Vincent Voon Boo Chuan

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A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources

Universiti Malaysia Pahang



This study is to investigate the comparisons compressive strength of concrete

with egg albumen and coconut fiber as additive materials in concrete composition
mixture. Four type of samples are prepared which named by 1% egg albumen (EA),
of coconut fiber (CF), 0.5% of egg albumen with 0.5% of coconut fiber (EACF) and
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a control sample (CC). A total 72 cylinders with
150 mm diameter and 300mm height were prepared in four groups according to
different mix proportions. The composition mixture rate for sand-cement (s/c) ratio is
2.15, water-cement (wk) is 0.60, aggregate-cement (a/c) is 3.10 and target density is
2400kg/rn3. Then, the samples were cured under two curing conditions which were
air and water curing for 7th, 14th and 28th days before testing. The compressive
strength for concrete with egg albumen was 15. 83MPa, while for the concrete with
coconut fiber was 14.78MPa and concrete with both additives materials added was
12.07MPa. The result obtained showed that the concrete with additive material
achieved lower compressive strength than the control samples for water curing
condition. The samples with 1% of egg albumen showed the higher compressive
strength compared to other mixture in both the curing condition. Through the
observation, the concrete mixture with egg albumen showed lower early strength
gain but is satisfying improvement of strength as the time increased. The study
demonstrated that better engineering properties of concrete can be achieved with
proper curing condition and type of additive material added.


Kajian mi adalah untuk menyiasat perbandingan kekuatan mampatan konkrit

dengan albumen telur dan serabut kelapa sebagai bahan aditif dalam komposisi
campuran konkrit. Empat jenis sampel disediakan iaitu sebanyak 1% albumen telur
(EA), serabut kelapa (CF), 0,5% albumen telur dan 0,5% serabut kelapa (EACF) dan
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) sebagai sampel kawalan (CC). Sebanyak 72
silinder disediakan mengikut dengan 150 mm diameter dan tingginya ialah 300mm.
Kadar nisbah campuran bagi pasir-simen (s / c) ialah 2,15, air-simen (w / c) ialah
0,60, agregat-simen (a / c) ialah 3.10 dan kepadatan ialah 2400kg/rn3. Kemudian,
sampel diletakan dalam dua keadaan pengawetan iaitu pengawetan udara dan
pengawetan air bagi 7, 14 dan 28 hari sebelum ujian dilakukan. Kekuatan mampatan
konkrit dengan albumen telur mencapai sebanyak 15. 83MPa, manakala konkrit
dengan serabut kelapa adalah sebanyak 14.78MPa dan konkrit dengan kedua-dua
bahan aditif tambah adalah 12.07MPa. Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan
bahawakekuatan konkrit dengan bahan aditifadalah lebih rendah berbanding dengan
sampel kawalan dalam keadaan pengawetan di dalam air and udara. Sampel dengan
1% albumen telur menunjukkan kekuatan mampatan yang lebih tinggi berbanding
dengan campuran konkrit yang lain. Kekuatan konkrit diperolehi adalah lebih renda
dalam masa pengawetan yang singkat tetapi kekuatan mi akan meningkat dalam
jangka masa yang panjang. Kajian mi menunjukkan bahawa sifat-sifat kejuruteraan
konkrit yang lebih baik dapat dicapai dengan keadaan rawatan yang tepat dan jenis-
jenis bahan aditifditambahkan ke komposisi campuran konkrit




1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 4
1.4 Scope of Work 5
1.5 Significance of Study .8
1.6 Summary 9

2.1 Introduction 10

2.2 Introduction to Concrete 11

2.3 Historical Development of Concrete 11
2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete 12
2.5 Properties of Fresh Concrete 13
2.5.1 Workability of Concrete 14
2.6 Properties of Hardened Concrete 14
2.6.1 Early Volume Change 15
2.6.2 Creep Properties 15
2.6.3 Permeability 16
2.7 Concrete Strength 17
2.7.1 Compressive Strength of Concrete 17
2.7.2 Flexural Strength of Concrete 18
2.8 Concrete Materials 18
2.8.1 Cement 19
2.8.2 Aggregates 19
2.9 Introduction to Coconut Fiber 20
2.9.1 Historical Development of Coconut Fiber 20
2.9.2 Properties of Coconut Fiber 21
2.9.3 Advantages of Coconut Fiber to Concrete 21
2.10 Introduction to Egg Albumen 22
2. 10.1 Properties of Egg Albumen 22
2.10.2 Advantages of Egg Albumen to Concrete 23
2.11 Summary 24

3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Experimental Program 26
3.3 Preparation of Materials 28
3.3.1 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 28
3.3.2 Water 30
3.3.3 Fine Sand 31
3.3.4 Coarse Aggregate 32
3.3.5 Egg Albumen 33
3.3.6 Coconut Fiber 34

3.4 Apparatus and Test Equipment 35

3.4.1 Apparatus for Mixing, Casting and Curing 35
3.4.2 Test Equipment for Testing 36
3.5 Concrete Mixing 37
3.5.1 Mix Proportions 37
3.5.2 Mixing, Casting and Curing Process 38
3.6 Testing of Sample 39
3.6.1 Compression Strength Test 39
3.6.2 Slump Test 40
3.7 Summary 41


4.1 Introduction 42
4.2 Compression Test 43
4.2.1 Analysis from the Results Obtained 44
4.2.2 Compressive Strength and Strength Development 49
4.3 Comparisons Strength with Other Additives Materials 53
4.4 Comparisons Strength with Other Code of Practices 54
4.5 Workability Test 55
4.5. 1 Analysis in Respect to Workability 55
43.2 Discussion Based on Workability Test 57
4.6 Summary 58


5.1 Introduction 59
5.2 Conclusions 60
5.2.1 Compressive Strength 60
5.2.2 Slump Test 61
5.3 Recommendations 62
5.4 Summary 63




1.1 Number of Samples and Tests for Laboratory Work 6

1.2 Mix Composition of Concrete Mixture 6
3.1 Number of Samples and Tests for Laboratory Work 26
3.2 Percentage of Chemical Composition of OPC 29
3.3 Mix Proportions of Concrete 37
4.1 Result of Compression Test 44
4.2 Comparisons Strength with Other Additive Materials 53
4.3 Comparisons Strength with Other Code of Practices 54
4.4 Result of Slump Test 56
4.5 Workability Category 57



1.1 Dimensions of Cylinder 5

1.2 Flowchart of Study 7
3.1 Flowchart of Experimental Program 27
3.2 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 29
3.3 Water 30
3.4 Fine Sand 31
3.5 Coarse Aggregates 32
3.6 Egg Albumen 33
3.7 Coconut Fiber 34
3.8 Cylinder Mould 35
3.9 Compression Testing Machine 36
3.10 Types of Slump 40
4.1 Comparisons of Compressive Strength of Concrete
Control Sample under Water and Air Curing Conditions 45
4.2 Comparisons of Compressive Strength of 1% Egg
Albumen under Water and Air Curing Conditions 46
4.3 Comparisons of Compressive Strength of 1% of Coconut
Fiber under Water and Air Curing Conditions 47
4.4 Comparisons of Compressive Strength of 0.5% of
Egg Albumen and 0.5% of Coconut Fiber under Water
and Air Curing Conditions 48
4.5 Comparisons of Strength Development for Water Curing 50
4.6 Comparisons of Strength Development for Air Curing 51
4.7 Types of Slump 56


lBS - Industrial Building System

EN - EuroCode Standard
EA - Egg Albumen
CF - Coconut Fiber
oPc - Ordinary Portland Cement
CC - Concrete Control
w/c - Water to Cement Ratio
s/c - Sand to Cement Ratio
a/c - Aggregate to Cement Ratio
MPa - Mega Pascal
kg - Kilogram
mm - Millimeter
nm - Nanometer
gm - Micrometer
- Less than
% - Percent
M - Modulus of rupture, N/mm2;
P - Load
1 - Distance
d - Diameter
h - Depth
F - Maximum load



A BS 4551: Part 1: 1998 (Table 3: Percentages of Fraction of

Standards Fine Aggregate (sand) s and
Table 4: Composition of Laboratory Mixes) 68

B EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E) (Section 3: Concrete Materials and

Section Concrete under Compressive Strength) 71

C Concrete Mixed Design Calculation

(Source from: FKASA Laboratory, liMP) 76

D Slump Test Manual (Source from: FKASA Laboratory, liMP) 87

E Compression Result 91

F Gantt Chart of Study 96



1.1 Background of Study

In Malaysia,, Industrial Building System (IBS) was the most popular and widely
used in the building constructions. It had been used to manage the quality and
productivity of construction industry. A requirement of concrete performance due to
rapid development of super high building, larger size and larger span concrete structure
was very important so that the concept of improvement and quality can be achieved. For
this study, the comparison of concrete compressive strength with various natural
additives fiber as reinforcement was conducted to investigate it quality to the
environmental and human living.

According to Amlan K.S and Devdas M. (2000), concrete was defined as a

composite material that consisted essentially of a binding medium, such as a mixture of
Portland cement and water, within which were embedded particles or fragments of
aggregate, usually a combination of fine and coarse aggregate. Concrete was by far the
most versatile and most widely used for construction material worldwide. It could been

engineered to satisfy a wide range of performance specifications, unlike other building

materials such as natural stone or steel, which generally had been used in construction.

Furthermore, an ever-expanding population and high rates of economic

development in Malaysia resulted in the generation of vast amount of waste. It was
estimated about 17,000 of waste generated in Peninsular Malaysia which was about
average per capita generation of waste 0.85kg/ cap! day. As a promoting of green
environment area for human living, 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) concept was
introduced. This green environment issues helps in promoting new source of growth so
as to strengthen and diversity the industrial base. According to the Local Government
Department Ministry of Housing & Local Government Report, about 1 to 5 % of the
generated wastes were reduced, reused, recycled while the remainder was taken to
disposal sites.

Egg albumen which contained of high protein composition would influenced of

the cement properties when biopolymer-added cement composition with egg albumen.
According to Chandra S. et al (1987), proteins used work as air entraining agents in
cement mortar. Steam curing had an adverse effect on the strength of mortar specimens
mixed with protein. Protein addition introduces hydrophobic properties in the cement

Md. Hasim (2005) stated that the used of coconut fiber from the dispose of
coconut shell could be a valuable material in the formation of a composite material that
can be used as an internal panel wall in housing construction.

As such, a new material for construction industry with composition materials of

cement, natural additive fiber (egg albumen and coconut fiber), water, fine sand and
coarse aggregate were developed to investigate the performance of concrete due to it
compressive strength under EuroCode Standard (EN 1992-1-2: 2004)

12 Problem Statement

A production of building with higher strength, lightweight, higher toughness and

others will be the main reason for constructing the building in Malaysia. Nowadays,
problems occur due to deterioration of concrete which caused by interior materials was
leaded to the failure of the building happened in concrete construction. As a result, a
new development of concrete composition with natural additives was introduced in
construction industry. Chandra S. et al (1987) reported that type of additive used would
be influence the strength of concrete when added to concrete mixture.

Nowadays, large amounts of waste natural organic material such as egg albumen
and coconut fiber were disposed in Malaysia. If the waste could not been disposed
properly it would leaded to environmental problems. Recycling of the disposed material
was one of the methods of treating the agricultural waste.

1.3 Objectives

The general objective of this study was to investigate the compressive strength of
concrete with various natural additive materials. The specific objectives of this study

i. To determine the compressive strength of concrete with various additive

materials under EuroCode Standard (EN 1992-1-2: 2004)

ii. To study the effects of the curing conditions to the compressive strength
of the concrete.

iii. To study the comparisons compressive strength of concrete with various

additives material composition i der different code of practices.

1.4 Scope of Work

This study was conducted through experimentally where all the experimental
work was involved in order to investigate the compressive strength of concrete with
various additive materials. Four type of samples were prepared which named by 1% egg
albumen (EA), of coconut fiber (CF), 0.5% of egg albumen with 0.5% of coconut fiber
(EACF) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a control sample (CC). The raw
materials such as OCP, water, fine sand, coarse aggregate, additive materials (egg
albumen and coconut fiber) Were used in laboratory work. The total numbers for all
cylinder samples were shown in Table I.I. The mix proportion of the concrete was
shown in Table 12. The dimensions of the cylinders were shown in Figure 1.1.

Diameter: 150 mm
Height: 300 mm

Figure 1.1: Dimensions of Cylinder

Table 1.1: Number of Samples and Tests for Laboratory Work

Percentages 100% CC 1% EA 1% CF 0.5 % EA +

0.5% CF
Test Curing 7 14 28 7 14 28 7 14 28 7 14 28
Compression Air 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Test Water 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Total 66666 6 66666 6

Total samples 72 of samples

Table 1.2: Mix Composition of Concrete Mixture

Mix composition
Sand / Cement (s/c) 2.15
Water! Cement (w/c) 0.60
Aggregate! Cement (a/c) 3.10
Target Density 2400kg/rn3

The experimental study was conducted at the Concrete Laboratory, at Faculty

Civil Engineering and Earth Resources, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. The
compression test and slump test were carried out based on EuroCode Standard (EN
1992-1-2: 2004) as a code of practice for this study. All samples were placed under air
and water curing condition and then tested under compression test via on the 7 th , 14th,
and 28th days. The flowchart of the study was shown in Figure 1.2.
77' Data Preparation


Selection of Concrete Components


Construct the Specimen - Sampling and Concrete

Instrumentation of Specimen

Experimental Set- Up and Calibration of Equipment

Testing Specimen 0


Interpretation of Results

Report Writing

Submission of Report

Figure 1.2: Flowchart of Study


1.5 Significance of Study

This study was conducted to study the advantages of using additive material (egg
albumen and coconut fiber) added to the concrete composition mixture. The advantages
of using the concrete and natural material was discussed in term of the ultimate strength
which corresponding to the compressive strength. Other engineering behaviors that
discussed were included with its workability.

As a egg albumen and coconut fiber act as a additive material for concrete
mixture, this study was determine the different behaviors of different proportion additive
material that can produce the better quality of concrete. This study also used to
determine the best additive materials to be added to concrete mix proportion that would
fit the entire characteristic needed in designing concrete.

Furthermore, this was study carried out in order to determine the comparison
compressive strength of different proportion which was the strength development for 7th,
14 th and 28th
of curing for the all mix proportion of the concrete. The results that been
obtained from experimental works were used for future study such as lightweight
concrete with natural organic material as a new structure element in the construction
1.6 Summary

The usage of concrete with natural waste material for cementitious material
commonly gave a lot of advantages. In this day and age, construction was looking
forward for a high strength with low water-to-cement ratio, durability with low
permeability, minimum cement content and proper mixing, compaction and curing, high
quality, high performance and but in an optimum quantity for overall cost. As by using
concrete, all of these characteristics and benefits may be achieved. Natural additive
materials were able to increase the strength of concrete when mixed together. Plus, it
was been superior environmental friendliness due to ecological disposal of large
quantities of waste materials (the solid waste or organic waste) were reduced and
enhancement productivity of the construction industry.

2.1 Introduction

The purpose of studying a literature review was to find, read, and analyze the
body of literature which been published by books, journal article, conference articles,
research papers and thesis. Previous reviews on engineering properties of concrete and it
performance in the existing applications will be studied in order to analyze more
valuable information associated to the construction activity. In this chapter, the review
on waste material such as egg albumen, and coconut fiber also were analyzed.

2.2 Introduction to Concrete

Concrete was a name applied to any of a number of compositions consisting of

sand, gravel, crushed stone, or other coarse material, bound together with various kinds
of cementitious materials, such as lime or cements. When water was added, the mix
undergoes a chemical reaction and hardens. The word concrete comes from the Latin
word "concretus", which means "headened" or "hard". Concrete has been used in
construction for over 2000 years, perhaps first by the Romans in their aqueducts and
roadways. According to Nan Su and Buquan Miao (2003), concrete was the dominant
construction material today with an annual worldwide production of cover 4.5 billions
metric tons.

2.3 Historical Development of Concrete

Anonymous said that the Romans found that the mixture of lime putty with
pozzolana, a fine volcanic ash, would harden under water. The result was possibly the
first hydraulic cement. It became a major feature of Roman building practice, and was
used in many buildings and engineering projects such as bridges and aqueducts.
Concrete technology was kept alive during the Middle Ages in Spain and Africa, with
the Spanish introducing a form of concrete to the New World in the first decades of the
16th century. It was used by both the Spanish and English in coastal areas stretching
from Florida to South Carolina. Called .tapia., or .tabby., the substance was a creamy-
white, monolithic masonry material composed of lime, sand, and an aggregate of shells,
gravel, or stone mixed with water. Concrete was widely used in domestic, commercial,
recreational, rural and educational construction.

Un-reinforced concrete was a composite material containing aggregates (sand,

gravel, crushed shell, or rock) held together by a cement combined with water to form a

paste It gets its name from the fact that it does not have any iron or steel reinforcing
bars. It was the earliest form of concrete. The ingredients become a plastic mass that
hardens as the concrete hydrates, or .cures. While for the reinforced concrete was
concrete strengthened by the inclusion of metal bars, which increase the tensile strength
of concrete. Both un-reinforced and reinforced concrete can be either cast in place or

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete

Concrete definitely presents technological advantages: it can be made from local

inexpensive materials and it can be cast in a any shape. Concrete has a good
compressive strength, it does not rot, it was not much affected by humidity, it does not
burn and it was not attacked by insects (but it can be attacked by certain bacteria).
Moreover, when concrete was well proportioned, adequately mixed, transported, placed
and cured, it becomes a durable construction material in most environmental conditions.
Concrete technology was simple: it consists essentially in thoroughly mixing a fine
powder with aggregates, water and admixtures and in compacting of this freshly mixed
material into forms where it takes its final hardened shape and strength within less than a

Concrete also presents some weakness: it was weak in tension, it was heavy, it
was not volumetrically stable because it shrinks and creeps or sometimes swells.
Moreover, concrete must be properly cured to reach its full potential as a structural
material, and its durability can be impaired in severe environmental conditions, usually
acidic conditions which stated by Baron and 011ivier (1992). Today, some of these
weaknesses have been partially overcome with reinforcing bars, fibres, admixtures and
li ghtweight aggregates.

As concrete's advantages out-weight its weakness, it was not surprising that

concrete was presently the most widely used material after water. According to Syndicat
Francais de I'Industrie Cimentiere (1998), every year more than 1.5 billion tonnes of
cement were produced. From this huge amount of cement, around 6 billion cubic metres
of concrete were made. Moreover, ACI Committee 125 stated that concrete can be made
from the equator to the poles, in the desert, on the sea, under water and even on he Moon.
It was so successful a material that was can be considered as the basis on which our
present civilization has been built.

2.5 Properties of Fresh Concrete

The performance requirements of hardened concrete were more or less well

defined with respect to shape, finish, strength, durability, shrinkage and creep. To
achieve these objectives economically, the fresh concrete, in addition to having a
suitable composition in terms of quality and quantity of cement, aggregates and
admixtures, should satisfy a number of requirements from the mixing stage till it was
transported, placed in formwork and compacted.

The mix should be able to produce a homogenous fresh concrete form the
constituent materials of the batch under the action of the mixing forces. The mix should
be stable, in that it should not segregate during transportation and placing when it was
subjected to forces during handling operations of limited nature. Beside that, the mixture
should be cohesive and sufficiently mobile to be placed in the form around the
reinforcement and should be able to cast into required shape without losing continuity or
homogeneity under the available techniques of placing the concrete at the particular job
which termed as fiowability and mobility for of fresh concrete. Besides that, it can be be
ameable to proper and thorough compaction into a dense, compact concrete with
minimum voids under the existing facilities of compaction at the laboratory work or site.
Lastly, it should be possible to attain a satisfactory surface finish without honeycombing

or blowing holes from moulds and on free surface by trowelling and other process which
namely by finishing. These entire requirements were affected of the workability of the

2.5.1 Workability of Concrete

Workability defined as that property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar which

determined the ease and homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed, compacted
and finished. A slump test can be used to measure the workability of concrete. The
workability was affected by the amount of cement paste added. The cement paste was
the soft or liquid part of the concrete mix. The more mixed with the coarse and fine
aggregates, the more workable a mix. Furthermore, it's also affected by the aggregate
grading. Well- graded, smooth, rounded aggregates will improve the workability of a
mix. An additional water to the concrete mixture will lead to the lowers the strength and
durability of the concrete

The workability was affected by the mix proportions of the mixtures, aggregate
properties, admixtures, environmental conditions and time.

2.6 Properties of Hardened Concrete

The main properties of hardened concrete were early volume change, creep, and

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