SciNet Tutorial

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User Tutorial

SciNet HPC Consortium Compute Canada May 19, 2011

1 Introduction 1.1 General Purpose Cluster (GPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Tightly Coupled System (TCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Accelerator Research Cluster (ARC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Storage space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Usage 2.1 Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Software modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Compiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Testing and debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Running your jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Data Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Acknowledging SciNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GPC examples 3.1 Shared memory parallel jobs (OpenMP) on the GPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Distributed memory parallel jobs (MPI) on the GPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Serial jobs on the GPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Hybrid MPI/OpenMP jobs on the GPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TCS examples 4.1 Shared memory parallel jobs (OpenMP) on the TCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Distributed memory parallel jobs (MPI) on the TCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Hybrid MPI/OpenMP jobs on the TCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ARC examples 5.1 GPU job on the ARC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Brief introduction to the Unix command line 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21

SciNet User Tutorial

This document gives a quick tutorial for new users of the SciNet clusters. Familiarity with a Unix-type environment is assumed (if you dont have this, see the appendix) and with the basics of computing. This document is always a work in progress. The latest version can always be found on the wiki: where you can also nd a lot of supplementary material. SciNet is a consortium for High-Performance Computing made up of researchers at the University of Toronto and its associated hospitals. It is part of Compute/Calcul Canada, as one of seven consortia in Canada providing HPC resources to their own academic researchers, other users in Canada and international collaborators. Any qualied researcher at a Canadian university can get a SciNet account through this two-step process: Register for a Compute Canada Database (CCDB) account at Non-faculty need a sponsor (supervisors CCRI number), who has to have a SciNet account already. Login and apply for a SciNet account (click Apply beside SciNet on the Consortium Accounts page) For groups who need more than the default amount of resources, the PI must apply for it through the competitively awarded account allocation process once a year, in the fall. Without such an allocation, a user may still use up to 32 nodes (256 cores) of the General Purpose Cluster at a time at low priority. The SciNet wiki, , contains a wealth of information about using SciNets systems and announcements for users, and also shows the current system status. Other forms of support: Users are kept up-to-date with development and changes on the SciNet systems through a monthly email. Monthly SciNet User Group lunch meetings including one or more TechTalks. Classes, such as the Intro to SciNet, 1-day courses on parallel I/O, (parallel) programming, and a 5-day intensive parallel programming course. The courses web site is Past lecture slide and some videos can be found on the Tutorials and Manuals page. Usage reports are available on the SciNet portal . If you have problems, questions, or requests, and you couldnt nd the answer in the wiki, send an e-mail with all relevant information to The SciNet team can help you with wide range problems such as how to set up your runs most efciently, how to parallelize or optimize your code, and how to use and install libraries. SciNet has currently two main production clusters available for users, and one GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) research cluster. All clusters can access the same le system.


General Purpose Cluster (GPC)

3780 nodes with 8 cores each (two 2.53GHz quad-core Intel Xeon 5500 Nehalem x86-64 processors) HyperThreading lets you run 16 threads per node efciently. 16GB RAM per node Running CentOS 5.3 linux. Gigabit ethernet network on all nodes (4:1 blocking switch): for management, disk I/O, boot, etc. InniBand network on 1/4 of the nodes (1:1 non-blocking): only used for job communication 306 TFlops #16 on the June 2009 TOP500 list of supercomputer sites (#1 in Canada) Moab/Torque schedules by node with a maximum wall clock time of 48 hours.


Tightly Coupled System (TCS)

104 nodes with 32 cores (16 dual-core 4.7GHz POWER6 processors). Simultaneous MultiThreading allows two tasks to be very efciently bound to each core. 128GB RAM per node Running AIX 5.3L operating system.

SciNet User Tutorial

Interconnected by full non-blocking InniBand 62 TFlops #80 on the June 2009 TOP500 list of supercomputer sites (#3 in Canada) Moab/LoadLeveler schedules by node. The maximum wall clock time is 48 hours. Access to this highly specialized machine is not enabled by default. For access, email us explaining the nature of your work. Your application should scale well to 64 processes/threads to run on this system.


Accelerator Research Cluster (ARC)

Eight GPU devel nodes and four NVIDIA Tesla M2070. Per node: 2 quad-core Intel Xeon X5550 2.67GHz 48 GB RAM Interconnected by DDR InniBand 2 GPUs with CUDA capability 2.0 (Fermi) each with 448 CUDA cores @ 1.15GHz and 6 GB of RAM. 4.12 TFlops from the GPUs in single precision 2.06 TFlops from the GPUs in double precision 683.52 GFlops from the CPUs Torque schedules jobs similarly as on the GPC, with a maximum wall clock time of 48 hours. This cluster also contains Cell development nodes, which are IBM QS22s each with two 3.2GHz IBM PowerXCell 8i CPUs, where each CPU has 1 Power Processing Unit (PPU) and 8 Synergistic Processing Units (SPU), and 32GB of RAM per node. Access disabled by default. Email us if you want access.


Storage space
1790 1TB SATA disk drives, for a total of 1.4 PB of storage Two DCS9900 couplets, each delivering 4-5GB/s read/write access to the drives Single GPFS le system on the TCS, GPC and ARC. I/O goes over the ethernet network on the GPC, and over the InniBand network on the TCS The le system is a shared resource. Creating many small les or opening and closing les with small reads, and similar inefcient I/O practices hurt your jobs performance, and are felt by other users too. See Data Management below for more details. location /home/USER /scratch/USER quota 10GB 20TB/one million les block-size 256kB 4MB time-limit perpetual 3 months backup yes no devel read/write read/write comp read-only read/write

Using SciNets resources is signicantly different from using a desktop machine. The rest of this document is meant to guide you through the process. Computing on SciNets clusters is done through a batch system. In its simplest form, it is a four stage process: 1. Login with ssh to the login nodes and transfer les. These login nodes are gateways, you do not run or compile on them! 2. Ssh to a devel node where you load modules, compile your code and write a script for the batch job. The scheduler works per node, you cannot request jobs for less than 8 (GPC) or 32 (TCS) cores. 3. Move the script, input data, etc. to the scratch disk, as you cannot write to your home directory from the compute nodes. Submit the job to a queue. 4. After the scheduler has run the job on the compute nodes (this can take some time), and the job is completed, deal with the output of the run.

SciNet User Tutorial


Access to the SciNet systems is via secure shell (ssh) only. Ssh to the gateway $ ssh -l <username> The login nodes are a front end to the data centre, and are part of neither of the two compute clusters. For anything but small le transfer and viewing your les, you then login to the GPC, TCS or ARC through their development nodes (gpc01,...,gpc04 for GPC, tcs01 or tcs02 for TCS, and arc01 for ARC, respectively). The SciNet rewall monitors for too many connections, and will shut down access (including previously connections) from your IP address if more than four connection attempts are made within a few minutes. In that case, you will be locked out of the system for an hour. Be patient in attempting new logins! Read more on the wiki page Essentials . More about ssh and logging in from Windows on the wiki page Ssh .


Software modules
Most software and libraries have to be loaded using the module command. This allows us to keep multiple versions of software for different users on the system, and it allows users to easily switch between versions. The module system sets up environment variables (PATH, LD LIBRARY PATH, etc.). Basic usage of the module command: module module module module module module load <module-name> unload <module-name> switch <module1> <module2> purge avail list to use particular software to stop using particular software to unload module1 and load module2 to remove all currently loaded modules to list available software packages (+ all versions) to list currently loaded modules in your shell

You can load frequently used modules in the le .bashrc in your home directory. Many modules are available in several versions (e.g. intel/intel-v11.1.056 and intel/intel-v11.1.072). When you load a module with its short name (the part before the slash /,e.g., intel), you get the most recent and recommended version of that library or piece of software. In general, you probably want to use the short module name, especially since we may upgrade to a new version and deprecate the old one. By using the short module name, you ensure that your existing module load commands still work. However, for reproducibility of your runs, record the full names of loaded modules. Library modules dene the environment variables pointing to the location of library les, include les and the base directory for use Makeles. The names of the library, include and base variables are as follows: SCINET_[shortmodulename]_LIB SCINET_[shortmodulename]_INC SCINET_[shortmodulename]_BASE That means that to compile code that uses that package you add -I${SCINET_[shortmodulename]_INC} while to the link command, you have to add -L${SCINET_[shortmodulename]_LIB}

SciNet User Tutorial

On May 19, 2011, the module list for the GPC and the ARC contained: intel, gcc, intelmpi, openmpi, cuda, nano, emacs, xemacs, autoconf, cmake, git, scons, svn, ddt, ddd, gdb, mpe, openspeedshop, scalasca, valgrind, padb, grace, gnuplot, vmd, ferret, ncl, ROOT, paraview, pgplot, ImageMagick,netcdf, parallel-netcdf, ncview, nco, udunits, hdf4, hdf5, encfs, gamess, nwchem, gromacs, cpmd, blast, amber, gdal, meep, mpb, R, petsc, boost, gsl, fftw, intel, extras, clog, gnu-parallel, guile, java, python, ruby, octave, gnu-parallel, gotoblas The cuda modules only work on the ARC, where they are required to compile cuda or OpenCL programs. The module list for the TCS contains : upc, xlf, vacpp, mpe, scalasca, hdf4, hdf5, extras, netcdf, parallel-netcdf, nco, gsl, antlr, ncl, ddt, fftw, ipm The IBM compilers are standard available on the TCS and do not require a module to be loaded, although newer versions may be installed as modules. Math software supporting things like BLAS and FFT is either standard available, or part of a module: on the GPC, there is the Intels Math Kernel Library (MKL) which is part of the intel module and the goto-blas modules, while on the TCS, IBMs ESSL high performance math library is standard available. Other commercial packages (MatLab, Gaussian, IDL,...) are not available on SciNet for licensing reasons. But Octave, a highly MatLab-compatible open source alternative, is available as a module. A current list of available software is maintained on the wiki page Software and Libraries .


The login machines are not the same architecture as the GPC, ARC, or TCS nodes, and not appropriate to compile your programs. Instead, you compile on the specialized devel nodes, aptly named gpc01, gpc02, gpc03, gpc04 for the GPC, or tcs01 and tcs02 for the TCS, or arc01 for the ARC. These nodes may also be used for short, small scale test runs (although on the GPC theres a specialized queue for that). Please test your jobs requirements and scaling behaviour before submitting a large scale computation to the queue. Because the devel nodes are used by everyone who needs to use the SciNet systems, be considerate. Only run scripts or programs that use a moderate amount of memory, only a few of the cores and do not take more than a few minutes. For available tools to analyze and improve your codes performance, see wiki pages Introduction To Performance , Performance And Debugging Tools: GPC , and Performance And Debugging Tools: TCS . GPC compilation To compile code for runs on the GPC, you log in from to one of the four GPC devel nodes gpc01, gpc02, gpc03, or gpc04, e.g. $ ssh gpc04 The GPC has compilers for C, C++, Fortran (up to 2003 with some 2008 features), Co-array Fortran, and Java. We will focus here on the most commonly used languages: C, C++, and Fortran. It is recommended that you compile with the Intel compilers, which are icc, icpc, and ifort for C, C++, and Fortran. These compilers are available with the module intel (i.e., put module load intel in your .bashrc). If you really need the GNU compilers, recent versions of the GNU compiler collection are available as modules, with gcc,g++,gfortran for C, C++, and Fortran. The ol g77 is not supported, but both ifort and gfortran are able to compile Fortran 77 code. Optimize your code for the GPC machine using of at least the following compiler ags

SciNet User Tutorial

-O3 -xhost (-O3 -march=native for GNU compilers). Add -openmp to the command line for OpenMP and hybrid OpenMP/MPI code (-fopenmp for GNU). The intel module includes the Intel MKL, which has BLAS and FFT support, among other things. The web page can tell you what to append to the link command when using the MKL. MPI code can be compiled with mpif77/mpif90/mpicc/mpicxx. These commands are wrapper (bash) scripts around the compilers which include the appropriate ags to use MPI libraries. Hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications are compiled with same commands. Currently, the GPC has following MPI implementations installed: 1. Open MPI, in module openmpi (v1.4.1) 2. Intel MPI, in module intelmpi (v4.0.0) You can choose which one to use with the module system, but you are recommended to stick to Open MPI unless you have a good reason not to. Switching between MPI implementations is not always obvious. For hybrid OpenMP/MPI code using Intel MPI, add the compilation ag -mt_mpi for full thread-safety. If you get the warning feupdatreenv is not implemented, add -limf to the link line. Other versions of these MPI implementations are installed only to support legacy code and for testing. TCS compilers The TCS has compilers for C, C++, Fortran (up to 2003), UPC, and Java. We will focus here on the most commonly used languages: C, C++, and Fortran. Compilation for the TCS should be done with the IBM compilers on the TCS devel nodes, so from login, do $ ssh tcs01 or $ ssh tcs02 The compilers are xlc,xlC,xlf for C, C++, and Fortran compilations. For OpenMP or other threaded applications, one has to use re-entrant-safe versions xlc_r,xlC_r,xlf_r. For MPI applications, mpcc,mpCC,mpxlf are the appropriate wrappers. Hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications require mpcc_r,mpCC_r,mpxlf_r. We strongly suggest the compiler ags -O3 -q64 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 For OpenMP programs, we suggest -qsmp=omp -O4 -q64 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 (the increased optimization level is needed for proper inlining of openmp loops). In the link command, we suggest using -q64 -bdatapsize:64k -bstackpsize:64k

SciNet User Tutorial supplemented by -qsmp=omp for OpenMP programs.

For production runs (i.e., not for runs on tcs01 or tcs02), change -qarch=pwr6 to -qarch=pwr6e. To use the full C++ bindings of MPI (those in the MPI namespace) with the IBM c++ compilers, add -cpp to the compilation line. If youre linking several c++ object les, add -bh:5 to the link line. ARC compilers To compile cuda code for runs on the ARC, you log in from to the devel node: $ ssh arc01 The ARC has the same compilers for C, C++, Fortran as the GPC, and in addition has the NVIDIA cuda compilers for GPGPU computing. To use the cuda compilers, you have to $ module load gcc cuda The current default version of cuda is 3.2, but modules for cuda 3.0, 3.1 and 4.0 are installed as well. The cuda c/c++ compiler is called nvcc. To optimize your code for the ARC architecture (and access all their cuda capabilities), use at least the following compiler ags -O3 -arch=sm_13


Testing and debugging

GPC testing and debugging You can run short test runs on the devel nodes of GPC as long as they only take a few minutes, a moderate amount of memory, and do not use all 8 cores. To run a short serial test run, simply type from a devel node $ ./<executable> [arguments] Serial production jobs must be bunched together to use all 8 cores. See wiki page User Serial . To run a short 4-thread OpenMP run on the GPC, type $ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./<executable> [arguments] To run a short 4-process MPI run on a single node, type $ mpirun -np 4 ./<executable> [arguments]

SciNet User Tutorial

Use the debug queue for longer, multinode test runs. mpirun may complain about not being able to nd a network (Open MPI) or the list of hosts not being provided (Intel MPI). These warnings are mostly harmless. For debugging, the GNU (gdb) and intel debugger (idbc) are available on the GPC. The graphical debuggers idb and ddd are available as well. In addition, the commercial DDT debugger is available in the module ddt. TCS testing and debugging Short test runs are allowed on devel nodes if they only dont use much memory and only use a few cores. To run a short 8-thread OpenMP test run on tcs02: $ OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 ./<executable> [arguments] To run a short 16-process MPI test run on tcs02: $ mpiexec -n 16 ./<executable> [arguments] -hostfile <hostfile> <hostfile> should contain as many of the line tcs-f11n06 as you want processes in the MPI run. Furthermore, the le .rhosts in your home directory has to contain a line with tcs-f11n06. The standard debugger on the TCS is called dbx. The DDT debugger is available in the module ddt. ARC testing and debugging Short test runs are allowed on the devel node arc01. For GPU applications, simply run the executable. If you use MPI and/or OpenMP as well, follow the instructions for the GPC. Note that because arc01 is a shared resource, the GPUs may be busy, and so you may experience a lag in you programs starting up. The NVIDIA debugger for cuda programs is cuda-gdb. The DDT debugger is available in the module ddt.


Running your jobs

To run a job on the compute nodes you must submit it to a queue. You can submit jobs from the devel nodes in the form of a script that species what executable to run, from which directory to run it, on how many nodes, with how many threads, and for how long. The queuing system used at SciNet is based around the Moab Workload Manager, with Torque (PBS) as the back-end resource manager on the GPC and IBMs LoadLeveler on the TCS. The queuing system will send the jobs to the compute nodes. It schedules by nodes, so you cannot request e.g. a two-core job. It is the users responsibility to make sure that the node is used efciently, i.e., all cores on a node are kept busy. The best way to learn how to write the job scripts is to look at some examples, which are given in sections 3 and 4 below. You can use these example scripts as starting points for your own. Note that it is best to run from the scratch directory, because your home directory is read-only on the compute nodes. Since the scratch directory is not backed up, copy essential results to \home after the run. Because of the group based allocation, it is conceivable that your jobs wont run if your colleagues have already exhausted your groups limits. Scheduling big jobs greatly affects the queue and other users, so you have to talk to us rst to run massively parallel jobs (over 2048 cores). We will help make sure that your jobs start and run efciently. See Essentials#Usage Policy on the SciNet wiki page. Users with an RAC allocation, see the wiki page Accounting about group/RAP priorities.

SciNet User Tutorial GPC queues There are three queues available on the GPC: queue batch debug largemem time(hrs) 48 2/0.5 48 max jobs 32/1000 1 1 max cores 256/8000 (512/16000 threads) 16/64 (32/128 threads) 16 (32 threads)

You submit to these queues from gpc01, gpc02, gpc03 or gpc04, with $ qsub [options] <script> where you will replace <script> with the le name of the submission script. Common options are: -l: species requested nodes and time, e.g. -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 -l nodes=2:ib:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 The ppn=8 part is mandatory, since scheduling goes by node, and each node has 8 cores! -q: species the queue, e.g. -q largemem -q debug -I species that you want an interactive session; a script is not needed in that case. The number of nodes option is mandatory, but can be specied in the job script as well. The job script is a shell script that serves two purposes: 1. It species what the requirements are (although this can be given as options to the qsub command as well) in special comment lines starting with #PBS. 2. Once the required nodes are available (i.e., your job made it through the queue), the scheduler runs the script on the rst node of the set of nodes. To run on multiple nodes, the script has to use mpirun. Examples of job scripts for the GPC are given in section 3. The GPC nodes have HyperThreading enabled, which allows efcient switching between tasks, and makes it seem like there are 16 processors rather than 8 on each node. Using this requires no changes to the code, only running 16 rather than 8 tasks on the node. For OpenMP application, setting OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 may make your job run faster. For MPI, try -np 16. Once the job is incorporated into the queue, you can use: $ showq to show the queue, and job-specic commands such as showstart, checkjob, canceljob There is no separate queue for inniband nodes. You request these through the option :ib. You cannot request less than 8 processors per node, i.e., ppn=8 always in the qsub line. Even when you use HyperThreading, you still request ppn=8. The largemem queue is exceptional, in that it provides access to two nodes (only) that have 16 processors and 128GB of ram. (for these you can have ppn=16, but ppn=8 will be excepted silently). There is no queue for serial jobs, so if you have serial jobs, you will have to bunch together 8 of them to use the full power of a node (Moab schedules by node). See wiki page User Serial .

SciNet User Tutorial To make your jobs start faster:


Reduce the requested time (walltime) to be closer to the estimated run time (perhaps adding about 10 percent to be sure). Shorter jobs are scheduled sooner than longer ones. Do not request InniBand nodes. Because there are a limited number of these nodes, your job will start running faster if you do not request InniBand. Read more on the wiki pages GPC Quickstart , Scheduler TCS queue For the TCS, there is only one queue: queue verylong time(hrs) 48 max jobs 2/25 max cores 64/800 (128/1600 threads)

Submitting is done from tcs01 or tcs02 with $ llsubmit <script> and llq shows the queue. As for the GPC, the job script is a shell script that serves two purposes: 1. It species what the requirements of the job in special comment lines starting with #@. 2. Once the required nodes are available (i.e., your job made it through the queue), the scheduler runs the script on the rst node of the set of nodes. To run on multiple nodes, the script has to use poe. It is also possible to give the command to run as one of the requirement options. There are a lot of possible settings in a loadleveler script. Instead of writing your own from script, it is more practical to take one of the examples of job scripts for the TCS from section 4 and adapt it to suit your needs. The POWER6 processors have a facility called Simultaneous MultiThreading which allows two tasks to be very efciently bound to each core. Using this requires no changes to the code, only running 64 rather than 32 tasks on the node. For OpenMP application, see if setting OMP_NUM_THREADS and THRDS_PER_TASK to a number larger than 32 makes your job run faster. For MPI, increase tasks_per_node>32. Once your job is in the queue, you can use llq to show the queue, and job-specic commands such as llcancel, llhold, ... Do not run serial jobs on the TCS! The GPC can do that, of course, in bunches of 8. To make your jobs start sooner, reduce the wall_clock_limit)to be closer to the estimated run time (perhaps adding about 10 % to be sure). Shorter jobs are scheduled sooner than longer ones. Read more on the wiki pages TCS Quickstart , Scheduler ARC queue There is only one queue available on the ARC: queue batch You submit to the queue from arc01 with $ qsub [options] <script> where you will replace <script> with the le name of the submission script. Common options are: -l: species requested nodes and time, e.g. -l nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=2,walltime=1:00:00 The ppn=8 part is mandatory, since scheduling goes by node, and each node has 8 cores! time(hrs) 48 max cores 56 max gpus 14

SciNet User Tutorial Note that the gpus setting is per node, and nodes have 2 gpus. It is presently probably best to request a full node. -I species that you want an interactive session; a script is not needed in that case. Once the job is incorporated into the queue, you can see whats queued with $ qstat and use job-specic commands such as qdel. Read more on the wiki page Accelerator Research Cluster .



Data Management
Storage Space The storage at SciNet is divided over different le systems. The two most important ones are /home and /scratch. Every SciNet user gets a 10GB directory on /home (called /home/$USER) which is regularly backed-up. On the compute nodes of the GPC clusters, /home is mounted read-only; thus GPC jobs can read les in /home but cannot write to les there. /home is a good place to put code, input les for runs, and anything else that needs to be kept to reproduce runs. In addition, every SciNet user gets a directory in /scratch, in which up to 20TB could be stored (although there is not enough room for each user to do this!). Scratch is always mounted as read-write. Thus jobs would normally write their output somewhere in /scratch. There are NO backups of /scratch. Furthermore, /scratch is purged routinely (i.e., les on it have a time-limit), so that all users running jobs and generating large outputs will have room to store their data temporarily. Computational results which you want to save for longer than this must be copied off of SciNet entirely. location /home/USER/ /scratch/USER/ quota 10GB 20TB/one million les block-size 256kB 4MB time-limit perpetual 3 months backup yes no devel rw rw comp ro rw

Do not keep many small les on the system. They waste quite a bit of space, especially on /scratch, as the block size for the le system is 4MB, but even on home, with a block size of 256kB, you can at most have 40960 les no matter how small they are, so you would run out of disk quota quite rapidly. Read more on the wiki page Data Management . I/O on SciNet systems The compute nodes do not contain hard drives, so there is no local disk available to use during your computation. The available disk space, i.e., the home and scratch directories, are all part of the GPFS le system which runs over the network. GPFS is a high-performance le system which provides rapid reads and writes to large data sets in parallel from many nodes. As a consequence of this design, however, it performs quite poorly at accessing data sets which consist of many, small les. Because of this le system setup, you may well nd that you have to reconsider the I/O strategy of your program. The following points are very important to bear in mind when designing your I/O strategy Do not read and write lots of small amounts of data to disk. Reading data in from one 4MB le can be enormously faster than from 100 40KB les. Unless you have very little output, make sure to write your data in binary. Having each process write to a le of its own is not a scalable I/O solution. A directory gets locked by the rst process accessing it, so the other processes have to wait for it. Not only has the code just become considerably less parallel, chances are the le system will have a time-out while waiting for your other processes, leading your program to crash mysteriously.

SciNet User Tutorial


Consider using MPI-IO (part of the MPI-2 standard), NetCDF or HDF5, which allow les to be opened simultaneously by different processes. You could also use dedicated process for I/O to which all other processes send their data, and which subsequently writes this data to a single le. If you must read and write a lot to disk, consider using the ramdisk. On the GPC, this is setup such that you can use part of a compute nodes ram like a local disk. This will reduce how much memory is available for your program. The ramdisk can be accessed using /dev/shm/ and is currently set to 8GB. Anything written to this location that you want to preserve must be copied back to the /scratch le system as /dev/shm is wiped after each job and since it is in memory will not survive through a reboot of the node. See wiki pages Data Management and User Ramdisk . Transfers to and from SciNet All trafc to and from the data centre goes via SSH, or secure shell. This is a protocol which sets up a secure connection between two sites. In all cases, incoming connections to SciNet go through relatively low-speed connections to the login.scinet gateways, but there are many ways to copy les on top of the ssh protocol. What node to use for data transfer to and from SciNet depends mostly on the amount of data to transfer: Moving less than 10GB through the login nodes The login nodes are visible from outside SciNet, which means that you can transfer data to and from your own machine to SciNet using scp or rsync starting from SciNet or from your own machine. The login node has a cpu time out of 5 minutes, which means that even if you tried to transfer more than 10GB, you would probably not succeed. While the login nodes can be used for transfers of less than 10GB, using the data mover node would still be faster. Moving more than 10GB through the datamover nodes Serious moves of data (more than 10GB) to or from SciNet is best done from the datamover1 or datamover2 node. From any of the interactive SciNet nodes, one can ssh to datamover1 or datamover2. These machines have the fastest network connection to the outside world (by a factor of 10; a 10Gb/s link as vs 1Gb/s). Consider that datamover2 is sometimes under heavy load for sysadmin purposes, but datamover1 is intended for user trafc only. Transfers must be originated from the datamovers; that is, one can not copy les from the outside world directly to or from a datamover node; one has to log in to that datamover node and copy the data to or from the outside network. Your local machine must be reachable from the outside, either by its name or its IP address. If you are behind a rewall or a (wireless) router, this may not be possible. You may need to ask your system administrator to allow datamover to ssh to your machine. Transfers through login time-out after 5 minutes, so if you have a slow connection, use datamover1. Read more on the wiki page on Data Management .


Acknowledging SciNet
In publications based on results from SciNet computations, please use the following acknowledgment: Computations were performed on the <systemname> supercomputer at the SciNet HPC Consortium. SciNet is funded by: the Canada Foundation for Innovation under the auspices of Compute Canada; the Government of Ontario; Ontario Research Fund - Research Excellence; and the University of Toronto. where you replace <systemname> by GPC or TCS. Also please cite the SciNet datacentre paper: Chris Loken et al., SciNet: Lessons Learned from Building a Power-efcient Top-20 System and Data Centre, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 256, 012026 (2010).

SciNet User Tutorial


We are very interested in keeping track of such SciNet-powered publications! We track these for our own interest, but such publications are also useful evidence of scientic merit for future resource allocations as well. Please email details of any such publications, along with PDF preprints, to In any talks you give, please feel free to use the SciNet logo, and images of GPC, TCS, and the data centre. These can be found on the wiki page Acknowledging SciNet .

GPC examples
All example presume that the necessary modules are loaded in .bashrc (i.e., module load intel openmpi). Submission of these examples can be done from gpc01, gpc02, gpc03, or gpc04, using $ qsub <script> where you will replace <script> with the le containing the submission script. There are no options given to qsub in this case, because the scripts contain all the necessary requests. The qsub command will return a job ID. Information about a queued job can be found using checkjob JOB-ID, and jobs can be canceled with the command canceljob JOB-ID.


Shared memory parallel jobs (OpenMP) on the GPC

Compiling $ ifort -openmp -O3 -xhost example.f -c -o example.o $ icc -openmp -O3 -xhost example.c -c -o example.o $ icpc -openmp -O3 -xhost example.cpp -c -o example.o

Linking $ ifort/icc/icpc -openmp example.o -o example

Submitting Create a simple script which contains something like the following: #!/bin/bash #MOAB/Torque submission script for SciNet GPC (OpenMP) #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N openmp-test cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 ./example and submit the job with qsub.

SciNet User Tutorial



Distributed memory parallel jobs (MPI) on the GPC

Compiling $ $ $ $ mpif77 mpif90 mpicc mpicxx -O3 -O3 -O3 -O3 -xhost -xhost -xhost -xhost example.f example.f90 example.c example.cpp -c -c -c -c -o -o -o -o example.o example.o example.o example.o

Linking $ mpif77/mpif90/mpicc/mpicxx -limf example.o -o example

Submitting - ethernet Create a simple script, for example, #!/bin/bash #MOAB/Torque submission script for SciNet GPC (ethernet) #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N mpi-test-eth cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpirun -np 16 ./example and submit the job with qsub. Submitting - inniband #!/bin/bash #MOAB/Torque submission script for SciNet GPC (infiniband) #PBS -l nodes=2:ib:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N mpi-test-ib cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpirun -np 16 ./example and submit the job with qsub. The MPI libraries automatically use inniband or ethernet depending on the nodes your job runs on. As a result, when using ethernet, the MPI libraries print out (library-dependent) mostly harmless warning messages that they cannot nd/use inniband. To suppress these messages for OpenMPI, add a ag --mca btl self,sm,tcp to the mpirun command. To suppress these messages for IntelMPI, add -env I_MPI_FABRICS shm:tcp after -np 16. Remember to remove ethernet-specic options if you switch to inniband, or youll still get ethernet! Read more on the wiki: GPC MPI Versions

SciNet User Tutorial



Serial jobs on the GPC

SciNet is a parallel computing resource, and our priority will always be parallel jobs. Having said that, if you can make efcient use of the resources using serial jobs and get good science done, thats acceptable too. The GPC nodes each have 8 processing cores, and making efcient use of these nodes means using all eight cores. As a result, wed like to have the users take up whole nodes (e.g., run multiples of 8 jobs) at a time. The easiest way to do this is to bunch the jobs in groups of 8 that will take roughly the same amount of time. It is important to group the programs by how long they will take. If one job takes 2 hours and the rest running on the same node only take 1, then for one hour 7 of the 8 cores on the GPC node are wasted; they are sitting idle but are unavailable for other users, and the utilization of this node is only 56 percent. You should have a reasonable idea of how much memory the jobs require. The GPC compute nodes have about 14GB in total available to user jobs running on the 8 cores (less, roughly 13GB, on gpc01..04). So the jobs have to be bunched in ways that will t into 14GB. If thats not possible, one could in principle to just run fewer jobs so that they do t; but then, the under-utilization problem remains. Another highly recommended method is using GNU parallel, which can do the load balancing for you. See the wiki page User Serial . Compiling $ ifort -O3 -xhost dojobX.f -c -o dojobX.o $ icc -O3 -xhost dojobX.c -c -o dojobX.o $ icpc -O3 -xhost dojobX.cpp -c -o dojobX.o Linking $ ifort/icc/icpc dojobX.o -o dojobX Submitting Create a script in the same directory which bunches 8 serial jobs together. You could do this by creating 8 sub-directories, copying the executable to each one. An example is given here: #!/bin/bash #MOAB/Torque submission script for multiple serial jobs on SciNet GPC #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N serialx8-test cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR #EXECUTION COMMAND; ampersand off 8 jobs and wait (cd jobdir1; ./dojob1) & (cd jobdir2; ./dojob2) & (cd jobdir3; ./dojob3) & (cd jobdir4; ./dojob4) & (cd jobdir5; ./dojob5) & (cd jobdir6; ./dojob6) & (cd jobdir7; ./dojob7) & (cd jobdir8; ./dojob8) & wait and submit the job with qsub.Note that The wait command at the end is crucial; without it the job will terminate immediately, killing the 8 programs you just started!

SciNet User Tutorial



Hybrid MPI/OpenMP jobs on the GPC

Compiling $ $ $ $ mpif77 mpif90 mpicc mpicxx -openmp -openmp -openmp -openmp -O3 -O3 -O3 -O3 -xhost -xhost -xhost -xhost example.f example.f90 example.c example.cpp -c -c -c -c -o -o -o -o example.o example.o example.o example.o

Note: you have to specify the -mt_mpi ag as well if you are using Intel MPI instead of Open MPI. Linking $ mpif77/mpif90/mpicc/mpicxx -openmp -limf example.o -o example

Submitting To run on 3 nodes, each node having 2 MPI processes, each with 4 threads, use a script such as #!/bin/bash #MOAB/Torque submission script for SciNet GPC (ethernet) #PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=8,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N hybrid-test-eth cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 mpirun --bynode -np 6 ./example and submit the job with qsub. The --bynode option is essential; without it, MPI processes bunch together in eights on each node. For Intel MPI, that option needs to be replaced by -ppn 2. For inniband, add :ib to the -l option. Note the remarks above about using ethernet and warning messages given by OpenMPI and IntelMPI.

TCS examples
Submission of the examples below can be done from tcs01 or tcs02 using $ llsubmit <script> where you will replace <script> with the le containing the submission script. There are no options given to llsubmit in this case, because the scripts contain all the necessary requests. The llsubmit command will return a job ID. Information about a queued job can be found using checkjob JOB-ID, and jobs can be canceled with the command canceljob JOB-ID.

SciNet User Tutorial



Shared memory parallel jobs (OpenMP) on the TCS

Compiling $ xlf_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.f -c -o example.o $ xlc_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.c -c -o example.o $ xlC_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.cpp -c -o example.o

Linking $ xlf_r/xlc_r/xlC_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -bdatapsize:64k -bstackpsize:64k example.o -o example

Submitting Create a script along the following lines #Specifies the name of the shell to use for the job #@ shell = /usr/bin/ksh #@ job_name = <some-descriptive-name> #@ job_type = parallel #@ class = verylong #@ environment = copy_all; memory_affinity=mcm; mp_sync_qp=yes; \ # mp_rfifo_size=16777216; mp_shm_attach_thresh=500000; \ # mp_euidevelop=min; mp_use_bulk_xfer=yes; \ # mp_rdma_mtu=4k; mp_bulk_min_msg_size=64k; mp_rc_max_qp=8192; \ # psalloc=early; nodisclaim=true #@ node = 1 #@ tasks_per_node = 1 #@ node_usage = not_shared #@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out #@ error = $(job_name).$(jobid).err #@ wall_clock_limit= 04:00:00 #@ queue export target_cpu_range=-1 cd /scratch/<username>/<some-directory> ## To allocate as close to the cpu running the task as possible: export MEMORY_AFFINITY=MCM ## next variable is for OpenMP export OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 ## next variable is for ccsm_launch export THRDS_PER_TASK=32 ## ccsm_launch is a "hybrid program launcher" for MPI/OpenMP programs poe ccsm_launch ./example

SciNet User Tutorial



Distributed memory parallel jobs (MPI) on the TCS

Compiling $ mpxlf -q64 -O3 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.f -c -o example.o $ mpcc -q64 -O3 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.c -c -o example.o $ mpCC -cpp -q64 -O3 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.cpp -c -o example.o

Linking $ mpxlf/mpcc/mpCC -q64 -bdatapsize:64k -bstackpsize:64k example.o -o example

Submitting Create a script along the following lines #LoadLeveler submission script for SciNet TCS: MPI job #@ job_name = <some-descriptive-name> #@ initialdir = /scratch/<username>/<some-directory> #@ executable = example #@ arguments = #@ tasks_per_node = 64 #@ node = 2 #@ wall_clock_limit= 12:00:00 #@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out #@ error = $(job_name).$(jobid).err #@ notification = complete #@ notify_user = <> #Dont change anything below here unless you know exactly #why you are changing it. #@ job_type = parallel #@ class = verylong #@ node_usage = not_shared #@ rset = rset_mcm_affinity #@ mcm_affinity_options = mcm_distribute mcm_mem_req mcm_sni_none #@ cpus_per_core=2 #@ task_affinity=cpu(1) #@ environment = COPY_ALL; MEMORY_AFFINITY=MCM; MP_SYNC_QP=YES; \ # MP_RFIFO_SIZE=16777216; MP_SHM_ATTACH_THRESH=500000; \ # MP_EUIDEVELOP=min; MP_USE_BULK_XFER=yes; \ # MP_RDMA_MTU=4K; MP_BULK_MIN_MSG_SIZE=64k; MP_RC_MAX_QP=8192; \ # PSALLOC=early; NODISCLAIM=true # Submit the job #@ queue

SciNet User Tutorial



Hybrid MPI/OpenMP jobs on the TCS

Compiling $ mpxlf_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.f -c -o example.o $ mpcc_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.c -c -o example.o $ mpCC_r -cpp -qsmp=omp -q64 -O4 -qhot -qarch=pwr6 -qtune=pwr6 example.cpp -c -o example.o Linking $ mpxlf_r/mpcc_r/mpCC_r -qsmp=omp -q64 -bdatapsize:64k -bstackpsize:64k example.o -o example Submitting To run on 3 nodes, each with 2 MPI processes that have 32 threads, create a le poe.cmdfile containing ccsm_launch ccsm_launch ccsm_launch ccsm_launch ccsm_launch ccsm_launch ./example ./example ./example ./example ./example ./example

and create a script along the following lines #@ shell = /usr/bin/ksh #@ job_name = <some-descriptive-name> #@ job_type = parallel #@ class = verylong #@ environment = COPY_ALL; memory_affinity=mcm; mp_sync_qp=yes; \ # mp_rfifo_size=16777216; mp_shm_attach_thresh=500000; \ # mp_euidevelop=min; mp_use_bulk_xfer=yes; \ # mp_rdma_mtu=4k; mp_bulk_min_msg_size=64k; mp_rc_max_qp=8192; \ # psalloc=early; nodisclaim=true #@ task_geometry = {(0,1)(2,3)(4,5)} #@ node_usage = not_shared #@ output = $(job_name).$(jobid).out #@ error = $(job_name).$(jobid).err #@ wall_clock_limit= 04:00:00 #@ core_limit = 0 #@ queue export target_cpu_range=-1 cd /scratch/<username>/<some-directory> export MEMORY_AFFINITY=MCM export THRDS_PER_TASK=32:32:32:32:32:32 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 poe -cmdfile poe.cmdfile wait

SciNet User Tutorial



ARC examples
GPU job on the ARC
Compiling $ nvcc -arch=sm_13 -O3 example.c -c -o example.o

Linking $ nvcc example.o -o example

Submitting #!/bin/bash # Torque submission script for SciNet ARC # #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=2,walltime=1:00:00 #PBS -N GPUtest cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # EXECUTE COMMAND ./example Submit with qsub.

SciNet User Tutorial


Brief introduction to the Unix command line

As SciNet systems run a Unix-like environment, you need to know the basics of the Unix command line. With many good Unix tutorials on-line, we will only give some of the most commonly used features. Unix prompt The Unix command line is actually a program called a shell. The shell shows a prompt, something like: user@scinet01:/home/user$ _ At the prompt you can type your input, followed by enter. The shell then proceeds to execute your commands. For brevity, in examples the prompt is abbreviated to $. There are different Unix shells (on SciNet the default is bash) but their basic commands are the same. Files and directories Files are organized in a directory tree. A le is thus specied as /<path>/<file>. The directory separating character is the slash /. For nested directories, paths are sequences of directories separated by slashes. There is a root folder / which contains all other folders. Different le systems (hard disks) are mounted somewhere in this global tree. There are no separate trees for different devices. In a shell, there is always a current directory. This solves the impracticality of having to specify the full path for each le or directory. The current directory is by default displayed in the prompt. You can refer to les in the current directory simply by using their name. You can specify les in another directory by using absolute (as before) or relative paths. For example, if the current directory is /home/user, the le a in the directory /home/user/z can be referred to as z/a. The special directories . and .. refer to the current directory and the parent directory, respectively. Home directory Each user has a home directory, often called /home/<user>, where <user> is replaced by your user name. By default, les in this directory can be seen only by users in the same group. You cannot write to other users home directory, nor can you read home directories of other groups, unless these have changed the default permissions. The home directory can be referred to using the single character shorthand ~. On SciNet, you have an additional directory at your disposal, called /scratch/<user>. Commands Commands typed on the command line are either built-in to the shell or external, in which case the are a le somewhere in the le system. Unless you specify the full path of an external command, the shell has to go look for the corresponding le. The directories that it looks for are stored as a list separated by a colon (:) in a variable called PATH. In bash, you can append a directory to this as follows: $ export PATH="$PATH:<newpath>"

SciNet User Tutorial Common commands command ls cat cd cp man mkdir more mv pwd rm rmdir vi exit function list the content of the given or of the current directory. concatenate the contents of les given as arguments (writes to screen) change the current directory to the one given as an argument copy a le to another le show the help page for the command given as an argument create a new directory display the le given as an argument, page-by-page move a le to another le or directory show the current directory delete a le (no undo or trash!) delete a directory edit a le (there are alternatives, e.g., nano or emacs) exit the shell


Hidden les and directories A le or directory of which the name starts with a period (.) is hidden, i.e., it will not show up in an ls (unless you give the option -a). Hidden les and directories are typically used for settings. Variables Above we already saw an example of a shell variable, namely, PATH. In the bash shell, variables can have any name and are assigned a value using equals, e.g., MYVAR=15. To use a variable, you type $MYVAR. To make sure commands can use this variable, you have to export it, i.e., export MYVAR, if it is already set, or export MYVAR=15 to set it and export it in one command. Scripts One can put a sequence of shell commands in a text le and execute it using its name as a command (or by source <file>). This is useful for automating frequently typed commands, and is called a shell script. Job scripts as used by the scheduler are a special kind of shell script. Another special script is the hidden le ~/.bashrc which is executed each time a shell is started.

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