Moral Panic Dissertation

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Navigating the intricate process of writing a dissertation can be an arduous journey, especially when

delving into complex topics such as moral panic. Crafting a dissertation demands meticulous
research, critical analysis, and proficient writing skills. The intricacies involved in exploring and
dissecting the phenomenon of moral panic require dedication, patience, and expertise.

Embarking on a dissertation journey entails numerous challenges, from formulating a research

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Therefore, there will always be debate over which concerns are exaggerated moral panics and which
are genuine concerns. The dances associated with rock music looked a lot like sex in a time when
pre-marital sex was considered wrong. Secondly, the treatment of folk devils can be used to show
what can happen to people if they refuse to live by codes of behaviour agreed upon by society. This,
I think, is a legitimate criticism of the theory. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style) Drew, C.
(February 17, 2023). 17 Famous Moral Panic Examples. Post navigation Previous Previous post:
Churnalism and the News Next Next post: Who uses New Media. Fawbert concluded the coverage
fulfilled all the criteria of a moral panic with the sensationalising and exaggeration in the reporting,
which demanded that youths wearing hooded tops should be banned from the centre. Their
activities are often framed as uncouth and corrupting. In work, psychological and linguistic
approaches to the analysis of an obscene vocabulary are described. Before approaching the topic
regarding video games however, it is important to plot the trajectory of how we have historically
understood moral panics from the media. Since the war a succession of moral panics has spread
through our society each one with its characteristic object. Helpful Professor. Search for a Study
Guide Search Ready to Write your Essay. The patient safety case study was particularly intriguing,
showing how even phenomena that lack identifiable folk devils may still be understood in terms of
moral panic with respect to how moral entrepreneurs seek to establish control over narratives to
effect institutional change. In the afterword, Gary Clapton discusses the implications of the case
studies, particularly in terms of the importance of connecting events to broader contexts, and
avoiding the reductionism and stereotyping that can feature in reactions to social problems. Usually,
it’s perceived that the conservatives are causing the panic while the liberals are the rational actors
pushing back against exaggerated fear mustering. Simply click the button below to stay in the loop.
But in the mid-1960s, a new sexual revolution spread through society. They have someone to blame
for everything that is wrong, a scapegoat or 'folk devil' as describe by Stanley Cohen. Social change
is the ultimate result of moral panic. However, it is difficult to quantify the value of goodness and
badness since there. This flowed through to punitive drug laws that led to decades-long
imprisonment for minor offences. Just because a deviant act is amplified that doesn’t mean it doesn’t
exist e.g. The Mods and Rockers did defy the law, however, due to media involvement the problem
was exaggerated. And last 5) Are these debates best understood as conflicts. In this book, Postman
argued that children are becoming adults too fast. The idea that there is a “war on Christmas” could
also be considered a moral panic. Clearly, there are some repeated culprits that the media and society
tend to get hysterical about: youths, queer people, migrants, religious minorities, and musicians
among them. He argues that the relationship between the agents of social control (police, media)
produced concern and eventually created a moral panic. Conservatives see liberals as undermining
national values, the media exaggerates the issue, and liberals downplay the potentially valid
concerns. Seek professional input on your specific circumstances. The threat of Muslims to American
culture and society was extremely exaggerated (white right-wing terrorism remains the greatest
threat to US society).
The book would be of most value to those seeking to explore how moral panic may be relevant to
key social issues of the day, and those looking for an accessible guide to how moral panic would
support either their academic or practical approach to understanding and addressing complex social
problems and anxieties. Findings The debate is polarised: on the one hand there are debaters (self-
appointed experts), while on the other hand there are media researchers especially media sociologists.
Blues and Jazz both had strong African American roots in the United States, and when white
middle-class youths started to embrace it, there was plenty of outrage from the white establishment.
He argues that the relationship between the agents of social control (police, media) produced concern
and eventually created a moral panic. In turn those involved may gradually identify with this role,
further increasing the likelihood of deviant behaviour. If this is the first time you use this feature,
you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. Therefore, there will
always be debate over which concerns are exaggerated moral panics and which are genuine concerns.
Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( The family violence case study
emphasised, however, the importance of acknowledging the multiple, diverse voices potentially
present in a panic, which may limit the ability for more extreme constructions and proposals to gain
widespread consensus and traction. Essentially, moral panic is presented as relevant, if needing to be
refined and developed. Two types of amplification occurs as a result of such actions. An early
iteration was Blues music in the 1920s, followed by Jazz in the 1950s. As the editors note, its
adoption, and perhaps overuse, in popular parlance has, some suggest, somewhat diminished its
academic rigour and practical relevance. Their conspiracy theories are quite extreme and yet they
have managed to infiltrate a significant sub-group of the conservative electorate. In the afterword,
Gary Clapton discusses the implications of the case studies, particularly in terms of the importance
of connecting events to broader contexts, and avoiding the reductionism and stereotyping that can
feature in reactions to social problems. Criticisms of moral panic theory Cohen’s formulation of moral
panic theory assumes that the audience are passive, but audiences today are much more active and
able to critically evaluate media content, which means moral panics are less likely. This is followed
by a response from public figures such as politicians, the police force, magistrates and religious
leaders amongst others, which in turn further concentrates focus and concern by the pubic at large,
this is known as deviancy amplification. Generally, we believe witchcraft is a non-existent concept
whipped up by irrational people, yet witches were a convenient folk devil that could be targeted at
the time. They tend to occur at times of social upheaval when people are struggling to adjust; there is
a general feeling of lack of control and declining standards. One of the purposes of his study was to
find the origin of these panics. The paper is devoted to the study of the adaptive function of
categorical verbal behaviour, one of the gender-related variants of which is misogynistic verbal
behaviour, where misogyny is understood as a kernel of sexist prejudice and sexist world outlook,
and one of the main condition for the unjust treatment of females in male-dominated societies. The
risk of death is calculated at one in six point eight. Once again at Brighton there was also some minor
vandalism and violence between the mods and rockers, but this time the media were present and
produced (according to Cohen) some extremely exaggerated reports about the extent of the violence
between the two groups. While panics may appear new, this section shows how constructions and
responses to phenomena involving children and childhood actually reflect and reproduce long-
standing anxieties and concerns, even when they draw in seemingly recent change, such as around
technology. Trinidad and Tobago, following the spate of kidnappings in the period 2001-2002, which
posed a. The paper also displays the phenomenon of communicative androgyny, which correlat. If we
draw a moral line and people in society cross it, then that might be worthy of media discussion.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 88 (1), 91-103. DOI. It is very similar to the Self
Fulfilling Prophecy. There was increasing focus on child crime, this group's stigmatisation was
further fuelled by police claims that juvenile crime was on the increase, and young people were out
of control, flouting the law due to insufficient penalties for their misdemeanours.
The threat of Muslims to American culture and society was extremely exaggerated (white right-wing
terrorism remains the greatest threat to US society). Following the media frenzy and stigmatisation
of the 'out-group'; public fears and indignation are aroused and agitated, there are calls for action to
be taken and for 'something to be done' in order to defuse the deviant actions, so that society can
return to stability and order. Young suggests that as it becomes more secretive, the effects of the
drugs are magnified. It appears it’s very difficult for us to break the cycles of fear and hysteria that
plague us and that are fuelled by profit-motivated media outlets. An early iteration was Blues music
in the 1920s, followed by Jazz in the 1950s. Students should always cross-check any information on
this site with their course teacher. According to Hall, the British public in the 1970s began: “to
perceive crime in general and mugging in particular, as an index of the disintegration of the social
order.”. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. The
case studies show how moral panic can be used to explore how panics may, or may not, gain
momentum. This, I think, is a legitimate criticism of the theory. An early iteration was Blues music in
the 1920s, followed by Jazz in the 1950s. Even if they had this would not have been justification to
allege that the circulation of 'potentially. Students should always cross-check any information on this
site with their course teacher. If we draw a moral line and people in society cross it, then that might
be worthy of media discussion. They walked him two miles through crowed streets to a railway line,
where they inflicted massive injuries resulting in his death. Primarily, he put blame on visual media
such as television which give children access to adult knowledge before they could even read. It led
to the New York legislature introducing a bill to ban the detergents (it never passed) and Facebook
and YouTube removing as many videos as they could. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. This had the effect of generating
concern among the general public and the police then responded to this increased public fear and
perceived threat to social order by policing future mods and rockers events more heavily and being
more likely to arrest youths from either subculture for deviant behaviour (whether violent or not).
Once again at Brighton there was also some minor vandalism and violence between the mods and
rockers, but this time the media were present and produced (according to Cohen) some extremely
exaggerated reports about the extent of the violence between the two groups. Usually, it’s perceived
that the conservatives are causing the panic while the liberals are the rational actors pushing back
against exaggerated fear mustering. Others have since identified features of moral panic, like Goode
and Ben Yehuda (1994) who argue a moral panic has the following features. And it’s true: the entire
concept of moral panic has a general theme. The authorities must then be seen to be acting on the
professed threat by providing remedies, possible solutions, punishments, and in some cases,
legislation and social reform. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your
cookie settings. As with their discussion of the theory, it is unavoidably brief, and the interested
reader has plenty of avenues to pick up to explore further. Resultantly, this book represents a timely
and valuable contribution to the field. The ideal scapegoat is different, unpopular, in the minority and
relatively defenceless. While panics may appear new, this section shows how constructions and
responses to phenomena involving children and childhood actually reflect and reproduce long-
standing anxieties and concerns, even when they draw in seemingly recent change, such as around
technology. This deviant act committed by fellow children dominated newspaper headlines and
created a panic and outrage.

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