Weber 1997
Weber 1997
Weber 1997
2, 1997 73
any number of samples. In such a case, the experi- [21 R.W. Kennard and L.A. Stone, Technometrics, 11
menter can reach a compromise between the infor- (1969) 137.
mation content that is required of the calibration set [31 I. Ruisanchez, J. Lozano, M. S. Larrechi, F.X.
and the cost he/she is willing to pay for it. Rius and J. Zupan, Anal. Chim. Acta, in press.
[41 P.F. De Aguiar, B. Bourguignon, M.S. Khots,
D.L. Massart and R. Phan-Than-Luu, Chemom.
Intell. Lab. Syst., 30 ( 1995) 199.
Acknowledgements D. Mathieu, PhD Thesis, Marseille, 198 1.
[61 V.V. Fedorov, Theory of Optimal Experiments,
J. Ferre thanks the Comissionat per a Universi- translated and edited by W.J. Studden and E.M.
tats i Recerca of Generalitat de Catalunya, for pro- Klimko, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
viding a doctoral fellowship (FI 194-700 1). Finan- 171 J. Fern? and F.X. Rius, Trends Anal. Chem., sub-
cial support from the Spanish Ministry of mitted for publication.
Education and Science (DGICyT project BP93- [81 Matlab, The Mathworks, South Natick, MA.
0366) is acknowledged.
J. Ferrk and F.X. Rius are respectively PhD student
and Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the
References Department of Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i
Virgili, PI. Imperial Tcirraco, 1, E-43005 Tarragona,
[ 1 ] G.E.P. Box, W.G. Hunter and J.S. Hunter, Statis- Spain. Tel: 34-77-558 155, Fax: 34-77-559563,
tics for Experimenters, Wiley, New York, 1978. e-mail: ferre @@mica. urv. es.
CRYOGENIC 1 e.g. MethylsiloHane
et al. [ 3 1, who described environmental processes
involving methyl compounds of arsenic, tin, and
on solid support
1 ATOMIZATION 1 Wart2 furnace
2. Speciation
of methylarsenic
Advantages of derivatization by NaBH4 relative to Reimer [ 5 ] have reviewed many aspects of inor-
the two alkylation reagents are that NaBH4 is less ganic arsenic and methylarsenic compounds in the
expensive and its solutions are more stable. environment.
Grignard reagents are particularly difficult to use
because they are unstable to water. The high stabil- Table 1
ity of NaBH4 in water means that hydride deriva- Speciation of inorganic species and organometallic com-
tization is experimentally easy for any method of pounds in the environment by hydride derivatizatior?
introducing samples and reagents (Fig. 1). One
Inorganic Organometallic species
disadvantage of hydride derivatization relative to
alkylation methods is that hydride derivatives of
methyl- and ethyllead compounds are difficult to Ge( IV) MeGe3+, Me2Ge2+
form and/or are not very stable. A problem com- As( Ill), As(V) MeAsO(OH)z, MezAsO(OH), MesAsO
mon to all derivatizing reagents is that chemicals Sn( IV) Me,Sn(4-“)+, BunSn(4P7L)+ (n= l-3)
Hg(lf) MeHg +b, Me2HgC
found in environmental samples commonly include
metals, ions, ligands, and hydrophobic compounds “[I].
that sometimes interfere with derivatization reac- bNot in above reference.
tions as discussed below. ‘No derivatization needed.
trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 16, no. 2, 1997 75
Table 3
Natural formation of stannane and methyl- and butyltin hydrides
ogy. Vol. 34. Metal Ions in Biological Systems, University (7963). In 7963 he became an assistant
Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, in press. professor of chemistry at the University of New
[ 221 E.D. Stein, Y. Cohen and A.M. Winer, CRC Crit. Hampshire and became a full professor in 1977.
Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol., 26 (1996) l-43. During his most recent sabbatical leave in 1991-
[ 231 L. Liang, M. Horvat and N.S. Bloom, Talanta, 41 92 at ENEA (La Spezia, Italy) he studied abiotic
(1994) 371-379. methylation of mercury(ll). He was an invited
[ 241 P.J. Craig, D. Mennie, N. Ostah, O.F.X. Donard participant in the European Community workshop
and F. Martin, Analyst, 117 ( 1992) 823-824. “Trends in Speciation Analysis in Environmental
[ 25 J P.J. Craig, D. Mennie, M. Needham, N. Oshah, and Food Matrices” (Rome, 1994). Recent invited
O.F.X. Donard and F. Martin, J. Organomet. lectures include ones at the international
Chem., 447 (1993) 5-8. Conference on Environmental and Biological
[ 261 K. Kwetkat and W. Kitching, J. Chem. Sot. Chem. Aspects of Main-Group Organometals (Bordeaux,
Commun., (1994) 345-347. 1994) and the 4th Symposium on Analytical
[ 27 ] P.J. Craig, M.L. Needham, N. Ostah, G.H. Stojak, Sciences (Brussels, 1996). He is on the editorial
M. Symons and P. Teesdale-Spittle, J. Chem. Sot. board of Applied Organometallic Chemistry.
Dalton Trans., (1996) 153-156. His research has been supported by the
[ 28 ] F.M. Martin and O.F.X. Donard, J. Anal. Atom. USA agencies NSF, EPA, and NOAA. He is
Spectrom., 9 (1994) 1143-1151. now at the University of New Hampshire,
[ 291 F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inor- Chemistry Department, Parsons Hall, Durham,
ganic Chemistry, Wiley, New York, 5th edn., NH 03824, where he directs research of
1988, p. 165ff. graduate students on the biogeochemistry of
methylmercury compounds in the estuarine
James Weber’s education includes a PhD degree environment. He published more than 90 papers
in inorganic chemistry from the Ohio State in refereedjournals.