Notes 2
Notes 2
Notes 2
The primary rule to develop the art of reading is to read. We often read only that
stuff which we like. With this practice, our brain gets accustomed to certain
subjects and gradually loses interest in other areas. Therefore, we must widen
our horizon and read whatever comes our way with equal interest. Boring is just
a term we use when we are actually not paying adequate interest. So, the key is
to develop interest in varied readings and read them properly.
Soft Skills Unit 2
Slow and Efficient
Whenever we read too fast, we often miss out on the intricacies of the text.
While reading, we try to maintain our pace. But, the focus should be more on
understanding the details implicit in the text, to successfully resolve the
complexities inherent in it. Effective and slow reading not just gives a pleasure
of participating actively in the text but also prepares your mind to register the
material you are reading for longer.
This is the most clichéd aspect of reading, with which we come across
innumerable times in our lifetimes. But, we still don’t understand the
seriousness of this activity. Reading a text with concentration, with a pencil in
hand to mark the things that you like in it, is the activity that makes you an
active reader with a deeper understanding of the text.
Reading Again
It happens at times that we read something and when find ourselves unable to
understand it we leave it and move on. But, in order to acquire the skill of
effective reading, one needs to give the text ample time and patience. If the text
doesn’t open up easily, then respect the complexity and read it again. To fetch
any benefit from the text one must read one text more than once. The person
who indulges in this practice finds himself at a better understanding of the text
than others.
Skimming helps the reader get a general and superficial idea of a text. It gives a
global or universal idea. The reader is expected to quickly run his eyes over the
text to get a gist or rough Idea of it.
Scanning on the other hand, helps the reader get a specific piece of information
quickly going through a text.
Extensive reading constitutes reading of longer texts for the reader’s own
pleasure and / or profit.
Intensive reading helps one to extract specific information, an in-depth, hidden
and/or symbolic meanings from a text. It requires slow and concentrated effort.
Intensive reading can be termed as an accuracy activity that calls for reading for
details. A good reader varies his speed of reading depending upon the purpose
of his reading. A slow reader naturally has a greater level of comprehension
compared to an average or fast reader.
You can lose your place two different ways: you can lose track of what word
you are on at any point, or you can lose track of what line you are on when
moving from one line to the next. Losing your place wastes time and can inhibit
your comprehension.
Take breaks
Trace your place
How many times have you been reading a passage, and realized halfway
through that you have no idea what you have just read? Instead of paying
attention to the text, you are thinking about what you are going to do later, what
some friend said, or why you have to take the stupid SAT. This wastes time and
energy, and makes comprehension impossible.
Soft Skills Unit 2
Take breaks
Read aloud
Take notes
Even though the words and sentences may make sense, you may not be able to
put them together to get the meaning of the passage.
Take breaks
Take notes
Just because you don't have to memorize all of the facts does not mean that you
can completely forget everything that you have read. You still need to recall the
main ideas of the passages. If you come to the end of the passage and cannot
recall what it was about, you need to improve your retention.
Take breaks
Read aloud
Take notes
There are certain steps you can take to alleviate the damage done by some of the
previously mentioned reading problems. Just knowing about these techniques is
not enough; be sure to use and practice them as you read the sample passages.
Take breaks
You can mark your place either by pointing to each word as you read it, or by
placing a sheet of paper underneath the line you are reading. Pointing to each
word with a pencil or your finger can help your eye see where it should be
reading. Placing a piece of paper under the line you are reading can help you to
move smoothly from one line to the next.
Read aloud
If you are in your own room, you can actually say each word aloud. If you must
remain silent, mumble the words to yourself, or at least mouth the words, and
say them in your head. It is important that you actually hear the sounds, even if
you only hear them in your imagination. This multisensory approach to reading
allows you to see, hear, and feel (with your mouth) what you are reading.
Reading aloud should help you stay focused, understand better, and remember
what you are reading.
Take Notes
If you are thinking about what is important enough to write down, you will pay
more attention to the reading. This will keep your mind from wandering, help
you process the main point of the passage, and improve the likelihood you will
remember things. In addition, the notes you take are a record of the passage that
you can refer back to if you do forget elements.
Here are some things you should note:
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it,
and understand its meaning. Although this definition may seem simple, it is not
necessarily simple to teach, learn or practice