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when and where it is to be done, and how it is to be done, and by whom. To plan
is to look ahead and chalk out the future course of operations of an enterprise.
Through planning, the manager fixes the objectives of the organisation as a
whole and, in the light of this, the goals of its various departments. Then he
proceeds to prepare a kind of ‘blueprint’ mapping out the ways of attaining these
make an overall assessment of the future, and chart the courses of action with a
(ii) The specification of the actions needed to reach the established objectives; and
most favourable alternative, it may rightly be described as “the most basic tool of
Some important definitions of planning, given by the eminent authors are stated
According to Koontz and O’Donnell, planning is “an intellectual process, the conscious
eventualities, prepare for contingencies, map out activities and provide an orderly
“The plan of action is, at one and the same time, the result envisaged, the line of action
Planning decides the future course of action and involves choosing it from alternatives.
From this point of view, decision-making and planning move together and one depends
on the other. Truly speaking, planning as a whole with its component parts is the
outcome of decision-making.
planning process. Thus, decision-making and planning have intimate relation with each
other. But, decision-making has a wider connotation than planning. By this we mean to
say that the application of decision-making is extended beyond the horizon of planning
Mention may be made here of varied operating orders and instructions which are
outside of planning, but are subject to decision making. Again, there are many
cannot be included within planning from the point of view of analytical study of different
management processes.
out the way of realisation of those objectives. However, without setting the objectives
to specify what it wants to achieve. Planning is basically related with this aspect.
The nature and characteristics of planning may be stated as follows:
1. Intellectual Process:
before’ acting in the light of facts rather than guess. The quality of planning depends
upon the abilities of the managers who are required to collect all relevant facts, analyse
How far into the future a manager can see and with how much clarity he will depend on
his intellectual calibre, are chalked out through planning process. In thinking of
objectives, alternative courses of action and, above all, in making decision for choosing
2. Goal-orientation:
All planning is linked up with certain goals and objectives. It follows, therefore, that
every plan must contribute in some positive way to the accomplishment of group
objectives. Planning has no meaning without being related to goals and objectives. It
must bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go at the minimum
3. Primary Function:
Planning is said to be the most basic and primary function of management. It occupies
first place and precedes all other functions of management which are designed to attain
the goals set under planning. This is so because the manager decides upon the
policies, procedures, programmes, projects, etc. before proceeding with the work. The
be performed only after the manager has formulated the necessary planning.
4. Pervasiveness:
Planning pervades all managerial activities. It is the job of all managers in all types of
general manager to the foreman. Whatever be the nature of activity, management starts
with planning. The character and breadth of planning will, of course, vary from one job
5. Uniformity:
There may be separate plans prepared in different levels in the organisation, but all the
sub-plans must be united with the general plan so as to make up a comprehensive plan
for operation at a time. So, uniformity must be there in all levels of planning to match the
general plan.
6. Continuity:
To keep the enterprise as a going concern without any break, it is essential that
planning must be a continuous process. So, the first plan must follow the second plan
and the second plan the third and so on in never-ending series in quick succession.
7. Flexibility:
Plans should not be made rigid. It should be as flexible as possible to accommodate all
possible changes in the enterprise with a view to coping with the changing conditions in
8. Simplicity:
The language of the work schedule or programme in the planning should be simple so
that each and every part of it may easily be understood by the employees at different
Precision is the soul of planning. This gives the planning exact, definite, and accurate
meaning in its scope and content. Any mistake or error in planning is sure to upset other
10. Feasibility:
Planning is neither poetry nor philosophy. It is based on facts and experience, and
there is only one way of doing something there is no need of planning. Planning has to
find out several alternatives, estimate the feasibility and profitability of the different
12. Efficiency:
Planning is directed towards efficiency. A plan is a course of action that shows promise
evaluates the alternatives on the basis of efficiency. A good plan should not only attain
optimum relationship between output and input but should also bring the greatest
13. Inter-dependence:
The different departments may formulate different plans and programmes for their
integration in the overall planning. But sectional plans cannot but be inter-dependent.
For example, production planning depends upon sales planning—and vice versa.
Again, planning for purchase of raw materials, employment of labour, etc. cannot be an
isolated act apart from sales planning and production planning. Planning is a structured
process and different plans constitute a hierarchy. Different plans are inter-dependent
and inter-related. Every lower-level plan serves as a means towards the end of higher
14. Forecasting:
Above all, no planning can proceed without forecasting—which means assessing the
future and making provision for it. Planning is the synthesis of various forecasts—short-
term or long-term, special or otherwise. They all merge into a single programme and act
Importance of Planning:
manager at every level in an enterprise. Every manager is required to plan first for
It is within the planning function that goals are determined, decision-making takes place,
forecasts are made and strategies are initiated. Thus, planning has assumed great
The first and most important reason for planning lies in the fact that it provides a basis
on which decisions are made. It is an immense need for the managers of an enterprise
to fix up their minds as to what they want to accomplish and then plan the use of time,
precise and meaningful terms. As a result of such attention, it becomes possible for the
planners to determine the policies, procedures, programmes and the rules for an orderly
The future is uncertain. Planning helps the managers in taking care of future
uncertainties and thus minimizes business risk. It anticipates future events and sets the
course of action to control these events to one’s advantage. With the help of planning,
an enterprise can predict future events and make due provision for them. This, no
Business planning has become imperative due to the fact that an enterprise operates in
norms and attitudes etc. As the planning proceeds step by step, it foresees the changes
likely to come and accordingly prepares its programme by necessary adjustments and
5. Securing Economy:
that can take the organisation to its objectives at the minimum cost. Planning prevents
wastage of resources by choosing the best course of action from many alternatives. It
aims at smooth flow of work. All these steps in planning lead automatically to economy.
6. Helping in Co-ordination:
Thus, various departments work in accordance with the overall plan, and coordination is
planned performance and the actual performance of the subordinates and departments
of the organisation. Thus, control is exercised in the context of planning action as the
standards against which actual results are to be compared are set up through planning.
So planning provides the basis for control. Thus, planning and control are inseparable.
of the organization in the context of given resources; provides for proper utilisation of
resources to the best advantage, gives necessary competitive strength for continuous
growth and steady progress by foreseeing what the competitors are likely to do and
evolving its strategies accordingly. The process of planning generates the purposeful
and orderly setting up of activities to be carried on. It defines the boundaries within
which the business should operate. This enables the businessman to concentrate upon
those matters which are actually relevant and vital to business success.
Elements of Planning:
1. Objectives:
Objectives are the goals towards which all managerial activities are aimed at. All
planning work must spell out in clear terms the objectives to be realised from the
proposed business activities. When planning action is taken, these objectives are made
more concrete and meaningful. For example, if the organisational objective is profit
earning, planning activity will specify how much profit is to be earned looking into all
2. Forecasting:
It is the analysis and interpretation of future in relation to the activities and working of an
enterprise. Business forecasting refers to analysing the statistical data and other
economic, political and market information for the purpose of reducing the risks involved
in making business decisions and long range plans. Forecasting provides a logical basis
for anticipating the shape of the future business transactions and their requirements as
to man and material.
3. Policies:
Planning also requires laying down of policies for the easy realisation of the -objectives
of business. Policies are statements or principles that guide and direct different
managers at various levels in making decisions. Policies provide the necessary basis
for executive operation. They set forth overall boundaries within which the decision-
makers are expected to operate while making decisions. Policies act as guidelines for
policy, financial policy, personnel policy etc. But these different policies are co-ordinated
and integrated in such a way that they ensure easy realisation of the ultimate objectives
4. Procedures:
The manner in which each work has to be done is indicated by the procedures laid
down. Procedures outline a series of tasks for a specified course of action. There may
be some confusion between policies and procedures. Policies provide guidelines to
thinking and action, but procedures are definite and specific steps to thinking and
action. For example, the policy may be the recruitment of personnel from all parts of the
country; but procedures may be to advertise and invite applications, to take interviews
Thus, procedures mean definite steps in a chronological sequence within the area
chalked out by the policies. In other words, procedures are the methods by means of
which policies are enforced. Different procedures are adopted in different areas of
procedure indicates inviting tenders, selecting quotations, placing orders, storing the
goods in go-down and supplying them against requisition to different departments and
5. Rules:
and is essentially in the nature of a decision made by the management authority. This
decision signifies that a definite action must be taken in respect of a specific situation.
The rules prescribe a definite and rigid course of action to be followed in different
Any deviation of rule entails penalty. Rule is related to parts of a procedure. Thus, a rule
may be incorporated in respect of purchase procedure that all purchases must be made
after inviting tenders. Similarly, in respect of sales procedure, rule may be enforced that
6. Programmes:
with the objectives, policies and procedures. Programmes, thus, lead to a concrete
may have a programme for the establishment of schools, colleges and hospitals near
dividing into steps the activities necessary to achieve the objectives, determining the
sequence between different steps, fixing up performance responsibility for each step,
determining the requirements of resources, time, finance etc. and assigning definite
7. Budgets:
Budget means an estimate of men, money, materials and equipment in numerical terms
required for implementation of plans and programmes. Thus, planning and budgeting
are inter-linked. Budget indicates the size of the programme and involves income and
outgo, input and output. It also serves as a very important control device by measuring
the performance in relation to the set goals. There may be several departmental
8. Projects:
A project is a single-use plan which is a part of a general programme. It is part of the job
that needs to be done in connection with the general programme. So a single step in a
is also envisaged.
It is a scheme for investing resources which can be analysed and appraised reasonably
and independently. A project involves basically the investment of funds, the benefits
from which can be accrued in future. Examples of such investment may be outlays on
land, building, machinery, research and development, etc. depending upon the
9. Strategies:
Strategies are the devices formulated and adopted from the competitive standpoint as
well as from the point of view of the employees, customers, suppliers and government.
Strategies thus may be internal and external. Whether internal or external, the success
The best strategy of planning from the competitive standpoint is to be fully informed
somehow about the planning ‘secrets’ of the competitors and to prepare its own plan
be taken in future. A good plan must be simple, balanced and flexible, and make utmost
For preparation of such a plan, a definite process involving the following steps
has to be followed:
1. Perception of the Opportunities:
The manager must first identify the opportunity that calls for planning and action. This is
very important for the planning process because it leads to formulation of plans by
ability to see them clearly and completely, an understanding of why the organisation
wants to solve the uncertainties and a vision what it expects to gain. This provides an
The next step in the planning process lies in the setting up of objectives to be achieved
by the enterprise in the clearest possible terms keeping in view its strength and
limitation. Objectives specify the results expected in measurable terms and indicate the
end points of what is to be done; where the primary emphasis is to be placed, and what
is to be accomplished by various types of plans. Enterprises start with a general
From this are developed subordinate goals that contribute to the attainment of the
general objective. These, in turn, are supported by the specific objectives for the
level of the organisation are made for the attainment of the appropriate objectives in the
premises, that is, the conditions under which planning activities will be undertaken. This
involves collection of facts and figures necessary for planning the future course of the
So, planning premises are of two types—external and internal. External premises
include total factors in the environment like social, political, technological, competitors’
plans and actions, government policies, etc. Internal factors include the organisation’s
policies, resources of various types, and the ability of the organisation to withstand the
environmental pressure. The plans are formulated in the light of both external and
internal factors.
The next step in planning process is to search for various alternative courses of action
can be achieved through various actions. For example, if an organisation has set its
objective to grow further, it can be achieved in several ways like expanding the field of
business or product line, joining with other organisations, or taking over another
organisation, and so on. Within each category, there may be several alternatives.
Since all alternatives cannot be considered for further analysis, it is necessary for the
meet the minimum preliminary criteria. Preliminary criteria can be defined in several
ways— minimum investment required, matching with the present business of the
Various alternative courses that are considered feasible in terms of preliminary criteria
have to be taken for detailed evaluation. Alternative courses of action can be evaluated
against the criteria of cost, risks, benefit and organisational facilities. The strong and
Since there are so many complex variables connected with each goal and each
possible plan, the process of comparative evaluation is extremely difficult. For example,
one alternative may be the most profitable but requires heavy investment; another may
Moreover, there is no certainty about the outcome of any alternative course because it
is related with future which is not certain. Ultimately, the choice will depend upon what is
determined as the most critical factor from the point of view of the objectives of the
After the evaluation of various alternatives, the most appropriate one is selected as the
plan. Sometimes evaluation shows that more than one alternative are equally good. In
such a case, the manager may choose more than one alternative at the same time.
There is another reason for choosing more than one alternative. Alternative course of
action may be required to be undertaken in future in changed situations. So, the planner
must also be ready with alternative—normally known as contingency plan— that can
After the best alternative is decided upon, the next step is to derive various plans for
organisation, there can be various derivative plans like planning for buying raw
materials and equipment, developing new product, recruiting and training the personnel,
These derivative plans are formulated out of the main plan and so they support it. The
break-down of the master plan into departmental and sectional plans provides a realistic
After formulating the basic and derivative plans, the sequence of activities is determined
so that the plans are put into action. Based on the plans at various levels, it can be
decided who will do what and at what time. Budgets for various periods can be prepared
9. Securing Participation:
understanding of the proposed action and for enlisting their co-operations in the
execution of plans. It will, thus, add to the quality of planning through the knowledge of
For ensuring that the selected plans are proceeding with the right lines, it is of
plan. It will help in detecting the shortcomings and pitfalls of the plans and taking
remedial actions well in time. All the steps in the process of planning must be linked and
the purpose, analyse the problem and make a careful and diligent search for all the
facts bearing upon it. The task of planning will be well-accomplished if some
This means that certain resources must be committed or pledged for the purpose of
planning. Planning is not an easy task. So, necessary help is to be taken from experts.
The enterprise must be ready to exhaust the available resources for the achievement of
a plan.
A plan involves varied factors of different importance. This principle implies that more
emphasis has to be put on that factor which is scarce or limited in supply or extremely
by which past experiences are superimposed on the facts of the present situation and
possible future trends. None can be a planner whose mind is not active, who does not
possess any deliberate power and whose sense of judgement is not strong.
4. Principle of Flexibility:
Though a plan is prepared after reflective thinking, this does not mean that no departure
can be made in the course of its operation. The plan should be so prepared that there is
sufficient scope for changing it from time to time. Changes must necessarily be effected
in the plan for taking into account new developments that may take place in the course
A major plan is prepared and it is supported by many derivative plans. But all plans
must contribute in a positive way towards the achievement of the enterprise objectives.
6. Principle of Efficiency:
A plan should be made efficient to attain the objectives of the enterprise at the minimum
cost and least effort. It must also achieve better results with the minimum of unexpected
among alternative courses of action. There is no need for planning if there is only one
way for doing something. In choosing from alternatives, the best alternative will be that
Timing and sequence of operations determine the starting and finishing time for each
piece of work according to some definite schedule and give practical and concrete
of the plan, it is necessary that the plan must be communicated and explained to them
for their full understanding. This understanding provides the basis for additional
knowledge about new facts and matters to the employees. This is needed for
Though major planning function is entrusted to the top management, it is not restricted
to the top level only. It is a function of every manager at every level in the organisation.
12. Principle of Strategic Planning:
what the competitors are intending to do. Planners must take into account the strategies
of the rival organisations, otherwise the planning projection may land them in trouble.
through research and development and planning is required to provide such scope.
In the course of execution of a plan, certain obstacles may crop up in midway and
planning may require revision, alteration or correction. This is why there must be a
follow-up system in the planning process itself. This allows timely changes in the
However, to plan any kind of work, the following facts demand utmost attention:
(i) The nature, quality and quantity of work to be done, the best way of doing it, the time
available for its accomplishment, how to do it, when it is to be done and who are to do it.
(ii) Adequate knowledge about the capacity of the force available through observations
(iii) The priority to be given in succession for the accomplishment of different tasks