The History of Cancer Research: Introducing An AACR Centennial Series
The History of Cancer Research: Introducing An AACR Centennial Series
The History of Cancer Research: Introducing An AACR Centennial Series
A century is only a small segment in the timeline measuring the association of the use of snuff with nasal polyps, by Percival Pott of
history of science through the ages, but for cancer research, the last the association of soot with scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps, and
100 years overshadow all of the years that came before. Physicians by Bernadino Ramazzini of the association of reproductive factors
have moved from being able to do very little to treat patients to with breast cancer. In the last decade of the 19th century, Ludwig
achieving survival and cure rates no one believed possible. Just a few Rehn reported an association between occupational exposure to
decades ago, young investigators and physicians were often told not aromatic amines and bladder cancer, thus setting the stage for the
to go into oncology because the disease is so complex and the identification during the 20th century of other specific chemical
in experimental animals; and two were meant to dispel the myth influenced the developments, their implications, and future
that some cancers were really infectious diseases (4). At the AACR’s directions in the field.
Centennial Celebration Annual Meeting in 2007 in a large This issue of Cancer Research contains the first article in this
convention center in Los Angeles, there were over 17,000 series: ‘‘Advances in Chemical Carcinogenesis,’’ by Loeb and Harris.
registrants, and over 6,500 abstracts and papers were presented, It highlights the evidence that chemical agents play a major role in
with topics ranging from antiangiogenesis to biomarkers, to human cancer causation and the remarkable insights into the
epigenomics, to molecular targets, and to prevention and underlying mechanisms that have been obtained. The exciting
survivorship, terms not heard in cancer research in 1907. advances in this field also have profound implications in terms of
The AACR is proud of the fact that our members have been both cancer prevention and treatment.
responsible for so many scientific advances. Our meetings, Subsequent articles related to cancer causation will cover cancer
conferences, task forces, and journals have provided, and continue epidemiology, tumor virology, and cancer genetics. Other articles
to provide, the major forums for reporting, discussing, and will cover pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention. We thank the
disseminating cancer research, and AACR is playing an increasingly authors of these articles for their efforts and insights. We trust that
important role in research funding. readers of Cancer Research will find the articles not only of interest
As part of our dedication to preserving the record of cancer but also an inspiring record of scientific achievement.
research, and to celebrate our 100th Anniversary, the AACR has Given how far our understanding of cancer at the clinical, tissue,
commissioned a series of historical review articles to be published cellular, and molecular levels has come in the past 100 years, it is
References 1995. In: Directory of the American Associa- ation for Cancer Research, Inc., 1941–1978. Cancer Res
tion for Cancer Research. Philadelphia: Amer- 1979;39:1863–90.
1. Triolo VA, Riegel IL. The American Association for ican Association for Cancer Research; 2000, 5. Diamandopoulos, G.T. Cancer: an historical perspec-
Cancer Research, 1907–1940: historical review. Cancer pp. viii-xi. tive. Anticancer Res; 16(4A):1595–602, 1996.
Res 1961;21:137–67. 3. Society Proceedings: American Association for Cancer 6. Shimkin, M. Some Classics of Experimental Oncology,
2. Creech HJ. A brief history of the American Research. JAMA 1908;50:63–7. 50 Selections, 1775–1965, U.S. Department of Health and
Association for Cancer Research, Inc.: 1907– 4. Creech HJ. Historical review of the American Associ- Human Services, 1980.