39-Bağlaçlar 9
39-Bağlaçlar 9
39-Bağlaçlar 9
+ konulanlar yüzde yüz virgül ile kullanılıyor. (for, so, yet, nor)
a) FOR (ÇÜNKÜ) +
b) AND (ve)
- "nor" bağlaç olarak kullanıldığında ilk cümle olumsuz, ikinci cümle devrik olur.
• That was not what I said, nor was it what I meant. (bu ne söylediğim şeydi ne de
• We didn’t finish our Project, nor did we plan it. (biz ne projeyi bitirdik ne de onu
• He doesn’t like meat, nor does he like fish. (eti sevmediği gibi balığıda sevmez)
CLUE 20 : ‘’or’’ kendisinden önce virgül ile kullanılırsa ‘’yoksa’’ anlamı taşır ve
kendisinden sonra ‘’will-would-can-could’’ gibi modal fiiller kullanılır.
5- Several species of birds in Vietnam vanished during the war, ……….. they began to
reappear in the 1980s and their gradual return has been encouraged by Vietnamese
A)and B)or C)for D)but E)so
6- The interiors of planets are totally inaccessible, ………….what we know about them
comes from indirect measurements and analysis.
7- It was not obvious to scientists what the solution would be to the cosmic radiation
astronauts are exposed to , ………was it obvious that there would be any solution at all.
8- Syria hosted the 22 country Arab League’s annual summit , …………only half of the
leaders turned up.
10- Alkalis are good at dissolving oil and grease , ……….they are widely used in the
manufacture of soaps and detergents.