Raje Saunders - OHM's LAW
Raje Saunders - OHM's LAW
Raje Saunders - OHM's LAW
NAME:Rajé Saunders
AIM: To establish the current-voltage relationship for a metallic conductor and find its
Ohm’s Law is the current (I) through a conductor which is proportional to the potential
difference (V) between its ends, given that temperature and other physical conditions
remain constant. V=IR: This equation means that the Voltage (potential difference) is
proportional to the Current (I) through a conductor and the constant of (R) which is the
Voltage is the amount of potential difference between two points in a circuit. The sum of
the potential difference is equal to the total potential difference across the group in a
series circuit.
Current is the amount of charge flowing through a circuit at a given time. The current
Resistance is the opposition of the flow of current. Therefore the resistance of the
conductor can be found by dividing the Voltage (pd) by Current (I). R=V/I
2. The connections were made neat, clean and tight according to the diagram.
3. The positive marked terminals of voltmeter and ammeter were joined towards the
5. The switch was closed and the rheostat contact was slid to see if the ammeter
6. The sliding contact of the rheostat was adjusted so that a small current passed
7. The value of potential difference V from voltmeter and current I from ammeter
were recorded.
Manipulated: Voltage
Responding: Current in the circuit
Controlled: Resistance of the fixed resistor
Table showing a ammeter and voltmeter readings and the calculated values for resistance
1. What is the nature of the graph obtained?
It is ohmic due to obeying Ohm’s law which states that; the current (I)
through a conductor which is proportional to the potential difference (V)
between its ends, given that temperature and other physical conditions
remain constant.
5.. Graph with appropriate title, scale and correctly labelled axes,. 3
6. Correct reporting of mean resistance, R, in SI units 1