Review On The Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods in Solving FEM-based Structural Dynamics

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Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (2023) 36:361–389

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation

and Component Mode Synthesis Methods in Solving FEM-based
Structural Dynamics
Yuhan Sun1 · Yu Lu1 · Zhiguang Song1

Received: 9 October 2022 / Revised: 5 February 2023 / Accepted: 6 February 2023 / Published online: 12 April 2023
© The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2023

The rapid development of modern science, technology, and industrialization has promoted the birth of more large and complex
engineering structures. When the finite element (FE) method is used for dynamic analysis of these structures, such as high-rise
buildings, aircraft, and ships, the structural FE models often contain millions of degrees of freedom. This will lead to great
hardware and computing costs, which is often unacceptable in the engineering field. Therefore, many FE model reduction
technologies have been developed, among which dynamic condensation and component mode synthesis are the most widely
used methods. This paper reviews the historical processes and general theoretical framework of these two main categories
of FE model reduction technologies and briefly summarizes the latest applications of these methods in the engineering field.
Current bottlenecks in dynamic condensation and component mode synthesis methods, as well as solutions found in literature,
are also briefly discussed. Finally, this paper gives a conclusion and brief prospects for future research. This review aims
to comprehensively introduce the two most widely used methods of FE model reduction technologies and hopes to provide
suggestions and guidance for developing new model reduction technologies.

Keywords FEM · Structural dynamics · Dynamic condensation · Component mode synthesis

Abbreviations IIRS Iterated improved reduced system method

DIRS Dynamic improved reduced system method
FEM Finite element method IOR Iterative order reduction method
SFE Stochastic finite element SEREP System equivalent reduction expansion pro-
SFEM Stochastic finite element method cess
WFEM Wave and finite element method C-B Craig-Bampton method
DC Dynamic condensation ECB Enhanced Craig-Bampton method
CMS Component mode synthesis B-H Benfield-Hruda method
DOFs Degrees of freedom MD Mode displacement method
P–C Polynomial chaos MA Mode acceleration method
FGM Functionally graded materials MTA Modal truncation augmentation method
NSEMR-II Neumann series expansion-based second- COC Cross-orthogonality checks
order model reduction MAC Modal assurance criterion
IRS Improved reduced system method MCS Monte Carlo simulation
ERMT Equivalent reduced model technique
BIW Body-in-white
Yuhan Sun and Yu Lu contributed equally to this work and should be
considered as co-first authors. ANN Artificial neural network
CDLA Coupled dynamic loads analysis
B Zhiguang Song ROMs Reduced order models FRF Frequency response function
1 College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Harbin
Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China

362 Y. Sun et al.

S-CC mode System-level characteristic constraint mode CMS method completes this work in the modal space [15].
L-CC mode Local-level characteristic constraint mode Therefore, they have been applied in different engineering
CFD Computational fluid dynamics fields. In particular, dynamic condensation is specialized for
experiment and FE analysis correlation, virtual sensing, and
iterative updating of the FE model [16–19]. CMS, as its name
implies, is a model reduction technology for components or
1 Introduction substructures. Taking the aircraft production as an example to
illustrate the concept of the substructure, aircraft components
The FEM is a numerical calculation method proposed and such as the nose, fuselage, and wings can be designed and
developed in recent decades. The idea of this method is to produced by different production teams before final assem-
discretize the continuous structure into an aggregate of finite bly. These components are called substructures in product
elements and nodes for analysis and transform the analysis design and analysis. When the entire aircraft structure needs
of infinite unknowns into the analysis of finite unknowns. to be analyzed, only the FE model of the substructure estab-
The FEM is suitable for the analysis of many kinds of lished by each development team needs to be integrated,
problems such as statics, dynamics, and multi-physical field which benefits the information security between the devel-
coupling, and therefore widely used in various engineer- opment teams. In addition, when a single substructure needs
ing fields. However, for the analysis of large and complex frequent design modifications, the CMS method has unique
structures such as cars, aircraft, ships, buildings, and other advantages [15]. The concept of substructure is a key feature
engineering structures [1–3], due to the large number of ele- of the CMS method. Therefore, the CMS method is widely
ments, the calculation time can be very long. In addition, the used in the analysis, design, and production of aircraft, vehi-
requirements of computational server are particularly high cles, satellites, and other structures.
for structures that require multiple-feedback iterative opti- In recent decades, dynamic condensation and CMS meth-
mization. For example, Fan et al. [4] established a fine finite ods have been widely used in various engineering fields to
element model of a shaking table. The model was meshed by obtain reduced finite element models. This paper aims to
8-node hexahedral elements with about 20,000,000 DOFs. review the two finite element model reduction techniques
The calculation was carried out on a YH supercomputer that through three aspects, i.e., the historical process, general the-
includes thousands of blade computing nodes which con- oretical framework, and latest applications. At the end of this
tain 12 Intel processors and 48 GB of shared memory. It paper, the problems and solutions of the two model reduction
took about 20,700 s to calculate the first 100 characteris- technologies are summarized, and the future development is
tic values of the structure. Fan et al. [5] updated the FE prospected.
model of the SGIII prototype laser facility, making its DOFs
reach 154,171,842, and spent 92,868 s to calculate the first
100 order modes of the structure through parallel calculation 2 FE Model Reduction Techniques
using 2,048 processors. At present, large fine finite element
models [6, 7] are ubiquitous in engineering fields. The large Considering a dynamic problem, the FE equation of motion
amount of time and hardware costs has become the biggest without damping is
challenge for FEM applications.
In order to obtain reduced finite element models, the M ü + K u  F (1)
dynamic condensation and component mode synthesis
(CMS) methods have been proposed. Dynamic condensa- where M and K are the structural mass and stiffness matrices,
tion methods are mainly divided into the Guyan reduction and u and F are the vectors of generalized coordinates and
method [8], the Kidder method [9], the improved reduc- external loads, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the
tion system (IRS) method [10], and the system equivalent following reduction techniques are also applicable to the cal-
reduction expansion process (SEREP) method [11], while culation of the proportional damping system. The problem
CMS methods are mainly divided into the fixed interface of the non-classical damping (non-proportional damping)
component mode synthesis method [12], the free interface vibration system will be further discussed later. There are
component mode synthesis method [13], and the mixed inter- various methods that can be employed to reduce the size of
face component mode synthesis method [14]. the FE model and produce the transformation matrix.
The significant difference between dynamic condensa-
tion and CMS is that the dynamic condensation technology 2.1 Dynamic Condensation
reduces the FE model in the physical space, while the
M ∈ RN×N and K ∈ RN×N are positive or semi-positive def-
inite matrices, where N is the number of degrees of freedom

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 363

(DOFs) in the original model. In the dynamic condensa- As a result, following the method of coordinate transforma-
tion, a small proportion of the dominant DOFs, known as tion, the reduced mass and stiffness matrices are given by
“master DOFs”, are retained in the reduced model, while the
remaining DOFs, known as “slave DOFs”, are eliminated. M G  T TG M T G  M mm − K ms K −1
ss M sm
Generally, the number of master DOFs, N m , is much smaller
− M ms K −1 −1 −1
ss Ksm + K ms K ss M ss K ss K sm (5)
than the total DOFs, that is, N m < < N. Therefore, when
the slave DOFs are eliminated, the size of the original model
can be significantly reduced. In Eq. (1), the stiffness matrix, K G  T TG K T G  K mm − K ms K −1
ss K sm (6)
mass matrix, displacement vector, and force vector can be
divided into blocks according to the master and slave DOFs. The reliability of Guyan reduction in structural static anal-
It should be emphasized that the DOFs of the nodes subjected ysis has been proven in engineering applications for decades.
to external load are generally selected as the master DOFs. It is worth mentioning that the default method in the superele-
The specific selection criteria of the master DOFs will be ment static analysis of commercial finite element software
discussed in detail in Sect. 3.1. Therefore, it is assumed that NASTRAN is the Guyan reduction. In addition, it can also
the external load acting on the slave DOFs is zero, provide sufficiently accurate results in some dynamic anal-
yses. For instance, a small avionics box that is included in
M mm M ms üm K mm K ms um Fm an aircraft dynamic landing analysis may have modal fre-
+  quencies higher than the range of interest and will respond
M sm M ss üs K sm K ss us 0
“statically.” In this case, the physical stiffness and mass of
(2) the box are important, but the dynamic mass (i.e., local fre-
quency) is irrelevant to the solution objective. Another case
where the subscripts “m” and “s” denote the master and slave, when static condensation is sufficient for dynamic analysis
respectively. is that the physical DOFs that are retained are sufficient to
represent the dynamic response of interest. For example, a
2.1.1 The Guyan Reduction simply-supported beam with 100 grids statically reduced to
50 grids (i.e., every other grid) will be sufficient for dynamic
In the 1960s, Guyan [8], as a pioneer in the field of reduc- analysis that only requires a few dozen modes.
tion technology, proposed the well-known Guyan reduction However, since the inertia effects associated with the
method. Almost at the same time, similar methods were intro- slave DOFs have been ignored, natural frequencies and mode
duced by Irons [20, 21] and is generally referred to as static shapes will be different from those of the original model [25].
reduction (sometimes also referred to as the Irons-Guyan The magnitude of the differences would depend on how much
reduction, eigenvalue economizer, or mass condensation). In the inertia effects are neglected. Therefore, even if the orig-
addition, Guyan reduction is also the first dynamic conden- inal FE model perfectly describes the physical system (with
sation method that provides other scholars with an important the exact match of natural frequencies and mode shapes), the
idea of model reduction. Since then, various new dynamic Guyan reduction introduces errors and will affect the reliabil-
condensation methods have been proposed [9–11, 22, 23]. ity of the reduced model. Hughes’s comments [26] also well
The basis of Guyan reduction may follow the procedure revealed this fact: “A disadvantage of reduction techniques
used in Ref. [24] for the stiffness matrix. The vector of slave such as the Irons-Guyan procedure is that there is no guar-
DOFs us can be expressed in terms of the master DOFs um antee that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the reduced
as problem will be good approximations of those of the origi-
nal problem.” In order to effectively evaluate the reliability of
us  −K −1
ss K sm um (3) the reduced model and calculate the relative eigenvalue error,
a simple and effective error estimation method for Guyan
As a result, the total DOFs u can now be approximated as reduction was proposed by Kim [27, 28]. There are also other
scholars who proved that the relative eigenvalue error could
    be avoided indirectly by using some iterative processes [22,
um I
u  um  T G um (4) 23, 29].
us −K −1
ss K sm In the past two decades, scholars have carried out research
in different fields using the Guyan reduction [30–34]. Li
where T G is the coordinate transformation matrix of Guyan et al. [30] studied the damage detection of jacket-type off-
reduction. Actually, the transformation matrix is used to shore structures based on the Guyan reduction technology
transform the space of total DOFs to the master DOFs, and when spatially incomplete lower-order modes were given.
during this transformation, the DOFs is significantly reduced. The comparison between damage detection results based on

364 Y. Sun et al.

80 y

0 z
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
(b) x

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 core
Element Number

Fig. 1 Damage detection results based on the Guyan reduction approach

with 36 translational DOFs: a without iteration; b with iteration [30]

Fig. 2 FE model of a periodic cell with the master nodes marked by red
dots [31]

the Guyan reduction and preset damage results is displayed Table 1 Comparison of computational time (in seconds). Reproduced
with permission [32]
in Fig. 1. The numerical results reveal that the iterative Guyan
reduction can accurately locate the damage and evaluate the Case Standard P–C Guyan P–C
damage degree.
For complicated periodic structures such as corrugated A Step1 3 4
core panels, laminated structures, and honeycomb-cored Step2 20 35
structures, the complicated geometry of the periodic cells Step3 223 2
leads to a huge FE model, which increases the computa- Step4 392 1
tional consumption. When studying the sound transmission Total CPU time 638 42
of honeycomb panels, Yang et al. [31] reduced the model B Step1 4 7
size of three-dimensional periodic cells based on the Guyan Step2 80 153
reduction. Figure 2 shows the finite element model of a peri-
Step3 893 3
odic cell, and the master nodes retained by the simplified
Step4 1281 2
model are marked with red dots. After the Guyan reduction,
Total CPU time 2258 165
the DOFs of the reduced model are only one-third of that of
C Step1 8 11
the full model, while the error is less than 0.01%.
The spectral stochastic finite element method based on Step2 153 305
Polynomial Chaos (P–C) expansion is the most widely used Step3 1738 4
method for the analysis of structural parameter uncertainty. Step4 4061 3
The drawback of this method is the exponential growth of Total CPU time 5960 323
the computational cost with dimensionality, i.e., the number D Step1 – 88
of random parameters and the order of the expansion. There- Step2 – 1255
fore, how to improve computational efficiency is an urgent Step3 – 5
problem to be solved. Panayirci et al. [32] discussed the appli- Step4 – 1709
cation of Guyan reduction in stochastic finite element (SFE) Total CPU time – 3057
analysis and carried out the numerical calculation of a large
building model. Table 1 shows the comparison of calculation
time between standard P–C and Guyan P–C in the numeri-
cal example. It is noted that Guyan P–C can significantly
improve computational efficiency.

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 365

Model reduction is a problem that must be solved in the 20

process of spacecraft finite element model verification. Dur- 0 FEM

FRF Mag. [receptance in dB]

ing the test for the model correlation of spacecraft, Mercer Expanded
et al. [33] compared different reduction methods (includ- -20
ing the Guyan reduction and SEREP) and proposed a sensor
arrangement method in the experiment. Dynamic analysis of -40
nonlinear structural systems is often difficult due to the large -60
number of DOFs. With the in-depth study of reduction tech-
nology, scholars gradually found the application prospect -80
of Guyan reduction in nonlinear systems. Zhang et al. [34]
presented an investigation on the performances of nonlinear -100
rotor-bearing-foundation systems with reduced rotor models -120
obtained by the Guyan reduction and the mode superposi- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
tion methods. The steady-state responses obtained using the Freq. [Hz]
reduced rotor models are compared with the responses of
Fig. 3 Transferred FRF (H yb , τ a )—Case 1: damped FE model [36]
the original unreduced system, which shows that the Guyan
reduction has good accuracy in the low-frequency range.
based on which, the reduced mass and stiffness matrices in
2.1.2 The Kidder Method the Kidder method are

In the Guyan reduction, the transformation matrix T G is M K  T TK M T K , K K  T TK K T K (10)

obtained by considering only the static equation of the struc-
ture. To reduce the errors caused by ignoring the effect of Obviously, due to the retention of the first-order inertia
inertia in the Guyan reduction, Kidder [9] proposed a new term, the Kidder method is more accurate than the Guyan
reduction method in 1973 by introducing the mass of DOFs reduction. However, the accuracy of the Kidder method
to improve the accuracy of the Guyan reduction. In Kidder’s depends on the selection of λ. In other words, the Kidder
method, the generalized eigenvalue problem of the structural method is accurate at the initial frequency corresponding
system is firstly given out to the selected initial eigenvalues, and still maintains good
accuracy in its nearby frequencies. However, when it is far
      from the initial eigenvalues, the accuracy of the natural fre-
K mm K ms um M mm M ms um
λ (7) quency and mode shape of the reduced model will gradually
K sm K ss us M sm M ss us decrease. The above limitation has also been mentioned in
Refs. [25, 35].
where λ  ω2 is the eigenvalue of the structural system, and Due to its limitations, the Kidder method has very limited
ω is the natural frequency. engineering applications and theoretical research. Gener-
Thus, from the second row, the slave DOFs us can be ally, theoretical simulation data and measurement data are
expressed as not compatible in terms of the type and number of DOFs.
Although the finite element model can provide complete
us  (K ss − λM ss )−1 (λM sm − K sm )um (8) information of DOFs, the traditional vibration test can
only obtain limited information of DOFs. Therefore, it is
necessary to expand the experimental data. Based on the
It is noted that Eq. (8) is the exact form of us considering
generalized Kidder method, Maia and Silva [36] proposed a
the effect of inertia. Substituting Eq. (8) into the first row
frequency response function expansion method which avoids
of Eq. (7), and introducing the Neumann series expansion to
the need for modal identification because it directly uses the
deal with the inverse matrix (K ss − λM ss )−1 , the final Kidder
measured translation frequency response. Figure 3 shows the
transformation matrix T K can be obtained as
experimental results of this method. The results show that
  this expansion technique has not only high accuracy but also
um strong robustness to noise.
  −1  um T K um
K ss + λK ss M ss K −1
ss (λM sm − K sm )

366 Y. Sun et al.

2.1.3 Improved Reduction System Methods (IRS, DIRS of the DIRS method largely depend on the selection of mas-
and IIRS) ter DOFs. The IIRS method greatly improves the adverse
effect of the selection of master DOFs.
In 1989, O’Callaghan [10] improved the Guyan reduction The DIRS method can be regarded as an improvement of
by proposing an improved reduction system (IRS) method. the dynamic reduction method [39]. The Guyan reduction is
The method improves the transformation from the Guyan correct only statically (zero frequency). Under a determined
reduction by including the inertia terms as pseudo-static frequency , the reduced model of dynamic reduction is
forces. The transformation matrix is obtained by gradually accurate, and the transformation can be given as
approximating the displacement with the mode shape. By    
introducing binomial series expansion on frequency, Gordis um I
[37] further generated the transformation of the standard IRS u   −1  
us − K ss − 2 M ss K sm − 2 M sm
method. The theoretical derivation of the previous part of the
IRS method is the same as the Kidder method. The second · um  T d um (15)
row of Eq. (9) can be further written as
As for the DIRS, it is basically the same as that of the
 standard IRS method, except that the slave DOFs are written
us  −K −1 −1
ss K sm + λ M ss K ss K sm − M sm +o(λ ) um
as a power series in (λ − 2 ). The transformation can be
(11) expressed as

where λ can be approximated by the Guyan reduction as us  − D−1 M ss D−1
ss D sm + λ −  ss D sm − M sm
λM G um  K G um , λum  M −1
G K G um (12)
in which, Dss  K ss − 2 M ss , and Dsm  K sm − 2 M sm .
Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (11), the transformation rela- The reduced model based on the dynamic reduction to the
tionship in IRS can be obtained as first order in (λ − 2 ) satisfies
us  −K −1 −1 −1
ss K sm + K ss M sm − M ss K ss K sm M G K G um λ − 2 M G um  D G um , λ − 2 um  M −1
G D G um
(13) (17)

The above equation defines the transformation relation- where DG  K G − 2 M G . Therefore, the transformation
ship between slave and master DOFs in the IRS method. matrix of DIRS can be obtained
Although it is strictly correct only when the coordinate vector  
is the mode shape, it may be applied as a general transfor- −1 0 0
T D I R S  T d + Sd M T d M G K G , Sd  (18)
mation which may be conveniently written as 0 D−1
0 0 The transformation of Eq. (14) relies on the reduced mass
T I RS  T G + SM T G M −1
G K G, S (14)
0 K −1
ss and stiffness matrices obtained from the Guyan reduction.
Once the transformation has been computed, an improved
It is worth noting that compared with the Guyan method, estimate of these reduced matrices can be updated. Therefore,
the IRS reduced mass matrix is not easy to pass the cross- the iterative calculation can be used to improve the calcula-
orthogonality check (COC), and its reduced stiffness matrix tion accuracy of the IRS method. The iterative calculation
is even more rigid [37]. Therefore, in 1995, Friswell [22] can be
further proposed the dynamic improved reduction system
(DIRS) method and the iterated improved reduction system T I I R S, i+1  T G + SM T I I R S, i M −1
I I R S, i K I I R S, i (19)
(IIRS) method. The DIRS uses the dynamic reduction instead
of the Guyan reduction as the basic transformation, and the where the subscript “i” denotes the ith iteration. It should be
IIRS generates the correction term iteratively by introduc- noted that the iterative initialization of Eq. (19) is the Guyan
ing an iterative scheme and using the current best estimation reduction method, and the first iteration is the IRS method,
of the reduced model. It has been proven that the natural that is
frequencies of the reduced models of DIRS and IIRS con-
verge to the natural frequencies of the original model [23, T I I R S, 0  T G , T I I R S, 1  T I R S ,
38]. In addition, the calculation accuracy and convergence M I I R S, 0  M G , K I I R S, 0  K G (20)

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 367

Fig. 4 Comparison of damage identification results for scenario A of the FGM plate using different dynamic condensation techniques: a noise-free;
b with noise [35]

In addition, the iterated IRS technique proposed by Blair

et al. [40] is different from Eq. (19) as 1
Velocity of beam centre(m/s)

T I I R S, i+1  T G + SM T G M −1
I I R S, i K I I R S, i (21) 0

where the Guyan transformation is retained in the second

term of the right-hand side. The algorithm defined by Eq. (21)
converges to yield reduced mass and stiffness matrices that do
not reproduce the eigenvalues of the full system. In addition, -2
the DIRS method can be easily extended to the iterative form 0 2 4 6 8 10
similar to Eq. (19). Displacement of beam centre (mm)
The IRS method has been widely used in damage identi-
fication, structural nonlinearity, topology optimization, and Fig. 5 Poincaré map for the pinned beam with 16 DOFs [41]
many other fields because of its high accuracy [41–47].
Dinh-Cong et al. [35] studied the damage identification of
functionally graded materials (FGM) by using six reduc-
tion techniques, i.e., the Guyan reduction method, the Kidder Friswell et al. [41] studied the finite element model reduc-
method, the Neumann series expansion-based second-order tion of structures with local nonlinearities using the IRS
model reduction (NSEMR-II) method, the IRS method, the method, which is the first application of the IRS method in the
IIRS method, and the iterative order reduction (IOR) method. field of structural nonlinearity. Figure 5 shows the Poincaré
The FGM damage identification results of different reduc- map of the reduced nonlinear model, which is very similar to
tion techniques are shown in Fig. 4. The results show that the the full model. Based on the section damage modeling of the
IIRS method can effectively solve the problem of structural IIRS method, an effective method for cross-sectional dam-
damage identification, while the Kidder method has a poor age localization and quantification in beams was proposed
damage identification effect. by Hosseinzadeh et al. [42] This method can be applied by

368 Y. Sun et al.




z -0.1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
y Time (s)
(b) ×10-3

x 6

Fig. 6 FEM model of the front part of a vehicle frame [43]

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)

Fig. 8 Response statistics of the displacement at the critical point along

the y-direction from the SFEM with/without mode reduction: a mean
value; b variance [44]

consistent with the results obtained by Monte Carlo simula-

tion (MCS), while the calculation time required for the full
model and reduced model is 5974 s and 1944s, respectively.
These results show that the IIRS method has no significant
impact on the accuracy of random response analysis but sig-
nificantly shortens the calculation time.
Fig. 7 3D presentation of MAC values [43]
2.1.4 System Equivalent Reduction Expansion Process
utilizing incomplete modal data or installing a limited num-
ber of sensors for damage identification. The results show In 1989, O’Callahan et al. [11] proposed the system equiv-
that the method not only can accurately locate all simulated alent reduction expansion process (SEREP). Different from
damage but also has good robustness to noise. the above-mentioned three methods, SEREP is developed
In order to improve the calculation efficiency of large- based on modal coordinates. O’Callahan and Li [48] further
scale finite element models, Xie et al. [43] studied the model improved the SEREP technique by introducing the concept
reduction of vehicles by using the IIRS method. Only 66 of generalized inverse. The SEREP is a reduction transfor-
nodes are selected as the master nodes which are high- mation based on a subset of the modes of the full model,
lighted in Fig. 6. Only the translational DOFs of the master and the reduced model exactly describes the selected modes
nodes are retained in the reduction process. Figure 7 shows at the chosen master DOFs [49]. It allows matching the
a three-dimensional representation of modal assurance crite- DOFs between numerical mode shapes and experimental
rion (MAC) values between the reduced and the original full mode shapes without losing dynamic characteristics. The
models. It is found that the IIRS method tends to generate essence of SEREP method is to establish a transformation
better reduction approximation. matrix obtained by modal reduction. The generalized eigen-
Based on the stochastic finite element method (SFEM) value problem of structural systems can be written as
and the IIRS method, Ni et al. [44] performed the stochastic
dynamic response analysis of marine risers with uncertain      
mass density and elastic modulus. Figure 8 shows the SFEM K mm K ms Φm M mm M ms Φm
qλ q (22)
results with and without model reduction. These results are K sm K ss Φs M sm M ss Φs

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 369

in which, Φ m and Φ s are the modal matrices of the master and different cases of 30-element plane truss. It can be observed
slave DOFs, respectively, and q is the generalized coordinate. that the method can predict the severity and location of dam-
The relationship between coordinates in physical space and age accurately.
modal space is Fault detection of rotating machinery is a classical sub-
    ject of rotor dynamics. Sanches and Pederiva [52] proposed
um Φm a time-domain identification method based on correlation
 q (23) analysis and the SEREP model reduction to estimate the
us Φs
concurrent faults synchronized with the speed of rotor.
from which, by eliminating the rows corresponding to the Numerical examples and experimental data were used to ver-
slave DOFs, one can have ify the feasibility of the method.
The DOFs in FE models of rotor shaft structures are usu-
q  Φ +m um (24) ally huge, so it is often very difficult to actively control due
to the time delay caused by high calculation costs. Das and
where the superscript “ + ” represents the generalized inverse Dutt [53, 54] reduced the rotor shaft system model by the
of matrix. As a result, the transformation matrix T S of SEREP SEREP method and then successfully used the reduced model
is to control the rotor shaft actively. The results show that the
reduction model can greatly reduce the computational cost
Φm of active control.
TS  Φ +m (25) There are many asymmetric factors in the propeller shaft
system, such as the gyro effect, internal damping, and journal
support. A large number of states of these high-order models
In general, the modal matrices have orthogonality, so
and the existence of asymmetry make the post-processing
the reduced mass and stiffness matrices for SEREP can be
of the system complex. Ganguly and Roy [55] solved these
obtained as
limitations by using the improved SEREP method to reduce
 T the hollow propeller shafting model. Figure 10 compares the
M S  T TS M T S  Φ +m Φ +m ,
 T steady-state time response for the full and reduced models
K S  T TS K T S  Φ +m diag(λ)Φ +m (26) in the unstable zone considering the spin speed of rotor as
2000 rpm. The comparative results show a perfect reduction
It should be emphasized that the SEREP method can han- of the full model system.
dle free and clamped boundary conditions for both finite Engineering structures are prone to fatigue failure under
element numerical models and experimental data [50]. In the action of working impulse. Obtaining the overall stress
addition, an important feature of SEREP is that it is not nec- information is the key to estimating the residual fatigue life
essary to model the structure by FEM in advance. Based of structures. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to install sen-
on the modal shape of theoretical analysis or experimental sors at the key locations of fatigue, and sensors are usually
measurement, the reduced dynamic system can be obtained damaged by the working environment. For the fatigue analy-
arbitrarily, as shown in Eq. (26). On the contrary, by using sis of engineering structures, virtual sensing is usually used.
the SEREP transformation matrix of the coupled FE model, In order to predict the global vibration response of the inter-
the unmeasured DOFs can be predicted from the measured stage piping system of the compound compressor, Mendonsa
experimental mode, which is known as the virtual sensing et al. [56] proposed an extended virtual sensing methodol-
[11]. ogy based on the SEREP method. The specific steps of the
The SEREP method uses mode shapes instead of static virtual sensing technology are introduced in Fig. 11. Simi-
equations to generate a reduced matrix. Therefore, it is lar virtual sensing methods were also applied to predict the
widely used in damage detection and fault identification, residual fatigue life of offshore structures [57]. Based on the
active control, model reduction of complex systems, cross- SEREP method, Thibault et al. [58] proposed a computation-
orthogonality check between analytical and experimental ally efficient technique-equivalent reduced model technique
modal vectors, linear and nonlinear forced response stud- (ERMT), which utilizes reduced linear component models
ies, and analytical model improvement [51–60]. Ghannadi assembled with discrete nonlinear connection elements to
and Kourehli [51] proposed a model-based structural element perform nonlinear forced response analysis.
damage detection and severity identification method, using In addition, the SEREP method is also applied to the
the extended mode shape data based on the SEREP method model reduction of the fluid–structure coupling system. Lal
to train the artificial neural network to solve the problem of et al. [59] proposed a reduced-order model based on the
limited number of sensors. Figure 9 shows the comparison parallel method of SEREP and polynomial chaos expan-
between the predicted results and the actual results in three sion to analyze the fluid–structure coupling system with

370 Y. Sun et al.

Damage severity



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Element Number


Damage severity



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Element Number

Damage severity



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Element Number
Actual Predict

Fig. 9 Results of damage prediction for space truss with 25 elements: a damage element is 25; b damage elements are 22, 23, 24, and 25; c damage
elements are 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 [51]

random parameter uncertainty. Numerical results reveal that 2.2 Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) Method
the proposed method results in a significant reduction in
computational cost for dynamic analysis without compro- The component mode synthesis (CMS) method, also known
mising on accuracy. Sarkar and Venkatraman [60] applied as the dynamic substructure method, relies on a combina-
the SEREP method to the model order reduction of linear tion of physical and mode base vectors to form the reduced
unsteady aerodynamic problems. The numerical results show subspace [61–65]. The basic idea is to “divide and conquer”,
that this method is more effective than the proper orthogonal that is, to divide the original structure into some substructures
decomposition (POD) method in determining the response according to certain rules, and perform relevant operations
of the unsteady aerodynamic model of the vibrating airfoil (design, modeling, model reduction, etc.) on the substruc-
cascade. tures. In the process of the substructure from segmentation
to assembly, the reduction of DOFs must run through all the
time. At the same time, the accuracy of the analysis must be

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 371

×10-5 ×10-5
3 3

2 Ω = 2000 rpm 2 Ω = 2000 rpm

Z-Displacement (m)

Z-Displacement (m)
1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (sec) Time (sec)
×10-5 ×10-5
3 3

Ω = 2000 rpm Ω = 2000 rpm

2 2
Z-Displacement (m)

Z-Displacement (m)

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 10 Time-response plot for unstable zone at   2000 rpm: a full model; b reduced model [55]

guaranteed and converge with the increase in the number of 2.2.1 Fixed Interface Component Mode Synthesis Method
DOFs involved. The ideal situation is to obtain high accu- (the Craig–Bampton Method)
racy with the least participation DOFs The implementation
process is relatively simple, which is the original intention of The fixed interface component mode synthesis method was
the CMS method. With the deepening of research, the CMS firstly proposed by Hurty [66] in 1965. The fixed-interface
method mainly develops into three types according to the principal mode, constraint mode, and rigid body mode are
constraints on the interface of substructures: the fixed inter- used to form a complete mode set of the substructure, and the
face component mode synthesis method [12, 66], the free displacement coordination among the substructures is real-
interface component mode synthesis method [67–70], and ized through the interface coordinates. Craig and Bampton
the mixed interface component mode synthesis method [14]. [12] improved the Hurty method and formed the most widely
used Craig-Bampton method at present. They pointed out that

372 Y. Sun et al.

Fig. 11 Flowchart of the methodology proposed for dynamic response prediction in the compressor’s interstage pipe [56]

as long as the number of constraint modes exceeds the rigid the overall structure is obtained. Firstly, a diagram shown in
body DOFs of the substructure, the rigid body modes of the Fig. 12 is used to explain the concepts of substructure and
substructure will be included in the constraint modes. There- interface DOFs. As shown in the figure, the overall structure S
fore, it is not necessary to introduce the rigid body modes of is divided into substructure S1 and substructure S2 , connected
the substructure into the hypothetical mode set alone. by the interface boundary (the red line in Fig. 12). The nodes
The basic principle of the fixed interface component mode on the interface boundary are called interface nodes, and the
synthesis method is that all the interfaces between substruc- DOFs of interface nodes are called interface DOFs. Nodes
tures are constrained, and then the modes of each constrained outside the interface boundary are called interior nodes, and
substructure can be obtained. According to the connection their DOFs are called interior DOFs.
conditions of the interface, the non-independent modal coor- For each substructure, the equation of motion is written in
dinates are eliminated, and the comprehensive equation of terms of the interface and interior DOFs as

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 373

Interface DOFs Interior DOFs
u II
 Φ I I ν̃ N  Φ LII , Φ IHI ≈ Φ LII x N (31)

S where ṽN is the coordinate vector in normalized mode space.

It can be seen from the above equation that the normalized
modes are divided into the lower-order (with superscript
“L”) and higher-order (with superscript “H”) parts; and in
dynamic analysis, the high-order parts are usually truncated.
As a result, the displacement vector of the substructure can
be expressed as

S1 S2 uI Φ LII −K −1 K I B x N
u  II
uB 0 I uB
  Φc  Φc
0 I uB uB P B (32)
Node linked with the rest of the structure

Fig. 12 Schematic diagram of the definition of substructure and inter- where Φ c is the first transformation matrix in the fixed inter-
face DOFs face component mode synthesis, based on which, the mass,
stiffness and external load matrices become

M  Φ Tc MΦ c  , K  Φ Tc K Φ c 
        MBI MBB
+  I I 0
0 K BB
    L T 
where the subscripts “I” and “B” denote interior and inter- FI ϕI I FI
face DOFs of the substructure, respectively; and RB is the F  Φ Tc  (33)
FB + RB ϕ TI B F I + F B + R B
connection load between substructures. When analyzing a
substructure, it is equivalent to the external load of the sub-
Finally, the equation of motion for substructures after the
first transformation is
Different from the dynamic condensation methods, the
DOFs of interior nodes are composed of two parts as
M P̈ + K P  F (34)
uI  u IB
+u II
where P  {P I ,P B }T is the coordinate vector in the modal
where uIB
is produced by the interface DOFs, which can be space. Actually, P is a generalized coordinate vector, because
approximated by the Guyan reduction as P I  xN is the normalized mode coordinate, while P B  uB
is just the physical coordinate.
u I B  −K −1
I I K I B uB (29) The equation of motion for the whole structure can be
obtained by combining the equations of motion for all sub-
As for uII , actually, it can be obtained using the mode structures as
superposition principle under completely constraining the
interface DOFs of the substructure, i.e., uB  0. Therefore, M1 0 P̈ 1 K1 0 P1 F1
the equation of motion for the constrained substructure can +  (35)
0 M2 P̈ 2 0 K2 P2 F2
be obtained as

M I I ü I I + K I I u I I  F I (30) where the subscripts “1” and “2” represent substructures 1

and 2, respectively. The overall coordinate vector is
Solving the eigenvalue problem of Eq. (30), the displace-  
ment in physical space can be transformed to the normalized P1 T
 P I , 1 P B, 1 P I , 2 P B, 2 (36)
mode space as P2

374 Y. Sun et al.

where according to the continuity conditions between sub- complete finite element model. In order to predict the dam-
structures, one can have P B,1  P B,2 . As a result, the age of composite laminates, Mahmoudi et al. [73] proposed a
coordinate vector of the whole structure can be rewritten as damage location and quantification method based on the arti-
⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤ ficial neural network (ANN) and the Craig-Bampton method.

⎪ P I,1 ⎪⎪ I 00 ⎧ ⎫
This method only needs to monitor the stress state of the com-

⎨ ⎪
⎬ ⎢ ⎥⎪⎨ P I,1 ⎪

P B, 1 ⎢0 0 I ⎥ posite structure. Figure 13 compares the results provided by
⎢ ⎥ P I,2  Tc P (37)

⎪ P I,2 ⎪⎪ ⎣ 0 I 0 ⎦⎪ ⎩ P ⎪ ⎭ the full damage model with those given by the ANNs. The

⎩ ⎪
⎭ B
P B, 2 00 I ANNs show good agreement with the results obtained via
the full model.
where T c is the second transformation matrix, based on Generally, the control of a large-scale adaptive civil
which, the final reduced FE model is engineering structure is often challenging due to signal trans-
mission delay. Wagner et al. [74] developed a decentralized
M P̈ + K P  F (38) control scheme to solve this problem. The scheme subdi-
vides the large structure into local substructures using the
where. Craig-Bampton method and controls the substructures sepa-
M1 0 K1 0 rately. Taking the control of an adaptive high-rise structure
M T Tc T c , K  T Tc T c, as an example, the effectiveness of the scheme was illus-
0 M2 0 K2
trated. Reducing the complex model of multiple physical
⎧ T
⎫ fields is an important step in the design and optimization

⎪ ϕ LII , 1 ⎪


FI,1 ⎪

of high-tech systems. Nachtergaele et al. [75] extended the

⎨ T ⎪
⎬ classical Craig-Bampton method to the thermo-mechanical
F1 ϕ LII , 2 FI,2
F T Tc  system to reduce the model of the thermo-mechanical system.

⎪ ⎪
ϕ I B, 1 F I , 1 + F B, 1 + ϕ TI B, 2 F I , 2 ⎪

T ⎪
⎪ Based on a simple thermal actuator model, the effectiveness

⎩ ⎪

+F B, 2 + R B, 1 + R B, 2 of this method was verified. Figure 14 shows the accurate
(39) calculation results of the thermal-driven approach. Junge
et al. [76] applied the Craig-Bampton method to simulate the
in which, RB,1 + RB,2  0, because they are internal forces low-frequency vibration acoustic behavior of fluid–structure
for the whole structure. coupled systems. It is shown that the method is capable of
Another issue worth discussing is data recovery. Based on significantly accelerating the solution process, while intro-
the above reduced equation of motion, the dynamic analysis ducing only a small additional error.
of the structure system can be conducted. After that, the mode For nonlinear high-rise buildings, Fang et al. [77] pro-
shape of the structure in the modal space should be converted posed an adaptive modified numerical method based on the
to the physical space by Craig-Bampton method to simplify the model and solve the
⎧ ⎫ structural dynamic response efficiently. This method can be

⎪ uI , 1 ⎪
⎪   applied to the judgment of nonlinear structural members

⎨ ⎪

u B, 1 Φ c, 1 0 of high-rise buildings under strong earthquake excitation.
 Tc P (40)

⎪ uI , 2 ⎪
⎪ 0 Φ c, 2 Figure 15 shows the displacement of structural roof under

⎩ ⎪

u B, 2 620-gal ground acceleration. The results obtained by the
adaptive modified Craig-Bampton method and the time step
This method of directly using the modal coordinate trans- integration method are in good agreement. In addition,
formation matrix is called the mode displacement (MD) the Craig-Bampton method is widely used in the field of
method [71]. This method ignores the influence of high-order aerospace. Thomas et al. [78] developed a hybrid stick model
modes. If there are many higher-order components in the based on the Guyan method and the Craig-Bampton method,
practical vibration, the calculation accuracy will be reduced. and took the Bombardier aircraft platform as an example
Other data recovery technologies will be discussed in detail to carry out a dynamic aeroelastic analysis. Based on an
in Sect. 3.3. enhanced Craig-Bampton (ECB) method, Lim et al. [79]
In recent years, scholars have also done a lot of research conducted a coupled dynamic load analysis (CDLA) of the
on the engineering application of the fixed interface compo- satellite to predict its maximum response (acceleration, dis-
nent mode synthesis method [72–80]. Vizzini et al. [72] used placement, and stress). By combining the Craig-Bampton
the C-B method to reduce the order of the Volvo V40 body- method with the Monte Carlo simulation, Remedia et al.
in-white (BIW) structure model and carried out the vibration [80] proposed an analytical method to evaluate the dynamic
analysis. The results show that the simulation time can be
reduced by 90% by using the CMS method instead of the

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 375

9 (b)
Ratio of decrease [%]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
mode number

Fig. 13 Damage severity performance: a and b are the decrease ratios obtained via the full damage model and the ANN metamodel of the
(45°/0°/−45°) laminated beam; c and d are the same corresponding ratios of the (90°/0°/−90°) laminated beam [73]

Displacement (mm)

y-displacement [μm]


4 -200

0 10 20 30 40
0 Time (s)

Fig. 15 Roof displacements: AMCB adaptive modified Craig-Bampton;

-4 TSI time step integration [77]
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Time [ms]

Fig. 14 Transient analysis of 200-µm model with low heat capacitance

[75] are reduced significantly, they highly depend on the DOFs
of the interface. To solve this problem, in the late 1960s,
Hou [67] and Goldman [81] proposed a free interface com-
response of large structural components in the medium fre- ponent mode synthesis method almost at the same time.
quency range. This method has been applied to the dynamic However, this method completely ignores the influence of
response analysis of the modern satellite SSTL 300 S1. higher-order truncated modes, and the convergence and accu-
racy of the results are relatively poor. In 1971, MacNeal [68]
2.2.2 Free Interface Component Mode Synthesis Method obtained the first-order approximate residual flexibility of
the substructure through the static equilibrium relationship
It is noted from the fixed interface component mode syn- and used the residual flexibility to approximate the influ-
thesis method that although the DOFs of the FE model ence of higher-order modes on the dynamic characteristics

376 Y. Sun et al.

of the substructure. In 1975, Rubin [69] improved the Mac-

Neal method and introduced the concept of residual inertia SI Interface SII
on the basis of residual flexibility to obtain the second-order h
approximate residual flexibility to correct the influence of
higher-order truncated modes. In 1976, Craig and Chang [13] 0.5a
further improved the free-interface method, pointed out that a
the residual flexibility can be used as a Ritz vector, and pro-
posed that the interface force of the substructure can be used Fig. 16 Schematic diagram of the cantilever plate with two substruc-
as generalized coordinates and be eliminated by the coordi-
nation condition of interface force, so as to greatly reduce the where uB,1 should be equal to uB,2 according to the displace-
final DOFs. This is the free interface method often applied ment compatibility condition. As a result, the relationship
today. between the interface force FB and the reserved modal coor-
Also taking the structure composed of two substructures dinate P L can be obtained as
as an example, the equation of motion is
        F B, 1  −F B, 2
+  P L, 1
 (Ψ B, 1 + Ψ B, 2 ) −ϕ LN B, 1 ϕ LN B, 2
(41) P L, 2
P L, 1
where FB is the force on the interface. For the free interface  L −1
1 L2 (46)
method, uB  0 is no longer valid. Therefore, the eigenvalue P L, 2
problem for the overall DOFs of the substructure should be
solved. Similar to the fixed interface method, to reduce the based on which, the generalized coordinate can be rewritten
model, the higher-order modes are truncated. However, in the as
free interface method, the influence of higher-order modes ⎧ ⎫
is approximated by the residual flexibility. Thus, the first ⎨ P L, 1 ⎪⎬
I 2k×2k P L, 1 P L, 1
P L, 2  = T f2 (47)
transformation matrix can be expressed by ⎪
⎩F ⎪
⎭ L −1
1 L2 P L, 2 P L, 2
  B, 1
ϕ LN I Ψ I
Φ f  ϕN Ψ 
L (42) where T f 2 is the second transformation matrix.
ϕ LN B Ψ B
It can be noted from Eq. (47) that the DOFs of the reduced
where ψ is the residual flexibility matrix. As a result, the model for the whole structure depend only on the lower-order
reduced model after the first transformation is modes selected in the first transformation, and the inter-
face DOFs are eliminated, which can significantly reduce the
M̃ P̈+ K̃ P  F̃ (43) dimension of the matrices compared with the fixed interface
method. To make the comparison more clearly, an example of
where P  {P L , FB }T , in which P L is the reduced normal- a cantilever plate with two substructures are given, as shown
ized modal coordinate, and force FB on the interface can be in Fig. 16. The natural frequencies of the plate computed by
viewed as a generalized coordinate. the two methods are shown in Table 2. In the calculation, a 
The basis of the second transformation is the interface 0.4 m, b  0.2 m and h  0.005 m. The material properties of
force equilibrium condition F B,1  − F B,2 . Combining the the plate are E  210 GPa, υ  0.3, and ρ  7300 kg/m3 . In
two substructures, the generalized coordinate becomes the fixed interface method, the first two modes are selected
⎧ ⎫ ⎡ ⎤ for Substructure I, and the first four modes are selected for

⎪ P L, 1 ⎪
⎪ I 0 0 ⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫
Substructure II. There are 33 DOFs on the interface. The total

⎨ ⎪ ⎢
⎬ ⎥⎨⎪ P L, 1 ⎬
⎪ ⎪ P L, 1 ⎬
⎨ ⎪
F B, 1 ⎢0 0 I ⎥ DOF in the fixed interface method is 2 + 4 + 33  39, which
⎢ ⎥ P L, 2  T f 1 P L, 2 (44)

⎪ P L, 2 ⎪
⎪ ⎣ 0 I 0 ⎦⎪ ⎩F ⎪
⎭ ⎪
⎩F ⎪
⎭ is much smaller than the dimension (i.e., 600) of the full FE

⎩ ⎪
⎭ B, 1 B, 1
F B, 2 0 0 −I model. As for the free interface method, the total DOF of the
reduced model is just 6, while the natural frequencies are in
According to the first transformation given by Eq. (42), in good agreement with those of the fixed interface model.
each substructure, the boundary displacements are The free interface method is widely used in different fields
 [82–88]. Fan et al. [82] applied the free interface method to
u B, 1  ϕ LN B, 1 P L, 1 + ψ B, 1 F B, 1 the wave and the finite element method to reduce the compu-
u B, 2  ϕ LN B, 2 P L, 2 + ψ B, 2 F B, 2 tational cost while maintaining accuracy. Figure 17 shows the

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 377

Table 2 Natural frequencies (Hz) of the cantilever plate obtained by method and fully coupled method were basically consis-
different models tent, the calculation time was saved by more than 50%, and
Mode Full FE model Fixed Free interface the storage space was saved by more than 60%. Li [85]
number (DOFs  660) interface model (DOFs applied the free interface method to the electrostatic anal-
model (DOFs  6) ysis of two-dimensional quantum mechanics and calculated
 39) the charge concentration and potential distribution of several
nanostructures and devices. The results showed that com-
1 27.74 27.76 27.98
pared with the direct finite element analysis, the free interface
2 118.82 119.56 119.54
method can obtain accurate results and lower calculation cost.
3 172.54 173.25 173.24
Chiello et al. [86] proved that the free interface component
4 386.11 392.03 389.15 mode synthesis technique can effectively solve the structural
5 482.43 486.84 494.20 and acoustic response of elastically-supported baffled plates
6 739.25 760.82 760.50 excited by plane waves or diffuse fields.
Cable vibration in cable-stayed bridges is a very impor-
tant research field. Based on the free interface method, Chen
2500 104 et al. [87] established a general numerical model of cable net
CPU time with small DOFs for free and forced vibration analysis. By
2000 Retained DOFs treating each cable as a substructure and reducing the order,
CPU time /seconds

Retained DOFs
103 the computational cost was greatly reduced. An example of
a cable-stayed bridge verified the effectiveness and accuracy
of the method.
102 The complex eigenvalue analysis is a widely used tech-
500 nique to investigate the stability of a dynamical system with
frictional contact. In the case of brake systems, it is the most
0 101 frequently employed method to study the propensity of the
Free Free Free Free Free CB FULL
brake to generate squeal noise. However, complex eigenvalue
(0th) (1st) (2nd) (4th) (4th+)
analysis often requires high computational cost. In order to
Fig. 17 Efficiency for different models to obtain acceptable results: solve this problem, Brizard et al. [88] applied the free inter-
overall CPU time and retained DOFs, both in the logarithmic scale face method in the study of frictional contact. The results
[82] showed that the free-interface method can reduce a lot of
calculation time.

calculation cost of different models in the free wave analysis. 2.2.3 Mixed Interface Component Mode Synthesis Method
The results show that the free interface method can greatly
reduce the CPU computing time in the free wave analysis. There is a question on how to determine the utilization of the
Folding wings are composed of inner wings and outboard fixed interface method and the free interface method. The
wings. They are widely used in missiles. By extending the case was raised from the literature [89]: if a substructure is
connection relationship between the inner wings and the very stiff at one interface but relatively flexible at others, the
outer wings, Ning et al. [83] established the nonlinear aeroe- combination of these two methods needs to be used for each
lastic models of folded wing structure by using the free of such substructures.
interface method. According to the wind tunnel test results, The mixed interface component mode synthesis method
the flutter characteristics of wings with different freeplay is a theory between the fixed interface component mode
angles were analyzed. The results showed that the free inter- synthesis method and the free interface component mode
face method can be used to establish the governing equations synthesis method. This method was first proposed by Ben-
and analyze the characteristics of nonlinear aeroelastic sys- field and Hruda [14] in 1971, which is also usually called
tems. the B-H method. The B-H method does not consider the
For offshore platforms with excitation load equipment, influence of the slave substructure on the principal modes
the fully coupled method is usually used to predict the of the free interface of the master substructure, so the accu-
dynamic characteristics of offshore platforms. However, the racy of the calculation result is not high. In 1985, Jezequel
calculation cost is relatively high. Based on the free inter- [90] applied dynamic tests and other test methods to obtain
face method, the dynamic analysis of offshore platform with the mechanical model of the mixed interface substructure by
compressor unit was carried out by Zhao et al. [84]. The applying loads on the interface of the substructure. Then he
results showed that the calculation results of the free interface [91] introduced the generalized interface coordinates, further

378 Y. Sun et al.

standardized the mixed interface component mode synthe- In Eq. (49), ψ c is the constraint mode, which can be
sis method, and qualitatively analyzed the error caused by obtained by the Guyan method
the truncated higher-order modes. Later, Qiu [92] further  −1  
improved the mixed interface component mode synthesis KII KIA K IC
method and obtained an accurate mixed interface compo- ψc  − (52)
nent mode synthesis method. There are too many branches
in the mixed interface component mode synthesis method, Also taking a structure with two substructures as an exam-
but the core ideas of them are almost the same. ple, the dynamic equations of the two substructures are
The first coordinate transformation of the mixed inter- combined in the modal coordinate system as
face component mode synthesis method is the same as those
of the fixed interface method and the free-interface method.        
M1 0 P̈ 1 K1 0 P1 F1
The second coordinate transformation should be carried out +  (53)
according to the coordination conditions between different 0 M2 P̈ 2 0 K2 P2 F2
interfaces. It is assumed that the substructure has internal
DOFs, fixed interface DOFs, and free interface DOFs at the where P  {P I , P A , uc }T . The coordination conditions for
same time. The equation of motion is the generalized coordinate should be

⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫ u A, 1  u A, 2 , P A, 1  − P A, 2 , uC, 1  uC, 2 (54)

M I I M I A M IC ⎪ ⎨ ü I ⎪

⎢ ⎥
⎣ M AI M A A M AC ⎦ ü A based on which, the relationship between different general-
⎪ ⎪
M C I M C A M CC ⎩ üC ⎭ ized coordinates that is similar to Eq. (46) can be obtained
⎡ ⎤⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫ as
K I I K I A K IC ⎪⎨ uI ⎪ ⎬ ⎪
⎨ 0 ⎪

⎢ ⎥  −1
+ ⎣ K AI K A A K AC ⎦ u A  F A P A, 1  − P A, 2  Ψ d, A, 1 + Ψ d, A, 2
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
K C I K C A K CC ⎩ uC ⎭ ⎩ F C ⎭ (48)
· −ϕ m,
A, 1 ϕ m, A, 2 −Ψ c, A, 1 + Ψ c, A, 2
⎧ ⎫
where uA is the DOF of the free interface, uC is the DOF of ⎨ P I,1 ⎪
⎪ ⎬
the fixed interface, and FA and FC are the interface forces. · P I,2
⎩ u ⎪
⎪ ⎭
In the mixed interface component mode synthesis method, C (55)
the assumed mode is composed of three parts as
As a result, the second transformation matrix is
⎡ ⎤ Tm
  ϕ L I Ψd, I Ψc, I ⎡ ⎤
I 0 0
ϕmL Ψ Ψ
⎢ m, ⎥  
Φm  d c  ⎣ ϕm,
L ⎢ −L m ϕ L L m −ψ c, A, 1 + ψ c, A, 2 ⎥
A Ψd, A Ψc, A ⎦
m, A, 1 L m ϕ m, A, 2
(49) ⎢ ⎥
0 0 I ⎢ ⎥
0 0 I ⎢0 0 I ⎥
⎢ ⎥,
⎢0 I 0 ⎥
⎢  ⎥
⎣ Lm ϕ L L −L m −ψ c, A, 1 + ψ c, A, 2 ⎦
where ϕ m is the mixed interface principal mode. To obtain the m, A, 1 −L m ϕ m, A, 2
normalized mode ϕ m , the eigenvalue problem of the follow- 0 0 I
ing equation of motion by setting uc  0 should be solved. L m = ψ d, A, 1 + ψ d, A, 2

+  (50) From the above reduced matrices of the overall system,
it can be seen that the interface force of the substructure is
related not only to the principal mode coordinates but also
The residual flexibility matrix ψ d can be obtained by Mac-
to the fixed interface DOFs. This method is an organic com-
Neal’s approximation as
bination of the fixed interface method and the free interface
⎛ −1 ⎞ method. The final reserved DOFs of the system are the prin-
KII KIA −1 T cipal mode DOFs and fixed interface DOFs. Generally, the
ψd  ⎝ − ϕm
L ⎠ BT (51) number of fixed interface DOFs can be a small quantity, so
the number of final system equations can be greatly reduced.
The application of the mixed interface component mode
where Λm L
is the eigenvalue corresponding to the mixed- synthesis method is similar to those of the fixed interface
interface main mode ϕ mL. method and the free interface method in the engineering field.

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 379

Table 3 Summary of advantages,

disadvantages and application of Advantage Disadvantage Application
DC and CMS methods
DC Guyan Simple Low accuracy for 1. Damage detection
dynamic problems 2. Stochastic FE
3. Model reduction
Kidder Applicable for dynamic Accuracy depends on 1. Model reduction
analysis initial eigenvalues
IRS High precision Relatively high 1. Topology
computing cost optimization
2. Stochastic FE
3. Damage detection
SEREP Allow experiment to The pseudoinverse will 1. Virtual sensing
match the FE model cause errors 2. Update of FE model
3. Damage detection
4. Active control
CMS Fixed Simple framework Depends on interface 1. Product design
interface DOFs 2. Damage detection
3. Decentralized
Free No interface DOFs Complex process 1. Free-wave analysis
interface 2. Nonlinear
3. Model reduction
Mixed Few interface DOFs Complex process 1. Model reduction

And because the program of the mixed interface component They determine the matching degree between reduced and
mode synthesis method is more complex, the mixed inter- full FE models [50]. Therefore, how to choose the master
face component mode synthesis method is less used in the DOFs, and how many master DOFs should be selected are
engineering field. important issues. In the engineering fields, engineers often
select the master DOFs based on experience. Unfortunately,
2.3 Summary of the DC Method and the CMS Method for complex structural systems, the determination of master
DOFs may not always be obvious. In addition, it is not always
In Sects. 2.1 and 2.2, two model reduction techniques, i.e., the reliable to rely on engineers’ intuition to select the master
dynamic condensation method and the CMS method, have DOFs. In order to solve this problem, scholars [93–98] have
been introduced in detail. In this section, a table (Table 3) is done a lot of research on the selection of master DOFs and
used to briefly summarize the advantages and disadvantages put forward some selection criteria. The specific selection
of these two kinds of methods. criteria are as follows.

3 Some Problems of Dynamic Condensation

and CMS Methods (1) The total number of master DOFs should not be too
small and should be at least 2–3 times the number
With the wide application of dynamic condensation and CMS of accurate modes calculated. For inexperienced engi-
methods in the engineering fields, scholars have also found neers, the number of master DOFs can be increased to
some limitations and problems. Next, the main difficulties 3.5 times the number of accurate modes, which can
encountered are discussed. Some solutions are also proposed. reduce the error caused by the improper selection of
master DOFs.
3.1 Selection Criteria of Master DOFs in Dynamic (2) According to the characteristics of different structures
Condensation and loads, the master DOFs should be set on the main
deformation or vibration position.
The most important factor affecting the accuracy of dynamic (3) The master DOFs should be set on the element nodes
condensation technology is the selection of master DOFs. with relatively high stiffness and relatively small mass.

380 Y. Sun et al.

Table 4 Frequencies (Hz)

reproduced with permission Mode number Substructure A Substructure B C-B model Full model Difference (%)
1 53.767 19.392 10.162 10.156 0.053
2 163.213 64.216 26.435 26.312 0.470
3 214.125 132.634 58.668 53.431 9.802
4 247.779 148.990 111.776 74.330 50.377
5 258.358 188.709 – – –
6 321.073 223.086 – – –

(4) For axisymmetric models, the master DOFs can be set of the Craig-Bampton method, Craig and Chang [102] pro-
at a position parallel to the central line. posed three methods to reduce the interface DOFs between
(5) The master DOFs should be set at the load action posi- substructures, namely, the main mode coordinate reduc-
tion. tion, the Guyan reduction, and the improved Ritz reduction.
(6) The master DOFs should be set at the result response Castanier et al. [103] developed the system-level character-
position. istic constraint (S-CC) mode method, which can reduce the
(7) The master DOFs should not be set on the zero point of DOFs of the interface before assembling the substructure
a certain mode of the structure. model. Hong et al. [104] proposed an interface reduction
(8) The selection of master DOFs tends to be displacement technology, which uses local-level characteristic constraint
DOFs rather than rotational DOFs. (L-CC) modes to reduce the DOFs of the interface. Another
interface-reduction technique is reported in [105], where
In addition, scholars [99–101] have further developed “au- the Guyan mode is replaced by the mode computed with
tomatic” selection methods for master DOFs, which are easy fixed-interface neighbors. The interface-reduction methods
to be directly applied to the computer program of dynamic significantly broaden the application range of the Craig-
condensation. These methods can automatically select the Bampton method.
master DOFs and are widely used in the engineering fields. In addition, Kuether et al. [106] proposed a selection cri-
It is worth mentioning that the arrangement of sensors terion for the fixed interface modes of substructure. If the
in the modal identification experiment is closely related to accuracy of the frequency band of interest is to be ensured,
the selection criteria of master DOFs in dynamic condensa- it is necessary to select at least all fixed interface modes of
tion. The two important physical and dynamic characteristics substructure within 1.5–2 times the maximum frequency of
are both represented, i.e., the spatial incompleteness of the interest. Taking Ref. [107] as an example to explain this selec-
described DOFs of a model and the modal incompleteness tion criterion, in which the natural frequency of the overall
of the dynamic behavior that the model represents. It is well structure within 0–30 Hz needs to be calculated, the structure
known that in modal experiments, due to the mass effect, is divided into two substructures, and the natural frequen-
the number of sensors that can be arranged is limited. It cies of the two substructures under fixed interface are given
is very important to use limited sensors to obtain as much in Table 4. According to the selection criterion, the fixed
experimental modal information as possible. The selection interface modes of the substructures should be selected up to
of master DOFs in dynamic condensation is essentially the 60 Hz. That is to say, the first mode of Substructure I and the
same as the arrangement of sensors, i.e., to select limited first two modes of Substructure II should be selected. The
master DOFs to retain the modal information of the model comparison between the natural frequencies obtained by dif-
as much as possible. Therefore, the arrangement of sensors ferent models is shown in Table 4. It can be seen from the
in the experiment can also refer to the selection criteria of table that within 30 Hz, the natural frequencies obtained by
master DOFs in dynamic condensation. the C-B method are accurate; while beyond the interested
range of frequency, the error increases seriously.
3.2 Interface DOF Reduction and Mode Selection
Criteria of the C–B Method
3.3 Data Recovery Technologies
It must be emphasized that, in the C-B method, the final
dimension of the reduced model depends greatly on the inter- As mentioned earlier, when there are many high-order com-
face DOFs. Therefore, when the structure scale is very large ponents in the practical vibration, the calculation accuracy
and complex, it will lead to a very large number of interface of the MD method will be reduced. Therefore, scholars have
DOFs between substructures. In order to solve this defect developed high-precision data recovery technologies, i.e., the

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 381

mode acceleration (MA) method and the modal truncation the MTA method is very high, but it requires additional com-
augmentation (MTA) method. putational effort to calculate the pseudo eigenvectors.
In order to improve the accuracy of substructure data
recovery technologies, the influence of higher-order trun- 3.4 High-Order Residual Modes (Residual Flexibility)
cated modes needs to be considered. The MA method [71] of Free Interface Method
reduces the influence of high-order truncated modes by
adding a static correction to the MD method. According to In Hou’s method, the influences of the higher-order modes
the first row of Eq. (27), the internal displacement uI can be of the substructure are completely ignored, resulting in
obtained as unacceptable accuracy and computational efficiency of the
method. The reasonable construction of higher-order resid-
u I  −K −1 −1 −1 −1
I I M I B ü B − K I I M I I ü I − K I I K I B u B + K I I F I
ual modes (residual flexibility) can reduce the calculation
(57) error caused by the truncation of higher-order modes and
accelerate the convergence speed.
Based on the MD recovery, the internal displacement can In order to take into account the residual higher-order
be expressed by modes, MacNeal [68] introduced the concept of first-order
approximate residual flexibility. If the steady-state response
 ϕ LII x N + ϕ I B u B (58) of the substructure is considered, Eq. (41) can be expressed
from which, the internal acceleration can be computed as
K u  F + ω2 M u (64)
ü I  ϕ LII ẍ N + ϕ I B ü B (59)
where u is the amplitude of u. In the above equation, if the
Solving the first line of Eq. (34) by means of Eq. (33), the influence of inertial force is neglected, the first-order approx-
modal accelerations can be obtained as imation of u can be obtained as
ẍ N  ϕ LII F I − ϕ LII (M I B + M I I ϕ I B )ü B −  I I x N 1
u  K −1 F  G F  G L + 1 G d F (65)
where the left superscript “1” indicates the first-order approx-
Substitution of Eq. (60) into Eq. (59) gives imation, G is the flexibility matrix of substructure, and GL
is the flexibility matrix corresponding to the lower-order
ü I  ϕ LII ϕ LII F I − ϕ LII ϕ LII (M I B + M I I ϕ I B )ü B reserved mode that can be computed by

− ϕ LII  I I x N + ϕ I B ü B T T
G L  ϕ LN −1
L ϕN
, 1
G d  G − G L  K −1 − ϕ LN −1
L ϕN
which is then substituted into Eq. (57), and the internal dis-
placement by the MA method can be obtained as which, actually, is the residual flexibility matrix used in the
MA method.
 Then, the residual mode expression of MacNeal approxi-
+ G d F I − M I B − M I I K −1
I I K I B ü B mation is
Ψ  1 G r B T  K −1 − ϕ LN −1 L ϕN
BT (67)
where the residual flexibility matrix of the truncated modes
Gd is given by
Rubin [69] considered the dynamic influence and obtained
Gd  K −1
II − ϕ LII −1
II ϕ LII (63) the second-order approximation of the vibration amplitude
by using the results of the first-order approximation as
The MA method has become the most widely used data
recovery technology because of its simple program and high
u  G F + ω2 M 1 u  G I + ω2 M G F (68)
precision. In addition, a new data recovery technology, the
MTA [108] method, was proposed in 1997. This method sup- Considering the dynamic influence, the contribution of
plements the C-B constraint modes and the fixed-interface the lower-order reserved modes of the substructure to the
modes with a set of pseudo eigenvectors. The accuracy of response is

382 Y. Sun et al.

u L  G L I + ω2 M G F (69) where K f is the stiffness matrix after the frequency shift; K
and M are the stiffness matrix and mass matrix before the fre-
based on which, the second-order approximation of the resid- quency shift, respectively; and α is the amount of frequency
ual flexibility matrix is shift. After the frequency shift treatment, the mode shape of
the structure does not change. The correct eigenvalue can be
obtained by subtracting the amount of frequency shift from
G d  (G − G L ) I + ω2 M G (70)
the eigenvalue after the frequency shift. It can be seen from
the characteristics of the frequency shift method that whether
As a result, Rubin’s second-order approximation of the the structure has rigid body mode or not, the frequency shift
residual mode is treatment will not affect its dynamic characteristics, which
provides a theoretical basis for the application of the fre-
Ψ  2 G d B T  (G − G L ) I + ω2 M G B T (71) quency shift technology in the free-interface method.
When a free substructure in the system needs frequency
Qiu et al. [109] derived the exact residual mode expres- shift, other substructures must also have frequency shifts with
sion of undamped system using the analytical method. It is the same amount. The determination of the frequency shift
composed of the first-order, second-order and higher-order amount is generally by experience. When the frequency shift
approximations of residual modes as amount is much larger than the low-order frequency of the
structure, due to the influence of the computer’s effective
Ψ q  Ψ 1 + ω2 Ψ 2 + ω4 Ψ 3 (72) word length and rounding error, the large number operation
will cause large errors and even lead to wrong calculation
where ψ 1 is the first-order residual mode in MacNeal’s results. Therefore, the frequency shift amount should not be
approximation, ψ 1 + ω2 ψ 2 is the second-order residual mode too large. At present, some scholars [112–114] have studied
in Rubin’s approximation, and ω4 ψ 3 is the remaining term the amount of frequency shift and obtained some conclu-
of the exact residual term of Rubin’ s approximation [110]. sions. In general, taking the square of the lower-order mode
Although the approximation methods from Qiu and Rubin frequency as the frequency shift amount can eliminate the
have higher accuracy than the first-order approximation singularity of the stiffness matrix and ensure better accuracy.
method from MacNeal’s method, the synthesis equation
derived by the exact residual mode and Rubin’s approxima-
tion contains nonlinear terms, which makes the calculation 3.6 Non-classical Damping System CMS Method
more complex. The synthesis equation obtained by Mac-
Neal’s approximation is linear, and the calculation accuracy The above CMS methods are usually for undamped structures
can fully meet the engineering needs. Therefore, in practi- or structures with proportional damping. Although these
cal application, the free interface method generally adopts methods have achieved great success in subsequent engineer-
MacNeal’s approximation. ing applications, the actual structures are usually damped and
often do not accord with the proportional damping assump-
3.5 Rigid Body Mode of Free Interface Method tion. In particular, composite materials are widely used in
modern engineering structures, resulting in the above CMS
It should be noted that in Eq. (67), the residual mode of the methods gradually showing their limitations. Therefore, the
substructure requires the inverse of its stiffness matrix. The research of the CMS method for non-classical damping struc-
stiffness matrix of the free substructure with rigid body mode tures has attracted more and more attention and become the
is a singular matrix and cannot be inversed. For this case, development trend of the modern CMS method.
there are two common treatment methods. The first one is to For non-classical damped structures, it is usually neces-
use the inertia relief attachment mode as the approximation sary to transform their physical equations into state space
of the truncated high-order mode of the substructure. This and establish the modal base of substructures by solving
method has high calculation accuracy, but the calculation their complex modes. Craig and Bampton [12] first pro-
process is relatively complex, so it is less used. The second posed the CMS method for non-classical damping systems in
one is the frequency shifting technique [111], with which 1968. Hasselman and Kaplan [115] improved on the basis of
the singularity of the stiffness matrix of the substructure is [12] and compensated the response of high-order truncated
eliminate, and the residual modes of the substructure are still complex modes by defining generalized additional residual
used to approximate the truncated high-order modes. The modes. Considering the influence of residual modes, Craig
basic formula of the frequency shifting technique is and Chung [116] proposed a free interface complex mode
method for non-classical damped structures. Some schol-
K f  K + αM (73) ars have also improved the mode truncation method of the

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 383

non-classical damping CMS method in calculation accu- the application of these methods in model reduction of geo-
racy, including the first-order approximation method which metrically nonlinear structures.
only considers the inertia-relief modes of subcomponents The nonlinear normal mode is defined as a nonlinear
[117–120] and the second-order approximation method tak- extension of the concept of linear normal mode [127], which
ing both static flexibility and dynamic effects of truncated provides a strict mathematical and geometric tool for describ-
modes into account [121, 122]. ing the behavior of geometrically nonlinear systems. Based
The above methods are based on the complex modal anal- on the nonlinear normal mode method, Kerschen et al. [128]
ysis of non-classical damped structures by transforming the obtained a reduced order nonlinear FE model of Morane-
vibration equation from physical space to state space, and Saulnier Paris aircraft and calculated the nonlinear normal
then use the obtained complex modes for modal synthesis. mode of the aircraft. Kuether et al. [129] proposed a method
However, this will double the dimensions of the undamped combining reduced-order modeling and numerical continua-
system. In order to solve this limitation, Xiang et al. [123] tion to estimate the nonlinear normal modes of geometrically
constructed the modal subspace by using the Schur vector nonlinear FE models and calculated the reduced order model
instead of the complex mode for modal synthesis, which com- with hardening nonlinearity of the exhaust panel cover struc-
pletely avoids the complex modal analysis and improves the ture to prove the speed advantage of the new method. Haller
calculation efficiency. However, unlike the complex mode, and Ponsioen [130] proposed a unified method for nonlinear
the Schur vector cannot describe the modal characteristics of modal analysis of dissipative oscillation systems based on
general damping structures in the physical sense, which lim- the nonlinear normal mode.
its its application. By introducing the residual static vector Implicit condensation was first proposed by Ewan and
related to an external load and viscoelastic damping force, Hollkamp [131]. Sometimes it is also called the applied
De Lima et al. [124] improved the classical C-B method and force method because it relies on applying a set of selected
extended it to a large-scale viscoelastic damping system. Tak- static forces on the FE model and constructing a stress man-
ing the aeronautical engineering structure as an example, the ifold as the first step of deriving the reduced order model.
effectiveness of this method for complex viscoelastic struc- Based on implicit condensation, Frangi and Gobat [132]
tures is verified. By introducing residual attachment modes of reduced the order of the geometrically nonlinear FE model
the system matrix, Li and Hu [111] proposed a model reduc- of softening disk ring gyroscope and studied the influence
tion method of a viscoelastic damping system based on the of nonlinear stiffness in micro-electro-mechanical system
free interface CMS method. The accuracy and effectiveness resonator. The slow-fast decomposition proposed by Haller
of the proposed method are verified by numerical calculation. and Ponsioen [133] for the first time provides mathematical
The CMS method of the above non-classical damping system proof for implicit condensation and quadratic manifold. Shen
makes up for the defects of the traditional CMS method. et al. [134] compared three methods (implicit condensation,
quadratic manifold, direct normal form) for model reduction
of geometrically nonlinear structures in the general frame-
3.7 Model Reduction Methods for Geometrically work of FE programs. The implicit condensation method and
Nonlinear Structures quadratic manifold method both require slow-fast assump-
tions, and they cannot predict the correct nonlinear type when
Thin structures, such as beams, plates, and shells, will gen- the assumptions are not realized. The direct normal form
erate large-amplitude vibration with geometric nonlinearity method has the invariance property embedded without any
due to their relatively low bending stiffness. Geometric non- additional assumptions.
linearity, in terms of its nature, is a kind of distributed The quadratic manifold method based on modal deriva-
nonlinearity, which means that all DOFs of the model are tive was first proposed in [126, 135]. The main idea is to
nonlinearly coupled [125]. On the contrary, other types of derive a nonlinear mapping by using the modal derivatives
nonlinearities, such as those related to contact, are related to as a quadratic dependence on the master coordinates to pass
local nonlinearity. For the latter case, this review has men- from the FE nodes to a reduced subspace built on a quadratic
tioned the application of dynamic condensation and CMS manifold. Jain and Tiso [136] introduced a new method to
methods. However, these two methods do not perform well generate training sets for hyper-reduction of geometrically
in the presence of geometric nonlinearity because they typ- nonlinear structural dynamics problems without the need for
ically do not capture the relevant bending/torsion-stretching full solution snapshots, thus greatly reducing the computa-
coupling [126]. For model reduction of geometrically nonlin- tional cost of the quadratic manifold method. The example
ear structures, nonlinear mapping methods are usually used, shows that the effective speed-up value of the method in the
including but not limited to nonlinear regular modes, implicit literature [136] is 44.38, while that of the classical method
condensation, quadratic manifolds, spectral submanifolds, is 0.73 (The higher is the effective speed-up value, the more
direct normal forms, etc. This section will briefly introduce favorable is the given reduction method). Vizzaccaro et al.

384 Y. Sun et al.

[137] compared the application of two nonlinear mapping 3.8 Interface Coupling Mechanism of Substructure
methods (the normal form theory and the quadratic manifold in CMS Method
method with modal derivatives) in reducing the order of geo-
metrically nonlinear models. The investigation results show The second coordinate transformation in the CMS method
that only when the slow/fast assumption between master and is obtained by assuming that the substructure is completely
slave coordinates is true, the results predicted by the quadratic fixed. However, the common connection methods (bolted
manifold method with modal derivatives converge to those connection, riveting, etc.) in engineering structures usually
provided by the normal form theory. This result completely do not meet the assumption of completely fixed connection,
conforms to the general theorem provided in [133]. which will lead to an incorrect estimation of the stiffness of
The spectral submanifold was first proposed by Haller the reduced order model. An interface coupling mechanism
and Ponsioen [130] in 2016. The spectral submanifold is an of the free interface method for elastic connection conditions
invariant manifold asymptotic to the nonlinear regular mode was proposed in the literature [83]. When the substructure is
and the smoothest nonlinear continuation of the spectral sub- elastically connected, the interface coordination condition of
space of a linearized system along the nonlinear regular the free interface method is FB,1  − FB,2 and uB,1  uB,2
mode. Based on the theory of spectral submanifold, Li et al. + δ. Therefore, Eq. (45) can be rewritten as
[138, 139] constructed a reduced-order model of harmon-
ically excited mechanical systems with internal resonance. ϕ LN B, 1 P L, 1 + Ψ B, 1 F B, 1  ϕ LN B, 2 P L, 2 + Ψ B, 2 F B, 2 + δ
The periodic response and quasi-periodic responses of the (74)
structure were calculated using the reduced order model.
Cenedese et al. [140] developed a data-driven nonlinear where δ is the relative displacement. The internal force can be
model reduction method based on spectral submanifolds and expressed by the parameter δ. Equation (46) can be rewritten
applied it to geometrically nonlinear mechanical systems. as
The direct normal form method was proposed [141] in
2021, which allows direct calculation of nonlinear mapping F B, 1  −F B, 2
⎧ ⎫
and enables one to pass from the FE DOFs to the invari- ⎪
⎨ P L, 1 ⎪

ant manifold of the system tangent to the linear counterpart  −1
 Ψ B, 1 + Ψ B, 2 −ϕ LN B, 1 ϕ LN B, 2 I P L, 2
of the origin. This method bypasses the steps of eigenmode ⎪
⎩ δ ⎪ ⎭
projection, so it is suitable for order reduction of large geo- ⎧ ⎫
metrically nonlinear models (millions of DOFs). Opreni et al. ⎪
⎨ P L, 1 ⎪

[142] reduced the geometrically nonlinear FE model of large  L −1
1 L̃ 2 ⎪ P L, 2 ⎪
micro-electro-mechanical structures with internal resonance ⎩ δ ⎭
based on the direct normal form method.
It is worth noting that the advantage of the direct normal
form method is that its ROMs is explicit, and the implemen-
tation in [141] is non-intrusive (without the need to enter new Therefore, the second transformation matrix can be
calculations at the elementary level in the code). However, obtained as
⎡ ⎤
the direct normal form method can only assume proportional I 0 0
damping and is limited to nonlinear problems related to the ⎢ −L −1 ϕ L −1 L
L −1 ⎥

T̃ f  ⎢ N B, 1 L 1 ϕ N B, 2 ⎥
quadratic and cubic displacement [134, 141, 142], so the 1 1
⎥ (76)
⎣ 0 I 0 ⎦
results will deteriorate at very large amplitudes. In contrast,
L −1 −1 L
1 ϕ N B, 1 −L 1 ϕ N B, 2 −L 1
L −1
the model reduction based on spectral submanifold is suitable
for general dynamic systems [130, 138–140], even for sys-
tems with asymmetric damping and stiffness matrices [143] based on which, one can have
and configuration constraints. Li et al. [143] reduced the non- ⎧ ⎫
linear model with asymmetric damping and stiffness matrix ⎨ P̈ L, 1 ⎪

(a cantilever pipe conveying fluid) based on the spectral sub- T M̃ 1 0
T̃ f T̃ f P̈ L, 2
manifold. In addition, in Jain and Haller’s latest research 0 M̃ 2 ⎪
⎩ δ̈ ⎪ ⎭
[144], a calculation method for automated construction of ⎧ ⎫
⎧ ⎫ ⎪ ϕ LN B, 1 F B, 1 ⎪
  ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎨ P L, 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
spectral submanifold was proposed, which bypasses the step
⎬ ⎨ ⎬
of calculating all eigenmodes (writing equations of motion T K̃ 1 0 T Ψ B, 1 F B, 1
+ T̃ f T̃ f P L, 2  T̃ f
in modal coordinates). Therefore, the spectral submanifold 0 K̃ 2 ⎪
⎩ δ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪
⎪ ϕ L F B, 2 ⎪

⎩ N B, 2 ⎪

method is also suitable for order reduction of large geomet- Ψ B, 2 F B, 2
rically nonlinear models. (77)

Review on the Theories and Applications of Dynamic Condensation and Component Mode Synthesis Methods… 385

It is noted that, the generalized force related to the gener- open issues of the two categories of methods are discussed.
alized coordinate δ is Based on the above review, we believe that some inter-
esting and valuable research needs to be improved and
L −1 −1
1 Ψ B, 1 F B, 1 − L 1 ψ B, 2 F B, 2
expanded further. Some discussions on the prospects for fur-
  ther research are summarized as follows.
 −L −11 Ψ B, 1 + Ψ B, 2 F B, 2  −F B, 2 (78)
(1) Large dimensional system equations in state space often
which is then substituted into Eq. (77), the generalized force
lead to time delay of active control. Dynamic conden-
related to generalized coordinate δ is retained, and the elastic
sation has good potential in reducing the dimension of
connected force is considered by
system equations. However, there are still few studies on
⎧ ⎫ the application of dynamic condensation in active con-
⎨ P̈ L, 1 ⎪
⎬ trol. It is necessary to study the cooperation between
T M̃ 1 0
T̃ f T̃ f P̈ L, 2 dynamic condensation and active control methods.
0 M̃ 2 ⎪
⎩ δ̈ ⎪ ⎭ (2) The application of the CMS method in multifield prob-
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫ lems is introduced above. However, this part of the
⎨ P L, 1 ⎪ ⎨ 0 ⎪
⎬ ⎪ ⎬ literature is still limited. Especially in the field of compu-
T K̃ 1 0
+ T̃ f T̃ f P L, 2 + 0 0 tational fluid dynamics (CFD), high computational cost
0 K̃ 2 ⎪
⎩ δ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪
⎩F ⎪

B, 2 (79) and hardware cost are common problems. The combina-
tion of the CMS method and CFD has great application
In general, the internal force is related to the relative dis- prospects.
placement δ. For linear case, the generalized force is the (3) How to correctly create the interface coordination con-
product of the generalized displacements and the linear stiff- ditions between substructures is another field that needs
ness, that is, FB,2  ke δ, where ke is the linear stiffness. As to be explored in future research. The second coordinate
a result, Eq. (79) can be further written as transformation in the CMS method needs to establish the
⎧ ⎫ transformation matrix based on the interface displace-
⎨ P̈ L, 1 ⎪
⎬ ment coordination. This assumption is more consistent
T M̃ 1 0 with the case of completely fixed connection between
T̃ f T̃ f P̈ L, 2
0 M̃ 2 ⎪
⎩ δ̈ ⎪ ⎭ substructures. However, for the common connection
⎛ ⎡ ⎤⎞ ⎧ ⎫ methods in engineering, such as bolt, riveting and other
00 0 ⎨ P L, 1 ⎪
⎬ connection methods, the classical assumption cannot be
⎜ T K̃ 1 0 ⎢ ⎥⎟
+ ⎝ T̃ f T̃ f + ⎣ 0 0 0 ⎦⎠ P L, 2 accurately analyzed. Therefore, it is necessary to study
0 K̃ 2 ⎩ δ ⎪
⎪ ⎭
0 0 ke the interface coordination conditions of various connec-
0 (80) tion methods in practical engineering.
(4) In terms of engineering application, the most promising
The above equation shows that various connection meth- CMS method should be the mixed interface component
ods in engineering structures can be approximately satisfied mode synthesis method. But so far, the most widely used
by arbitrarily adjusting the linear stiffness ke . A similar method is the C-B method. The reason is that the C-B
method was also proposed to deal with the elastic connection method has a simple program and convenient applica-
between substructures [145]. However, the accuracy of this tion. In addition, the mixed interface component mode
method is not very high, and the linear stiffness ke is also synthesis method does not have a unified framework
difficult to determine. At present, there is little research on recognized by the engineering community. Therefore,
this problem, which is also one of the future development developing a recognized and simple unified framework
trends of the CMS method. for the mixed interface method has become an urgent
problem to be solved.

4 Conclusions Acknowledgements The work described in this paper was supported

by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
In this paper, two main categories of model reduction tech- (Grant No. 11802069), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.
nology, i.e., dynamic condensation and CMS methods, are 3236310534), and Heilongjiang Provincial Postdoctoral Science Foun-
dation (No. 002020830603).
reviewed. The historical development, theoretical frame-
work, and the latest application of the two categories of model
reduction methods are introduced. Finally, some important

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