DLL Week7

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Teacher Learning

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES The Learners shall be able to:

a. Explain key scientists who played a role in the development of the periodic

b. Create a visual representation of the Mendeleev and modern periodic

table of elements.

c. Value the collaborative and evolving nature of scientific discovery through

the history of the periodic table.

A. Content Standard The Learners demonstrate an understanding of: the periodic table of elements
as an organizing tool to determine the chemical properties of elements

B. Performance Standard The Learners shall be able to:

C. Learning Competency/Objectives The Learners should be able to… Use the periodic table to predict the
chemical behavior of an element.
Write the LC code for each.

S8MT- IIIi-j-12



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Reviewing Elicit A Quick Recap!

previous lesson
or presenting (The activities in this What have you learned to our previous lesson?
the new lesson section will evoke or draw
out prior concepts or prior
knowledge) How do we get the number of Proton? Electron? And Neutron?

What is an isotope?

What is an ion?

B. Establishing a Engage
purpose for the
lesson (The activities in this Element Pictionary: Guess the Element!
C. Presenting section will stimulate their
examples/Instan Get Ready to be an Element Expert!
thinking and help them
ces of the new
lesson access and connect prior 1. 4 Picture Clues: The teacher will show 4 different pictures, each hinting at a
knowledge as a jumpstart specific element.
to present lesson)
2. Guess the Element: When the students identified the element the picture
represents, they will raise their hand to be recognized.

3. Think Outside the Box: The pictures might not be literal, so use your knowledge
and make connections!

D. Discussing new Explore

concepts and Guess who?
practicing new (In this section, students Objective:
skills # 1 will be given time to think, 1. Explain the historical development of the periodic table proposed by the
E. Discussing new different scientists
plan, investigate and
concepts and
practicing new organize collected Materials needed: worksheet, pen, Manila paper, research material
skills # 2 information or the
performance of the
planned /prepared
Name of Scientist Proposal made and Contributions
activities from the
students’ manual with 1.
data gathering with
guide questions)

Ref: Science 7-Learners

Material, pp. 102-123 Procedure:
1. The teacher will give two scientists to research for each group. The students will
search about the proposals they made in the historical development in the
arrangement of elements in the periodic table.
2. The students will write down key points to the manila paper using a marker.
3. The students will present the scientists they have made research about and
answer the guide questions.

Guide questions:

1. Do all scientists have the same contribution?

2. What can you say about the proposals made by the different
3. Report to the class, who do you admire most? Why?

F. Developing Explain
mastery (leads
to Formative (In this section, students will
Assessment 3) be involved in an analysis of The students will have a presentation about the research they have made. The
their exploration. Their presentation will be graded through the following rubric:
understanding is clarified
and modified because of
reflective activities). Analysis
of the gathered data and
results will be able to answer
the Guide Questions leading
to the concept or topic for
the day)

G. Finding practical Elaborate

application of
concepts and (This section will give Time travel through chemistry!
skills in daily students the opportunity
to expand and Show the difference between Mendeleev's and Modern Periodic Tables.
H. Making
generalizations solidify/concretize their
and understanding of the Get creative! Choose one way to show how the Periodic Table has changed
abstractions concept and or apply it over time:
about the lesson
to the real world)
• Draw an illustration comparing the two tables.
• Write a song or poem about the elements and their organization.
• Craft a story about a scientist who travels through time and sees the
development of the Periodic Table.
• Design a poster highlighting the key differences between the two
• Create a catchy slogan that captures the essence of the Periodic
Table's evolution.

Content – 50%
Creativity – 30%
Accuracy of information – 20%

I. Evaluating Evaluation 1. Which scientist is credited with creating the first periodic table based
learning on atomic weights?
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept
a) Hennig Brand
check test items and answer
b) Alexandre-Emile Béguyer de Chancourtois
key which are aligned to the
c) John Newlands
learning objectives-content
d) Dmitri Mendeleev
and performance standards
and address
2. What key observation did John Newlands make about the
misconceptions, if any)
arrangement of elements?

a) Elements with similar properties appeared every 7 elements when

ordered by atomic weight.

b) Elements formed a spiral pattern when their atomic weights were

c) Gaps existed in the table for elements yet to be discovered.

d) Noble gases disrupted the periodic pattern.

3. What discovery by William Ramsay provided further evidence for the

accuracy of Mendeleev's periodic table?

a) The existence of isotopes

b) The concept of atomic number
c) The properties of molar volume
d) The identification of noble gases

4. Henry Moseley's work on the periodic table led to the conclusion that:
a) Atomic weight was the most important factor for element

b) The order of elements should be based on their chemical


c) Atomic number provided a more accurate way to arrange elements.

d) The periodic table needed to be separated into two sections.

5. Which scientist's work helped categorize elements based on their

electron configuration?

a) Dmitri Mendeleev
b) William Ramsay
c) Henry Moseley
d) Charles Janet

J. Additional Extend
activities for
application or (This section gives Timeline of Discoveries: Create a visually appealing timeline showcasing the
remediation situation that explains the key contributions of different scientists to the development of the periodic
topic in a new context or table. You may do it through digital or traditional.
integrate it to another
discipline/societal Criteria:
concern) Content – 50%
Accuracy of information – 20%
Visual – 15%
Cleanliness – 15%

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Emmie Rose D. Torres Marites S. Gamboa Lilybeth B. Policarpio PhD

Practice Teacher Head Teacher Principal IV

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