Stockpile Management: Disposal and Destruction: Adrian Wilkinson

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Stockpile Management: Disposal and Destruction1

Adrian Wilkinson

Understanding the scale of the problem, policy requirements, and technical
issues surrounding the disposal, demilitarization, and destruction of ammu-
nition and explosives2 requires a basic knowledge of the challenges involved.
Without this knowledge, it is very difficult to develop effective or relevant
domestic and international policies that can effectively address the problem
of ammunition disposal.
This chapter is not intended to cover technical solutions to the challenge,
or to be a full technical assessment of risks and hazards. Rather, it is designed
to explain and clarify the major issues for all stakeholders. The current reality
is that there are insufficient resources to make more than a small dent in the
global stockpile, and this is unlikely to change in the near future. The educa-
tion of potential donors, implementing agencies, and other stakeholders re-
garding the relevant issues, and the development of realistic and safe indige-
nous capacities, are current priorities.
For the destruction of the large stockpiles of ammunition in non-conflict
environments, destruction by demolition (detonation) is often not a practical
option. The potential for environmental and noise pollution, and the sheer
quantities of ammunition involved, will often suggest that an industrial de-
militarization approach is more effective and cost-efficient. This industrial
demilitarization of ammunition combines the skills of production, mechani-
cal, chemical, and explosive engineering. It is a highly specialist operation,
and appropriate independent technical advice should be taken before plan-
ning such an activity.

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 85
Reasons for ammunition disposal and destruction
There are often significant security and safety risks posed by the presence of
excessive surplus stockpiles of conventional ammunition. The local commu-
nity and the environment close to ammunition depots are at risk (CHAPTER
18), and sustainable development is hampered due to costs of security and
maintenance. There is sometimes a possibility of illicit trafficking and uncon-
trolled proliferation (CHAPTER 15), especially to terrorists and other criminal
groups. This can fuel armed violence within communities and compromise
the security of neighbouring states. Therefore the destruction of these stock-
piles should be considered as a practical safety requirement, a significant

Table 9.1
Factors influencing support to ammunition destruction programmes
Factor Example Remarks

International treaty Mine Ban Treaty • Anti-personnel mines

obligations • Usually well funded

CSBM initiatives Nairobi Declaration;

North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)
Partnership for Peace;
OSCE Document (OSCE,

In support of disarmament, UN Department of • Usually relatively small

demobilization, and Peacekeeping Operations quantities of ammunition
reintegration (DDR) DDR programmes • Frequently, the arms and
initiatives ammunition surrendered
are those that are in the
worst state of repair and can
present a high risk of
accidental detonation.

In support of small arms Montenegro Demilitarization • Although the definition of

and light weapons control (MONDEM) Programme small arms and light weapons
only includes ammunition
of 100 mm calibre and below,
the systems developed are
used for all calibres.

As part of wider security MONDEM • The SSR factor is usually

sector reform (SSR) complementary to CSBMs
initiatives or small arms and
light weapons control.

86 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

conflict prevention measure, a confidence- and security-building measure
(CSBM), and a post-conflict human security issue.
There is a tendency for donors, implementing agencies, and other stake-
holders (CHAPTER 17) to regard weapons and ammunition as one task area.
Yet the reality is that the destruction of weapons is a relatively straightfor-
ward, albeit logistically challenging, task. The destruction of ammunition re-
quires a much more detailed technical response, as the risks and hazards are
greater than those for weapons, and the stockpiles are much larger in terms of
tonnages and quantities of individual items.
To date, the demilitarization and destruction of ammunition within devel-
oping and post-conflict countries has been based on a wide range of factors
(see Table 9.1). These factors are often important in determining which part of
a donor’s budget may be used to support such initiatives.
Small arms ammunition often has priority, as donors have budgets to sup-
port the destruction of these particular types of munitions, whereas the larger
calibre ammunition and bulk explosives that can present the greater explo-
sive and security risks are afforded a lower priority by donors. While this is
understandable from a political perspective due to the range of international
and local agreements concerning small arms and light weapons (CHAPTER 1),
it may not be the most effective or efficient methodology for approaching the
destruction of a national stockpile in a holistic manner. Donor support for the
destruction of elements of ammunition stockpiles as part of confidence- and
security-building measures is understandable, and should be supported, but
there is also an argument to suggest that the impact on: 1) the reduction of
risk to the civil population (human security task area); or 2) the physical security
of small arms and light weapons (proliferation of small arms and light weapons
task area) should also be considered. One problem is that the term ‘small arms
and light weapons’ means different things to different stakeholders, and there
is therefore a lack of consistency when responses are planned or funded.
Additionally, in some commercial cases, ammunition has been selected
purely for ease of destruction or the potential financial return on scrap re-
covery or reuse of explosives,3 and minimal consideration has been given
to the selection of ammunition for destruction on security or humanitarian

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 87
Ammunition disposal options
International security concerns, international legislation, and practical con-
siderations indicate that the most effective option is the physical destruction
of ammunition. Table 9.2 summarizes the current options.

Table 9.2
Ammunition disposal options
Disposal option Comment

Sale or gift • The most cost-effective means of disposal, BUT:

• Any sale or gift should comply with international export control
and transfer best practices.
• The quality of the ammunition at the end of its useful shelf life
will not be as high as newly manufactured ammunition. This makes
it unattractive to reputable end users, as it is highly unlikely to meet
their performance standards. Therefore diversion risks are high.
• Much of the surplus ammunition will require inspection and clas-
sification before it can be transported in accordance with interna-
tional transport regulations.
• This option merely transfers the problem somewhere else.

Increased use • Creates additional wear on equipment (such as gun barrels and
during training vehicle automotive systems). This will inevitably reduce the life of
the parent equipment and will result in additional maintenance costs.
• May also negate CSBMs with neighbouring states.
• Only limited stocks can be disposed of in this manner, as the
costs of training and the time taken would be unrealistic as a means
of destroying a large stockpile.
• The disposal of larger calibre ammunition requires large military
training areas, which may not be available.

Deep sea dumping • Subject to international agreements that ban dumping at sea of
hazardous or industrial waste.4
• International donor support unlikely.
• Remains an option for non-signatories of international agreements.

Destruction • Physical destruction by a range of technical options.

• The most realistic and practical solution.

Ammunition destruction factors

The physical destruction techniques available range from relatively simple
open burning and open detonation (OBOD) techniques to highly sophisticat-
ed industrial processes. The detailed arguments for and against each process
are outside the scope of this chapter,5 but it is important to note that the selection

88 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

Table 9.3
Factors affecting ammunition disposal techniques
Factor Comment

Physical condition • This influences the safety aspects of the destruction programme,
of the ammunition which may mean open detonation as the destruction technique
rather than industrial demilitarization.
• This may impact on whether the ammunition is safe to move to a
destruction facility, or whether it must be destroyed as close to
storage as possible.

Quantity of • Economies of scale will improve destruction efficiency. Such

ammunition economies of scale mean that a wider range of affordable and
efficient technologies is available for consideration.

Indigenous • Few countries with large ammunition destruction requirements

capacity and outside NATO have an indigenous demilitarization capacity that is
available resources safe, environmentally benign, effective, and efficient, although they
may be capable of achieving one or two of those requirements.

National legislation • National environmental and explosive safety legislation will

influence the technique(s) to be used.

Technology options • Industrial-scale demilitarization can be carried out by mechani-

cal disassembly and incineration in environmentally controlled
systems, and has the advantage of being able to operate 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year.
• A major disadvantage is the high capital set-up costs of design,
project management, construction, and commissioning; but the
operating costs are generally lower than OBOD (once amortization
of the development capital is discounted).

of the most appropriate destruction technique will depend on a range of fac-

tors (see Table 9.3).
The problem is not the lack of technical guidance, but rather the global short-
age of qualified technical staff experienced in best international technical practic-
es in demilitarization project development and operations. Very few people have
the experience of establishing a demilitarization capability or facility from
scratch; technical standards of staff in those countries with large ammunition
stockpiles are often not in accordance with international best practice; commer-
cial industry experience is often limited to its own techniques; and the military
are generally untrained in demilitarization. Consequently, programmes in post-
conflict or developing countries are often not designed in the most safe, effective,
and efficient manner (there are, of course, exceptions). As no UN department has

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 89
overall responsibility for the coordination of ammunition destruction, and re-
gional organizations are often competing for the limited donor funding available,
there is no international strategy or policy to deal with the issue.
Furthermore, there are no international standards for the planning and con-
duct of ammunition destruction, although very good national and regional
guidelines do exist, which could easily be adopted with little amendment to re-
flect global needs.

The ammunition demilitarization cycle

The process of physically destroying ammunition is only one part of the com-
plete demilitarization cycle. This operational cycle is complex, comprehensive,
and wide-ranging, and includes activities such as transportation and storage,
processing operations, equipment maintenance, staff training, and accounting.
The development of a safe, effective, and efficient industrial demilitariza-
tion capability within a state that also reflects the safety and environmental
concerns of donors inevitably takes time, but this should not prevent the initial
steps being taken to support the development of such facilities. In many re-
gions, this sort of capacity has to be developed from the semi-dormant and un-
der-resourced state ammunition production facilities, which require infrastruc-
ture investment, staff training, and demilitarization equipment procurement.
Perhaps the solution is a balance, whereby OBOD should be used to destroy
potentially unstable stocks in the short term, while facilities are developed for
those nations with large stockpiles. For those countries with insignificant stock-
piles, OBOD will remain the only economically practical option.

Regional ammunition demilitarization facilities?

A solution that is often proposed at international conferences is that of the devel-
opment of a regional demilitarization facility. While this seems an attractive con-
cept for donors and the recipient country, the political and technical realities are
very different for the remainder of the countries in the region. The very large
stockpiles often present in many countries of a region6 mean that national econo-
mies of scale can usually justify a national demilitarization capacity anyway.
Many states within the region will support a regional facility, so long as it is in

90 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

their country, because it represents a major economic investment and potential
source of income. They are unlikely to commit funds for destruction at a regional
facility ‘next door’.
The most efficient means of transporting ammunition and explosives is usual-
ly by rail; therefore, the effectiveness of the rail infrastructure and the distance to
be travelled will have a significant effect on the location of any regional demilitari-
zation facility. Furthermore, the international donor community is unlikely to
have the resources to pay for the destruction of the total surplus stockpile, there-
fore it would also become an economic issue between countries.

Costs of ammunition destruction

It is difficult to estimate the destruction costs for ammunition, as there are so
many factors to consider, as Table 9.4 illustrates.
The numerous factors listed in Table 9.4 make estimating the costs of an
intervention to support the destruction of ammunition very difficult when
large stockpiles are involved, particularly when there is not an effective am-
munition management system in place. Experience in Eastern Europe has in-
dicated that assessments by properly qualified and experienced technical
personnel are a valuable pre-requirement for demilitarization planning, and
donors must be prepared to accept the costs of these assessments. It is also
important that donors recognize that the costs associated with structural de-
velopment, technical training, and equipment procurement means that the
initial costs per ton can be high, but subsequent destruction is a lot cheaper, as
economies of scale take effect and national capacity has been built.

Progress to date7
Specific reference to the management and destruction of stockpiles of ammu-
nition in the framework of international legislation or agreements is less than
comprehensive (see Table 9.5). Relevant instruments either do not mention
ammunition explicitly, or the instrument is limited in scope to small arms and
light weapons only, with the emphasis being on weapons. Ammunition is
generally regarded very much as a secondary consideration.

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 91
Table 9.4
Ammunition destruction cost factors
Factor Comment/examples

Ammunition type • The technology requirements for each type of ammunition means
that costs vary for different generic ammunition types.
• Small arms ammunition destruction costs are low, as relatively
cheap technology is available with high production rates (transport-
able explosive waste incinerators will destroy 0.5 tonnes/hour).
• Destruction costs for high explosive (TNT)-filled medium and heavy
calibre shells are much higher, as steam-out equipment is needed,
and production rates are fixed according to the equipment used.
• High explosive (RDX/Octagen)-filled shells are very expensive, as
steam-out is not possible and more complex technology is required.
• Guided missiles are possibly the most expensive due to the
manual (or robotic) disassembly costs.

Economies of scale • This determines the technology options, and hence capital
equipment costs. Economies of scale must apply to each generic
ammunition type, however, and not necessarily the total stockpile.

Capacity develop- • Many indigenous demilitarization facilities require significant

ment requirements infrastructure improvements in terms of security and safe storage
before safe demilitarization operations can commence.
• Equipment procurement is also a significant capital cost.

Legislative issues • Conformity to different states’ environmental and ammunition

disposal legislation creates variations in the cost of destruction.

Economic level of • This will impact on personnel costs, and to a degree, infrastruc-
host nation ture improvement costs.

Fixed cost contracts • Some demilitarization programmes include weapons and

ammunition at an overall fixed cost, as opposed to costs per generic
weapon and ammunition type.

Donor funding • Costs of destruction may initially seem high in the first year due to
cycles capital equipment and infrastructure development costs. This is
sometimes a problem when the donor single-year funding cycle is
applied, as the decreasing cost of destruction in subsequent years is
often difficult to specify.

Decaying military- • Some countries are very reluctant to discuss detailed destruction costs
industrial capacity and ask for unrealistic donor funding for their ammunition destruction, as
they really want the funds to ‘prop up’ their decaying military-industrial
capacity. They will try and use defence conversion as a justification.
• The reality is that defence conversion is primarily a socio-
economic issue, and nations should deal with it from that perspec-
tive. The market will decide the cost-effectiveness and realistic
prospects of any conversion of defence production to civilian
production, not an ammunition demilitarization programme.

92 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

Table 9.5
International frameworks
Instrument/ Comment


Programme of • Although there is no specific provision for ammunition under

Action (UNGA, this, the most comprehensive instrument at the global level, it could
2001) be argued that ammunition can be inferred to fall under the same
umbrella as weapons, as the UN definition of small arms and light
weapons includes their ammunition.
• This includes destruction of stockpiles, as articulated in Article 29
of the instrument.*
• Yet the scope of this instrument and others at the global and
regional levels is limited to illicit trade, and fails to address national
surpluses of ammunition in detail.

Firearms Protocol • This includes an obligation to destroy illicitly manufactured and

(UNGA, 2005) trafficked firearms that extends explicitly beyond small arms and
light weapons to include other firearms and their ammunition
(Article 6), yet by implication this cannot cover the medium and
large calibre ammunition that accounts for over 70 per cent of
national stockpiles.


EU Joint Action (EU, • This explicitly identifies small arms and light weapons ammuni-
2002) tion as a cause for concern and recognizes the importance of the
safe storage as well as quick and effective destruction of small arms
and light weapons ammunition (Preamble and Article 4).

OAS Convention • This explicitly incorporates ammunition and explosives within its
(OAS, 1997) scope.

OSCE Document • This outlines in detail procedures for assistance from other
(OSCE, 2003) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
participating states in the destruction of ammunition.

SADC Protocol • This stresses the need to maintain effective control over
(SADC, 2001) ammunition (and not just that related to small arms and light
weapons), especially during peace processes and in post-conflict
situations, and to establish and implement procedures for ensuring
that firearms ammunition is securely stored, destroyed, or disposed
of in a way that prevents it from being used in illicit conflict.
* In this respect, it should be noted that the 1997 report of the UN Panel of Governmental Experts defined the scope of
categories of small arms and lights weapons as including ammunition and explosives (UNGA, 1997, Annex, para. 26).

The UN Secretary-General reported in 1999 that the UN, supported by donors,

had been involved in the safe storage, disposal, and destruction of weapons, but

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 93
stated that ‘the number and scale of such programmes remains small compared
with apparent requirements’. Despite some limited progress, there is a huge dis-
parity even between known needs and international donor support.
Despite growing political awareness of the issue, to date the international
response has been limited in terms of financial support to surplus ammunition
stockpile destruction as a global issue. Significant support has been provided
for the destruction of anti-personnel mines in support of Article 7 of the Mine
Ban Treaty, and it is likely that this support will continue. The United States has
funded the destruction of significant quantities of man-portable air defence sys-
tems (CHAPTER 12), primarily as part of its counter-proliferation programme.
In terms of wider ammunition stockpile destruction, the donor and inter-
national response has been limited due to: 1) the amount of finance required;
2) the fact that it is not a major issue for some donors; 3) other donor mandates
not allowing for it; and 4) only a limited number of major donors being en-
gaged in the issue. The most extensive engagements at the operational level
have probably been through the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Mine
Action and Small Arms Unit 8 and the NATO Partnership for Peace Trust
Fund, while the OSCE has primarily been engaged in liquid-propellant dis-
posal, but is looking to engage in wider ammunition destruction. The reality
is that, within their region, all of these organizations are in effect ‘competing’
for projects, and little effective coordination takes place. Each has different
implementation mechanisms, which makes such coordination difficult.

The scale of the global ammunition destruction requirements is difficult to
quantify due to the lack of available data. Until states demonstrate more
transparency and an international organization takes a coordination lead on
the issue, this situation will remain. This lack of transparency makes it diffi-
cult to identify proliferation when it has happened, or even to fully assess the
proliferation risks.
Technical solutions are available, and although the pool of qualified special-
ists is small, the knowledge necessary to develop safe, effective, environmental-
ly benign, and efficient ammunition demilitarization programmes is available.

94 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

Current levels of donor assistance and funding will need to be dramati-
cally increased if the full extent of the problem is to be seriously addressed.
This presents serious challenges in terms of donor (and wider) awareness,
understanding of the complexities of the issues involved, and commitment
(in terms of both financial and technical resources).

1 This chapter is a synopsis of information in Wilkinson (2006). It has been comprehensively
revised and updated by the author in light of recent developments.
2 From this point on, the term ammunition will be used generically in this chapter to include
ammunition, explosives, and propellants.
3 The Alliant Techsystems programme in Ukraine during the early 1990s is one example of
4 Oslo Convention (1972) and subsequent amendments; London Convention (1972) and
subsequent amendments; OSPAR Convention (1998).
5 A summary of these processes can be found in Annexe A.
6 For example, Central and Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe.
7 Summarized from Greene, Holt, and Wilkinson (2005).
8 Ammunition destruction projects have been conducted in Central and Latin America,
Africa, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and South-Eastern Europe through
UNDP country office projects.
9 Other technologies such as molten salt oxidation, biodegradation, etc. are developing, but
production facilities are very limited and the technology has still to be universally proven.
10 A PCS that meets European Union environmental emission limits requires a combination of
the technologies shown.

Further reading
Greene, Owen, Sally Holt, and Adrian Wilkinson. 2005. Ammunition Stocks: Promoting Safe and
Secure Storage and Disposal. Biting the Bullet Briefing 18. London and Bradford: International
Alert, Saferworld, CICS, and SEESAC. February. <
SEESAC (South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and
Light Weapons). 2007. RMDS/G 05.20: SALW Destruction, 5th edn. Belgrade: SEESAC.
UNDDA (United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs). 2001. A Destruction Handbook:
Small Arms, Light Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives. New York: United Nations.
Wilkinson, Adrian. 2006. ‘Stockpile Management of Ammunition.’ In Stéphanie Pézard and Holger
Anders, eds. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, pp. 228–59.

Chapter 9 Wilkinson 95
EU (European Union). Council of the EU. 2002. EU Council Joint Action on the European Union’s
Contribution to Combating the Destabilizing Accumulation and Spread of Small Arms and Light
Weapons and Repealing Joint Action 1999/34/CFSP (‘EU Joint Action’). 2002/589/CFSP of 12
July. <
Greene, Owen, Sally Holt, and Adrian Wilkinson. 2005. Ammunition Stocks: Promoting Safe and
Secure Storage and Disposal. Biting the Bullet Briefing 18. London and Bradford: International
Alert, Saferworld, CICS, and SEESAC. February. <
London Convention. 1972. The London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping
of Wastes and Other Matter. London. 29 December. <
OAS (Organization of American States). 1997. The 1997 Inter-American Convention against the Illicit
Manufacture and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
(‘OAS Convention’). <>
OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). 2003. OSCE Document on Stockpiles
of Conventional Ammunition (‘OSCE Document’). FSC.DOC/1/03 of 19 November. <http://>
Oslo Convention. 1972. The Oslo Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from
Ships and Aircraft. Signed on 15 February. Entered into force in April 1974. <http://sedac.>
OSPAR Convention. 1998. The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-
East Atlantic. Paris. 25 March. <>
SADC (Southern African Development Community). 2001. Protocol on the Control of Firearms,
Ammunition and Other Related Materials in the SADC Region (‘SADC Protocol’). <http://www.
UNGA (United Nations General Assembly). 1997. Report of the Panel of Governmental Experts on
Small Arms. A/52/298 of 27 August. <
——. 2001. Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and
Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (‘Programme of Action’). A/CONF.192/15. <http://>
——. 2005. Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and
Components and Ammunition, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transla-
tional Organized Crime (‘Firearms Protocol’). A/55/255 of 3 July. <
Wilkinson, Adrian. 2006. ‘Stockpile Management of Ammunition.’ In Stéphanie Pézard and Holger
Anders, eds. Targeting Ammunition: A Primer. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, pp. 228–59.

96 Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

Annexe A:
Summary of ammunition demilitarization technologies9
Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Pre-processing operations

Manual • Simple hand • Low capital investment • Labour-intensive The use of human resources to
disassembly tools • Low production rates physically dismantle ammunition by
manual labour using simple hand

Mechanical • Pulling apart • High production rates • Medium capital investment The use of mechanically operated
disassembly • Defusing • Lower staff requirements systems to dismantle ammunition.
• Depriming Some of the available technologies
are shown in the table, but systems
tend to be specifically designed to
deal with each different type of

Robotic • Ammunition • High production rates • High capital investment A fully automated disassembly
disassembly dependent • Lower staff requirements • Reliability system. This system would only be
economically efficient for very large
production runs due to the high start-
up costs.

Mechanical • Bandsaw • Lower staff requirements • Explosive safety risks of This process is mainly concerned
breakdown • Guillotine • Medium production rates initiation with techniques required to expose
• Cracker mill • No secondary waste stream • Medium capital investment the explosive fillings of ammunition
• Rock crusher at this phase of the demilitari- • Wide range of equipment prior to the destruction phase.
• Punch zation cycle required to deal with all

Chapter 9 Wilkinson
ammunition types

Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Cryofracture • Liquid • Environmentally benign • Large process area This process is used to break down
nitrogen • High production rates requirements ammunition into pieces small enough
cooling • Can be used for virtually all • Costs of liquid nitrogen to be processed through an incinera-
ammunition types • Health and safety issues for tion destruction method. The liquid
• Low capital investment for staff nitrogen changes the mechanical
equipment • Unpredictable results for properties of the munition casing to a
• No secondary waste stream necessary fracture forces more brittle phase by cooling it to
at this phase of the demilitari- -130º C. The munition can then be
zation cycle easily shattered using simple

Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

mechanical shear or press techniques.

Hydro-abrasive • Entrainment • Lower staff requirements • High capital investment Water and abrasives are used at
cutting systems • Can be used for virtually all • Complex filtration systems pressures from 240 to 1,000 BAR to
• Direct ammunition types for waste water required cut open ammunition by an erosive
injection • Safety • Grit sensitivity of explosive process.
systems after cutting
Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Destruction operations

Explosive • Hot steam • Simplicity • Low capital investment

removal melt-out • Restricted to certain
explosive types

• Microwave • Efficiency • High capital investment

melt-out • Low secondary waste • Developing technology

Incineration • Rotary kiln • Efficiency • Limited to small calibre The kiln is made up of four 1.6 metre
furnace • Low staff requirements ammunition, propellant, and long, 1 metre outer diameter retort
• High production rates pyrotechnics sections bolted together. The 6–8 cm
• Significant pre-processing thick walls of the kiln are designed to
required for larger calibres withstand small detonations. The kiln
• Small arms ammunition contains internal spiral flights, which
lead residue and pyrotechnic move the waste in an auger-like
effluent can pose consider- fashion through the retort as the kiln
able environmental problems rotates.

• Car bottom • Ideal for explosive residue • Medium capital investment Used to destroy small amounts of
furnace • Low staff requirements • Cannot destroy most explosive or explosive residue left
ammunition types after flush-out pre-processing
• A system to support techniques. It can also be used to
destruction, and not a system destroy explosively contaminated
in its own right packing material, etc.

Chapter 9 Wilkinson
Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Incineration • Hearth kiln • Low staff requirements • Effective only with limited A static high temperature kiln.
furnace • Medium production rates ammunition types

• Plasma arc • Low staff requirements • High capital investment A plasma torch, at temperatures in the
furnace • High production rates • High power requirement region of 4,000–7,000º C, is used to
• Developing technology heat a container into which waste
• Pre-processing still required products are fed. The plasma is an
ionised gas at extremely high
temperature, which is used to initiate
rapid chemical decomposition by the

Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

action of this extreme heat. The
material is currently fed in a slurry
form, although research is ongoing for
the destruction of entire munitions.

Contained • Limited pre-processing • Medium staff requirements The destruction of ammunition and
detonation requirements • High donor explosive explosives by detonation in an
• Can deal with many requirements enclosed chamber. The evolving
ammunition types • Medium capital investment gases are then processed by an
• Medium production rates • Explosive content limited integral pollution control system.
Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Pollution control systems (PCS)10

Volatile organic • Afterburner • Proven technology • High fuel requirements This oxidizes entrained organic
compound • Very low staff requirements compounds, ash, and metal
(VOC) fragments. In order to do this, it must
destruction operate above 850º C for over two
seconds to destroy VOCs; the VOCs
then burn to CO2, H2O, and acid gas.
All organic particulate is destroyed.

Acid gas • Addition of • Operates over wide • Large supplies necessary Produces safe and inert solids for
neutralization sodium temperature range disposal such as sodium chloride
bicarbonate • Produces safe and inert (common salt), sodium sulphate, and
solid waste sodium nitrate
• Reacts well with nitrogen
• Readily available

Particulate • Baghouse • Simple and cheap • Prone to baghouse fires

removal technology • Filtration efficiency
• Medium capital investment

• Dry ceramic • Fire resistant • Medium capital investment Dry ceramic filtration is now
filtration • Filters down to one micron regarded as one of the most efficient
• Supports a bed of sorbent filtration systems available. It has the
for improved gas absorption capability to remove particulate
matter down to one micron.

Chapter 9 Wilkinson
• Liquid • Filtration efficiency • High capital investment
filtration • Liquid waste stream

requires further processing
Process Technology Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Scrap processing operations

Scrap • Crusher System requirements depend on the

processing waste stream from the destruction
• Shredder process. Many systems are available.
• Compacter/

Conventional Ammunition in Surplus

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