Pregnancy in Adolescence
Pregnancy in Adolescence
Pregnancy in Adolescence
Abstract ---------- 21
Introduction ---------- 21
Prevalence of Pregnancy in
Adolescence ---------- 2
Marriage and Pregnancy in early adolescence
(10-14 years old) ---------- 21
Marriage and pregnancy in late adolescence (15-
19 years old) ---------- 21
Factors associated with pregnancy in
Adolescence ---------- 21
Health, social, and economic impacts of
Pregnancy ----------- 21
Conclusions ---------- 21
References ---------- 21
Acknowledgements ---------- 21
The rise of the health concept, addressing issues such as quality of life
and social well-being, is related to a change of perspective encompassing what
are the necessary measures for maintaining and promoting the health of
a population. Moreover, in order to guarantee the right to health, the
complexity of individuals regarding social, cultural, religious, and political
issues must be considered. To achieve this goal, health technologies must be
The health technologies are classified into hard, soft-hard, and soft.
Hard technologies include technological equipment, machines, norms and
organizational structures, while soft-hard technologies include well-
structured knowledge applied for a certain purpose, such as for the
prevention, diagnosis or treatment of health conditions.
Furthermore, soft technologies are based on care methods to
welcome individuals, considering their needs, and offering a relationship of
learning, thus promoting autonomy over their own health and wellness.
Soft technologies include educational interventions provided to a
determined population in which structured knowledge is used without the
need for high-tech resources and that aim to improve health conditions,
allowing the individuals accepting or rejecting new information and may or
may not lead to behavioral changes.
Prevalence of Pregnancy in
Zaireen Belo