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LP EN10 Reader-Response

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Iligan City National High School
Gen. Wood St. , Mahayahay , Iligan City


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the learners will able to;
a.understand what Reader-Response Approach is.
b.critique a literary text on a Reader-Response Approach.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Literary Criticism: Reader-Response Approach.
Instructional Materials: LCD Monitor , Visual Aids ( PPT presentation)
Reference: https://depedtambayan.net/search/?q=CG-EN10WC-IIIg-14

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Opening Prayer

Kindly stand for our opening prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning/ Afternoon Class! Good Morning/ Afternoon Sir!
3. Classroom Management
Alright ! Please arrange your chairs
before taking your seats. Yes Sir!
4. Class Conditioning
How are you for today class? Hopefully
you are doing and feeling alright for the We are Fine sir! Thank you!
entire session!
5. Checking of Attendance None sir!
Any absences for today , Class?
6. Checking of Assignment Yes sir, but only review of the Topic sir.
Okay! Did I provide you assignment last
7. Review of the Previous Lesson Literary Criticism, using Moralist Approach sir!
Alright! What was our topic last week?

What is Moralist Approach anyway? The approach that takes the position that larger
function of literature is to teach MORALITY and
probe Philosophical issues.

The other term of Moralist is?.... Another term is Philosophical Criticism sir.

Alright, does the topic gives you good

moral ideas about for being rational Yes sir!
individual , right?

B. Learning Development

a. Activity


I have pictures here to be presented for you

to understand it either literally or provide
wide meaning behind on it.

DIRECTIONS: Based on the pictures

presented on the monitor, make a reaction
by choosing 1 of the four EMOJIs . Each
ICON has a corresponding questions.
NOTE: Don’t WORRY there is no right or
wrong for your answers.

Like- What can you say about the picture?
Sad- Is there any positive and negative response
about the picture?
Laughter- What is the message behind this
Angry- Can you relate to our real life experiences?


Yes Sir! We are Ready


Student’s Answer may vary




b. Analysis

Alright! Did you Enjoy the activity class?

Yes Sir!
Impressive! Some of you, shared much of
your different opinions by using the

What are those Emojis , Class?

There are different reactions sir that responses
Do you have any idea what we are doing based on the pictures presented.
now , in the connection for our new lesson?
Yes Sir!
And even I announced it last meeting to
study it in advance.
It’s all about Reader-Response Sir!

What was it? Any Idea?

Yes! Thank You!

c. Abstraction

For today’s lesson we will discussing the

last approach in literary criticism, the

At the end of the lesson we will able TO:

a. understand what Reader-Response
Approach is.
b. critique a literary text on a Reader-
Response Approach.

• A theory that focuses on the individual
reaction and interpretation of a text by the
reader as it is proposed that only the reader
can give a text sufficient meaning.
• Each and every reader will interpret a text
differently between readings depending on
their intellect or knowledge of the history of
which the text describes, moods, personal
experiences, ideologies, and culture.
• The role of the reader is essential to the
meaning of the text, for only in the reading
experience does the literary work come
alive. The meaning of the story is dependent
on the reader’s interpretation.

Purpose of Reading Response theory:

To examine
Examine the hidden meaning behind the
texts in literary piece.
To explain
The reader will not only react to the text but
they also need to explain why they react that
way hence its purposes.
To defend
You need to have evidence, otherwise your
reactions will be meaningless.
To critique – give a criticism of the text.

• In doing a critical reading using the reader

response approach, you as the reader are
going to explain:
• Why you like or dislike the text?
• Why do you agree or disagree with the
• What is the purpose of the author?



When criticizing by Principle you can create
your criticism based on these questions:

Kindly read , MR./MS….


- Does the article or text are promoting Student will read

discrimination such as race, gender and even
religion? Is it racist?

- Does the text or article was only one-sided?

- Does the author’s work or article provides Is it biased?

wrong or insufficient information that can
mislead the readers.

By form Does it have misconceptions?

Is it poorly written?
It indicates that a particular piece of writing is
considered difficult to read or contains
elements of non-compliance with general
linguistic, literary and/or purpose specific
Is it childish?
“HAKU?!?! How are you talking to me? Where
are you? Are you safe?” Ryu frantically spewed
out these words. Haku’s silky voice laughed and
sighed. "
Does it have information overload?
Wordy information that can lead to confusion
and tension to the reader’s mind
Are there any typographical errors in the text?


• Forces the readers to look beyond its words

and search for the deeper meaning.
• Each reader interprets differently, hence
groups of reader form connections and
understanding based on each other’s
• Perspective change overcome making
meaning unstable.
• Disadvantages
• Too subjective as it focuses on the reader’s
own interpretations.
• The reader is bias and ignores the actual
meaning of the text if there is one.
• The reader can misinterpret the text.
• If the reader knows the author’s
interpretation, the reader may not believe it,
find fault in it, or completely disregard it

So, any questions and clarifications about Reader-

Response? None so far , Sir!

d. Application

Use Reader-Response criticism about

the short story “ The Frog and the

1. Why you like or dislike the text?

2. Why do you agree or disagree with the author?
3. What is the purpose of the author?

IV. Evaluation
Quiz: 10 items IDENTIFICATION: ¼ Sheet of
Directions: Identify what is being asked in the
1 -4: What are the purposes of Reader
Response Approach?
5. Cite at least one advantage of reader –
response approach.
6. cite at least one disadvantage of reader –
response approach.
7-8. What are the two ways in critiquing a
literary text when using the reader – response?
9-10. Give atleast two (2) questions in
criticizing reader-response under by FORM.

Essay: What I have learned about literary

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