VW Passat b4 (1994 95) Heating Air Conditioner Eng
VW Passat b4 (1994 95) Heating Air Conditioner Eng
VW Passat b4 (1994 95) Heating Air Conditioner Eng
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner
Edition 10.1995
Repair Group
01 - Self diagnosis
80 - Heating
87 - Air conditioning
Technical information should always be available to the foremen and mechanics, because their careful
and constant adherence to the instructions is essential to ensure vehicle road-worthiness and safety. In
addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a matter of course,
be observed.
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
01 - Self diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1 Self diagnosis of Climatronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.1 Self diagnosis of Climatronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.2 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.3 Technical data of self diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
1.4 Test prerequisites for self diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
1.5 Connecting fault reader V.A.G 1551 and selecting function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
1.6 Chart of functions that can be selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.7 Interrogating fault memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.8 Fault table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
1.9 Final control diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
1.10 Read measured value block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1.11 Erasing fault memory, ending output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
80 - Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1 Servicing heating system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.1 Servicing heating system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
2 Dismantling and assembling heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
2.1 Dismantling and assembling heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
3 Installing and adjusting cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
3.1 Installing and adjusting cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
4 Dismantling and assembling heated air and fresh air controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
4.1 Dismantling and assembling heated air and fresh air controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
5 Servicing electronic heater controls - Thermotronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
5.1 Servicing electronic heater controls - Thermotronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Contents i
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
ii Contents
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
01 - Self diagnosis
Some components and functions of the Climatronic are not monitored by the self diagnosis. If after interrogating
the fault memory no fault is recognized even though there is a specific complaint, carry out further complaint
related checks.
Further information:
◆ Servicing Climatronic=>Page 81
◆ Servicing refrigerant system with refrigerant R134a:
1.2 - Function
The Climatronic control unit is supplied with information from electrical and electronic components (information
transmitters). The input signals from the information transmitters are processed in the control unit in accordance
with specifications and the output signals then control the electrical components (final controls).
The Climatronic control unit -J255- is located behind the control and display panel -E87-.
To enable fault to be rapidly detected if a component fails or there is an open circuit, the control unit is equipped
with a fault memory which can be interrogated using the fault reader V.A.G 1551.
Should a fault be detected in one of the sensors or components monitored, it is stored in the fault memory.
If a fault has been stored, the Climatronic will be switched off either partially or entirely depending on the severity
of the fault.
If a fault which has a permanent adverse effect on the operation of the Climatronic is stored to memory, the
display of the control and display panel -E87- flashes for approx. 15 seconds when the ignition is switched on.
In the case of faults that do not cause the display to flash, the Climatronic control unit can allow the Climatronic
to continue operating in emergency mode at the adjusted settings.
To commence fault finding, initiate self-diagnosis and retrieve the stored information with the fault reader V.A.G
The fault information displayed is used to refer to a fault table with notes on the possible causes for directed
repair measures.
Memory: Non-volatile
Data output: Rapid data transfer
Final control diagnosis yes
Read measuring value block yes
-> With the ignition switched off, connect V.A.G 1551 using cable V.A.G 1551/3 to the diagnostic socket as
- Remove cover for diagnostic connections (in front of display panel right).
- Connect fault reader using cable V.A.G 1551/3.
* Is displayed alternately.
If the display remains blank check V.A.G 1551 voltage supply using current flow diagram.
◆ Additional operating information can be printed out depending on the programme by pressing the HELP key
of V.A.G 1551.
◆ The ⇒key is used for advancing the programme sequence.
◆ The PRINT key is used for switching on the printer (warning lamp in key lights up).
- Switch on ignition.
- Press key -1- for "Rapid data transfer" mode.
2 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
- Press keys -0- and -8- (08 inputs the address word of the vehicle system to be tested - "Air cond./Heating
- ->
Vehicles up to 07.95
- ->
◆ data transfer
Rapid HELP
Control unit does not answer!
-> If one of the fault messages opposite appears in the display, the possible causes of the fault can be
printed out with the HELP key.
◆ data transfer
No signal from control unit!
-> Faults have occurred at the start of or during the programme (external sources of faults?).
- ->
Rapid data transfer
Fault in communication build-up
Check diagnostic cables and also voltage supply and earth connection.
- When causes of faults have been eliminated, input address word 08 for "Air cond./Heating electronics" and
confirm with Q key.
- ->
- ->
A list of the possible functions is printed out after pressing the HELP key:
01 - Interrogate control unit version =>Connect‐ 2
ing fault reader V.A.G 1551 and selecting
02 - Interrogate fault memory 4
03 - Final control diagnosis 9
05 - Erase fault memory 16
06 - End output 16
08 - Read measured value block 12
Only the functions listed can be used at present for self diagnosis.
After pressing the ⇒key, the V.A.G 1551 programme returns to the initial position.
- Press keys -0- and -2- (the function "Interrogate fault memory" is entered with 02).
-> The number of stored faults or "No fault recognized" appears in the display.
X faults recognized!
4 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
No fault recognized!
- Press ⇒key.
The stored faults are displayed and printed out one after the other.
- When the last fault has been displayed and printed out, eliminate faults as described in fault table ( => Page
5 ).
After the ⇒key is pressed, the programme moves to the initial position as with "No fault recognized":
◆ If a fault was recognized:
◆ 1. Rectify fault.
◆ 2. Interrogate fault memory (function 02).
◆ 3. Erase fault memory (function 05).
◆ The following table lists all the faults, with the corresponding 5 digit code numbers, that can be recognized
by the Climatronic control unit -J255- and printed out by the V.A.G 1551.
◆ If a fault does not occur regularly or if the fault memory is not deleted after elimination of fault, these faults
are displayed as sporadic faults.
◆ Fault codes appear only on print-out.
◆ Fault table may also include type of fault.
◆ When repair has been carried out, the fault memory must always be interrogated again with the fault reader
V.A.G 1551 and erased.
◆ If, despite customer's complaint, no fault in Climatronic can be found, carry out "Final control diagnosis" (=>
Page 12 ). If necessary, carry out fault finding for specific complaints without self-diagnosis:
1) A fault has been found with speedometer sender -G22- (vehicles with electronic speedometer sender) or
speed sender -G54- (vehicles with mechanical speedometer sender) and not from speed sender -G68-. The
fault is only recognised if 5 driving cycles take place within 4 minutes after starting engine and no speed signal
is measured.
6 01 - Self diagnosis
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
1) This fault cannot be recognized if outside temperature is below 12°C or -G17- and -G89- both malfunction
8 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
- Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 and select Air cond./Heating electronics (address word 08) => Page 2 .
- Press keys -0- and -3- (03 selects "Final control diagnosis" function).
- If "Function is not recognized or cannot be carried out at the moment" appears in display, final control
diagnosis has been concluded.
- Press ⇒ button.
After completing final control diagnosis, interrogate fault memory => Page 4
10 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Check display in control and display panel -E87-
◆ All segments must appear in display. If not, renew control and display panel.
◆ After a period in excess of 20 seconds the display will change.
will be moved once over their complete range. The first half of the movement the motors will be fully activated,
for the rest driven in stages.
The movement will be completed in approx. 30 seconds and the following end positions attained:
1) If necessary check and adjust end position of temperature flap positioning motor -V68- when installed
in vehicle => Page 101
3) The position of the air flow flap can be checked with the dust and pollen filter removed.
If when subsequently interrogating the fault memory (=> Page 4 ) no fault is recognized, even though the end
positions were not attained, then the appropriate positioning motor or the air flap must be checked for me‐
chanical damage.
◆ During the final control diagnosis the fresh air blower is activated with 3 different voltages. Should a fault be
detected in the fresh air blower current track, it will be stored in the fault memory.
◆ The current track is tested from Climatronic control unit -J255- connection T28a/15 to the air conditioner
pressure switch -F129-. Should a fault be detected, it will be stored in the fault memory.
If during the subsequent interrogation of the fault memory (=> Page 4 ) no fault is detected, even though the
magnetic coupling is not being activated during cooling operation, then check wiring from air conditioner pres‐
sure switch -F129- via -F163- (not on vehicles with 2-speed radiator fan) and -J293- to magnetic coupling using
current flow diagram.
◆ During the function "Read measuring value block" the Climatronic regulation is in operation.
◆ There are 3 display groups each with 4 measuring values.
◆ To read off the measuring values whilst driving a 2nd mechanic is required.
- Connect fault reader V.A.G 1551 and input address word "08 Air conditioner/Heating electronics" and then
press ⇒key, until "Select function XX" is shown in display => Page 2 .
- Press keys -0- and -8- (08 initiates the "Read measured value block" function).
12 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Table of selectable display group numbers
◆ Decoding the figures in the individual display zones => Test table Page 14 .
◆ With the printer switched on the information on the display will be printed-out.
◆ If the specifications are attained in all display zones:
- Press ⇒key.
After completing the "Read measured value block" function interrogate fault memory => Page 4
Group num‐ Display Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 Rectifying fault
ber zone display spec‐
01 1 Measured value for Displayed figure cor‐ ... °C - Check wiring and
ambient temperature responds to the ambi‐ connections accord‐
sensor -G17- ent air temperature of ing to current flow di‐
temperature sensor agram
Replace -G17-
2 Measured value of Displayed figure cor‐ ... °C - Check wiring and
fresh air intake chan‐ responds to the ambi‐ connections accord‐
nel temperature sen‐ ent air temperature of ing to current flow di‐
sor -G89- temperature sensor agram
Replace -G89-
3 Measured value of Displayed figure cor‐ ... °C - Check wiring and
dash panel tempera‐ responds to the ambi‐ connections accord‐
ture sensor -G56- ent air temperature of ing to current flow di‐
temperature sensor agram
Replace -G56-
4 Vehicles up to 07.95: Displayed figure cor‐ ... °C - Check wiring and
Measured value of responds to the tem‐ connections accord‐
coolant temperature perature of the coolant ing to current flow di‐
sender -G62- temperature sender agram
Vehicles from 08.95: Displayed figure cor‐ Replace -G62- or -
Measured value of responds to the ambi‐ G152-
air vent temperature ent temperature of the
sender -G152- air vent temperature
Group num‐ Display Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 Rectifying fault
ber zone display specifi‐
02 1 Speed signal from Displayed value cor‐ ... km/h - Check wiring and
speedometer sender responds to road connections accord‐
-G22- speed ing to current flow di‐
Replace -G22- (only
when the speedome‐
ter -G21- also does
not indicate road
2 Measured value for The displayed value 0..100% - Check wiring and
photo sensor for is dependent upon connections accord‐
sunlight penetration the light intensity ing to current flow di‐
-G107- agram
Replace -G107-
Dark 0%
Bright 100%
4 Supply voltage (on Displayed value cor‐ ..V - Check wiring and
Climatronic control responds to battery connections accord‐
unit, connection - voltage ing to current flow di‐
T10a/3-) agram
Check alternator
=>Current flow dia‐
grams, Electrical fault
finding, Fitting loca‐
14 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Group num‐ Display Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 Rectifying fault
ber zone display spec‐
03 2 Switch position of air - Refrigerant circuit 101) "00" indicated on
conditioner pressure fault-free 1551:
switch -F129- Condenser cooling is 2 bar/32 bar switch
sufficient (2 bar/32 bar part open, 16 bar
switch part closed, 16 switch part open. The
bar switch part open) refrigerant circuit is
empty and must be
taken to a specialist
Cont. - Refrigerant circuit 111) "01" indicated on
fault-free 1551:
Radiator fan in‐ 2 bar/32 bar switch
creased output stage part open, 16 bar
has switched on (2 switch part closed.
bar/32 bar switch part Condenser cooling in‐
closed, 16 bar switch sufficient (soiled); if
part closed). not the refrigerant cir‐
cuit is over-charged
and vehicle must be
taken to specialist
1) The left figure informs of switch part 2 bar/ 32 bar switch position, the right figure informs of switch part
16 bar switch position (1 = closed, 0 = open).
Group number Display zone Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 dis‐ Rectifying fault
play specification
03 2 "-0" indicated on 1551:
Checking the 2 bar/32 bar
switch part is not possible at the
moment, because the tempera‐
ture switch is open. Condenser
cooling is sufficient.
Cont. "-1" indicated on 1551:
Checking the 2 bar/32 bar
switch part is not possible at the
moment, because the tempera‐
ture switch is open. Radiator fan
increased output stage has
switched on.
Group num‐ Display Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 Rectifying fault
ber zone display spec‐
03 3 Air conditioner readi‐ - Climatronic switched 113) - If the engine start is
Cont. ness1)/engine start on and engine star‐ 103) not recognized,
recognized ted2): 003) check the wiring from
Climatronic switched 013) terminal X to connec‐
on and engine not tor -T28a/21- on con‐
started: trol unit.
Climatronic switched
off and engine not
Climatronic switched
off and engine started:
2) The magnetic coupling -N25- will only be switched on when the engine start is recognized.
3) The left figure informs of whether Climatronic is switched on (1 = Climatronic on, 0 = Climatronic off); The
right figure informs of whether the engine is started (1 = Engine started, 0 = Engine not started).
Group number Display zone Designation Test conditions V.A.G 1551 Rectifying fault
display specifi‐
03 4 Kick-down switch2) - Kick-down switch oper‐ 111) "10" indicated
ated (full throttle); vehi‐ 011) on 1551:
cles with automatic gear‐ 001) Check wiring
box: from automatic
Kick-down switch not op‐ gearbox control
erated; vehicles with au‐ unit -J217- to
tomatic gearbox: Climatronic
Vehicles with manual control unit -
gearbox: J255-
If necessary re‐
new control unit
1) The left figure informs of the Kickdown switch position (1 = closed, 0 = open), the right figure informs on
gearbox type (1 = automatic gearbox, 0 = Manual gearbox). If a gearbox, other than indicated, is installed then
check wiring according to current flow diagram.
- Press ⇒key.
- Press keys -0- and -5- (the function "Erase fault memory" is entered with 05).
16 01 - Self diagnosis
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
-Press ⇒ key.
◆ ->
Fault memory was not interrogated
Ending output
80 - Heating
Always disconnect the battery earth strap before working on the electrical system.
Before disconnecting battery, obtain radio code for radios with anti-theft coding.
1 Plenum chamber cover
2 Dust and pollen filter
◆ Removing => Fig. 5
3 Hexagon screw with shank M6x22
◆ 5 Nm
18 80 - Heating
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
4 Gasket
5 Series resistance for fresh air blower with overheating fuse -N24-
◆ Removing and installing => Fig. 1
6 Fresh air blower -V2-
◆ Removing => Fig. 2
7 Footwell vent
◆ Renewing: Remove shelf on drivers' and passenger side, centre console, dash panel bracket and pedal
cluster cover - 23 -
8 Air ducting right
9 Air distributor
◆ Renewing: Remove centre console, dash panel bracket, central vent -12-, heating and fresh air controls
-22-, remove shelf on passenger side; Loosen dash panel -20- and lift
10 Right vent
◆ Removing => Fig. 8
11 Grille
◆ For right vent
12 Central vent
◆ Removing => Fig. 7
13 Control panel trim
14 Grilles
◆ For central vent
15 Instrument panel trim
◆ Removing => Fig. 4
16 Grille
◆ For left vent
17 Air vent left
◆ Removing => Fig. 6
20 80 - Heating
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18 Rear ducting
◆ Renewing: Remove central console, dash panel bracket, pedal cluster cover - 23 -, footwell outlet - 7 -
19 Rear ducting seal
◆ Renewing: Remove central console, dash panel bracket, pedal cluster cover - 23 -, footwell outlet - 7 -
20 Dash panel
◆ Removing and installing
=> General body repairs; Repair Group 70; Removing and installing dash panel Removing and installing dash
22 80 - Heating
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
27 Heat exchanger
◆ Renewing: Remove dash panel and heating items -22- to 28- =>Fig. 9 ; Removing and installing heater
◆ Installing: => Page 28 dismantling and assembling heater
◆ After removal renew complete coolant
28 Air ducting with main shut-off flap
◆ Renewing: Remove dash panel and heating items -22- to 28- =>Fig. 9 ; Removing and installing heater
◆ Installing: =>Page 28 ; dismantling and assembling heater
29 Hexagon nut M6
◆ 5 Nm
-> Fig.1 Removing and installing fresh air blower series resistance with overheating fuse -N24-
- Seal surface between series resistance -1- and air duct before installing with AMV 176 000 05.
24 80 - Heating
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
-> Fig.3 Removing and installing fresh and heated air control unit
- Carefully lever out adjustable grilles -1- with long nose pliers.
- Remove trim -2-.
- Remove 4 screws -arrows- and take out instrument panel trim housing.
1- Filter element
2- Filter housing
3- Gasket
4- Clip
26 80 - Heating
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
- Carefully lever out adjustable grilles -2- with long nose pliers
- Remove screw -3- and disengage locating lugs -arrows-.
- Remove vent housing -1-.
Close evaporator connections to ensure that no coolant enters passenger compartment when removing.
1 Gasket
◆ Renew
2 Heat exchanger
◆ Gaskets must be glued, free of gaps all around.
◆ If catches do not engage when installing, then secure heat exchanger with screws.
3 Clip
4 Gasket
5 Air duct with main shut-off flap
◆ Do not dismantle further
6 Series resistor -N24-
7 Fresh air blower -V2-
28 80 - Heating
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
◆ Attach cables to removed controls first and then adjust on heater levers and secure.
◆ Ends of sleeves on cables, which are marked with a stripe of paint, must be secured to the controls.
◆ Position sleeves of cables -1-, -2- and -4- at stops on the controls and then secure. Secure sleeve for cable
-3- =>Fig. 5 .
◆ With controls installed adjust cables at levers of flaps.
◆ When turning control knobs all flaps must be heard to contact the stops.
30 80 - Heating
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32 80 - Heating
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Fig.-> 1 Adjusting cable at main shut-off flap
34 80 - Heating
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1 Controls
◆ Including fresh air blower switch -E9-
2 Fresh air control light bulb -L16-
3 Light conductor
4 Cap
4.1 - Dismantling and assembling heated air and fresh air controls 35
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Always disconnect the battery earth strap before working on the electrical system.
◆ Before disconnecting battery, obtain radio code for radios with anti-theft coding.
◆ Remove Thermotronic controls for all tests.
◆ Use leads from adapter set V.A.G 1594 to connect up testers.
◆ Numbers 18 to 28 on the trim are references for the inside temperature. They are not test data.
36 80 - Heating
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38 80 - Heating
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- Remove radio.
- Pull off trim for temperature sensor.
- Release temperature sensor -G56- and blower -V42- with screwdriver (arrows) and take out through radio
40 80 - Heating
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Fig.3 -> Checking end position of control motor -V68- when installed
If the connecting rod has been loosened, the rotary control is to be turned to the blue mark "cold" and the
temperature flap lever must be pretensioned by pressing lightly towards cold and secured (4 clips).
Fig.4 -> Checking resistance of potentiometer -G92- for control motor -V68- when installed
87 - Air conditioning
The assemblies and pipe work system of the air conditioner are filled with refrigerant R134a (tetrafluorethane,
CF3-CH2F or CH2F-CF3).
At present the R134a refrigerant pressure vessels are labelled with the following trade names:
- H-FKW 134a
- SUVA 134a
- ARCTON 134a
Further information:
◆ The appropriate fault finding programme can be found in, Fault finding "Heating, Air conditioner - binder 2".
◆ The valid current flow diagrams can be found in, Current flow diagrams, Electrical fault finding and Fitting
locations binder.
◆ Repairs on the air conditioner refrigerant system can be found in Workshop Manual "Air conditioner with
R12 refrigerant R134a, May 1992 ▸".
Before working on the electrical system disconnect the battery earth strap.
◆ A notice on the lock carrier plate in the engine compartment provides information concerning the refrigerant
and refrigerant oil used (air conditioning using R134a the refrigerant oil is a Poly-Alkylen-Glycol base with
◆ The components of the R134a refrigerant circuit are identified by labelling or by green stickers.
◆ Before disconnecting the battery, the codes for radios with anti-theft coding are to be obtained.
1.2 - Safety precautions for work on vehicles with air conditioning and when handling
refrigerant R134a
The following safety precautions must be observed for the refrigerant (in some countries additional regulations
may apply):
If it is necessary to evacuate the refrigerant circuit during repairs to the vehicle, the vehicle must be taken to a
specialist workshop!
Only specialist workshops are equipped with suitable evacuating equipment to handle the refrigerant compe‐
◆ It is recommended that an eye wash bottle be kept nearby. Should liquid refrigerant contact the eyes, eyes
must be thoroughly rinsed with water for approx. 15 minutes.
42 87 - Air conditioning
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◆ Then apply eye drops and contact a doctor immediately, even if eyes do not hurt. The doctor must be
informed that the frost bite has been caused by refrigerant R134a.
◆ If, in spite of these safety measures, refrigerant comes into contact with other body parts, these areas must
also be immediately thoroughly rinsed with cold water for at least 15 minutes.
Only work on the refrigerant circuit in well ventilated rooms. The refrigerant is not to be stored in shafts or
openings leading to cellars.
Refrigerant is odourless and colourless and heavier than air and therefore displaces oxygen. If, even after taking
precautions, refrigerant escapes there is a danger of asphyxiation without advance warning in poorly ventilated
Before working on a refrigerant circuit ensure that there are no cellar openings, pits or shafts within 5 m. Any
available extraction systems to be in operation.
This also applies to welding and soldering work on the vehicle when the danger exists that parts of the air
conditioner will heat up. During paintwork, object temperatures in the drying oven or in its pre-heating zone
must not exceed 80° C.
Heating results in high pressure in the system which may lead to pressure relief valve operating. During elec‐
trical welding invisible ultra-violet rays are produced, these penetrate hoses and breakdown the refrigerant.
Damaged or leaking air conditioner components are not to be repaired by soldering/welding, they must always
be renewed, first evacuate refrigerant from refrigerant circuit using refrigerant evacuation station (take vehicle
to specialist workshop).
1.2 - Safety precautions for work on vehicles with air conditioning and when handling
refrigerant R134a 43
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
1.3 - Service work on the air conditioner which can only be carried out in specially-equipped
Only air conditioner pressure switch -F129- can be renewed in all workshops - marked with *.
44 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
4 Expansion valve
◆ Engine compartment right
5 Evaporator
◆ In passenger compartment
6 Compressor magnetic coupling -N25-
7 Oil filling/draining plug
8 Compressor
9 Condenser
10 Fluid container with drier
11 Sight glass
◆ Will be discontinued
1.3 - Service work on the air conditioner which can only be carried out in specially-equipped
workshops 45
Passat 1994 ➤
Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Parts marked with an * can only be serviced by specially-equipped service workshops, since refrigerant circuit
must be evacuated beforehand with extraction station V.A.G 1770 or V.A.G 1771.
1 Gasket*
◆ Renew
46 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
2 Heat exchanger*
◆ Gaskets must be bonded gap-free all around.
◆ If retaining lugs do not engage when fitting, secure heat exchanger with screws.
◆ After removal replace complete coolant.
3 Connecting piece
◆ With gasket
◆ Renewing - remove dash panel beforehand
4 Evaporator housing*
◆ With evaporator
5 Air intake*
◆ With fresh and recirculating air flap
6 Series resistance -N24-
◆ Renewing => Fig. 2
48 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
17 Grille
◆ For right vent
18 Central vent
◆ Removing => Page 26 , Fig. 7
19 Control panel trim
20 Grilles
◆ For central vent
21 Instrument panel trim
◆ Removing => Page 25 , Fig. 4
22 Grille
◆ For right vent
23 Air vent left
◆ Removing => Page 26 , Fig. 6
50 87 - Air conditioning
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=> General body repairs; Repair Group 70; Removing and installing dash panel Removing and installing dash
52 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
32 Footwell outlet
◆ Renewing: Remove shelf on drivers' side and passenger side, centre console, dash panel bracket and
pedal cluster cover -33-
33 Cables
◆ Renewing: First remove pedal cluster cover - 34 - and footwell outlet - 32 -
◆ Installing and adjusting => Page 64
34 Pedal cluster cover
35 Distributor housing*
◆ With temperature flap
◆ With central flap
◆ With footwell/defrost flap
◆ Do not dismantle further
36 Vacuum pipe connection*
Press the switch unit (at the four locating points) against the controls and at the same time towards the buttons.
54 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Parts marked with * can only be serviced in specially equipped Service workshops. The refrigerant must be
evacuated with Service station V.A.G 1770 or V.A.G 1771.
1 Sight glass*
◆ Will be discontinued
2 Evacuating and charging valve*
◆ Low pressure side
3 Evacuating and charging valve*
◆ High pressure side
56 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
14 Two way valve for fresh and recirculating air flap -N63-
◆ Open when electrically connected
◆ Vacuum hose connection diagram => Page 68
◆ Installing => Fig. 5
15 Radiator fan control unit -J293-
16 Thermo switch for air conditioner cut-off -F163- and thermo switch for coolant fan, 3rd speed -F165-
◆ Thermo switch for air conditioner shut-off -F163- only on vehicles with engine codes AAA, AAZ or ABV
◆ Thermo switch for coolant fan, 3rd speed -F165- only on vehicles with 3-speed fan motor
58 87 - Air conditioning
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◆ -F165- switch coolant fan: into 3rd speed as temperature increases (on at 112°C, off at 108°C).
◆ -F163- switches off magnetic coupling -N25- at excessively high coolant temperature (off at 119°C, on
at 112°C).
◆ Removing and installing on vehicles with engine code AAA => Fig. 1
17 Condenser*
18 Pressure relief valve*
◆ Checking => Fig. 8
19 Magnetic coupling -N25-*
20 Fluid reservoir with drier*
-> Fig.1 Removing and installing thermo switch for air conditioner shut-off -F163- and thermo switch for
coolant fan, 3rd speed -F165- on vehicles with engine code AAA
◆ Cooling system is pressurized when engine is warm. If necessary, release pressure before carrying out
◆ Refill with coolant after installing thermo switch.
1- Clip
2- Thermostat housing
3- O ring
4- Thermo switch -F163-/-F165-, brown
5- Temperature sender switch -G2-/-F87-, yellow
6- Coolant temperature sender -G62-, blue
60 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
Switch part between contacts -T4a/1- and -T4a/2 of connector housing switches magnetic coupling -N25- off
when refrigerant circuit insufficiently filled or pressure too high.
- Opens below 1.2 bar and closes again above 2.4 bar (switching threshold)
- Opens above 32 bar and closes again below 24 bar (switching threshold)
- Briefly bridge circuit between chambers 1 and 2 with engine running. If the magnetic coupling -N25- switches
on, the refrigerant system is empty. Take vehicle to specialist service workshop.
Switch part between contacts -T4a/3- and -T4a/4- of connector housing switches the coolant fan -V7- to second
speed if the pressure in the refrigerant circuit increases.
- Closes above 16 bar and opens below 12.5 bar (switching threshold)
1- Bulkhead
2- Evaporator housing
3- Valve flap, shown raised
- Turn valve 45° with hexagon key -5- and pull out.
- When installing ensure lip lies downward.
-> Fig.5 Installing fresh air and recirculating air flap two-way valve -N63-
1 - Cap
Check air passage slot
2 - Two-way valve (other designs possible)
62 87 - Air conditioning
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-> Fig.6 Checking expansion valve insulation piece
1- Insulator
2- Expansion valve
◆ The insulator prevents drop in air conditioner efficiency caused by increasing temperatures in the engine
1 - Plastic pipe
Installation depth: 30mm
2 - Rubber seal
3 - Vacuum reservoir
4 - Nut
5 - Wheel housing liner
=> General body repairs; Repair group 66; removing and installing wheel housing liner removing and installing
wheel housing liner
◆ First connect cables to removed controls then adjust and secure cables to levers on air conditioner.
◆ Sleeve ends of cables which are marked with a coloured line are attached to the controls.
◆ Position cable sleeves -2- and -3- at stops on the controls and then secure. Secure sleeve for cable -1-
=>Fig. 4 .
◆ Adjust cables at flap levers with the controls installed.
◆ All flaps must audibly contact stop when controls are turned.
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66 87 - Air conditioning
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◆ Insertion depth of vacuum hose in vacuum reservoir: 30 mm. Overlap of vacuum hose on plastic pipe: onto
stop (approx. 15 mm)
◆ Vacuum is produced by petrol engines in the intake manifold and by Diesel engines via an exhauster
68 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
8 Plastic pipe
4 x 1 x 1030 mm
9 Foam pipe
10 Plastic pipe
4 x 1 x 490 mm
11 Vacuum reservoir
12 Cable tie
13 Non-return valve
Direction of suction indicated by arrow
14 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 40 mm
15 T-connection
16 Two way valve for fresh and recirculating air flap -N63-
17 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 350 mm
18 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 245 mm
19 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 116 mm
20 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 116 mm
21 Non-return valve
70 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
The compressor bracket and related components can be removed and installed without having to open the
refrigerant circuit
4 Compressor bracket
◆ Installing:
- Insert bolts - 5 - and - 6 - 2 to 5 turns.
- Screw in bolt -6- until bracket contacts threaded bush - 7 -.
- First tighten bolt - 5 - to 45 Nm, then tighten bolt - 6 - to 45 Nm.
5 Socket head combi-bolt M10x30
◆ 45 Nm
6 Socket head combi-bolt M10x30
◆ 45 Nm
7 Threaded sleeve
8 Refrigerant hoses
72 87 - Air conditioning
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9 Compressor
◆ Removing:
- Loosen hexagon bolt - 11 - a couple of turns and knock-back threaded sleeve - 7 - from compressor.
Then remove hexagon bolts.
10 Ribbed belt
◆ Removing and installing
Compressor and related parts can be removed and installed without having to open refrigerant circuit
=> Electrical system; Repair Group 27; Removing and installing alternator Removing and installing alternator
74 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
=> Repair Group 48; Removing and installing P.A.S. vane pump, vehicles with 128 kW engine Removing and
installing P.A.S. vane pump, vehicles with 128 kW engine
◆ Installing:
- First, fit "fitted bolts" - 3 - and -12-.
2 Washer 8.4x16x1.6
3 Fitting bolt M8x28
◆ 25 Nm
4 Socket head combi-bolt M8x30
◆ 25 Nm
5 Socket head combi-bolt M8x30
◆ 25 Nm
6 Socket head combi-bolt M8x38
◆ 25 Nm
7 Refrigerant hoses
8 Compressor
◆ Removing:
=> General body repairs; Repair Group 63; Servicing bumpers Servicing bumpers
=> Electrical system; Repair Group 94; Servicing headlights Servicing headlights
=> Electrical system; Repair Group 27; Removing and installing alternator Removing and installing alternator
76 87 - Air conditioning
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- Loosen hexagon bolts - 10 - a couple of turns and knock-back threaded sleeves from compressor. Then
remove hexagon bolts.
=> 6-cylinder injection engine, Mechanics; Repair Group 13; Removing and installing ribbed belts Removing
and installing ribbed belts
The compressor bracket and related components can be removed and installed without having to open the
refrigerant circuit
1 Hexagon bolt M8 x 22
◆ 25 Nm
2 Alternator and compressor bracket
◆ Removing:
- First remove alternator - 4 - and compressor - 9 -.
3 Hexagon bolt M8 x 85
◆ 25 Nm
78 87 - Air conditioning
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4 Alternator
◆ Removal and installing
=> Electrical system; Repair group 27; Removing and installing alternator Removing and installing alternator
9 Compressor
◆ Removing:
- Loosen hexagon bolt - 11 - a couple of turns and knock-back threaded sleeve from compressor. Then
remove hexagon bolts.
10 Ribbed belt
◆ Removing and installing
80 87 - Air conditioning
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17 - "Colder" button
18 - Vehicles up to 07.95:
OFF button for " System on/off"
Vehicles from 08.95:
ECON button for "Switching compressor on/off"
◆ The automatic operation of the Climatronic can be influenced with buttons 9 - 14.
◆ When deviating from automatic operation the display "AUTO" -7- will disappear; the control of the Climatronic
continues to function under the programmed restrictions.
◆ Returning to automatic operation is only possible by pressing button -8-.
◆ On vehicles from 08.95 the Climatronic can only be completely switched off with button 10.
◆ In ECON operation only the compressor is switched off, the heating and ventilation operation continues to
be controlled electronically.
82 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
◆ Parts marked * can only be serviced in specially equipped Service workshops, as the refrigerant must be
evacuated with Service station V.A.G 1770 or V.A.G 1771.
◆ Removing and installing components without item numbers =>Page 46
84 87 - Air conditioning
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86 87 - Air conditioning
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88 87 - Air conditioning
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18 Air distributor
◆ Removing => Fig. 49 , item 15
19 Air conditioner switch-off relay -J365-
◆ Only on vehicles with ADY and AEK engines up to 07.95
◆ Behind the central console
◆ Control number 147
20 Central vent vacuum unit
◆ Removing: Remove dash panel insert, rotate, pull out
◆ Vacuum hose connection diagram => Page 102
90 87 - Air conditioning
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-> Fig.1 Removing Climatronic control unit -J255- and control and display unit -E87-
- Lever out control and display unit from below with screwdriver (arrows -A-)
Control and display unit cannot be levered out from above as this could damage the display.
92 87 - Air conditioning
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-> Fig.3 Removing dash panel temperature sensor -G56- and temperature sensor blower -V42-
-> Fig.4 Removing and installing central flap positioning motor -V70-
1- Central flap positioning motor
2- Intermediate gear
3- Central flap bearing
- First remove central console and footwell vent.
For correct setting of central flap markings (arrows) must be aligned.
- First remove dash panel and heating and air conditioning unit
-> Fig.7 Removing and installing front vent temperature sender -G152-
94 87 - Air conditioning
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Heating, air conditioner - Edition 10.1995
- Turn front vent temperature sender -G152- -2- by 90° and remove
Parts marked with * can only be serviced in specially equipped Service workshops. The refrigerant must be
evacuated with Service station V.A.G 1770 or V.A.G 1771.
1 Sight glass*
◆ Will be discontinued
2 Evacuating and charging valve*
◆ Low pressure side
3 Evacuating and charging valve*
◆ High pressure side
96 87 - Air conditioning
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12 Vacuum hose
◆ Vacuum hose connection diagram => Page 102
13 Non-return valve
◆ Arrow points in direction of vacuum
14 Radiator fan control unit -J293-
15 Thermo switch for air conditioner cut-off -F163- and thermo switch for coolant fan, 3rd speed -F165-
◆ Thermo switch for air conditioner shut-off -F163- only on vehicles with engine codes AAA, ABV or AAZ
◆ Thermo switch for coolant fan, 3rd speed -F165- only on vehicles with 3-speed fan motor
98 87 - Air conditioning
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◆ -F165- switch coolant fan: into 3rd speed as temperature increases (on at 112°C, off at 108°C).
◆ -F163- switches off magnetic coupling -N25- at excessively high coolant temperature (off at 119°C, on
at 112°C).
◆ Removing and installing on vehicles with engine code AAA => Page 60 , Fig. 1
16 Condenser*
17 Pressure relief valve*
◆ Checking => Page 63 , Fig. 8
18 Magnetic coupling -N25-*
◆ Checking: self diagnosis using V.A.G 1551
◆ Cooling system is pressurized when engine is warm. If necessary, release pressure before carrying out
◆ Refill with coolant after installing thermo switch.
1- Clip
2- Connection
3- O ring
4- Coolant temperature sender -G62-
5- Connector
3.5 - Checking and adjusting end position of installed temperature flap positioning motor
By reversing polarity of 12V voltage, positioning motor must move to both end positions.
◆ Plug vacuum hoses onto valve strip and vacuum hoses to the stop.
◆ Vacuum hose connections in engine compartment => Page 105
◆ Insertion depth of vacuum hose in vacuum reservoir: 30 mm. Overlap dimension of vacuum hose on plastic
pipe: onto stop (approx. 15 mm)
◆ Vacuum hose connections in passenger compartment => Page 102
◆ Vacuum is produced by petrol engines in the intake manifold and by Diesel engines via an exhauster.
1 Reducing hose
◆ Vacuum hose to valve strip -N53- (in passenger compartment)
2 Plastic pipe
4 x 1 x 540 mm
3 Plastic pipe
4 x 1 x 950 mm
4 Plastic pipe
4 x 1 x 1030 mm
5 Foam pipe
6 Plastic pipe
◆ 4 x 1 x 490 mm
7 Vacuum reservoir
8 Cable tie
9 Non-return valve
Stamped-on arrow indicates direction of suction
10 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 40 mm
11 T-connection
12 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 245 mm
13 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 160 mm
14 Hose
3.5 x 2 x 116 mm
15 Non-return valve