Research Paper 1 Eng Lang Studies
Research Paper 1 Eng Lang Studies
Research Paper 1 Eng Lang Studies
Integration of The paper The paper The paper The paper does
Knowledge demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates not demonstrate
that the author that the author, that the author, that the author
fully understands for the most to a certain has fully
and has applied part, extent, understood and
concepts learned understands and understands and applied concepts
in the course. has applied has applied learned in the
Concepts are concepts learned concepts learned course.
integrated into in the course. in the course.
the writer’s own Some of the
insights. The conclusions,
writer provides however, are not
concluding supported in the
remarks that body of the
show analysis paper.
and synthesis of
Topic focus The topic is The topic is The topic is too The topic is not
focused narrowly focused but lacks broad for the clearly defined.
enough for the direction. The scope of this
scope of this paper is about a assignment.
assignment. A specific topic but
thesis statement the writer has
provides not established a
direction for the position.
paper, either by
statement of a
position or
Cohesiveness Ties together For the most Sometimes ties Does not tie
information from part, ties together together
all sources. Paper together information information.
Expert- 4 Proficient-3 Apprentice-2 Novice-1
flows from one information from all sources. Paper does not
issue to the next from all sources. Paper does not flow and
without the need Paper flows with flow - appears to be
for headings. only some disjointedness is created from
Author's writing disjointedness. apparent. disparate issues.
demonstrates an Author's writing Author's writing Headings are
understanding of demonstrates an does not necessary to link
the relationship understanding of demonstrate an concepts.
among material the relationship understanding Writing does not
obtained from all among material of the demonstrate
sources. obtained from all relationship understanding
sources. among material any
obtained from relationships
all sources.
Citations Cites all data Cites most data Cites some data Does not cite
obtained from obtained from obtained from sources.
other sources. other sources. other sources.
APA citation style APA citation Citation style is
is used in both style is used in either
text and both text and inconsistent or
bibliography. bibliography. incorrect.