Unit 6 OM

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CHAPTER 6: FASILITY LAYOUT......................................................................................................................1

6.0 Aims and Objectives..........................................................................................................................1
6.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................1
6.2 LAYOUT TYPES...................................................................................................................................2
6.2.1 Basic Layouts..................................................................................................................................2 Process Layouts...........................................................................................................................2 Product Layouts...........................................................................................................................3 Fixed-Position Layouts.................................................................................................................3
6.2.2 Hybrid Layouts................................................................................................................................3 Cellular Layouts...........................................................................................................................4 Flexible Manufacturing Systems..................................................................................................5 Mixed-Model Assembly Lines......................................................................................................5
6.3. SERVICE LAYOUTS.............................................................................................................................6
6.4. LINE BALANCING...............................................................................................................................7

6.0 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this chapter is to ensure a smooth flow of work, material, people, and information through the
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 briefly describe the layout types
 Minimize material handling costs;
 Utilize space efficiently;
 Utilize labor efficiently;
 Eliminate bottlenecks;
 Facilitate communication and interaction between workers, between workers and their supervisors,
or between workers and customers;
 Reduce manufacturing cycle time and customer service time;
 Eliminate wasted or redundant movement;
 Facilitate the entry, exit, and placement of material, products, and people;
 Incorporate safety and security measures;
 Promote product and service quality;
 Encourage proper maintenance activities;
 Provide a visual control of operations or activities;
 Provide flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.
6.1 Introduction

Facility layout refers to the arrangement of machines, departments, workstations, storage areas, aisles, and
common areas within an existing or proposed facility. Layouts have farreaching implications for the quality,
productivity, and competitiveness of a firm. Layout decisions significantly affect how efficiently workers
can do their jobs, how fast goods can be produced, how difficult it is to automate a system, and how
responsive the system can be to changes in product or service design, product mix, and demand volume.
The basic objective of the layout decision is to ensure a smooth flow of work, material, people, and
information through the system. Effective layouts also:
 Minimize material handling costs;
 Utilize space efficiently;
 Utilize labor efficiently;
 Eliminate bottlenecks;
 Facilitate communication and interaction between workers, between workers and their supervisors, or
between workers and customers;
 Reduce manufacturing cycle time and customer service time;
 Eliminate wasted or redundant movement;
 Facilitate the entry, exit, and placement of material, products, and people;

 Incorporate safety and security measures;
 Promote product and service quality;
 Encourage proper maintenance activities;
 Provide a visual control of operations or activities;
 Provide flexibility to adapt to changing conditions.

There are three basic types of layouts: process, product, and fixed-position; and three hybrid layouts:
cellular layouts, flexible manufacturing systems, and mixed-model assembly lines.
6.2.1 Basic Layouts Process Layouts
Process layouts, also known as functional layouts, group similar activities together in departments or work
centers according to the process or function they perform. For example, in a machine shop, all drills would
be located in one work center, lathes in another work center, and milling machines in still another work
center. In a department store, women's clothes, men's clothes, children's clothes, cosmetics, and shoes are
located in separate departments. A process layout is characteristic of intermittent operations, service shops,
job shops, or batch production, which serve different customers with different needs. The volume of each
customer's order is low, and the sequence of operations required to complete a customer's order can vary
considerably. The equipment in a process layout is general purpose, and the workers are skilled at operating
the equipment in their particular department.
The advantage of this layout is flexibility. The disadvantage is inefficiency. Jobs or customers do not flow
through the system in an orderly manner, backtracking is common, movement from department to
department can take a considerable amount of time, and queues tend to develop. In addition, each new
arrival may require that an operation be set up differently for its particular processing requirements.
Material storage and movement are directly affected by the type of layout. Storage space in a process layout
is large to accommodate the large amount of in-process inventory. The factory may look like a warehouse,
with work centers strewn between storage aisles. In-process inventory is high because material moves from
work center to work center in batches waiting to be processed. Finished goods inventory, on the other hand,
is low because the goods are being made for a particular customer and are shipped out to that customer upon
completion. Process layouts in manufacturing firms require flexible material handling equipment (such as
forklifts) that can follow multiple paths, move in any direction, and carry large loads of inprocess goods. A
forklift moving pallets of material from work center to work center needs wide aisles to accommodate heavy
loads and two-way movement. Scheduling of forklifts is typically controlled by radio dispatch and varies
from day to day and hour to hour. Routes have to be determined and priorities given to different loads
competing for pickup. Process layouts in service firms require large aisles for customers to move back and
forth and ample display space to accommodate different customer preferences. The major layout concern for
a process layout is where to locate the departments or machine centers in relation to each other. Although
each job or customer potentially has a different route through the facility, some paths will be more common
than others. Past information on customer orders and projections of customer orders can be used to develop
patterns of flow through the shop.

2 Product Layouts
Product layouts, better known as assembly lines, arrange activities in a line according to the sequence of
operations that need to be performed to assemble a particular product. Each product or has its own "line"
specifically designed to meet its requirements. The flow of work is orderly and efficient, moving from one
workstation to another down the assembly line until a finished product comes off the end of the line. Since
the line is set up for one type of product or service, special machines can be purchased to match a product's
specific processing requirements. Product layouts are suitable for mass production or repetitive operations in
which demand is stable and volume is high. The product or service is a standard one made for a general
market, not for a particular customer. Because of the high level of demand, product layouts are more
automated than process layouts, and the role of the worker is different. Workers perform narrowly defined
assembly tasks that do not demand as high a wage rate as those of the more versatile workers in a process
layout. The advantage of the product layout is its efficiency and ease of use. The disadvantage is its
inflexibility. Significant changes in product design may require that a new assembly line be built and new
equipment be purchased.
The major concern in a product layout is balancing the assembly line so that no one workstation becomes a
bottleneck and holds up the flow of work through the line.
A product layout needs material moved in one direction along the assembly line and always in the same
pattern. Conveyors are the most common material handling equipment for product layouts. Conveyors can
be paced (automatically set to control the speed of work) or unpaced (stopped and started by the workers
according to their pace). Assembly work can be performed online (i.e., on the conveyor) or offline (at a
workstation serviced by the conveyor). Fixed-Position Layouts
Fixed-position layouts are typical of projects in which the product produced is too fragile, bulky, or heavy to
move. Ships, houses, and aircraft are examples. In this layout, the product remains stationary for the entire
manufacturing cycle. Equipment, workers, materials, and other resources are brought to the production site.
Equipment utilization is low because it is often less costly to leave equipment idle at a location where it will
be needed again in a few days, than to move it back and forth. Frequently, the equipment is leased or
subcontracted, because it is used for limited periods of time. The workers called to the work site are highly
skilled at performing the special tasks they are requested to do. For instance, pipefitters may be needed at
one stage of production, and electricians or plumbers at another. The wage rate for these workers is much
higher than minimum wage. Thus, if we were to look at the cost breakdown for fixed-position layouts, the
fixed cost would be relatively low (equipment may not be owned by the company), whereas the variable
costs would be high (due to high labor rates and the cost of leasing and moving equipment).
6.2.2 Hybrid Layouts
Hybrid layouts modify and/or combine some aspects of product and process layouts. We discuss three
hybrid layouts: cellular layouts, flexible manufacturing systems, and mixedmodel assembly lines. Cellular Layouts
Cellular layouts attempt to combine the flexibility of a process layout with the efficiency of a product
layout. Based on the concept of group technology (GT), dissimilar machines are grouped into work centers,
called cells, to process parts with similar shapes or processing requirements.

 The advantages of cellular layouts are as follows:
• Reduced material handling and transit time. Material movement is more direct. Less distance is
traveled between operations. Material does not accumulate or wait long periods of time to be moved.
Within a cell, the worker is more likely to carry a partially finished item from machine to machine
than wait for material handling equipment, as is characteristic of process layouts, where larger loads
must be moved farther distances.
• Reduced setup time. Since similar parts are processed together, the adjustments required to set up
a machine should not be that different from item to item. If it does not take that long to change over
from one item to another, then the changeover can occur more frequently, and items can be produced
and transferred in very small batches or lot sizes.
• Reduced work-in-process inventory. In a work cell, as with assembly lines, the flow of work is
balanced so that no bottlenecks or significant buildup of material occurs between stations or
machines. Less space is required for storage of in-process inventory between machines, and
machines can be moved closer together, thereby saving transit time and increasing communication.
• Better use of human resources. Typically, a cell contains a small number of workers responsible
for producing a completed part or product. The workers act as a selfmanaged team, in most cases
more satisfied with the work that they do and more particular about the quality of their work. Labor
in cellular manufacturing is a flexible resource. Workers in each cell are multifunctional and can be
assigned to different routes within a cell or between cells as demand volume changes.
• Easier to control. Items in the same part family are processed in a similar manner through the
work cell. There is a significant reduction in the paperwork necessary to document material travel,
such as where an item should be routed next, if the right operation has been performed, and the
current status of a job. With fewer jobs processed through a cell, smaller batch sizes, and less
distance to travel between operations, the progress of a job can be verified visually rather than by
mounds of paperwork.
• Easier to automate. Automation is expensive. Rarely can a company afford to automate an entire
factory all at once. Cellular layouts can be automated one cell at a time.
 Disadvantages of cellular layouts must also be considered:
• Inadequate part families. There must be enough similarity in the types of items processed to form
distinct part families. Cellular manufacturing is appropriate for medium levels of product variety and
volume. The formation of part families and the allocation of machines to cells is not always an easy
task. Part families identified for design purposes may not be appropriate for manufacturing purposes.
• Poorly balanced cells. It is more difficult to balance the flow of work through a cell than a single-
product assembly line, because items may follow different sequences through the cell that require
different machines or processing times. The sequence in which parts enter the cell can thus affect the
length of time a worker or machine spends at a certain stage of processing. Poorly balanced cells can
be very inefficient. It is also important to balance the workload among cells in the system, so that
one cell is not overloaded while others are idle. This may be taken care of in the initial cellular
layout, only to become a problem as changes occur in product designs or product mix. Several
imbalances may require the reformation of cells around different part families, and the cost and
disruption that implies.
• Expanded training and scheduling of workers. Training workers to do different tasks is
expensive and time-consuming and requires the workers' consent. Initial union reaction to
multifunctional workers was not positive. Today, many unions have agreed to participate in the
flexible assignment of workers in exchange for greater job security. Although flexibility in worker
assignment is one of the advantages of cellular layouts, the task of determining and adjusting worker
paths within or between cells can be quite complex.
• Increased capital investment. In cellular manufacturing, multiple smaller machines are preferable
to single large machines. Implementing a cellular layout can be economical if new machines are
being purchased for a new facility, but it can be quite expensive and disruptive in existing
production facilities where new layouts are required. Existing equipment may be too large to fit into
cells or may be underutilized when placed in a single cell. Additional machines of the same type
may have to be purchased for different cells. The cost and downtime required to move machines can
also be high. Flexible Manufacturing Systems

The idea of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) was proposed in England in the 1960s with System 24
that could operate without human operators 24 hours a day under computer control. The emphasis from the
beginning was on automation rather than the reorganization of work flow. Early FMSs were large and
complex, consisting of dozens of CNC machines and sophisticated material handling systems. The systems
were very automated, very expensive, and controlled by incredibly complex software. The FMS control
computer operated the material handling system, maintained the library of CNC programs and downloaded
them to the machines, scheduled the FMS, kept track of tool use and maintenance, and reported on the
performance of the system. Mixed-Model Assembly Lines
Traditional assembly lines, designed to process a single model or type of product, can be used to process
more than one type of product, but not efficiently. Models of the same type are produced in long production
runs, sometimes lasting for months, and then the line is shut down and changed over for the next model. The
next model is also run for an extended time, producing perhaps half a year to a year's supply; then the line is
shut down again and changed over for yet another model; and so on. The problem with this arrangement is
the difficulty in responding to changes in customer demand. If a certain model is selling well and customers
want more of it, they have to wait until the next batch of that model is scheduled to be produced. On the
other hand, if demand is disappointing for models that have already been produced, the manufacturer is
stuck with unwanted inventory. Recognizing that this mismatch of production and demand is a problem,
some manufacturers concentrated on devising more sophisticated forecasting techniques. Others changed
the manner in which the assembly line was laid out and operated so that it really became a mixedmodel
assembly line. First, they reduced the time needed to change over the line to produce different models. Then
they trained their workers to perform a variety of tasks and allowed them to work at more than one
workstation on the line, as needed. Finally, they changed the way in which the line was arranged and

 The following factors are important in the design and operation of mixed-model assembly
 Line balancing: In a mixed-model line, the time to complete a task can vary from model to model.
Instead of using the completion times from one model to balance the line, a distribution of possible
completion times from the array of models must be considered. In most cases, the expected value, or
average, times are used in the balancing procedure. Otherwise, mixed-model lines are balanced in
much the same way as single-model lines.
 U-shaped lines. To compensate for the different work requirements of assembling different models,
it is necessary to have a flexible workforce and to arrange the line so that workers can assist one
another as needed. Figure 7.15 shows how the efficiency of an assembly line can be improved when
a U-shaped line is used.
 Flexible workforce. Although worker paths are predetermined to fit within a set cycle time, the use
of average time values in mixed-model lines will produce variations in worker performance. Hence,
the lines are not run at a set speed. Items move through the line at the pace of the slowest operation.
This is not to say that production quotas are not important. If the desired cycle time is exceeded at
any station on the line, other workers are notified by flashing lights or sounding alarms so that they
can come to the aid of the troubled station. The assembly line is slowed or stopped until the work at
the errant workstation is completed. This flexibility of workers helping other workers makes a
tremendous difference in the ability of the line to adapt to the varied length of tasks inherent in a
mixed-model line.
 Model sequencing. Since different models are produced on the same line, mixedmodel scheduling
involves an additional decision--the order, or sequence, of models to be run through the line. From a
logical standpoint, it would be unwise to sequence two models back-to-back that require extra long
processing times. It would make more sense to mix the assembling of models so that a short model
(requiring less than the average time) followed a long one (requiring more than the average time).
With this pattern, workers could "catch up" from one model to the next.


In operations management, service layout refers to the arrangement and organization of various service-
related components within a facility to optimize the delivery of services. Service layouts are employed in
businesses where the focus is on providing intangible services rather than manufacturing tangible products.
The design of a service layout aims to enhance customer experience, streamline service delivery, and
maximize operational efficiency. Here are some common types of service layouts:
1.Process-Oriented Layout:
•In a process-oriented layout, the layout is organized based on the sequence of steps involved in the service
delivery process.
•Each step or activity is grouped together in a logical order to facilitate the smooth flow of customers and
•This layout is commonly used in healthcare settings (e.g., hospitals, clinics) or service centers where
multiple sequential steps are involved in delivering the service.
2.Product-Oriented Layout:

•A product-oriented layout arranges service areas based on specific service offerings or types of services
•Each service area is dedicated to a particular service, allowing customers to access the specific service they
require without unnecessary movement or confusion.
•Examples include bank branches with separate areas for teller services, loan services, and customer service
3.Geographical Layout:
•Geographical layout involves organizing service areas based on their physical location or geographical
•This layout is commonly seen in large service establishments such as airports, shopping malls, or
amusement parks, where services are grouped according to different zones or areas.
•It helps customers navigate the facility easily and provides a logical arrangement of services based on their
geographical proximity.
4.Hybrid Layout:
•A hybrid layout combines elements of different layout types to meet the specific requirements of the
service operation.
•It is a customized layout design that integrates process-oriented, product-oriented, or geographical aspects
based on the nature of services and customer needs.
•The hybrid layout offers flexibility and optimization in service delivery, catering to various service
requirements within the organization.
Service layouts in operations management are designed to create a pleasant and efficient environment for
customers, minimize waiting times, and ensure the smooth flow of service processes. By strategically
arranging service areas, optimizing customer flow, and considering factors such as service demand, resource
allocation, and customer convenience, organizations can enhance customer satisfaction, improve service
quality, and achieve operational excellence.

Assembly line balancing operates under two constraints, precedence requirements and cycle time
restrictions. Precedence requirements are physical restrictions on the order in which operations are
performed on the assembly line. For example, we would not ask a worker to package a product before all
the components were attached, even if he or she had the time to do so before passing the product to the next
worker on the line. To facilitate line balancing, precedence requirements are often expressed in the form of a
precedence diagram. The precedence diagram is a network, with work elements represented by circles or
nodes and precedence relationships represented by directed line segments connecting the nodes. Cycle time,
the other restriction on line balancing, refers to the maximum amount of time the product is allowed to
spend at each workstation if the targeted production rate is to be reached.
The total idle time of the line, called balance delay, is calculated as (1 − efficiency). Efficiency and balance
delay are usually expressed as percentages. In practice, it may be difficult to attain the theoretical number of
workstations or 100 percent efficiency.

Here are the key aspects of line balancing:

 Workstation and Task Analysis:

 The first step in line balancing is to analyze the tasks required to complete the production process.
 Each task is examined in terms of its duration, skill requirements, and the sequence of operations.
 Workstations are identified, representing the specific areas or stations where tasks will be performed.

 Precedence Relationships:
 Precedence relationships define the order in which tasks must be performed based on their
 These relationships ensure that tasks are properly sequenced to maintain the integrity of the production
 Precedence relationships are typically represented using a precedence diagram, which visually
illustrates the flow of tasks and their dependencies.

 Cycle Time Determination:

 Cycle time refers to the maximum time allowed for a workstation to complete its tasks and pass the
product to the next workstation.
 Determining the cycle time is crucial in line balancing as it sets the pace for the entire production
 The cycle time should be set based on the production demand, available resources, and the desired
output rate.

 Balancing the Line:

 Balancing the line involves assigning tasks to workstations in a way that distributes the workload
 The goal is to minimize the difference in task times between workstations and avoid overburdening
certain workstations.
 Various techniques, such as the longest task time, shortest task time, or the ranked positional weight
method, can be used to achieve a balanced line.

 Efficiency and Improvement:

 Once the line is balanced, the efficiency of the production process can be measured.
 Efficiency metrics, such as line efficiency or workstation utilization, can be calculated to assess the
performance of the line.
 Continuous improvement efforts are essential to identify bottlenecks, streamline tasks, and further
optimize the line balancing for increased efficiency.
By balancing the line, organizations can achieve smoother production flow, reduce idle time, minimize
work-in-progress inventory, and improve overall productivity. Line balancing is particularly useful in

assembly line operations, where a series of tasks are performed in a sequential manner. It helps eliminate
bottlenecks, reduce production lead time, and enhance the overall efficiency of the production process.

Chapter-7 operational management PDF

operational management PDF by WILLIAM J.STEVENSON


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