LIA Project
LIA Project
LIA Project
Cooperate on the final design of the customized computer to meet the requirements of the end-user
workstation while guaranteeing the best performance of the system within a budget.
Students will consider the options they have along with the research findings, they will analyze these
using specific criteria, then they will draw conclusions and judgments (actions) to select and
interconnect hardware components to create computers that meet functional performance and cost
Some important principles to keep in mind when customizing a system to meet customer needs:
- Meet applications requirements.
- Balance functionality and budget.
- Consider hardware compatibility.
Balancing functionality and budget, the project will require students to:
1. Evaluate and select hardware such as:
Power supply, case, motherboard with the same form factor
Processor (CPU) and chipset
Graphics card suitable for the requirements
RAM memory
Hard drive
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse (input and output devices)
Project Report Rubric
Oral Presentation Rubric
Components / Weight Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
(1-3 points out of 10) (4-7 points out of 10) (8-10 points out of 10)
Organization Organization is haphazard; The presentation is generally The presentation is clear,
listener can follow clear and well organized. A logical, and organized.
10% presentation only with effort. few minor points may be Listeners can follow line of
The arguments are not confusing. reasoning.
Style Aspects of the presentation The level of presentation is The level of presentation
are too elementary or too generally appropriate. The is appropriate for the
10% sophisticated for the pacing is sometimes too fast audience. A presentation
audience. The presenter or too slow. The presenter is a planned conversation,
seems uncomfortable and seems slightly uncomfortable paced for audience
can be heard only if the at times, and the audience understanding. It is not a
listener is very attentive. occasionally has trouble reading of a paper. The
Much of the information is hearing him/her. speaker is comfortable in
read. front of the group and can
be heard by all.
Use of Communication Communication aids are Communication aids Communication aids
Aids poorly prepared or used contribute to the quality of enhance presentation.
inappropriately. the presentation. The font on the visuals is
25% Font size is too small to read. Font size is mostly readable. readable.
Too much information is Appropriate information is Information is
included. included. represented and
Details or some unimportant Some material is not organized to maximize
information is highlighted supported by visual aids. audience comprehension.
and may confuse the Details are minimized so
audience. that the main points stand
Accuracy of Content Enough errors are made to No significant errors are Information (names,
distract a knowledgeable made. Listeners recognize any facts, etc.) included in the
25% listener. Some information is errors to be the result of presentation is
accurate, but the listener nervousness or oversight. consistently accurate.
must determine what
information is reliable.
Grammar and Word Listeners can follow the Sentences are complete and Sentences are complete
Choice presentation, but they are grammatical for the most and grammatical. They
distracted by some part. They flow together flow together easily.
10% grammatical errors and use easily. With some exceptions, Words are well chosen;
of slang. Some sentences are words are well chosen and they express the intended
halting, incomplete, or precise. meaning precisely.
vocabulary is limited or
Verbal Interaction with Responds to questions Generally responsive to Consistently clarifies,
Audience inadequately. audience questions and restates, and responds to
needs. Misses some questions when
10% opportunities for interaction. appropriate. Summarizes
when needed.
Components / Weight Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
(1-3 points out of 10) (4-7 points out of 10) (8-10 points out of 10)
Absence of Bias (e.g., Oral language and/or body Oral language and body Both oral language and
sexism, racism, language includes some language are free from bias body language are free
heterosexism, agism) identifiable bias. with one or two minor from bias.
Body language reveals a Body language reflects some Body language reflects
Body Language reluctance to interact with discomfort interacting with comfort interacting with
5% the audience. audience. audience.
Total 100%