Unit 38
Unit 38
Unit 38
Section 5-Interviews
A. Review
In the previous lesson, you’ve learned:
The process of conducting a performance
review meeting:
Step 1: Discuss employee’s job
Step 2: Assess the employee’s
Step 3: Set employee an objective
Step 4 Discuss employee’s future
Criteria on setting objectives: SMART
Specific Question:
Measurable Can you elaborate on each word——specific,
Achievable measurable, achievable, realistic and timely
Realistic with details?
B. Exercise
1. Read these sentences from the grey box and four categories. Group them in the correct
categories, following the example.
① Discussing employee’s job descriptions: 1
② Assessing employee’s performance:
③ Setting employee an objective:
④ Discussing employee’s future development:
1. Are you happy with how I’ve outlined your 7. I’ve observed that you are steadily improving
job description? in all areas of your job.
2. Down the line, I think it would be helpful 8. Is that a fair description of your role?
for you to develop your interpersonal skills. 9. Looking ahead, I think you should work to
3. Have I missed out anything that you do in improve your leadership skills.
your position? 10. Moving forward, perhaps we could look at
4. How do you feel about your performance management training courses.
this year? 11. My impression is that your performance has
5. I expect you to have completed your way exceeded our expectations this year.
review of expenses by Tuesday. 12. Please could you set up a meeting with all
6. I would like you to organize an employee the relevant personnel by the end of the
First Aid course by January. week?
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited TI: Ask S to do the matching. Answers are on the next page. 3
① 1, 3, 8
② 4, 7, 11 Suggested time: 4mins
③ 5, 6, 12
④ 2, 9, 10
2. Complete the conversation with sentences from the previous exercise. In some
places, more than one answer is possible. And then repeat them.
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited TI: Ask S to complete the conversation and then repeat them. The answers are on the next page. 4
① 1/3/8
②4 Suggested time: 3mins
③ 7/11
⑤ 10 3. It is important to set the employee at ease during the meeting. You can do this by using
appropriate TONE to make your employee feel comfortable. Listen to the four different
speakers and choose the correct adjective for each speaker. Then repeat them in appropriate
(32s) http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/IES/Aplayer.aspx?code=47FCA027295BC070
Speaker 1 Speaker 3
I would like you to establish
How do you feel about
a job rotation scheme. I
your performance this
expect you to organize this
by the end of the month.
interested VS uninterested negative VS positive
Speaker 2 Speaker 4
I’ve observed that you Down the line, I think it
are steadily improving would be helpful for you to
in all areas of your job. develop your interpersonal
polite VS impolite diplomatic VS blunt
shy VS assertive encouraging VS angry
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited TI: Ask S to listen to the audio and then choose the correct adjective for each speaker. 5
Explain the words if needed. The answers are on the next page.
Speaker 1: interested
Suggested time: 3mins
C. Speaking
Speaker 2: polite and assertive
Speaker 3: positive
Speaker 4: diplomatic and encouraging
1. You are an office manager and are carrying out a performance review with your
employee. Follow the instruction from the box. You start.
1. Outline the employee’s job description and
You: _______________________________.
ask if you have missed anything.
Employee: No, I think that about covers it.
2. Ask him/her about his/her opinion of
You: _______________________________.
performance this year.
Employee: I think I’ve done well. I’ve met all my targets in
3. Agree with what he/she says and give
terms of budget cuts and I think the first phase
him/her positive feedback on his/her
of the office refurbishment was successful too.
performance this year.
You: _______________________________.
4. Set him/her an objective regarding the
Employee: Thanks. That’s good to know.
implementation of the second phase of the
You: _______________________________.
office refurbishment(装饰): new furniture
Employee: OK, that sounds reasonable.
and equipment for the ground floor. Make
You: _______________________________.
sure that it meets the SMART requirements.
Employee: Yes, I’d be keen to work on that.
5. Talk about the future and suggest skills that
the employee needs to improve.
TI: Ask S to follow the instruction and complete the conversation. Give S feedback and
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited correct him/her when S finishes. 6
Suggested time: 5mins
2. Free talk.
Think about your own workplace or school. Complete the following tasks. You
tutor will give you feedback when you finish.
2. How have the employee performed this year? Say at least one
sentence to judge your employee’s performance.
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited TI: Guide S to complete the practice and give S feedback when they finish. 7
Suggested time: 2mins
D. Summary
What you have learned in Unit 37 and Unit 38:
✓ The process of conducting a performance review meeting;
✓ Criteria on setting an objective: SMART requirements.
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited TI: Summarize what S has learned in the previous units and give S advice for their further study. 8