M2 - Post Task (Lactating)
M2 - Post Task (Lactating)
M2 - Post Task (Lactating)
After a mother has given birth to her child, the nutrition consumed by both of them must
continue indefinitely. The baby must be exclusively breastfed from birth to six months, after
which a supplementation should be added to their diet along with continued breastfeeding. While
the mother is breastfeeding, she is required to consume more calories to meet their nutritional
requirements while breastfeeding (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). According
to Mulaw (2021), lactating mothers are nutritionally vulnerable groups because this period places
a high nutritional requirement for them, resulting in nutritional stress. Their diet will help them
meet their own nutritional needs, prevent depletion of their body stores, and allow them to
produce enough milk for their infants and children. Poor nutrition during lactation endangers
breastfeeding mothers, an additional 500 kilocalories (kcal) per day is recommended, compared
to the amount they were consuming before pregnancy, which only requires 300 kcal.
Additionally, during lactation, a mother's need for iodine and choline increases. They should
consume 290 mcg of iodine and 550 mg of choline daily for the first year after giving birth,
according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Iodine can be found in milk, eggs, seafood,
and iodized table salt (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). However, lactating
women should avoid certain foods. Mercury-containing fish, caffeine, and alcohol are examples
of these foods because they can be passed from mother to infant through breast milk. This can
have a negative impact on the brain and nervous system of a breastfed infant.
The patient was interviewed through online set-up and was asked about her food
intake using the 24-hour food recall. The questionnaire includes measuring tools such as
measuring cups and spoons to help the patient recall how much food she ate that day. The
24-hour food recall includes information such as the patient's meal time, location, food
items and descriptions, household measurements such as cups and spoons, and the
B. Anthropometric measurement
pre-pregnancy and pregnancy weight in kilograms. In addition, the desirable body weight
was calculated to determine the ideal body weight for the patient's height.
● She avoided dishes that had coconut milk as advice from the elders.
● She also avoids things that could harm her (binat), such as lifting heavy objects.
● The patient also avoids consuming soda or any other soft drinks and cold water as this
● The patient wants a dish that has a soup, like tinolang manok with malunggay.
Carbohydrates = 2450 kcal x .50= 1225 kcal + 500 = 1725 ÷ 4 kcal/g = 430g
Diet Rx: kcal = 2450 kcal; CHO 430 g; PRO 125 g; Fat 85 g
Vegetable A 2 6 2 - 32
Vegetable B 1 3 1 - 16
Fruit 4 40 - - 160
Whole 1 12 8 10 170
Low Fat - - - - -
Non-Fat - - - - -
Sugar 1 5 - - 20
No. of Ex: 16
A 8 184 - - 736
B 5 115 10 - 500
C 3 69 12 - 324
Partial Sum (PRO): 125g - 33 = 92
÷ 8 = 12
No. of Ex: 12
Medium 6 - 48 36 516
High Fat - - - - -
No. of Ex: 7
Fat 7 - - 35 315
DIFFERENCE: +4 +4 +2 +585
Vegetable B 1 1
Fruit 4 1 1 2
Whole Milk 1 1
Sugar 1 1
Rice A 8 2 3 1 2
Rice B 5 2½ 2½
Rice C 3 1 2
In the study of Segura (2016), breast milk is the most nutritious food for newborns and
infants. A lactating woman's nutritional stores may be depleted as a result of the pregnancy and
blood loss during childbirth. Lactation increases nutrient requirements, primarily due to nutrient
loss, first through colostrum and then through breastmilk. The volume of breastmilk differs
significantly. The nutrients in this milk come from the mother's diet or her nutrient reserves.
Breastfeeding mothers must increase their nutrient intake to maintain good nutritional status.
We added 500 kcal to her diet in accordance with the 2018 Philippine Dietary Reference
Intake (PDRI) and distributed it to her diet. Furthermore, the diet plan was created with her
preferences in mind. Her favorite foods are soup dishes such as tinolang manok, and she avoids
any dishes that have coconut milk because the elders suggested that it is not good for her. That is
why we created a menu that included a variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs, such as
vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients, but also included her preferences. The planned menu
The researchers advise the patient to eat a variety of foods in order to meet the needs of
both her and her infant. Inadequate dietary intake in a lactating woman can result in a variety of
deficiencies and have an impact on her child's development and growth. Lactating mothers are
this, the patient must be educated about her food choices and her health, specifically the benefits
of the nutrients she must consume. Protein consumption must be 16 grams per day for the first
six months of lactation, then 12 grams per day for the next six months. This must be done to
increase the lactating mother's milk volume. Vitamin A consumption can assist the lactating
mother in producing milk and meeting not only the vitamin A but also the carotenoid needs of
the infants, who are generally born deficient in this nutrient and rely on breast milk. Because the
growing baby requires more calcium, which is drawn from the mother's bones, calcium
deficiency can affect the lactating mother's bones. Finally, to reimburse for iron loss during
The patient should be advised to eat a variety of foods high in the aforementioned
nutrients and to lead a healthy lifestyle. She should also exercise, even if only for a short time,
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, May 17). Diet considerations for
Food and Nutrition Research Institute (2015). Department of Science and Technology.
–1579. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-017-3026-5
Segura, A. S. (2016, June 1). The importance of maternal nutrition during breastfeeding: Do
Pediatria. https://www.analesdepediatria.org/en-the-importance-maternal-nutrition-