Music Performance Anxiety Dissertation

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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Music Performance Anxiety Dissertation: A Helping Hand at ⇒ ⇔

Embarking on the journey of writing a dissertation is no small feat, and when the topic revolves
around the intricate world of Music Performance Anxiety (MPA), the difficulty level can skyrocket.
As musicians strive to master their craft, the added pressure of dissecting and analyzing the
psychological aspects of performance anxiety can be overwhelming.

The complexity of Music Performance Anxiety Dissertation lies not only in the extensive research
required but also in the delicate balance between academic rigor and understanding the nuances of
the musical world. This task demands a deep understanding of both psychological principles and the
intricate dynamics of music performance, making it a challenging endeavor that requires a unique set
of skills.

As aspiring scholars delve into the realm of Music Performance Anxiety, they often find themselves
grappling with a myriad of complexities. From understanding the physiological responses of
musicians under pressure to exploring the various coping mechanisms, the dissertation journey can be
mentally and emotionally taxing.

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In the challenging journey of unraveling the mysteries of Music Performance Anxiety, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a beacon of support. Embrace the assistance of seasoned professionals
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Music Performance Anxiety Dissertation on ⇒ ⇔ and embark on a journey
towards academic excellence, with the assurance that your work is in capable hands.
At the end of each performance, participants were immediately asked to fill out a post-performance
self-report questionnaire ( Figure 1 ). Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative
methods indicated that pursuing a career as an opera singer is indeed viable. This essay will discuss
the types and treatments of anxiety disorders. Please do revisit this page again to see if some have
been added. The fear of being criticized by prestigious musicians, teachers, or a public audience may
increase performance anxiety. No major changes were found in their performance outcomes and
other measurements between the two performances. Related to this, you then become hypervigilant
for signs of anxiety and failure or scrutiny, and worrying becomes a feature. The musician also
worries about forgetting the lines or the songs, fears of disapproval from friends, teachers or critics,
and other anxieties. The judges were not told that they were grading the recordings of the same
subjects or the performance order (whether pre- or post-EWI). The anxiety is out of proportion to the
actual threat posed by the situation. This book provides an excellent and updated review of the
literature on the topic, including concept, epidemiology, methodical aspects and interventional
studies. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any
newsletter email you receive from us, or by contacting us. She has published scientific articles about
Music Performance Anxiety, among other medical issues, in prestigious international journals. These
sixteen participants’ data were studied further 2. There may also be subtler forms of avoidance, an
example of which may include taking beta blockers or using alcohol. The musicians were asked to
complete questionnaires measuring various personality traits. The implication of these results is that
practicing the night before a recital or test may not significantly improve performance quality the
following day. The expressive writing group wrote about their current feelings and thoughts
regarding the upcoming performance; the control group wrote about an event that happened recently.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. Based on the theoretical assertion that “self-talk lies at the core of anxiety”
( Conroy and Metzler, 2004, p. 69), and the assumption that excessively frequent self-talk may
interrupt the performer’s concentration and disrupt execution ( Zinsser et al., 1998 ), we
hypothesized that the HST group would gain the most benefits from the expressive writing
intervention due to high levels of performance anxiety. All students performed twice, at baseline and
post-EWI, with 2 or 3 days between performances. Each student’s pulse was recorded immediately
before performing, and each performance was videotaped. To date, although many of these studies
have been conducted with college student populations, the research has focused on alleviating test
anxiety across non-music disciplines ( Frattaroli et al., 2011; Ramirez and Beilock, 2011; Park et al.,
2014 ). A previous study suggested that emotional expression and narrative structure are the two key
factors that determine the efficacy of expressive writing intervention ( Danoff-Burg et al., 2010 ). In
the present study, two students in the expressive writing group wrote only two sentences in the
writing exercise. Read on to learn more about psychological risk factors for perinatal depression and
anxiety. YT organized the database and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. Most piano students are unaware of either their need for
psychological support or strategies to help combat performance anxiety. If this is the case, speak to
your GP about medication options.
The musician’s mind is occupied with negative emotions during practice and actual performance. This
essay will discuss the types and treatments of anxiety disorders. Students were given a piece of
paper to complete the writing exercises during the post-EWI performance. Perhaps these habits
demonstrate that everyone experiences emotional arousal prior to performing. You can unsubscribe at
any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by
contacting us. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will provide some recommendations on how a
person could avoid experiencing GAD. There may also be subtler forms of avoidance, an example of
which may include taking beta blockers or using alcohol. Baseline performances took place in
students’ weekly studio performance class where they regularly play in front of peers and are
critiqued by a piano professor. During the post-EWI performances, students played a new sight-
reading selection at their mid-term piano tests; therefore, the students knew that they would receive a
grade on the performance. We hypothesize that writing feelings and thoughts before a performance
can regulate emotions, and redirect attention to music-related or more objective thoughts. A previous
study suggested that emotional expression and narrative structure are the two key factors that
determine the efficacy of expressive writing intervention ( Danoff-Burg et al., 2010 ). In the present
study, two students in the expressive writing group wrote only two sentences in the writing exercise.
YT organized the database and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Article types Author
guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office.
Performance anxiety is a complex phenomenon and has been studied in a variety of contexts,
including sports competitions ( Patel et al., 2010 ), public speaking ( Beatty and Behnke, 1991 ), test-
taking ( Ramirez and Beilock, 2011 ), job interviews ( McCarthy and Goffin, 2004 ), and performing
arts ( Williamon, 2004 ). The judges were not told that they were grading the recordings of the same
subjects or the performance order (whether pre- or post-EWI). You'll also receive occasional updates
of new resources at The Skill Collective. Only three out of eight participants reported that they still
engaged in self-talk during the post-EWI performance. Advanced musicians reported more MPA than
expert musicians. The first study, in Chapter 4, provided a new version of the Performance Anxiety
Inventory for Musicians (PerfAIM) and described its validation process. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Three independent
judges graded each performance recording according to OSPP. These sixteen participants’ data were
studied further 2. During the EWI phase, students were randomly divided into two groups: an
expressive writing group and a control group. Each student’s pulse was recorded immediately before
performing, and each performance was videotaped. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful,
Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not
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document. The expressive writing group wrote about their current feelings and thoughts regarding
the upcoming performance; the control group wrote about an event that happened recently. Doctoral
Dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA. To date, although many of
these studies have been conducted with college student populations, the research has focused on
alleviating test anxiety across non-music disciplines ( Frattaroli et al., 2011; Ramirez and Beilock,
2011; Park et al., 2014 ). Heightened levels of anxiety can trigger physical changes that impact
negatively on performance, for example your muscles may tense up which is counter to where you
want your body to be come match day. In addition, we found that most of our participants reported
moments when their minds went blank, or they had memory slips that lasted only a few seconds
while they were performing.
Three studies were conducted for this doctoral thesis. The research questions investigated (a) the
extent to which performing music yields biological, psychological and social benefits and (b) the
extent to which specific biological, psychological and social parameters influence MPA. No major
changes were found in their performance outcomes and other measurements between the two
performances. The baseline sight-reading performance was conducted in a regular classroom and
students were not graded on this performance. It teaches you how to re-appraise self-talk that
heightens your anxiety, and teaches you how to manage your anxiety with time and practice.
According to students’ self-reports, high self-talkers (HSTs) were more involved in emotional
conversations (examples: “I had this inner monolog running to express my anger at my mistakes
when they really happened,” “how could I have made the same mistake in the same place again?”).
They are expected to develop keyboard proficiency and musicianship through the study of scales and
arpeggios, chord progression, solo repertoire, and other fundamentals. Future studies may consider
the length of the solo piano repertoires as a factor when recruiting the participants. The aim of the
third study, in Chapter 6, was to verify the effects of active music-making on beginner musicians
aged 60 years old and over by exploring health-related benefits as well as the potentially deleterious
impact of MPA during a concert. This essay will discuss the types and treatments of anxiety
disorders. Furthermore, we found that frequent self-talkers had faster pulse rates, consistent with
Rushall et al. (1988) study of cross-country ski performance. Piano students who engaged in frequent
self-talk during the baseline performance reported 30% higher performance anxiety levels than
students who reported little or no self-talk. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Our study supports Kendall and Treadwell’s (2007) findings that reducing anxious self-talk
results in less anxious states and positively influences performance outcomes. The results revealed
that, by simply writing out their thoughts and feelings right before performing, students who had
high MPA improved their performance quality significantly and reduced their MPA significantly. It
could be performing at an end of year school concert, giving a speech at a friend’s birthday, being
interviewed for a job, receiving an award in front of a group of colleagues, speaking at a work
meeting, or even walking up the aisle where all eyes might be on you. In some instances panic
attacks may co-occur with performance anxiety. Below are some of the more common types of
performance anxiety that we work with here at The Skill Collective. Students in the expressive
writing group wrote down feelings and thoughts about their upcoming performances, while students
in the control group wrote about a topic unrelated to performing. Two of their pre-performance pulse
rates were compared to measure levels of arousal such as anxiety. There may also be subtler forms of
avoidance, an example of which may include taking beta blockers or using alcohol. After expressive
writing intervention, examples of their reported self-talk content included comments about the
instrument: “this piano has a firm touch” or “(to) get back somewhere near where I fell off.” These
talks became less judgmental and more objective. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the
unsubscribe link in the footer of any newsletter email you receive from us, or by contacting us. You'll
also receive occasional updates of new resources at The Skill Collective. Results showed a 50%
reduction in performance for both performing tasks (performing a solo piece and performing a sight-
reading test) compared to the baseline performance. She completed her studies at the Massachusetts
Eye and Ear Infirmary at Harvard University. This may then lead to avoidance behaviours such as
speaking quickly to finish up as quickly as possible, or not looking at someone so as to avoid
scrutiny. The authors reported that pulse rates were higher in self-talk conditions than in the control
condition that did not include self-talk. Tod et al. (2011) suggest that the impact of self-talk on
performance may be mediated by physiological changes in arousal, as reflected in variations in pulse
rates. Related to this, you then become hypervigilant for signs of anxiety and failure or scrutiny, and
worrying becomes a feature. In order to provide further insight into this process, future research
might include functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify which parts of the brain are
associated with memory slips during music performance or the changes in patterns of activation
associated with post-expressive writing intervention performance.
Academic performance anxiety has also been strongly associated with negative self-talk during
exams ( Hunsley, 1987; Fernandez and Allen, 1989 ). The experiment consisted of two phases: a
baseline and post-EWI performance, occurring 2 to 3 days apart. Unhelpful thinking styles and
unhelpful interpretations can then come into play, and you focus on any small error that occurs and
magnify it out of proportion. The fear of being criticized by prestigious musicians, teachers, or a
public audience may increase performance anxiety. During the post-EWI performances, students
played a new sight-reading selection at their mid-term piano tests; therefore, the students knew that
they would receive a grade on the performance. The aim of the study was to explore if psychological
and voice-related variables would be related to concepts of performance anxiety and health anxiety.
Furthermore, we found that frequent self-talkers had faster pulse rates, consistent with Rushall et al.
(1988) study of cross-country ski performance. Performance anxiety is a complex phenomenon and
has been studied in a variety of contexts, including sports competitions ( Patel et al., 2010 ), public
speaking ( Beatty and Behnke, 1991 ), test-taking ( Ramirez and Beilock, 2011 ), job interviews (
McCarthy and Goffin, 2004 ), and performing arts ( Williamon, 2004 ). After expressive writing
intervention, examples of their reported self-talk content included comments about the instrument:
“this piano has a firm touch” or “(to) get back somewhere near where I fell off.” These talks became
less judgmental and more objective. When we asked students how they could improve their
performances, most of them answered that they needed to spend more time practicing. She has
published scientific articles about Music Performance Anxiety, among other medical issues, in
prestigious international journals. The judges were not told that they were grading the recordings of
the same subjects or the performance order (whether pre- or post-EWI). Future studies may consider
the length of the solo piano repertoires as a factor when recruiting the participants. This essay will
discuss the types and treatments of anxiety disorders. PRACTICAL EXAM ANXIETY Practical or
oral exams such as defending your thesis, presenting at ward rounds, or even demonstrating clinical
skills you’ve practised many times over - the prospect of scrutiny as you try to perform at your best
can often trigger anxiety. The authors reported that pulse rates were higher in self-talk conditions
than in the control condition that did not include self-talk. Tod et al. (2011) suggest that the impact
of self-talk on performance may be mediated by physiological changes in arousal, as reflected in
variations in pulse rates. Of the 46 participants, 24 were female and 22 male. According to a survey
of 2212 professional musicians from American orchestras, 24% reported MPA, 13% reported acute
anxiety, and 17% suffered from depression ( Fishbein et al., 1988 ). In addition, females and young
musicians ( Kenny et al., 2012 ). You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in
the footer of any newsletter email you receive from us, or by contacting us. In addition, we found
that most of our participants reported moments when their minds went blank, or they had memory
slips that lasted only a few seconds while they were performing. The psychometric properties of the
PerfAIM were at first estimated with a sample of 69 musicians. The use, distribution or reproduction
in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited
and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic
practice. Check your email and you're one step closer to the tip sheet on How to Manage
Performance Anxiety. Expressive writing intervention led to a measurable reduction in self-talk for 5
of 8 frequent self-talkers, who reported no incidence of self-talk during the post-expressive writing
intervention performance. We hypothesize that writing feelings and thoughts before a performance
can regulate emotions, and redirect attention to music-related or more objective thoughts.
Suggestions of the correct use of the term MPA and the identification of necessary future studies, as
well as comments on and critiques of those already published, will also be provided. Step up to the
next level with these tips to help you manage your anxiety. The musicians were asked to complete
questionnaires measuring various personality traits. For example, in baseline performances, students
stated, “shock at the level of my anxiety” or “I was telling myself how uneven it was.” These
students either engaged in negative self-evaluation or focused on negative emotional thoughts while
performing. We also explored the factors that determine who would benefit from EWI the most.
Report this Document Download now Save Save A conceptual framework for understanding musical
p. According to students’ self-reports, high self-talkers (HSTs) were more involved in emotional
conversations (examples: “I had this inner monolog running to express my anger at my mistakes
when they really happened,” “how could I have made the same mistake in the same place again?”).
In this article we dive into tips to help you better manage social anxiety in the workplace. For both
expressive writing groups (solo and sight-reading), performance errors decreased by approximately
50% in the post-EWI performance when compared to baseline performances ( Table 3 ). For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 40 views 25 pages A Conceptual Framework For
Understanding Musical Performance Anxiety PDF Uploaded by monkeysinmygarden AI-enhanced
title Full description Save Save A conceptual framework for understanding musical p. Students were
given a piece of paper to complete the writing exercises during the post-EWI performance.
PRACTICAL EXAM ANXIETY Practical or oral exams such as defending your thesis, presenting at
ward rounds, or even demonstrating clinical skills you’ve practised many times over - the prospect of
scrutiny as you try to perform at your best can often trigger anxiety. We also explored the factors that
determine who would benefit from EWI the most. When we asked students how they could improve
their performances, most of them answered that they needed to spend more time practicing. Students
usually go to the piano class as a small group in a keyboard lab. The experiment consisted of two
phases: a baseline and post-EWI performance, occurring 2 to 3 days apart. This thesis contributes to
the field of music education in many ways. Some of these symptoms can be very distressing (and
even lead to panic) - at its extreme fine motor control may be affected and, in turn, performance may
be compromised. The second study, in Chapter 5, investigated the extent to which MPA affected
cohorts of musicians performing classical music only, popular music only, or both styles of music.
Exposure therapy is used as part of CBT to increase distress tolerance. Each student’s pulse was
recorded immediately before performing, and each performance was videotaped. Individuals are
surrounded by various sources of stress, anxiety, and arousal. It’s common in situations of
performance anxiety to experience symptoms such as butterflies in the stomach, nausea, racing heart,
tightness in your chest, and sweating. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. In some instances panic attacks
may co-occur with performance anxiety. If this is the case, speak to your GP about medication
options. A previous study suggested that emotional expression and narrative structure are the two
key factors that determine the efficacy of expressive writing intervention ( Danoff-Burg et al., 2010
). In the present study, two students in the expressive writing group wrote only two sentences in the
writing exercise. Students wrote about their thoughts and feelings regarding the upcoming math
exam immediately before the exam took place. Below are some of the more common types of
performance anxiety that we work with here at The Skill Collective. We took the average grades
from three judges to produce a single performance quality score for each student. This suggests that
the level of experience of the student does not influence the efficacy of expressive writing
intervention. Future studies may consider the length of the solo piano repertoires as a factor when
recruiting the participants. A larger sample would have provided greater statistical evidence. For Later
0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this document not
useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print Download now Jump to Page You are
on page 1 of 25 Search inside document. Check your email and you're one step closer to the tip sheet
on How to Manage Performance Anxiety.
Research has found that anxious thoughts take up valuable working memory and interfere with
concentration ( Moran, 2016 ). Also, the number of participants in the sight-reading’s control group
was limited. In addition, the content of these self-conversations was different. The aim of the study
was to explore if psychological and voice-related variables would be related to concepts of
performance anxiety and health anxiety. Our findings address an urgent need in current music
pedagogy to address performance anxiety. The LST group results remained unchanged; only one
participant reported that he coached himself through the music. For student-musicians, anxiety about
performing their best can be extremely high, particularly in performance-evaluative situations. They
are expected to develop keyboard proficiency and musicianship through the study of scales and
arpeggios, chord progression, solo repertoire, and other fundamentals. DANCE PERFORMANCE
ANXIETY Anxiety can take hold in competitive dance environments (e.g. ballet, contemporary,
ballroom) where fear can set in regarding being open to scrutiny by others and also remembering
complex routines. Exposure therapy is used as part of CBT to increase distress tolerance. Individuals
are surrounded by various sources of stress, anxiety, and arousal. The anxiety disorders consist of
post-traumatic stress isorder, acute stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia,
specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, and panic disorder (Soggie, 2008). To
date, although many of these studies have been conducted with college student populations, the
research has focused on alleviating test anxiety across non-music disciplines ( Frattaroli et al., 2011;
Ramirez and Beilock, 2011; Park et al., 2014 ). The author and the secondary piano class instructor
were presented in the room. Two of their pre-performance pulse rates were compared to measure
levels of arousal such as anxiety. The research questions investigated (a) the extent to which
performing music yields biological, psychological and social benefits and (b) the extent to which
specific biological, psychological and social parameters influence MPA. She is a member of the
World Doctors Orchestra, works as a doctor and teaches at the university level. These sixteen
participants’ data were studied further 2. Three independent judges graded each performance
recording according to OSPP. Our findings suggest that EWI may be a viable tool to alleviate music
performance anxiety. Moreover, it appears as if significant aspects of health anxiety can be found
among opera singers; they worry about being affected by a somatic impairmen. First, it offers the
first questionnaire on MPA validated for classical and popular musicians in both English and French.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW. Together these help an
individual move towards living a values-based life. In this study “Musical Performance Anxiety” the
author focused on musical performance anxiety and the underlying negative and positive emotions
achieved. We hypothesize that writing feelings and thoughts before a performance can regulate
emotions, and redirect attention to music-related or more objective thoughts. Step up to the next
level with these tips to help you manage your anxiety. The experiment consisted of two phases: a
baseline and post-EWI performance, occurring 2 to 3 days apart. We also did not officially ask our
participants to give feedback about the expressive writing intervention. Solo performance setting was
considered the most stressful situation, and small ensemble setting the least stressful.
The musician also worries about forgetting the lines or the songs, fears of disapproval from friends,
teachers or critics, and other anxieties. Among them, two participants reported that they self-talked
only a few times when they made a mistake. During the EWI phase, students were randomly divided
into two groups: an expressive writing group and a control group. For musicians, being able to
perform high-quality concerts consistently under pressure is critical to their career’s success and
length ( Kenny, 2011; Williamon et al., 2013 ). Coping with performance anxiety is a constant battle
even for the most accomplished musicians and performers ( McGinnis and Milling, 2005 ). Extensive
research has indicated that expressive writing produces substantial immediate and long-term benefits
in physical and mental health ( King, 2002; Beckwith et al., 2005; Frattaroli, 2006 ). In order to
provide further insight into this process, future research might include functional magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) to identify which parts of the brain are associated with memory slips during music
performance or the changes in patterns of activation associated with post-expressive writing
intervention performance. Individuals are surrounded by various sources of stress, anxiety, and
arousal. A previous study suggested that emotional expression and narrative structure are the two
key factors that determine the efficacy of expressive writing intervention ( Danoff-Burg et al., 2010
). In the present study, two students in the expressive writing group wrote only two sentences in the
writing exercise. Second, it provides valuable insights on MPA, including a comparison of multiple
parameters (i.e. gender, age, trait anxiety, years of training, instrument, level of expertise, and
performance settings) from the perspective of musicians playing different musical styles. Students
who were highly anxious about performing received the most benefit from this intervention. If this is
the case, speak to your GP about medication options. Also, the number of participants in the sight-
reading’s control group was limited. The experiment consisted of two phases: a baseline and post-
EWI performance, occurring 2 to 3 days apart. Here’s how they may look in performance anxiety:
COGNITIVE SYMPTOMS OF PERFORMANCE ANXIETY At the core of performance anxiety
is a fear of being judged negatively. Each student’s pulse was recorded immediately before
performing, and each performance was videotaped. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. The results revealed that, by simply writing out their thoughts and feelings right before
performing, students who had high MPA improved their performance quality significantly and
reduced their MPA significantly. Since the expressive writing intervention appeared to be most
effective for students with high performance anxiety, it would be meaningful to test this expressive
writing intervention in more high-stakes performance settings. The implication of these results is that
practicing the night before a recital or test may not significantly improve performance quality the
following day. Performance anxiety is a particular type of Social Anxiety Disorder in which a fear of
negative evaluation occurs when faced with the prospect of speaking or performing in public. Article
types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial
office. Individuals are surrounded by various sources of stress, anxiety, and arousal. Related to this,
you then become hypervigilant for signs of anxiety and failure or scrutiny, and worrying becomes a
feature. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Three independent judges graded each performance recording according to OSPP. Using
the Biopsychosocial model (Engel, 1980), it was hypothesized that MPA would yield detrimental
effects on musicians' wellbeing, whereas music-making would generate multiple benefits that could
contribute to promote people's quality of life and healthy aging. In addition, the content of these
self-conversations was different. The literature also shows that they report increased levels of
hypochondriasis and extensive concern about vocal functioning and somatic impairment. Students
usually go to the piano class as a small group in a keyboard lab. They are expected to develop
keyboard proficiency and musicianship through the study of scales and arpeggios, chord progression,
solo repertoire, and other fundamentals.

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