pertain to heard.

4. Consensus Building 2. Conciseness
Ethical communication is goal-oriented A concise message saves time and
rather than status-oriented. The style of expense for both the sender and receiver.
communication in which various groups in a Conciseness is saying what you have to say in the
business break off into opposing camps and align fewest possible words, without sacrificing the other
primarily on the basis of political, status-seeking C qualities. Conciseness contributes to emphasis.
interests, tends not to accomplish things for the By eliminating unnecessary words, you help make
organization as a whole. The style of the important ideas stand out. To achieve emphasis, try
communication where people seek to build a to observe the following suggestions:
consensus and focus on doing what they can for
a. Eliminate wordy expressions.
the company rather than aiming for professional
b. Include only relevant statements.
advancement to positions they are not suited to,
c. Avoid unnecessary repetition.
tends to be good for the organization. Thus, insofar
d. Check on the flow of your information.
as helping the organization is a moral imperative,
consensus building is the ethical style of 3. Consideration
Consideration means you prepare every
TEN BASICS OF ETHICAL COMMUNICATION message with the recipient in mind and try to put
yourself in his/her place. Try to visualize your
Jone Johnson Lewis (2015) list ten basic
readers or listeners with their desires, problems,
ethics in communication. These are:
circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to
1. Seek to elicit the best in communications your request. You adapt your language and
and interactions with other group members. message content to your receiver’s needs when
2. Listen when others speak. you make your message complete, concise,
3. Speak non-judgmentally. concrete, clear, courteous, and correct. Here are
4. Speak from your own experience and the four specific ways you can indicate that you are
perspective, expressing your own thoughts, considerate:
needs and feelings.
a. Focus on “you” instead of “I” and “we.”
5. Avoid speaking for others (universalizing
b. Show reader/listener benefit or interest in
opinions, beliefs, values, and conclusions,
reader/listener perspective.
assuming everyone shares them).
c. Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.
6. Seek to understand others.
d. Apply integrity and ethics.
7. Make sure that everyone has time to speak,
that all members have relatively equal “air 4. Concreteness
time” if they want.
8. Respect the personal boundaries of others. Communicating concretely means being
9. Avoid interrupting and side conversations. specific, definite, and vivid rather than vague and
general. The following guidelines should help you
compose concrete, convincing messages:
SEVEN CS OF COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES a. Use specific facts and figures.
b. Put action in your words.
Herbert Hildebrandt and Jane Thomas,
c. Choose vivid, image-building words.
authors of Effective Business Communication gave
Wasting your reader’s/listener’s time is the
seven Cs of Communication principles. These
last thing you want in communication.
principles tie closely with the basic concepts of the
communication process and all important for both 5. Clarity
written and real communications. The seven Cs
are: Clarity means getting your message across so
the receiver will understand what you are trying to
1. Completeness convey. You want that person to interpret your
words with the same meaning you have in mind.
Your business message is “complete” when
Accomplishing that goal is difficult because, as you
it contains all facts the reader or listen needs for the
know, individual experiences are never identical,
reaction you desire. Complete messages are more
and words have different meanings to different
likely to bring the desired results with the expense
persons. Here are some specific ways to help you
of additional messages. They can do a better of
make your messages clear:
building goodwill. As you strive for completeness,
keep the following guidelines in mind: a. Choose short, familiar, conversational
a. Answer all questions asked.
b. Construct effective sentences and
b. Give something extra, when desirable.
c. Check for the 5 W’s and any other
c. Achieve appropriate readability and listen
essentials: Who, What, Where, When and

d. Include examples, illustrations, and other 2. The message is encoded.
visual aids, when necessary. 3. The message travels through a channel or
6. Correctness 4. The receiver in another country decodes the
The correctness principle comprises more
5. The recipient receives the message.
than proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. A
message may be perfect grammatically and When it comes to communicating globally, it is
mechanically but still insult or lose a customer and usually in the encoding and decoding those
fail to achieve its purpose. The term correctness, as problems occur. As with any combination, ensuring
applied to a business message, means the writer that the message is received as it was intended, is
should: the responsibility of the sender.
a. Include the right level of language (when to
be formal, tone, etc.)
b. Include only accurate facts, words, and
c. Maintain nondiscriminatory expressions.
d. Apply all other pertinent C qualities

7. Courtesy
Courteous messages help to strengthen
present business friendships, as well as make new
friends. Courtesy stems from sincere “you attitude.”
It is not merely politeness with mechanical
insertions of “please” and “thank you.”
To be courteous, considerate communicators
should follow these suggestions regarding tone of Source: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-social-media-
the communications. global-communication-people-world-map-81551206.html

a. Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and Examples of Global Communication

b. Omit expressions that irritate, hurt or belittle; One of the most common forms of global
c. Grant and apologize good-naturedly. communication is an email. A person in one country
types a message and clicks the send button. The
message is then encoded into packets which are
LESSO Global Communication sent across the internet to the recipient. In another
N country, the receiver logs in and decodes the
in Business message by opening the email, and retrieves the
DEFINITION OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATION When someone from another country reads
your company’s web page, this too is an example
Today, the internet and advances in of global communication. The message is written
communication technologies have opened new and encoded in HTML, uploaded to server, which is
opportunities for both large small business that then accessed across the internet and decoded by
would have been unthinkable 50 years ago. With a a web browser and perhaps a translation plugin –
single web page and a cellphone, any business before the recipient reads it.
person can reach new customers, partners and
suppliers anywhere in the world. In both of these examples, noise can distort
the message or make it undecipherable. In
However, communicating with people on a electronic communication, noise can include
global scale is not the same as communicating with anything from typos that change the context of a
people locally. Not only are there more sentence, to a failed internet connection, which
technological hurdles to overcome, but also you could make it appear that you are not
need to address language barriers and cultural communicating anything at all.
nuances. With global communicating, encoding and
decoding the message can be more complicated
As its root, global communication can be than when you are communicating with someone in
defined just as any communication can: a message your country due to differences in language and
is sent from one person or group to another culture. If either the sender or receiver isn’t
anywhere in the world, which can be described as a proficient in the language being used to send the
five-step process: message, translation issues can add noise,
distorting the message. Even a small cultural
1. The person or an organization in one difference can add noise. While most Americans,
country sends a message. for example, associate the word “cheers” with

drinking, someone from the UK may informally use or even hilarious, results. Here are a few examples
the word as a way of saying thank you, or goodbye. of some translation misfires.
In Quebec, Canada, as car is often called “unchar,”
which most translation services decode as a Germany: Clairol marketed a new curling iron
“chariot” or a “tank.” named “Mist Stick.” In German, mist means
Global communication becomes more
complicated when there are multiple recipients from China: Coca-Cola’s name was mistranslated when
different cultures with different languages all it began selling its product to the Chinese, who
receiving the same message, as well as when there were told to “bite the wax tadpole.”
are more layers added to the channel. For
example, if a world leader makes a speech Ethiopia: When Gerber began selling its baby food
broadcast across the globe, people from one region here, they used the same label design as in other
may rejoice at the news, while others may find it countries, featuring acute infant. In Ethiopia, where
offensive. In this case, the channel itself can not everyone was literate, the custom was that
involve many different layers, as translation, news, images on a label only depicted the jar’s contents.
editors and commentators each interpret the
message differently before passing it on the Mexico: When Parker Pen began marketing its
intended audiences. pens to this Spanish county, its motto, “It won’t leak
in your pocket and embarrass you” was translated
GLOBAL COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS to, “It won’t leak into your pocket and make you
Because there are so many different ways
communication can fail in a global context, Thailand: Ikea entered this market using the same
business must be diligent in reducing as many Swedish names for its product that it used all over
potential errors as possible, especially those the world. However, many of these names in Thai
related to differences in language and culture. mean “sex,” or have sexual implications, like
“getting to third base.”
Before attempting to do business with
people in another country, organizations should CULTURAL BARRIERS IN GLOBAL BUSINESS
become familiar with cultural differences that can COMMUNICATION
arise in different contexts. It may be necessary to
hire consultants who are experienced with that A common way small business first become
country. involved in global operations is by hiring a firm or
consultant from another country, like a company in
For large ventures, like major product the United States hiring software development
launch in a different country, Debra Davenport of team in India with more affordable rates than those
Purdue University, recommends hiring a team of who are available locally.
local specialists from that country including:
Throughout their initial conversations, the
 A corporate law firms American manager may be focused on the project
 A protocol and etiquette specialist requirements, timelines and deliverables. The
 A media consultant Indian manager, on the other hand, may be more
 A human resources and labor law expert focused on building a solid relationship with a new
 A management consulting firm client. After the American manager carefully
 A corporate anthropologist explains the project requirements and deliverable in
 A market research firm terms, she believes are easy to understand, he
says “Yes,” and agrees to take on the project.
Each of these specialists is able to give insights
into local laws and customs to help ensure the new Weeks later, when the Indian team
venture doesn’t result in unnecessary complications completes the first phase of the project, it does not
or liabilities that could destroy a company’s meet the expectations of the Americans and the
reputation before they even get started. Small relationship falls apart.
businesses may not have the budget to bring on a
team of specialists. However, they still need to be This was caused by cultural nuance, in
familiar with local laws, culture and language. which the word “Yes” did not necessarily mean that
the Indian manager understood everything and was
LANGUAGE BARRIERS IN BUSINESS in agreement. It was simply a word that he used to
COMMUNICATION move the relationship forward. Had the American
manager understood this, she could have invested
Whenever you are communicating with more time in fostering their new relationship before
someone with someone in their language, it is your assuming that they were in agreement, thus
responsibility to ensure that words you use are avoiding the problem.
correct. This includes advertising and marketing.
Over the past several decades there have been COMPLICATIONS INHERENT WITH GLOBAL
many large and successful companies that have COMMUNICATION
made mistakes when translating what they wanted
to say to a different language, often with offensive,

Increasing communication from a local open up new markets for selling products and
scale has man ramification beyond cultural pitfalls services, it can give you access to resources and
and language barriers. One example is the talent that may not be available locally. While every
increase in emails and other messages people business is different, it’s worthwhile to not that
receive every day, many of which are sent from Coca-Cola didn’t stop selling their products
different time zones, often when the recipient is not worldwide because of a few translation problems.
even awake to read them in a timely manner. Many
business people now receive up to 200 emails each As the world has continued to become more
day, which is not many to read carefully and tightly connected and communication technologies
respond to in a thoughtful manner. The result is that have continued to evolve, the benefits as a whole
many emails are merely scanned before being can be illustrated by the market penetration of
deleted, or filtered away by software, never to be these new technologies themselves. The more
even read. globally connected the world has become, the
faster people have adopted new global
Business people must diligent in trying to communication technologies. Because a growing
ensure that the most important emails don’t get lost number of companies already competing on a
in the volume. A legitimate query from a potential global level, any business that wants to complete
new client could get mistaken for spam. An with them must also open its channels to
important question from a business partner could communicate effectively with the entire world.
get lost in a series of replies in an unrelated thread
of messages. Additionally, when sending an email,
business people have no assurance that the LESSO
message will be received and read by the recipient. Intercultural
Another complication in global
communication for businesses is overcoming the
disadvantage you have when competing with local In 1964, the term “global village” was coined
companies. While face-to-face meetings can be by a media and communication theorist, the late
replaced with video conference calls, subtleties of Marshall McLuhan to describe the world where
body language can’t always be captured on video. people instantly and easily share culture through
A frown from executive during a presentation, for the roots of technology. He popularized the concept
example, is a crucial piece of visual information that of global village in his words. Today, after more
you could easily miss on video, particularly when than a century of electric century, we have
that executive may be off-camera at that moment. extended our central nervous system itself in a
global embrace, abolishing both space and time as
There are many other pieces of important far as our planet is concerned.
information that get lost when you are interacting
with someone across the globe. When doing Indeed, the world has changed not only
business locally, it’s usually quite easy to discern physically because of drastic climate change but
between a company located in the business district, also culturally because of the development if
whose ads you have noticed on billboards and local electronic and now digital media which has reduced
radio for a number of years, compared to a the distance of people from different parts of the
business located in an apartment building on the globe. The world is now viewed as a global village
outskirts of town. On the other hand, when you are where people and their culture are brought together
approached by a company located in a different as one community by electronic communications,
country, you may not have much to go beyond what particularly the Internet. Food, music, education,
they state on their website. Finding out more about religion and government among others are linked
a foreign firm usually requires much more time and together and “compressed into one super-culture”
research. (Dixon, 2009). In the global village, people may be
physically distant from one another yet everyone
On top of that, you may also need to spend has become a neighbor. Undoubtedly, at the heart
more time researching the region where a foreign of this phenomenon is the relationship between
company is based. You should, for example: communication and culture.

 How strong is their currency? It is common for people to share information

 Is the local economy stable? with others who are culturally different form them.
 Are there trade agreements or traffics that This is particularly true when they are interacting
would affect your business? within a multicultural environment – be it an
 What recourse will you have if they don’t academic institution, a business firm, a professional
pay their bills? organization or a neighborhood. Undeniably, since
 How will you find out if there are changes in culture influences communication, they need to
any of these answers? learn how to develop their competence in
intercultural communication.
Despite the risks, operating on a global level
has many benefits that far outweigh those risks. 1. The system of shared beliefs, values, customs,
Not only does doing business on a global level behaviors, and artifacts that the members of society

use to cope with their world and with one another,
and that are transmitted from generation to STRATEGIES OF INTERACTION WITHIN A
generation through learning. (Brian Schwimmer, CULTURE
University of Manitoba)
Individuals or groups of people who migrate
2. The cumulative deposit of knowledge, to a whole new environment by choice, necessity or
experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, force have to content with the new system of the
hierarchies, religion, notion of time, roles, spatial host or dominant culture. They can use strategies
relations, concepts of the universe, and material when they choose to interact with members of the
objects and possessions acquired by a group of host culture or not at all.
people in the course of generations through
individual and group striving. (Ifte Choudhary, 1. Accommodation. According to the famous
Texas A & M University) psychologist J.M. Baldwin, the term denotes
acquired modifications in the behavior which help
individuals to adjust to their new environment

2. Acculturation. Conceived in the fields of

anthropology and sociology early in the 20th
century, N. L. Cole defines the term as “a process
through which a person or group from one culture
comes to adopt the practices and values of another
culture, while still retaining their own distinct
culture.” (Thought Co.)

3. Assimilation. Considered as the most extreme

form of acculturation, the concept refers to “the
process whereby individuals or groups differing
ethnic heritage adopt the cultural norms of a
dominant or host culture, over their original culture.”
Source: https://medium.com/@beautehealthy/what-is-culture-


The differences in culture of people are

manifested in various ways and at different levels.
Hofstede and Minkov (1997) identified these levels
as symbols, heroes, rituals and values.

a. Symbols are those most evident – words,

gestures, pictures, clothes, acts or objects that
carry a particular meaning – which are recognized
only by members of the same culture. Symbols Source: https://historyplex.com/cultural-assimilation-meaning-
easily develop and disappear. A culture’s symbols examples
are easily imitated by other cultures.
4. Integration. The process occurs “when the
b. Heroes are past or present, real or fictitious individual is able to adopt the cultural norms of the
personal who are respected and admired in culture. dominant or host culture while maintaining their
They possess qualities that are highly valued by culture of origin. Integration leads to, and is often
members of a culture. synonymous with biculturalism.” (Wikipedia)

According to Deal and Kennedy (1982) the

hero is a great motivator, the person everyone will
depend on when she beset with problems.

c. Rituals are a collection of activities such as of

greetings, paying respect to others, religious and
social ceremonies. They hold significance although
often times they are acted out for their own sake.

d. Values are the core of a culture. They consist of

a culture’s predilection between right and wrong,
good and bad, likes and dislike, and natural or
unnatural. They are interconnected with what is
moral or ethical standards of a culture.

5. Separation. This strategy occurs “when
individuals reject the dominant or host culture in 2. Cultural Relativism is the acceptance that all
favor of preserving their culture of origin. cultures are equal in value with one another despite
Separation is often facilitated by immigration to their differences. It is an approach in avoiding
ethnic enclaves.” (Wikipedia) giving judgment on other cultures as inferior to
one’s own standards of right and wrong, bad and
6. Marginalization. This strategy occurs “when good or natural and unnatural. Because cultural
individuals reject both their culture of origin and the relativism leads to understanding cultural practices
dominant host culture where cultural exclusion is of a group of people in their own context, it can
promoted.” (Wikipedia) show the way towards effective intercultural
DEFINING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Source: https://philnews.ph/2019/09/16/cultural-relativism-
Intercultural communication refers to the 2. Melting Pot Philosophy pertains to the idea that
communication between people from two different different cultures will blend together and create one
cultures (Chen & Starosa, 1998). ultimate culture. The USA is often described as a
Intercultural communication is the exchange melting point of all races or all types of people who
of information between individuals who are “unalike migrate to the country. It is an environment where
culturally” (Rogers & Steinfatt, 1999). many cultures or people, despite their assortment,
assimilate to produce a new amalgam of culture
Intercultural communication is a symbol, and co-exist as one strong homogenous American
interpretive, transactional, contextual process, in nation.
which people from different cultures create shared
meanings (Lustig & Koester, 2007).

Intercultural communication is identified as

both a concept and a competence. Intercultural
competence is the active possession by individuals
of qualities which contribute to effective intercultural
communication and can be defined in terms of
there primary attributes: knowledge, skills, and
attitudes. (Lanqua, n.d.)

Intercultural communication is called in

various ways: multicultural communication, cross-
cultural communication, interracial communication,
interethnic communication, and international
Source: https://www.cglearn.it/mysite/civilization/american-
3. Pluralism refers to the acknowledgement of
The formula for successful communication cultural relativism and promotion of respect for
with other cultures is by understanding our uniqueness and forbearance of diversity of cultures.
similarities and differences from them. When we Instead of creating a new hybrid of culture like in
interact with people whose system of knowledge, the melting pot theory, all cultures are allowed to
values, behaviors, etc. differs from ours, we need to co-exist with one another. For a successful
compare and contrast our cultures and interaction intercultural communication to thrive in a pluralistic
approaches in order to avoid misunderstandings society, people need to understand and interact
and conflicts that communication can create. with others with different social and educational
backgrounds., values, lifestyles, religious and
The following concepts are a good guide in political beliefs, behavioral norms, communication
intercultural communication: styles, etc.
1. Ethnocentrism is the tendency of a group of IMPROVING INTERCULTURAL
people to consider their culture as superior to all COMMUNICATION
other cultures. It can lead them to give negative
judgements on other cultures based on their own In intercultural communication, it is
knowledge, values and behavioral norms. necessary to reduce the strangeness of strangers.
Ethnocentrism can also steer them to a failure in Stanley Martinez in his discussion of intercultural
intercultural communication. communication explained five ways to improve
communicating interculturally.
Although it can be a barrier to successfully
communicating interculturally to highly ethnocentric 1. Pay attention to your own words and actions.
culture, it can be challenge to improve intercultural Become cognizant of how your own thinking
competence among those with low ethnocentricity patterns, assumptions, perceptions, prejudices, and
level. biases through thoughtful communication with
others. Study your own self and the way you
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlyS4zrklww
interact with others based on how well you know

your own gender, race, social status, physical ground rules like how we approach punctuality,
appearance, abilities and disabilities. meetings, communication, emails, disagreements,
etc. it is always a good idea to try and develop the
2. Control your assumptions. Question a lot of your rules as a group rather than have them imposed.
assumption about cultures, for example, the one
right way to communicate is your way, 3. Ask Questions. When you don’t understand
communication breakdowns are brought about by something or want to know why someone has
others because you have different mind tracks, behaved in a certain way, simple ask.
rules on interpersonal communication in your
culture are the same with all other cultures, etc. 4. Respect. The foundation of all intercultural
communication is respect. By demonstrating
3. Engage in transpection. Transpection is the respect, you earn respect and help create more
process of emphasizing across cultures. Through and fruitful relationships.
practice that involves structured experience and
self-reflection, try to see the world exactly the way 5. The Written Word. Sometimes people who do
others see it. Try to learn beliefs, feelings and not have English as their mother tongue will read
perspectives of other cultures. Martinez explained more proficiently than they speak. It is a good idea
that the transpection can help you avoid to always write things down as a back-up.
assumptions and move you closer to tolerance,
sensibility, respect, emphatic listening, and 6. Time. Not everyone in the world thinks “time is
effective communication responses. money.” Understand that for many people, work is
low down on the priority list with things like family
4. Gain knowledge. Read, observe and discover taking a much higher precedence. Do not expect
about other countries’ customs, traditions, religion, people to sacrifice their own time to meet
etc. Visit places where you can meet and talk to deadlines. It is good practice to always leave a bit
people from other cultures. The more you know of space when considering deadlines.
about a culture, the better that you control
assumptions and the more you overcome 7. Humor. In an international environment, one
misunderstandings. Gaining knowledge about other man’s joke is another’s insult. Be wary of
cultures is a great way of eliminating any personal differences in the sense of humor and also the
biases and prejudices you have developed over the acceptability of banter and the like in a business
years. environment.

5. Gain experience. Gaining experience in 8. Always Check. The easiest way of minimizing
intercultural communication is not limited to the negative impact of intercultural communication
reading, observing, discovering or doing research is to check and double check. Whether agreeing
on the net about a culture. You gain true something or giving instructions, a minute spent
experience by actually visiting a place though double checking all saves hours of work later on
sometimes it is costly and tedious. However, you down the line.
can also find someone of another culture and talk
to him/her and ask direct questions in a 9. Be Positive. When faced with incidents of an
conversation intended to help you better intercultural nature steer clear of blame and
understand his/her culture. conflict. Stay positive, analyze the problem areas
and work as a team to build strategies and
TIPS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION solutions to ensure the same never occurs again.

Even without trawling through lots of books, 10. Self-Respect. A good intercultural
articles or even taking part in an intercultural communication and working in a multicultural
communication workshop, it is possible to environment continues to show that the culturally
implement some basic principles to help improve diverse team is usually the most inventive and
one’s intercultural communication skills. The vibrant. However, unless business and individuals
following intercultural communication tips are start to address the area of intercultural
provided to help people working in international and communication as a serious business issue, this
multicultural environment get some basic insight potential will not be realized.
into dealing more effectively with people and not
letting culture become an issue. NON-VERBAL FORMS IN INTERCULTURAL
1. Be patient. Working in an intercultural
environment can be frustrating affair. Things may Nonverbal communication can take many
not get done when expected, communication can forms. Effectiveness as an international profession
be tiresome and behavior may be inappropriate. often hinges on understanding what else forms
Patience with yourself and others helps move might be and how their communication, as well as
beyond such issues and address how to avoid specific cultural variances.
similar incidents in their future.
1. Eye Contact. Whenever or not eye contact is
2. Establish Rules. Sometimes, working in a truly made, who makes it how long it lasts vary
intercultural team, it may be necessary for all to tremendously in meaning. In many Asian cultures,
take a step back and set back and set down some avoiding eye contact is seen as a sign of respect.

However, those in Latin and North America, Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/6338092/
consider eye contact important for conveying
equality among individuals. In Ghana, if a young Many cultures also frown upon showing the
child looks an adult in the eye, it is considered an bottom of the shoe, something that is considered
act of defiance. dirty. Therefore, sitting with the foot resting on the
opposite knee is strongly discouraged in places
2. Touch. A great number of cultural expressions such as many Arab countries.
are achieved through touch. In America, for
example, using a firm handshake is considered DIMENSIONS OF CULTURE
appropriate to greet a stranger of another business
professional. In France, it is common to kiss We have already established in the previous
someone you greet on both cheeks. Touching lessons the fact that there is more to what you say
children on head is fine in North America. Yet in than meets the eye. With culture, business and
some Asian country, it is considered highly language interplaying with one another, the extent
inappropriate, as the head is considered a sacred by which we can stretch the impact of language
part of the body. In the Middle East, the left hand is points us to differing directions. In this lesson,
customarily used to handle bodily hygiene. however, we going to focus on the specifity, or at
Therefore, using that hand to accept a gift or shake least, what we perceive to be specific in the
hands is considered extremely rude. There are also
messages we put out there for everyone to
a wide range of cultural viewpoints on the
understand and interpret.
appropriate rules regarding physical contact
between both similar and opposite genders.
Let us begin by looking at some of the
3. Physical Space. Countries that are densely images and what messages some business
populated generally have much less need for organizations have passed onto world consumers.
personal space than those that are not. The
Japanese, are less likely to react strongly to an Fig. 1. This print advertisement features a
accidental touch by a stranger than Americans. “better” groomed black man about to thrown into
Less personal space is also needed in areas such the air an image of his old self across a football
as Latin America, and in the context of one-on-one field. This image elicited a deluge of negative
conversations, the Middle East. comments mainly focused on how the ad promises
users of Nivea to be re-civilized version of black
4. Facial Expressions. Winking is a facial
man who shouldn’t sport the Afro hairstyle. If you
expression particularly varied in meaning. In Latin
America, for example, the gesture is often do not have an Afro, this ad means differently to
considered a romantic or sexual invitation. The you, but the fact remains that a large population of
Yoruba people in Nigeria wink at their children if black men have naturally curly or Afro hair and that
they want them to leave the room. And the Chinese this ad undermined them.
consider the gestures rude.

5. Posture. Posture can convey power structures,

attitudes and levels of civility. Slouching in Taiwan
is considered disrespectful, while other parts of the
world may not think much of it one way or another.
In America, standing with hands on the hips may
suggest power or pride, but in Argentina, it may
suggest anger or a challenge.

6. Gestures. Gestures can convey wildly different

meanings. Individuals in the United States use the
“OK” sign to convey that something is acceptable.
In Japan, the same hand symbols mean “money.”
Argentinians, Belgians, the French and the
Portuguese all use the symbols to mean “zero” or
“nothing.” Still other countries in eastern Europe Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/nivea-racist-re-
consider that same sign an offensive swear. civilize-yourself-ad-2011-8

After a deluge of negative comments, Nivea

apologized in a Facebook post: "Thank you for
caring enough to give us your feedback about the
recent "Re-civilized" NIVEA FOR MEN ad."

This ad was pulled out in not time after

generating wild negative buzz.

Fig. 2. What was thought as of simple message of

making dark chocolate relevant to the times has

been dubbed to be condescending by no less than How do you then, as would-be professional,
the supermodel alluded to in this ad, Naomi deal with diverse culture in the business world?
Trompenaars and Hampden (1997)
Campbell added by saying, “It’s upsetting to reiterate that there are dimensions to recognizing
be described as chocolate, not just for me but for cultural diversity in national cultures and that the
all black women and black people. I do not find any manner by which people respond to certain
humor in this. It is insulting and hurtful.” questions about culture are attributed to the
Source: https://fooyoh.com/iamchiq_living_lifestyle/6176537

Cadbury pulled the ad and issued the

following apology:

"Cadbury takes its responsibility to

consumers very seriously indeed and we would
never deliberately produce any marketing material
we felt might cause offense to any section of
society. It was not our intention that this campaign
should offend Naomi, her family or anybody else
and we are sincerely sorry that it has done so."

Fig. 3. This is a picture of Lakshmi, an

Indian goddess of wealth, who appears, to fancy
eating beef burgers. This is, for obvious reasons,
forbidden under Hindu religion. This depiction uniqueness of their culture. In 2009, Duanmu and
provoked widespread displeasure to the point of Geppert underscored changes in these dimensions
anger with its suggestion that the deity eats beef. and listed them below:

Burger King, the owner of this ad, quickly 1. Universalism vs. Particularism
withdrew the advertisement and issued an apology
to Hindu leaders all over the world. In universalistic culture, people adhere to
general rules, codes, values, obligations; that
regardless of circumstances, same rules apply to
different situations. Standards in universalism take
precedence over the needs and claims of friends
and other relationships. Particularistic people, on
the other hand, make judgments according to their
relationships. This culture of particularism is based
on friendships and intimate relationships affecting
situations on case-to-case basis. Therefore, what is
appropriate in one situation may not be right in

Source: https://hindufocus.wordpress.com/2009/page/20/

These figures clearly demonstrate the

emergence of a “global” village emphasized by the
“smart” technology. Now, it can be argued that in
order to succeed in a highly globalized world,
businessmen must make it their business not to
undermine the cultures of the world in the areas of
marketing, management strategies, relationships
and communication among other business affairs.

The above cases specifically point out that Source: https://tesolisfun.blogspot.com/2019/10/week-6-

international business organizations must have an
in-depth knowledge and understanding of national In matters of international business,
culture differences to be able to maintain a certain particularistic culture values relationships and that
level of acceptance, and more importantly, belief in these relationships can be the basis of bending
their product. rules and regulations of a business organization.
The companies of the figures mentioned in this

lesson certainly valued friendship they wanted to your social connections, age pr gender, your origin,
build or they already had built in countries where or your religion.
they sell their products. For example, when Pfizer In business context, the achievement
or Burger King decided to apologize to the cultures dimension gives value to you as compared with
they offended, they must have realized that your co-workers in the organization based on your
maintaining friendship was more important than own work performance. On the other hand, the
creating a media campaign to boost their sales. ascription dimension evaluates you according to
natural admiration and to the loyalties you have
2. Individualism vs. Collectivism established in a company over time.

The individualistic culture puts emphasis The challenge for a college student is again
on the individual’s wants and happiness, fulfillment, strike a balance between achievement and
initiative and welfare above those of the ascription.
communities. Collectivism in turn decides for the
greater good and values that works for the On one hand, you have to show that you
community undermining personal wants and are competitive when the situation or your boss
desires. The manufacturers of the products shown calls for it; on another hand, aim to show admirable
are by no means collectivist for having taken the qualities to your co-workers in order to enjoy the
route of discontinuing advertisements that offended benefits of both dimensions.
certain communities.
5. Neutral vs. Affective
3. Specific vs. Diffused
In a neutral culture, people make an effort
The specific culture is about a man who to conceal their feelings because they have been
considers his work a place where he functions as taught that way. They are often perceived to be
an individual. For this man, he can work effectively guarded and controlled. For the affective, the
and achieve his career goals even without maintain “wear their hearts on their sleeves” and spend their
real relationships with his co-workers. The diffused time at work with laughter, expressions of
culture is opposite of the specific as it encourages displeasure or happiness, bold gestures, and
relationships and camaraderie among co-workers. dramatic non-verbal expressions.
For a man in diffused culture, he thrives on the
collective desires of the people around him At best, hide your emotions if it means
irrespective of his own desires. sparing your co-workers from feeling worse than
they already do during challenging times in the
As a future professional, you will be workplace. But, if there are enough reasons for you
subjected to experiencing having to deal with to express happiness over something worth
colleagues who subscribe to either the specific or celebrating, it would not hurt to do bold gestures to
diffused culture. It is then up to you to determine show how you feel.
whether to choose one, or balance your way
through the two culture dimensions interplaying 6. Time Orientation: Sequential vs. Synchronic
with one another.
If you think that there is a time and place for
4. Achievement vs. Ascription everything to be done, then you are the sequential
type. Furthermore, you follow a strict and particular
order in doing things and a change in this order will
cause uncertainty for you.

If you are synchronic, you connect the past

and the future but you do not focus on one ore the
order with which the two takes place. You deal with
things as they come and you think of different ways
of achieving your set objectives in numerous and
possible combinations of time and order.

Ideally, we should be fluid in achieving our

goals. There will be time that we ought to
Source: https://pt.slideshare.net/UpamaRai/managing-
acknowledge that we need to follow a process in
order to produce desired results at work.
This dimension is about the attainment of
one’s status. For those who value achievement, However, when things dictate what that we
they regard others on account of their education, do not time and sequence our activities to be able
ability, success in chosen career, competition, and to arrive at a surprisingly successful ending, we
so on. in ascription, people value you according to

should also take the time to be unpredictable and
“full of surprises” around our co-workers.

7. Inner-Directed Orientation vs. Outer-Directed

Orientation CHAPTER 2

The inner-directed culture thrives on VARIETIES AND REGISTERS OF

people making a conscious effort of controlling the SPOKEN AND WRITTEN
environment where they are in. While nature is LANGUAGES
complex, the inner-directed culture allows its
people to have a mechanistic view of nature and At the end of the chapter, the students should be able
control it with skill and precision. to:

 Explain the varieties and registers of spoken

The outer-directed culture for its part and written languages;
believes in the domination of nature over mankind.  Discuss how varieties and registers of
People, therefore, should always look into the languages affect communication;
challenges of nature, to what the outside world  Discuss the significance of understanding how
presents, and then use them in making decisions. varieties and registers of languages affect
In business, there are those who think that  Determine culturally appropriate terms,
expressions and images;
they dictate what the consumers need and play up
 Adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and
those needs in order to bolster sales for the sensitivity in the communication of ideas.
company. If you will be an employee of an inner-
directed company, the ability to innovate is the
qualification you should be developing. On the
other hand, there are companies that respond to
trends set by the outside world, abide by them, and
then operate the business around what is perceived
to be popular.


Book References:

Caudilla, J. (2019). Purposive communication. LESSO Variants of the English

Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. N
Flores, R. (2016). Oral communication in context.
Manila:Rex Bookstore
Sebastian, E. (2020). Purposive communication.
Manila: Mindshappers, Inc. English is the most widely spoken language
in the world, having the distinct status of being the
official language of multiple countries. While the
English language is uniform with major variations in
spelling present between American English and
British English, the dialect or accent is usually the
factor that enables one to distinguish the various
types of English out there.
From the thick Ugandan English to the
French-themed Canadian English, the varieties of
accents present are both diverse and beautiful.
Apart from accents, there is a tendency for people
to mix English with their local lingo to from a hybrid
variety of English language that is as colorful as the
culture in that country.
1. American English

American English sometimes called United

States English or U.S. English, is the set of
varieties of the English language native to the

United States and widely adopted in Canada. 4. British English
English is the most widely spoken language in the
United States and is the common language used by British English is the English language as
the federal government, considered the de facto spoken and written in the United Kingdom or, more
language of the country because of its widespread broadly, throughout the British Isles. Slight regional
use. English has been given official status by 32 of variations exist in formal, written English in the
the 50 state governments. United Kingdom.

2. Australian English English is a West Germanic language that

originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought
Australian English is a major variety of the to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of
English language, used throughout Australia. what is now northwest Germany and the northern
Although English has no official status in the Netherlands. The resident population at this time
constitution, Australian English is the country’s was generally speaking Common Brittonic- the
national and de facto official language as it is the insular variety of continental Celtic, which was
first language of the majority of the population. influenced by the Roman occupation. This group of
languages (Welsh, Cornish, Cumbric) cohabited
Australian English British English alongside English into the modern period, but due
prang accident to their remoteness from the Germanic languages,
pissed drunk influence in English was notably limited.
porn english person
tucker food
British Vs. American English
ace excellent
paddock field
shove off go away A. Vocabulary
arvo afternoon
bushranger criminal Source: https://englishgrammarhere.com/vocabulary/british-
loo lavatory and-american-english-differences-british-american-english-

3. Black English B. Spelling

British English American English
This refers to British and American English
humour humour
spoken by black communities in the US and the colour color
centre center
litre liter
judgement judgment
enrollment enrolment
grey gray
analyse analyze
tyre tire
defence defense
licence license

C. Accent

Source: https://www.lexika-translations.com/blog/differences-between-

5. Canadian English
Canadian English is the set of varieties of
the English language native to Canada. According
to the 2011 census, English was the first language
UK. It also refers to a variant of English spoken
of approximately 19 million Canadians (57% of the
widely in the Caribbean and Africa.
Source: https://present5.com/black-english-vocabulary-
population) the remainder of the population were
peculiarities-what-is-black/ native speakers of Canadian French (22%) or other
languages (allophones, 21%).

The term Canadian English in a speech by control of the nation, the English language,
the Reverend A. Constable Geikie in an address to although initially no favored, became widely used in
the Canadian Institute in 1857. Canadian English is a matter of years, which was catalyzed by the
the product of five waves of immigration and coming of the American teachers.
settlement over a period of more than two
The first large wave of permanent English- LESSO Language Registers
speaking settlement in Canada, and linguistically N
the most important, was the influx of loyalists 2
fleeing the American Revolution, chiefly from the
Mid-Atlantic States – as, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, According to Eaton (2021), language or
D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. Canadian English speech register is the level of formality or
is believed by some scholars to have derived from informality with which people converse with one
northern American English. another. The choice of language register depends
on communication situations and people involved.
Here are pieces of information about the
five types of language register or speech register.
1. Frozen Register
 Literally “frozen” in time and form; rarely or
never changes and often learned and
repeated by note;
 Quality is static;
 Ritualistic and may even be archaic;
 Most formal communicative style used in
respectful situation or formal ceremonies;
 Does not require any feedback from the
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPhwlceEMMM audience.
6. Indian English Examples:
English language public instruction began in Anthems and Pledges
India in the 1830s during the rule of the East India Alma Mater Songs
Company (India was then, and is today, one of the Prayers like “The Lord’s Prayer”
most linguistically diverse regions of the world). In
1835, English replaced Persian as the official 2. Consultative Register
language of the regions of the world.
Lord Macaulay played a major role in  The normal style for speaking to strangers
introducing English and western concepts to or persons who are neither acquaintance
education in India. He supported the replacement nor friends or relatives;
of Persian by English as the official language, the  Two defining features:
use of English as the medium of instruction in all 1. The speaker supplies background
schools, and the training of English-speaking information-he does not assume that he
Indians as teachers. will be understood without it
2. The listener participates continuously
7. Philippine English  Uses feedback and listener participation –
the speaker depends on the listener
Philippine English is any variety of English
responses in deciding whether he is being
(similar and related to American English) native to
the Philippines, including those used by the media
 Used in semi-formal communication, and
and the vast majority of educated Filipinos. English
uses titles such as Doctor, Mr., Mrs., Atty.,
is taught in school as one of the two set of official
languages of the country, the other being Filipino
 Words are general but precise, rather than
Philippine English has evolved  Conversational in tone. Interruptions can
tremendously from where it began decades ago. occur during the communication.
Some decades before English was officially  Sentences tend to be shorter and
introduced, if not arguably forced, to the spontaneous.
Philippines, the archipelagic nation has been
subject to Spanish rule and thus Spanish was the Examples:
language of power and influence. However, in
1898, when the Spanish gave the United States A superior and a subordinate

A doctor and a patient
A lawyer and a client/judge Formal register is more appropriate for
A teacher and a student professional writing and letters to a boss or a
stranger. This register is useful if we have to write a
3. Intimate Register letter which is both impersonal and unemotional to
a specific person. Formal writing includes:
 A non-public speech style.
 Used by family members and very close  Business letters
friends  Letters of complaint
 Used in sexual relationships  Reports
 Meaning is shared even without correct  Official Speeches
linguistic forms – grammar correctness is  Announcements
unnecessary  Professional email messages
 Uses private vocabulary -personal language
In using the formal language register, the
codes, terms of endearment and name
following are to be observed:
 Best avoided in public and professional 1. Do not use contractions.
 Characterized by an economy of words, A contraction is a shortened form of a word
with a high incidence of significant or group of words that omits certain letters or
nonverbal communication such as gestures, sounds. In most contractions, an apostrophe
facial expression, eye contact, etc. represents the missing letters.
 Free and easy participation of both speaker Examples:
and is far more elliptical
Will not instead of won’t
4. Casual or Informal Register Have not instead of haven’t
 Used among friend and acquaintances that Should not instead of shouldn’t
does not require background information Could not instead of couldn’t
 No social barriers required
 Very relaxed and focused on just getting the However, contractions can be used if you
information are quoting someone’s exact words in writing as in:
 Conversational in tone. Interruptions can
occur during the communication. “We shouldn’t put a premium to plainly
 Used in informal situation and used informal verbal contraction,” the professor said.
language – slangs, vulgarities and
colloquialisms are normal and quite often For apostrophes, keep in mind that it does
 Used when getting to know someone on a not pertain to contraction. Apostrophes are added
more personal level, or you want the person to nouns to express ownership. They are used in all
to feel at ease language registers.

Examples: Examples:
Teacher’s profile, manager’s report
Chat with friends
Emails or letters to friends
2. Spell out numbers less than one hundred.
Phrases like: This is a must for reports or any form of formal
a. Lemme go. (Let me go.) writing that uses number expressions.
b. Wassup? (What’s ups?)
3. Avoid using too much passive voice.
5. Formal Register In formal writing, it is better to use the active
 Language is standard – ab=voids slang and voice.
may use technical or academic vocabulary
 Speaker uses complete sentences Passive Sentences:
 Is likely that the speaker will use fewer
a. The members of the organization were
instructed to assemble at the conference
 Used for most academic and scientific
room by the event’s host.
b. The terror attacks were reported by CNN
Active Voice:
Speeches a. The event’s host instructed the members of
Pronouncement made by judges the organization to assemble at the
Announcement conference room.

b. CNN reported the terror attacks live. Abbreviation is a shortened from of a word
or phrase, by any method. It may consist of a group
of letters. For abbreviations, write the complete
4. Avoid slang, idioms, exaggerations and
word the first time, then abbreviations are in order.
These expressions are acceptable in informal Examples:
writing and spoken language. Slang in particular is
only meant for a certain area or region. influenza – flu tablespoon – tbsp.
Manila – Mla. Attorney – Atty.
Slang is language (words, phrases, and usages)
of an informal register. It also sometimes refers to the The following symbols among the like are
language generally exclusive to the members of
only for friendly email and texts.
particular in-groups prefer over the
common vocabulary of a standard language in order
LOL – laugh out loud/lots of love
to establish group identity, exclude outsiders, or both.
Brb – Be right back
In its earliest attested use (1756), the Mfeo – made for each other
word slang referred to the vocabulary of "low" or Tbh – to be honest
"disreputable" people. By the early nineteenth
century, it was no longer exclusively associated with 6. Formal writing requires the good transition
disreputable people, but continued to be applied to words.
usages below the level of standard educated speech.

Examples: Transition or transitional words are words that

help connect or link ideas, phrases, sentences or
Awesome/cool Check it out! paragraphs. These words help the reader smoothly
Okay/ok In a nutshell through the ideas by creating a bridge between
them. It would hard for readers to immediately jump
An idiom is a phrase or expression that from one idea to the next, so transitions help the
typically presents a figurative, non-literal meaning reader move smoothly through the ideas instead.
attached to the phrase.
Examples: Examples:

It’s a piece of cake. nevertheless additionally

It’s raining cats and dogs. as a result thus
Kill two birds with one stone. however consequently

Cliché, is a 19th century borrowed word 7. Always write in sentences. Fragments are
from the French which refers to a saying or unacceptable in formal writing.
expression that has been so overused that it has
become boring and unoriginal. Fragment is a group of words that does not
express a complete thought. It is not a complete
Examples: sentence, but it could be a phrase.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Too much of a good thing Examples:
Moment of truth
Easy as pie Before the expiration date
Don’t play with fire. Although it way relayed quite well
In the middle of an exhibition
5. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
A complete sentence is generally defined as
An acronym is a word or a name formed from a word or a group of words that expresses a
the initial components of a longer name or phrase, thorough idea by giving a statement/order, or
usually using individual initial letters. I you have to asking a question, or exclaiming.
use acronym, write it out the first time. From then
on, you can use the acronym itself. Examples:

Examples: You must consume the product before the

expiration date.
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Although it way relayed quite well, the message
SCUBA – Self-contained underwater was still unclear to the audience.
breathing apparatus In the middle of an art exhibition, the artists himself
opened the auction for his masterpieces.

8. Write in the third person point of view. WHAT ARE JARGONS?
In formal writing, we usually do not use first Jargons are special words or expressions
person or second person unless it is a quote. Avoid that are usually used by a particular profession or
using I, You, We and Us. group and are difficult for others to understand.

Examples: The term jargon comes from an old French

jargon meaning “chatter of birds.” The person who
You can purchase a car for under $10,000. studies or is adept in using jargon is called
One can purchase a car for under $10,000. jargonaut.
A car can be purchased for under $10,000. Examples:
Medical jargons are any medical terminology
We decided to invest in the company.
which may be unfamiliar to persons without clinical
The group decided to invest in the company.
6. Neutral Register  Acute – a condition that comes on suddenly
 Negative – results of a test that indicate a
We use the neutral language register with non-
tested condition is not present
emotional topics and information.
 Agonal – used to describe a major negative
Neutral writing is not necessarily formal or informal.
in a person’s condition, usually preceding
It is not usually positive or negative. A neutral
immediate death
register is used to deliver facts.
 Antibiotics – a drug that is used to treat or
prevent an infection
Some writings are written in a neutral register.
 Hypertension – high blood pressure
This means they are not specifically formal or
 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea – walking at
informal. Writing in the natural language register
night breathless
Computer jargons relates to the words and
reviews articles
nouns used to refer to computers, computing
some essays technical writing
activities and related topics.

We communicate various meanings all the time  Data – information stored in a computer
in everyday conversations we have and hear  Hardware – the solid parts of a computer,
around us. These are all largely spontaneous and like monitors, fans, CPU and the like
unrehearsed. But there are factors such as  Program – set of data that tells the
audience, context, and purpose that shape the way processor what to do and call for in the rest
a conversation begins, continues and ends. How of PC
you and your relatives talk to each other and laugh  Bug – a mistake or a problem in a computer
about a certain shared experience may be different
Police jargon is the specialized language (terms
when a foreigner joins the discussion. How we
or expressions) primarily used in the line of police
communicate depends on who we are we talking
duty, law enforcement, and criminal justice.
to, what we are discussing and where and when
the conversation is taking place.  Suspect – person that the police is looking
for at the crime. Other names for suspect
A speech is an example of verbal might include defendants, arrestees, or
communication that is delivered to a specific persons of interest.
audience in a given context for a clear purpose.  Code Eight - serious situation where an
These factors guide the development and officer is requesting help immediately. If
effectiveness of the speech. In preparing for any you're a police officer on duty, you drop
verbal communication, one must be mindful of: everything and go right away.
 Code Eleven - you're on the scene
1. Audience – a group of people whose  Wolf pack – a group of patrol cars traveling
backgrounds, concerns and interest may together
shape the way message is received.
Is there a correct variety of English?
2. Context – conditions that shape the
contents if the message such as significant Dr. Ursula Clark, a linguist specialist,
period, or the sender’s background and declares on variations in the use of English and
experiences. what these could mean for education policy and
teachers of English that, “You are what you speak
3. Purpose – a concrete set of objectives or and your place of origin is the most important
reasons for addressing a specific audience identity factor.”
in a given context.

Her research took place in the West
Midland regions of UK and examined variation of
English used in creative spoke performances such
as comedy, drama, and poetry. Other texts used in LESSO Bias-Free Language
local newspapers, stories, and poems were also N
used in the investigation. In the research, Dr. Clark 3
surmise that English has, over the years, been
fragmented, dynamic and mobile like never before,
and that the so called “standard” English has In speaking and writing, it is important that
weakened. Meriam-Webster Dictionary defines bias is avoided. You must not attempt to use
Standard English as the English with respect to discriminatory words or remarks that either degrade
spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary is or elevate people based on your assumptions on
substantially uniform though not devoid of regional ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, abilities
differences, that is well established by usage in the and religion of the recipient of your communication.
formal and informal speech and writing of the In other words, the use of bias-free language is
educated, and that is widely recognized as essential in a bias-free communication so that it will
acceptable wherever English is spoken and not result to offending your audience.
Locker (2006) defined bias-free language as
“language that is sensitive to people’s sex, gender,
Clark adds that:
race, ethnicity, physical condition and many other
categories. Bias-free language does not
“Even though English is used around the
discriminate and therefore includes all readers in a
world for the purposes of trade, travel, medicine
fair and friendly manner.” Failure to use bias-free
and so on, it is an interesting fact that majority of
language in communication may lead to
the world’s population today largely bilingual, if not
disturbance of message, thus it is necessary to
multilingual, even in nations where English is the
select your words carefully. In addition, all
mother tongue.”
communications should be inclusive and diverse.
Int the UK for example, it is noticeable that Here are some guidelines for bias-free
there are primary and secondary schools where communications.
nearly 100 percent of pupils speak English as an
additional language; in many others, 40 percent is Gender
common. The implication of this therefore, is that 1. Use gender-neutral or inclusive terms to refer to
we can no longer say that there is one variety of people.
English superior to the others. What is important is
that we are able to recognize the many varieties of Use this Avoid this
English including that of the standard, and pick one people, humanity, human man, mankind
variety that we are comfortable with and be
chair, chairperson, moderator chairman
understood while using it. staff of operation man the operation
labor, human resources, manpower
Who then should teach English? workforce, staff personnel
ordinary terms layman’s terms
Traditionally, we consider the “native” manufactured, synthetic, manmade
speakers to be the best English teachers in the
spokesperson spokesman
world. This view is shared even by nations like salesperson, sales clerk sales man, sales
Japan and Korea that requires their English lady
teachers to come from America or any country 2. Do not use gender-bias pronouns
whose first language is English. However, studies
show that linguistic variations are present in all Use this Avoid this
Each employee should have Each employee
languages, and that all varieties have their own
in a business report by… should hand in his
rules and systems. If we submit to this view which report by…
suggests that English comes in multiple varieties You should hand your Each employee
and that no variety is superior over the others, then business report by… should hand in his
the question of who should teach English is already report by…
insignificant. Guidance counselors give Guidance counselors
advice to their students. give advice to her
On a more profound note, successful When talking to customers, When talking to a
communication is not a question of who uses it ask them to give… customer, ask him/her
but rather a question of understanding. If you to give…
are able to engage successfully in your given
context at point in time using variety of English
Age, Class and Size
then you will have fulfilled the essence of

1. Refer to a person’s age only when it is relevant 2. People are more important than their disabilities.
to the message.
Preferred Problematic
Relevant Irrelevant The new manager will talk from The new manager, who’s
The professor, 35 and 40, Dr. Cansancio, 25, has been experience about interpersonal been battling polio since
have been promoted. promoted to a new post. She communication at the childhood, will discuss a
is the youngest President the workplace. He has hearing new set of workplace
university has ever had. impairment since childhood. rules and regulations.
2. Intellectual, physical and emotional abilities are
not qualified based on age, so don’t use words that 3. Preferred and Professional Language.
understand people.
Preferred Problematic
Appropriate Inappropriate “non-disabled” is the Normal, able-bodied,
Ten-year old Stephen Ten-year old Stephen preferred to people without healthy or whole
continues to improve his still finds it difficult to disabilities
ability to read and write. read and write. Person who is blind/visually Blind person
Person who is learning Retarded, slow,
3. Preferred and Problematic Language disabled, person who has a brained-damaged,
cognitive disability special education
Preferred Problematic student
People of advanced age, old Older people, elders, Someone of short stature, Dwarf, midget
people senior citizen, seniors little person
Person who lacks Poor people, person
advantages that others from the ghetto/slum
have, low economic status Sexual Orientation and Gender-Identity
related to a person’s
education, occupation and 1. “Gender orientation” and “sexual orientation” are
income preferred to sexual preference. The latter puts sex
Person living at below Poor people, poverty- as focus of relationship and being homosexual,
poverty line, people stricken person bisexual or heterosexual is a matter of choice.
experienced poverty
Person of material wealth Rich 2. Preferred and Problematic Language.
People of size Obese, overweight
people Preferred Problematic
Sexual orientation, gender “Sexual preference” is
identity used to suggest that
Race, Ethnicity, Culture and Immigrant Status being gay is lesbian is
voluntary and thereof
1. Unless important, never identify people by race “curable.”
or ethnic group. Gay, Lesbian, Same Gender “Homosexual” is an
Loving (SGL) outdated clinical term
Appropriate Inappropriate considered derogatory
Randy Santos, the student Randy Santos, the and offensive to many
from Pinatubo, always black Aeta from gays and lesbians.
submits his research paper Pinatubo, always Sexual Reassignment Sex Change
before the deadline. submits his research Surgery (SRS), Gender
paper before the Reaffirming Surgery,
deadline. Gender Confirming Surgery
Randy Beltran, a professor Randy Beltran, an
of Chemistry, has recently Igorot professor of
obtained his doctorate Chemistry, has Using bias-free language in communication
degree. recently obtained his can lead to better message exchange and stronger
doctorate degree.
relationship with those whom we work with in the
academic, business, civic and other fields.
2. Preferred and Problematic Language
Preferred Problematic
people of color colored, non-white
person who is blind/visually blind person, “dumb”
international people foreigners
undocumented immigrant or illegal alien
worker, person seeking
asylum, refugee

1. Put people first, not their disabilities.
Appropriate Inappropriate
The receptionist, who is The deaf receptionist
hard-of-hearing, can do her can do her duties
duties competently. competently.

probably the most widely used mode, because it
can be both be read and heard, on both paper and
audio. The linguistic mode is the best way to
express details and lists.
2. Visual Mode

CHAPTER 3 The visual mode refers to the images and

characters that people see. This mode includes
UNDERSTANDING AND color, lay out, style, size and perspective. The
visual mode is used in order to instruct, persuade,
EVALUATING DIFFERENT entertain, represent feelings or etc. The visual
MULTIMODAL TEXTS AND IMAGES mode also does a good job of expressing details.
At the end of the chapter, the students are expected to:

a. Explain multimodal and/or web-based

b. Prepare multimodal and/or web-based
c. Explain the significance of understanding the
value of multimodal and web-based
presentations in communication;
d. Evaluate the effective strategies in preparing
using media when communicating;
e. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual and/or
web-based presentations for different target
audiences in local ang global settings using
appropriate registers;
f. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate
language registers, tone, facial expressions and communication-introduction
3. Aural Mode

LESSO Creating Multimodal The aural mode is focused on sound

N including, but not limited to, music, sound effects,
Texts ambient noises, silence, and tone of voice in
spoken language, volume of sound, emphasis and
accent. Audiences don’t often pay attention to all of
The 21st century is regarded as internet era the sounds around them and how they signal
hence the information perpetuated through online information, such as feelings, actions and
and social media resources. The medium of responses. Every aural mode conveys a message.
communication goes hand in hand through the By pairing the aural mode with different modes, say
internet users. The rapid changes from face-to-face visual, a more detailed and creative message will
communication into technological advancement be conveyed.
have gone too far. Drastically, the changes bring
improvement and convenience of people’s daily 5. Spatial Mode
lives but somehow cause misleading of information.
Thus, this module helps the students to have the The spatial mode is about physical
textual knowledge in multimodal texts that requires arrangement, organization and proximity of the text.
One example of this is often a brochure, and how it
new and diverse literacy skills which is necessary,
is fooled and organized. The spatial mode also can
extended beyond the realms of traditional print- refer to the navigation bar on a website, and how a
based materials into other learning disciplines. user interprets and navigates the web.

1. Linguistic Mode
The linguistic mode refers to the written or
spoken words. The mode includes word choice, the
delivery of written or spoken text, the organization
of words into sentences and paragraphs and the
development and coherence of words and ideas.
Linguistics is not always the most important mode;
this depends on the other modes at play in the text,
what kind of text it is and other factors. Linguistic is

The designer is the one who decides upon and visual (still and moving image), and audio, gestural
designs a webpage spatially but the consumer is and spatial modes.
the one who decides how to use that navigation.
Live multimodal texts, for example, dance,
performance, and oral storytelling, convey meaning
through combinations of modes such as gestural,
spatial, spoken language, and audio.

Each mode uses unique semiotic resources

to create meaning (Kress, 2010). In a visual text,
for example, representation of people, objects, and
places can be conveyed using choices of visual
semiotic resources such as line, shape, size, line
and symbols, while written language would convey
this meaning through sentences using noun groups
and adjectives (Callow, 2013) which are written or
typed on paper or a screen.
Source: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-illustration-
6. Gestural Mode https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/physical-health/article/covid-19-
The gestural mode refers to the way movement
is interpreted. Facial expressions, hand gestures,
body language and interaction between people are
all gestural modes. This has always been important Many texts are multimodal, where meaning
in face to-face conversations and in theater, but it is communicated through combinations of two or
has come more apartments on the web lately with more modes. Modes include written language,
the wide use of YouTube and other video players. spoken language, and patterns of meaning that are
The gestural mode works with linguistic, visual, visual, audio, gestural, tactile and spatial.
aural and sometimes even spatial in order to create
more detail and convey it better to the consumer. Why multimodal literacy is important?

MULTIMODALITY Young people need to be able to

communicate effectively in an increasingly
If the texts use more than one mode; these multimodal world. This requires teaching children
are referred as multimodal. Advertisements, how to comprehend and compose meaning across
newspaper, reports, music videos and etc. are all diverse, rich, and potentially complex, forms of
multimodal. Multimodal texts do not have to be multimodal text, and to do so using a range of
digital, whether a text is created on a computer, different meaning modes.
paper or another type of technology it can enable a
combination of words, photos, charts, lay out and As communication practices have become
etc. in order to communicate a message and be increasingly shaped by developments in
categorized as multimodal. information and multimedia technologies, it is no
longer possible for us to think about literacy solely
MULTIMODAL TEXTS as a linguistic accomplishment (Jewitt, 2008, p.
Multimodal texts combine two or more
modes such as written language, spoken language, Creating multimodal texts is an increasingly
visual (still and moving image), audio, gestural, and common practice in contemporary classrooms.
spatial meaning (The New London Group, 2000; Easy to produce multimodal texts include posters,
Cope and Kalantzis, 2009). Creating digital storyboards, oral presentations, picture books,
multimodal texts involves use of communication brochures, slide shows (PowerPoint), blogs, and
technologies, however, multimodal texts can also podcasts. More complex digital multimodal text
be paper based, or live performances. productions include web pages, digital stories,
interactive stories, animation, and film.
Multimodal texts include picture books, text
books, graphic novels, comics, and posters, where Student authors need to be able to
meaning is conveyed to the reader through varying effectively create multimodal texts for different
combinations of visual (still image) written purposes and audiences, with accuracy, fluency,
language, and spatial modes. and imagination. To do this, students need to know
how meaning is conveyed through the various
Digital multimodal texts, such as film, modes used in the text, as well as how multiple
animation, slide shows, e-posters, digital stories, modes work together in different ways to convey
and web pages, convey meaning through the story or the information to be communicated.
combinations of written and spoken language,

combinations of various modes across written and
spoken language, visual (still and moving image),
audio, gesture (acting), and spatial semiotic
resources. Producing these texts also requires
skills with more sophisticated digital communication


1. PowerPoint

Created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis

Austanat at a software company named
Forethought, Inc., and released on April 20, 1987
initially for Macintosh computers only, PowerPoint
is the program in the Microsoft Office software suite
that allows you to make powerful and customizable
presentations. With each slide made like a piece if
art, PowerPoint allows you to make a beautifully
crafted presentation that can create great and
Students need to know how to creatively lasting impression about you and your presentation.
and purposefully choose how different modes might
convey particular meaning at different times in their PowerPoint has a wide application for
texts, and how to manipulate the various personal, academic and business use. For personal
combinations of different modes across the whole use, you can use it to present pictures during a
text to best tell their story (Jewitt, 2009) family reunion., birthday, celebrations or Christmas
party. In school, PowerPoint is great tool for
Most of the texts that we use are discussion of a lesson, individual or group reports,
multimodal, including picture books, text books, thesis or dissertation oral defense and presentation
graphic novels, films, e-posters, web pages, and during school events and programs. In business, it
oral storytelling as they require different modes to can be used for presentation of product launch,
be used to make meaning. Each individual mode marketing research, employment orientation,
uses unique semiotic resources to create meaning seminars and workshop, and meetings or
(Kress, 2010) and teaching of these needs to be conference with staff clients and investors. With the
explicit. use of PowerPoint, you will be able to actively
engage your audience with your impressive
Below are examples of different forms of presentation.
texts students might create in the classroom. The
complexity of creating texts increases PowerPoint boasts of features such as a
proportionately with the number of modes involved customizable design so you can be as personal or
and the relationships between the various semiotic professional as you want by editing the appearance
or meaning making, systems in a text, as well as and format of slides, animation that can add
use of more complicated digital technologies. movement and sounds and allow you to edit the
transition effect and timing in your slides,
1. Simple multimodal texts include presentation that comes with built-in notes function
comics/graphic novels, picture books, newspapers, in each slide, and integration as shown by its
brochures, print advertisements, posters, compatibility with all other software in the Microsoft
storyboards, digital slide presentations (e.g. Office suite such as Word and Excel, and you can
PowerPoint), e-posters, e-books, and social media. as well embed videos within a presentation for easy
payback without exciting the program (Khavkine,
Meaning is conveyed to the reader through n.d.)
varying combinations of written language, visual,
gestural, and spatial modes. 2. Prezi

2. Podcasts are also simple to produce, involving An alternative to PowerPoint which focuses
combinations of spoken language, and audio I the use of slides is Prezi. Adam Somlai-Fischer,
modes. Peter Halacsy, and Peter Arvai were responsible
for the establishment of Prezi in 2009 in Budapest,
3. Live multimodal texts include dance, Hungary. The term Prezi is the clipped form of
performance, oral storytelling, and presentations. Hungarian word presentation.
Meaning is conveyed through combinations of
various modes such as gestural, spatial, audio, and In Prezi, a large canvas is utilized on which
oral language. users can zoom in and out to particular portions of
the presentation to emphasize text, images and
4. Complex digital multimodal texts include: live ideas. The Prezi platform supports the use of video
action films, animations, digital stories, web pages, as well. It provides a collection of templates to
book trailers, documentaries, music videos. choose from, so navigating the system and
Meaning is conveyed through dynamic familiarizing with the drag and drop interface come

with ease. With this type of interface, it becomes interacts. This includes layout. So, how can you
easy to arrange chronology of events and timelines orchestrate the chaos of design in your next
of ideas along with creating diagrams to focus on presentation? Use the principle below to guide your
individual information. way.

The greater use of Prezi is in the field of 1. Balance. There are two types of balance:
business. Although it started as software for virtual symmetrical and asymmetrical.
storytelling in place of conventional slide-based
presentation formats, it has evolved into Prezi Next Symmetrical Balance. With this type of
that boasts of a newly designed editor, designer balance, the elements on both sides of the design
template and the use of augmented reality in are in similar location and size. If you were to draw
presentation. a line down the middle of a symmetrical design, it
would be a mirrored image on both sides. An
It further developed into Prezi Business example of this would be the human face.
which is a more business-oriented platform that
integrates with Slack to enhance presentation Tip: You can use this technique by making
towards improved productivity. Among other sure lettering, images and other elements are
features of this platform is Live Prezi that provides aligned and equally weighted in both sides of a
virtual conference rooms for conducting Prezi slide.
presentations from far-off areas.
Asymmetrical Balance. Each side of the
design is different, yet still balanced. For example,
3. PowToon you could have one large box on the left side and
several smaller boxes on the right. This kind of
PowToon was founded in 2012 in London, balance creates a more visually intriguing dynamic
UK by Ilya Spitalnik, Daniel Zaturansky, Sven on a slide.
Hoffman and Oren Mashkovshi. The four friends
thought of an animation software that everyone can Tip: Incorporate asymmetrical design by
use to create engaging yet professional looking using a larger visual element in one area of the
animated videos. For personal use, PowToon is an space, until the place you want the viewer to focus
effective venue for interacting with friends and on is featured.
family members during special occasions. In
school, with your presentation coming to life,
PowToon can grab and maintain the attention of
students and help in overcoming distractions in
class. It is great for school projects, too. At the
workplace, it can likewise help in getting the
interest of your bosses and colleagues, so you
don’t get ignored during business meetings,
PowToon has also reduced the high cost of
animated video paid to professionals and studios.

PowToon boasts of its done-for-you

templates that feature drag-and-drop interface
designed and scripted to create presentations fast
and easy. Guided by its mission “So Everyone Can
Animate”.” It claims to be the world’s leading, most
effective, most user-friendly and intuitive animation
software. Anyone – even those who have no
professional knowledge of animation software can
create engaging animated videos with PowToon. Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/833095631039146471/

After 7 years since its establishment, there 2. Emphasis. It is important to have some element
have been over 16 million PowToon users of your design that stands out and grabs the
worldwide. A PowToon is created every second of attention of your audience. You can do this by
the day, and it only takes 20 minutes to make it. using the size, color or placement of the object to
20,000 new users signup every single day. As of increase the focus on a certain part. To select the
the latest count, over 45 million PowToons have elements of design to emphasize, ask yourself:
been created and shared around the world. What is the most important feature of this slide?
Tip: In order to add emphasis, make your
THE FOUR BASIC PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN text bolder, an image larger or use a color brighter
Creating beautiful presentation requires a than your base.
symphony of visual elements requires a symphony
of visual elements together to work together for a
“big picture.” Designers seek to make the entire
vision work together in terms of how each part is

As you might generalize, language is all
around us- from the way we speak and
communicate with one another, to the books that
we read, even when we use our body to give away
signals for pleasure, pain and excitement. And as
our world transitions to the online age, when
communication is no longer personal, linguists still
continue to study the emerging language mediums.
The field of linguistic is particularly interested with
the use of language in everyday landscape in
different contexts. Since Internet is highly used and
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUxTM7uO3yY
online content suggest defining context to the
netizen, linguists consider pictures, signs, and
3. Unity. Your design should always feel unified so photos as having ideologies that talk to people
that all your slides are connected together visually, exposed in these kinds of multilingual landscape.
and your deck has a consistent look and feel. The
elements on your page must relate to one another As part of the online age, you have to be
through design elements such as color, shape, good in examining how signs communicate with
texture and so on. For example, if the elements on you in the context of the author and the reader/
recipient in the emerging linguistics landscapes.
the page feel like they were placed without
purpose, then your design will feel scattered, and 1. Linguistic Landscape
your audience will likely to be confused about the
tone of your message. When you find yourself lost in unfamiliar
place, you first look around for signs that may tell
Tip: Study color theory typography and the
you where actually are. You would look for street
balance principles detailed above to ensure that all
names, billboards, signage, or even bills posted on
of the element flow together to create a cohesive walls and posts. Those signs will help you
design. familiarize yourself in the surrounding and may
4. Movement. Designers often use curved lines to signal you about a familiar thing that may make you
identify your location. The things that you can
instill a sense of motion, and to encourage the eye
actually see that do not necessarily word to express
to move sequentially from one point to the next.
a thought is called a linguistic language.
This can be an important tool when you are trying
to move an audience through a story, or present a Wherever you are, the linguistic and
series of information on a slide. semiotic materials may come in form of billboards,
signage, street names, traffic regulations or graffiti.
Tip: Try using a curved line that moves
These materials go unnoticed most of the time.
through your text, from image to image or even Advertisements, flyers and written notices are part
slide to slide. Curved lines are also great for of our everyday life. Memes, troll posts, and tweets
creative chart layouts. Ditch the standard chart are prevalent online. All of these are part of
designs for a layout that utilizes curved lines to linguistic landscapes.
draw eyes to your various points.

Source: https://grocerytv.com/blog/dooh-during-covid-19/

Linguistics considers signs to express

symbolic meaning and messages. It is both a
language and a medium of communication own its
Source: https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Pareto-chart- own. Researches tend to analyze the purpose of
the author/ writer, how these signs and symbols are
produced, and to whom they are directed to. In
some cases, signs can usually be identified in the
LESSO Evaluating Messages basis of form of the signage or symbol.
and/or Images A. Geosemiotics

Looking at particular sign, you may notice based on the contextual meaning and discourse,
that the various elements used in have meaning, thus, a sign may be:
and elements symbolic in the message they want to
convey. Try to pay attention to the various features
including color, size, shape and where the sign is Regulatory, if it includes authority and is
placed. They may be used in analyzing the symbol official or legal prohibitions,
and contextual meaning of signs. This is what Source: https://www.trafficsigns.com/regulatory-signs
linguistics call as geosemiotics. It is a mode of
analyzing signs. Infrastructural, if it labels things or directs for
the maintenance of a building or any infrastructure,
Geosemiotics is the study of the social Source: https://philhyundai.com/stories/traffic-road-signs-
meaning of the material placement of signs in the
world. By signs we mean to include any semiotic
Commercial, which advertises or promotes
system including language and discourse (Scollon
a product, an event, or a service in commerce.
& Scollon, 2003; in Mooney & Evans, 2015).

If you look at a sign more critically, you

would likely understand the intention of the maker
and his purpose. This is why signs are replaced in
the location that has relevance to the message it
wants to convey. Imagine a one- way sign in two-
way street. Most drivers would surely get confused
because it does not relate to the place where it is
supposed to be.

Note that the language and placement of

signs are just two of semiotic systems. Other
things, likely typeface used, the color, images and
so on, also create and communicate meaning.
Because signs are so varied across linguistic
landscape, you need to pay attention to all these Source: https://www.poyantsigns.com/types-commercial-
semiotic choices of the maker. business-signs/
Having mentioned the images, the use of
symbols and other features also support the Transgressive, if it violates (intentionally or
message of the sign. Imagine what would happen if accidentally) the conventional semiotics or is in
the skull and bone sign on poisonous bottle is wrong place, like a graffiti (In English, graffiti is
colored pink. used both as a singular and plural noun. In Italian,
though, the singular form is grafitto).
Now consider the signs that follow:
Now, examine the sign that follows. Identify
the linguistic contents (words, phrases) in the
graffiti and what each means. Also, identify the
symbols used and what each tries to convey.

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pg23/5589452975

Analyze the sign. It is in the right place?

What meaning does the sign is trying to convey?

Kinds of Signs
Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/anti-war-grafitti-john-
Although it is often assumed that signs only
differ in features, signs divided into different kinds
This is an example of graffiti, a
transgressive sign. We have defined a
transgressive sign as one which intentionally or
accidentally violates the conventional semiotics at
that place such as discarded snack food wrapper or
graffiti, or nay sign in wrong space ( Scollon &
Scollon, 2003; in Mooney & Evans, 2015)

As already mentioned, graffiti are language landscapes that can be analyzed in its
transgressive signs. Graffiti may have varied
meanings. The idea of the people is to have a
medium of public voice is shown in the production
of graffiti. The graffiti is an unsanctioned urban text
(Carrington, 2009; in Mooney and Evans, 2015).
This kind of transgressive discourse conveys power
and control to the person or group behind the
production of graffiti. Most of these graffiti express
a narrative outside the boundaries of the
conventional language.

Carrington (2009; in Mooney & Evans,

2015) describes a graffiti as vernacular. We can
also understand it in relation to the bottom-up context and features.
scheme described above. As these signs are not Source: https://wccftech.com/youtube-gets-a-new-continue-
top down, they allow the viewer to see the watching-feature-on-the-website/
contribution to other people to the built of the
environment. While there are certainly some similarities
between television and YouTube, it is also be
B. Graffiti described as being post- television (Lister, et al;
Tolson, 2010; cited by Mooney & Evans, 20150).
Graffiti is a way to disempowered people to Some media researchers believe that television
make a visible mark, to disrupt the landscape that differ from YouTube. Television tends to be filmed
is increasingly occupied by the increasingly power. and recorded from a studio and is centered, while
As argued by the linguist, graffiti creates a narrative YouTube videos may be recorded by people who
and is a form of participatory culture. The people have recording gadgets at home which can be dis-
who live in the space provide evidence of their centered.
experiences, views and actions. In this sense, it is a Also, television tends to be to have a
form of citizenship. It allows for the visibility of a hierarchy of discourse, with some channels and
hidden community and permits this community to programs being more prestigious than others. This
see itself in this environment. may depend on the institutional voice of the
Having said that, examine now the narrative channel or program or the kind of people producing
in the graffiti that follows. What could be the story the content YouTube however, it is not hierarchical.
behind the graffiti? How did the artist disrupt the While content is searchable and ordered so that
landscape? Was the artist successful in viewers can find material, none of it is presented by
communicating his views, and in making the the platforms as more prestigious than anything
community to which he belongs is visible? else. In addition to this, rather than having
institutional voice, the voices on the YouTube are
C. Online Landscape the individual voices, with ordinary people
becoming celebrities and experts. Finally, what a
People who go online are called netizen- viewer can watch is dictated by the television
abstractions of the words Internet and citizen. program schedule; while YouTube provides very
Netizens are metaphorically considered as the little direction what to watch when. Just as
citizens of the virtual world. We now lived in a time producers choose what to broadcast, viewers can
when almost everyone has at least one social choose what to watch and when to watch it (Tolson,
media account. 2010; in Mooney & Evans, 2015).

We communicate now these virtual 2. Twitter

landscapes more than ever. The virtual space is
also a language landscape. Looking at it as This virtual landscape is described by
landscape rather than language should prompt you Monney & Evans (2015) as ubiquitous. What this
to see the semiotic options in the context of social virtual landscape looks like depends on the
spaces in this environment. Three of the many technology and on the choices the user makes. An
media in this landscape are the following: individual’s experience of Twitter, for example,
depends on who he/
1. YouTube she is following,
which hash tags
Although YouTube (be mindful as to how he/she is interested
the word is spelled because it is a proper noun) in, and so on.
videos cannot be specifically considered as signs Moreover, the way
or symbols, YouTube video producers use symbols people use Twitter
and signs, generally inclusive in the language used, can vary widely.
to convey the message they want to express. It is
difficult to generalize the use of YouTube whether It may be
for research, entertainment, or extensive used for keeping up
advertisement. As such, the YouTube videos are with developments in
work and career,

making sure the train is running time, following relationship of the photo, the symbols used, the
favorite celebrities, or interacting friends. message, and the font style and sized used.
Source: https://www.dailypedia.net/2021/09/list-the-10-most- The problem with this landscape is this: too
many memes are cringe-worthy for their blundered
grammar and erroneous spelling and/or
Twitter (and other online platforms), provide
punctuation. Some are even culturally intensive,
opportunities (though always with limitations) and
gender/class insensitive, and/or politically incorrect.
resources for making choices in how we create a
Yet, people like and share them.
personalized linguistic and semiotic landscape.
Gillen & Merchant (2013; in Mooney & Evans,
Remember: Memes like that should
2015) refer to these choices in terms of
never be patronized, especially by the educated
constructing a point of view. Further, because of
and critical.
the user generated content on Twitter, users are
changing the very landscape they inhabit, even
given the small amount of space allowed for each
tweet (140 characters).
Therefore, in dealing with the thinking about LESSO
linguistic landscape, we are no longer just thinking
Analyzing Multimedia
about signs, posters, billboards, and notices
in Various Fields
(Mooney & Evans, 2015).

c. Memes
In most academic and business setting, the
One of the things that the World Wide Web importance of gaining knowledge alone has been
make possible is the quick circulations of memes. overtaken by the myriad possibilities and
Memes are prevalent in social media, and if we ask opportunities of how individuals and organizations
a student no matter how if he/she encountered one can utilize the knowledge they gain. However,
or two, it is most probably that he/ she has already. gaining units of knowledge and developing 21 st
century skills in using the knowledge must work
To make the definition short, meme is a concomitantly for one is useless without the other.
term given to any post, language and photo that
has an uptake to a social, moral, or political idea What should be done with multimedia texts?
that most of the time seems funny. Memes are Because multimodal texts provide huge amount of
contagious patterns of cultural information that get knowledge, it is imperative that people should
passed from mind to mind and directly generate evaluate these materials. Among
and shape the the skills that can be used in this
mindset and case are critical reading and
significance forms critical listening.
of behavior and
actions of a social According to Center for
group. Memes Writing of the University of
includes as things Minnesota (2017), effective
such as popular reading “requires approaching
tones, texts with a critical eye: evaluating
catchphrases, what you read for not just what it
clothing fashions,
says, but how and why it says it.”
architectural styles,
ways of doing The center further explained that
things, icons, effective reading is central to both
jingles, and the effective research and effective writing. Being an
like, said Knobel & effective reader also means able to evaluate your
Lankshear (20017; in Mooney & Evans, 2015) own practices, working to develop your critical
reading skills.
Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/396202-tito-sotto-
plagiarism-controversy Similarly, the University of Minnesota
Libraries Publishing (UMPL) (2012) described
Memes are striking example of extensive, critical listening as “the process a listener goes
bottom-up activity that changes the linguistic through using careful, systematic thinking and
landscape (Mooney & Evans, 2015). reasoning to see whether a speaker’s message
makes sense in light of factual evidence. When
Memes do not become viral; it also imbeds
listeners are not critical of the message they are
a lasting impression to people who can relate to the
meme. Since meme are naturally comic in nature, attending to, they are more likely to be persuaded
replicability of memes is one of its best elements. by illogical arguments based on opinions and not
facts. The UMLP added that the word “critical” does
People who create memes tend to carefully not necessarily mean that you are claiming that the
consider the photo that will be used, the relevance information you are listening to is somehow faulty
of the message it wants to convey and the or flawed. Rather, critical listening means engaging

in what you are listening to by asking yourself and understand the world. Therefore, analysis of
questions such as, “What is the speaker trying to advertisements is necessary (McKee, 2017).
say?” or “What is the main argument being
By giving advertisement a critical eye, we
presented?” “How does what I’m hearing differ from
will be able to create insights into how multimodal
my beliefs, knowledge or opinion?” Critical listening
texts and culture influence each other. We will also
is, therefore, fundamental to true learning.
be able to recognize opportunity to look into the
Critical reading and critical listening are purpose, design, persuasive techniques, logical
parallel in that they involve analysis of the fallacies, biases, arguments, and other
information being received and alignment with what characteristics of advertisement.
we already know or believe. Indeed, both are
Advertisements communicate layers of
essential in analyzing multimodal texts present in
messages to target audience through the use of
various contexts. In this article, both skills will be
words and images whether literally or subliminally.
used in analyzing advertisements, journalistic
photography, and visual arts. A literal message is based on what the text
A. Analyzing Advertisement shows. The reader elicits the meaning based on
what is conveyed explicitly.
Collins English Dictionary (2019) defines Another layer of message is the subliminal
advertisement as “any public notice, as a printed message. Which contains an underlying meaning.
display in a newspaper, short film on television, A text does not express this explicitly. It may be
announcement on radio or online etc., designed to argued that a subliminal message may be
sell goods, publicize and event, etc. From this understood only by a receiver who is aware of
certain meanings that are associated with specific
definition, we can identify the numerous types of
images and words.
a. Print ad – uses different colors, images, logos
and slogans to get people’s attention.
b. Radio ad – uses music, human and non-human
voices, sound effects and jingles.
c. Television ad – uses the elements of the print
and radio ads including videos to tell a story.
d. Online ad – uses the features of the print, radio,
and television ads, with a component of customer
feedback that can instantaneously communicate
comment about products or services.
Fig 1. Print
Fig 2. Online

Fig 1. Source: Source:

beef.html https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/search/commonwealth:7
Fig 2. Source:

What can be the message of the advertisement

On the literal level, the advertisement
https://www.emergelocal.com/facebook-ad-campaigns-philippine- shows that if you use “Stearine Soap”, you will
have a fairer complexion.
According to Jessica McKee (2017),
But if we will look deeply onto the
advertisements provide information to every facet
advertisement, it arguably carries a subliminally
of our lives, but we give them little attention. We
racist message because a White American holds
may pass judgement on them as “funny” or “stupid”
the Black American on the head and scrubs him
or see them as simple ways of making us buy a
with the soap to become white.
product or services. However, it is seldom that we
see them as message that need critical
consideration, furthermore, advertisements do
more than just entertain and sell products – they
suggest yardsticks of success, of happiness, of
beauty, and so on or paradigms of ow we perceive

Propaganda 6. Repetition. The advertisement repeats a
Propaganda is commonly associated with
advertising. Propaganda is spreading or presenting
of ideas or information designed to persuade
someone to be for or against something. Ads are
used to sell products, to encourage us to do
something, to spread information and some ads are
designed to create favorable climates of opinions.
There basically two kinds of advertisements: those
that offer reasons and those that are not.
Advertisements that do not rely on reasons usually
use propaganda techniques such as the following: particular name or word over and over again in
hopes of making you remember it.
1. Bandwagon. This technique encourages the Source:
listener or reader to go along with something of-the-week-repetition-repetition-repetition-oh-and-did-i-mention-repetition.html
because everyone 7. Twisted statistic. This involves the presentation
else is doing it. It of statistics without describing the size of the
plays on a person’s population from which the sample was drawn as
desire not to be well as the size of the sample.
disliked or left off.

2. Name calling. The
advertiser uses
belittling names to describe an individual or group
in a

Source: https://www.cracked.com/pictofacts-479-19-ways-you-
way that make them bad.
Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/40039884165897716/ In doing a simple analysis of an
advertisement, it may be useful to ask these basic
3. Testimonial. This technique has a famous questions:
individual who endorses or recommends a product
or idea in the hope that the reader will buy it. 1. What message is conveyed in the
Fig 1. Testimonial advertisement?
Fig 2. Comparison & Contrast
2. How does the advertisement use three
Fig 1 Source: rhetorical appeals of ethos (emotion),
https://myleskessler.com/12- pathos (credibility) and logos (reason)?
effective-advertisement/ Logos (logical appeal)—Using this tool employs
testimonial/ deductive and/or inductive thinking in presenting
your view in a particular manner. Good
Fig 2 Source: reasoning or sound logic is supported by facts,
data, statistics and expert knowledge from
credible sources. This kind of appeal also
makes use of examples, consequences,
comparison and contrasts. The delivery of such
an appeal uses academic, formal language.

https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/comparative-advertising Ethos (ethical appeal) –This kind of appeal

finds strength in the
4. Comparison and Contrast. The advertiser authority and credibility of
compares and contrasts similar products or ideas to the source of information
convince the reader that one is better than the and knowledge. It requires
other. that you present different
sides of the argument and
declare your personal
5. Glittering generality. It is a showy, general interest in the issue. By
statement that uses virtue words like love and doing this, you are
generosity to make people approve and accept the establishing your qualities
product or idea without examining the evidence. of trustworthiness and
Source: https://propagandafoodcomms9.weebly.com/glittering- reliability because you
generality.html assert that you are aware
of the issue’s different

dimensions. This kind of appeal uses language In analyzing journalistic photography,
that is suitable for a particular audience. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
(2008) suggested that we consider these questions.
Pathos (emotional appeal)—To illustrate you
points and support your arguments, you can 1. What is the subject and angle of the photo
involve your audience by sharing specific
essay? What is the essay’s message?
narratives that can move them. Emotions allow
readers and listeners to identify with real people 2. Describe the photo in the essay. Which
who have gone through similar stories of conflict images are particularly memorable to you?
and triumph. The use of rhetorical questions and Explain your reason.
figurative speech are also used to catch 3. Do the photo essay appeal to your
attention and provoke insight about an issue.
emotions? Are they intended to make you
Language that evokes strong feelings is used in
this kind of appeal. feel a certain way?
4. Is the photo essay objective? If not, in what
3. Does the advertisement effectively ways is it biased?
represent reality? In what way? 5. Do captions or text accompany the photos?
4. Who is the target audience? (Consider age, What do they say? Do the words and
gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic images effectively tell the story?
status, etc.) 6. In your own opinion, does the photo essay
5. Does the advertisement intend to inform, do a good job of telling you about an
entertain, or persuade? It is successful in its important event or issue? Is there anything
purpose? Explain. you think the photographer could have done
6. What lifestyle or values are embedded in differently?
the advertisement? Do you think the Example:
advertisement is effective in influencing the
viewers to practice these values?
7. Identify at least two facts in this
8. If any, what message is hidden in this
9. What technique did the advertisement use?
(Consider emotional appeal, promotional
advertising, bandwagon advertising, fact
and statistics, complimenting the customer,
bribe, endorsement, visual metaphors,
catchy phrase, etc.) Are these techniques
successful in making the advertisement
10. Does the advertisement show bias? How is
Source: https://photojournalismobjectivity.weebly.com/
this bias demonstrated?
11. Do you agree with the advertisement? This is an image of the rescue workers carrying
Explain why? a girl who was rescued from the rubble at the side of a
collapsed residential building in Mumbai September 27,
B. ANALYZING JOURNALISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY 2013. The five-storey apartment block collapsed on
Friday in the Indian financial center of Mumbai, killing at
Perhaps in one of your courses in basic least four people and trapping scores in the latest
education, you have been assigned to hold a photo accident to underscore shoddy building standards in
essay activity which tells a story using the medium Asia’s third-largest economy.
of photography. This kind of activity requires you
analyze photographs, which consequently Immediately, this photo evokes an emotional
reaction from those viewing it. This photo tugs on the
enhances further your media literacy. Journalistic
reader/viewer heartstrings as the image of a dirtied,
photography is another form of multimodal text crying little girl is pulled from the rubble, but this image
which uses a combination of meaning-making causes sympathetic readers to be transported to a place
systems. Since photographs are often considered where tragedies such as these are taking place. This
as truthful representation of the world – history, causes more interest in the article and the overall
politics, education, religion, traditions, customs newspaper because it makes people feel something
architecture, etc., we ought to think critically about they usually don’t. ad referred to in Donna Schwartz’s
the images that we encounter in our lives. Although article “To Tell the Truth: Codes of Objectivity in
photojournalists process their own point of view in Photojournalism,” drama holds people. If this
their own work, it is still important to view photographer has taken a photo with just the destroyed
building, the photo wouldn’t have been as affective on
photographs with a critical eye.
the audience because there is no human response. If
Source: the building would have collapsed with no one in it, the
https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/california/articles/d story would be less tragic – buildings can be rebuilt. But
orothea-lange-a-powerful-photographic-portrayal-of-strength- memories stay with you forever.

This photo also exercises the use of selective 2. Formulate a main claim. Reflect on the overall
focusing. As you can see, the only figure with brighter organization of the work of art. Consider how the
colors on them is the little girl rescued. So as soon as formal elements impact the meaning of the artwork.
you look at this photo, your eyes are directly drawn to Relate this work to other works of you have studied.
the little girl. Then, because the little girl seems to be in
such grief, it causes the viewer to analyze the photo to
figure out what happened to this girl. The little girl’s face
3. Support your main claim with visual details.
is one of the only faces you see, so it seems as though Analyze the form of the artwork. Address only those
this picture was put together rather than just randomly elements relevant to your main claim. In other
taken. This photo exercises the informational bias of words, explain the significance of your choices for
what is happening to the people affected by the tragedy, your main claim. Use vocabulary words mentioned
but the photo nor description don’t give you much insight in class.
as to what happened to the building itself or why it Study the following example of visual arts
collapsed. analysis by Adrian Lopez from Analyzing Artwork

Dictionary.com (2019) defines visual arts as

the art created primarily for visual perception, as
drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, and the
decorative arts as opposed to music, drama, and
literature. As a multimodal text, the evaluation of
visual arts aims to appreciate and understand the
visual choices the artist used in creating the
artwork. Aside from discussing the formal elements
such as color, line, texture, and size, visual arts
analysis may also include the artwork’s historical
Analysis of visual arts provide students with Source:
better understanding and greater appreciation of https://sites.google.com/a/hbuhsd.edu/ib-art/analyzing-artwork

the art – often considered as subject for the elite – This artwork contains a sad little girl that is
bleeding from the nose and holding a teddy bear, all
as it helps them break the obstacle that they feel
while she is standing in a landscape of rubble. There are
when they encounter art. Prior to analyzing visual five people in the background that are looking directly at
art, they may be encouraged to visit the local the little girl; two men are photographing her, a woman
museum or gallery or even make them watch in with a clip board and headphones has her arm extended
class a video about artists and art organizations to that prevents two men wearing red crosses from
throw light on how to evaluate artworks. interfering with the sad event that is occurring.
The artist used jagged lines to create the
According to Sweetland Center for Writing disorder and destruction surrounding the little girl. The
(2019) at the University of Michigan, visual arts little girl is placed slightly off-center in the foreground for
typically consist of three components: the viewer in order to place greater emphasis on her,
while placing the observers in the background. The most
a. Context – the information relevant to the noticeable use of the elements of art is the use of only
creation of the artwork, including the time one color, red. The artist used an intense red to draw
the viewer’s attention to the blood on the girl’s face and
period and the artist’s background. on the Red Cross men that want to help the child. The
b. Form – consists of the subject formal placement of the people in the artwork and the use of
elements such as color, line, texture, and red place great emphasis on the child being depicted
size. because it makes the viewer’s eyes refer back to the
c. Content – the issue or subject matter little girl.
addressed in the artwork. The destruction surrounding the child, blood on
her face, and her facial expression tells us that it is a
Writing Studio at Duke University explained that sad and uncomfortable environment. The scene is also
in writing a visual arts analysis, “you must look disturbing because the adults are not helping the
closely at an art object – or at a photograph of an innocent and crying child. Instead, they are taking
advantage of her situation and documenting it for their
object – and your visual observations into written own benefit. The artist utilizes this scene to make his
text. However, a visual analysis does not simply audience aware of the great lengths that the news
record your observations. It also makes a claim media is willing to go to in order to obtain a “touching”
about the work of “art.” It also outlined the actions story.
to take in visual arts analysis as follows:
This artwork is very powerful and thought
1. Observe the artwork and write down your provoking because the artist provides a different
observations. Be precise with composition, colors, perspective for his audience about the news media. He
textures, size, space, and other visual and material confronts the viewer with a dramatic scene of
attributes of the artwork. Go beyond your first helplessness in order to get his social message across.
impressions. Therefore, this artwork successfully achieves and meets
the criteria for the aesthetic theory of instrumentalism.

LESSO Communication Aids
and Strategies Using
Tools of
Technology has taken over the world in
these past decades. Its rapid development has
made a huge impact on each aspect of life and also
in communication. In fact, the fast changes of
communication dealt a big hit on wave of using
Internet sources and social media accounts. Even COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES
selling and buying goods, technology is taking on
high demand value. Communication is the exchange of
information between a sender and a receiver. It
Thus, in this lesson, the students will learn used to be that you only had to worry about the way
more about the significant of the technological you communicated face-to-face or on paper.
inventions and the advent of Internet era Technology has changed this completely. It is
communication. An eye opener to have an idea important for people to take into account every
how to make presentation during class or at work to aspect of how they are relaying information. This is
be presentable that provokes the attention of the where communication strategies come into play.
audience. And also gives them an idea how to use Communication strategies are the blueprints for
the different strategies that enhances the self how this information will be exchanged.
confidence in front of others.
Types of Communication Strategies
Communication strategies can be verbal,
A communication aid helps an individual to nonverbal, or visual. Integrating all the strategies
communicate more effectively with people around together will allow you to see the most success.
them. This allows a business to meet employee needs
Communication aids are also referred to as and increase workplace knowledge.
AAC devices. AAC refers to Augmentative and
Alternative Communication, which is defined as, … 1. Verbal communication strategies can be
a huge range of techniques which support or broken down into the two categories of written and
replace spoken communication. These include oral communication. Written strategies consist of
gesture, signing, symbols, word boards, avenues such as e-mail, text, and chat. Examples
communication boards and books, as well as Voice that fall into the oral category are phone calls, video
Output Communication Aids (VOCAs). chats, and face-to-face conversation.

There are two main types of AAC system:

Unaided Communication and Aided

1. Unaided communication does not use

additional equipment. Body language, gesture,
vocalization, signing is typically used.

2. Aided communication uses equipment, but this

ranges from low-tech to high-tech methods, with
pictures and symbols often used instead of, or
together with words and with alternative hardware
options available to provide access. Whilst a low-
tech method of communication like a simple,
laminated communication book to carry around with 2. Nonverbal communication strategies consist
a few pages of pictures or symbols would be a of mostly visual cues, such as body language,
communication aid, the term ‘device’ would only facial expressions, physical distance between
describe a more high-tech solution. An electronic communicators, or the tone of your voice. These
communication aid can be a dedicated device built cues are typically not intended. However, it is
for that job, which does nothing else, or it can be important to realize the message you are sending.
standard computer running specialist Otherwise, you may be saying one thing, yet the
communication aid software as well – this includes receiver is hearing another.
Apple tablets which are increasingly being used to
help people communicate.

3. Visual communication strategies can be seen that is taken up through unlimited participation by
through signs, web pages, and illustrations. These students from different location around the globe.
strategies are used in the workplace to draw MOOCs may not have academic credits like in a
attention and provide documentation. Human college or university course; however, they provide
resources are required to post certain visuals education they may be used for certification, job
throughout the workplace to comply with safety applications and further studies. In writing, for
laws. example, Ohio State University has partnered with
Coursera to create a course that engages
participants as writers, reviewers, and editors in a
COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USING series of interactive reading, composition, and
TECHNOLOGY IN SCHOOL research activities with assignments designed to
help them become more efficient consumers and
In the traditional classroom set up, the producers of alphabetic, visual and multimodal
teacher is the center of instruction. But the texts.
surrounding environment has evolved and so the Source: https://www.codlearningtech.org/2015/11/23/5-
classrooms. The emergence of instructional questions-what-you-need-to-know-about-moocs/
technology has contributed much to the way
innovative instruction is delivered to technology- 5. Games and Gamification – also referred to as
famished learners in the 21st century classrooms. “Game-Based learning” has passed through
With the latest technologies around, schools can recreation and become widely used in education.
give primary attention to digital citizenship- the This technology integrates digital and online games
responsible use of technology – which among the into the curriculum because they have been found
essential skills 21st century students should acquire. effective tools for scaffolding concepts and
stimulating real world experiences. As an example,
In June 13, 2016 TeachThought Staff the University of Minnesota’s School of Nursing has
reported examples of emerging educational partnered with the Minnesota Hospital Association
technologies. Some of these are: and the technology firms, VitalSims, to develop
1. Cloud Computing – it has become essential web-based interactive games that engage nursing
part of collaboration in both schools and the students with real-life scenarios.
workplace. As an example, using cloud-based
tools, the Global curriculum Project in Social
Science across five different countries.
Source: https://www.esds.co.in/blog/importance-of-cloud-

2. Mobile Learning – it has continued to gain

popularity because of the expected billions of
downloads of applications across smartphones and
tablets. Surpassing in popularity both business and
entertainment applications, educational applications
are the second most downloaded in iTunes. In
Mathematics, for example, Year Four students at
St. Leonardo’s College, a primary school in
Australia, are using tablets loaded with math apps
and e-textbooks to access information, receive Source:
instruction, record measurements and conduct https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/422625/vital-
research. simulations-supports-national-nurses-week
Source: https://www.educatorstechnology.com/2018/03/9-
good-android-math-apps-for-students.html Innovative classroom instruction is also
experienced in the utilization if open-source
3. Tablet Computing – it allows students to use learning Management Systems (LMSs). Watson
their tablets to seamlessly access textbook and and Watsons (2007), in an article by Kurt (2018),
other course materials. They can choose defines LMSs as a “frameworks that handles all
applications that make it easy for them to create a aspects of the learning process. An LMS is the
personalized learning milieu. The value of this infrastructure that delivers and manages
technology is clearly displayed by Professor instructional content, identifies and assess
Messner at Virginia Commonwealth University who individual and organizational learning or training
secured iPads for his students so they could create
multimedia news stories happenings on campus
and in the surrounding community. The students
learned the importance of social media in
journalism and found the iPad useful for gathering
news and sources.

4. MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses – it

was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier from the
University of Prince Edward Island for the course
“Connectivism and Connective Knowledge.” MOOC
is a free Web-based distance learning program and

goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those enhances course instruction. Moodle consists of
goals, and collects and presents data for the following features.
supervising the learning process of an organization
as a whole.” a. Assignment Activity is where learners can
submit work for grading by and feedback
LMSs such as Open edX, Canvas, Moodle, from teachers and remind them of tasks
Schoology and Google Classroom have been they need to accomplish offline. Moodle
designed to assist with course design, assignment claims this feature to be more efficient than
submission, file organization and digital grade email.
b. Forum Activity allows learners and teachers
1. The Open edX is a tool empowering learner to to exchange ideas by posting comments in
access course content, including videos and this feature. In forums posts, students may
textbooks, while checking their progress in the include images and media files. Aside from
course. The open edX LMS has a discussion forum teacher giving grades to these posts, the
and a wiki that both learners and course team students may be given permission to rate
members can contribute to, whereas the latter can one another’s posts.
also use an instructor dashboard.
c. Quiz Activity allows the teacher to design
quizzes (kept in the Question Bank) of
different types such as multiple choice, true-
false, short answer and drag and drop
images and text.

d. Workshop Activity is where students submit

their work and receive work of their
classmates which they must evaluate in
accordance with the teachers’ instructions.
Identities of student-evaluators can be overt
or covert depending on the choice of the

Source: https://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-building-

2. Canvas is a cloud-based learning management

system designed
particularly for K-12
teachers and students.
This LMS connects all
the digital teaching
tools and resources in
one place. It is a
seamless integration
of myriad of Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Different-type-of-
applications that activities-can-be-added-in-a-course-on-
enhances instruction
and make it easier and
4. Schoology is another LMS that consists of tools
more exciting. Tools in
in creating engaging content, designing lessons
Canvas can be utilized
and assessing student understanding. It connects
on web browsers,
the users on the same network where sharing
mobile devices and
across classroom, institution or global environment
Source: transpires. In Schoology, teachers can easily
https://apkpure.com/canvas-teacher/com.instructure.teacher produce “media-rich lessons, reuse their past
3. Moodle is an LMS designed to create courses, and even embed content from Google
personalized learning environments through a Drive, Microsoft Office, YouTube, and countless
robust, secure and integrated system. Guided by web tools.” Among the important features of the
social constructionist philosophy, Moodle is a LMS are pace and track students individually,
learner-centered and collaborative classroom that connect them in collaborative activities and

differentiate, flip or blend instruction. In addition, of business progress and the collaboration of ideas.
through its grading tools, instructors can evaluate Video conferencing software such as ezTalks
and record student performance and engagement Cloud Meeting allows for arrangement of meetings
by accessing their submitted work, and later regardless of the physical location of a member
provide them with written and video feedback. thus good for emergency cases. This means that
video conferencing guarantees a speedy redress of
a. Google Drive for assignment creation and business concerns and increased productivity.
distribution. Photos taken using mobile apps
in iOS and Android devices can be attached Effective online communication tools for
to assignments. business like video conferencing have the following
b. Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for writing
a. It enables immediate meetings and short
activities that allow students and teacher to
notice meetings.
create and edit documents, spreadsheets
b. It facilitates collaboration without an
and presentations. individual having to leave their office.
c. It is very cost-effective.
c. Gmail communication where d. It allows for multi-point meetings based on
announcement, along with media forms various time zones.
such as YouTube videos, can be posted e. It allows for real-time concessions.
and learners can comment on. Teachers f. It facilitates non-verbal communication.
can also send emails to students in its
interlace. Video conferencing software such as
ezTalks Cloud Meeting only needs the user to have
d. Google Calendar for scheduling that a camera and a microphone so as to communicate
includes assignments due dates, filed trips online.
and class speakers.

Source: https://eztalks.com/video-meeting/5-best-web-

2. Chats

Chats can be described as online text

Source: http://talktechwithme.com/2017/09/13/understanding- conversations that happen in real-time. The 3 ways
different-schoology-features/ of conducting chats include the following:

a. Internet relay chat – Users of IRC employ

OTHER TYPES OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION an external program (a client) in order to
TOOLS create a connection with an IRC server.
This means that the accessibility of an IRC
There are other several tools which can be mainly relies on the client’s accessibility.
easily and successfully utilized in an online setting This tool is mostly used by a technical
to both collaborate and communicate. Most of audience.
these online communication tools for business are
only utilized in real-time settings. This is why they b. Instant messenger – This is a downloadable
heavily depend on various media such as auditory messaging program that people use to
and visual, can be faced with numerous communicate. Examples of messenger
accessibility barriers and might have complex include AOL Instant Messenger and MSN
interfaces. Messenger. Instant messaging has become
a more reliable online communication tools
1. Video conferencing. Video conferencing for students, especially with the latest
services have developed to become one of the top generation. Instant messenger software
types of online communication tools. Businesses usually requires users to create a nickname
benefit from video conferencing through meetings. and an account. Communicators are heavily
This is because meetings allow for the discussion

used to facilitate private chats, this is in communication tool for business are Skype,
different forms like phone services, file and ezTalks, Whats App, etc.
video exchange and of course messaging. 6. Email

c. Web-based chat – These are online chats Electronic mail or email is among the old
which are accessed via a normal browser. A online communication tools. It allows users to
good example is the chat feature that Gmail transfer photographs, send files and receive news
has put in place. Usually, a portion of the from any part of the world. This online
screen or even the entire screen refreshes communication tool is broadly utilized for public
on a regular basis. Web-based chats are communication, particularly in mailing lists.
very accessible today because the output is
HTML. The list above is not exhaustive as there are
other basic online communication tools such as
3. Viber websites, newsletters, web 2.0 and even social
Social media communication is more of a
necessity nowadays. Anyone thinking about the The internet has availed a good number of
convenience of online communications should at new mainstream communication tools that has
least have a Viber app installed on their phone if revolutionized things. This is because the different
not on the PC. Viber allows individuals to make free types of online communication tools have greatly
calls. Additionally, it can also be used to make reduced the time spent in creating and deli
video calls. The best thing about this digital tool is
that it is free to install. As such, if you wish to enjoy Technology advancements have lots to
free call or video chats at no cost, you need to have offer. At this point, you cannot afford to overlook
Viber. some of these innovations, most of which have a
direct impact on our lives. That said, this write-up
4. Whiteboards highlights some essential digital tools that are
bound to have an effect on your life and how you
Interactive whiteboards are among the most go about your business (https://www.ontwik.com).
recent types of online communication tools.
Whiteboards are popular online communication
tools in education. They are beneficial as they allow 7. Gmail
users to write, draw and even collaborate with the
help of an interface which simulates an actual Apart from having Viber installed on your
physical whiteboard. device, it is also vital to consider having a Gmail
account and an app on your smart phone. Gmail is
Whiteboards require users to have a mouse used for both formal an informal communication.
in order to add some content. Most, if not all the Syncing your Gmail will also allow you to receive
content in an electronic whiteboard is created in emails, with your preferred electronic gadget.
real-time and graphical. Whiteboards have become
the top online communication tools in education 8. LinkedIn
because of their features aid in learning.
In This tool is primarily meant to bring
professionals together. With this tool, you can be
sure of enjoying several benefits. To start with, it
allows users to upload their curriculum vitae or
access personal information using any digital
device. Additionally, with LinkedIn people can
communicate with professionals of their choice and
thus, it allows for networking without having to meet
such people physically. More to this, with LinkedIn
you can share your project or any other work or
related report at your comfort.
Source: https://ditchthattextbook.com/online-whiteboard/

9. Facebook
5. Voice over IP
Like digital tools highlighted above, having a
Voice over IP also known as VoIP is a term
Facebook account and using is free of change.
that is used in reference to a voice conversation
Ideally, having a Facebook account helps you get
which is conducted over an internet connection
in touch with new friends, meet others, and have
rather than over the traditional phone line. Various
real conversations without being physically close to
large organizations utilize VoIP in place of the
each other. If you have a business enterprise,
conventional phone line. It should be noted that it is
sharing your product might also help you leverage
very possible to make Voice over IP calls over a
critical sales. Irrespective of what you do, you have
computer but with either handsets or a USB
no reason ignoring the need to have a Facebook
headset. VoIP calls are purely audio-based. Some
good examples of VoIP as an online

All the above are free digital tools that are a
must-have if you wish to maintain a close touch Always remember this:
with your acquaintances. Thus, it goes without
saying that you ought to use these tools in  10-20-30- 10 Slides, 20 Minutes,30 Font size
moderation to ensure you do other aspects of your  1-6- 6 – 1 Main Idea, 6 Bullets point, 6 Words
life are not compromised. per Bullet.
 7- 7– 7 lines, 7 words.
USING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY  9 Ps- Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor
Performance of the Person Putting on the
 Digital Slides – Presentation software commonly Presentation
using Power Point. It allows computer users to
display information in multimedia presentation. Tips in using Presentation Media

 Real-Time Web Access – use to demonstrate  Practice with your Media.

how to do something special on the web such as  Consider your room and audience.
researching ideas  Speak to your audience not your media.
 Always remember this:
Strategies Using tools of Technology
 10-20-30- 10 Slides, 20 Minutes,30 Font size
 1-6- 6 – 1 Main Idea, 6 Bullets point, 6 Words per
1. Keep it simple.
2. Emphasize your key ideas
 7- 7– 7 lines, 7 words.
 9 Ps- Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor
Performance of the Person Putting on the


Multimedia is content that uses a

combination of different content forms such as text,
audio, images, animations, video and interactive
content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use
only rudimentary computer displays such as text-
only or traditional forms of printed or hand-
produced material.
3. Show what you can’t say. sics_of_computer_science_multimedia.htm
4. Use close up shots and other images.
5. Keep the number of images you present Multimedia can be recorded and played,
manageable. displayed, interacted with or accessed by
6. Combine variety with coherence. information content processing devices, such as
7. Use large lettering. computerized and electronic devices, but can also
be part of a live performance. Multimedia devices
Power Point Presentation Tips are electronic media devices used to store and
experience multimedia content. Multimedia is
1. Go for creativity- create your own design, try distinguished from mixed media in fine art; for
different combination and let your creativity example, by including audio it has a broader scope.
flow. In the early years of multimedia the term "rich
media" was synonymous with interactive
2. Colors are nice- flat colors are beautiful and multimedia, and "hypermedia" was an application of
contrast is your friend. multimedia. (https://en.m.wikibooks.org)

3. Use good fonts- Comic Sans and Georgia In common usage, multimedia refers to an
will do. electronically delivered combination of media
including video, still images, audio, and text in such
4. Text is evil- use 10-20-30 rule; too many a way that can be accessed interactively. Much of
texts will catch the attention of the audience the content on the web today falls within this
from you. definition as understood by millions. Some
computers which were marketed in the 1990s were
5. Images say more than a thousand words- called "multimedia" computers because they
make the images more powerful. incorporated a CD-ROM drive, which allowed for
the delivery of several hundred megabytes of video,
6. Big is beautiful- think big, think bold. picture, and audio data. That era saw also a boost
in the production of educational multimedia CD-
7. Info graphics are amazing – use simple info ROMs.
The term "video", if not used exclusively to
8. Get inspired- remember your ultimate goal. describe motion photography, is ambiguous in

multimedia terminology. Video is often used to us back to how the internet started, as a means of
describe the file format, delivery format, or sending written messages back and forth between
presentation format instead of "footage" which is researchers. Actually, it takes us back quite a bit
used to distinguish motion photography from further, as pretty much every office memo ever
"animation" of rendered motion imagery. Multiple written has mostly consisted of text with perhaps a
forms of information content are often not smidgen of other media types thrown in. Text is still
considered modern forms of presentation such as a primary way to transmit information, although
audio or video. Likewise, single forms of nowadays, it is also used to augment other forms of
information content with single methods of communication, such as a text description of a
information processing (e.g. non-interactive audio) photograph.
are often called multimedia, perhaps to distinguish
static media from active media. In the fine arts, for Graphics – a product of the graphic arts, as a
example, Leda Luss Luyken's ModulArt brings two drawing or print or computer based generated
key elements of musical composition and film into image.
the world of painting: variation of a theme and
movement of and within a picture, making ModulArt Photographs- a picture or likeness obtained by
an interactive multimedia form of art. Performing photography. Illustrations are perhaps the oldest
arts may also be considered multimedia form of media, harking back at least as far as the
considering that performers and props are multiple prehistoric paintings on cave walls found in various
forms of both content and media. locations around the world. Gutenberg's printing
press in the 1400's enabled mass distribution of
MULTIMEDIA CATEGORIES multimedia works containing both text and images.
The growth of electronic communications has
Multimedia may be broadly divided into meant that older text-only forms of communication
linear and non-linear categories: could be enhanced with photographs and images
as well. Small images such as thumbnails or icons
Linear active content progresses often are often used as a visual "entry point" to larger
without any navigational control for the viewer such images or more detailed information.
as a cinema presentation;
Audio – of or relating to sound or its
Non-linear uses interactivity to control reproduction and especially high – fidelity
progress as with a video game or self-paced reproduction. Your website or presentation can add
computer-based training. Hypermedia is an sound, from a musical background to a spoken
example of non-linear content. Multimedia explanation, by including audio files. Even digital
presentations can be live or recorded: cameras, a quintessentially image-based
technology, have been engineered these days to
A recorded presentation may allow record sound as well. Many sound files are
interactivity via a navigation system; compressed, which reduces the file size without
greatly sacrificing sound quality. Compressed files
A live multimedia presentation may allow require less storage space and stream faster when
interactivity via an interaction with the presenter or sent over the internet or transmitted to local
performer. systems.

In this digital age, communication is Animation- the preparation of animated

mediated in technology. Thus, it is imperative to cartoons. Animated files occupy a middle ground
know how technology works- the purpose it can between still images and video. GIFs, which is an
serve efficiently and effectively. abbreviation for graphic image files, in particular,
are small files that present a single image or rapidly
CHARACTERISTICS OF MULTIMEDIA display a sequence of a few images to give the
PRESENTATIONS appearance of motion.

1. Visually Oriented Video- A digital recording of an image or set of

images. Video presents moving pictures and
 Means that one is stimulated and/or learns typically combines images and sound for a
best by what one sees. compelling multimedia experience. Of course,
videos can include text as well, which often
 In education, some people respond best to appears as captioning for spoken words or as text
reading something in print, others to hearing in an image, as in the case of a slide presentation.
someone talk about a subject, others to hands- Video files are some of the most memory-intensive
on type experience. multimedia applications, but clever streaming
methods make their use practical in everyday use.
2. Using Different Modalities or Elements of
Text – the main body of matter in a manuscript,
book, newspaper, etc., as distinguished from notes, Step 1: Know the purpose of presentation
appendixes, headings, illustrations, etc. Text takes Step 2: Know the audience
Step 3: Gather information

Step 4: Use variety of resources such as: HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s
memory. Web-based applications often run inside a
Textbooks- a literary work relevant to the web browser. However, web-based applications
study of a subject also may be client-based, where a small part of the
program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but
Digital Resources- Databases, books, processing is done over the internet on an external
journals, newspapers, magazines, archives, theses, server.
conference papers, government papers, research
papers, scripts, and monographs in a digital form. Web-based applications are also known as
web apps.
A) Scan Images- to glance from point to
point of often hastily, casually, or in search Techopedia explains Web-Based Application
of a particular item.
B) Photographs- to appear as an image in There is a lot of confusion created by the
photograph. use of terms like web-based, internet-based and
cloud-based when referring to applications. Web-
Internet- an electronic communication based applications actually encompass all the
network that connects computer networks and applications that communicate with the user via
organizational computer facilities around the world- HTTP. This includes light applications like Flash
used with the except when being used attributively. games, online calculators, calendars and so on, as
well as more intensive applications such as web-
Step 5: Do not forget to cite sources. based word processors and spreadsheet
 Write author’s name, title of the work and date of
publication Blog
 Include the website or webpage address of the
source. “The use of blogs has been engaging and
 In general, non-profit educational use of online
effective way to promote writing skills of primary
materials for lecture qualifies as “fair-use” but it
is better to ask author’s permission to use such students, particularly when students provide
materials. feedback to the blog” (Richardson, 2006).
 Always have a full bibliographic reference for all
citations. According to https://en.m.wikipedia.org,
blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or
Step 6: Organize the information informational website published on the World Wide
Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-
 List the main points style text entries (posts). Posts are typically
 Have only one main idea per slide. displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the
 Place important information near the top. most recent post appears first, at the top of the web
page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a
Step 7: Check technical issues. single individual, occasionally of a small group, and
often covered a single subject or topic. In the
a. Contrast 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) emerged,
 Dark text on light background featuring the writing of multiple authors and
 White text on dark background sometimes professionally edited. MABs from
newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think
b. Do’s tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions
 Use only one design and color scheme account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic.
throughout the slide presentation.
The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging"
 Use large font size (minimum of 18 pts)
 Use fonts that are easy to read. Don’t use fancy systems helps integrate MABs and single-author
fonts. blogs into the news media. Blog can also be used
 Use no more than 3 to 4 bullets per slide as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a
blog. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org)
c. Don’ts
 Don’t use more than two types of fonts. The emergence and growth of blogs in the
 Avoid clutter late 1990s coincided with the advent of web
 Avoid partnered or textured backgrounds. publishing tools that facilitated the posting of
content by non-technical users who did not have
Avoid too much text. Don’t use presentation as much
your notes.

Step 8: Be creative
 Use transitions and animations to add interest.
 Don’t overdo the transitions.


A web-based application is any program

that is accessed over a network connection using

experience with HTML or computer programming. number of personal bloggers have become famous,
Previously, knowledge of such technologies as both in the online community and in the real world.
HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required Source: http://programming.wmlcloud.com/website/6134.aspx
to publish content on the Web, and early Web 2. Collaborative blogs or group blogs
users therefore tended to be hackers and computer
enthusiasts. In the 2010s, the majority is interactive A type of weblog posts is written and
Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online published by more than one author. The majority of
comments, and it is this interactivity that high-profile collaborative blogs are based around a
distinguishes them from other static websites. In single uniting theme, such as politics, technology or
that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of advocacy. In recent years, the blogosphere has
social networking service. Indeed, bloggers not only seen
produce content to post on their blogs but also the
often build social relations with their readers and
other bloggers. However, there are high-readership
blogs which do not allow comments.

Many blogs provide commentary on a

particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to
sports. Others function as more personal online
diaries, and others function more as online brand
advertising of a particular individual or company. A
typical blog combines text, digital images, and links
to other blogs, web pages, and other media related
to its topic. The ability of readers to leave publicly
viewable comments, and interact with other
commenters, is an important contribution to the
popularity of many blogs. However, blog owners or
authors often moderate and filter online comments emergence and growing popularity of more
to remove hate speech or other offensive content. collaborative efforts, often set up by already
Most blogs are primarily textual, although some established bloggers wishing to pool time and
focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), resources, both to reduce the pressure of
videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), maintaining a popular website and to attract a
and audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be larger readership.
used as instructional resources. These blogs are
referred to as edublogs. Microblogging is another 3. Microblogging
type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
Microblogging is the practice of posting
'Blog' and 'blogging' are now loosely used small pieces of digital content—which could be text,
for content creation and sharing on social media, pictures, links, short videos, or other media—on the
especially when the content is long-form and one Internet. Microblogging offers a portable
creates and shares content on regular basis. So, communication mode that feels organic and
one could be maintaining a blog on Facebook or spontaneous to many users. It has captured the
blogging on Instagram. On February 16, 2011, public imagination, in part because the short posts
there were over 156 million public blogs in are easy to read on the go or when waiting. Friends
existence. use it to keep in touch, business associates use it
to coordinate meetings or share useful resources,
On February 20, 2014, there were around and celebrities and politicians (or their publicists)
172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million Word Press microblog about concert dates, lectures, book
blogs in existence worldwide. According to critics releases, or tour schedules. A wide and growing
and other bloggers, Blogger is the most popular range of add-on tools enables sophisticated
blogging service used today. However, Blogger updates and interaction with other applications. The
does not offer public statistics. Technorati lists 1.3 resulting profusion of functionality is helping to
million blogs as of February 22, 2014. define new possibilities for this type of
(https://en.m.wikipedia.org) communication. Examples of these include Twitter,
Facebook, Tumblr and, by far the largest, WeiBo.
Different Types of Blogs

1. Personal blogs

The personal blog is an ongoing online diary

or commentary written by an individual, rather than
a corporation or organization. While the vast
majority of personal blogs attract very few readers,
other than the blogger's immediate family and
friends, a small number of personal blogs have
become popular, to the point that they have
attracted lucrative advertising sponsorship. A tiny

Source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/madhabpaudel2/logo-
designs-for-chirper-micro-blogging-site/ Blogs that are written on typewriters and
then scanned are called typecast or typecast blogs.
4. Corporate and organizational blogs A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol
is known as a Phlog.
A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it
can be for business or not-for-profit organization or
government purposes. Blogs used internally, and
only available to employees via an Intranet are
called corporate blogs. Companies use internal
corporate blogs enhance the communication,
culture and employee engagement in a corporation.
Internal corporate blogs can be used to
communicate news about company policies or
procedures, build employee esprit de corps and
improve morale. Companies and other
organizations also use external, publicly accessible
blogs for marketing, branding, or public relations
purposes. Some organizations have a blog
authored by their executive; in practice, many of
these executive blog posts are penned by a
ghostwriter, who makes posts in the style of the
credited author. Similar blogs for clubs and
societies are called club blogs, group blogs, or by
similar names; typical use is to inform members
and other interested parties of club and member

5. By genre Sketch Blog

Source: https://dribbble.com/tags/sketchblog
Some blogs focus on a particular subject,
such as political blogs, journalism blogs, health 8. By device
blogs, travel blogs (also known as travelogues),
gardening blogs, house blogs, Book Blogs,fashion A blog can also be defined by which type of
blogs, beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs, party blogs, device is used to compose it. A blog written by a
wedding blogs, photography blogs, project blogs, mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA could be
psychology blogs, sociology blogs, education called a moblog. One early blog was Wearable
blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a
blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs), or person's personal life combining text, video, and
dreamlogs. Howto/Tutorial blogs are becoming pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer
increasing popular. Two common types of genre and EyeTap device to a web site. This practice of
blogs are art blogs and music blogs. A blog semi-automated blogging with live video together
featuring discussions especially about home and with text was referred to as sousveillance. Such
family is not uncommonly called a mom blog and journals have been used as evidence in legal
one made popular is by Erica Diamond who matters.
created Womenonthefence.com which is
syndicated to over two million readers monthly.
While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the
sole purpose of spamming is known as a splog.
Example of a Travel Blog
Source: https://expertvagabond.com/how-to-start-travel-blog/

7. By media type

A blog comprising videos is called a vlog,

one comprising links is called a linklog, a site
containing a portfolio of sketches is called a
sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a
photoblog. A photoblog is a form of photo sharing
and publishing in the format of a blog. It differs from
a common blog through the predominant use of
and focus on photographs rather than text.
Photoblogging gained momentum in the early
2000s with the advent of moblog and camera
phones. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media
types are called tumblelogs.

Source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sousveillance

9. Reverse blog

A reverse blog is composed by its users

rather than a single blogger. This system has the
characteristics of a blog, and the writing of several
authors. These can be written by several
contributing authors on a topic, or opened up for
anyone to write. There is typically some limit to the
number of entries to keep it from operating like a
web forum. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org)
Source: https://guestpost.com/blog/2017/09/reverse-guest-


Book References:

Caudilla, J. (2019). Purposive communication.

Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Flores, R. (2016). Oral communication in context.

Manila:Rex Bookstore

Sebastian, E. (2020). Purposive communication.

Manila: Mindshappers, Inc.


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