Tybbi Sem5 FSM Nov19

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Paper / Subject Code: 44306 / Financial Services Management
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Time 2.5 hrs

Note: 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to right indicate marks.

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Q.1 a)Fill in the blanks: (Any Eight) (8 .\oqLb, {'t{z
a) Loan slmdication by a financial intermediary is a kind of
b) Commercial banks mainly involved in activities.
c) Merchant banks do not accept

d) The initial registration fees for merchant bankers is

e) The main aim of close ended ftind is

f) Securitisation is mainly associated with tlie assets of companies.

g) _ are financial investors that desire their value frorn the

underlying financial aSsets.

h) pro-,,ides loan for a

fixed period of time.

i) The banker can retain the property for the payment of the
j) The main promoter of CDSL was

b) State True or False (Any Seven) (7)

i) Credit rating agencies, factoring, discr-runt house, etc. are specialized institutions.
iil Custodial service is provided to loreign investors.
iii) Merchant bankers' services come under control of RBI.
iv) Commercial banks can lake up murunl funds business clirectly.
v) Discounting a bill is much better than factoring.
vi) Forward contracts can be traded onl-,, in organized exchanges.
vii) Horne loan account scheme is the scheme of LIC.
viii) Consumer finance is also called as large loan companies.
ix) Investors' has to maintain minimum balance in Demat account.
x) Hypothecation is the opposite version of pledge.

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1 63 A16 I3 4'l 7425A40D6893 3 8,149E87F2

Paper / Subject Code: 44306 / Financial Services Management

Q 2 a) Discuss various fund based and fee based selices in brief. (8)
b) After LPG, what growth has taken place in lhe finaucial service
sector in India. (7)

;/Descrrbe services offered by merchant bankers. : (8)

d) What are the guidelines issued by SEBI tou,ards merchant banking? \t)

Q.3 a) Describe the structure of mutual fund operations in India (8)

b) Highlight difference between Factoring & Folfeiting. (7)
c) Describe different types of mutual fuird. (8)
d) Define fbrfeiting. Explain its ments and demerits. (7)

Q"a a) Describe securitization. Explain its operational mechanisrn in detail.

.l.r[)cfine Onticns ancl stale its tr,oes.

c) Discuss about financial derivatives and bring out their various

leatures. (8)
d1 Explain the causes for unpopularity of securitizalion. (7)

QpdDefine llousing finance. Explain functions of NI]B. (8)

b) Explain sources and terms of consumer firiance. (7)
c) Explain depository system and the eligibility criteria of being depository in India. (8)

,d) Define pledge and explain the procedures of pledge/ hlpothecation in securities. (7)


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1 63 446 13417 425Ar 0D6893 38449887F2

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