Lecture 2 Introduction To Phases of Compiler

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Lecture 2

Lexical Analysis
The first phase of a compiler is called lexical analysis or scanning. The lexical analyzer reads the stream of
characters making up the source program and groups the characters into meaningful sequences called
lexemes. For each lexeme, the lexical analyzer produces as output a token of the form (token-name,
attribute-value) that it passes on to the subsequent phase, syntax analysis. In the token, the first
component token-name is an abstract symbol that is used during syntax analysis, and the second
component attribute-value points to an entry in the symbol table for this token. Information from the
symbol-table entry 'is needed for semantic analysis and code generation.

For example, suppose a source program contains the assignment statement

position = initial + rate * 60 (1.1)

The characters in this assignment could be grouped into the following lexemes and mapped into the
following tokens passed on to the syntax analyzer:

1. position is a lexeme that would be mapped into a token (id, I), where id is an abstract symbol standing
for identifier and 1 points to the symbol- table entry for position. The symbol-table entry for an identifier
holds information about the identifier, such as its name and type.

2. The assignment symbol = is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (=). Since this token needs no
attribute-value, we have omitted the second component. We could have used any abstract symbol such
as assign for the token-name, but for notational convenience we have chosen to use the lexeme itself as
the name of the abstract symbol.

3. initial is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (id, 2), where 2 points to the symbol-table entry for

4. + is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (+).

5. rate is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (id, 3), where 3 points to the symbol-table entry for rate.

6. * is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (*).

7. 60 is a lexeme that is mapped into the token (60).(note)

Blanks separating the lexemes would be discarded by the lexical analyzer.

Figure 1.7 shows the representation of the assignment statement (1.1) after lexical analysis as the
sequence of tokens In this representation, the token names =, +, and * are abstract symbols for the
assignment, addition, and multiplication operators, respectively.

Note:-Technically speaking, for the lexeme 60 we should make up a token like (number,4), where 4 points
to the symbol table for the internal representation of integer 60 but we shall defer the discussion of tokens
for numbers until Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses techniques for building lexical analyzers.
Lecture 2

Syntax Analysis
The second phase of the compiler is syntax analysis or parsing. The parser uses the first components of
the tokens produced by the lexical analyzer to create a tree-like intermediate representation that depicts
the grammatical structure of the token stream. A typical representation is a syntax tree in which each
interior node represents an operation and the children of the node represent the arguments of the

This tree shows the order in which the operations in the assignment

position = initial + rate * 60

are to be performed. The tree has an interior node labeled * with (id, 3) as its left child and the integer 60
as its right child. The node (id, 3) represents the identifier rate. The node labeled * makes it explicit that
we must first multiply the value of rate by 60. The node labeled + indicates that we must add the result of
this multiplication to the value of initial. The root of the tree, labeled =, indicates that we must store the
result of this addition into the location for the identifier posit ion. This ordering of operations is consistent
with the usual conventions of arithmetic which tell us that multiplication has higher precedence than
addition, and hence that the multiplication is to be performed before the addition.
Lecture 2

The subsequent phases of the compiler use the grammatical structure to help analyze the source program and generate the target program.

Semantic Analysis
The semantic analyzer uses the syntax tree and the information in the symbol table to check the source
program for semantic consistency with the language definition. It also gathers type information and saves
it in either the syntax tree or the symbol table, for subsequent use during intermediate-code generation.
An important part of semantic analysis is type checking, where the compiler checks that each operator
has matching operands. For example, many programming language definitions require an array index to
be an integer; the compiler must report an error if a floating-point number is used to index an array. The
language specification may permit some type conversions called coercions. For example, a binary
arithmetic operator may be applied to either a pair of integers or to a pair of floating-point numbers. If
the operator is applied to a floating-point number and an integer, the compiler may convert or coerce the
integer into a floating-point number.

Intermediate Code Generation

In the process of translating a source program into target code, a compiler may construct one or more
intermediate representations, which can have a variety of forms. Syntax trees are a form of intermediate
representation; they are commonly used during syntax and semantic analysis. After syntax and semantic
analysis of the source program, many compilers generate an explicit low-level or machine-like
intermediate representation, which we can think of as a program for an abstract machine. This
intermediate representation should have two important properties: it should be easy to produce and it
should be easy to translate into the target machine.

Code Optimization
The machine-independent code-optimization phase attempts to improve the intermediate code so that
better target code will result. Usually better means faster, but other objectives may be desired, such as
shorter code, or target code that consumes less power. For example, a straightforward algorithm
generates the intermediate code (1.3), using an instruction for each operator in the tree representation
that comes from the semantic analyzer. A simple intermediate code

Code Generation
The code generator takes as input an intermediate representation of the source program and maps it into
the target language. If the target language is machine code, registers or memory locations are selected for
each of the variables used by the program. Then, the intermediate instructions are translated into
sequences of machine instructions that perform the same task. A crucial aspect of code generation is the
judicious assignment of registers to hold variables.

Symbol-Table Management
An essential function of a compiler is to record the variable names used in the source program and collect
information about various attributes of each name. These attributes may provide information about the
storage allocated for a name, its type, its scope (where in the program its value may be used), and in the
case of procedure names, such things as the number and types of its arguments, the method of passing
Lecture 2

each argument (for example, by value or by reference), and the type returned. The symbol table is a data
structure containing a record for each variable name, with fields for the attributes of the name. The data
structure should be designed to allow the compiler to find the record for each name quickly and to store
or retrieve data from that record quickly.

The Grouping of Phases into Passes

The discussion of phases deals with the logical organization of a compiler. In an implementation, activities
from several phases may be grouped together into a pass that reads an input file and writes an output file.
For example, the front-end phases of lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate
code generation might be grouped together into one pass. Code optimization might be an optional pass.
Then there could be a back-end pass consisting of code generation for a particular target machine. Some
compiler collections have been created around carefully designed intermediate representations that allow
the front end for a particular language to interface with the back end for a certain target machine. With
these collections, we can produce compilers for different source languages for one target machine by
combining different front ends with the back end for that target machine. Similarly, we can produce
compilers for different target machines, by combining a front end with back ends for different target

Compiler-Construction Tools
The compiler writer, like any software developer, can profitably use modern software development
environments containing tools such as language editors, debuggers, version managers, profilers, test
harnesses, and so on. In addition to these general software-development tools, other more specialized
tools have been created to help implement various phases of a compiler. These tools use specialized
languages for specifying and implementing specific components, and many use quite sophisticated
algorithms. The most successful tools are those that hide the details of the generation algorithm and
produce components that can be easily integrated into the remainder of the compiler. Some commonly
used compiler-construction tools include

1. Parser generators that automatically produce syntax analyzers from a grammatical description of a
programming language.

2. Scanner generators that produce lexical analyzers from a regular-expression description of the tokens
of a language.

3. Syntax-directed translation engines that produce collections of routines for walking a parse tree and
generating intermediate code.

4. Code-generator generators that produce a code generator from a collection of rules for translating each
operation of the intermediate language into the machine language for a target machine.

5. Data-flow analysis engines that facilitate the gathering of information about how values are transmitted
from one part of a program to each other part. Data-flow analysis is a key part of code optimization.

6. Compiler-construction toolkits that provide an integrated set of routines for constructing various phases
of a compiler.

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